SR :: Volume #10

#949: Sneaks across World of the Living

Chu Feng takes a long journey, arrives at Cauldron of Monster Ancestor to bury outside ancient mine of body, here is defending. 楚风一路远行,来到妖祖之鼎埋身的古矿外,在这里守着。 In the starry sky about his discussion sound, Great Demon Chu Feng reappears everywhere, initiates the enormous stir, World of the Living Heavenly Venerate dies in Great Abyss, he actually lived. 星空中到处都是关于他的议论声,楚风大魔头再现,引发极大的轰动,阳间天尊死在大渊,他却活了下来。 Some people think oneself got up Demon Chu must kill the list, experiences one day like a year, is anxious, hides in the interstellar unmanned place , some people of stimulated, discuss in Dark Blood, Beast Source and other platforms. 有人以为自己上了楚魔头的必杀名单,度日如年,惴惴不安,躲藏在星际无人处,也有人亢奋,在黑血原兽等平台上热议。 But all these have nothing to do with Chu Feng, he does not have the leisurely mood to pay attention to these, he goes out in static and other monster cauldrons. 但这一切都与楚风无关,他没有闲心理会这些,他在静等妖鼎出关。 In this, in the chaos sea, there is together a tiny crack, nobody knows this is an alley, is ancient, is connecting the World of the Dead universe and broken chaos universe. 于此之际,混沌海中,有一道细小的裂缝,没有人知道这是一条小路,非常古老,连接着阴间宇宙与残破的混沌宇宙。 Now some people started off, silver hair hangs to the waist border, figure tall, the back is exquisite, she is treading thousands of years ago secret old road that passes through, toward front to get close to. 现在有人上路了,银发垂到腰际,身段高挑,背影优美,她踏着千万年前走过的秘密旧路,向着前方接近。 If Chu Feng certainly will recognize here, this is the female in Kunlun Mountain ancient mine, she once hid Earth, the experience endless years sheds a skin, by dying to be lived. 如果楚风在这里一定会认出,这是昆仑山脚下古矿中的女子,她曾藏身地球,历无尽岁月褪掉一张皮,由死而生。 Meanwhile, the Yaoyao grandfather once had also looked for her, requests to rescue the Yaoyao medicament from her. 同时,妖妖的爷爷也曾找过她,向她索取救妖妖的药剂。 This is one from the World of the Living's female, hides Earth, when some people invade, once raised a pair of silver shutter born from Kunlun Mountains, strikes to kill the World of the Dead universe Shining Upon Level character. 这是一个来自阳间的女子,藏身地球,在有人侵扰时,曾提着一对银色的门板自昆仑出世,击杀阴间宇宙映照级人物。 Now she started, rushes to the chaos universe solitarily, exactly said that this is sneaking across! 现在她启程了,只身赶赴混沌宇宙,确切地说她这是在偷渡! World is balanced, the misery that I experience, has been compensated in World of the Living finally, my dynasty, my clansman, Heavenly Venerate in clan, you decayed extinguish thousands of years above, again great and magnificent passing finally will forget by the common people, I will rise, remould prosperous times!” “世间是平衡的,我所经历的苦难,终将在阳间得到补偿,我的皇朝,我的族人,还有族中的天尊,你们朽灭千万年以上了,再伟大与辉煌的过往都终将会被世人遗忘,我会崛起,重塑一个盛世!” Her sound is very light, but is very firm. 她的声音很轻,但却很坚定。 Obviously, can let a such formidable dynasty destruction, at all is not the average person can achieve, most at least must have under Heavenly Venerate sinister hand. 显而易见,能让这么强大的一个皇朝覆灭,根本不是一般人可以做到的,最起码也得有天尊黑手 The silver-haired female must leave, she rare opportunity returns to World of the Living, there will have a broader stage, will not restrict her development limit. 银发女子要离开了,她藉此难得的机会返回阳间,那里会有更广阔的舞台,不会制约她的发展极限。 World of the Dead is highest Shining Upon, can see the end of road. 阴间最高不过映照,一眼就能看到路的尽头。 But her enemy, arrives unable imagine formidable, only has World of the Living to hover in nine Heaven's Above, she has the opportunity becomes extremely a powerhouse. 而她的敌人,强大到不可想象,唯有去阳间翱翔于九天之上,她才有机会成为绝顶强者。 Sorry, some World of the Dead's people, I once dwelled here many year, but cannot add on you, because, I want to go on living, I must kill World of the Living, shakes in the past some sinister hand foundations!” “对不起,阴间的一些人,我曾栖居这里很多年,但是没有能帮上你们,因为,我想活下去,我要杀进阳间,去撼动当年一些黑手的根基!” Past she was died, transformed newly she who came brought to recall old, just recovered, precisely entered the World of the Living's best time. 当年的她算是死掉了,新蜕变出的来的她带着旧忆,刚好复苏,正是进入阳间的最好时间段。 „The World of the Living's person, you opened the path, I happen to can encroach upon, the Will of Heavens makes me return!” 阳间的人,你们打开了道路,我正好可以借道,天意让我回归!” Her light language, otherwise, she wants to return to World of the Living to be too difficult, cannot see any outlet. 她轻语,不然的话,她想回阳间太难,看不到什么出路。 Initially she can come because of accident/surprise, then to a strong war, before this clan Heavenly Venerate at the point of death, punctured two, when she became a fugitive came along that gap. 当初她能够过来是因为意外,那至强的一战,该族天尊临死前打穿两界,她逃亡时沿着那缺口过来。 Now, to lead to World of the Living's that gap definitely already closed innumerable years. 现在,通向阳间的那个缺口肯定早已闭合无数年。 In the broken chaos universe austere murderous aura atmosphere, startled big wave strikes the shore, the undercurrent surges, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body died, this is the huge event. 残破的混沌宇宙中一片肃杀气氛,惊涛拍岸,暗潮涌动,太武天尊一具道身死了,这是天大的事件。 Nobody goes to World of the Dead again, innermost feelings dreaded. 没有人再去阴间,都内心忌惮。 People who leaves behind is very restless, feared that Extreme Martial True Body blamed, Jiang Zhou that particularly recovered, must great and the others, all looked ashen. 留下的人都很不安,怕太武真身责怪,尤其是复苏过来的江舟、须宏等人,全都面如土色。 After precisely they run away, reported to Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, said that discovered World of the Living's Paramount Supreme Treasure, caused him to start off. 正是他们逃回来后,禀告给太武天尊,说发现阳间的究极至宝,才导致他上路。 The silver-haired female called Ming Chuan, she entered in the chaos universe, at this time took out a rare treasure, a broken bronze lamp lit on this day. 银发女子叫明川,她进入混沌宇宙中,此时取出一件秘宝,一盏残破的青铜灯在这一日点燃。 In the past, Ming Chuan this clan can found the immortal dynasty, controlled trillion li (0.5 km) land, naturally had Heavenly Venerate in the back surface support, how otherwise possibly to occupy fertile soil together in fearful World of the Living. 当年,明川这一族能够开创不朽皇朝,统驭亿万里土地,自然有天尊在背后面支撑,不然的话怎么可能在可怕的阳间占据一块沃土。 What a pity, that Heavenly Venerate in clan had been killed finally finally, this has then been doomed the deterioration. 可惜,族中的那位天尊最后终是被人干掉了,这便注定了衰败。 This copper lamp was in the past that Heavenly Venerate remained, although was broken artifact, but after the training of long years, can light once more, fully explained the issue, can shelter her to overcome an obstacle. 这盏铜灯就是当年那位天尊所留,虽然为残器,但经过漫长岁月的修养,可以再次点燃了,足以说明问题,可以庇护她闯关。 When World of the Dead, Ming Chuan does not dare to activate, feared that was swallowed by Great Abyss. 阴间时,明川不敢激活,怕被大渊吞掉。 Once enters World of the Living, has this kind of fearful treasure in the side, does not need to be worried that etc. was deduced by Divine Master. 一旦进入阳间,有这样一件可怕的瑰宝在身边,不用担心被神师等推演出来。 World of the Living, world Order improves, Great Dao dark green is far and broad, nobody can deduce Heavenly Mystery at will, particularly grasps peerless ancient artifact, harasses the celestial phenomenon, was hard to be practiced divination. 阳间,天地秩序完善,大道苍远而恢宏,没有人可以随意推演天机,尤其是手持绝世古器者,扰乱天象,就更加难以被占卜了。 The old yellow weasel when aiming at Chu Feng once had said these words, it dares to brave death take action in World of the Dead, but does not dare absolutely in World of the Living this unseemly behavior. 老黄鼠狼在针对楚风时就曾说过这些话,它敢在阴间冒死出手,但绝对不敢在阳间这样“妄为”。 Because, World of the Dead is incomplete, in their eyes is only a side narrow and small space, does not calculate that has the Order world truly. 因为,阴间残缺,在他们眼中只是一方狭小的空间,不算真正有秩序的天地。 Even, they once suspected, Chu Feng they are at has the flaw world, is not the World of the Dead big world in true legend! 甚至,他们一度怀疑,楚风他们所在的有缺陷的世界,并不是真正传说中的阴间大天地! On this day, a flame has burnt, is connecting on the chaos universe and World of the Living's that alley, silver-haired female extremely fast rushed over, some people awaken along the way, hurry to block, finally own turn into ashes. 这一天,一道火光烧过,连接着混沌宇宙与阳间的那条小路上,一个银发女子极速冲了过去,沿途有人惊醒,慌忙阻击,结果自身化成灰烬 This alley is dangerous, nearby often has the complete chaos thunder to delimit, some bright red like blood, some silver arcs thunder, strikes to kill Divine King sufficiently wait/etc., is extremely fearful. 这条小路非常危险,附近不时有完整的混沌雷霆划过,有的鲜红如血,有的银弧轰鸣,足以击杀神王等,太过可怕。 The silver-haired female is shocking but not dangerous, charges into the other shore that she must arrive at along this alley, under gentle ray package that the oil lamp sends out, she crosses forcefully. 银发女子有惊无险,沿着这条小路冲向她所要到达的彼岸,在青灯发出的柔和光芒的包裹下,她强行横渡。 On the same day, several teach disciple to vibrate, the chaos universe loudly, Heavenly Venerate just died, some people such unscrupulous kills their people, sneaks across World of the Living! 当日,几教弟子震动,混沌宇宙轰然,天尊刚死,就有人这样肆无忌惮的杀他们的人,偷渡到阳间 This service, the gods died, was burnt burn to ashes by the inexplicable Heavenly Venerate hot lamp, Death Substituting Talisman blasts out, because the equivalent disparity is not small, cannot play the role. 这一役,神都死了一个,被莫名的天尊火灯焚烧成灰烬,替死符炸开,因为等阶差距不小,未能起到作用。 Shining Upon dies are more, surmounts the number of both hands, as for some young disciple is very miserable, snort/hum cannot snort/hum, be then killed violently one batch. 映照者则死的更多,超越双手之数,至于一些年轻的弟子更是很惨,哼都未能哼一声,便毙命一批。 In the chaos universe, Extreme Martial, Hun Yi, Genesis and Confused Universe four lineage/vein big change, these time mainly killed them to be caught off guard, but also exposed to have problems, they were negligent. 混沌宇宙中,太武浑羿元始乱宇四脉剧震,这一次主要是杀了他们一措手不及,但也暴露出问题,他们大意了。 Especially, the main god follows Extreme Martial to go to World of the Dead, is killed violently successively. 尤其是,主要的神追随太武阴间,先后毙命。 Remaining god few, assume the path there only has one person. 剩下的神没有几尊,坐镇通路那里的更是只有一人。 Pursues!” “追!” I do not believe, she can go through the World of the Living's membrane!” “我不相信,她能穿过阳间的界膜!” Jiang Zhou, must great bellow, simultaneously the changes countenance blanch, this calculates that they neglect duty seriously, put this piece of universe lifeforms to enter World of the Living, this matter may be possible to be small greatly, wants some people to aim at them, that absolutely is the big crime. 江舟、须宏大吼,同时变色发白,这算他们最为严重的失职,放这片宇宙的生物进入阳间,这事可大可小,真要有人针对他们,那绝对是大罪。 Finally, they were disappointed, has not pursued. 最后,他们失望了,没有追到。 Ming Chuan sends out using the oil lamp most strikes, across the membrane, rushes in World of the Living smoothly. 明川利用青灯发出最强一击,穿过界膜,顺利闯进阳间 I came back!” “我回来了!” She is bringing recovery Heavenly Venerate ancient lamp, in the beautiful face writes all over excited, big mouth breath abundant Yang Qi, henceforth Sea is broad enough for fish to leap about , sky is high enough for a bird to fly through! 她带着复苏的天尊古灯,美丽面孔上写满激动,大口呼吸充沛的阳气,从此海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞 She disappears instantaneously, will conceal identity in light of this, awaits calmly to rise. 她瞬间消失,将就此隐姓埋名,静待崛起。 One group of fog appear in World of the Living membrane there, whiz, depending on did not have the closed gap, rushed, exudes one to make the person have one's hair stand on end sneering sound, finally dissipation in Between Heaven and Earth! 一团灰雾在阳间界膜那里浮现,嗖的一声,藉着还没有闭合的缺口,也跟着闯了过去,发出一声令人毛骨悚然的冷笑声,最后消散在天地间 She is the Ming Chuan empress!” “她是明川女皇!” In the chaos universe, the old yellow weasel screamed, who it and deduces her through the remnant mark divination that Ming Chuan leaves behind is. 混沌宇宙中,老黄鼠狼尖叫,它通过明川所留下的残痕占卜与推演出她是谁。 Initially, that dynasty of deep range region, was she in years past last years empress?” Jiang Zhou suck in a cold breath. “当初,冥岭地带的那个皇朝,她是昔年的末代女皇?”江舟倒吸冷气 That is thousands of year ago past events, the Ming Chuan few sovereign talents excellent, in vast World of the Living calculated on super genius, is on the peak. 那是千万年以前的旧事,明川少皇天赋绝佳,在浩大的阳间都是算的上超级天才,位列高峰上。 What a pity, her destiny was not very good, becomes that dynasty last empress, moreover after the old sovereign died, in the nobody inheritable situation, was recommended in a hurry, at that time the building will lean, this clan will extinguish, she has not grown. 可惜,她的命运很不好,成为那个皇朝最后一位女皇,而且是在老皇死后,无人可继承的情况下,匆匆被推举上去,那时大厦将倾,该族将灭,她还远未成长起来。 That phase of history, many person knows, has Heavenly Venerate the dynasty destruction in the back supporting, back sinister hand fearful scary, doubtful more than one Heavenly Venerate fate intervention! 那段历史,很多人都知道,一个有天尊在背后支撑的皇朝覆灭,背后黑手可怕的吓死人,疑似不止一位天尊下场干预! ...... …… The World of the Dead universe, the place of Machine Race Vajra ancient ancestor once burying body, radiance bloomed, auspicious red clouds was torrential, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor flushed, it has repaired oneself. 阴间宇宙,机械族金刚古祖曾经的埋身之地,光华绽放,瑞霞滔滔,妖祖之鼎冲出来,它修复了自身。 Starry sky Origin Gold bracelet, this world rarest material was absorbed by the monster cauldron thoroughly, melts for as one, on the cauldron wall a beginning point streak, star glow appears intermittently. 星空母金手环,这世间最稀珍的材料被妖鼎彻底吸收,融为为一体,鼎壁上都出现点点斑纹,星芒隐现。 „Did you restore?” Chu Feng asked that his here sitting cross-legged several days. “你恢复了?”楚风问道,他在这里盘坐数天了。 Depends on Origin Metal that you give, I even more strive!” Thanks that Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is from the heart. “倚仗你所给予的母金,我愈发精进!”妖祖之鼎发自内心的感谢。 Where then must go, what makes? The monster cauldron asked him. 接下来要去哪里,做些什么?妖鼎问他。 First returns to Earth.” Chu Feng said. “先回地球。”楚风道。 Good!” “好!” Some Cauldron of Monster Ancestor in the side, do not need to use Teleportation Domain on some planet, it can pierce the world directly instantaneously, crosses World of the Dead Star Sea. 妖祖之鼎在身边,无需利用一些星球上的传送场域,它直接就能瞬间洞穿天地,横渡阴间星海 If not definitely good in World of the Living, world Order is complete, rule backlash, the god will tremble. 若是在阳间肯定不行,天地秩序完整,规则反噬,神都会颤栗。 Shortly, they arrive in the extraterrestrial outer space, is overlooking below life vigorous place. 不久后,他们来到地球外太空中,俯视着下方生命蓬勃之地。 „Do I look at you to be heavyhearted, what concern have?” The monster cauldron asked. “我看你忧心忡忡,有什么心事?”妖鼎问道。 Chu Feng is very serious, said: I must achieve a great accomplishment, wants insanity one time. But before then, must solve the extra worries, fulfills a commitment.” 楚风很郑重,道:“我要去做一件大事,要疯魔一次。但在此之前,需解决掉后顾之忧,履行一个承诺。” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is silent, what extra worries present does Chu Feng have? Person died, come all alone, is really miserable. 妖祖之鼎默然,现在的楚风还有什么后顾之忧?身边的人都死去了,形单影只,甚是凄凉。 How do you want to do?” The monster cauldron asked him. “你要怎样做?”妖鼎问他。 „Before the insanity, I must guarantee that sees the parents, Luoyin, Yellow Ox one side them, I want to solve all concealed worries.” “疯魔前,我要确保见到父母、珞音黄牛他们一面,我想解决一切的隐忧。” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is stunned! 妖祖之鼎愕然! During the Lantern Festival, wishing everybody joyful! 元宵节,祝大家快乐!
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