SR :: Volume #10

#954: crippled Heavenly Venerate

Vermilion Bird Abyss, is jet black and deep and quiet, is similar to the universe black hole spans the front, interrupts the trim earth. 朱雀深渊,漆黑而幽邃,如同宇宙黑洞横亘前方,截断整片大地。 The nearby lacks the vitality, even if there is the plant has also been dried up, the ground is one after another crack, spreads to be very far. 附近缺少生机,纵有植物也干枯了,地面是一道又一道裂缝,蔓延出去很远。 Chu Feng brow deep lock, he first perceived that is not right, the energy emission value of this region is too unusual, high is a little odd. 楚风眉头深锁,他第一时间觉察到不对,这块区域的能量辐射值太异常,高的有点离谱。 In Abyss, is similar to the tide rushes, the energy emission value is violent, causes this region vitality entirely to extinguish, quickly turned into the deathtrap. 深渊中,如同潮汐澎湃,能量辐射值非常猛烈,导致这块区域生机俱灭,都快化成死地了。 He is surprised, this soon the indication comparison before died during meditation will look like with Divinity that in book will record, in his heart will sink immediately, will be old Vermilion Bird? 他惊疑不定,这跟书上记载的神祇即将坐化前的征兆比较像,他心中顿时一沉,是老朱雀吗? Before coming to here, he hears some hearsay, old Vermilion Bird one year ago is very crazy, kills in the ferocious beast plateau, fell to the slaughter a god. 在来这里之前,他就听到一些传闻,老朱雀一年前很疯狂,一路杀进凶兽高原中,将一位神给屠掉了。 It is reported that god had one time once saying that once the Vermilion Bird clan deterioration, then killed to destroy completely. 据悉,那个神有一次曾放话,一旦朱雀族衰败,便杀过来灭掉。 Finally, old Vermilion Bird in the old age, in the short life time, got the gate to go first, killed in another Great Factions, direct slaughter god. 结果,老朱雀在晚年,生命无多的时光中,先打上门去了,杀进另一大阵营中,直接屠神。 This success is fearful, hereafter old Vermilion Bird had not come, all people believe, it soon will thoroughly die, died during meditation in Abyss. 这种战绩过于可怕,此后老朱雀就没有现身了,所有人都认为,它即将彻底死去,将坐化深渊中。 However, all nobody dares to provoke, does not dare to visit to pick up a bargain in its life final years. 但是,各方都没有人敢招惹,不敢在它生命最后的岁月中上门捡便宜。 Everyone knows, old Vermilion Bird was too formidable, the path of cultivation years are remote, are not other lifeforms such absorb divine nature kernel and Dao Ancestral Matter likely, but enter manifestation to come routinely, therefore its old age will not be pitiful, must go all out, can fight as before! 谁都知道,老朱雀太强大了,修道岁月久远,不像是其他生物那样吸收神性颗粒道祖物质,而是按部就班进化生来的,因此它的晚年不会很凄惨,真要拼命,依旧可以一战! Many people and other opportunities, after it is killed violently thoroughly, definitely kills to visit, stamps out the source of trouble, extinguishes its heir. 许多人都在等机会,待它彻底毙命后肯定杀上门,斩草除根,灭它子嗣。 Wanted died during meditation really?” Chu Feng sighed, he when the news that on the road obtained, one year ago started this. “真要坐化了吗?”楚风叹气,他在路上得到的消息时,从一年前开始就这样了。 Also precisely because of so, Vermilion Bird Abyss temporarily has avoided the flames of war, nobody is willing to provoke shortly after a life, but actually can also go crazy but terrifying Vermilion Bird of bloody battle. 正是因为如此,朱雀深渊暂时避开了战火,没有人愿意招惹一个命不久矣、但却还可以发疯而血战的恐怖朱雀 Chu Feng summoned in a soft voice, sound transmission to Great Abyss, informed him to come back. 楚风轻声呼唤,向大渊传音,告知他回来了。 However, without any response. 然而,没有任何回应。 His heart one cold, submerges in the soil layer instant, he is resorting to the Domain method, Shrink the Ground to an Inch goes far away 100,000 li (0.5 km), hides the Earth Vein unknown place. 他心头一凛,刹那没入土层中,他在动用场域手段,缩地成寸远去100000里,藏身地脉未知处。 Nobody pursues, this lets the Chu Feng doubt. 没有人追击,这让楚风狐疑。 Finally, he went back, uses the earth magnetism, by weak may not by the rusticity survey that the bystander feelings arrive, inspects the slightest sign of trouble in Vermilion Bird Abyss. 最后,他又回去了,利用地磁等,以微弱不可被外人感触到的地气探测,检查朱雀深渊中的风吹草动。 After the quarter of an hour, Chu Feng appears under 800 li (0.5 km) deep black big rift valley, complexion cloudy clear uncertain. 一刻钟后,楚风出现在800里深的黑色大裂谷下,脸色阴晴不定。 Here has a god corpse, but is not old Vermilion Bird, had been arranged artificially, the energy emission value is astonishing. 这里有一具神尸,但绝不是老朱雀的,被人为布置过一番,能量辐射值惊人。 This involved the extremely profound method, if not the Chu Feng Domain attainments were unusual, approached this place, witnessed, was very difficult to believe that had the god human bone. 这涉及到了极其高深的手段,若非楚风场域造诣超凡,接近此地,亲眼目睹,很难相信另有神骸。 Meanwhile, he discovers here carves characters importantly, moreover is the World of the Dead universe writing, this is remains for him specially, provides the clue. 同时,他在这里发现重要刻字,而且是属于阴间宇宙的文字,这是专为他所留,提供有线索。 It is not the direct message, but is the code word, mentioned the Strongest Road personally written letter simply, labelling has the first 81 st character, fourth 13 th, the fifth ninth character and 39 th character...... 不是直接留言,而是暗语,简单提及最强路手札,标注有第一篇第81字,第四篇第13子,第五篇第九字与第39字…… Chu Feng speechless, this is the writing skill of crippled Heavenly Venerate fox, initially it passed to a Chu Feng so-called Strongest Road personally written letter, is old fox the painstaking care of master crystallizes, is known as the law of extremely mature training. 楚风哑然,这是瘸腿天尊狐狸的手笔,当初它传给楚风一本所谓的最强路手札,是老狐狸的师傅的心血结晶,号称极其成熟的训练之法。 At that time, Chu Feng once regretted, is not regular professional training family background, from beginning to end is the hooligans, many places have not led a pious life the busy level. 那个时候,楚风曾遗憾,不是“科班”出身,自始至终都是野路子,许多地方都没有修行到无暇层次。 The crippled fox then passed on this personally written letter, told him, if there is an opportunity, might as well gave a try, this in World of the Living was very mature path, was the work of painstaking care. 瘸腿狐狸便传了他这本手札,告诉他,若有机会,不妨试试看,这在阳间是非常成熟的道路,是心血之作。 Chu Feng breaks the message, that is a secret place, has the concrete grid bearing. 楚风破译出留言,那是一个隐秘地点,有具体的坐标方位。 He disappeared, leaves from here. 他消失了,从这里离开。 This time, Chu Feng has not crossed the battlefield, no longer kills the enemy, but sneaks conceals the trace, with the aid of Yuan magnetism Earth Vein the line, lasts for two days, this rushes to the place, in a piece of hill. 这一次,楚风没有横穿战场,不再去杀敌,而是潜行匿踪,借助元磁地脉而行,足足耗时两天,这才赶到地点,一片丘陵中。 However these time comes up empty-handed as before, here nobody, but also is only a message, after breaking the code, as before is a Coordinate address. 然而这一次依旧扑空,这里没有人,还只是一段留言,破译后依旧是一个坐标地址。 Chu Feng has no other choice but to start off once again, could see that the crippled Heavenly Venerate fox and Vermilion Bird whole family are very discrete, this also means that their conditions are very bad. 楚风不得已又一次上路,看得出瘸腿天尊狐狸与朱雀一家人很谨慎,这也意味着他们的境况很糟糕。 If formidable enough, what Xu is so careful? 若是足够强大,何需这般小心? Five times, after Chu Feng breaks place one after another, starts off to seek unceasingly. 接连五次,楚风破译地点后,不断上路寻找。 Finally this place, in bleak chaotic stone forest, stretches to the horizon, after Chu Feng seeks the destination, perceived, has Evolver to be dormant. 最后这块地方,是在荒凉的乱石林中,一望无垠,楚风寻到目的地后有所觉察,有进化者蛰伏。 Chirp! 啾! A light cry, the scarlet lightning flies, is bringing the dreadful flame, extremely fast toward Chu Feng killing. 一声轻鸣,赤红的闪电飞来,带着滔天的火光,极速向着楚风扑杀。 He shifts instantaneously, stands on a dozens inside and outside giant stone, set up a place becomes the magma lake, then the ground presents a earth cave, all magma flowed, there changed to an vortex. 他瞬间横移,站在数十里外的一块巨石上,原先立身之地成为岩浆湖,接着地面出现一个地窟,所有岩浆都流进去了,那里化作一个漩涡。 A fiery red bird, wing bright red clear, the copper bias is looking to him. 一头火红的小鸟,羽翼鲜红晶莹,正偏着头看向他。 Chu Feng?!” It loses one's voice to call out in alarm, the sound is clear, is a voice of young girl. 楚风?!”它失声惊呼,声音清脆,是一个少女的声音。 Young Vermilion Bird! 小朱雀 Absolutely is it, Chu Feng has recognized, cannot think that finally this journey is very smooth, looks directly to the place, has discovered this clan. 绝对是它,楚风一眼就认出了,想不到最后这段路途很顺利,直接找对地方,发现了这一族。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng rushed over, arrives at its near, carefully visits it, traces the bunch of bright red feather of its head, finally makes Young Vermilion Bird stare the big eye, directly by sharp and bright red has pecked one like the jade bird beak. 楚风冲了过去,来到它的近前,仔细看着它,摸了摸它头上的一簇鲜红的羽毛,结果让小朱雀瞪大眼睛,直接以锋锐而鲜红如玉石般的鸟喙啄了一口。 Sore!” Chu Feng shouts, is somewhat speechless. “疼!”楚风喊道,有些无语。 This bird aggressivity is very strong, bumps does not let bump, luckily is he is the Saint level, otherwise in the hand must certainly present a blood hole. 这只小鸟攻击性很强,连碰都不让碰,幸亏是他是圣者层次,不然手上肯定要出现一个血窟窿。 Young Vermilion Bird visits him vigilantly, and warned that he do not raise a rumpus. 小朱雀警惕的看着他,并警告他不要动手动脚。 The Chu Feng speechless is speechless, his knows made mistakes finally, what it sends out is the young girl voice, without a doubt, this is a arrogant and pampered beautiful young girl, shames angry. 楚风哑然无语,他总算知道犯了什么错,它发出的是少女声音,毫无疑问,这是一个傲娇美少女,略带羞恼。 vermilion Senior and fox senior?” Chu Feng inquired, because after arriving here, without the life fluctuations of any other people, only then Young Vermilion Bird own, does not see its brothers and sisters. “朱前辈与狐前辈呢?”楚风询问,因为来到这里后,没有任何其他人的生命波动,只有小朱雀自己的,不见它的兄弟姐妹。 Hears this words, Young Vermilion Bird is low-spirited, the in the eyes implication tears, told Chu Feng, now parted forever, could not see again. 听到他这种话语,小朱雀黯然,双目中蕴含泪光,告诉楚风,如今已是生离死别,再也见不到了。 Chu Feng hearing this, is surprised, comforts the inquiry details hurriedly. 楚风闻言,大吃一惊,急忙安慰询问详情。 The old Vermilion Bird Heaven-Blessed supernatural might, in Foreign Territory this generation of God Level powerhouses is certainly the summit character, one year ago also once killed in the ferocious beast plateau the slaughter god. 朱雀天纵神武,在异域这一代的神级强者中是绝巅人物,一年前还曾杀进凶兽高原中屠神呢。 But under Abyss, that so-called energy emission counterfeits obviously, it should live is being right. 深渊下,那所谓的能量辐射明显是作假,它理应活着才对。 My mother died one year ago.” The Young Vermilion Bird sob, the whole body is similar to the red agate clear, now in the big eye full is the tears, the sadness of crying. “我娘在一年前就死去了。”小朱雀哭泣,周身如同红玛瑙般晶莹,现在大眼中满是泪水,哭的伤心。 The outstanding person in Foreign Territory Divinity, to get close to Divine King Dominion, has been possible not to boil eventually, died. 异域神祇中的佼佼者,接近神王领域了,可终究还是没有熬下来,已经死去。 Young Vermilion Bird cries while said that tears like tumbling of pearl doubling, its mother's slaughter god after one year ago come back shortly after unable to insist that life essence will soon arrive at the end. 小朱雀边哭边说,眼泪如珍珠般成双的滚落,它娘在一年前屠神后回来没多久就坚持不住了,寿元即将到尽头。 However, old Vermilion Bird but actually also unyielding, does not want to wait for death, kills in Foreign Territory number one restricted area directly, wants to try the action of final going against heaven's will, will wrestle first in the future. 不过,老朱雀倒也硬气,不想等死,直接又杀进异域第一禁地中,想尝试最后的逆天之举,搏出一世未来。 Was a pity very much, it failed, breaks into such as in that stretch of restricted area shortly, its soul light extinguishes, forever dies there. 很可惜,它失败了,闯如那片禁地中没多久,它的魂光就熄灭,永远死在那里。 „Did your definite senior pass away? Perhaps has the chance also perhaps, but was stranded temporarily.” Chu Feng comfort. “你确定前辈逝去了吗?或许另有机缘也说不定,只是暂时被困。”楚风安慰。 Young Vermilion Bird is crying shaking the head, at that time it saw off with the old fox personally, distant sees its mother forever pouring in the restricted area, does not have again, indeed died. 小朱雀哭着摇头,当时它与老狐狸亲自相送,远远的看到它娘永远的倒在禁地中,再也没有起来,的确死了。 Chu Feng hearing this, sighs woefully, in the heart is uncomfortable very much, is having the regret, initially when old Vermilion Bird was very good to him, delivers him to be able the World of the Dead universe once left vigorously. 楚风闻言,一声哀叹,心中很不是滋味儿,带着遗憾,当初老朱雀对他很好,送他会阴间宇宙时曾出大力。 Cannot think that in the past left is forever, it is said insisted again 50 years cannot realize. 想不到当年一别就是永远,它所说的再坚持50年并未能实现。 Fox senior?” “狐前辈呢?” After the silence is very long, Chu Feng opens the mouth once more. 沉默很久之后,楚风再次开口。 Here has not seen it, his heart appears the ominous feeling, the old fox should not thorough petrify, died? 在这里并没有见到它,他心头浮现不祥的感觉,老狐狸该不会彻底石化,也死去了吧? Here.” Young Vermilion Bird guides, walks toward the stone forest deep place, finally stops before stone mountain, here was opened a small cave mansion of shining. “在这里。”小朱雀带路,向着石林深处走去,最后在一座石山前停下,这里被开辟出一座流光溢彩的小型洞府。 Chu Feng saw the crippled old fox, he startled, meets really the thing again is the person not, World of the Dead universe several months that he is, here already past 30 years. 楚风见到了瘸腿老狐狸,他愕然,再相见果然物是人非,他所在的阴间宇宙几个月而已,这里已经过去30年。 Front, a statue of crippled fox was consecrated in the jade case, the expression is desolate, lifts to look out, toward must completely understand void, stares at World of the Living. 前方,一尊瘸腿狐狸的石像被供奉在玉石案上,表情落寞,抬首遥望,向着要看透虚空,凝视阳间 Its thorough petrify, did not have flesh, becomes a rock picture. 它彻底石化了,没有一点血肉,成为一尊岩石像。 Senior!” “前辈!” The Chu Feng heart regret were more, but also wants to consult one again, the family background of this fox is very mystical and extraordinary, if no falsely, that is Heavenly Venerate. 楚风心头遗憾更多了,还想再来请教一番呢,这头狐狸的出身十分神秘与非凡,若无虚假,那可是一位天尊啊。 At this moment, he realized that the life unpleasant matter most likely, in the reality always has regrettable, with does not tally, but also thinks that can narrate with the Foreign Territory old friend who oneself expect again. 这一刻,他体会到人生不如意事十之八九,现实中总有遗憾,跟自己预想的不相符,还以为能与异域故人再叙呢。 Pitiful senior, the evening scene is miserable, wretched half a lifetime, ends up to turn out so is out.” “可怜前辈,晚景凄凉,孤苦半生,落得这般下场。” Chu Feng sighed, here held a memorial service. 楚风叹气,在这里祭奠。 Then, he also said: Senior, you felt relieved that after I enter World of the Living, certainly will go to Fox Race, takes care of your so-called Heaven-Blessed Talent descendant granddaughter.” 然后,他又道:“前辈,你放心吧,等我进入阳间后一定会去狐族,照顾好你那所谓的天纵奇才的后代孙女。” Incorrigibly wicked, I cannot kill you!” Whose knows, that stone fox opens the mouth unexpectedly, makes the sound, was startled Chu Feng to jump, fast backing up several steps, dumbfounded. “贼心不死,我打不死你!”谁知道,那石头狐狸居然开口,发出声音,惊了楚风一跳,快速倒退数步,目瞪口呆。 When the previous time, mentioned old fox later generation, Chu Feng once both eyes shone, said that Fox Race multi- beautiful women, he must look, helping the old fox take care of its later generation, finally at that time was spurted face saliva. 上一次,提及老狐狸后人时,楚风就曾双目放光,说狐族多美女,他要去看一看,帮老狐狸照顾它的后人,结果当时就被喷了一脸口水。 Senior, were you sudden rising? It is not right, you have returned from the grave, must thank me, is my spoken language your exciting resurrecting!” Chu Feng grumble. “前辈,你这是诈尸了?不对,你这是还阳了,得感谢我,是我一番言语将你刺激的复活!”楚风磨叽。 In fact, his knows, the old fox definitely from the start has not died, the condition is solitarily very bad now, fleshly body petrify, but soul light has not dispersed as before. 事实上,他知道,老狐狸肯定压根没死,只身如今状态很糟糕而已,肉身石化了,但魂光依旧未散。 The crippled old fox is staring him, finally not angry, a sigh, said: Looked that your forehead accumulates depression, did not lose the parents, died completely the friends and relatives, the life was greatly sad, how painstakingly.” 瘸腿老狐狸瞪着他,最后没有气恼,一声叹息,道:“看你眉宇积郁气,不是丧了双亲,就是死尽亲故,人生大悲,何其苦哉。” The words language, the result makes the Chu Feng whole face sad instantaneously, feels dejected. 一番话语,结果瞬间就让楚风满脸伤悲,黯然神伤。 Young Vermilion Bird has to sigh, the ginger is old spicy, Stone Fox has not bickered with Chu Feng, has not scolded him, such several words, then made him fade. 小朱雀不得不叹,姜是老的辣,石狐狸没有跟楚风斗嘴,没有呵斥他,就这么几句话,便让他蔫了。 After Chu Feng heartache, ponders over the taste to come rapidly, this old fogy really has not suffered a loss, opens mouth to transfer his depressed mood, vicious incomparable. 楚风心伤后,迅速琢磨过味儿来,这老家伙还真是不吃亏,张嘴间就调动起他苦闷的情绪,老辣无比。 Senior, I think of you, leaves for many years, wishes one could to come back immediately, listens respectfully to your instruction, but was hobbled by world all things, cannot come promptly.” “前辈,我甚是想念你们,一别多年,恨不得立刻回来,聆听你的教诲,可是被世间诸事牵绊,没能及时过来。” Said that had anything.” crippled Stone Fox asked. “说吧,都发生了什么。”瘸腿石狐狸问道。 It spoke frankly, own condition is unsatisfactory, had gotten down the heavy hand by his master, under knock down initial Realm, was stranded after this stretch of world, a day is inferior for day, had finally on the 1st, the soul will be also inflexible, thorough petrify here. 它已经坦言,自身状态不佳,被他师傅下了重手,打落下当初的境界,被困在这片天地中后,一天不如一天,终有一日,灵魂也会僵固,彻底石化在这里。 Chu Feng sighed, World of the Living that Supreme Being too ruthlessly has also burnt, can so punish including own disciple, is relentless. 楚风叹息,阳间那位大能也太狠辣了,连自己的弟子都能这般惩罚,毫不留情。 His both eyes are gloomy, said the World of the Dead universe matter briefly. 他双眼暗淡,简要说出阴间宇宙的事。 Extreme Martial Dao Body died, is really unexpected.” Stone Fox changes countenance, then told Chu Feng, its present condition is awful, the time of communication was each time limited, must therefore say the key point. 太武的一具道身死了,真是出乎意料啊。”石狐狸动容,然后告诉楚风,它现在状态糟糕,每次沟通的时间有限,所以要说重点。 I think become stronger, I want to become God, I must rise in this stretch of world as soon as possible!” Chu Feng said, then also inquired about where other Young Vermilion Bird brothers and sisters went. “我想变强,我要成神,我要在这片天地中尽快崛起!”楚风说道,然后又问及小朱雀其他的兄弟姐妹去了哪里。 The old fox said: „ I use the method, finally sends them to World of the Living, but was a pity very much, I am unable to guarantee they can go on living. 老狐狸道:“我倾尽手段,最终送他们进入阳间,但是很可惜,我无法保证他们都能活下去。 Chu Feng came the spirit immediately, said: Senior, you also feed in World of the Living me, I sneak across, kills their to be off their feet!” 楚风顿时来了精神,道:“前辈,你将我也送进阳间吧,我偷渡过去,杀他们个人仰马翻!” You looked that my this condition also does have the strength of take action?” The old fox is staring at him, said: Unexpectedly is fleshly body comes?” “你看我这个状态还有出手之力吗?”老狐狸盯着他,道:“居然是肉身过来的?” In fact, Young Vermilion Bird has also been sizing up Chu Feng, his fleshly body arrives at Foreign Territory, this quite astonishing! 事实上,小朱雀也一直在打量楚风,他肉身降临异域,这相当的惊人! Chu Feng does not dare to mention stone box, after all the old fox is known as Heavenly Venerate, but also feared really any make trouble out of nothing, has experienced Extreme Martial afterward, he saw that the hope of Heavenly Venerate thing to this type of Paramount is too intense. 楚风没敢提及石盒,毕竟老狐狸号称天尊,还真怕出什么幺蛾子,经历过太武之事后,他看出天尊对这种究极之物的渴望太强烈。 He takes out Soul Bell, said: Has it to shelter, I dare to start off, previous time you have seen, protects Young Vermilion Bird with it, almost successfully enters World of the Dead.” 他取出魂钟,道:“有它庇护,我才敢上路,上次你们看到过,也是用它保护小朱雀,差点就成功进入阴间。” Although old fox both eyes lithical, but as if is very profound, stared at him to look at several, said: You are finally conscientious, knows comes back to receive and instruct Young Vermilion Bird.” 老狐狸双目虽然是石质的,但是却仿佛很深邃,盯着他看了几眼,道:“总算你还有良心,知道回来接引小朱雀。” Then, it opens the mouth saying: But, since you have led a pious life the Six Paths Time Technique incomplete version, had decided that evolves in this world crazily, then must prepare for by strange matter is strangled in old age, will be very frigid, is miserable, you are really the know-nothing party are dauntless.” 然后,它又开口道:“不过,既然你修行了六道时光术残缺版,已经决定在这个世界疯狂进化,那么就要做好被诡异物质扼杀于晚年的准备吧,会很惨烈,非常凄凉,你还真是无知者无畏啊。” Asked the senior to help me melt.” Chu Feng expression grave, consults to him. “请前辈帮我化解。”楚风神色凝重,向他请教。 „The Heavenly Venerate most flourishing condition naturally can rescue the issue is not very serious, but, you will lead a pious life for hundred years, to become God, being doomed non-solution.” The crippled Heavenly Venerate fox shakes the head. 天尊全盛状态自然可以解救问题不是很严重者,但是,你将修行百年,藉此成神,注定无解。”瘸腿天尊狐狸摇头。 Chu Feng did not speak, brow deep lock. 楚风不说话,眉头深锁。 Only then means that you take paper talisman.” The old fox said. “只有一个办法,你去取符纸。”老狐狸道。 What paper talisman?” Chu Feng is stunned. “什么符纸?”楚风愕然。 The crippled Heavenly Venerate fox said: You have not contacted on Reincarnation Road, this time I direct you to go to a place, is accepted after passing an examination two, gives Young Vermilion Bird.” 瘸腿天尊狐狸道:“你不是在轮回路上接触过吗,这一次我指点你去一个地方,取上两张,一张送给小朱雀。” This paper talisman?!” Chu Feng shocks, first did not say must take this road, only this type of thing, sufficiently makes him fearful and apprehensive, because was too rare, even if in World of the Living, invaluable and priceless, only has in the special period, enters in most terrifying World of the Living several restricted areas, occasionally can take out. “这种符纸?!”楚风震撼,先不说要不要走这条路,单是这种东西,就足以让他心惊肉跳,因为太难得了,哪怕是在阳间,都价值连城,唯有在特殊时期,进入最为恐怖的阳间几处禁地中,才偶尔可以取出。 As for Little Daoist Priest said that the capital of Heavenly Venerate, in their side world, world-wide Major Sect collaborates, finally vanishes in a puff of smoke, only the remaining several people, take black paper talisman from their there number one restricted area, falls in the hand of Little Daoist Priest. 至于小道士自称天尊之资,在他们那方天地,举世大教联手,最后灰飞烟灭,只剩下几人,才从他们那里的第一禁地中取出来一张黑色符纸,落在小道士的手里。 Now, the crippled old fox opens mouth must direct him, takes out two? 现在,瘸腿老狐狸张嘴就要指点他,去取出两张来? 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