SR :: Volume #10

#947: Final farewell

The cauldron covers opening, the interior becomes side Small World. 鼎盖开启,内部自成一方小世界 blood mist is accompanying rich life energy in the surges, the rapid overflow, is bringing the light smell of blood, intermittent cold and still aura. 血雾伴着浓郁的生命能量在翻腾,迅速溢出,带着淡淡的血腥味,还有阵阵冷寂的气息。 Chu Feng stiffly at the scene, the energy of vigorous living induces, is Cauldron of Monster Ancestor absorbs from the place of Nirvana, is not blood mist sends out. 楚风僵在当场,感应到的蓬勃生之能,是妖祖之鼎涅槃之地吸收进去的,并非血雾发出。 Suddenly, Chu Feng from the beginning coolly arrives at foot, he cannot feel the aura that the old friend is familiar with, without their marks, cannot see their soul light. 瞬息间,楚风从头凉到脚,他感受不到故人熟悉的气息,没有他们的印记,见不到他们的魂光 He both ears buzzes, at present becomes dark, emits Venus, the corners of the mouth silent overflowing blood, direct staggers, nearly falls down in ground. 他双耳嗡嗡作响,眼前发黑,冒出金星,嘴角无声的溢血,直接一个踉跄,险些栽倒在的地上。 Chu Feng such as was struck by lightning, thought that heart is difficult to receive the pinnacle, the whole person is unable to breathe, must be choked to death, his anything could not hear, and at present also a darkness, his weak holds great cauldron, the body is shivering. 楚风如遭雷击,觉得心头难受到极致,整个人无法呼吸,要窒息而死,他什么都听不到了,并且眼前也一片漆黑,他无力的扶着大鼎,身体在颤抖。 Once harbored the little hopes, turns desperately to the present. 曾经怀着几许希望,到现在变成绝望。 In his continuously heart frightened, intense restlessness, when removed the cauldron lid, after this extremely brutal truth exposes, he is hard to withstand. 他一直心中惴惴,强烈的不安,可是当揭开鼎盖,这极其残酷的真相暴露出来后,他还是难以承受。 His anything could not hear, both ears deaf, and both eyes cannot see the thing fuzzily, in the heart only has the pain, he thought that oneself was sealed up in a dark space of isolation. 他什么都听不到了,双耳失聪,并且双眼也模糊看不到到东西,心中只有痛,他觉得自己被封闭在一个隔绝的黑暗空间中。 The Chu Feng Adam's apple is moving, but can only make the hoarse sound. 楚风喉结在动,但只能发出嘶哑的声音。 He wants to cry unable to cry, does not have the tears, only then the pain, his soul must suffocate, soul light is gloomy, falls into the endless blackness. 他想哭都哭不出来,没有泪水,只有痛,他的灵魂都要窒息了,魂光暗淡,陷入无尽的漆黑中。 He cannot work loose, felt, only then the boundless misery, acts alone in the desperate sea, the black space, the spooky sea of bitterness, does not have the end, he thought that the whole person must die. 他挣脱不出来,感觉只有无边的苦难,在绝望之海中独行,黑色的空间,幽幽的苦海,没有尽头,他觉得整个人都要死去了。 Living, I am only thinking that you are living!” “活着,我只想你们活着!” His sound hoarse, the body trembles, felt that no use also has the despair, this was completely different from past him. 他的声音嘶哑,身体发抖,感觉到无助还有绝望,这跟过去的他完全不一样。 He also never such weak, likely is a child, nobody thinks that this is Demon Chu, his both feet cannot support the body, the whole person must get down but actually. 他还从来没有这么虚弱过,像是一个孩子,没有人会想到这是楚魔头,他双脚支撑不住身体,整个人都要倒下去。 But his fleshly body carrying/sustaining his soul light, the fierce twinkle, mouth and nose and both ears was bleeding, afterward in his soulless eye also two lines of bloodstains fell. 而他的肉身承载不了他的魂光,剧烈闪烁,口鼻与双耳都在淌血,随后他那双无神的眼睛中也有两行血迹滑落。 Chu Feng wants to cry, but actually cannot cry, the wild animal that is similar to injury was stranded in the desperate place, his feelings do not arrive at the outside all, was sealed up really in a darkness. 楚风想哭,但是却哭不出来,如同一只受伤的野兽被困在绝望之地,他感触不到外界的一切,真的被封闭在一片黑暗中。 His unconsciousness held great cauldron, the soul seemed losing, could not find the homeward journey, the mouth has the sound, did not cry not to smile, was only an uncomfortable hoarse cry. 他无意识地扶着大鼎,灵魂仿佛已经迷失,找不到归途,嘴里嗬嗬有声,不是哭不是笑,只是一种难受的嘶哑叫声。 knows not to be many how long, Chu Feng can breathe, works loose from the darkness, he gasps for breath in the big mouth, the whole body is the cold sweat, the clothes has soaked. 知道多了多久,楚风才能呼吸,从黑暗中挣脱出来,他在大口喘气,浑身都是冷汗,衣服都已经湿透。 In great cauldron only has blood mist, does not have the life body, his parents, Yellow Ox their person has not lived, died. 大鼎中只有血雾,没有生命体,无论是他的父母,还是黄牛他们一个人都没有活下来,都死去了。 Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is silent, without any words. 妖祖之鼎沉默,没有任何话语。 How can like this? Even if some worst guess, but occurred, he feels like a knife twisting in the heart as before, uncomfortable wanting faint in the past. 怎么会这样?即便有过最坏的猜测,可是真的发生了,他依旧心如刀绞,难受的要昏厥过去。 Father, mother, Yellow Ox......” “爸,妈,黄牛……” Chu Feng summoned their name, the tears to flow off finally, restored the corresponding body function, he wants to cry, he thought the noisy wail, all people died. 楚风呼唤着他们的名字,眼泪终于流下,恢复了相应的身体机能,他想大哭,他想长嚎,所有人都死了。 soul light where, their True Spirit?!” Seeking that he goes all out, in cauldron, in blood mist searches, but anything has not seen. 魂光在哪里,他们的真灵呢?!”他拼命的寻找,在鼎中,血雾中寻觅,可是什么都没有看到。 Chu Feng is similar to is injured and loses all wild animals, was stranded on own isolated island, calls out, deafening, in the heart is greatly sad, is hard to self-restrain. 楚风如同受伤并失去一切的野兽,被困在自己的孤岛上,嚎叫起来,震耳欲聋,心中大悲,难以自抑。 His on one knee kneels here, he really the hope is only an average person, safely and passed this life with all people lightly. 单膝跪在这里,他真希望只是一个普通人,跟所有人平安而平淡地度过这一生。 Now, anything did not have, only remaining he, parents' face, the warm words, the concerned vision, the voice and face smiling faces of other people, all appear, just liked yesterday. 现在,什么都没有了,只剩下他自己,父母的面庞,温暖的话语,关切的目光,还有其他人的音容笑貌,全都浮现出来,恍若在昨日。 After long, Chu Feng is staggering, leaves dragon nest, then a dive leaps forward in Eastern Sea, in ice-cold water he is motionless, along with wave line, going far away of unconsciousness. 很久之后,楚风踉跄着,离开龙巢,而后一个猛子跃进东海中,在冰冷的水中他一动不动,随波而行,无意识的远去。 In this period, had sea beast roaming to come, opened the big mouth, frightened goes far away, brought the big piece storm. 期间,有海兽游来,才张开血盆大口,又吓得远去,带起大片的风浪。 Chu Feng is motionless, closes one's eyes, wants dead in light of this, is not willing to wake up, he will isolate the world in heart once again, thinks to be these people. 楚风一动不动,闭着眼睛,想就此长眠,不愿醒来,他又一次将自己隔绝在心中的世界,所思所想都是那些人。 Bang! 轰! After long, seabed spiritual mountain big change, this is manifestation of fierce recovery, is similar to the active volcano spout, presents a large area of spiritual energy energy tide, will float to attack to here Chu Feng. 很久以后,海底一座灵山剧震,这是剧烈复苏的体现,如同活火山喷涌,出现大面积的灵气能量潮,将漂到这里的楚风都冲击起来。 He opens both eyes, gloomy soulless, but has stood eventually, is absentminded, a person is alone and good, incomparable lonely and misery, go toward dragon nest. 他睁开双目,暗淡无神,但终究是站了起来,失魂落魄,一个人踽踽而行,无比的孤独与凄凉,向着龙巢而去。 In his heart has the wound, there is a sadness, but actually cannot cry, is only silent, moves toward that to let his downcast and grieved place once more, he will not evade, but is very uncomfortable, the heart is painful. 他心中有伤,也有悲,可是却哭不出,只是沉默着,再次走向那让他神伤与心痛的地方,他不会逃避,但真的很难受,心非常痛。 The dragon nest Nirvana place, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor stands erect, it here, it also can only sigh regarding this result as before. 龙巢涅槃地,妖祖之鼎矗立,它依旧在这里,对于这个结果它也只能叹息。 Chu Feng earliest time then knows, the successful opportunity is uncertain, Extreme Martial once had said that in the best time, Heavenly Venerate has the means to revive these people, but World of the Dead does not have Heavenly Venerate! 楚风最早的时候就知道,成功的机会渺茫,太武曾说过,在最佳时间段内,天尊才有办法救活那些人,而阴间没有天尊 But, he is having some hopes as before, did not strive for resurrecting, but asked to have several people to reappear, even if were the remnant soul is also good. 可是,他依旧抱着些许希望,不求都复活,但求能有几人再现出来,哪怕是残魂也好。 Now, anything did not have. 现在,什么都没有了。 We when Great Abyss, their soul light, although is dissipating, but also stays behind some, now 1 : 00 doesn't have?” “我们在大渊时,他们的魂光虽然在消散,但还留下些许,现在一点都没有了吗?” Decomposed, turned into the energy substance, drifts away in the cauldron, no longer is soul light.” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor informs. “分解了,变成了能量物质,游离在鼎中,不再是魂光。”妖祖之鼎告知。 Chu Feng is dejected, cannot speak. 楚风颓然,说不出话来。 He carefully observes, induces this energy substance, the heart was thorough immediately coolly, this after Qin Luoyin died almost, did not have True Spirit. 他仔细观察,感应这种能量物质,心顿时彻底凉了下去,这跟秦珞音死后差不多,没有真灵了。 Qin Luoyin's soul light will decompose, but was corroded by that golden material, cakes in together, has not dispersed, but True Spirit has dispersed. 秦珞音的魂光原本也会分解,但被那金色物质侵蚀,粘结在一起,没有散开,但是真灵已散掉。 You in......” Chu Feng silent crying, in these days, his life major rises, did not experience the most difficult and poverty-stricken darkness. “你们都不在了……”楚风无声的落泪,就在这几天间,他的人生大起大落,经历了最为艰难与困苦的黑暗。 Leaves behind these materials, do not bury, I must resurrect they.” Chu Feng whispered, brings to lose also has moved, lost the past point. “留下这些物质,不要埋葬,我要复活他们。”楚风低语,带着失落还有伤感,失去了昔日的锋芒。 soul light dissipates, divides to become energy substance, these have not vanished in Between Heaven and Earth eventually, by the Cauldron of Monster Ancestor suppression in the cauldron, Chu Feng was harbored a final wisp of hope, the waiting dawn. 魂光消散,分成为能量物质,这些终究没有消失于天地间,被妖祖之鼎镇压在在鼎中,楚风怀着最后的一缕希望,等待曙光。 Finally, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor reduces, discussed with Chu Feng, wants to enter in stone box to sink the dormancy, it thought that this is World of the Living's Supreme Treasure, but it is the World of the Dead's weapon, wants to induce, looked whether to make it restore. 最后,妖祖之鼎缩小,跟楚风商量,想进入石盒中沉眠,它觉得这是阳间的至宝,而它是阴间的兵器,想藉此感应一番,看能否让它恢复。 Chu Feng nods, takes all, leaves here. 楚风点头,带上所有,离开这里。 Then, he does not have any words, cannot flow out including the tears, this kind of person starts off, stands in Eastern Sea, cannot see female dragon, cannot see silhouette on Unextinguishable Mountain, he turns around to depart. 接下来,他没有任何话语,连眼泪都流不出,就这样一个人上路,站在东海中,看不到龙女,看不到不灭山上的身影,他转身离去。 His back is somewhat lonely, he is sad, person not any words. 只是,他的背影有些孤单,他沉闷,一个人没有任何的话语。 Chu Feng returns to the land, peaceful, but dejected, this is his this one cool journey, nobody can accompany, in the past the partner of that crowd of inserting funny dialog will not appear. 楚风回到陆地,安静而萧索,这是他自己的孤凉旅途,没有谁可以陪伴,当年那群插科打诨的伙伴都再也不会出现。 He returned to Taihang Mountains that small town, the family/home that returns to oneself that two little building, initially, Yellow Ox also lived in long time here, now is very chilly. 他回到了太行山脚下那个小镇,回到自己那个二层小楼的家,当初,黄牛在这里也住了很长时间,现在很清冷。 The dim light of night was deep, Chu Feng has not turned on the light. 夜色已深,楚风没有开灯。 He arrives at the roof, looks at the gloomy star light, is lost in thought that full is sad. 他来到楼顶,看着暗淡的星光,怔怔出神,满是感伤。 His childhood grows up here, afterward moves from this small town with the parents. 他的童年是在这里长大,随后跟父母搬离这座小镇。 Chu Feng lies down in the roof, does not have sound, thinks small time, the parents look after him here, fears him to be cold, fears him to be hot, various concerns and protecting, visit him to grow. 楚风躺在房顶,没有声音,想到小的时候,父母在这里照料他,怕他冷,怕他热,各种关爱与呵护,看着他成长。 These warm pictures, that two affable face, as if all of a sudden appears in the near, he puts out a hand to touch, went to get close to like the childhood, but anything did not have. 那些温馨的画面,那两张和蔼可亲的面孔,仿佛一下子又出现在近前,他伸手去摸,像小时候一样去接近,可是却什么都没有。 Both hands air-to-air, only then ice-cold night. 双手空空,只有冰冷的夜。 The Chu Feng corner of the eye falls the tears, silent, he like this lies down here. 楚风眼角滑落泪水,无声无息,他就这样躺在这里。 When the sky quick is bright, he returns to the room, returns to parents' bedroom, sits here, then also does not say motionless. 天快亮时,他回到房间,回到父母的卧室,坐在这里,然后又不言不动。 He stayed here for three days, recalls unceasingly, when once tips, had all experiences after memory to playback in the heart from young, was similar to accompanies the parents to walk a regulation once more, lived once more together for twenty years. 他在这里呆了三天,不断回忆,曾经的点点滴滴,从年幼时有记忆后的所有经历都在心中回放了一遍,如同陪父母再次走了一程,再次一起生活了二十几年。 Then, he silent leaves, in family/home that nobody knows he once returned to this small town. 然后,他无声地离开,没有人知道他曾回到这个小镇的家中。 Chu Feng arrives at Taihang Mountains, in this mountainous region, he and Zhou Quan first time meets Yellow Ox, at that time it was very mystical, can toss about the person very much, air/Qi Zhou Quan shouted it Ox Demon King. 楚风走到太行山脚下,在这山地中,他与周全第一次遇到黄牛,那时它很神秘,也很能折腾人,气的周全直喊它牛魔王 Also precisely Yellow Ox, takes the road of practicing Chu Feng, in the initial stage stage that the this heaven and earth mutation and mountains and rivers recover, he starts to evolve. 正是黄牛,将楚风带上修行之路,在这天地异变、山河复苏的初期阶段,他就开始跟着进化。 His life destiny, starts to transform from here. 他的人生命运,是从这里开始转变。 But, Yellow Ox, it, Zhou Quan did not die, becomes blood mist, decomposed including soul light. 可是,黄牛呢,它不在了,周全也死去了,都成为血雾,连魂光都已分解。 He wants to see them really very much once more, always laughs heartily together, but now his words cannot say, some are depressed. 他真的很想再次见到他们,在一起时,总是有欢笑,而现在他连话都说不出来,有的只是暮气。 Chu Feng departs, passes through the mountainous region, across the mountain forest, heads west, he arrived at Kunlun Mountains, sits on a mountain top, a person calmly watches the sunrise here. 楚风离去,走过山地,穿过山林,一路西行,他来到了昆仑,坐在一座山头上,一个人在这里静静地看日出。 Initially, the large bowl drank, the bulk ate the meat, drank to heart's content with one group of brothers, Old Lama and old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng was unavoidable, was dragged down, raised glass. 当初,大碗喝酒,大块吃肉,跟一群兄弟畅饮,就连老喇嘛老宗师吴起峰都不能避免,被拉下水,也跟着举杯。 But now, the mountain breeze has blown, leaves behind the full aloneness, Chu Feng takes out the wine pot, pours on one after another liquor, oneself drink the next cup, then sprinkles on the ground, holds a memorial service for them. 可是现在,山风吹过,留下满满的孤寂,楚风取出酒坛,倒上一杯又一杯酒,自己喝下一杯,然后都洒在地上,祭奠他们。 Brothers of sharing life and death, you where, who can kill with me shoulder to shoulder to World of the Living?” “生死与共的兄弟,你们都在哪里,谁能与我并肩杀向阳间?” His words were blown off, the sobbing sound that leaves behind in the wind. 他的话语在风中被吹散,留下的只是呜咽声。 Chu Feng looks at that red rising sun, has not actually felt warm, here he is very cold, is very desolate, come all alone. 楚风看着那通红的旭日,却没有感受到温暖,在这里他很冷,也很落寞,形单影只。 Sits when the mountain, his train of thought returned, East and West great war, in this mountain scene under foot, Mastiff King angrily roars, the great war North Pole king, Peng King spreads the wings, pursues Black Dragon King. 坐在大山上,他的思绪又回到了过去,东西方大战时,就是在这片山脚下,獒王怒吼,大战北极王,鹏王展翅,追击黑龙王 Big Black Ox contacts all parties, invited Eastern group of expert, the people after the decisive battle, pursued, kills to the West. 大黑牛联络各方,请来东方各路高手,众人在大决战后,一路追击,杀向西方。 Also at that time, knew does not have moral integrity (Western) Siberian Tiger, shortly after tiger king Bang Chu Feng in Dragon Tiger Mountain great war Schiller, becomes the friend of sharing hardships, until afterward, the relations were getting more and more near, the tiger king also became of Kunlun Mountain. 也是在那个时候,认识了没有节操的西伯利亚虎,不久后虎王帮楚风龙虎山大战席勒,成为共患难的朋友,直至后来,关系越来越近,虎王也成为昆仑山的一员。 That is giving a tongue-lashing big thread chaser and knife edge Old Donkey of long ear, as well as is always slanting the eye to look that the person, spurts the saliva unceasingly Ouyang Feng, afterward joined Kunlun Mountains, thinks of them, will make the person probably show the smiling face. 还有那呲着大板牙、支棱着长耳朵的老驴,以及总是斜着眼睛看人、不断喷口水的欧阳风,都是后来加入昆仑的,想到他们,就会让人要露出笑容。 However now, in mountain quiet. 然而现在,山中寂寂。 All people already not. 所有人都已不在。 But some time ago, here once was very magnificent, in eve that the World of the Living person straddles zones truly, in the starry sky various clan completely sending an envoy, come this homage to the dynasty. 而不久前,这里还曾十分辉煌,在阳间人真正跨界过来的前夕,星空中各族尽遣使者,来此朝贺。 Saw that here is prosperous, but changes in evenings eventually. 眼看这里繁盛起来,可是终究在一夕间改变。 Before the calamity approaches, Qin Luoyin also brings Little Daoist Priest to rush to Earth specially, comes to remind Chu Feng, divination Grandmaster perceived that is not right, forecast the day crack, really all should say. 厄难来临前,秦珞音还带着小道士专门赶到地球,前来提醒楚风,占卜宗师觉察到不对,预测到天裂,果然一切都应言了。 Chu Feng is lost in thought that feels sad, has regrettable, Little Daoist Priest also, but Qin Luoyin comes to here to deliver the letter, after reminding him to be careful, soon encountered difficulty. 楚风出神,有心酸,有遗憾,小道士还在,可是秦珞音来这里送完信,提醒他小心后,不久就遇难了。 At this time, he had a cavity grief and indignation, sat here, made an effort to grasp the fist, he felt dejected. 这个时候,他真的有一腔的悲愤,坐在这里,用力抓紧拳头,他黯然神伤。 The parents, wife and friend, depart, in this boundless Between Heaven and Earth, although also has many people, many Evolver, but he actually feels incomparable lonely. 父母、妻子、朋友,一个一个都离去,在这苍茫天地间,虽然还有很多的人,很多的进化者,可是他却感觉无比的孤独。 Chu Feng leaves Kunlun Mountains, the corner of the eye is hanging clear. 楚风离开昆仑,眼角挂着晶莹。 After for a long time, he stands in the great river bank, initially he once was bringing Qin Luoyin and Little Daoist Priest along the Yangtze River, enjoys the scenery, looks at famed scenery. 很长时间后,他站在大江畔,当初他曾带着秦珞音小道士沿着长江而下,一路赏景,看遍名山大川。 Arrives here, Chu Feng feels is very exhausted, is the heart is mainly tired, downcast. 走到这里,楚风感觉很疲惫,主要是心累,神伤。 He lies down on a bamboo raft, along the great river, does not go to the manages, does not attend, drifts to where is where, he raises head to look at the sky, at present once more reappearing parents, relatives and friends as well as Qin Luoyin and the others silhouette, he moves does not want to move. 他躺在一张竹筏上,沿着大江而下,不去管,不去顾,漂泊到哪里是哪里,他仰头看着天空,眼前再次浮现父母、亲朋以及秦珞音等人的身影,他一动也不想动。 Lies down on the bamboo raft, goes far away along great river, this is his lonely journey, to finally, Chu Feng in the eyes silent falling under the tears, he looks at the sky, anything does not want to do. 躺在竹筏上,沿着大江远去,这是他一个人孤独的旅程,到了最后,楚风双目中无声的滑落下泪水,他只是看着天空,什么也不想做。 His heart injures very much, misses these people, but is actually not able to cry loudly. 他的心很伤,思念那些人,但却无法大声哭出来。 Some tears today completely, he thought, later does not have the time to cry, this is he says goodbye finally. 有泪都在今日尽,他觉得,以后没有时间去落泪,这是他最后的告别。
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