SR :: Volume #10

#951: If there are next life or brothers

Felt stifled I, felt stifled Grandpa Ox, how I felt that rested passed deadly, fell into a nightmare, forever could not wake up, finally can open the mouth.” “憋死我了,憋死牛爷爷了,我怎么感觉睡死过去了,陷入一场噩梦中,永远也醒不来,终于能开口。” After Big Black Ox opens mouth, although is the weak soul light condition, but he actually makes the big mouth respite the movement, is similar to the person who is drowned to suffocate is saved. 大黑牛张嘴后,虽然是微弱的魂光状态,但是他却做出大口喘息的动作,如同溺水窒息的人得救。 !” “噗!” Ouyang Feng routine spits the saliva, finally spits wisp of soul light, his oneself more feels weak pale, almost the dissipation, frightens him to cry out strangely, goes all out to attract the saliva there. 欧阳风习惯性吐口水,结果吐出去一缕魂光,他自身越发虚淡,差点消散,吓得他怪叫,拼命在那里吸口水。 A Old Donkey face dumbstruck condition, touches had spat on the face saliva, after recovering, fights with Ouyang Divine Beast directly, calling: hee-haw hee-haw, Divine Beast, the donkey master spelled with you!” 老驴一脸发懵状态,摸了一把被吐在脸上的“口水”,回过神来后直接跟欧阳神兽掐架,叫着:“儿啊儿啊,神兽,驴爷跟你拼了!” Their two pinched! 他们两个掐起来了! Yellow Ox, Zhou Quan and (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger recover, the each and every one familiar person is reappearing at present, Chu Feng is excited, the body is trembling, hopes finally to become real, these people reappear. 黄牛周全东北虎都复苏,一个个熟悉的人在眼前浮现,楚风激动,身体都在微颤,希望终于成真,这些人再现。 Some time ago, he was still worried, feared this road finally is also spatial, thorough desperate. 不久前,他还在担心,怕这条路最后也是一场空,会彻底绝望。 After all, these person only remaining blood mist, soul light disappears, was decomposed to become the energy substance, the whole person does not see in the mark of this world thoroughly. 毕竟,这些人只剩下血雾,魂光都不见了,被分解成为能量物质,整个人在这个世界的印记彻底不见。 However, he always believes that so-called True Spirit, a consciousness core of person, should also, then conceals in that energy substance, although he cannot induce. 不过,他始终坚信,所谓的真灵,一个人的意识核心,应该还在,就藏在那种能量物质中,尽管他感应不到。 Now, all are best manifestations. 现在,一切都是最好的体现。 "Áo...... ” “嗷……” Surroundings, the sad and shrill cry pulls back the reality all people, the stone mill plate has the golden symbol twinkle, is obliterating grey matter, various fearful silhouette appear, extremely to terrify person. 周围,凄厉的叫声将所有人都拉回现实,石磨盘有金色符号闪烁,在磨灭灰色物质,各种可怕的身影浮现,极其瘆人。 Old Donkey could not attend to with Ouyang Divine Beast has fought, Big Black Ox also shut up, in all person hearts sent coldly, calmly dull here, surprised looks at all these. 老驴顾不上跟欧阳神兽掐架了,大黑牛也闭嘴,所有人都心中发寒,静静地呆在这里,吃惊的看着这一切。 Chu Feng heart big change, he sees in grey matter, deducts many species. 楚风心头剧震,他看到灰色物质中,演绎出许多物种。 Six wing Heavenly Dragon both eyes drop blood, three foot Undying Bird are all over the body jet black, does not have the sacred aura to say, has Golden Winged Peng to have the evil aura, the look hatred...... 有六翼天龙双目滴血,有三足不死鸟通体漆黑,毫无神圣气息可言,有金翅大鹏带着邪气,眼神怨毒…… Then, their physique again changes, after blasting out, becomes grey matter, then again reorganizes figure, some become ancient silhouette that wears the Heavenly Venerate robe, some become sits the mysterious statue on 9th Heavenly Layer high, but both eyes in the drop blood, or the evil aura are dreadful, fierce, but monster different, is not very normal. 然后,它们形体再变,炸开后成为灰色物质,接着又再重组身形,有的成为身穿天尊袍的古老身影,有的成为高坐九重天上的神秘塑像,不过双目都在滴血,或者邪气滔天,狰狞而妖异,很不正常。 Bang! 砰! In the golden light, they blast out, the grey matter ebullition, is not resigned to be obliterated, struggles intensely. 在金光中,他们又炸开,灰色物质沸腾,不甘心被磨灭,激烈挣扎。 I for Celestial Emperor, when main world!” “我为天帝,当主世间!” When fog surges, silhouette appears, sits cross-legged on carpet, the surroundings all are various silhouette of crawling, prostrates oneself to him, but, silhouette on this carpet is also both eyes bleeds, the surroundings to the person also whole body that he bows politely are the scar, Dark Blood flow, making people think that sends to terrify. 灰雾翻腾时,一尊身影浮现,盘坐蒲团上,周围全是匍匐的各种身影,对他膜拜,但是,这个蒲团上的身影也是双目淌血,周围对他叩拜的人亦浑身是伤痕,黑血流淌,让人觉得发瘆。 Bang! 轰! On the grinding pan, these golden symbols depart, the direct suppression, turns into a golden big hand, has various race lifeforms that kneels to bend down to grind silhouette on that carpet there. 磨盘上,那些金色符号飞出,直接镇压而下,化成一只金色的大手,将那蒲团上的身影还有跪伏的各种族生物都磨碎在那里。 "Áo...... ” “嗷……” Sad and shrill calling out, the fog surges, turns into various faces, there pain was calling, the incomparable fierceness, the pupil was cold and gloomy, is staring at Chu Feng all of them, seemed not convinced to the grinding pan. 凄厉的嚎叫,灰雾翻腾,化成各种面孔,在那里痛苦的叫着,无比的狰狞,眸子森冷,盯着楚风他们所有人,对磨盘似乎更是不服气。 What a pity, it has disintegrated as before, by vanishing into thin air of crush, was not existed. 可惜,它依旧瓦解了,被碾压的烟消云散,不复存在。 What thing this is, actually to have what background? Goes to Foreign Territory to step onto, messes with the material that on this type goes against heaven's will extremely unexpectedly, making all people be afraid, thinks frightened. 这是什么东西,究竟有什么来头?去异域走上一遭,竟沾惹上这种极度逆天的物质,让所有人都不寒而栗,觉得惊悚。 If not arrives at this place, the Chu Feng knows consequence unexpectedly so will not be serious, everyone seems shouldering the All Heavens evil spirit, was too fearful. 若非来到此地,楚风都不知道后果竟会这么严重,每一个人都仿佛背负着诸天厉鬼,太可怕了。 That is lifeforms, is one strange material, or some evil curse rule? 那是一种生物,还是一种诡异的物质,亦或是某种邪恶的诅咒规则等? Chu Feng has beaten Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Zhou Quan, Ouyang Feng and the others the respective fist, then arrives at parents' side, because these two contact with blood mist, just now unexpectedly also contaminates on grey matter. 楚风一个一个捶了大黑牛黄牛周全欧阳风等人各自一拳,然后来到父母的身边,这两人因为跟血雾接触,方才居然也沾染上灰色物质 Father, mother!” “爸,妈!” The Chu Feng sound slightly trembles, thinks that this again could not see, cannot think that he succeeds here, rescues these people from that blood mist and energy substance. 楚风声音略颤,原以为这一世都再也见不到了,想不到他在这里成功,从那血雾与能量物质中救出这些人。 Child!” “孩子!” Little Feng!” 小风!” Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing slightly were trembling, recalled to mind the picture of life final time, they had guessed, knows this was meeting of life and death. 楚致远王静都在微微发抖,记起了生命最后时刻的画面,他们有所猜测,知道这是生与死的相见。 Brother, where is our?” Big Black Ox asked. “兄弟,我们这是在哪里?”大黑牛问道。 One group of people have the words that cannot speak, but is also very curious. 一群人有着说不完的话语,但是也都很好奇。 Purgatory, dead city, under stone mill plate!” Chu Feng informs, said roughly situation briefly. 炼狱,死城,石磨盘下!”楚风告知,简短说出大体情况。 All people were blown, they arrive at the Reincarnation Road bank, in undergoing the grinding pan crush before Reincarnation, can by formatting, henceforth be reborn in paradise? 所有人都被镇住了,他们来到轮回路畔,在经受轮回前的磨盘碾压,要被“格式化”,从此去往生? Is the courage suffices seriously fully, they learned after Chu Feng has made anything, has mixed feelings, is moved, there are disappointed with recalling, originally this life they have come to the end, now died truly. 当真是胆气够足,他们得悉楚风做了什么后,心情复杂,有感动,也有怅然与缅怀,原来这一生他们已经走到尽头,如今真正死去了。 If no Chu Feng, their soul light destroyed completely. 如果没有楚风,他们连魂光都灭掉了。 Chu Feng is supporting by the arm Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing, looks to this group of people, his pupil contraction, a heart discomfort, has been short of some big monsters eventually, some people disappear thoroughly! 楚风搀扶着楚致远王静,看向这群人,他瞳孔收缩,心头一阵难受,终究是少了一些大妖,有人彻底不见了! The Kongtong tortoise , the black bear king did not disappear thoroughly, golden wings Peng King also disappeared, greatly bald Horse King from the energy substance of after remnant broken soul decomposition difficultly appeared wisp of phantom, nearly thoroughly obliterated. 崆峒山龟不在了,黑熊王也彻底消失,金翅鹏王亦不见踪影,大光头马王从一点残碎的灵魂分解后的能量物质中艰难浮现出一缕虚影,也险些彻底磨灭。 Wu Qifeng and Old Lama are also final moment struggle, many of energy substance this decomposes preserves after soul light to be related. 吴起峰老喇嘛也是最后关头才挣扎出来,这跟魂光分解后保存下来的能量物质的多少有关。 A silence, the people sighed with sadness, among this heaven and earth forever does not have the perfect matter, these time has given the Chu Feng endless hope, thought completely, but had incomplete in the end, had very big regret. 一阵沉默,众人悲叹,这天地间永远没有完美的事,这一次给了楚风无尽的希望,以为圆满了,但是到头来还是有残缺,有很大的遗憾。 In addition, Qin Luoyin has not appeared, she side Chu Feng's, its corpse still, had expected True Spirit was stranded within the body. 此外,秦珞音也还没有出现,她一直在楚风的身边,其尸体还在呢,料想真灵被困体内。 Brother, is our must be reincarnated?” Big Black Ox asked. “兄弟,我们这是要去转世吗?”大黑牛问道。 They have mixed feelings, has does not abandon, there is depressed Ku, wrote off easily, is hopeless to go to the report including the enmity, where must not rush to knows comes the way out. 他们心情复杂,有不舍,也有郁苦,被人轻易抹杀,连仇都无望去报,就要去赶赴不知道何地的来生路。 What at the worst, will not have fought next life again!” Yellow Ox is very firm, not depressed, but is having a faith. “没什么大不了,来生再战!”黄牛很坚定,没有沮丧,而是带着一种信念。 ! 噗! Surroundings, some blood plasmas splash, the Chu Feng's parents, are Yellow Ox and Zhou Quan and the others are very ill, making people think to feel dizzy, want to retch. 周围,一些血浆溅起,无论是楚风的父母,还是黄牛周全等人都很不适,让人觉得眼晕,想要干呕。 What are the surroundings? Has the silver streak champsosaurus to be ground, the broken bone and blood scatter, have the wild elephant that big ant disintegration, the black juice flow, have the palm of the hand big metal villain to blast out, turn into the material power...... 周围都是什么?有银色斑纹鳄龙被碾碎,碎骨与血液四溅,有野象那么大的蚂蚁解体,黑色汁液流淌,有巴掌大的金属小人炸开,化成金属粉末…… Their surrounding viscous, liquid is scarlet, is falls into the ketchup likely, but their knows that is anything. 他们周围一片粘稠,液体猩红,像是陷入番茄酱中,但是他们都知道那是什么。 Meanwhile, they are also going to that central accumulation, soon will accept final obliteration, must be delivered Reincarnation Road. 与此同时,他们也在向那中心地聚集而去,即将接受最后的磨灭,要被送上轮回路 In fact, their here is very unusual, first has strange matter, then also has the stone box asylum, they can be exempt from the crush. 事实上,他们这里很异常,先是有诡异物质,接着又有石盒庇护,他们才能免受碾压。 However, now is not good, the abatement living outside Chu Feng, stone box no longer shelters them, and on the rough and giant stone mill plate one line of golden symbol illumination, start in view of the people. 但是,现在也不行了,除却活着的楚风外,石盒不再庇护他们,且粗糙而巨大的石磨盘上一行金色符号发光,开始针对众人。 knows why, they have not thought justice is inescapable these characters, is sparse and leakproof, naturally, they are not the ferocious generations, words that but wants to sneak across, looks like very difficult. 知道为何,他们想到了天网恢恢这几个字,疏而不漏,当然,他们不是穷凶极恶之辈,只是想要偷渡的话,看起来很难。 „Can we forget all, henceforth knows from where, knows is not,...... Chu Feng's mother Wang Jing is holding his hand in strange world new life, the pain of whole face, is very sad, is not willing to depart, cannot give here, is in suspense Chu Feng. “我们会不会忘记一切,从此不知道来自哪里,不知道是谁,在陌生的世界新生……”楚风的母亲王静拉着他的手,满脸的痛苦,很悲伤,不愿离去,割舍不下这里,放心不下楚风 Mother!” “妈!” Chu Feng is holding her, although is grieved, but also told her, he will try to find the solution, making them remember all these as before, will not forget this to live. 楚风扶着她,虽然心痛,但是却也告诉她,他会想办法,让他们依旧记得这一切,不会遗忘此生。 I do not want to forget this, but also wants the large bowl to drink together, the bulk eats the meat, chases the enemy together, this enmity for a lifetime has not reported that how can be resigned?” Ouyang Feng yelled. “我也不想忘记这一世,还想一起大碗喝酒,大块吃肉,一同逐敌呢,这一辈子的仇还没有报,怎能甘心?”欧阳风大叫。 Next life we will be good the brothers!” Chu Feng looks to them, comforts, and told them seriously, striving made them bring the innate intelligence to go to the reincarnation. “来生我们还是好兄弟!”楚风看向他们,进行安慰,并郑重告诉他们,争取让他们带着宿慧去投胎。 The moment that should come or came, Chu Feng makes them gather, is defending black paper talisman together! 该来的一刻还是来了,楚风让他们聚集在一起,共同守着黑色符纸 But at this time, Qin Luoyin was also separated from the Chu Feng's stone box range, with the Chu Feng's parents in the same place. 而这个时候,秦珞音也脱离楚风的石盒范围,跟楚风的父母在一起。 Bang! 轰! The stone mill plate crush, Qin Luoyin's soul light has reappeared, she and Chu Feng looks at each other, has too many words, in the eye is in the soul tears. 石磨盘碾压而过,秦珞音的魂光浮现出来,她与楚风相顾,有太多的话语,眼中含着魂泪。 Chu Feng voice tremble, he thinks to be unfair to Qin Luoyin, has not protected her, lets her my humble home child, such lonely reincarnation goes, how does not know the road ahead, in heart miserable. 楚风声音发抖,他觉得对不起秦珞音,没有保护好她,让她舍下孩子,这样孤单的转生而去,不知前路如何,心中凄凉。 He by the most succinct words, told all her, and pledged that next life will seek for her! 他以最简洁的话语,告诉她一切,并承诺来世会去寻找她! Qin Luoyin looks back, has too many regrettable, she is looking at Chu Feng, looks at a World of the Dead universe likely finally. 秦珞音回首,有太多遗憾,她在看楚风,也像是最后看一眼阴间宇宙。 Bang! 轰! The golden light writings, the rough stone mill plate crush, likely has been to all people carry on so-called formatting, must cut this world all. 金光大作,粗糙的石磨盘碾压而过,像是在对所有人进行所谓的“格式化”,要斩掉此世的一切。 The black paper talisman illumination, ups and downs among people. 黑色的符纸发光,在众人间沉浮。 bo! 啵! soul light of all people lightly are trembling, has to flutter respectively wisp of grey matter, soul light compels from Yellow Ox and the others in! 所有人的魂光都在轻颤,各自有飘出一缕灰色物质,是从黄牛等人的魂光中逼出去的! The Chu Feng body ice is cold, he felt that share of cold intent, this grey matter was too hard to deal with, really with soul light pesters in together. 楚风身体冰寒,他感觉到了一股冷意,这灰色物质太难缠了,果然跟魂光都纠缠在一起了。 Even if he had expected, possibly also has the vestiges, thinks that needs thorough Reincarnation to be good, but witnesses now, is fear. 即便他有所预料,可能还有残余,认为需要彻底轮回才行,但现在亲眼目睹,还是一阵后怕。 Meanwhile, he has also thought of oneself, in within the body and soul light actually how many strange matter? 同时,他也想到了自身,体内与魂光中究竟有多少诡异物质 Finally, all people drop the grinding pan, stepped Reincarnation Road, at this time they were ignorant temporarily, has forgotten all, even if there is black paper talisman not to be good. 最后,所有人都跌落出磨盘,踏上了轮回路,这时他们都暂时懵懂了,忘记了所有,哪怕有黑色符纸也不行。 Initially Little Daoist Priest to the Reincarnation end, had awakened, these people can also so. 当初小道士就是到了轮回的尽头,才觉醒过来,这些人也会如此。 Chu Feng escorts personally, stimulates to movement black paper talisman, takes all person extremely fast to hurry along and ensure they will not have the accident/surprise. 楚风亲自护送,催动黑色符纸,带上所有人极速赶路,确保他们不会出现意外。 Along the way, he saw once more these ancient, flesh nearly is rotten, the withered post in soldier, shouldered standard Reincarnation Blade, the scabbard rots. 沿途,他再次看到了那些古老、血肉都近乎腐烂、干瘪贴在身上的士兵,都背负制式轮回刀,刀鞘都烂掉了。 This time, he has not stayed, does not want to take this type of blade again. 这一次,他没有停留,也不想再取这种刀。 Finally , a giant black deep pool has spanned here, interrupts the road ahead, innumerable creature throw forward, under is similar to the stuffed dumpling drops in the darkness. 终于到了,一座巨大的黑渊横亘在这里,截断前路,无数的生灵向前扑去,如同下饺子般跌落黑暗中。 No matter what you before death how formidable, is unable flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, only to be similar to the wild animal throws to strike the jump here. 任你生前如何强大,也无法飞天遁地,只能在这里如同野兽扑击跳跃。 Walks!” “走!” Chu Feng takes all people, uses black paper talisman, crosses this piece of Abyss, to the opposite, here had the parapet, ancient cave, the There is still one ancient unpainted clay idol calmly sits cross-legged, guards the Reincarnation Road end. 楚风带上所有人,利用黑色符纸,横渡这片深渊,到了对面,这里有栏杆,有一口古洞,还有一个古老的泥胎静静盘坐,镇守轮回路尽头。 Arrived here, all people such as Great Dream, gradually recovered, but, they lost some memories as before, is not fortunately serious. 到了这里,所有人都如大梦一场,渐渐复苏过来,但是,他们依旧丢失了部分记忆,还好不算严重。 The Chu Feng heart sinks, his knows, this should be paper talisman too few reasons, these many people share, definitely was short. 楚风心头一沉,他知道,这应该是符纸太少的原因,这么多人共享,肯定有所欠缺。 Final saying goodbye, the Chu Feng's fathers shed soul tears, his mother say nothing, must leave depart with own child life and death in light of this, is away from first, was away from Reincarnation! 最后的道别,楚风的父亲都落下魂泪,他的母亲就更不用说了,要跟自己的孩子就此生死别离,隔着一世,隔着轮回 „The next generation, you are my parents!” The Chu Feng lip trembles, in heart big tong, is unable to endure, but, now really not any means. “下辈子,你们还是我的父母!”楚风嘴唇哆嗦,心中大恸,无法忍受,但是,如今真的没有任何办法。 Chu Zhiyuan is tranquil, said: Do not suppose various difficult problems for oneself, my knows, you can deliver to here to be very difficult us, this wound is also good, poverty-stricken, is only an experience, an experience, should end, our free and easy departures, do not carry off this all, with light packs starting off. This you are our children, the kinship are eternal, shine full this to live, splendor that very we experience, walks this regulation, frames all here. We start off free and easy, should not be moved, this is perhaps better, we experience the new splendor, does not need not to abandon, should not be painful.” 楚致远平静下来,道:“不要为自己设下各种难题,我知道,你能把我们送到这里已经很艰难,这一世伤也好,困苦也罢,都只是一种经历,一种体验,该结束了,我们洒脱的离去,不带走这一世的所有,轻装上路。这一世你是我们的孩子,亲情永恒,照耀满此生,我们所经历的很精彩,走完这一程,就将一切定格在这里。我们洒脱的上路,都不要伤感,这样或许更好,我们去体验新的精彩,无需不舍,不要痛苦。” His final open-minded mentality, making Chu Feng even more feel sad. 他最后的豁达心态,让楚风越发心酸。 Wang Jing is bringing the soul tears, has cried there, said: Child, so long as you can live is very good, we can put down all, this life you are our sons, we were very satisfied, right that your father said that now puts down all, we should depart calmly are right, experience the new splendor, do not shoulder heavily any.” 王静带着魂泪,在那里哭了,道:“孩子,只要你能够活的很好,我们就能放下一切,这一生你是我们的儿子,我们很满足了,你父亲说的对,现在放下一切,我们该从容离去才对,体验新的精彩,你不要背负任何沉重。” Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng, Old Donkey and the others all come, is reluctant to part, is bringing moved. 大黑牛黄牛欧阳风老驴等人全都过来,依依不舍,带着伤感。 Qin Luoyin looks at Chu Feng, soul light is trembling, has the tears to drip, finally told him, must look after good Little Daoist Priest. 还有秦珞音看着楚风,魂光在颤,有泪在淌,最后告诉他,要照顾好小道士 Like this, you do not bring the innate intelligence, I will certainly go to World of the Living to seek for you!” Chu Feng said low and deep. “你们不要这样,你们都会带着宿慧,我一定会去阳间寻找你们!”楚风低沉地说道。 Then, he makes the people light black paper talisman, making them worship the unpainted clay idol together. 然后,他让众人一齐点燃黑色符纸,让他们一起祭拜泥胎。 „Will all of us appear in World of the Living?” Yellow Ox asked. “我们所有人都会出现在阳间吗?”黄牛问道。 Should the meeting.” Chu Feng nods. “应该会。”楚风点头。 He once had exchanged with Little Daoist Priest, normal, Little Daoist Priest will appear in World of the Living, but, he had been hit the staggering blow by Chu Feng, robs paper talisman, has the accident/surprise. 他曾跟小道士交流过,正常来说,小道士会出现在阳间,但是,他被楚风打了闷棍,抢走符纸,出现意外。 Holds paper talisman, next life will have high cultivation beginning! 符纸者,来生会有很高的修炼起点! At this time, Chu Feng starts to read aloud the scrip­tures, is most formidable breathing method, has Deity Race's, has Buddha Race's, has Sub Immortal Clan's, there is Plundering Guide Breathing Method, hopes that under they can retain this to remember, affiliation these inheritance, can clash next life as soon as possible. 此时,楚风开始诵经文,都是最强大的呼吸法,有天神族的,有佛族的,有亚仙族的,也有盗引呼吸法,希望他们能够保留下这份记忆,藉这些传承,来生可以尽快冲起。 These laws only arrive at Shining Upon Level, but, was also enough depending on these. 这些法都只到映照级,但是,凭这些也足够了。 When young is shocking enough, cuts down wool cleansing the marrow, after changing the physique, definitely will have World of the Living ancient and formidable Dao Lineage is willing to receive them for disciple. 年少时足够惊艳,伐毛洗髓,改变体质后,必然会有阳间古老而强大的道统愿意收他们为弟子 However, Chu Feng also knows, paper talisman only has one, are too really few, is unable to shelter the people comprehensively. After these people took such a section of road, has remembered somewhat incompletely, goes to Reincarnation after truly, perhaps must discard many memories. 但是,楚风知道,符纸只有一张,实在太少,无法全面庇护众人。这些人走了这么一段路后就已经记忆有些残缺,真正去轮回后,或许也要丢掉不少记忆。 Hopes that you can remember some scrip­tures!” Chu Feng also can only hope like this. “希望你们能够记住部分经文!”楚风也只能这样希望了。 These people start off, enter in that ancient cave, is reborn in paradise truly! 这些人上路,进入那口古洞中,真正去往生! Black paper talisman also has a tiny part not to burn through, Chu Feng has picked, he must cross Abyss, returns to World of the Dead. 黑色符纸还有一小段没有燃尽,楚风捡了起来,他还要藉此横渡深渊,回到阴间 Chu Feng takes out Vajra Cutter, initially he shared the sacrificial offering in this with the unpainted clay idol, these mysterious being reborn in paradise ignition paper talisman worship, presents the illumination veined pattern, twines on his Vajra Cutter! 楚风取出金刚琢,当初他在此跟泥胎共享祭品,那些神秘往生者点燃符纸祭拜,出现发光的纹路,缠绕在他的金刚琢上! Now, he stimulates to movement Vajra Cutter, in by soul fire burning down, the attempt lights. 现在,他催动金刚琢,同时也在以魂火焚烧,尝试点燃。 Really, there is a symbol of faint trace continuously illumination to emit, he takes remaining a tiny part black paper talisman, then wants to compensate by this, further strengthens the sacrificial offering share of people, fears their insufficiencies. 果然,也有丝丝缕缕发光的符号冒出,他取走剩下的一小段黑色符纸,便想以此补偿,进一步加强众人的祭品份额,怕他们的不足。 Bye!” Chu Feng said, is looking at Reincarnation Cave. “再见!”楚风说道,望着轮回洞 Has next life, we are also the brothers!” Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and the others bellow in hole. “有来生,我们还做兄弟!”大黑牛黄牛等人在洞中大吼。 The Chu Feng light language said: I go to collect some interest for you, how can such aggrieved dying, I hunt for the god, will be predestined friends World of the Living also to have a reunion!” 楚风轻语道:“我去为你们收些利息,怎能这样憋屈的死去,我去猎神,有缘阳间还会重逢!”
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