SR :: Volume #10

#943: Under Great Abyss

The Extreme Martial body becomes stiff, expensive is Heavenly Venerate Dao Body, actually from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, has the feeling of chill down the spine. 太武身体发僵,贵为天尊的一具道身,却从头凉到脚,有种毛骨发寒的感觉。 Evolver of what level is he? Even if only uses the Shining Upon Level energy also fearfully, moreover divine awareness, may not have any induction as before beforehand unexpectedly, now hears some people towering in the ear bank sigh. 他是什么层次的进化者?哪怕只动用映照级的能量也可怕之极,况且神觉依旧在,可事先居然没有任何感应,现在突兀地听到有人在耳畔叹息。 Even if Extreme Martial thought that an ice is cold, thought sends to terrify. 即便是太武都觉得一阵冰寒,觉得发瘆。 Chu Feng is having the filled with grief color, he also hears that sigh, when is the life is gloomiest, in heart big tong, his knows this matter is also unusual. 楚风带着悲怆之色,他亦听到那声叹息,哪怕是人生最为灰暗之时,心中大恸,他也知道这件事非同寻常。 He knows own heart is not very always cold, is unable hard and brutal, saw that the relatives and friends old friend died, he hopes base and low, so long as they resurrect. 他从来都知道自己的心不够冷,无法坚硬与残酷到底,见到亲朋故友一个一个地死去,他愿卑微,只要他们复活。 If the life can come again, he hopes that oneself does not have the flaw again, can as one desires spiritedly. 如果人生可以重来,他希望自己再无破绽,可以随心一路昂扬到底。 This occasion, the Extreme Martial body tightens, stone embryo clear, divine light rushes fiercely, his innermost feelings are unassuageable, unable to overlook this piece of universe indifferently. 此际,太武身体绷紧,石胎一片晶莹,神光剧烈澎湃,他内心难以平静,再也不能漠然地俯视这片宇宙。 Unexpectedly, he backs up rapidly, the whole body energy is even more rich, blood energy fills the air, various Energy Body densely covered in all around, this is must meet head-on! 蓦地,他迅速倒退,浑身能量越发浓郁,血气弥漫开来,各种能量体密布在四周,这是要迎战! Is impossible!” He whispered, revealed to dread color “不可能!”他低语,露出忌惮之色 Because he found the sighing sound source, although just like transmits from the universe deep place, but Extreme Martial finally determined, actually came from the Great Abyss deep place. 因为他找到叹气声的源头,虽然宛若自宇宙深处传来,但是太武最终确定,其实源自大渊深处。 Before then, the World of the Living person tests in every possible way, has done various experiments, monitors the radiation value of this place, understands thoroughly here dangerous origin to be. 在此之前,阳间人百般测试,做过各种实验,监测到此地的辐射值,洞彻这里的危险根由所在。 Extreme Martial knows, here had to the utmost ancient and fearful Evolver, is Great Universe Level! 太武已经知道,这里有一个极尽古老而可怕的进化者,为大宇级 The person of this level almost comes to the Evolution Road end quickly, after bystander knows they did not arrive at this, turns into anything, but a little can affirm, came to the verge of death, is the far end of deterioration time. 这个层次的人几乎快走到进化路的尽头,外人根本不知道他们到了这一步后变成什么,但是有一点可以肯定,濒临死亡,已经是衰败期的最末端。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate once personally had deduced, existence in Great Abyss is died, enters this so-called deterioration end, is impossible to regain consciousness! 太武天尊曾亲自推演过,大渊中的存在已经算是死了,进入这所谓的衰败末期,根本不可能苏醒! This was one in sinking in dormancy waits for the final death time coming lifeforms! 这是一个在沉眠中等待最后死亡时刻到来的生物 So long as does not annoy him, does not use the energy above God Level to activate his instinct, even if this species that has to evolve is to the utmost terrorist, does not have anything at the worst. 只要不去惹他,不动用神级之上的能量激活他的本能,哪怕这个存在进化成的物种极尽恐怖,也没什么大不了。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate suppresses oneself, has not resorted to the God Level method, has not stimulated that Great Universe Level lifeforms. 太武天尊压制自身,并未动用神级手段,不曾去刺激那个大宇级生物 He believes, this lifeforms will not regain consciousness is right! 他坚信,这个生物不会苏醒才对! But the fact at present, Great Abyss ancient exists recovered, and makes the sound, making Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate big such as fight. 可是事实就在眼前,大渊中的古老存在已经复苏,并且发出声音,让太武天尊头大如斗。 „Are you my World of the Living's ancient?” stone embryo opens the mouth, stable mind. “你是我阳间的古人?”石胎开口,稳定心神。 In the past, the World of the Living chaos, why some Supreme Being knows did not make war suddenly, in All Heavens preying, some people of severe wounds dying, bringing World of the Living's Supreme Treasure to choose own burying place. 当年,阳间大乱,一些大能知道为何突然开战,于诸天搏杀,有人重伤垂死,带着阳间的至宝去选择自己的葬地。 This World of the Dead's Great Abyss is considered as an extremely terrifying big grave! 阴间的大渊便被认为是一处极其恐怖的大坟! Now, that most ancient time and regain consciousness including age Supreme Being of Extreme Martial had not been born, sighed in the grave lightly, can he whole body not send coldly? 现在,那种最古老时期、连太武都没有出生的年代的大能苏醒,在坟中轻叹,他焉能不浑身发寒? In you when the Blue Dragon overlooks the ant insect, whether once had thought that also there is a Blue Dragon to overlook you?” “在你若苍龙般俯视蚁虫时,是否曾想过,也有苍龙在俯视你?” Under Great Abyss, has the sound of decayed aura to transmit weakly, is very light, the lethargic, is bringing to great changes after recalling and short life of past events. 大渊下,虚弱而带着腐朽气息的声音传来,很轻,暮气沉沉,带着对往事的缅怀与生命无多后的沧桑 Yaoyao gave up, falls back on the one side, kills at this moment, Origin Metal Divine Sword in her hand was shaken, turns into several sections of fragments, somewhat when flies upside down, jabs into her own flesh. 妖妖已经罢手,退到一旁,杀到这一刻,她手中的母金神剑都被震断了,化成十几截碎片,有些倒飞回来时,刺进她自身的血肉中。 The scene is short, the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate complexion is dignified, after the moment, said: Without such lifeforms, who dares to regard Heavenly Venerate is the ant insect, even if you are not good!” 现场短暂寂静,太武天尊脸色凝重,片刻后才道:“没有那样的生物,谁敢视天尊为蚁虫,即便是你也不行!” His side presents a mirror, clear smooth, unexpectedly Shining Upon leaves the fuzzy scenery in Great Abyss, is absorbing the energy that this place radiates, deduces. 他的身边出现一面镜子,圆润光滑,居然映照大渊中的模糊的景物,在吸收此地辐射出的能量,进行推演。 In the mirror surface, various marks wind to interweave, present many symbols, the Extreme Martial innermost feelings are restless, is take risking to use the Heavenly Venerate Level rare treasure to survey below actual situation. 镜面上,各种纹络交织,出现很多符号,太武内心不安,在冒险动用天尊级秘宝探测下方的虚实。 You could not kill anybody actually!” Extreme Martial talked to oneself, the vision is radiant gradually, energy gradually foot. “你其实杀不了任何人!”太武自语,目光逐渐璀璨起来,底气渐足。 He believes firmly, existence of this ancient time is weaker, even if has now opened the mouth, but also is only the mere show that he imagines, cannot begin. 他确信,这个古老时期的存在比他想象的还要虚弱,哪怕现在开口了,但也只是空架子,根本不能动手。 Is this Great Universe Level evolution body recovers, rather is his wisp of obsession is similar to the spirit, in this piece buries in the place to reverberate, makes the final sound. 与其说是这位大宇级进化体复苏,不如说是他的一缕执念如同幽灵般在这片葬地中回荡,发出最后的声音。 Yes, I am incapable take action, and has never killed any lifeforms in this place.” That old sound spreads, is very tranquil, appears very confident. “是,我无力出手,而且在此地从未杀过任何生物。”那苍老的声音传出,很平静,也显得十分坦然。 But, after hearing the Great Universe Level evolution body said like this, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate first being scared, in the past once had Heavenly Venerate to enter World of the Dead, forever vanishes, isn't this person kills in the years that can also begin? 可是,听到大宇级进化体这样说后,太武天尊却第一次发毛,过去曾有天尊进入阴间,永远消失,不是此人在还能动手的岁月中杀的? This makes him frightened! 这让他惊悚! Does World of the Dead have the danger that he does not understand? 阴间还有他所不了解的危险? He dares to come , because monitors the decayed energy aura that in Great Abyss radiates, actually has understood thoroughly here evolution body in any condition, but looked now, he as if omitted any incomparably important matter! 他敢过来,就是因为监测到大渊中辐射出来的腐朽能量气息,洞彻了这里的进化体究竟在什么状态,可是现在看,他似乎遗漏了什么无比重要的事! Extreme Martial turns around to walk, the body breaks open the space, must escape to the chaos. 太武转身就走,身体破开宇宙空间,就要遁向混沌中。 That weak and old sound resounds, although is ordinary, but listens actually to be similar to the Extreme Martial ear the thunder crack, making his hair Gubing cold. 那虚弱而苍老声音响起,虽然平淡无奇,但是听在太武耳中却如同雷霆炸响,让他毛骨冰寒。 I, although the indigenous people in non stretch of world, but died in this, there are little senses of belonging, doesn't your this Blue Dragon overlook all? Comes to find out.” “我虽非这片天地的原住民,但长眠于此,也有了几许归属感,你这苍龙不是俯视一切吗?进来一看究竟吧。” Extreme Martial heard regretted immediately, he has delayed here the too long time, unexpectedly awakened this to await calmly the death the evolution body, presented the big accident. 太武听闻顿时后悔了,他在这里耽搁了太长的时间,居然惊醒这个静待死亡的进化体,出现大变故。 He is crossing, endless Star Sea appears after behind, he believes to enter in the chaos, will not have the accident/surprise. 他在横渡,无尽星海出现在身后,他坚信进入混沌中,就不会有意外了。 However, this occasion he from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, the body is uncontrolled, starts to fly upside down unexpectedly, returns along the old route rapidly, bang falls toward Great Abyss. 然而,此际他从头凉到脚,身体不受控制,居然开始倒飞,迅速沿原路而回,轰的一声向着大渊落去。 Extreme Martial bellows, first time like this rude, did not have again calmly tranquil, no longer keeps aloof, is unable to overlook the trim World of the Dead universe again. 太武大吼,第一次这样的失态,再也没有了从容平静,不再高高在上,无法再俯视整片阴间宇宙。 He is resisting, being outspoken releases own energy, the whole body lasing to the strong fluctuation, Dao Ancestral Matter fills the air, can simply destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. 他在对抗,毫无保留的释放自己的能量,周身激射至强波动,道祖物质弥漫,简直可以毁天灭地 The rule and Order disorder of World of the Dead universe, were suppressed by him! 阴间宇宙的规则、秩序紊乱了,被他镇压! What a pity, he reveals the Heavenly Venerate true strength, was suppressed by an invisible energy, unexpectedly cannot move, then crashes to the jet black Great Abyss deep place. 可惜,他才露出天尊真正的实力,就被一股无形的能量压制,居然动弹不得,而后直直坠落向漆黑的大渊深处。 His heart is trembling, after becoming Heavenly Venerate, who may detain him, who can so operate his body? 他的心都在颤,成为天尊后,谁可拘禁他,谁能这般操纵他的身体? Great Abyss endless, he crashes unceasingly, he cried loud and long, but could not control oneself, was attracted the past iron filings by giant magnet likely, could not work loose. 大渊无尽,他不断坠落,他长啸,但根本掌控不了自身,像是被一块巨型磁铁吸过去的铁屑,挣脱不开。 Suddenly, he understood, more releases the Heavenly Venerate Level energy, more rapidness that he sinks, moves toward that fearful end point, is accelerating to carry on. 瞬息间,他明白了,越是释放天尊级能量,他下沉的越快,走向那可怕的终点,在加速进行。 However, when he restrains own aura, suppresses to the Shining Upon boundary once more, when restrains Saint Dominion, discovers to no help, the trend has become, is unable to change! 然而,当他收敛自身气息,再次压制到映照境,甚至克制到圣者领域时,发现于事无补,趋势已成,无法改变! Extreme Martial thought oneself have made a mistake, under Great Abyss so-called dying person, the so-called deterioration to only remaining obsession, possibly is only he wishfully guessed, otherwise can draw him to get down like this? 太武觉得自己错了,大渊下所谓垂死的人,所谓衰败到只剩下执念,可能只是他一厢情愿的猜测,不然的话怎能这样拉他下来? His big such as fights, must face, but Great Universe evolution body. 他头大如斗,所要面对的可是大宇进化体啊。 Presently the when road of person thinks certificate insufficient, when lifeforms of this equivalent to the ultimate evolution body makes great strides forward, no one knows will have anything. 当前人的路不足以为凭证时,这种等阶的生物向终极进化体迈进时,谁都不知道会发生什么。 Therefore, was the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate knows this long years ago fearful evolution does not manifest was turning into anything! 因此,就是太武天尊都不知道这个漫长岁月前的可怕进化体现在变成了什么! Is the person is the beast is the foreign body, is other? 是人是兽是异体,还是其他? Bang! 轰! He no longer restrains himself, erupts the strongest energy in the Great Abyss deep place once more, must resist, at risk of life wrestles. 他不再克制自己,在大渊深处再次爆发最强能量,要对抗到底,拼死一搏。 His build is increasing, lets the star human bone scrap along the way, turns into fine powder , compared with him, these so-called broken planet were too small. 他的体形在变大,让沿途的星骸炸碎,化成齑粉,跟他比起来,那些所谓的残破星球都太小了。 The Heavenly Venerate method body obliterates all, world does not have to block! 天尊法体磨灭一切,世间无可阻! His flaming burning down, Dao Ancestral Matter is surging, release heartily. 他熊熊焚烧,道祖物质在激荡,尽情的释放。 Quick, he saw bottom of Great Abyss, then creepy feeling, saw some truth. 很快,他看到了大渊底部,而后头皮发麻,看到了部分真相。 In that darkness, is sitting cross-legged the corpses, all huge boundless, the star was inferior including the dust before them, what this is? 在那黑暗中,盘坐着一具又一具尸体,全都庞大无边,星斗在他们面前连尘埃都不如,这是什么? Heavenly Venerate! 天尊 More than one Heavenly Venerate corpse, but has many have, already ice-cold, even if fleshly body eternal does not go bad, but currently also has a decayed aura to fill the air. 不止一位天尊尸体,而是有很多具,都已经冰冷了,哪怕肉身万古不坏,可是现在也有股腐朽的气息在弥漫。 Too was huge, the star surrounds, these Heavenly Venerate all die here! 一具又一具,都太庞大了,星斗环绕,这些天尊皆死在这里! The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate back is braving cold air, even if stone embryo, currently also has the goosebumps whole body, the feeling that the scalp feels uncomfortable. 太武天尊脊背都在冒寒气,哪怕是石胎,现在也有种鸡皮疙瘩满身,头皮发紧的感觉。 Although he whole body is brilliant, sends out the dazzling brilliance, Dao Ancestral Matter overflows, shines the four directions, but is unable to illuminate trim Great Abyss as before, most under as before dim , can only see all these fuzzily. 他虽然周身绚烂,发出刺目的光辉,道祖物质溢出,普照四方,可是依旧无法照亮整片大渊,最下方依旧昏暗,也只能模糊的看到这一切。 But in Great Abyss most end, there has lifeforms, the deterioration, decayed and cold and still, but also most life internal energy, that should be the Great Universe Level evolution body. 而在大渊最尽头,那里有一个生物,衰败、腐朽、冷寂,还略带最有一丝生命气机,那应该就是大宇级进化体。 After Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate sees, in an instant body big change, the scalp must blast open, as Heavenly Venerate, he has this experience unexpectedly, like this terrified. 太武天尊看到后,刹那间身体剧震,头皮都要炸裂了,身为天尊,他竟有这种体验,这样的悚然。 This is Great Universe Level lifeforms, not having the road ahead may seek, finally do the exuviate turn into this appearance?” He wants to back up, is actually not able to succeed. “这就是大宇级生物,没有前路可寻,最后蜕变成这个样子?”他想要倒退,却无法成功。 Extreme Martial is rude, is unable to maintain does not move, he struggles furiously. 太武失态,根本无法保持不动心,他奋力挣扎。 There is very dark, common person anything could not see, only has Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate to catch the truth. 那里很黑暗,寻常人什么也看不到,只有太武天尊能捕捉到真相。 Actually are you what?!” He shouts a question in a low voice. “你究竟是什么?!”他低声喝问。 I pour a loser on Evolution Road way, that is all.” Accompanies is being weak and decayed, sound conveys from there. “我只是倒在进化路途上的一个失败者,仅此而已。”伴着虚弱与腐朽,声音自那里传来。 You did not say that will not begin, and doesn't have ability take action?” The Extreme Martial back sends coolly, he felt that the life was threatened, not the good matter must happen. “你不是说不会动手,且也没有能力出手吗?”太武后背发凉,他感觉生命受到威胁,不好的事要发生了。 Yes.” “是。” You......” the Extreme Martial sound has trembled, he realized the instance that the death arrived, his thorough restlessness, the palpitation, the whole body tightened, then launched an attack forward, attacked rapidly. “那你……”太武声音都发颤了,他体会到死亡降临的瞬间,他彻底的不安,心悸,全身绷紧,然后向前发难,迅速出击。 He launches the most terrifying attack, various endless Dao Ancestral Matter as well as Energy Body have the Taboo technique law, all hit. 他发动最恐怖的进攻,无尽道祖物质以及各种能量体还有禁忌术法等,全都打出去了。 But, all are the futile efforts, he felt that oneself in withered, in weak, is moving toward the deterioration. 可是,一切都是徒劳的,他感觉自身在干枯,在虚弱,在走向衰败。 Then, he saw, in the back of that Great Universe evolution body, the jet black caverns, is it is delivering Heavenly Venerate to move toward the life the end point. 然后,他看到了,在那大宇进化体的背后,有一个漆黑的洞穴,是它在送天尊走向生命的终点。 Other Heavenly Venerate also therefore die! 其他天尊也是因此而死! That is...... What?” Extreme Martial is trembling, the life aura sharp decline in body, his knows were dying, without any hope. “那是……什么?”太武在颤栗,身体中的生命气息锐减,他知道自己要死了,没有任何希望。 You should guess correctly.” Great Universe Level evolution body opens the mouth. “你应该猜到了。”大宇级进化体开口。 don't tell me is......” Extreme Martial is uncontrolled, his body in rumble shaking, the soul is split up, he soon died during meditation in this place. 难道是……”太武不受控制,他的身体在隆隆摇动,灵魂在四分五裂,他即将坐化在此地。 In jet black cave entrance, suddenly to the utmost brilliant, the light rain sprinkles, golden yellow and incomparable is sacred, is blazingly difficult to keep off! 漆黑的洞口中,忽然间极尽绚烂,光雨洒落,金黄而无比的神圣起来,炽热难挡! Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate looks ashen, completely discouraged, sits cross-legged bottom of Great Abyss, placed other Heavenly Venerate, at the last minute in same place waiting death. 太武天尊面如土色,万念俱灰,盘坐大渊底部,排在其他天尊的身后,在原地等待死亡的最后一刻。
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