SR :: Volume #10

#950: Personally experiences the Reincarnation big terrifying

The place of Purgatory, Chu Feng came again! 炼狱之地,楚风再一次来了! Jet black boundless, the length and breadth is boundless. 漆黑无边,广袤无垠。 This piece of region likely interrupted universe is void, the upper air, is a low altitude, float some meteorites, unsystematic arrangement. 这片地带像是被截断的一块宇宙虚空,无论是高空,还是低空,都悬浮着一些陨石,无规则的排列。 old monster I am scared...... Has not wanted dead!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is about to have stuttered, it has not thought, Chu Feng brings it to come here. 老妖我发毛啊……还不想死呢!”妖祖之鼎都快结巴了,它怎么也没有想到,楚风带着它来到这里。 Where is this? The words that place that the World of the Dead universe no one dares to mess with, being all right, many hide far, who dares to come in dissolutely? 这是什么地方?阴间宇宙谁都不敢沾惹的地方,没事的话,有多远躲多远,谁敢进来放肆? But, Chu Feng came, moreover is having the hope and hope comes, in the look has the inexplicable brilliance, seeks the road of immortal simply likely. 可是,楚风来了,而且是带着希冀与渴望而来,眼神中有莫名的光彩,简直像是寻长生之路。 The monster cauldron has to remind him seriously, in the past linked Monster Ancestor just to come in shortly after to retreat, the complexion was ugly, because induced the inexplicable big terrifying. 妖鼎不得不郑重提醒他,当年连妖祖刚进来没多久就退走了,脸色难看,因为感应到了莫名的大恐怖。 Monster Ancestor, that is breaks through this universe limit lifeforms, in the universe first powerhouse Dragon Race first ancestor with prehistoric years posted, he was afraid! 妖祖,那是突破这片宇宙极限的生物,跟史前岁月中的宇宙第一强者龙族始祖并列,他都害怕! Monster Ancestor once had said that is formidable, more will be will awe to here.” 妖祖曾说过,越是强大,越是会对这里敬畏。” Chu Feng looked at its one, naturally understands, this is reminding him, said that he is weak, the know-nothing party is dauntless. 楚风看了它一眼,自然明白,这是在提醒他呢,说他不够强,无知者无畏。 With me and that's the end, early told you, I passed through this road.” “跟着我就是了,早告诉你了,我走过这条路。” Saw that Chu Feng is so calm, monster cauldron was really speechless. 看到楚风这么从容,妖鼎实在无话可说了。 Shortly, Shining Death City arrived, even if not first time arrived here, Chu Feng especially prudent, enforces. 不久后,光明死城到了,哪怕不是第一次来到这里,楚风还是格外的慎重,严肃起来。 Shining Death City, illuminates dark Purgatory, making this stretch of region bright, it is vigorous and big, ancient, but great changes, was exists for trillion years to be so remote likely. 光明死城,照亮黑暗的炼狱,让这片地带灿烂起来,它雄浑而高大,古老而沧桑,像是存在亿万年那么久远了。 Outside the city, that is the large expanse of corpse, has to creature of higher level from Golden Body, has Void Mouse, has golden wings Heavenly Peng, has Insect King, has Undying Bird...... The race stands in great numbers! 城外,那是成片的尸体,从金身到更高层次的生灵都有,有虚空鼠,有金翅天鹏,有虫王,有不死鸟……种族林立! Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng climbs up the dead city rapidly, stands here, the scene in city shocks, making the monster cauldron shiver, feels the intermittent restlessness. 楚风迅速攀上死城,站在这里,城中的景象更为震撼,让妖鼎都颤抖,感觉到阵阵的不安。 In the city, the magnanimous corpse, has piled up from the ground to the city wall is so high, the product packed. 城中,海量的尸体,从地面一直堆积到城墙这么高,积压满了。 What is most fearful is that big scary stone mill plate, occupies the entire dead city one-third regions, the rotation, will fall on the above corpse slowly grinds bloody mud. 最为可怕的是那个大的骇人的石磨盘,占据整座死城1的地域,缓缓转动,将落在上面的尸体碾成血泥 Before long the free time, the corpse in city did not have, vanishes in the grinding pan, the bloody water scatters, bloody mud flows. 不一会儿工夫,城池中的尸体就没了,消失在磨盘中,血水四溅,血泥流淌。 Quick, from endless void inexplicable crash magnanimous corpse, fills up Shining Death City once more. 很快,从无尽虚空中又莫名坠落海量尸体,再次将光明死城填满。 Chu Feng once had suspected, after these corpses are the World of the Dead's person died, gathers here, but now looks like at all is not that a matter. 楚风曾怀疑过,这些尸体都是阴间的人死去后,汇聚到这里,但现在看来根本不是那么一回事。 His strength was already no comparison between them, now can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in World of the Dead universe Star Sea, not detect exceptional event that the massive corpses vanish. 他的实力早已不可同日而语,如今可以纵横阴间宇宙星海中,并没有发觉大量尸体消失的异常事件。 He suspected seriously, in some fearful world, there is an inexplicable channel, or had creature that cannot be estimated to intervene all these, sent the magnanimous corpse from other, maintained all these. 他严重怀疑,在一些可怕的天地中,有莫名的通道,或者有不可揣度的生灵干预了这一切,从其他界送来海量尸体,维持这一切。 Perhaps is the inexplicable principle, starts once again, is carrying out all these.” Chu Feng also sighed, such suspicion. “也许是莫名的法则,周而复始,在执行这一切。”楚风又叹,这样猜想。 He has come more than once, has studied this city, feels Immemorial to be old, always thought the years that here has take hundred million as the unit, were too remote. 他来过不止一次了,研究过这座城池,感觉太古老,总觉得这里存在的岁月以亿为单位,太久远了。 Who can so be exactly long? Then was Heavenly Venerate early damn went, even if were Supreme Being that World of the Living was not born should also dry up to perish. 谁能活这么久?便是天尊都早该死去了,纵然是阳间不出世的大能也该枯竭而亡了。 Since does not have Bio-Energy so to be exactly long, that can only be the one instinct rule of world. 既然没有生物能活这么久,那就只能是天地的一种本能规律。 „Is this Land of Reincarnation that innate has?” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor has the question. “这是先天存在的轮回之地吗?”妖祖之鼎发出疑问。 Chu Feng sighed: Some people guessed that this is artificial lay out, is not the world becomes, is who can so be exactly remote, over hundred million years of years, who can overlook all living things throughout silently, sits looked that among the universes lifeforms does live to extinguish senilly?” 楚风叹道:“有人猜测这是人为布下的,不是天地自成,可是谁又能活那么久远,超过亿载岁月,谁可以始终默默俯视众生,坐看宇宙间生物衰老生灭?” Some words are the Foreign Territory old fox say, and other characters dreaded to Purgatory all including that once warned Chu Feng, cannot say, cannot raise again, is formidable, more is brings to fear intent to here. 有些话是异域的老狐狸讲的,连那等人物都对炼狱的一切忌惮,曾告诫楚风,不可多说,不可再提,越是强大,越是对这里带着惧意。 Chu Feng is peaceful, reason that comes to here , because he any means that has not wanted to make the last effort. 楚风安静下来,之所以来这里,是因为他已经没有任何办法了,想进行最后一次努力。 In Cauldron of Monster Ancestor carrying/sustaining Chu Feng's parents, Yellow Ox, Big Black Ox and the others blood mist, but in stone box is depositing the Qin Luoyin's corpse directly. 妖祖之鼎中承载着楚风的父母、黄牛大黑牛等人的血雾,而石盒中更是直接存放着秦珞音的尸体。 After Chu Feng is very silent long, decided that an attempt, brings to get up all people with stone box, goes to the Reincarnation Road's end, pleads the unpainted clay idol to rescue. 楚风沉默很久后,决定来一次尝试,用石盒带着上所有人,去轮回路的尽头,去恳求泥胎相救。 My knows, oneself possibly somewhat overreach oneself, should not alarm that to exist, but, my any road may not walk, I only think that they live.” “我知道,自己可能有些不自量力,不该惊动那等存在,但是,我真的没有任何路可走了,我只想他们活过来。” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, asking Cauldron of Monster Ancestor to enter in stone box. 楚风开口,请妖祖之鼎进入石盒中。 However, this time, starts to carry on, just about to enters in the dead city, he was disappointed, is similar to the previous time, stone box does not shelter these people, repels, must throw them enters a city. 然而,这一次,才开始进行,刚要进入死城中,他就失望了,就如同上次,石盒不庇护那些人,进行排斥,要将他们都丢进城中。 Chu Feng is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat, how can so? 楚风惊出一身冷汗,怎会如此? Now, admitted in the people stone box, likely was not previous time like that the stone box space has not opened, the Qin Luoyin's corpse was unable to put. 现在,将众人都放进石盒中了,不像是上次那般,石盒空间还未开启,秦珞音的尸体还不能放进去。 The reality is very brutal, is unable to lead these people to cross as before! 现实很残酷,依旧无法带这些人横渡! Suddenly, Chu Feng is lost in thought dull, don't tell me only then can the last road attempt? 一时间,楚风呆呆出神,难道只有最后一条路可尝试了? However, he is not really willingly. 但是,他真的不甘心啊。 I deliver you to exit, you and others I!” “我送你出去,你等我!” Chu Feng takes Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, extremely fast runs out of Purgatory, then by the Soul Bell anchorage Qin Luoyin's corpse, emigrates stone box, gives monster cauldron nursing. 楚风带上妖祖之鼎,极速冲出炼狱,然后以魂钟定住秦珞音的尸体,也移出石盒,都交给妖鼎看护。 He started off, alone goes to the Reincarnation end, reckless sees the unpainted clay idol, carries on the final effort and attempt. 他一个人上路了,只身去轮回的尽头,不顾一切的去见泥胎,进行最后的努力与尝试。 This time, his speed is quick, grasps Little Daoist Priest black paper talisman, the vertical day the line, can fly, when likely was not initially can only on foot the line. 这一次,他的速度很快,手持小道士的黑色符纸,纵天而行,可以飞,不像是当初时只能徒步而行。 Even if so, has spent the Chu Feng several days of time, completes one back and forth! 即便如此,也花费了楚风数天时间,完成一个来回! He encroached upon from Shining Death City, went to a Reincarnation Road's end. 他真的从光明死城借道,去了一趟轮回路的尽头。 When he comes back, is absentminded, flies back without any results! 只是,他回来时,失魂落魄,无功而返! He saw the unpainted clay idol, but opposite party any response, has not been only a clay sculpture idol. 他见到了泥胎,但是对方没有任何回应,只是一尊泥塑神像。 After coming back, he has sat alone in boredom one day and one night in Kunlun Mountains, finally sets out, said: My knows can be this, but does not go diligently, I am not willing!” 回来后他在昆仑枯坐了一天一夜,最后才起身,道:“我就知道会是这样,但不去努力一番,我不甘心啊!” Actually, has experienced a dead tribulation, realized in Great Abyss there Chu Feng great strength of Extreme Martial, after as well as Heavenly Venerate most essential unfeeling, he has a feeling, more walks in the Evolution Road front, Paramount Evolver that had no way out, is indifferent. 其实,经历过一场死劫,在大渊那里楚风体会到太武的强大,以及天尊最为关键的冷酷无情后,他就有种感觉,越是走在进化路前沿,已经无路可走的究极进化者,越是冷漠。 That type exists to evolve late stage, Great Dao that nearly ancient virtuous person said that overlooks the common people myriad things, not happy without cause for grief, does not have the emotion. 那种存在进化到后期,近乎古贤所说的大道般,俯视苍生万物,无喜无忧,没有情感。 He is who, but is the unpainted clay idol what kind of existence? Is no comparison between them radically, that existed will pay how possibly attention to him, responded to him. 他是什么人,而泥胎又是怎样的存在?根本不可同日而语,那等存在怎么可能会理会他,对他回应。 However, he is not willing, extremely cares, cannot give the parents as well as these relatives and friends, therefore attempts, goes diligently. 不过,他不甘心,太过在乎,割舍不下父母以及那些亲朋,所以才去尝试,才去努力。 Like this flies back without any results, although loses extremely, but does not have the accident/surprise. 这样无功而返,虽然极其失落,但是也不出意外。 When Chu Feng knows, initially first time saw the unpainted clay idol, he can only be the know-nothing party is dauntless! 楚风知道,当初第一次见到泥胎时,他只能算是无知者无畏! If that unpainted clay idol is really living lifeforms, then, he once that bold, sits in the stage with it, crossed. 若是那泥胎真的是活着的生物,那么,他曾经那么的大胆,与之同坐高台上,真的过了。 If the unpainted clay idol is also living, has the sensation, perhaps at that time only regarded him is a winged insect, falls on the side, is not willing to respond. 而如果泥胎还活着,有感知,或许当时只将他当成是一只飞虫,落在身边,不愿搭理。 Is revolving, is fearsome. 越是细思,越是可怖。 Chu Feng thinks that Foreign Territory that soon the thorough petrify fox, will awe to Reincarnation Road including it, does not dare to mention to the unpainted clay idol, is this what kind of fearfulness?! 楚风想到异域那头即将彻底石化的狐狸,连它都对轮回路敬畏,对泥胎不敢多提及,这是何等的可怕?! Finally to this step.” He is bringing moved, only then last road. “终是到了这一步。”他带着伤感,只有最后一条路了。 He is very sober, clearly recognizes the reality, these repose in other people hope are eventually unreliable, his such does, walked Reincarnation Road once more, but is not willing to give up, holds all possibilities. 他很清醒,认清现实,那些寄托于他人身上的希望终究靠不住,他那样去做,再次走了一次轮回路,只是不愿放弃,抓住一切的可能。 We go to Shining Death City again.” Chu Feng said. “我们再去光明死城。”楚风道。 Cauldron of Monster Ancestor follows him to move, once again enters Purgatory, to get close to Shining Death City. 妖祖之鼎跟随他行动,又一次进炼狱,接近光明死城 Our world have been full of misery, is a gloomy shackles, World of the Living's is called it for the cemetery likely, buries the post randomly, although makes the person feel bad, angry, but actually also somewhat the truth, gets rid of here, I hope that you can be reincarnated to World of the Living go, we reached agreement, World of the Living again reunion!” “我们的天地充满了苦难,像是一个阴暗的牢笼,阳间的人称它为坟场,乱葬岗,虽然让人心中不快,恼怒,但是却也有几分道理,摆脱这里吧,我希望你们能够投生到阳间去,我们相约,阳间再聚首!” Chu Feng is very moved, this was he hopes finally. 楚风很伤感,这是他最后的希望了。 He is very exhausted, any other means that only the remaining this last roads may not really walk. 他很疲惫,真的没有其他任何办法,只剩下这最后一条路可走。 I believe, your True Spirit, have not dissipated thoroughly!” “我相信,你们的真灵还在,并没有彻底消散!” Chu Feng opens the mouth, if these person of True Spirit have not existed, he will feel really completely discouraged, extremely despairs. 楚风开口,如果那些人真灵都已经不复存在,那他真的会感觉万念俱灰,太过绝望。 His knows, delays for day, are many a risk, if along with the time lapse, blood mist in monster cauldron also dissipates, perhaps really any has not hoped. 知道,多拖延一天,就多一份风险,若是随着时间推移,妖鼎中的血雾也消散,说不定真的没有任何希望了。 He wants to attempt, delivers them to be reborn in paradise. 他想尝试,送他们去往生。 Finally, Chu Feng grasps black paper talisman, is bringing stone box, takes Qin Luoyin, and makes Cauldron of Monster Ancestor have the energy substance after soul light decomposition internal blood mist to fall in torrents, he must shelter and see off personally! 最终,楚风手持黑色符纸,带着石盒,带上秦珞音,并让妖祖之鼎将内部的血雾还有魂光分解后的能量物质都倾泻出来,他要亲自庇护与送行! In fact, after to get close to dead city, stone box then does not pay attention to blood mist and corpse, but sends out the weak and clear gloss on Chu Feng. 事实上,接近死城后,石盒便不理会血雾与尸体,只是在楚风身上发出微弱而晶莹的光泽。 Chu Feng is anxious, places blood mist and side black paper talisman the energy substance as well as Qin Luoyin, he follows the vanguard, finally enters among the stone mill plates. 楚风紧张无比,将黑色符纸放在血雾与能量物质以及秦珞音身边,他跟随前行,最后进入石磨盘间。 "Áo...... ” “嗷……” The flash, the silent place, had exuded the sad and shrill calling out sound, breaks the eternal peace, lets Chu Feng creepy feeling, the body ice is cold, latter carries on the back is lies to bend down a corpse likely, an evil spirit, felt ice-cold, but the woods are cold. 一刹那,原本寂静的地方,发出了凄厉的嚎叫声,打破万古的宁静,让楚风头皮发麻,身体冰寒,后背上像是趴伏着一具死尸,一个厉鬼,感觉冰冷而森寒。 "Áo...... ” “嗷……” More than one sound, too many calling out sounds around Chu Feng gets up, spreads from blood mist, he sees another fearful lifeforms, is extremely fierce. 不止一个声音,在楚风周围太多的嚎叫声响起,从血雾中传出,他看到一头又一头可怕的生物,太过狰狞。 That is not parents, is not Yellow Ox and Qin Luoyin they, but is other, is extremely terrifying, sad and shrill was yelling, roaring. 那不是父母,不是黄牛秦珞音他们,而是其他,太过恐怖,凄厉的大叫着,咆哮着。 These strange lifeforms as if surmount evil spirit, represents greatly is being to the utmost ominous. 这些奇异的生物仿佛超越厉鬼,代表着极尽大凶。 What is this? 这是什么? Chu Feng believes firmly, this corpse that grinds from other does not overflow, but is blood mist in monster cauldron spreads, as well as around Qin Luoyin appears. 楚风确信,这不是从其他碾碎的尸体中溢出的,而是妖鼎中的血雾传出的,以及秦珞音周围出现的。 Chu Feng such as falling icehouse, the body is cold. 楚风如坠冰窖,身体寒冷刺骨。 Why is this? 这是为什么? Giant stone mill plate rotates slowly, is very rough, the surrounding corpse is breaking to pieces, becomes bloody mud, the scene fearsome. 巨大的石磨盘缓缓转动,无比粗糙,周围的尸体都在碎掉,成为血泥,景象可怖。 At this time, on stone mill plate one line of golden symbols were splendid, the Chu Feng both eyes severe pain of puncturing, the light beam shine here, making his parents, Yellow Ox and the others exude the evil spirit wail sound in blood mist, was more frigid. 这时,石磨盘上一行金色的符号熠熠生辉,刺的楚风双目剧痛,光束普照这里,让他父母、黄牛等人于血雾中发出厉鬼哭嚎声,更加惨烈了。 Chu Feng thought that the scalp must blast out. 楚风都觉得头皮要炸开了。 However, in this time, he shocks, towering joyful, nearly loudly screamed. 但是,也就是在此时,他震惊,突兀地喜悦,险些大叫出声来。 He saw several familiar faces, very empty pale, appears from blood mist, has his parents, has Boss Black, has Yellow Ox they! 他看到了几张熟悉的面孔,很虚淡,从血雾中浮现,有他的父母,有大老黑,有黄牛他们! Almost transparent, empty pale almost does not exist. 几乎透明,虚淡的几乎不存在。 Meanwhile, the sad and shrill cry as in, gradually the visualization in the golden light beam of rough grinding pan, that is wisp of another wisp of fog! 同时,凄厉的叫声依旧在,在粗糙磨盘的金色光束中渐渐显形,那是一缕又一缕灰雾! The Chu Feng flash all understood, that so-called wail, the evil spirit cry, unexpectedly is Foreign Territory strange matter, pesters on the bodies of these people. 楚风一刹那全都明白了,那所谓的哭嚎,厉鬼叫声,竟然都是异域诡异物质,纠缠在这些人的身上。 His suck in a cold breath, they in Foreign Territory these years, had restrained in the past very much, finally has not practiced strange technique, in the end also pesters on these fearful things unexpectedly?! 倒吸冷气,当年他们在异域那些年,已经很克制了,最后没怎么修炼异术,到头来竟还纠缠上这些可怕的东西?! If not comes to here to experience Reincarnation personally, perhaps will arrive dead, they will not understand in own contamination the how fearful thing, was too frightened. 若非亲自来这里经历轮回,恐怕将来到死,他们都不会明白自身沾染上了多么可怕的东西,太惊悚了。 Chu Feng big such as fights, must result in experiences Reincarnation, some were too terrifying. 楚风头大如斗,必须得经历轮回,这实在有些太恐怖了。 Felt stifled I!” At this time, Big Black Ox was feeble, but nearly transparent soul light made the sound unexpectedly, was very weak, was very small. “憋死我了!”这时,大黑牛衰弱而近乎透明的魂光居然发出声音,很虚弱,也很小。 Chu Feng shivers immediately, summons Big Black Ox, shouted his parents, in the heart agglomerated many day of haze, dissipated all of a sudden! 楚风顿时颤抖,呼唤大黑牛,又去喊他的父母,心中积聚很多天的阴霾,一下子消散!
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