SR :: Volume #10

#952: Chooses to become God

Brothers take care, we go to reincarnation, next life my Old Ox will strive also to make one to be ambitious, will be virtuous, will be competent, will have big destiny Demon Ox!” “兄弟保重,我们去投胎,来生我老牛争取还做一头有理想,有道德,有实力,有大气运的牛魔!” This line World of the Living, Old Donkey I want the genuine reincarnation scholarly family aristocratic family, when the time comes not only has the red sleeve to add the fragrance, the writing may also suppress Gods!” “此行去阳间,老驴我要真正投胎书香门第世家,到时候不仅有红袖添香,文字也可镇压诸神!” ...... …… Before the people go far away, shouts in Reincarnation ancient cave, Chu Feng understands that their this is moved that intends to dilute leaves. 众人远去前,在轮回古洞中喊道,楚风明白他们这是在有意冲淡离别的伤感。 One crowd of big monsters are howling going far away, his parents also lightly call, making him go on living well, do not feel embarrassed themselves, do not shoulder too, Qin Luoyin also looks back to look out, Yellow Ox is also nodding. 一群大妖呼啸着远去,他的父母也轻唤,让他好好活下去,不要为难自己,不要背负太多,还有秦珞音亦回首遥望,黄牛也在点头。 The Reincarnation Cave deep place transmits calling out in alarm of these people, but was very far, they have as if discovered anything, has the pleasant surprise, there is an anxiety, there is unknown. 轮回洞深处传来那些人的惊呼,但是很远了,他们似乎发现了什么,有惊喜,也有紧张,那里充满未知。 Chu Feng could not hear, could not see, here disappointed long time. 楚风听不到,看不到了,在这里怅然良久。 He raised the head, looks at that to sit cross-legged the unpainted clay idol on stage, motionless, accumulates the dust, very thick, cannot distinguish is male is a female. 他抬起头,看着那盘坐在高台上面的泥胎,一动不动,积满尘埃,非常厚的一层,分辨不出是男是女。 It puts on anciently, under that thick dust is the beast fur lined robe, but cannot see the outline and style now, initially Chu Feng using Discerning Eyes completely understood that is very dangerous. 它穿着古旧,在那厚厚的灰尘下是兽皮袍,但是现在看不出轮廓与样式,当初楚风是利用火眼金睛看透的,很危险。 Initially, when he such did, stone box once sent out, likely has only blocked anything, at that time Chu Feng suspected, if did not have stone box, he possibly died here. 当初,他那样做时,石盒都曾发出光,像是挡住了什么,那时楚风就怀疑,若是没有石盒的话,他可能已死在这里。 This time, he has not acted rashly. 这一次,他没有妄动。 However, his vision is actually drifting away, looks to that hand string in unpainted clay idol wrist/skill, puts on by the plain animal teeth and bone block in the same place forms, the style is obsolete, likely is the carrying/sustaining time River all marks. 但是,他的目光却在游离,看向泥胎手腕上的那条手串,由古朴的兽牙、骨块穿在一起形成,样式非常老旧,像是承载着时光长河的所有印记。 Past, Chu Feng believes, this is on hardest the bone and tooth by Shining Upon Level various lifeforms is made, now looks like, too underestimated. 昔日,楚风认为,这是由映照级的各种生物身上最坚硬的骨与牙齿制成的,现在看来,太低估了。 Mainly is most powerhouse who because, that time he, understands is Shining Upon Level, knows does not have Divinity, Heavenly Venerate above this. 主要是因为,那个时候的他,所了解的最强者就是映照级,根本不知道在此之上还有神祇天尊等。 Now looks like, the unpainted clay idol cannot estimate, is unable to weigh is any progression. 现在看来,泥胎不可揣度,根本无法衡量到底是什么级数的。 Chu Feng turned around, has not stayed for a long time. 楚风转身走了,没有久留。 He also a little suspected now, this is the unpainted clay idol not necessarily is really the living creature, who will sit cross-legged hundred million years of years to be so remote here, endures endless lonely and loneliness, may not withstand simply. 他现在也有点怀疑,这是泥胎不见得真是活物,谁会在这里盘坐亿载岁月那么久远,忍受无尽的孤独与寂寞,简直不可承受。 Even if the ants, always appears side a big dragon, has an action to perform, vertical is impossible not to have any response for the dragon. 哪怕是蝼蚁,总是出现在一头巨龙身边,有所动作,纵为龙也不可能没有任何反应吧。 Perhaps is it really only a statue? 或许它真的只是一尊塑像? Chu Feng vanished, holds last corner/horn black paper talisman, has crossed Abyss, counter Reincarnation Road the line, extremely fast is going far away. 楚风消失了,持最后一角黑色符纸,横渡过深渊,逆着轮回路而行,极速远去。 Arrived the present is the understanding is the inquisition, this place is frightening. 到了如今越是了解越是探究,此地越是让人恐惧。 When Foreign Territory, soon the thorough petrify old fox once will have said that here was unspeakable, to be unsearchable, Heavenly Venerate wait/etc. made every effort to keep secret to Reincarnation Road, was not willing to mention, middle scary of water depth, might have a fearful bureau. 异域时,即将彻底石化的老狐狸曾说过,这里不可说,不能探究,天尊等都对轮回路讳莫如深,不愿提及,当中的水深的骇人,有可能存在一个可怕的局。 The petrify fox poses as Heavenly Venerate, said that its master possibly does not have the qualifications to join a gambling game, is full of the uncertainty. 石化的狐狸以天尊自居,说它师傅都可能没有资格入局,充满不确定性。 Chu Feng affiliation corner/horn paper talisman, flies to escape on Reincarnation Road, spending day of much time to hurry back rapidly, before the stone mill plate got out of trouble, one line of golden symbols sprinkled, almost his anchorage. 楚风藉一角符纸,飞遁于轮回路上,花了一天多的时间迅速赶了回来,自石磨盘脱困前,一行金色符号洒落下来,几乎将他定住。 Chu Feng was indistinct heard oneself body deep place including soul light, sad and shrill pitiful yells. 楚风隐约间听到了自己身体深处包括魂光中,都有一声凄厉惨叫。 His fleshly body and soul feel the fearsome pressure, was nearly scattered, almost must be ground the meat froth by the rough stone mill plate. 他的肉身与灵魂感受到可怖的压力,险些被打散,几乎要被粗糙的石磨盘碾成肉沫。 He guessed all of a sudden, this was within the body has strange matter to cause, the stone mill plate in view of this type of thing, must obliterate a cleanness it thoroughly. 他一下子就猜测出,这是体内有诡异物质导致的,石磨盘针对这种东西,要将之彻底磨灭个干净。 But now, the fog and Chu Feng congeal as one, from soul to flesh, only if experiences Reincarnation, ruins the body of this world, otherwise did not eradicate. 可是现在,灰雾与楚风凝结为一体,从灵魂到血肉,除非亲历轮回,毁掉此世之身,不然根除不了。 The stone box illumination, has blocked shining of one line of golden symbols, with that rough stone mill plate short resistance, Chu Feng gets out of trouble smoothly, returns to the dead city, flushed. 石盒发光,挡住了一行金色符号的照耀,跟那粗糙的石磨盘短暂对抗,楚风顺利脱困而出,回到死城,又冲了出去。 Chu Feng expression grave, the heart reappearing haze, this strange matter also is really fearful, occupies in his within the body, absolutely is the major disaster. 楚风神色凝重,心头浮现阴霾,这诡异物质还真是可怕,盘踞在他体内,绝对是大祸害。 His knows, oneself can not die, had not been ruined by the rough grinding pan , because stone box is sheltering. 知道,自己能够不死,没有被粗糙的磨盘毁掉,都是因为石盒在庇护。 Was somewhat different, in veined pattern, the mountains scenery vaguely may distinguish at the same time!” Chu Feng stimulation of movement, side in stone box six surface, slightly clear, contains various types regarding the Domain researcher is being the supreme secret land topography, passes on to be possible panic-stricken world. “有些不同了,其中一面中的纹路内,山川景物依稀可辨!”楚风催动,石盒六个面中的一面,略显晶莹,蕴藏着各种对于场域研究者来说都是无上密土的地势,传出去可惊骇世间。 For example: The true Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace topography, this is not the Purple Golden Mountain there artificial lay out region, but is the world breeds, the nature production, has a type of aura to kick out, more examines carefully, more is makes the person probably perish. 如:真正的太上八卦炉地势,这可不是紫金山那里人为布下的地带,而是天地孕育,自然生成,有种气息扑出,越是细看,越是让人要沉沦进去。 Chu Feng discovered, oneself unexpectedly is the whole body cold sweat. 不知不觉间,楚风发现,自己竟是满身冷汗。 This Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace topography, outside the abatement proper immortal furnace and Eight Trigrams (gossip) fire, have the palm-leaf fan unexpectedly, was responsible for fanning the fire intensity, has the bottle gourd ups and downs in side. 这个太上八卦炉地势,除却应有的仙炉与八卦火外,居然还有芭蕉扇等,负责扇动火势,更有葫芦沉浮在旁。 Naturally, is the mountain massifs, the air/Qi of Domain but deducts, after condensing, forms this phenomenon unexpectedly, Earth Vein is fearful, is extremely unusual. 当然,都是山体,但演绎出的场域之气,凝聚后竟形成这种异象,地脉可怕,太过超凡。 Outside abatement these, hundred phoenixes burn Heavenly Chart, the mountains are great, the earth magnetism transpiration, turns into one crowd of Undying Bird, burns down Thirty Three Layer Heaven, then altogether dances, worships a side. 除却这些外,还有百凤焚天图,山川宏大,地磁气蒸腾,化成一群不死鸟,焚烧三十三重天,而后共舞,朝拜一方。 The place of worship, a fuzziness, the mist winds around, now cannot see clearly, is that what kind of scene? Let Chu Feng be vibrated greatly. 所朝拜之地,一片模糊,雾气缭绕,如今看不清,那是怎样的场景?让楚风大受震动。 Dozens appearance of the mountain charts, any research thorough words, study the future regarding Domain are the Paramount chart, the significance is great! 数十幅山势图,任何一种研究透彻的话,对于场域研究来者来说都是算是究极图,意义重大! I, if can construct this type of topography the little power and influence, the suppress and kill powerhouse is too simple?” “我若是能构建出这种地势的几许威势,镇杀强者岂不是太简单?” Naturally, his also knows, even if read out the mystery, studied, heavenly material earthly treasure that needs also met is magnanimous, even wanted various types of rare treasures. 当然,他也知道,哪怕读出奥秘,研究懂了,所需要的天材地宝也会是海量的,甚至要各种稀珍瑰宝。 Otherwise how town world? 不然何以镇世? Meanwhile, the Chu Feng heart is fiery, in topography that these naturally form, certainly is containing the unimaginable good fortune, if he can go, takes care of health by the mountains, practices by middle treasure, naturally can evolve in the shortest time violently. 同时,楚风心头火热,这些自然形成的地势中,一定蕴含着不可想象的造化,他若是能进去,以山川养身,以当中的瑰宝修行,自然可以在最短的时间内猛烈进化。 Where are these topography, are situated World of the Living? 这些地势在哪里,是坐落阳间吗? Chu Feng is lost in thought that even more carefully, in these mountains that looks, there is a golden luminous spot sparkle, can spy on by Discerning Eyes, is symbols. 楚风出神,看的越发仔细,在这些山川间,有金色光点闪耀,以火眼金睛能窥探,是一个又一个符号。 Initially, he has seen, but now was clearer! 当初,他就看到过,但现在更清晰了一些! He guessed, this perhaps is the most precious thing! 他猜测,这或许才是最珍贵的东西! In that Shining Death City, one line of characters on rough stone mill plate, contain in the symbol in stone box, is only part. 就是那光明死城中,粗糙石磨盘上的一行字,都包含在石盒中的符号内,只为一部分。 The Chu Feng research is very long, finally some doubt. 楚风研究很久,最后有些狐疑。 Every time experiences time Reincarnation Road, this stone box resembles a recovery point, this is ground by the rough grinding pan, bears the pressure to activate, there are other reasons?” “每经历一次轮回路,这石盒都似复苏一分,这是被粗糙磨盘碾过,承受压力所激活,还是有其他缘由?” Meanwhile, he also thinks of Plundering Guide Breathing Method. 同时,他亦想到盗引呼吸法 After going out of Purgatory, wants to let the stone box side illumination, needs to revolve this breathing method to be good, other law is invalid. 走出炼狱后,想让石盒其中的一面发光,需要运转这种呼吸法才行,别的法无效。 don't tell me, is Plundering Guide also related with stone box? 难道说,盗引也跟石盒有关? Chu Feng stimulates to movement again, then carefully observes the above dozens golden luminous spots, earnest, but the look serious comprehension, is only too difficult, mysterious crabbed. 楚风再一次催动,然后仔细观察上面的数十个金色光点,认真而神色郑重的领悟起来,只是太艰难,玄奥艰涩。 Moreover, his both eyes ache, Discerning Eyes cannot withstand, is fired likely, must be destroyed. 而且,他双目疼痛,火眼金睛都承受不了,像是在被灼烧,要被摧毁。 Chu Feng came back, sits in Kunlun Mountains one day and one night, held a memorial service for in the past all, stepping journey that henceforth is going to be duty-bound not to turn back. 楚风回来了,坐在昆仑上一天一夜,祭奠往昔的一切,从此将要义无反顾的踏上征程。 How do you want to do?” The monster cauldron asked him. “你想怎么做?”妖鼎问他。 First to become God, then hunts for the god!” Chu Feng replied. “先成神,再去猎神!”楚风答道。 The Cauldron of Monster Ancestor speechless, thought that this goal is impossible to be realized. 妖祖之鼎哑然,觉得这个目标不可能实现。 This piece of universe has the upper limit! 这片宇宙是有上限的! One day later, Chu Feng left, walks secretly across the universe, is seeking for anything, but eventually his brow deep lock, returns to Kunlun Mountain. 一天后,楚风离开了,暗自走在宇宙各地,在寻找着什么,但是最终他眉头深锁,回归昆仑山。 He sits cross-legged here, calmly pondered, obviously is making the major decision. 他在这里盘坐,静静地思考,显然在做重大决策。 In the morning, his turnover rosy-colored clouds at dawn, the promotion physique, the evolution, he has three seeds slowly, has stone box in the hand, but the upper limit of this piece of universe most takes a higher position is Shining Upon. 清晨,他吞吐朝霞,提升体质,慢慢进化,他有三颗种子,更有石盒在手,但是这片宇宙的上限最高就是映照 He once went to each region to look at many topography, seeks for mutated soil, top is also radiance dazzling colored mutated soil, should be able to make him the Saint peak boundary. 他曾去各地看了很多地势,寻找异土,顶级的也就是光华炫目的彩色异土,应该可以让他成为圣者巅峰境。 Is high mutated soil also to have, but is not good to seek. 再高一层的异土也有,但非常不好寻找。 In addition, he now is the Saint level, wants to become the Shining Upon Level powerhouse, not only needs the seed in hand to take root to germinate, blooming flower bud, but also needs to the thinking and sensibility of world Order. 此外,他现在已经是圣者层次,想要成为映照级强者,不仅需要手中的种子生根发芽,绽放花蕾,还需要对天地秩序的思索与感悟等。 After this level, wants to promote the strength, has mutated fruit unable to guarantee that evolves, but also wants the soul light transformation, needs to comprehend. 到了这个层次后,想要提升实力,有异果也无法保证一路进化下去,还要魂光蜕变,需要去参悟。 If wants to take care of health to become Shining Upon Level expert by the mountains topography, is very difficult to realize, the World of the Dead universe lacks that good fortune Earth Vein. 若是想以山川地势养身成为映照级高手,也很难实现,阴间宇宙缺少那种造化地脉 Should start off, then then insanity one time!” “该上路了,那就疯魔一次吧!” Chu Feng stands up in the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, decided thoroughly, wants the to become God words, presently only then a road can walk! 楚风在朝霞中站起身来,彻底下了决心,想要成神的话,当前只有一条路可以走! Cauldron of Monster Ancestor had a scare, felt that the Chu Feng's in the eyes beat the brilliance is somewhat fearful, is somewhat crazy, making it not think wonderfully. 妖祖之鼎吓了一跳,感觉楚风的双目中跳动的光彩有些可怕,有些疯狂,让它觉得不妙。 How do you want to do?” “你想怎么做?” Fulfills a commitment, goes to Foreign Territory!” Chu Feng replied. “去履行一个承诺,去异域!”楚风答道。 He has a commitment to the Vermilion Bird clan, must receive and instruct small Hong Niao to come, carries over that fearful lands it, had not realized. 他对朱雀族有一个承诺,要去接引小红鸟过来,将它带出那片可怕的土地,一直还没有实现。 It is not he does not want to go to Foreign Territory to receive and instruct, but returns after there Cauldron of Monster Ancestor was incapable of opening the path, after it swallowed Deity Star and Xilin star mountains Concise Essence, the World of the Living's person killed. 不是他不想去异域接引,而是从那里返回后妖祖之鼎无力开启道路了,等到它吞噬天神星、西林星的山川精粹后,阳间的人又杀到了。 In this case, does Chu Feng go? Must come the Young Vermilion Bird belt/bring, that is equal to making it also probably with suffering the dead tribulation. 在这种情况下,楚风怎么去?真要将小朱雀带过来,那等于是让它也要跟着遭受死劫。 Now the situation stabilizes slightly . Moreover, his oneself also sets firm resolve, must go to there to scheme, wants insanity one time, therefore cannot delay again. 现在局势稍微稳定,而且,他自身也下定决心,要去那里图谋一番,要疯魔一次,所以不能再耽搁了。 Calculates the time, several months passed by, now this world one year, in that side Foreign Territory is hundred years, Young Vermilion Bird grew dozens years old. 算一算时间,几个月过去了,如今这片世界一年,在那方异域则是百年,小朱雀已增长几十岁。 You must go to there to become God, were you insane?!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor calls out in alarm, this absolutely is the most fearful choice, where is that? Now the monster cauldron knows accurately. “你要去那里成神,你疯了?!”妖祖之鼎惊呼,这绝对是最可怕的选择,那是什么地方?现在妖鼎确切知晓了。 It has seen the strange matter fearsomeness in Purgatory, only then that rough grinding pan can abrasion thoroughly, otherwise, once in the contamination, will pester the life, dies! 它可是在炼狱看到过诡异物质的可怖,只有那粗糙的磨盘能够彻底磨掉,不然的话,一旦沾染上,就会纠缠一生,至死方休! It guessed, Chu Feng does not want to practice using the time difference mostly, but must evolve in the craziest method, he earnestly sought become stronger, he wants in the shortest time to become God! 它猜测,楚风多半不是想利用时间差去修行,而是要以最疯狂的手段去进化,他太渴求变强了,他想在最短的时间内成神 That road that time also with enough time, World of the Living opens, its stability can maintain for more than one year, these enemies, you and others I came back!” “时间还来得及,阳间开启的那条路,其稳定性可以维持一年多,那些敌人,你们等我回来!” The Chu Feng sound is very cold, both eyes deep place sparkle cold light. 楚风声音很冷,双目深处闪耀寒光。 The previous time too humiliation, side all people died, now among this heaven and earth only remaining he, died a tragic death including the parents, the relatives and friends all perish, can he be resigned? 上一次太屈辱,身边所有人都死去,如今这天地间只剩下他自己,连父母都惨死了,亲朋皆殒,他怎能甘心? Even if some people do not have the result, is uncertain of one's fate, Young Lady Xi was seized, Yaoyao crashes under Great Abyss, to be actually what kind, nobody knows. 即便有个别人没有结局,也是生死未卜,少女曦被抓走,妖妖坠落大渊下,究竟会怎样,没有人知道 In addition, even if was his parents, Qin Luoyin and the others went to Reincarnation, was full of variables, after all only then black can paper talisman, shelter them to be reincarnated smoothly? 此外,即便是他的父母、秦珞音等人去轮回了,也充满变数,毕竟只有一张黑色符纸,能庇护他们顺利转世吗? This leaves, possibly parts forever! 这一别,可能就是永别! Perhaps next, does not see, is unable again the reunion. 下一世,或许不见,无法再聚首。 Even if predestined friends, is living, possibly henceforth meets by chance is not acquainted, does not know that who previous life I am, only then in the present new life. 即便有缘,都还活着,也可能是从此相逢不相识,不知前世我是谁,只有今朝新人生。 Thinks of these, the Chu Feng's heart then pain, he is unable to endure, wants to revenge personally, even if could not kill Heavenly Venerate, must the slaughter fall his some disciple disciple grandsons first and others, hunts for god, killed the pain them! 想到这些,楚风的心就痛,他无法忍受,想亲自去报仇,哪怕杀不了天尊,也要先屠掉他的一些弟子徒孙等,去猎神,将他们杀痛! To achieve these, that only then has take risked, one dream Foreign Territory hundred years! 想要做到这些,那就只有去冒险了,一梦异域百年! This is he considered that very long matter, thinks feasible. 这是他思虑很久的事,觉得可行。 This time, reason that the matter to somewhat hesitates at present, that is because in Shining Death City there, Chu Feng further sees the fog the fearsomeness, once on entangling, the non-solution, he somewhat dreaded simply. 这一次,之所以事到眼前有些犹豫,那是因为在光明死城那里,楚风进一步看到灰雾的可怖,一旦缠上,简直无解,他有些忌惮。 But finally, he must start off! 但最后,他还是要上路了! You want think three times!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor warned seriously. “你要三思啊!”妖祖之鼎严肃地告诫。 What at the worst, I had not left a leeway for myself, will not build.” Chu Feng is very firm, will not change the mind. “没什么大不了,我为自己留了一条后路,不会将自己搭进去。”楚风很坚定,不会改变主意了。 He exclaimed lowly: „The person who World of the Living these that this time, I must kill straddle zones fears, I must kill certain lives after World of the Living's lifeforms obtains the news heart drop blood!” 他低吼道:“这一次,我要杀的阳间那些跨界过来的人恐惧,我要杀的某些活在阳间的生物得到消息后心头滴血!” You must understand oneself are making anything!” The monster cauldron warned over and over. “你要明白自己在做什么!”妖鼎再三警告。 I am clear, I understand!” Chu Feng nods, then also said: Walks, delivers me to start off, this my fleshly body must with passing!” “我清楚,我明白!”楚风点头,而后又道:“走吧,送我上路,并且,这次我的肉身也要跟着过去!” Oh, yesterday sent one group of people to Reincarnation, I also fell into the renewal in the dark Reincarnation strange circle, therefore we meet now, another era started. 唉,昨天送一群人去轮回,我自己也陷入更新的黑暗轮回怪圈中了,所以咱们现在才相见,又一个纪元开始。
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