SR :: Volume #10

#946: In dragon nest Nirvana

The Eastern Sea ocean waves fluctuate, a Chu Feng person is riding the small boat, lonely fluttering in the sea level, nobody accompanies him to speak, he silent and absent-minded enters the sea. 东海碧波起伏,楚风一个人乘着小舟,孤独的飘荡在海面上,没有一个人陪他说话,他沉默而失神地入海。 Way Unextinguishable Mountain, on the Chu Feng face is bringing moved, has thought initially gathered the magnificent scene, has the fight here, has the crisis, there are heroically with laughing heartily, they once collaborated to seize to kill Good Fortune Divine Physique Zhou Shang and Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian as well as the outside territory allied armies. 路径不灭山,楚风脸上带着伤感,想到了当初聚集在一起的的盛景,在这里有战斗,有危机,也有豪迈与欢笑,他们曾联手擒杀无劫神体周尚万星体徐成仙以及域外联军等。 Birth and death altogether person, now only then he is living coming back! 生与死共的人,如今只有他一个人活着回来! Chu Feng is peaceful and silent, stands on the small boat, goes far away from here, his back slightly reveals dejected. 楚风安静而沉默,站在小舟上,从这里远去,他的背影略显萧索 Close dragon nest, here sea eye no longer hidden, but appears in the sea, is embezzling the great waves, looks like very dangerous. 接近龙巢,这里的海眼不再隐藏,而是浮现在海中,在吞没浪涛,看起来非常危险。 Today, not having female dragon to appear to meet him, because she had been killed by a Extreme Martial direction, only remaining remnant blood in Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, not knows also whether to appear. 今天,没有龙女出现来接他,因为她已经被太武一指点杀,只剩下残血在妖祖之鼎中,不知道还能否出现。 Chu Feng disappointed, looks at this place dull. 楚风怅然,呆呆地看着此地。 Some distant place people appear the sea level, that is the person in Penglai islands and abbot islands, way place, they were also exploring recently dragon nest, what a pity cannot go. 远方有人浮现出海面,那是蓬莱岛屿、方丈岛屿的人,路径此地,最近他们也在探索龙巢,可惜进不去。 „Is that......?!” “那是……?!” They have been shocked, when surfaces, saw unexpectedly Chu Feng wanders here, all the complexion is stiff, to his very fearing. 他们惊呆了,露出海面时,竟一眼看到楚风游荡在此,全都脸色为僵,对他非常的惧怕。 They exclaimed in surprise secretly, the Chu Feng's life may be really big, really has not died, including Great Abyss the situation that in Extreme Martial swallows, he can live coming back. 他们暗自惊叹,楚风的命可真大,果然没有死,连大渊太武都吞进去的情况下,他都能活着回来。 No wonder recently these Heavenly Star airborne have been spreading, some people outside Great Abyss discovered that his several wisps of blood are having the activeness, should not die, really so. 难怪最近这些天星空中一直在流传,有人于大渊外发现他的几缕血液带着活性,应该没有死,果然如此。 Chu Feng is similar to a spirit, is silent, has not gone to visit them, a person is standing in the sea level tranquilly. 楚风如同一个幽灵,寂静无声,没有去看他们,一个人在平静地站在海面上。 The people in two islands brace oneself, respectful and prudent and prudent has seen Chu Feng, the stance is very low, front that is dares dead to knock person with World of the Living, in addition the beforehand prestige, who isn't afraid? 两个岛屿的人硬着头皮,恭谨而慎重的见过楚风,姿态很低,前方那是敢跟阳间死磕到底的人,再加上以前的威名,谁不害怕? Chu Feng has not responded, immerses in own world. 楚风没有回应,沉浸在自己一个人的世界中。 The people in two islands see that first retreats, has not gone to disturb him. 两个岛屿的人见状,第一时间退走,没有去打扰他。 Really is Chu Feng, he lived, this is the big event, if passes to the starry sky definitely is the flash news.” Young people said very much excitedly. “真是楚风啊,他活了下来,这是大事件,若是传到星空中肯定是大新闻。”一个年轻人很激动地说道。 Shut up, treats as had not seen, gives me to hide at heart!” An old man scolds in a low voice. “闭嘴,当作没看到,给我藏在心里!”一个老者低声呵斥。 This days they are very low-key, completely changed, when the World of the Living person invades one's territory Earth they do not have any statement. 这段日子他们很低调,彻底改变了,就连阳间人来犯地球时他们都没有任何表态。 Facts showed, at that time their choice incomparable correctness, the people in Yingzhou jumped, and others tied up in the outer space to treat as to throw the Mount Putuo Chiba, thousand Ka describes, was the result what kind of? 事实证明,那时他们的选择无比的正确,瀛洲的人跳出去了,将普陀山的千叶、千迦等绑到太空中当作投名状,结果怎样呢? Finally, Yingzhou islands destruction. 最后,瀛洲岛屿覆灭。 Whiz! 嗖! In the sea level, the small boat vanishes, Chu Feng enters the sea intraocular, rushes in the folding space, appears before dragon nest. 海面上,小舟消失,楚风进入海眼内,闯进折叠空间中,出现在龙巢前。 The Earth comprehensive big recovery, is heaven and earth turning upside down that leads here, just came in he to hear Dragon's roar, a azure big dragon coils around, dives to him. 地球全面大复苏,将这里带动的更是天翻地覆,刚一进来他就听到龙吟声,一条青色的大龙盘绕,向他俯冲过来。 Chu Feng stands has not been moving, that is Dragon Qi, is not True Dragon comes back to life, he grasps magnetic marrow seal, presses forward gently, nearby Domain rune blooms, big dragon retrogression. 楚风站着没有动,那是龙气,并非真龙复生,他手持磁髓印,向前轻轻一按,附近场域符文绽放,大龙消退。 This seal is the treasure in Domain researcher eyes, was initially seized from the Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique hand, when exercised the Domain method twice the result with half the effort. 这口印乃是场域研究者眼中的瑰宝,是当初从元磁圣体手中夺来的,行使场域手段时事半功倍。 dragon nest was different, this piece of sea present has the ruins old as before, but also reveals a broader region, Chu Feng even sees the scarlet red dragon blood dyes red mud land, several dragon scales half reveal. 龙巢不同了,这片海眼下的旧地依旧有废墟,但是也露出更为恢宏的地带,楚风甚至看到赤红色的龙血染红的泥土地,还有几片龙鳞半露。 In addition, thunderstruck wood Large expanse, constructs the dragon nest important material, now emits wisp of another wisp of Yang Qi, magnificently intense, is having the full of vitality very much. 此外,雷击木成片,都是构建龙巢的重要材料,如今冒出一缕又一缕阳气,很盛烈,带着勃勃生机。 This stretch of region, a dragon's blood grass bunch of another bunch, is bringing fragrantly, the Scarlet Rosy Cloud lasing, these are the big medicines! 这片地带,龙血草一簇又一簇,带着芬芳,赤霞激射,这些都是大药! ancient cave that the distant place, hillside opens cutting, dragon roar is intermittent, thunderstruck wood are many, has Reverse Scale Flower and Dragon Fetus Tree in, drags Divine Red Clouds, blooming auspicious color, strongly fragrant fragrant, now is mature. 远处,依山而开凿的古洞,龙吟阵阵,雷击木很多,在里面有逆鳞花龙胎树,摇曳神霞,绽放瑞彩,馥郁芬芳,如今都成熟了。 In hole, Dragon Qi, rich astonishment. 洞中,龙气汩汩,浓郁的惊人。 Chu Feng goes into action, one after another magnet, there are much is bringing divine nature, is the invaluable and priceless material, was arranged by him here. 楚风行动起来,一块又一块磁石,有不少都带着神性,皆是价值连城的材料,被他布置在这里。 The method that he in the arrangement and arrangement, according to gains the Holy Master inheritance that records from moon, changes dragon nest, turns into Nirvana dragon's lair. 他在安排与布置,按照从月亮上获取的圣师传承中所记载的手段,改变龙巢,化成涅槃龙穴 On this day, under sea eye, heaven and earth turning upside down, spectacular, a dragon roar cry, the seabed mountains trend therefore changes, comes under the enormous influence. 这一天,海眼之下,天翻地覆,气象万千,龙吟道鸣,海底山川走势都因此而改变,受到巨大影响。 Many Sea Race astonished discoveries, many Earth Vein divine object, the spiritual energy in oceanic trench, Concise Essence on seamount wait/etc. were reassigned the part, gathers toward some position. 许多海族惊愕的发现,许多地脉神物,海沟中的灵气,海山上的精粹等被抽调走部分,向着某一位方位聚集。 dragon nest! 龙巢 They are startled, but makes some mental association immediately, each and every one turns around to walk, does not dare to linger in the nearby. 他们吃惊,但是马上做出一些联想,一个个转身就走,没敢在附近徘徊。 Two days later, great Nirvana dragon nest was transformed. 两天后,一座宏大的涅槃龙巢被改造完毕。 Chu Feng brings Cauldron of Monster Ancestor to enter, in thorough thunderstruck wood upholstery ancient cave, this was the past dragon nest core region, dense Immortal Vapours fluttered, the sacred fluctuation of energy was fierce. 楚风带着妖祖之鼎进入,深入雷击木铺垫的古洞中,这是当年的龙巢核心地带,氤氲仙雾飘动,神圣能量波动剧烈。 He does not have to collect the dragon's blood grass, Reverse Scale Flower and Dragon Fetus Tree, these are the invaluable and priceless big medicines, puts the outside to go definitely to initiate the tremendous sensation. 他没有去采集龙血草、逆鳞花龙胎树,这些都是价值连城的大药,放到外界去必然要引发巨大轰动。 In his eyes, here all serve for Nirvana, he must use dragon nest as the immortal furnace, the attempt resurrects all people. 在他眼中,这里的一切都为涅槃服务,他要以龙巢为仙炉,尝试复活所有人。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 This stretch of region was activated, innumerable rune spread, that is the Domain symbol is blooming, Chu Feng imitates the ancient, the deductive legend, arranged the place of this type of Nirvana. 这片地带被激活了,无数符文蔓延,那是场域符号在绽放,楚风效仿古人,演绎传说,真的布置出了这种涅槃之地。 Does not need to take mutated fruit, but swallows the essence of mountains, the spirit of essence seabed, uses dragon nest as the carrier, gathers all these, the stratagem seizes the good fortune that in the world contains. 不需要服食异果,而是吞服山川之精华,海底之灵粹,以龙巢为载体,聚拢这一切,谋夺天地中蕴含的造化。 Bang! 轰隆! World big change, the myriad things recover, in dragon nest an most common grass at this time erupts the brilliant light rain, gathers to accept divine shine that seabed innumerable Earth Vein as well as the big gullies contain, dragon nest imitates, if Divine Furnace. 天地剧震,万物复苏,就连龙巢中最普通的一株草此时都爆发绚烂光雨,聚纳海底无数地脉以及大壑蕴藏的神华,龙巢仿若神炉 Here was too sacred, is to the utmost brilliant, the light rain rustle falls, this is the spiritual energy rain, this is the Concise Essence tide, nourishes ten thousand spirits. 这里太神圣了,极尽绚烂,光雨簌簌落下来,这是灵气雨,这是精粹浪潮,滋养万灵。 Chu Feng sits cross-legged, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor stands erect thunders here. 楚风盘坐下来,妖祖之鼎矗立在这里轰鸣。 All in methodical carries on, develops according to all of Chu Feng prepare, the strength of Nirvana fills the air, is representing new life, lives the energy to be turbulent vigorously. 一切都在有条不紊的进行中,按照楚风布置好的一切发展下去,涅槃之力弥漫,代表着新生,勃勃生之能量汹涌。 How?” “怎样了?” Chu Feng asked Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, he was disturbed, restless, this was concerning the relatives and friends old friend whether to live to walk. 楚风妖祖之鼎,他是忐忑的,不安的,这关乎着亲朋故友能否活着走出来。 If no effect including the place of Nirvana, he was really then helpless, all will become spatial, will be in vain sad and regrettable, will be the pain of tap web. 如果连涅槃之地都没有效果,那么,他真的无能为力了,一切都将成空,徒然悲伤与遗憾,将是锥心之痛。 „The life field of my within the body world powerful dozens times has continued, but also is promoting, but also quickly to my limit, my not knows they whether to live.” “我体内世界的生命场强盛了数十倍不止,还在提升中,但也快到我的极限了,我也不知道他们能否活下来。” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor is indefinite, it has made contribution, the place of Nirvana, conducts in within the body magnanimous full of vitality. 妖祖之鼎不确定,它已经尽力了,藉此涅槃之地,传导进体内海量的勃勃生机。 In this world, without Heavenly Venerate, in addition at that time had missed the best time that Extreme Martial said in Great Abyss, Chu Feng and monster cauldron any means that only cannot give it all here. 在这个世间,没有天尊,此外就是当时在大渊都已经错过了太武所说的最佳时间段,楚风与妖鼎没有任何办法,只能在这里放手一搏。 The sound is unceasing, mountains resonance. 响声不绝,山川共鸣。 Even if in the ancient times, this scene also sufficiently were shocking, some people of affiliation mountains myriad things practice, this absolutely was the evolution important matter, the general Domain researcher could not obtain this inheritance, absolutely did not have this method! 哪怕是在古代,这种景象也足以惊世,有人藉山川万物修行,这绝对是进化界的大事,一般的场域研究者得不到这种传承,根本就没有这种手段! Once past some people of affiliation Phoenix Nest transformations, realized the jump of life level, suddenly became the top dog, these became the myths. 昔日曾有人藉凰巢蜕变,实现生命层次的跃迁,一举成为人上人,那些都已经成为神话。 Now real Nirvana is deducting, swallows the mountains essence, reappears grand occasion scene that the ancient book records. 现在真实的涅槃正在演绎,吞山川精华,再现古书所记载的盛事景象。 Enough four days, here Scarlet Rosy Cloud, the white fog surges, the golden light rushes, variegated energy flow, toward central gathering in the past. 足足四天,这里都赤霞点点,白雾翻腾,金光澎湃,斑斓能量流动,向着中心地汇聚过去。 The dragon's blood grass, Reverse Scale Flower, Dragon Fetus Tree wait/etc. are insanely is first long, after arriving at most magnificently intense extreme, then started dead of old age, all essence entered the Nirvana place the main position. 龙血草、逆鳞花龙胎树等先是疯长,到达最盛烈的极点后,便开始凋谢,所有的精华都进入涅槃地的主位置。 Without a doubt, most of Cauldron of Monster Ancestor absorption, construct the special life field, wants to resurrect these people. 毫无疑问,妖祖之鼎吸收的最多,构建特殊的生命场,想复活那些人。 Chu Feng sits in the one side, even if not absorb, will not have leaked him, his is recovering, even if looks like the face whiten like the paper, but the real strength is actually growing. 楚风坐在一旁,哪怕不去吸收,也不会漏过他,他的身体在恢复,即便看起来脸色苍白如纸,但是真实实力却在增长。 He is evolving passively, does not want to absorb a wisp of energy, but actually on own initiative floods into his within the body, here Concise Essence is too rich, does not consume also wastes, in the end will overflow, disperses from dragon nest outward. 他在被动进化,本不想吸收一缕能量,但却主动涌进他的体内,这里的精粹太浓郁,不消耗也是浪费,到头来会溢出去,从龙巢中向外散开。 Eight days later, the white fog was pale, the energy is gradually withered. 八天后,白雾淡了,能量渐渐干枯。 This piece of good fortune was used the limit by them, all chances in dragon nest also has the drainage of surrounding mountains to arrive at the end. 这片造化地被他们利用到极限,龙巢中的一切机缘还有周围山川的引流都到尽头了。 Chu Feng has not thought must evolve, but his own strength actually did not grow in this consciousness, came big Nirvana, he enters into Saint Dominion. 楚风没有想过要进化,但是他自身的实力却在这不知觉间增长了,来了一次大涅槃,他迈入圣人领域 In same place, he falls off next to lose the exuviate, cracks with the wind, changes to the ashes, his fleshly body sends out the light, the life level sublimates, becomes present age youngest Saint! 在原地,他脱落下一张遗蜕,随风而裂,化作灰烬,他的肉身发出光,生命层次升华,成为当世最年轻的圣者 His soul light fiercely is also fluctuating, is similar to the tide is enormous and powerful, spiritual strength circulation, own multi-colored sunlight ten thousand. 他的魂光也在剧烈起伏,如同潮汐浩荡,精神力流转,自身霞光万道。 Chu Feng not joyful, this evolution to present him, does not have the sense of achievement, what he wants is only the parental friends and relatives lives. 楚风没有一点欣喜,这种进化对现在的他来说,毫无成就感,他想要的只是父母亲故活过来。 Regarding the own road of evolution, he had already thought that the present all, are not, must kill Extreme Martial, Hun Yi that and other Heavenly Venerate he wants, how can be good depending on these?! 对于自身的进化之路,他早已深思熟虑过,眼下的一切,都不是他所想要的,要杀太武浑羿天尊,凭这些怎么能行?! He must take the strongest road! 他要走最强之路! I only am willing you to live, gives a welcoming dinner for your reception, brings your bird's eye view starry sky, altogether dances with you mortal world.” “我只愿你们活着,为你们接风洗尘,带你们俯瞰星空,与你们共舞红尘。” Chu Feng no other strove, only wish them to live! 楚风别无所求,只愿他们活下来! He extends take action, shivers, touches the bloodstained the cauldron lid, then opened suddenly! 他伸出手,略带颤抖,触摸到血迹斑斑的鼎盖,然后猛然揭开! Only asked you...... Living!” His sound is shaking. “只求你们……活着!”他的声音在抖。
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