SR :: Volume #10

#944: Reached agreement World of the Living to fight again!

Thinks my Extreme Martial, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered All Heavens, murders innumerably, shows disdain for a magnificent big time, in the same world pushes all matches horizontally, this rises, the after suffering of long years, an opening earth, creates extremely breathing method, becomes teaches First Ancestor. In the end actually must experience this kind of dead tribulation, silent, silently waiting death, pitiful duplicate laughable.” “想我太武,纵横诸天,杀伐无数,傲视一个辉煌大时代,同世中横推所有对手,这才崛起,漫长岁月的煎熬后,开辟道土,创出绝顶呼吸法,成为一教鼻祖。到头来却要经历这样一次死劫,无声无息,默默等待死亡,可悲复可笑。” The stone embryo opens the mouth, is not willing has no alternative, his both eyes in gloomy, the look is lax, soul light was being disintegrated, is split up, Dao Ancestral Matter is unceasingly elegant. 石胎开口,不甘心却无可奈何,他的双目在暗淡,眼神涣散,魂光在被瓦解,四分五裂,道祖物质不断飘逸出去。 He sat cross-legged there one moves cannot move, the life vitality of whole body in rapid passing, the Dao Physique rapid deterioration, a decayed aura wound around around the body. 他盘坐在那里一动不能动了,周身的生命朝气在迅速的流逝,道体急骤衰败,一股腐朽的气息缭绕在身体周围。 One generation of Heavenly Venerate in die, without any favorable turn, appointed his huge divine ability, but here actually can only move toward the life gradually the end point! 一代天尊殒落,没有任何转机,任他天大的神通,可是这里却只能一步一步走向生命的终点! He reluctantly also good, is not willing, appointed within the body soul light makes, to destroy indiscriminately, but is the futile efforts, cannot change anything radically. 他无奈也好,不甘心也罢,任体内魂光挣动,玉石俱焚,但都是徒劳的,根本改变不了什么。 In his front, some huge Heavenly Venerate True Body, are more boundless than him, calculates according to the rank, is earlier than him, status background big scary. 在他的前方,有一具又一具庞大的天尊真身,比他还要磅礴,按辈分来算,都远早于他,身份来头大的吓死人。 But, they already died during meditation there, had not gotten rid of the dead end. 可是,他们也都早已坐化在那里,都没有摆脱死局。 These Heavenly Venerate arrange, sits cross-legged respectively, this was choice dignified dying, helpless buried itself, downcast this place not to have any hope. 这些天尊排列,各自盘坐,这是选择体面的死去,也无奈的埋葬自己,陷落此地就没有任何的希望可言。 Life final time, Extreme Martial stares at the front jet black cave entrance, it often shines, often deep and quiet darkness, unpredictable. 生命的最后时光,太武凝视前方的漆黑洞口,它不时发光,不时幽邃黑暗,变化莫测。 Meanwhile, he was also looking that makes him feel to that incomparably sends to terrify the terrifying lifeforms Great Universe Level evolution body, if its shape passes on, world wants the big quake. 同时,他也在看向那让他都感觉无比发瘆的恐怖生物大宇级进化体,其形态若是传出去,世间都要大震。 This makes the person deeply feel the big of terrifying evolution end! 这让人深感进化尽头之大恐怖! Extreme Martial crashes in this, watches long time, thinks as before frightened, he in a big way sees world secret one, but, is actually not able to bring back to World of the Living these information, even cannot transmit outside Great Abyss. 太武坠落于此,观看良久,依旧觉得惊悚,他看到世间最大的秘密之一,但是,却无法将这些信息带回阳间,甚至不能传递到大渊外。 The whole world is boundless, Supreme Being is exploring, is searching, but actually does not know here some truth and answers. 举世茫茫,大能都在探索,都在寻觅,可是却不知在这里有部分真相与答案。 The evolution front was roadless, here has a cavern, here has Great Universe evolution body, here some answers, disastrous remnant mark and truth! 进化前方已无路,这里有一口洞穴,这里有大宇进化体,这里有些答案,还有灾难性的残痕与真相! In you when the Blue Dragon overlooks the ant insect, whether once had thought that also there is a Blue Dragon to overlook you?” “在你若苍龙般俯视蚁虫时,是否曾想过,也有苍龙在俯视你?” Finally the time he heard these words, both eyes are atheistic, treats silently! 最后时刻他又听到了这句话,双目无神,静默待死! At this time, universe edge, follows one group of people who Extreme Martial comes, the body ice is cold, such as in the falling hell, Extreme Martial is supreme Heavenly Venerate in their eyes, like this was swallowed by Great Abyss. 此时,宇宙边缘,跟随太武过来的一群人,都身体冰寒,如坠地狱中,太武是他们眼中的无上天尊,就这样被大渊吞进去。 Two Dao Child cry, but other people are also trembling, encounters the dead tribulation including Heavenly Venerate, this World of the Dead universe goes far beyond their imagination. 两个道童大哭,而其他人也在瑟瑟发抖,连天尊都遭遇死劫,这阴间宇宙远远超过他们的想象。 No wonder other Heavenly Venerate are not willing to visit easily, only then Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate because of some issues but is very anxious, earnestly seeks that two to lose in this piece of universe Supreme Treasure, this in a hurry catches up, violates the danger by the body, finally had the accident/surprise unexpectedly. 难怪其他天尊不肯轻易踏足,也只有太武天尊因为一些问题而无比焦虑,渴求那两件失落在这片宇宙的至宝,这才匆匆赶来,以身犯险,结果竟真的出了意外。 However, the matter had not ended. 然而,事情还没有结束。 This group of people suddenly discovered, an invisible strength has imprisoned them, punctures thoroughly in the chaos fog, the influence of time surpasses the World of the Dead's range. 这群人突然发现,一股无形之力禁锢了他们,刺透进混沌雾霭中,所时间的影响超出阴间的范围。 No!” “不!” Some people yelled, following in Evolver that the Extreme Martial footsteps come to have expert, is the genuine god, finally was towed, flies toward the World of the Dead deep place. 有人大叫,追随太武脚步过来的进化者中有高手,乃是真正的神,结果被牵引走了,向着阴间深处飞去。 Yelling that two young lads frighten, turns around to walk. 两个童子吓的大叫,转身就走。 Finally, several gods were pouched in Great Abyss, crashes, is similar to ordinary lifeforms that is drowned is struggling, them has the arctic fox, three foot flying dragon, have the Human Race God Level powerhouse, is a fate, is unable to get rid, crashes to Great Abyss bottom. 最终,几位神被吞进大渊中,坠落下去,如同溺水的普通生物在挣扎,他们当中有白狐,有三足飞龙,有人族神级强者,都是一个下场,无法摆脱,坠落到大渊底部。 When they see dying Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, wants to yell, finally actually discovered any words shouted do not export, are incapable of opening mouth. 当他们看到垂死的太武天尊时,想要大叫,结果却发现什么话语都喊不出口,无力张嘴。 Sits including Heavenly Venerate waits for death here, what can they also change? These will of the people such as dying embers at the same time, quick starts the body dead. 天尊都坐在这里等死,他们还能改变什么?这些人心如死灰的同时,很快就开始身死。 In that black cave entrance, the flaming brilliance circulation, fills the supreme mighty force, they turn into the dust in breaths, in the mysterious cavern wisp of wind has blown, they vanish into thin air. 那口黑色的洞口中,炽盛光辉流转,弥漫无上伟力,他们在一息间化成尘埃,神秘洞穴中一缕风吹过,他们烟消云散。 This may be a powerhouse, is known as the god in Evolver, finally such died, without any value, the common people all does not know several people of final conditions. 这可都是强者,在进化者中号称神,结果就这么死去了,没有任何价值,世人皆不知几人最后的状况。 The World of the Dead universe boils noisily, all Evolver in an uproar, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate was swallowed, is following several Divinity that he comes also to vanish. 阴间宇宙喧沸,所有进化者都哗然,太武天尊被吞掉,连带着追随他过来的几位神祇也都消失。 Did the World of the Dead biggest catastrophe like this pass? 阴间最大的浩劫就这样过去了? Chu Feng, his these family members and friends?” Some famous elders are looking out Great Abyss. 楚风呢,还有他的那些亲人与朋友呢?”一些名宿在遥望大渊 At this time, various clan Evolver think knows this answer. 此时,各族进化者都想知道这个答案。 But, anything could not see, because Heavenly Eye was unable to catch the picture. 可是,什么都看不到,因为天眼已经无法捕捉画面。 Great Abyss swallows the day, in process that in attracts with several Divinity Extreme Martial, nearby Heavenly Eye was also vanishing. 大渊吞天,在将太武与几位神祇吸进去的过程中,连带着附近的天眼也消失了。 Outside Great Abyss, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor shines, dazzling, it has made contribution, absorbs in these blood mist the cauldron, although is more unfortunate than fortunate, possibly cannot preserve the person who elapses. 大渊外,妖祖之鼎发光,璀璨夺目,它已经尽力了,将那些血雾吸收进鼎中,虽然凶多吉少,可能保不住逝去的人。 However, its really effort. 但是,它真的努力了。 Actually, its oneself is also damaged seriously, many fissures, once nearly by the Extreme Martial optional finger/refers of puncture, the close trace on cauldron wall were similar to the spider webs. 其实,它自身也受损严重,有不少裂痕,曾经险些被太武随意一指击穿,鼎壁上的细密痕迹如同蛛网般。 Could not insist!” “坚持不住了!” It is shivering, now did not follow the Monster Ancestor age, it no longer is the god cauldron, but must be swallowed by Great Abyss as before, flies upside down. 它在颤动,如今已不是追随妖祖的年代,它不再是神鼎,但依旧要被大渊吞掉,倒飞出去。 Reduction!” “缩小!” Chu Feng shouts, he is leading sad intent, actually not the knows parents and Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Zhou Quan they how, this world did not have Heavenly Venerate, who can save them? 楚风喊道,他带着悲意,不知道父母与大黑牛黄牛周全他们究竟如何了,这个世间没有天尊,谁能救他们? Moreover, now passes such a long time, has delayed the time, has missed the best opportunity, but can also be saved, who can go against heaven's will? 而且,现在过去这么长时间,耽搁了时光,错过了最佳的机会,还有救吗,谁能逆天? Yaoyao? She is unable to defend oneself, after great war stops, the wound that knows she receives has multiple, almost body dies and Dao disappears! 妖妖吗?她自身难保,大战停止后,才知道她受的伤有多重,几乎身死道消 Buzz! 嗡! Cauldron of Monster Ancestor reduces, turns into the fist to be big, becomes one group of gentle light, charges into Chu Feng here, took in stone box. 妖祖之鼎缩小,化成拳头大,成为一团柔和的光,冲向楚风这里,被收进石盒中。 Yaoyao comes quickly!” Chu Feng shouts, was worried that she has accident/surprise. 妖妖快来!”楚风喊道,担心她出意外。 Has many sadness, but cannot accommodate his big tong, even if they do not have the God Level fluctuation of energy, but also comes under some influences now, must in the destruction strength of by Great Abyss be swallowed. 有许多的伤悲,但是容不得他大恸,哪怕他们都没有神级能量波动,可现在也受到些许影响,要被大渊中的毁灭之力吞掉。 At this time, is Chu Feng is also struggling, soul light is condensing the blood, submerges in stone box, what a pity does not have the cover, previously by him, as soon as the anger throws in the darkness. 此时,就是楚风自己也挣扎着,魂光凝聚着血液,没入石盒中,可惜没有盖子,早先被他一怒投掷进黑暗中。 At this time, the Yaoyao war skirt, there are many fissures, was broken by Extreme Martial mystique method, how it can be imagined she withstood the fearful attack. 此时,妖妖的战裙,有很多裂痕,都是被太武秘法打破的,可想而知她承受了怎样的可怕攻击。 Her forehead is bleeding, the previous that fingerprint is proliferating, has the wound to arrive at her, but was suppressed by her, now manifests. 她的眉心在淌血,早先的那个指印在扩散,不是没有伤到她,而是被她压制了,现在体现出来。 The forehead was pierced, has the fearful energy to corrode. 眉心被洞穿,有可怕的能量在侵蚀。 In addition, in her sending silk some little stone chips, are also bringing the blood, that is trump card that Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate makes, from material that on stone embryo flakes, innate thing! 此外,她的发丝中还有几许石屑,带着血,那是太武天尊打出的杀手锏,自石胎上剥落出的物质,先天之物! Lithical gathered the needle, but was blocked with Sword Embryo by Yaoyao, at this time Divine Sword broke, the lithical weapon also becomes fine powder, may injure her. 石质原本聚集成针,不过被妖妖剑胎挡住,此时神剑已断,石质武器也成齑粉,可还是伤到了她。 In addition, Yaoyao some body also many wounds, own sword succeeds in giving up several sections, some fragments fly upside down, pricks her within the body, the blood. 除此之外,妖妖的身体也有许多伤口,自己的剑断成十几截,有部分碎片倒飞回来,刺入她的体内,血液汩汩。 Yaoyao!” 妖妖!” Chu Feng's soul light binds to bring stone box to rush over, receives and instructs Yaoyao. 楚风的魂光裹带着石盒冲了过去,接引妖妖 Yaoyao the look is now lax, had the big problem! 妖妖现在眼神涣散,出了大问题! Although he knows, Yaoyao survival many years of fleshly body in Great Abyss, but now the situation is not right, under possibly has Heavenly Venerate in die, he feared that affects Yaoyao. 他虽然知道,妖妖肉身大渊中存活很多年,但现在情况不对,下方可能有天尊殒落,他怕波及到妖妖 Finally, stone box and Yaoyao falling, sinks together in the darkness. 最后,石盒妖妖一同下坠,沉进黑暗中。 Chu Feng felt that destructive aura, oneself must perish, he draws Yaoyao to enter in stone box rapidly, at this time is very crowded, internal Small World space now one meter square. 楚风感觉到了毁灭性的气息,自身要灭亡,他迅速拉着妖妖进入石盒中,此时很拥挤,内部小世界空间如今不过一米见方。 Then, he in the falling process, then faint in the past, ignorant unconsciously, the Great Abyss bottom has the inexplicable fluctuation, suppresses soul light! 然后,他在下坠的过程中,便昏厥过去,无知不觉了,大渊底部有莫名的波动,镇压魂光 After long, Chu Feng revives, soul light, is still condensing own blood, he in stone box, in continually rises from the darkness. 很久之后,楚风苏醒过来,魂光还在,凝聚着自身的血液,他在石盒中,在不断地自黑暗中上升。 He saw, is Yaoyao in holding stone box, flies toward Great Abyss outside, the vision is as before gloomy, he summoned one after another, but she did not have any response, was delivering him to come out stemming from an instinct. 他看到了,是妖妖在托着石盒,向着大渊外飞来,目光依旧暗淡,他接连呼唤,可是她却没有任何反应,出于一种本能在送他出来。 The lid, was also sought. 盒盖也在,被寻到了。 When Chu Feng and stone box are separated from Great Abyss together, Yaoyao exhausts the final strength likely, pushes out him, then face upwards to crash, both eyes incomparable hole, no longer past elusiveness. 楚风石盒一起脱离大渊,妖妖像是耗尽最后的力气,将他推出去,然后仰天直直地坠落下去,双目无比的孔洞,不复昔日的空灵。 Yaoyao!” 妖妖!” Chu Feng yelled, today he lost too many people, cannot accept really loses Yaoyao again, must throw. 楚风大叫,今天他失去了太多的人,真的不能接受再失去妖妖,就要扑下去。 Leaves here, once gets down we to die without doubt, moreover cannot change anything radically, only if you can activate this stone box comprehensively, effectively grasps it!” “离开这里,一旦下去的话我们都必死无疑,而且根本改变不了什么,除非你能全面激活这个石盒,真正掌握它!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor sound transmission, warned Chu Feng. 妖祖之鼎传音,告诫楚风 Yaoyao......” Chu Feng has too many does not abandon, looks that round of silk is scattered in disorder, Yaoyao that falls, not knows she actually how. 妖妖……”楚风有太多的不舍,看着那发丝散乱,直直坠下去的妖妖,不知道她究竟怎样了。 The final flash, her both eyes are such hole, not having one to be honored, the Chu Feng's innermost feelings feared. 最后的一瞬间,她的双目是那么的孔洞,没有一点光彩了,楚风的内心非常恐惧。 Right that but, Cauldron of Monster Ancestor said that he was unable to jump, cannot bring death, has blood mist in Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, the friends and relatives, he must lead them to leave, making them live. 可是,妖祖之鼎说的对,他还不能跳下去,不能去送死,在妖祖之鼎内还有血雾,还有亲故,他要带着他们离开,让他们活过来。 But, can some people resurrect really? Chu Feng not knows. 可是,真的能有人复活吗?楚风知道 On this day, is in his life darkest a day, in his heart big tong arrives numbly, lost too many people. 这一日,是他人生中最黑暗的一天,他心中大恸到麻木,失去了太多的人。 Yaoyao!” He was summoning painfully, couldn't the last person detain? 妖妖!”他在痛苦地呼唤,最后一人也挽留不住吗? I believe, she will not have the matter, antiquity Number One Under the Starry Sky, but may slaughter with Heavenly Venerate in the present age, the sword cuts Extreme Martial, such Heaven-Blessed female will not die like this!” “我相信,她不会有事,上古星空下第一,而在当世可与天尊厮杀,剑斩太武,这样的天纵女子不会这样死去!” Moreover, she recovered in Great Abyss, remains perhaps is her wish.” “况且,她原本就是在大渊中复苏的,留下来或许才是她的意愿。” Will happen one day, she will reappear!” “终有一天,她会再现!” World of the Living because of her, but day turns!” 阳间会因她而天翻!” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor in sound transmission, is driving Chu Feng, is giving him to hope, making him spirited, inspires him to be full of the fighting spirit. 妖祖之鼎传音,在激励楚风,在给予他希望,让他昂扬起来,鼓舞他要充满斗志。 Chu Feng raised the head fiercely, face upwards to roar, is similar to the thunder is ordinary, vibrates this starry skies. 楚风猛地抬头,仰天咆哮,如同雷霆一般,震动这片星空。 I will not perish, I must kill World of the Living, Extreme Martial True Body have not died, he in World of the Living, drinking to the dregs world innumerable creature prostrates oneself, I must kill!” “我不会沉沦,我要杀进阳间,太武真身还没有死,他在阳间,享尽世间无数生灵膜拜,我要杀过去!” He such as an injured this one wolf, loses all, did not have the partner, did not have the parents, cried loud and long in Between Heaven and Earth, miserable brought to be unwilling and unyielding. 他如一头受伤的孤狼,失去所有,没有了伙伴,没有了父母,长啸于天地间,凄凉中带着不甘与不屈。 Chu Feng soul light surges, the blood is condensing, he wants to reorganize True Body, he will not be unable to recover, he must kill to World of the Living, he must rise, cuts Extreme Martial True Body! 楚风魂光激荡,血液在凝聚,他想重组真身,他不会一蹶不振,他要杀向阳间,他要崛起,去斩太武真身 In addition, Hun Yi, primitive, Confused Universe three Great Heavenly Venerate, was his personal enemy, World of the Dead is chaotic because of them, has killed too many people. 此外,还有浑羿、原始、乱宇大天尊,都是他的仇人,阴间因他们而乱,杀了太多的人。 Other shore flower, Duke of Thunder and heavenly blade, you whether has mystical powers, I and you reached agreement, World of the Living fought again!” Chu Feng bellows, must penetrate star space, the summon can share life and death with him, may with True Spirit and remnant soul of his shoulder to shoulder colleague. “彼岸花、雷公天刀,你们是否有灵,我与你们相约,阳间再战!”楚风大吼,要穿透星宇,呼唤能与他生死与共、可与他并肩同行的真灵与残魂。 He must kill to World of the Living! 他要杀向阳间 Chilly universe black wind has delimited, spray in long time strikes, Chu Feng's soul light is thundering. 清冷的宇宙黑风划过,悠悠时光中的一朵浪花拍击,楚风的魂光在轰鸣。
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