SR :: Volume #10

#942: Blue Dragon and ant insect

When stone embryo spoke these words the sound is gentle, does not have mighty waves. 石胎说这些话时声音平缓,没有一点波澜。 Several groups of blood mist scatter in not far away, that is several big monsters, all by him, as soon as the direction kills! 几团血雾飘散在不远处,那是几位大妖,皆被他一指点杀! This occasion, Extreme Martial resists a three chi (0.33 m) Qingfeng in Yaoyao hand with a finger once more, is unable to cut his lithical finger including Divine Sword that Origin Metal casts. 此际,太武再次用一根指头抵住妖妖手中的三尺青峰,连母金铸成的神剑都无法斩开他的石质手指。 He is light and indifferent, is aloof on, is overlooking all people, making the people angry and weak. 他平淡而冷漠,超然在上,俯视着所有人,让人们愤怒而又无力。 The Chu Feng low roar under Great Abyss, whole body blood mist surges, is filled with righteous indignation, wants to kill Extreme Martial really! 大渊下的楚风低吼,浑身血雾激荡,义愤填膺,真想杀了太武 Old Lama died, Golden Peng Great Peng King was extinguished, the old black bear king was struck to kill, mountain Turtle of Kongtong was pierced by one finger/refers died, here blood, several wisps of weak soul light will momentarily dissipate. 老喇嘛死了,金鹏大鹏王被灭,老黑熊王被击杀,还有崆峒的山龟也被一指洞穿死去,这里血液点点,几缕虚弱的魂光随时会消散。 “Chi!” “哧!” Yaoyao beautiful in the eye flowing divine shine, she has not been discouraged, is having the anger, own confidence does not vacillate, stimulates to movement the exceedingly high bright sword light once more, cuts forward. 妖妖目中流动神华,她并没有气馁,带着怒意,自身信心不动摇,再次催动通天的煌煌剑光,向前斩去。 Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng, Zhou Quan and the others are also living, but also gets hold of the fist, the body shivers, this does not frighten to be the result, but is angry, is leading sad intent. 大黑牛黄牛欧阳风周全等人还活着,但是也都握紧拳头,身体颤抖,这不是惊吓所致,而是愤怒,带着悲意。 One zhang (3.33 m) high Horse King is greatly bald brightly burnished, this rough guy has cried, when Xilin Clan, Deity Race wait/etc. attacked Eastern Sea Unextinguishable Mountain chases down them, he lost the daughter, now he loses master Old Lama. 一丈高的马王大光头锃亮,这个粗犷的大汉哭了,西林族天神族等进攻东海不灭山追杀他们时,他已经失去女儿,现在他又失去师傅老喇嘛 „, Will have next life next life? The youngest brothers, take care!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is full of the sentiment, looks that golden winged great Peng king also had tortoise and the others dead, tiger accumulated tears. “还有来生吗,有来世吗?老兄弟们,一路保重!”东北虎饱含感情,看着金翅大鹏王还有山龟等人死去,虎目蕴泪。 In blood mist, several people of weak soul light are disintegrating, is not shortly good, soon destroy both body and soul. 血雾中,几人的虚弱魂光在瓦解,眼看不行了,即将形神俱灭 Yellow Ox sobbed low voice, said: Cauldron of Monster Ancestor please shelter them, preserves their final soul light, this dies entire life do not near, but I also want to see their several people in next life!” 黄牛小声哽咽,道:“妖祖之鼎请庇护他们,将他们的最后魂光保住,这一生死别在即,可我还想在来生见到他们几人!” Recovers from Earth now, they walk, the Kunlun Mountains big monster throughout in the same place, became each other family member and family member, shares life and death. 从地球复苏到现在,他们一路走来,昆仑大妖始终在一起,已经成为彼此的亲人、家人,生死与共。 This loses several people suddenly, in all person hearts is very uncomfortable, the nose turns sour, the eye blurred. 这样突然失去几人,所有人心中都很难受,鼻子发酸,眼睛模糊了。 The Big Black Ox eye is red, he thinks when decisive battle of East and West Evolver under Kunlun Mountain, Old Mountain Turtle and golden wings Peng King assumes an awe-inspiring pose, chases passing of enemy together! 大黑牛眼睛通红,他想到东西方进化者在昆仑山下大决战时,老山龟金翅鹏王发威,共同逐敌的过往! Cauldron of Monster Ancestor sends out up the rain, just about to moves, finally stone embryo take action, directs once more, thump, even if Cauldron of Monster Ancestor erupts dazzling rune, struck flying upside down, and presents the fissure, cannot block Extreme Martial one finger/refers. 妖祖之鼎发出光雨,刚要动,结果石胎再次出手,一指点来,咚的一声,哪怕是妖祖之鼎爆发出刺目的符文,也被击的倒飞出去,并出现裂痕,挡不住太武一指。 My take action, who can be possible to detain?” He opens the mouth to say. “我出手,谁能可拦阻?”他开口道。 Then, he directs once more gently, bang head brightly burnished Horse King turns into one group of blood mist, is killed violently directly at the scene. 然后,他再次轻轻一指点出,砰的一声脑袋锃亮的马王化成一团血雾,直接毙命在当场。 Big Black Ox puffs, the copper bell big eye hyperemia, angrily roars: Lying trough fuck off Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate! Does not mean what he says, some brothers have stood, is willing for dying, had been killed by you, why hasn't given up?!” 大黑牛喘粗气,铜铃大眼充血,怒吼:“卧槽你大爷的太武天尊!说话不算话,一些兄弟已经站出来,甘愿替死,被你杀了,为何还不罢手?!” Yellow Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng, Zhou Quan and the others are in an uncontrollable rage, this is lets the person grief and indignation the picture, the person who the side shares life and death was killed one by one, makes people grieved. 黄牛东北虎老宗师吴起峰周全等人都怒不可遏,这是让人悲愤的画面,身边生死与共的人逐一被杀,太让人心痛。 I said that lets off Yaoyao and Chu Feng's life, had not said that forgives and others, several people dares to disrespect to today to me from that most remote years, spouts rhetoric.” “我说放过妖妖楚风的性命,又没有说宽恕尔等,从那最为久远的岁月到今天又有几人敢对我不敬,大放厥词。” Bang! 砰! As soon as he directs, Big Black Ox disintegrates immediately, the body of human form does not exist, that rough buffalo and cow horns cuns (2.5 cm) break, that big body direct bang collapses, he throws down also becomes the blood and bone. 他一指点出,大黑牛立时解体,人形之躯不复存在,那粗糙的牛角寸寸断裂,那高大的身躯直接轰塌,他摔倒的同时也成为血与骨。 Boss Black!” 大老黑!” Good elder brother!” “牛哥!” Side, the (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Old Donkey, Yellow Ox and other people sounds summoned, all the tears tumbled out, the Big Black Ox personal connection in one crowd of big monsters was best, can become integrated with anyone. 旁边,东北虎老驴黄牛等人大声呼唤,全都热泪滚出,在一群大妖中大黑牛人缘最好,跟谁都能打成一片。 Usually he is rough, sometimes even likely old ruffian, but is actually warm-hearted, who will have troublesome will help one another. 平日他粗犷,有时候甚至像个老痞子,但其实非常热心,谁有麻烦都会相助。 Finally, he such died, is only for oneself side brothers over, felt that the indignation does not open the mouth, finally was killed by a Extreme Martial direction. 结果,他就这么死去了,只是为自己一方的兄弟出头,感觉不忿而开口,结果被太武一指点杀。 Yaoyao attacks crazily, but, cannot prevent this tragedy, Big Black Ox blood mist is scattering. 妖妖疯狂出击,但是,也没有能够阻止这一幕悲剧,大黑牛血雾在飘散。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Under Great Abyss, Chu Feng roared, feels like a knife twisting in the heart, the very pain, looks at this bloody one, he was really unendurable. 大渊下方,楚风咆哮,心如刀绞,非常的痛,看着这血淋淋的一幕,他实在难以忍受。 Meanwhile, his knows, the opposite party such does, only then a goal, wants to make him come up actually, offers that stone box, although does not have the direct opens the mouth, but absolutely is that meaning. 同时,他知道,对方这么做只有一个目的,其实就是想让他上来,献上那石盒,虽然没有直接开口,但绝对是那个意思。 What for dying, anything does not kill him and Yaoyao, is the pretence under pretext, Extreme Martial earnestly seeks the ancient and rough mysterious lithical box in his hand. 什么替死,什么不杀他与妖妖,都是托辞,太武渴求他手中的这件古老而粗糙的神秘石质盒子。 Outside Great Abyss, Extreme Martial is very tranquil, does not have the billows without the wave. 大渊外,太武很平静,无波无澜。 Extreme Martial, you stop to me!” The Chu Feng anger exclaimed, because he noticed that Extreme Martial and Yaoyao began, while lifted another hand once more. 太武,你给我住手!”楚风怒吼道,因为他看到太武一边和妖妖动手,一边再次抬起另一只手。 Bang! 轰! Cauldron of Monster Ancestor moved, swallows to accept world, wants to receive Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others, finally encounters numerous strikes. 妖祖之鼎动了,吞纳天地,想将黄牛欧阳风东北虎等人都收进去,结果遭遇重重的一击。 When, its hit horizontal flies, on the whole body the fissure increases, the cauldron wall was almost pierced. 当的一声,它被打的横飞,周身上裂痕增多,鼎壁都几乎被洞穿。 Then, Extreme Martial lifts in the hands, strikes to kill Wudang old Grandmaster Wu Qifeng, making him turn into one group of blood, one generation of Grandmaster are killed violently. 然后,太武抬手间,哧的一声将武当老宗师吴起峰击杀,让他化成一团血,一代宗师毙命。 Senior!” Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng wait/etc. was yelling. “前辈!”黄牛欧阳风等都在大叫。 My x your shit Extreme Martial, you hear not to have, stops to me!” Chu Feng item of zi wants to crack. “我x你玛德太武,你听到没有,给我住手!”楚风目眦欲裂。 Meanwhile, he throws into the Great Abyss deep place the stone box cover directly, threatens Extreme Martial, his heart when the drop blood, saw, when he has not risen then has obligation old Grandmaster to be killed violently to him like this, uncomfortable incomparable. 同时,他直接将石盒的盖子扔进大渊深处,威胁太武,他的心都在滴血,看到在他还没有崛起时便对他有大恩的老宗师这样毙命,难受无比。 I never fear the threat.” stone embryo opens the mouth calmly, another directs, is responds to Chu Feng's likely, bang, making (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger be killed violently. “我从来不怕威胁。”石胎冷静地开口,又一指点出,像是对楚风的回应,砰的一声,让东北虎毙命。 Tiger elder brother!” Chu Feng felt oneself must blast out, has shared hardships and experienced the brothers of most difficult years together, such died. “虎哥!”楚风感觉自己要炸开了,都是共患难、一同经历过最艰难岁月的兄弟啊,就这么死了。 Once did not have the moral courage with not having (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger of standpoint, afterward became the life-and-death friendship with him, in Dragon Tiger Mountain great war Schiller, the past years old scenery still at present, finally him such died together. 曾经没有气节与没有立场的东北虎,后来跟他成为生死之交,在龙虎山共同大战席勒,昔日的岁月旧景还在眼前,结果他就这么死去。 „Don't you fear death?” The stone embryo opens the mouth, is having the smile, lifts the hand, momentarily must kill the next person. “你们都不怕死吗?”石胎开口,带着微笑,又抬起手,随时要杀下一个人。 The Yaoyao crazy attack, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, she already carried the severe wound, but the energy rises suddenly now, with the Extreme Martial going all out showdown, prevents his next motion. 妖妖疯狂进攻,运转盗引呼吸法,原本她早已身负重伤,但现在能量暴涨,跟太武拼命对决,阻挡他的下一步行动。 Feared that your wool, hee-haw hee-haw, you real grandson, lying trough fuck off, the Extreme Martial grandson, your donkey grandfather this whole life have feared death especially very much, was jokingly called the spineless person by the brothers, but now, the donkey master I stood, you came, the grandfather here, feared your grandson wool! My #¥%*......” “怕你个毛,儿啊儿啊,你特么真孙子,卧槽你大爷的,太武孙子,你驴爷爷这辈子一直很怕死,被兄弟们戏称软骨头,但是现在,驴爷我站出来了,你来啊,爷爷在这里,怕你孙子个毛!我#¥%*……” Old Donkey shouted abuse, was agitated, this time he was very unyielding, without any flinching, to be how happy how to curse, scolded the ancestor Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate 18 generations. 老驴破口大骂,情绪激动,这一次他很硬气,没有任何的退缩,怎么痛快怎么诅咒,将太武天尊骂到祖上18代。 He relates well with Big Black Ox and (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, sees them to be killed violently successively, such heartlessly wrote off, his chest cavity is oppressed, cannot help crying loud and long, must vent, must angry roar, fearless died radically. 他跟大黑牛东北虎关系最好,见他们先后毙命,被那样无情抹杀,他胸腔憋闷,忍不住要长啸,要发泄,要怒吼,根本无惧死亡。 Bang!” “砰!” Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate lifts the hand, Old Donkey is killed violently, the forehead presents a blood hole, then body cuns (2.5 cm) blast out! 太武天尊抬手,老驴毙命,眉心出现一个血窟窿,然后身体寸寸炸开! Old Donkey!” Chu Feng, Yellow Ox, Zhou Quan and the others were yelling. 老驴!”楚风黄牛周全等人都在大叫。 stone embryo said calmly: „Haven't some people feared death? I want to look that your brothers have the deep friendship, if who lowers the head, I am willing to keep his life.” 石胎平静地说道:“还有人不怕死吗?我想看你们兄弟有多深的情谊,谁如果低头,我愿留他性命。” Ouyang Feng cursed, jumps directly, said: Your Grandpa Ouyang Dao Ancestor here, feared that your wool, you kneel to ask me not to look down one to you, your this disabled facial paralysis stone!” 欧阳风大骂,直接跳出来,道:“你欧阳道祖爷爷在此,怕你个毛,你跪下来求我也不会向你低头看一眼,你这残废面瘫的石头!” If there is a next life, I pledged, must kill you to revenge for all brothers!” Yellow Ox already flew into a rage, by it also calculates that the immature sound takes an oath. “若有来生,我发誓,要杀你为所有兄弟报仇!”黄牛早已急眼,以它还算稚嫩的声音起誓。 Behind, female dragon and Zhou Quan have the several other big monsters also to stand, does not lower the head facing Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, does not submit, glowers! 后面,龙女周全还有剩余的几位大妖也都站出来,面对太武天尊不低头,不屈服,怒目而视! Extreme Martial, you give up to me, I give you stone box, otherwise I thoroughly throw into Great Abyss!” Chu Feng exclaimed, he is hard to accept the present result, brothers died, he could not withstand. 太武,你给我罢手,我给你石盒,不然我就彻底扔进大渊中!”楚风吼道,他难以接受眼前的结果,一个又一个兄弟死去,他承受不住了。 Previously, even if some of his early guesses, it is expected that arrived at themselves dead with some fraternities, does not want to lower the head, is now, saw that they such turned into the blood and bone, he could not insist, in heart big tong. 早先,哪怕他早有猜测,预料到自己与一些兄弟会死去,也不想低头,可是现在,看到他们那样化成血与骨,他坚持不住了,心中大恸。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate stands erect there, collides with Yaoyao sword edge, suppresses by the life old tree forward, in opens the mouth. 太武天尊屹立在那里,跟妖妖剑锋碰撞,以生命古树向前镇压,同时也在开口。 Rare, has not seen one side the ugliness in human nature, I am always thinking why in the past my dao companion had not met to bring well-meaning Yin Spirit.” “难得啊,没有看到人性中的丑陋一面,我总是在想,当年我的道侣为什么没有遇到带着善意的阴灵。” His look is dignified, was saying likely with the matter that oneself had nothing to do with. 他神色泰然,像是在说着一件与己无关的事。 World of the Living all person knows, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate is hostile toward Yin Spirit, renown, because in his young time, its dao companion was executed by Yin Spirit. 阳间所有人都知道,太武天尊仇视阴灵,举世皆知,因为在他年轻的时代,其道侣阴灵格杀。 Your item of bands of light is the endless hatred, incomparably hostile to me?” He shot a look at people. “你们的目光带着无尽的恨意,对我无比仇视?”他瞥了一眼众人。 You as one generation of Heavenly Venerate, relies on invincibly, like this starts to have the sense of achievement to us? Is any First Ancestor character!” female dragon leads sad intent to say. “你身为一代天尊,自恃无敌,这样对我们下手有成就感吗?算什么鼻祖人物!”龙女带着悲意说道。 I kill you, perfectly justified.” The Extreme Martial gentle response said. “我杀你们,天经地义。”太武平和的回应道。 This makes all people angry, simultaneously feels the humiliation, stone embryo overlooks them, then strikes to kill, added any perfectly justified, really incomparably excessively. 这让所有人愤怒,同时感觉屈辱,石胎俯视他们,而后又击杀,还说什么天经地义,实在无比过分。 Perhaps in your eyes, I use strength to bully the weak, is wicked and cruel, but these do not matter for me, I conform with the conscience, the Daoist magic nature.” The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate look is tranquil. “或许在你们的眼中,我恃强凌弱,恶而残忍,可这些对我来说都无所谓,我只是顺乎本心,道法自然。”太武天尊神色平静。 His ancient well without ripples, said: „Do you see preying to lower the head in nine Heaven's Above Blue Dragons to overlook the maggot in ground? The different latitudes, the different levels, are hard to produce including the pity. Like you and others, usually walks possibly to tread the large expanse of ant insect in not the sleeps, will you be guilty? Cannot.” 他古井无波,又道:“你们见过搏杀于九天之上的苍龙会低头俯视地面上的蛆虫吗?不同纬度,不同层次,连怜悯之心都难以产生。就像你等,平日间走路都可能会在无觉间踏死成片的蚁虫,你们会愧疚吗?不会。” Therefore, I kill you, never stays behind the trace in the heart, looks like you have stepped on this world ant insect, I take my road, complies with own say/way and conscience.” He supplemented like this. “所以,我杀你们,从未在心中留下痕迹,就像是你们踩踏过凡尘蚁虫,我走自己的路,顺应自己的道与本心。”他这样补充。 During the speeches, he bang the lifting hand, pierced Ouyang Feng and Zhou Quan successively, making them end the life. 说话间,他砰的抬手,将欧阳风周全先后洞穿,让他们结束生命。 Chī! 哧! Then, his another directs, the female dragon fragrant disappearing jade perishes, henceforth world does not see. 接着,他又一指点出,龙女香消玉殒,从此世间不见。 Your fucking stops to me!” Chu Feng bellows, if flesh and blood still, him already the tears tumbled, once one group of old friends died. “你特么的给我住手啊!”楚风大吼,如果血肉之躯还在,他早已热泪滚落,曾经的一群故人都死了。 In the together day, has had the happy talks and laughters, if later does not have them, even if he can go on living today, what meaning but also there is? Thinks that after own, lonely drifting in major universes, Chu Feng meets the life not to be joyful, thinks that once voice and face smiling face, in his heart was depressed, was in deep sorrow difficultly. 在一起的日子,一直都有欢声笑语,如果以后没有他们,哪怕他今天能够活下去,还有什么意思?想到自身以后孤独的漂泊在各大宇宙间,楚风会一生都不快乐,想一想曾经的音容笑貌,他心中发堵,难受到痛不欲生。 Chu Feng soul light is trembling, must throw to Great Abyss stone box. 楚风魂光在颤栗,将石盒就要向大渊中投去。 But, Yellow Ox still, sadly cries there, not depends on wretchedly, Chu Feng bears. 可是,黄牛还在,在那里悲伤而哭,孤苦无依,楚风又忍住。 The Extreme Martial opens the mouth, said: All person a little soul light have not vanished, I for Heavenly Venerate, have the exceedingly high method to make them reappear, how do you choose?” 太武开口,道:“所有人都还有一点魂光未泯,我为天尊,自有通天的手段让他们再现出来,你如何选择?” Bang, selects his Yellow Ox broken, becomes blood mist. 砰的一声,将他黄牛也点碎,成为血雾 Chu Feng witnesses all these, in shivering, he hates himself to be why weak, he was roaring, the blood on soul light fell, was similar to the tears of blood, he uncomfortable and as sorrowful as the extreme. 楚风目睹这一切,在颤抖,他恨自己为什么不够强,他咆哮着,魂光上的血液落下,如同血泪般,他难受与悲恸到极点。 You make them live, even if there is thousand tribulations, the endless distress, you come to me!” The Chu Feng sound is hoarse, he does not stand steadily, is shaking, soul light flashes on and off erratically. “你让他们活下来,纵有千般磨难,无尽苦楚,你冲我来!”楚风声音沙哑,他站立不稳,在摇动,魂光都明灭不定。 These brothers died, moreover is because the choice that after hearing can make him live, to make, is willing to perish for him. 这些兄弟都死了,而且是因为听到可以让他活下来后做的选择,愿意替他而亡。 Chu Feng must blast open, the anger and sad is burning down, he is unable to accept such ice-cold and cruel result, soul light in the drop blood. 楚风头都要炸裂了,怒与悲在焚烧,他无法接受这样冰冷而残忍的结局,魂光在滴血。 Yaoyao already went all out, oneself must unable to support, but the vertical sword the line, the horizontal dance in the universe empty space, goes all out with Extreme Martial! 妖妖早已拼命,自身都要支撑不住了,但还是纵剑而行,横舞于宇宙虚空间,跟太武拼命! She is always aloof, spatial bright, but also the beautiful eye blushes now, is bringing the tears, falls from the face unceasingly. 她一向是超然的,空明的,可是现在也美目发红,带着热泪,不断从脸上滑落。 Bang!” “砰!” Extreme Martial pierces void, opens the wormhole, finds out big hand, enters in some piece of Star Territory once more, detains two people from a common asteroid directly, throws before Great Abyss. 太武洞穿虚空,开辟虫洞,探出一只大手,再次进入某一片星域中,直接从一颗不起眼的小行星上拘禁来两人,扔在大渊前。 This is the Chu Feng's parents! 这是楚风的父母! About Chu Feng person where, already to be deduced actually with another Divine Master by the old yellow weasel, reported. 关于楚风身边的人究竟在何方,早已被老黄鼠狼与另一位神师推演出,禀告上去。 Now, Extreme Martial also started to these two. 现在,太武也对这两人下手了。 Father, mother!” “爸,妈!” Chu Feng sees own father and mother, cannot bear shiver, looks angrily at Extreme Martial. 楚风看着自己的父亲、母亲,忍不住颤抖,怒视太武 Bang! 砰! Extreme Martial anything had not said, shakes directly gently, Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing suddenly are turning into blood mist. 太武什么都没有说,直接轻轻一震,楚致远王静都在瞬息间化成血雾 Chu Feng is similar to the injured wild animal, the face upwarding noisy wail, died including own parents, wrote off like this, he felt that oneself wanted the scrap in Great Abyss. 楚风如同受伤的野兽,仰天长嚎,连自己的父母都死了,被这样抹杀,他感觉自身要炸碎在在大渊中了。 The final moment, before he sees parents at the point of death, is opening mouth to him, was saying this anything. 最后的关头,他看到父母临死前对他在张嘴,在说这什么。 Looks at that shape of the mouth, is makes him probably going on living well, finally the moment, they like this were still caring about him, but also was worrying about him. 看那口型,是让他要好好的活下去,最后关头了,他们两人还在这样关心他,还在担忧着他。 Desperate, Chu Feng face upwards to shout, then kneels there, is shivering all over the body. 绝望之极,楚风仰天嘶吼,而后跪在那里,通体都在颤抖。 Now time not many, again crosses even if in a minute is I am not able to detain their final soul light.” Extreme Martial opens the mouth. “现在时光无多,再过片刻即便是我也无法留住他们最后的一点魂光。”太武开口。 Chu Feng feels the humiliation, an opposite party character has not mentioned stone box, but is very obvious, making him offer. 楚风感觉屈辱,对方没有一个字提及石盒,但是却很明显,让他敬献上去。 At this time, he is smiling, he is crying, he and soul light congeal in the together blood in the class, is similar to the bright red tears, his base and low calculates what? So long as these people can live, he is willing to pay all. 此时,他在笑,他在哭,他与魂光凝结在一起的血在流,如同鲜红的泪,他的卑微又算的了什么?只要那些人能够活过来,他愿意付出一切。 Chu Feng feels acutely disappointed, he lifts the hand to hold up stone box, he wants these to live, but, he is not willing, wants to kill Extreme Martial very much! 楚风万念俱灰,他抬起手将石盒举起,他真的想让那些人都活过来,但是,他也不甘心,很想杀太武 Saw Chu Feng to hold up stone box, Yaoyao sword light magnificently intense, in burning down, she really hopes that can suppress Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, compelling him to resurrect all people! 看到楚风举起石盒,妖妖的剑光更盛烈了,在焚烧自我,她真的希望能够镇压太武天尊,逼他复活所有人! Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate sees Chu Feng to hold up stone box, has smiled lightly, first time such bright, the whole body blooms the auspicious light rain. 太武天尊看到楚风举起石盒,淡淡的笑了,第一次这么的灿烂,周身绽放祥和的光雨。 This was right, but is a World of the Dead's slit space, world-wide all ant insect, dares to contend with the destiny?” He said lightly. “这就对了,不过是阴间的一个狭缝空间而已,举世皆蚁虫,也敢抗衡天命?”他平淡地说道。 Suddenly, a sigh transmits, brings even to have the rotten aura decayed, such biography swings, making the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate body become stiff instantaneously. 突然,一声叹息传来,带着腐朽甚至是有腐烂的气息,就这么传荡开来,让太武天尊身体瞬间发僵。
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