SR :: Volume #10

#953: Insanity Foreign Territory line

Chapter 953 insanity Foreign Territory line 第953章疯魔异域 fleshly body in the past? The monster cauldron is in a daze, this is how possible! 肉身过去?妖鼎发呆,这怎么可能! This request pressed it, initially it delivered Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and the others in the past, preserved their soul light to have enough to do. 这个要求太难为它了,当初它送大黑牛黄牛等人过去,保住他们的魂光都很吃力。 The monster cauldron warned that he do not play with fire, otherwise fleshly body will ruin, past had to do the experiment, had Heaven-Blessed Talent fleshly body to unravel. 妖鼎警告他不要玩火,不然的话肉身会毁掉,昔日不是没做过实验,有天纵奇才肉身灰飞烟灭。 But Chu Feng wants to take risk, he thought that the issue is not big, previous time he has attempted by Soul Bell, brings several drops of divine medicine fluids, brings back to green skin bottle gourd, explained the portable material. 楚风想冒险,他觉得问题不大,上一次他以魂钟尝试过,带过来几滴神药液,也带回青皮葫芦,说明可携带物质。 This his card in a hand is not Soul Bell, but is stone box, believes that this Paramount Artifact thing that makes World of the Living Heavenly Venerate earnestly seek can save his life. 况且此次他的底牌不是魂钟,而是石盒,坚信这个让阳间天尊都渴求的究极器物能保住他的性命。 The monster cauldron acknowledged stone box to be mystical, may rush including Reincarnation, the fearless rough stone mill plate mill, was its entire life sees the thing of first going against heaven's will. 妖鼎承认石盒神秘,连轮回都可闯,无惧粗糙石磨盘碾磨,是它生平所见第一逆天之物。 Therefore, it no longer opposed. 所以,它不再反对。 Then Cauldron of Monster Ancestor starts to get ready, is very serious, this matter cannot be careless. 接下来妖祖之鼎开始准备,很严肃,这件事马虎不得。 It told Chu Feng explicitly, if depending on the true strength, it were impossible to open the path, only before it has said that space node on Earth. 它明确告诉楚风,如果凭真正实力的话,它不可能开启出道路,只因它以前说过的那个空间节点在地球上。 That is two within thinnest places, is a space crack, even if so, wants to pass through is also very difficult. 那是两界间最稀薄之地,是一处空间裂缝,哪怕如此,想要贯穿的话也很难。 Shortly, Chu Feng and monster cauldron arrives at Unextinguishable Mountain, the node, although the time changes, present age in this place. 不久后,楚风与妖鼎来到不灭山,节点虽时间而变化,当世就在此地。 One year later said goodbye!” “一年后再见!” Unextinguishable Mountain, Chu Feng looked at behind ocean finally, he must leave, will go to practice crazily for hundred years, then...... Hunts for the god! 不灭山,楚风最后望了一眼身后的大洋,他要离开了,将去疯狂修行百年,然后……猎神! On Unextinguishable Island, seven mountains compound, shines, has a layer boundary membrane to start to reappear in them, slightly obviously damages, incomparable profound different. 不灭岛上,七座大山并列,同时发光,在它们中间有一层界膜开始浮现,略显破损,无比的玄异。 This, Monster Ancestor place of Unextinguishable Mountain inheritance falls on Earth, is not independent with this node. 这一世,妖祖的传承之地不灭山落在地球上,跟此节点不无关联。 Chu Feng enters in the stone box space, has taken Soul Bell, as well as some simple Artifact, other place Unextinguishable Mountain. 楚风进入石盒空间内,带上了魂钟,以及一些简单的器物,其他都放在不灭山 Buzz! 嗡! Divine Red Clouds blooms, auspicious light is dreadful! 神霞绽放,瑞光滔天! Space node there, the weakest membrane breaks open, whiz stone box rushed over, this node was unstable, now was pierced. 空间节点那里,最为薄弱的界膜破开,嗖的一声石盒冲了过去,原本这个节点就不稳定,现在被洞穿。 The membrane harms. 界膜有损。 The monster cauldron is in a daze, this time is not as if strenuous, on the other hand quite easy! 妖鼎发呆,这次似乎没有非常吃力,相对来说较为“容易”! It immediately knows, this is the stone box merit, this is really a counter Celestial Artifact thing, but, how not to have been born Artifact Spirit, won't start talking? 它立刻知道,这是石盒的功劳,这果然是一件逆天器物,但是,怎么没有诞生器灵,不会开口说话呢? I am defending here, once you want to come back, then with me communicates on the place that you land now!” “我就在守在这里,你一旦想回来,便在你现在降落的地点与我沟通!” The monster cauldron warned, wants to here person receive and instruct is good, otherwise, even if Chu Feng becomes incomparably formidable, does not have the means to come back. 妖鼎告诫,想要回来必须这边的人接引才行,不然的话,哪怕楚风变得无比强大,也没有办法回来。 This involved some irreversible Order, was very complex world rule. 这涉及到了一些不可逆的秩序,是非常复杂的“世界规则”。 Another side, Chu Feng feels very terrifying Order at first, the crush comes, even if in stone box in big change, the stone box inner wall sends out the glimmer. 另一边,楚风最初感受到非常恐怖的秩序,碾压过来,哪怕身在石盒中都在剧震,石盒内壁发出微光。 Finally is tranquil, he does not have matter, has not had the damage. 最后平静下来,他没有事,并未有损伤。 Chu Feng immediately knows, this is stone box the place of going against heaven's will, if no it, his fleshly body definitely also unravelled with that talent of past. 楚风立刻知道,这是石盒的逆天之处,如果没有它在,他的肉身肯定也跟昔日的那位天才般灰飞烟灭。 The lid opens, Chu Feng rises with a spring, stands on the scarlet red land, felt a rich spiritual energy, but took a broad view to look somewhat bleakly. 盒盖开启,楚风一跃而起,站在赤红色的土地上,感受到了一股浓郁的灵气,但放眼望去有些荒凉。 He came back, is near again Foreign Territory! 他又回来了,再临异域 Hundred years later said goodbye!” Chu Feng is waving to behind space node there. “百年后再见!”楚风对着身后空间节点那里挥手。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng vanishes in horizon end directly, he has come this world, is not strange, even also once had been to this region in the past. 楚风直接消失在地平线尽头,他来过这个世界,并不陌生,甚至当年还曾到过这片地域中。 He wants the way ferocious beast plateau surrounding, goes to nearby that Abyss. 他要路径凶兽高原外围,去那深渊附近。 This world has two Great Influence strength scopes, one of them is the god site of life in ferocious beast plateau deep place! 这个世界有两大势力范围,其中之一就是生活在凶兽高原深处的神所在地! Another sphere of influence is Abyss, there is dwelling Divine Beast, under terrifying black big rift valley. 另一个势力范围就是深渊,那里栖居着神兽,都在恐怖的黑色大裂谷之下。 A Vermilion Bird clan, the life in Vermilion Bird Abyss, this clan person is thin, once must be cut off the inheritance. 朱雀一族,就生活在朱雀深渊,该族人丁稀薄,曾一度要断掉传承。 Naturally, two Great Influence strength range respective interior do not put down, has the civil war frequently. 当然,两大势力范围各自的内部也不平和,经常有内战。 For example, old Vermilion Bird in Vermilion Bird Abyss, before Chu Feng leaves once destroyed completely snake Abyss! 比如,朱雀深渊中的老朱雀,在楚风离开前曾灭掉蛇深渊 Naturally, snake destruction also has only self to blame, was mistaken that the old Vermilion Bird deterioration will die, the initiative invasion, the result instead was extinguished. 当然,蛇覆灭也是咎由自取,误以为老朱雀衰败将死,主动入侵,结果反被灭。 But on ferocious beast plateau, Martial God and moon goddess, Shaman God wait/etc., among them also inharmonious, occasionally will have Divine War, the old age of god is very pitiful. 凶兽高原上,武神、月亮女神、巫神等,他们之间也不睦,偶尔会发生神战,神的晚年都很凄惨。 World of the Dead universe several months passed, but in this world is dozens years, Chu Feng considers as finished, should the past thirty years. 阴间宇宙几个月的时间过去了,但在这片世界则是数十年,楚风算了一下,应该过去三十几年了。 Young Vermilion Bird definitely does not have the issue, life essence is sufficient, was only how not knows old Vermilion Bird, in the past when left, its limit supported again for 50 years. 小朱雀肯定没问题,寿元还充足,只是不知道朱雀怎样了,当年离开时,它的极限是再撑50年。 The humans affair change is quick, no one will be able to reach an agreement will have anything, actually it can also live how long. 世事变化很快,谁都说不好会发生什么,它究竟还能活多久。 In addition, that crippled yellow-haired fox, poses as Heavenly Venerate, how now does not know, whether thorough petrify? 此外,那头瘸腿黄毛狐狸,以天尊自居,如今不知怎样了,是否彻底石化 Chu Feng was worried very much, he wants to see that fox very much once more, many matters want to ask it. 楚风很担心,他很想再次见到那头狐狸,有很多事想问它。 Halts!” “站住!” When way ferocious beast plateau surrounding, this region especially bleak, but, actually unfortunately meets some Evolver, the leader unexpectedly is Sub Saint Level. 路径凶兽高原外围时,这片区域格外的荒凉,但是,却不巧遇上一些进化者,为首者居然是亚圣级的。 This wears the silver Full-Body Armor man to bring a cavalry team to be responsible for inspecting this place, said is the cavalry, but is the races of flying. 这个身穿银色甲胄的男子带着一支骑兵队伍负责巡视此地,说是骑兵,但都是飞天的种族。 For example: The raging fire lizard, is all over the body red, is very formidable species, is very suitable to work as the mount. 如:烈火蜥蜴,通体赤红,是非常强大的物种,很适合当坐骑。 In addition also has the blue lion, all over the body deep blue, the wing is also the blue color, the roar howls is similar to stuffy thunder -like, blood energy is billowing, is very formidable mount. 此外还有蓝狮,通体湛蓝,羽翼也是蓝色的,吼啸起来如同闷雷般,血气滚滚,是很强大的坐骑。 Was Chu Feng astonished, what happened? Sub Saint leads, it behind the squad population, although are not many, but is Knight of Golden Body Great Perfection level. 楚风讶异,发生了什么事?亚圣带队,其身后跟着的这支小队人数虽然不多,但都是金身大圆满层次的骑士 He has not paid attention, leads the way as before. 他没有理会,依旧前行。 Kills!” “射杀!” Sub Saint waves, immediately has Divine Archer to open the great bow, erupts the ray, reveals cruel and callous smiling, puts the arrow to Chu Feng 亚圣一挥手,顿时有神射手张开巨弓,爆发光芒,露出残忍而冷酷的笑,对楚风放箭 What a pity, they run into the enemy who could not be annoyed, Chu Feng wave, hold the blade like the rainbow, divine light is dreadful, Saint internal energy erupts, crushes the arrow feather directly, suppresses all people 可惜,他们遇到了不可惹的敌人,楚风一挥手,掌刀如虹,神光滔天,圣者气机爆发,直接粉碎箭羽,镇压所有人 Quick, his knows had anything, the god of ferocious beast plateau is making war with Abyss Divine Beast in recent years, the situation is grim, therefore in the team of patrol has Sub Saint. 很快,他知道发生了什么,凶兽高原的神最近几年都在跟深渊神兽开战,形势严峻,所以巡逻的队伍中有亚圣 The high-end strength of this world is very terrifying, even if already no longer past prosperous time, but also brightly assumes personal command. 这个世界的高端战力很恐怖,哪怕早已不复昔日鼎盛时代,但也有神坐镇。 Chu Feng extremely fast goes far away, charges into the ferocious beast plateau, wishes one could immediately to rush to Vermilion Bird Abyss. 楚风极速远去,冲向凶兽高原,恨不得立刻赶到朱雀深渊 Meanwhile, after this World, his cultivation also formally started, runs into the person to intercept him along the way, is outspoken, he uses Small Six Paths Time Technique directly. 同时,到了这一界后,他的修炼也正式开始了,沿途遇到人想截杀他,毫无保留,他直接动用小六道时光术 This Taboo divine technique, he does not dare to cultivate in the past, is not willing to fall into is too deep, but this time, he must cultivation the maximum level, was ready for any sacrifice thoroughly. 这种禁忌神术,当年他不敢修炼,不愿陷入太深,但是这一次来,他就是要修炼到最高层次,彻底豁出去了。 He will be crazy, this is in his hand sharpest demon sword, offends somebody also possible wound oneself! 他将疯狂,这将是他手中最锋锐的“魔剑”,伤人也可能伤己! This sentiment may wait to recall......” “此情可待成追忆……” On the road, Chu Feng kills 2-3 Saint, is relentless, wants to detain him to question, but also wants to kill him, that must have the killed consciousness. 在路上,楚风干掉两三位圣人,毫不留情,想拦阻他盘查也就罢了,还想杀他,那就要有被干掉的觉悟。 Meanwhile, he is somewhat disappointed, cannot bear feel sad. 同时,他有些怅然,忍不住心酸。 Initially, when obtained Small Six Paths Time Technique, he once changed name as it, the joke was: This sentiment may wait to recall. 当初,得到小六道时光术时,他曾为其改名,戏言为:此情可待成追忆。 How can expect, language to become prophecy/omen! 怎能料到,一语成谶! Looked back again, died too many friends and relatives, once with the person who he arrived at this world together, without remaining several, its dao companion Qin Luoyin has also elapsed, left the world low-spirited. 再回首,死了太多的亲故,曾经跟他一同来到这个世界的人,没有剩下几个了,其道侣秦珞音亦逝去,黯然离世。 Really is an ominous world, are you also hiding what kind of secret? This, I must rise here, Gods is waiting...... Trembles!” “真是一片不祥的世界啊,你到底还隐藏着怎样的秘密?今次,我要在这里崛起,诸神等着……颤栗!” A Chu Feng low roar, goes far away fast, in the journey, meets to kill his Evolver, he has not been forgiving, stimulates to movement Small Six Paths Time Technique, has gotten down the extreme methods directly. 楚风一声低吼,快速远去,在路途上,遇上想杀他的进化者,他没留情,催动小六道时光术,直接下了死手。 He just returned to this world, does not want by person knows. 他刚回到这个世界,不想被人知道 The past thirty years, the initial personal enemy has not passed away, has tied the dead enmity with Martial God lineage/vein, just before parting before , homicide small Martial God and the others. 才过去三十几年,当初的仇人还没老死呢,跟武神一脉可是结了死仇,临去前他杀了小武神等人。 In addition, Shaman God and troops of moon goddess has also pursued and exterminated him, had been killed very outstanding later generation by him! 此外,巫神、月亮女神的部众也追剿过他,也被他干掉了非常杰出的后人! Now, he came back, perhaps one day will encounter with the god! 现在,他又回来了,有一天也许会跟神遭遇! However, he fearless, if there is an enemy to come freely, he will be treading the blood and bone, facing all challenges, in Bainian slaughtered and goes on an expedition, put down all enemies. 但是,他无惧,若有敌人尽管来好了,他会踏着血与骨,面对所有挑战,于百年厮杀与征战中,扫平一切敌。 If wait/etc. could not kill including Martial God, kills from the World of the Living's god? 若是连武神等都干不掉,又怎么去杀来自阳间的神? Chu Feng started his road of blood and iron, will not slaughter innocents, has the graciousness words also to go to the generous reward, but, he must make the enemy ask its absolutely but look changes. 楚风开始了他的铁血之路,不会滥杀无辜,有恩的话还要去厚报,但是,他绝对要让敌人问其名而色变。 From diving to cultivate to start, grows in lonely!” The initial stage, he will not expose the status, otherwise, must be strangled mostly. “从潜修开始,在孤独中成长!”最初阶段,他不会暴露身份,不然的话,多半要被扼杀。 His status is very sensitive, once exposes, the entire ferocious beast plateau must chase down. 他的身份很敏感,一旦曝光,全凶兽高原都要追杀。 Finally, Chu Feng arrives around Abyss, his time-consuming one month, kills, has passed through some large-scale battlefields, hidden own appearance/portrait! 终于,楚风来到深渊附近,他耗时一个多月,是一路杀过来的,贯穿了一些大型战场,隐藏自身真容! Two Great Influence strength Faction are really colliding, is slaughtering, Foreign Territory flames of war. 大势阵营果然在碰撞,在厮杀,异域烽火连天。 Short this month, the Chu Feng's strength grew one section, he uses Small Six Paths Time Technique to kill the enemy, absorption massive divine nature particles, are extremely rare and precious Dao Ancestral Matter! 短短这一个月的时间,楚风的实力就增长了一截,他利用小六道时光术杀敌,吸收大量神性粒子,还有极其稀有与珍贵的道祖物质 He spells very much, is similar to the insanity vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the incomparable hope is formidable in the shortest time, for him, this hurrying along cultivates! 他很拼,如同疯魔纵横,无比渴望在最短的时间内强大起来,对他来说,这种赶路就是修炼! Young Vermilion Bird and petrify Heavenly Venerate fox, hopes that you can be well, I have the means to lead you to leave!” 小朱雀石化天尊狐狸,希望你们都能安好,我有办法带你们离开!” Chu Feng stands is on the bleak plain, looks into front Abyss. 楚风立身在荒凉的平原上,眺望前方的一座深渊 In the journey, he obtained some news, when facing Vermilion Bird Abyss his in the heart uneasy is quite static. 在路途上,他就已经得到一些消息,面对朱雀深渊时他心中颇不宁静。 ...... …… The broken chaos universe, situation was not steady recently, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body die, then the Ming Chuan Princess opportunity overcomes an obstacle successfully, crashes in World of the Living. 残破的混沌宇宙,最近局势不稳,太武天尊道身殒落,而后明川公主更是藉此机会闯关成功,冲进阳间 Does not need to think, World of the Living is not definitely tranquil, Extreme Martial Dao Body died in battle, this matter affects significantly, if no accident/surprise, the Extreme Martial will possibly arrive, will set out another Dao Body! 不用多想,阳间肯定不平静,太武的一尊道身战死,这件事影响重大,若无意外的话,太武的意志可能会降临,会出动另一尊道身 However, in the end Extreme Martial has not appeared. 但是,到头来太武没有出现。 It is reported that reason that previous time he sets out Dao Body, searched World of the Living past Supreme Treasure, is related with the fearful external environment that he faces now. 据悉,上次他之所以出动道身,寻觅阳间昔日的至宝,跟他现在所面对的可怕外部环境有关。 Has the old enemy to appear, is confronting with him. 有宿敌出现,在跟他对峙。 But he is damaged now, even more does not dare to act rashly, has not arrived at Dao Body again. 而他现在受损,越发不敢轻举妄动了,没有再降临道身 Other Heavenly Venerate are also very discrete, has not entered the World of the Dead's plan personally, because that piece buries the post for them randomly is the ominous place, Heavenly Venerate that in the past passed did not have the good end! 其他天尊也很谨慎,没有亲自进入阴间的打算,因为对他们来说那片乱葬岗是不祥之地,当年过去的天尊没好下场! More is established Heavenly Venerate more dreaded! 越是老牌天尊越是忌惮! This time, they dispatched to have talent disciple, handled affairs for them. 这一次,他们遣出了一些有天分的弟子,代他们行事。 Even, has their bloodlines descendants to pass. 甚至,有他们的血脉后代会过去。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate is no exception, in his descendants some people came, across the World of the Living's membrane, enters in the chaos universe. 太武天尊也不例外,他的子孙中有人来了,穿过阳间的界膜,进入混沌宇宙中。 Now had determined, World of the Dead has Paramount ancient artifact, should be one of the World of the Living past Supreme Treasure, their hearts are very fiery. 现在已经确定,阴间究极古器,应该是阳间当年的至宝之一,他们的心头无比火热。 Now, a rumor, had revealed in World of the Living in the past does not have the end mysterious wall, may is only some ancient Artifact surface. 现在,有一种传言,当年在阳间显露过没有尽头的神秘墙壁,有可能只是某件古老器物的一个面。 At the same time, initially accomplished two to pour in Paramount evolution existence on the way, may not estimate seriously! 一面而已,当初就造就出两位倒在究极进化途中的存在,当真是不可揣度! The powerhouses awe, does not dare to arrive, feared that was similar to these Heavenly Venerate of past, died in the World of the Dead universe, afterward or occurred ominous, die in homeward journey. 强者敬畏,不敢亲临,怕如同昔日的那些天尊般,死在阴间宇宙,或者后来发生不祥,殒落于归途中。 However, the successor is dauntless, the know-nothing party is dauntless, some powerhouses keep the bloodlines in world, some promising youth could not sit still, appears in the chaos universe. 但是,后来者无畏,无知者无畏,有些强者留在世间的血脉,有些后起之秀坐不住了,出现在混沌宇宙中。 Gods chaotic start, gray era first has large-scale Divine War of special significance to ferment! 神之乱开始,灰色纪元第一场有特殊意义的大规模神战在酝酿!
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