SR :: Volume #10

#948: Starting today makes Great Demon King

Chu Feng lies down on the bamboo raft, both eyes are gloomy, soulless looks at the sky, does not have the sound, drifts along with the great river to the distant place. 楚风躺在竹筏上,双目暗淡,无神的看着天空,没有声音,随大江漂泊向远方。 knows how long, the airborne mist gradually had not been thick, water current gradually slow, he lies down there, felt the rich energy and spiritual energy fills the air. 知道过了多久,空中雾气渐浓,水流渐缓,他躺在那里,感受到了浓郁的能量与灵气弥漫过来。 The sunset glow is very red, is only some resembles blood, by the bad fog, sprinkles here, dark red circulation, many somewhat chilly colorful. 晚霞很红,只是有些像血,透过大雾,洒落在这里,殷红流转,多少有些凄艳。 Chu Feng sits up, where was this to? 楚风坐起,这是到了什么地方? How long his knows did not wander, now enters in a lake group, the careful identification, recalled silently where his knows this was, Cloud Dream Great Lake. 他自己都不知道漂流了多久,现在进入一片湖泊群中,仔细辨认,默默回想,他知道这是什么地方了,云梦大泽 Peaceful sitting, low-spirited lying on back, the Chu Feng's state of mind gradually is no longer calm, depression is vanishing, his whole person is recovering in the process. 安静的坐着,不再黯然仰躺,楚风的心绪渐渐平静,一身的郁气在消失,他整个人都在复苏过程中。 His knows, oneself cannot perish, some sad drain away today, later he does not have the time to go to the weak downcast, after this, he must make Demon King! 知道,自己不能沉沦,该有的伤悲都在今天流尽,以后他没有时间去软弱神伤,从此之后,他要做魔王 The day has also wanted, the road must walk, but he wants deliberate going on an expedition World of the Living, regarding some people, he will be doomed is called Great Demon King. 日子还要过,路还要走,但他要有预谋的征战阳间,对于有些人来说,他注定会被称作大魔王 Actually he does not want to kill people, but arrives this step, does not cut Heavenly Venerate, how many Major Sect does not shake World of the Living's, since has done right is called the Demon Chu title? 其实他不想杀人,但是走到这一步,不斩天尊,不去撼动阳间的几个大教,怎么对得起一直以来被称作楚魔头的称号? Actually, I only like working as joyful kidnapper.” Chu Feng self-ridiculed. “其实,我只喜欢当一个快乐的人贩子啊。”楚风自嘲。 Does not use the indignant world, does not need from the resentment, he scatters sadly, only thinks tranquil walks, he must adjust, makes joyful Demon King. 不用去愤世,也无需自怨,他驱散伤悲,只想平静的一路走下去,他要调整自我,做个快乐的魔王 His knows, if parents also, if these people are also living, hopes the peace and good health that he crosses is joyful. 知道,如果父母还在,若是那些人还活着,也都希望他过的安康愉悦。 Will happen one day, we will meet, will not be remote.” “终有一天,我们会相见,不会太遥远。” Chu Feng jumps to leap, arrives in outer space, since already considered the good future path, then must go about something with a free hand now, carries on wrestles. 楚风纵身一跃,来到太空中,既然早已考虑好今后的道路,那么现在就要放手去做,进行一搏。 Looks at the stars, looks at the darkness, he holds up the head, since will then not have the tears again, some are only the fighting spirits, smiling face. 看着繁星,看着黑暗,他昂起头,从此不会再有眼泪,有的只是斗志,还有笑容。 Although cannot smile now, but, he does not want to shoulder heavily, lets painstakingly depressed press/pressure on the body, he told himself, all will be good. 虽然现在笑不出,但是,他并不想背负沉重,让苦郁压在身上,他告诉自己,一切都会好起来。 Patted stone box gently, Chu Feng has awakened internal Cauldron of Monster Ancestor. 轻轻拍了拍石盒,楚风唤醒内部的妖祖之鼎 Should wake up.” “该醒来了。” He asked how Cauldron of Monster Ancestor felt, now how. 他问妖祖之鼎感觉如何,现在怎样了。 small cauldron appears, ancient intent great changes, above fissure cicatrization most, but also some tiny marks wind eventually, has not eliminated. 一口小鼎浮现,古意沧桑,上面的裂痕愈合大半,但终究还有一些细小的纹络,还未消除掉。 On the same day, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate directs, even if suppresses Shining Upon Level, is many Energy Body overlay, is terrifying, endures strikes compared with Divinity! 当日,太武天尊一指点来,哪怕压制到映照级,可是多种能量体叠加,也是恐怖的,堪比神祇一击! Is worse the crucial moment.” The monster cauldron this time nearly disintegrates, the bitter experience heavy losses, it needs some rare materials to patch oneself. “还差一些火候。”妖鼎这次近乎解体,遭遇重创,它需要一些稀珍材料修补自身。 Chu Feng takes out bracelet from the stone box space, the star spot point, simultaneously above also has the tiny black spot, is similar to the universe black hole appears. 楚风石盒空间中取出一枚手环,星辉点点,同时上面也有细小的黑斑,如同宇宙黑洞浮现。 This is starry sky Origin Gold bracelet, can come up from the Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian body, is the rarest Origin Metal thick semifinished product weapon, has not deducted own complete Order. 这是星空母金手环,从万星体徐成仙身上得来,是最为稀珍的母金粗坯武器,还未演绎自身的完整秩序 Chu Feng has handed over, puts in cauldron, making Cauldron of Monster Ancestor fall and absorb, its oneself has the Origin Metal ingredient, this hand slippery words, its crack were repaired is not a problem. 楚风递了过去,放入鼎中,让妖祖之鼎化掉并吸收,它自身就有母金的成分,得此手滑的话,其裂纹等被修复不成问题。 This......” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, this gift too is embarrasedly precious. “这……”妖祖之鼎讪讪的,这份大礼实在太贵重。 You restore earlier, some of our also matters must do.” Chu Feng does not allow it to decline. “你早点恢复,我们还有些事要去做呢。”楚风不容它推辞。 Meanwhile, he another more special Origin Gold bracelet-- Vajra Cutter, set in own wrist/skill. 同时,他将另一件更为特殊的母金手环——金刚琢,套在自己的手腕上。 Chu Feng controls Emerald Bamboo Boat, by the Saint level energy stimulation of movement, crosses the starry sky, seeks ancient Teleportation Domain on some planet of abandoning, from now on will start to enter the universe deep place again. 楚风驾驭绿竹舟,以圣人级能量催动,横渡星空,在某一颗废弃的星球上寻到一座古老的传送场域,自此开始再进宇宙深处。 He seeks ancient mine in Star Sea, was initially Machine Race Vajra ancient ancestor sank the place of dormancy, here to the metal life body was place of the best therapy. 他寻到星海中的一座古矿,是当初机械族金刚古祖沉眠之地,这里对金属生命体是最好的疗伤之地。 Cauldron of Monster Ancestor stays here, starts to grasp the time restoration. 妖祖之鼎留在这里,开始抓紧时间恢复。 Then, Chu Feng starts off solitarily. 而后,楚风只身上路。 The World of the Living person retreated, the most minimum near future does not dare to make an appearance again, the universe edge restores tranquilly, could not see that terrifying braves the billowing Yang Qi steamship. 阳间人退走了,最起码近期都没有敢再露面,宇宙边缘恢复宁静,看不到那恐怖的冒着滚滚阳气的大船。 A Great Abyss service, including Heavenly Venerate die, the disturbance and influence that created is too big. 大渊一役,连天尊殒落了,造成的风波与影响实在太大。 Even if many days, still the most popular topic, naturally also had Yaoyao about Chu Feng in the past wait/etc., unceasingly was also being mentioned including Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade. 哪怕过去很多天,依然最热门的话题,当然关于楚风还有妖妖等,包括雷公天刀等也在被不断提及。 Chu Feng enters World of the Dead universe liveliest place-- waste. 楚风进入阴间宇宙最为繁华之地——废都。 The Dragon Race first ancestor of prehistoric years, has mentioned World of Living's Seeds universe no.1 expert personally, once assumed personal command here. 史前岁月的龙族始祖、亲口提及过阳间种的宇宙第一高手,曾坐镇在这里。 Tens of millions years ago, Monster Ancestor also once assumed personal command in this, here is his closing up place. 数千万年前,妖祖也曾坐镇于此,这里是是他的闭关地。 Afterward, here ruined, became ruins, 5 million years ago , prospered gradually, became all galaxy intercourse stopover station, was away from the universe first ten big races the dwelling stars to be recent, therefore reappeared the grand occasion. 后来,这里毁掉,成为废墟,直至5000000年前,又渐渐繁荣,成为各方星系往来的中转站,距离宇宙前十大种族所栖居星辰最近,故此再现盛况。 Here Dao Lineage is far from strongly, but will do business, gathers the all directions source of wealth, had divine medicine to finalize the record repeatedly, had breathing method and scrip­tures, naturally must have the rare treasure. 这里的道统谈不上有多强,但是会做生意,聚拢八方财源,多次有神药成交记录,更有呼吸法与经文等,当然也少不了秘宝。 Chu Feng came, is not Medicinal Herb, is not breathing method, only under to finally look at this piece of universe, must find out some current situations. 楚风来了,不为药草,不为呼吸法,只为最后看一眼这片宇宙,更是要了解下当前的一些情况。 You sympathize with Chu Feng, thought that he and Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and the others the fates are too pitiful, I actually do not believe, completely is a mantis trying to stop a chariot, why bother to come, if they do not carry on the so-called blood to spell and fight a decisive battle, World of the Dead is also insufficient to be so miserable. Do you look at Finally? Is because these people do not submit, the result is what kind , the person who World of the Living comes, the big hand finds out, extinguishes several stars then the palm directly, is the troubles that they cause.” “你们都同情楚风,觉得他与雷公天刀等人的下场太凄惨,我却不这么认为,完全是螳臂当车,何苦来哉,如果他们不去进行所谓的血拼与决战,阴间也不至于这么惨。你们看到了吗?就是因为这些人不屈服,结果怎样,阳间来的人,大手探出,直接就掌灭数颗星辰,都是他们惹出的祸。” In restaurant that in a lively block, facing the street, some people were shooting the breeze, this type of words nature initiated many people discontented, clamors. 在一片繁华的街区,一座临街的酒楼上,有人正在高谈阔论,这种话语一出自然引发许多人不满,喧哗起来。 Spoke, you thought, we should kneel here, when the World of the Living person came, looked that their moods made a decision your my destiny, was actually to kill or hack, or let off, do not resist?” “怎么说话呢,你是不是觉得,我们应该跪在这里,等阳间人过来时,看他们的心情来决断你我的命运,究竟是杀还是剐,或者放过,都不要去抗争?” The middle-aged person who previously opened the mouth sneered, said: Hits also goes to take action, this does not consider resources bite off more than can chew, the reality is the non- wisdom, was not I says Duke of Thunder, he was really the integrity in later life does not guarantee, should not take action, the relieved retirement be good. That Chu Feng, this demon also this is more serious, if takes the entire situation into account, should be seized by the World of the Living person, finally he did not admit defeat, to kill him, the World of the Living people took up arms, wound and innocent.” 早先开口的中年人冷笑,道:“打不过还去出手,这是自不量力,实乃不智,不是我说雷公,他老人家真是晚节不保,真不该出手,安心养老多好。还有那楚风,这个魔头也该本分一些,若是顾全大局,就该被阳间人抓走,结果他不服软,为了杀他,阳间人大动干戈,伤及很多无辜。” Immediately, one group of people have exploded, some people reprimanded: How I thought, your inborn bum, World of the Living keeps aloof in your eyes, the strength suffices, is right, but us including resisting is wrong?” 顿时,一群人炸了,有人斥道:“我怎么觉得,你天生贱骨头,在你眼中阳间高高在上,实力够强,一切都是对的,而我们这边连抗争一下都是错误的?” That person shakes the head, said: Is this, if has not jumped to carry on the so-called resistance, the person who World of the Living comes even if killing a group of people, will perhaps give up, was not I said that heavenly blade and Duke of Thunder that several old people, Demon Chu, really overreached oneself.” 那人摇头,道:“本来就是这样,如果没有跳出去进行所谓的对抗,阳间来的人即便杀上一批人,或许也就会罢手了,不是我说天刀雷公那几位老人家,还有楚魔头,真是不自量力。” This region naturally is unable to be tranquil, has the sharp debate. 这片区域自然无法宁静,发生激辩。 Agrees with that person viewpoint Evolver, although is few, but indeed several people, making the cheek that some elders characters are mad twitch, the point refers to that several people, the complexion is red. 同意那个人观点的进化者虽然很少,但的确有几人,让一些老辈人物气的面皮抽搐,点指那几人,脸色通红。 Degenerate, noticed that the World of the Living powerhouse comes, making you kneel on the ground, does not kill your words, what you think is the obligation. How many bones if they throw to your, you will swing the tail? Our here Evolver Duke of Thunder and other shore flower and heavenly blade go on an expedition, slaughters, even if bleeds and loses the life, perishes together with the enemy difficultly, you think weak, then do not think of gratefully its graciousness. The servility is really full!” “败类,看到阳间强者过来,让你跪在地上,不杀你的话,你就觉得的是大恩。如果他们扔给你几根骨头,你是不是会摇起尾巴?我们这边的进化者雷公、彼岸花、天刀去征战,去厮杀,哪怕流血又丢掉性命,艰难与敌人同归于尽,你觉得不够强,便不感念其恩。真是奴性十足!” Whom did old ordinary man you scold?!” That middle-aged man shames angry. “老匹夫你骂谁呢?!”那中年男子羞恼。 Chu Feng calmly looks, listening, to be understanding after the situation of this place, aloof, the life and death looks pale, must go to the World of the Living universe, these goose bumps, do not care. 楚风静静看着,听着,了解此地的情况后,无动于衷,生死看淡,都要去阳间宇宙了,这些鸡毛蒜皮,根本不放在心上。 At this time, some people said: Your stubborn to admit mistakes, like this spouted rhetoric, Chu Feng died not necessarily, if came out, definitely a palm of the hand clapped you.” 这时,有人说道:“你就嘴硬吧,这样大放厥词,楚风不见得死去去,万一出来,肯定一巴掌拍死你。” That middle-aged man curled the lip to disdain, said: These many days, how many wisp of so-called active blood that had only found he leaves behind, it is estimated that do not have the reference value, this demon died . Moreover, how even if he does come out? Should also be half waste, moreover he must speak the truth to be good.” 那个中年男子撇了撇嘴不屑,道:“这么多天了,只找到他留下的几缕所谓的活性血液,估计没有参考价值,这个魔头死了,况且,即便他出来又如何?应该也是半废,况且他也得讲道理才行啊。” What truth has to be good to say with you?” Some people scold. “跟你有什么道理好讲?”有人呵斥。 Chu Feng listened to the moment, thinks boisterous, only walked, immediately makes here fall the needle to hear, lively place that makes noise all of a sudden as peaceful as the extreme. 楚风听了片刻,觉得聒噪,就这样走了过去,顿时让这里落针可闻,喧闹的繁华之地一下子安静到极点。 All people stare dumbfounded, some people are trembling, have excitedly, some scared. 所有人都瞠目结舌,一些人在发抖,有激动的,也有的是吓坏了。 They so discussed that the Lord appeared unexpectedly suddenly! 他们这般谈论,正主居然忽然出现! Chu Feng, you...... Can do?” The person who spouted rhetoric a moment ago frightened trembles, backed up unceasingly. 楚风,你……要干什么?”刚才大放厥词的人吓得颤栗,不断倒退。 Bang!” “砰!” Chu Feng has not spoken, but presses gently forward, then this person upwardly starts to disintegrate from the both feet, vanishes unceasingly. 楚风没有说话,只是轻轻向前一按,然后这个人就从双脚向上开始瓦解,不断消失。 This person yelled frightened: You cannot like this, have the words saying that make sense to say slowly!” 这个人惊悚大叫:“你不能这样,有话好说,有道理慢慢讲!” You said that I was a demon, but also spoke any truth, starting today made Demon King!” Chu Feng said calmly, had nothing to say to this person. “你都说我是魔头了,还讲什么道理,从今天开始做魔王!”楚风平静地说道,对这种人没什么可多说的。 He takes a step to go far away, leaves this so-called waste. 他迈步远去,离开这所谓的废都。 Shortly , before he visits one by one , under the major strong clans, including the ethnic group that first ten big retain, naturally in secret overtakes, gives these evolution Sect to create intensely restless, big such as fights, why knows he does not visit, deeply feels to fear intent. 不久后,他逐一拜访前各大强族,包括前十大保留下的族群,当然都是暗中赶过去的,给予这些进化门派造成强烈不安,都头大如斗,不知道他为何登门,深感惧意。 Dares dead to knock person with World of the Living, died including Heavenly Venerate, he can also live, making all parties dread, after learning he visits , the fine body hair but actually to be vertical. 敢跟阳间死磕到底的人,连天尊都死去了,他还能活下来,让各方忌惮,得悉他登门后都寒毛倒竖。 Some Dao Lineage are afraid, they once went to outside Great Abyss to wander, wants to do must not exposed to the light the matter, now the back is braving the cold air/Qi, was worried that Chu Feng has understood clearly, visits to collect debts. 有一些道统非常心虚,他们曾去大渊外徘徊,想做一些见不得光的事,如今后背都在冒冷气,担心楚风洞悉了,上门收债。 In fact, they have thought that Chu Feng is closely examining with the understanding about the World of the Living's issue. 事实上,他们多想了,楚风只是在追问与了解一些关于阳间的问题。 World of the Living once surrendered many Evolver in the chaos universe, part from World of the Dead in the past, went to there to search to fight the divine fruit position. 阳间曾在混沌宇宙降服很多进化者,其中一部分就是从阴间过去的,去那里寻觅战神果位。 A person submits, follows the World of the Living person, becomes their troops, even is the servant, returns to this piece of universe. 一部人屈服,追随阳间人,成为他们部众,甚至是奴仆,返回这片宇宙。 When Chu Feng with earliest World of the Living Major Sect disciple makes war, once with strange matter in green skin bottle gourd destroys completely their at the same time, destruction many such Saint, kill a cleanness. 楚风跟最早的阳间大教弟子开战时,曾用青皮葫芦中的诡异物质灭掉他们的同时,也覆灭很多这样的圣者,杀个干净。 He believes that when these people return, once to own ethnic group pass on message, had informed the clansman about the World of the Living's news. 他相信,在那些人回归时,曾给自己的族群传讯,告知过族人一些关于阳间的消息。 Chu Feng comes for these, he must enter World of the Living, naturally must understand these Major Sect, ahead of time investigates Extreme Martial, Hun Yi, Genesis, Confused Universe and the others the foundations. 楚风就是为这些而来,他要进阳间,自然要了解那些大教,提前探查太武浑羿元始乱宇等人的根底。 Has the effect, and extremely good! 有效果,而且极佳! He visits a clan another clan, who does not fear, is really the knowledge word expresses oneself fully all, will understand all told Chu Feng. 他走访一族又一族,谁不惧怕,果然是知无不言言无不尽,将所了解的全都告诉楚风 World of the Living Heavenly Venerate pays very big price, even there is Supreme Being silhouette, this opens a stable road, passes through two, can maintain more than one year of time?” 阳间天尊付出很大代价,甚至有大能身影,这才开辟出一条稳定的路,贯穿两界,可以保持一年多的时间?” The Chu Feng pupil contraction, this news is extremely important to him! 楚风瞳孔收缩,这个消息对他极其重要! He must leave, is now, learned that World of the Living that way can also maintain does not calculate after short time, he changed some thoughts. 他原本要离开了,可是现在,得悉阳间那条路径还能保持一段不算短的时间后,他改变了一些念头。 He wants to be finally crazy one time, how can let off them like this? Waits for World of the Living to rise fights again also far, might as well first harvests here! 他想最后疯狂一次,怎能这样放过他们?等去阳间崛起再战还远,还不如在这里先收割一番! Chu Feng is also living, naturally is an astonishing news, causes all parties to vibrate. 楚风还活着,自然是一件惊人的消息,引起各方震动。 Some people have scared, once was throwing over the black cape, accepts the summon, goes to the universe edge to welcome sees the World of the Living's person, provides about various Chu Feng's information and materials. 有些人吓坏了,曾经披着黑色的斗篷,接受召唤,去宇宙边缘迎见阳间的人,提供关于楚风的各种信息与资料等。 Now they fear to disclose the news, brings in Great Demon Chu Feng to conquer by killing! 现在他们怕走漏消息,引来楚风大魔头血洗! However, waited to be very long, they discovered that Chu Feng has not responded them, this grew the one breath. 不过,等了很久,他们发现楚风也没有搭理他们,这才长出一口气。 At this time, Chu Feng entered belongs to Great Dream Pure Land on the secret planet of control, sees own child-- Little Daoist Priest. 此时,楚风已经进入属于大梦净土所统御的一颗秘密行星上,去见自己的孩子——小道士 Lives is coming back well!” A Great Dream Pure Land old woman flutters saying that is bringing smiling, is in the tears, saw that Chu Feng thinks of Qin Luoyin. “活着回来就好!”大梦净土一位老妪颤声说道,带着笑,也含着热泪,看到楚风就想到秦珞音 Father, do you also want to go?” A Little Daoist Priest naive appearance, in the embryo confuses, he has forgotten all, now anything cannot think, is only a mind pure child, but is actually the precocity. “爸爸,你还要去哪儿?”小道士一副天真的样子,胎中迷,他忘记了一切,如今什么都想不起来,只是一个心灵纯净的孩子,不过却是早慧。 Chu Feng visits him, in the heart turns sour, such slightly loses mother, but he is actually not a responsible father, not having the time to look after him, recently was struggling, the bloody battle, after bringing the Qin Luoyin's corpse to depart, now comes back. 楚风看着他,心中发酸,这么小就失去母亲,而他却不是一个负责任的父亲,没有时间来照看他,最近都在挣扎,血战,带着秦珞音的尸体离去后,如今才回来。 Although the time is not very long, but Chu Feng thought, was similar to experiences a century to be so remote, recently every day was the life and death, the blood and bone, in suffering. 虽然时间不是很长,但楚风却觉得,如同经历了一个世纪那么久远,最近每一天都是生与死,血与骨,都在煎熬。 Father must go to the slaughter god, held a memorial service for some people......” Chu Feng not to be justified, is unable to tell him, must hold a memorial service for his grandfather, paternal grandmother, mother, uncle and others. “爸爸要去屠神,祭奠一些人……”楚风说不下去了,无法告诉他,要祭奠他的爷爷、奶奶、母亲、叔伯等。 The old woman in Great Dream Pure Land, that masculine old Saint, the hearing this heart trembles, they realized, Chu Feng must achieve an incomparably crazy great accomplishment. 大梦净土中的老妪,还有那位男性老圣人,闻言都心头颤栗,他们意识到,楚风要去做一件无比疯狂的大事。 Little Daoist Priest closely examines puzzled, finally also said: My mother?” 小道士不解追问,最后又道:“我娘呢?” Previous time , he although saw the Qin Luoyin whole body is the blood, sank the dormancy not to awake, but by the well-meaning deceit, was told finally him Qin Luoyin to close up the training. 上一次,他虽然看到了秦珞音满身是血,沉眠不醒,但最后被善意的欺骗了,都告诉他秦珞音去闭关修养。 He has not gone out in the embryo to confuse this condition eventually, even if precocity, not knows truth, therefore has such one to ask. 他终究是没有走出胎中迷这种状态,哪怕早慧,也不知道真相,因此才有这样一问。 Chu Feng visits him, could not speak, only had moved. 楚风看着他,说不出话来,唯有伤感。 At this time, he also thinks, Little Daoist Priest once had said that own on first is the capital of Heavenly Venerate, it seems like did not say casually, the body indeed has the strangeness. 此时,他亦想到很多,小道士曾说过,自身上一世是天尊之资,看来不是随便说,身上的确有古怪。 This time, all people were caught nearby Great Abyss by Extreme Martial, has leaked Little Daoist Priest only, his body should be somewhat secret. 这一次,所有人都被太武抓到大渊附近,唯独漏过小道士,他身上应该是有些秘密。 Chu Feng starts off, he must carry on final crazy, starting today makes Great Demon King! 楚风上路,他要进行最后的疯狂,从今天开始做大魔王
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