SR :: Volume #10

#945: Living

Chu Feng is very exhausted, although in the heart has a flame to burn down, the fighting spirit was stimulated, but this giant accident makes him exhausted, the relatives and friends old friend dies at present, how can not be painful, how can not big tong? 楚风很疲惫,虽然心中有一股火光在焚烧,斗志被激发出来,但这场巨大的变故让他精疲力竭,亲朋故友一个一个地死在眼前,怎能不痛苦,怎能不大恸? Outside Great Abyss is the endless darkness, he after for a long time, is peaceful, soul light shakes repeatedly, the blood is also shining, but is actually not able to reappear fleshly body. 大渊外是无尽的黑暗,他很长时间后才安静下来,魂光多次摇动,血液也在发光,但是却无法将肉身再现出来。 Injures, not only heart, body, a dead tribulation, endless dismal, he staggers is moving toward the distant place, is alone and good. 太伤,不只是心,还有身,一场死劫,无尽悲凉,他踉跄着走向远方,踽踽而行。 Finds a place old, resurrecting black, Yellow Ox they.” The Chu Feng light language, he is very thin and pale, is anxious, for fear that after opening the Monster Ancestor cauldron covers, these people never. “找一个地方,复活老黑、黄牛他们。”楚风轻语,他很憔悴,也非常紧张,生怕打开妖祖鼎盖后,那些人永远不在。 At this time, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor also falls into the deep sleep, its whole body scar, was almost punctured. 此时,妖祖之鼎也陷入沉睡中,它满身伤痕,几乎被打穿。 This service, this time disaster, the person or the weapon undergo a biggest tribulation, can live, has among in the world, is not very really easy. 这一役,这一次的劫难,无论是人还是兵器都经历一场最大的磨难,能够活下来,存在于世间,真的很不易。 On cauldron wall dyes with blood, but is gloomy, does not have the life gloss, is whose? The Chu Feng's heart is trembling, his intense restlessness. 鼎壁上染血,但却暗淡,没有生命光泽,是谁的?楚风的心在颤,他强烈的不安。 Leaves a Great Abyss distance slightly, in lonesome and quiet places, Chu Feng then must remove the cauldron lid, his hand is trembling, in the heart has the horridness unexpectedly. 稍微离开大渊一段距离,在一片幽静之地,楚风便要去揭开鼎盖,他的手在发抖,心中竟有惶恐。 This with his past resolute completely not like, because only cares. 这跟他昔日的果决完全不像,只因为太在意。 Do not move, my within the body from become one World, may guarantee the present condition temporarily, your my severe wound is all critically-ill, now is powerless.” “不要动,我体内自成一界,可暂保现在的状态,你我皆重伤垂危,现在无力回天。” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor was awakened, like this reminded. 妖祖之鼎被惊醒,这样提醒。 It in Nirvana, it in the fermentation vitality, initially punctured the Xilin star and Deity Star, annexes endless Concise Essence, its within the body implication magnanimous mountains and rivers essence. 它在涅槃,它在酝酿生机,当初将西林星、天神星打穿,并吞走无尽的精粹,它体内蕴含海量的山河精气。 In the special life field in within the body, all stop worsening. 在它体内的特殊的生命场中,一切都停止恶化。 Chu Feng's stops, he does not dare to remove the cauldron lid of belt/bring blood really easily, currently unexpectedly has the feeling of feeling relieved, the intention hopes always to compare desperately good. 楚风的手停下,他真的不敢轻易揭开带血的鼎盖,现在竟有如释重负之感,心怀希望总比绝望好。 In this short moment, he quite feels strenuously, somewhat is gloomy including soul light, one intermittent weak, he bore too many pressures a moment ago. 就在这短短的片刻,他颇感吃力,连魂光都有些暗淡,一阵阵虚弱,刚才他承受了太多的压力。 Goes home.” “回家。” In the body and heart most exhausted time, his first time has a lonely hopelessness, he wants to go back, wants to return once was full of the happy talks and laughters the place. 在身体与心最为疲惫的时刻,他第一次有种孤独无助感,他想回去,想回到的曾经充满欢声笑语的地方。 Earth, Kunlun Mountains, their yard, that Unextinguishable Mountain, these are he can recall the warm place. 地球,昆仑,自家的小院,还有那不灭山,这些都是他所能回忆起温暖的地方。 He is very weak, almost dies here, although can fortunately survive, but the remaining gloomy soul light also some blood, skeleton fleshly body was only hit not to have. 他真的很虚弱,差点就死在这里,虽然得以幸存,但只剩下暗淡的魂光还有一些血,骨骼肉身都被打没了。 Looks out the dark end several point weak stars, Chu Feng calmly stands here, by spiritual revolution breathing method, stands firm the soul wound, the fire of soul beats, was gradually more exuberant. 遥望黑暗尽头的几点微弱的星,楚风静静地站在这里,以精神运转呼吸法,稳住魂伤,灵魂之火跳动,渐渐旺盛了一些。 In a short time he does not want to make the transaction to open the wormhole with Heavenspan Worm-hole Company, alerts to it , the present stage he can only believe itself. 短时间内他不想与通天虫洞公司做交易去开启虫洞,对之十分戒备,现阶段他只能相信自己。 Brother-in-law!” “姐夫!” In cold and dreary void some people came, the sound is immature, is having the weeping voice, sobbing, this stretch of region outside Great Abyss however is seeking fearfully. 凄冷的虚空中有人来了,声音稚嫩,带着哭腔,呜咽着,在大渊外这片地带惶惶然而寻找。 She is Ying Xiaoxiao, silver-haired Little Loli leads an old servant to start off from Sub Immortal Clan, rushes to here hurriedly, she bursts into tears anxiously, continuously searches for in this region. 她是映晓晓,银发小萝莉亚仙族中带着一位老仆人上路,急匆匆赶到这里,她焦急流泪,在这片区域不断搜寻。 Brother-in-law, you where?” “姐夫,你在哪里?” Jet black World of the Dead number one restricted area, timeless cold and still, secluded from the world, all year long cannot see living lifeforms, only then recent here will have the human footmark. 漆黑的阴间第一禁地,亘古不变的冷寂,与世隔绝,终年见不到活着的生物,也只有近期这里才有人迹。 Ying Xiaoxiao has cried, because could not find, anything had not discovered that only then her sound is fluttering, sobbing in a soft voice. 映晓晓哭了,因为找不到,什么都没有发现,只有她的声音在飘荡,轻声的抽泣。 Passed the moment, outside Great Abyss silhouette is ample, came some people, rushes to this place with the aid of several superior grade wormhole, lingers in this region. 过了片刻,大渊身影绰绰,又来了一些人,借助几条超级虫洞迅速赶到此地,在这片区域徘徊。 But, the Great Abyss very length and breadth, the region is endless, the average person arrived here appears very tiny, even if induces by divine awareness, insufficiently looks on the other hand. 可是,大渊非常的广袤,地域无疆,一般人来到这里显得非常渺小,哪怕是以神觉来感应,相对来说也不够看。 Some people in silent going through, control the space rare treasure, the speed is fast, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered outside this piece of Great Abyss, in the hand is holding the valuable mirror, sends out the light beam, the shining front. 有人在无声的穿行,驾驭空间秘宝,速度非常快,纵横于这片大渊外,手中持着宝镜,发出光束,照耀前方。 Among them, there is an ancient times survival the famous elder, there is the whole body by a spacious black cape is deceiving the person, is bringing Evolver of special not appreciable mask. 在他们当中,有远古的幸存下来的名宿,也有全身都被宽大的黑斗篷蒙着的人,还有带着特殊不可感知的面具的进化者 Person who comes are many, the goal is various. 来的人很多,目的各不相同。 Some people are worried about Chu Feng, thinks knows really very much, whether he lives. 有人在担心楚风,真的很想知道,他是否活下来。 Whether also after some people covet Heavenly Venerate dissipates, leave behind the World of the Living rare treasure in this place, wants to obtain. 也有人觊觎天尊消逝后是否留下阳间秘宝于此地,想要得到。 Some people hear the opinion of World of the Living person, on knows Chu Feng have Supreme Treasure, making Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate move, does not hesitate to arrive by oneself, many people had the thoughts, is that the thing of what kind of Paramount? 更有人听到阳间人的言论,知道楚风身上有至宝,让太武天尊都动心,不惜亲身降临,许多人动了心思,那是怎样的究极之物? Outside Great Abyss is very static, but the will of the people are not static. 大渊外很静,但是人心不静。 Some many people are warmhearted, take friend and others, for Chu Feng comes, to seek him, participates in the rescue. 有很多人古道热肠,带上身边的朋友等,是为楚风而来,想要寻到他,参与营救。 Has such Great Calamity, in the starry sky the earthquake, finally so ends, many people live the favorable impression to Chu Feng, strongly hopes that he can also live. 发生这样的大劫,星空中大地震,最后这般落幕,许多人都对楚风生有好感,强烈希望他还能活着。 However , some Evolver, harbor not the good goal to come eventually, the will of the people are complex, is unable to forecast. 但是,终究也有一些进化者,怀着不好的目的而来,人心复杂,无法预测。 Extreme Martial was swallowed, follows several God Level Evolver that he comes also dead in this place continually, World of the Dead was tranquil, the external pressure vanishes directly. 太武都被吞掉,连追随他而来的几位神级进化者也死在此地,阴间平静了,外部压力直接消失。 Normal, even if Chu Feng is also living, has abandoned, shortly after life. 正常来说,楚风哪怕还活着,也已废去,命不久矣。 Some person thoughts are impure, wants to find stone box resourcefully, that is including the thing that Heavenly Venerate earnestly seeks, living that some greeds of this World of the Dead universe can close? 有些人心思不纯,想不择手段地找到石盒,那是连天尊都渴求的东西,这阴间宇宙的一些贪欲怎么能关的住? The lonesome and quiet place, Chu Feng soul light drags, gradually exuberant many, he opens the eye quickly, in hand were many a golden purple bamboo, but Cauldron of Monster Ancestor also recovers. 幽静之地,楚风魂光摇曳,渐渐旺盛不少,他倏地睁开眼睛,手中多了一根紫金竹,而妖祖之鼎也复苏。 Came many people.” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor told him, even if were weak, it was also in this starry skies to one of the strong weapons, unusual refined. “来了很多人。”妖祖之鼎告诉他,哪怕再虚弱,它也算是这片星空中的至强兵器之一,超凡脱俗。 Others see its whole body fissure, discarded, but, it supported! 别人看到它满身裂痕,已经废掉,但是,它撑住了! It asked Chu Feng, whether must see some people, or opened the buddhist commandment against taking life!? 它问楚风,是否要见一些人,或者开杀戒!? Returns to Earth, revives Yellow Ox they.” Chu Feng does not want to cause complications, the time is too precious, on this day he has too many regrets, hopes that can recover. “回地球,去救活黄牛他们。”楚风不想节外生枝,时间太宝贵,这一天他有太多的遗憾,希望可以补救。 When the Cauldron of Monster Ancestor illumination, Ying Xiaoxiao seeks this region finally, and discovers them, sobs to run, worried very much. 妖祖之鼎发光时,映晓晓终于寻到这片区域,并发现他们,哭泣着跑来,很是担忧。 It is not the family member surpasses the family member, the Foreign Territory hundred years, one group of people once shared hardships, the paragenesis dies. 不是家人胜似家人,异域百年,一群人曾共患难,共生死。 Her incomparable fear, was worried that Chu Feng died here, sees his soul light suddenly, that familiar, immediately cried to smile. 她无比的害怕,在担心楚风已经死在这里,骤然见到他的魂光,那么的熟悉,顿时哭着笑了出来。 Chu Feng stops, looks at her to run. 楚风停下,看她跑来。 Brother-in-law, this is by big pill who some divine medicine's leaves boil down, is I steals from the day character No.1 pharmacy, you take quickly.” “姐夫,这是以部分神药的叶子熬炼成的大丹,是我从天字一号药房中偷出来的,你快服食下去。” She offers valuable advice, on the face is bringing the tears, careful is holding a jade pot, hands over forward, in addition also has other medicines to be loose. 她献宝般,脸上带着泪,小心的捧着一个玉罐,向前递去,此外还有其他药散。 The Chu Feng heart has the warm feeling, a heat flow flows in the heart, lifts the hand to touch her head, but, he now is the soul light condition, after touching, feels differently. 楚风心有暖意,一股热流在心中流淌,抬手摸了摸她的头,可是,他现在是魂光状态,触及后感受不同。 Moreover, he is unable to eat the medicine to disperse now. 而且,他现在也无法吃下去药散等。 Here has to treat the soul light special medicament, you a bit faster therapy.” The Ying Xiaoxiao whole face worried look, saw that Chu Feng now soul light sways, in heart restless. “这里有治疗魂光的特殊药剂,你快点疗伤。”映晓晓满脸忧色,看到楚风都现在魂光飘摇,心中不安。 I am all right.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, and told her here not to be peaceful, quickly returned to Sub Immortal Clan. “我没事。”楚风开口,并告诉她这里不太平,赶快回亚仙族 I must protect you!” She summoned that old servant, making him come together is Chu Feng Protector, hoping Chu Feng can sooner recover. “我要保护你!”她呼唤那个老仆人,让他跟着一起过来为楚风护法,希望楚风能早些复原。 My elder sister will come afterward, my brother also came, in seeking you, although before Saint in clan,......” spoke of here, she has not said, does not want to raise these not to be quick again, before that three ancient times Saint, decision that made, she was incapable of refuting. “我姐姐随后也会来,我哥哥也来了,都在寻你,虽然族中的圣人以前……”说到这里,她没有说下去,不想再提那些不快,那三位远古圣人以前做出的决定,她无力反驳。 "Um, Saint of your clan arrived, Xiao you goes back first, bye. ” “嗯,你们族的圣人到了,晓晓你先回去吧,再见。” Chu Feng walked, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor pierces void, leading him to leave directly, catches up to Earth. 楚风走了,妖祖之鼎洞穿虚空,带着他直接离开,赶向地球。 This cauldron can restore to this step, making Chu Feng breathe out lightly, otherwise, he could face some crises, the present condition is not very really good. 这口鼎能够恢复到这一步,让楚风轻出了一口气,不然的话,他可能要面对一些危机,现在的状态真的很不好。 Revives the parents, revives Yellow Ox they, then goes to World of the Living, reckless practicing, cuts to kill Extreme Martial! 救活父母,救活黄牛他们,然后去阳间,不顾一切的修行,斩杀太武 This is the thought in Chu Feng heart, the pray is smooth, earnestly seeks the miracle, making these people in cauldron all live, is filling with the hope and obsession. 这是楚风心中的念头,祈祷顺利,渴求奇迹,让鼎中的那些人全都活过来,满怀着希望与执念 Great Abyss external many people, is getting more and more lively, all Evolver, a big shot of clan and others arrived, was looking for the Chu Feng's whereabouts. 大渊外来了很多人,越来越热闹,各方进化者,一族的头面人物等都到了,在寻找楚风的下落。 They awe to Great Abyss, harbor the different goals. 他们对大渊敬畏,怀着不同目的而来。 Hopes that you can go on living!” Zi Luan and Yuan Mo several people accompanied by clansman, arrived here station to be very long. “希望你能活下去!”紫鸾元魔几人在族人的陪同下,来到这里站了很久。 Yuan Shicheng, Yuan Yuan, Ying Wudi and the others also arrived, ethnic group extinguished Young Master Undying Silkworm, lightly was sighing, but some people burnt paper resembling money, held a memorial service. 元世成、元媛、映无敌等人也到了,还有族群被灭的不死蚕公子,都在轻叹,而有些人更是烧纸,进行祭奠。 It is not all people thinks that Chu Feng can live, finally Great Abyss swallows all, vanished including to the utmost Heavenly Eye of remote region. 不是所有人都认为楚风能活下来,最后大渊吞掉一切,连极尽遥远地带的天眼都消失了。 Harbors the person who the goal does not come well, is very low-key, performance does not have what difference, but, suddenly cannot seek anything. 一些怀着不好目的而来的人,很低调,表现的没有什么不同,但是,一时间寻不到什么。 The Ying Xiaoxiao mouth is very strict, no one has told, had not said that Chu Feng is also living. 映晓晓嘴巴很严,谁都没有告诉,没有说出去楚风还活着。 However, the paper cannot wrap up the fire, some people seek Chu Feng's several wisps of blood in the starry sky, activeness, life internal energy, this is the blood essence, judges him possibly not dead. 不过,纸包不住火,有人在星空中寻到楚风的几缕血,还有活性,还有生命气机,这是血精,判断出他可能未死。 Here troubled, temporarily has nothing to do with Chu Feng, he returns to Earth, he and Cauldron of Monster Ancestor buries in famed scenery, lay out heaven shaking Domain, resurrects oneself, restores great cauldron. 这里的纷纷扰扰,都暂时与楚风无关,他回到地球,他将自己与妖祖之鼎埋在名山大川间,布下惊天场域,复活自己,修复大鼎 Now, the myriad things recover, the spiritual energy is rich, Earth obtains nourishing of magnanimous mutated soil Chu Feng collects, the thorough activation, each region mountains and rivers are similar to Grand Falls produce Concise Essence, myriad things spiritual wisdom, is born including some stones the consciousness, may start talking including some old tree. 现在,万物复苏,灵气浓郁,地球得到楚风收集来的海量异土的滋养,彻底激活,各地山河如同大瀑布般产生精粹,万物通灵,连一些石头都诞生意识,连一些老树都可开口说话了。 The monster cauldron illumination, its interior has the singular space, in this special life field, some blood mist is winding around, is fluttering, was being nourished by the intense life energy. 妖鼎发光,它内部有奇异空间,在这特殊的生命场中,一些血雾在缭绕,在飘荡,在被强烈的生命能量滋养。 You must live!” “你们都要活着啊!” Chu Feng was praying every day, in the past he not like this, because now cares, feared that cannot see these people again. 楚风每天都在祈祷,过去他不会这样,而现在因为太在乎,怕再也见不到那些人。 He in the use famous mountains, using some special Domain that Holy Master left behind in the past, restores Cauldron of Monster Ancestor with him, has Weapon Raising Domain, there is a taking care of health big territory. 他在利用名山,利用圣师当年留下的一些特别的场域,恢复妖祖之鼎与他自己,有养兵场域,也有养身大域。 Even, he also lands on Moon, goes to the Holy Master temporary palace to step onto. 甚至,他还登上月球,去圣师的行宫中走上一遭。 Arrived afterward, Chu Feng face whiten, his flesh appeared, difficult remoulding, he is also living, but can other people reappear in world? 到了后来,楚风脸色苍白,他的血肉浮现出来,艰难的重塑,他还活着,而其他人能否在世间重现? Last place, Chu Feng must go to Eastern Sea, enters true dragon's lair, here seizes the world good fortune, the affiliation seabed mountains provides, is a to the utmost treasure trove. 最后一地,楚风要去东海,进真龙巢穴,这里夺天地造化,藉海底山川供养,是一处极尽宝地。 In the personally written letter of Domain researcher, has mentioned the phoenix nest, in mentioning dragon's lair, if can arrange and use truly, Cultivator sits cross-legged in middle, others swallow mutated fruit, but the Domain powerhouse can swallow the mountains spirit essence. 场域研究者的手札中,提及过凤巢,在提到过龙穴,如果可以真正布置并利用好,修士盘坐在当中,别人吞异果,而场域强者则能吞山川灵粹。 In the Chu Feng's plan , he once enters World of the Living, then must use this super method, seeks for ancient Immortal Cave and ancestor lineage/vein, was risen by oneself violently, how otherwise to cut Extreme Martial?! 楚风的计划中,他一旦进阳间,便是要利用起来这种超级手段,寻找古老的仙窟、祖脉等,让自己猛烈崛起,不然何以斩太武?! At present he is very restless, innermost feelings are disturbed, penetrated in Eastern Sea, don't knows these people , the cauldron person, this return alive to see? 只是眼下他十分不安,内心忐忑,已经深入东海中,不知道那些人是否还在,鼎中的人,此生还能见到吗?
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