SR :: Volume #10

#939: Heavenly Venerate take action

The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate arrival, formally enters World of the Dead! 太武天尊驾临,正式进入阴间 In fact, when he just appeared all parties perceived, the meteorology is too unusual, the chaos edge, everywhere is the golden lotus flower, for the energy, is bright and clear, blooms unceasingly. 事实上,当他刚出现时各方就有所觉察,气象太超凡,混沌边缘,漫天都是金色的莲花,为能量所化,灿烂而晶莹,不断绽放。 When he goes out of the chaos, when treads Star Sea is leading the way, All Heavens thunders, Star Territory shivers, the world rule submits to for him. 当他走出混沌,踏着星海前行时,诸天轰鸣,星域颤动,天地规则为他而臣服。 He is stepping on divine rainbow, arrives brilliantly to the utmost, making the person unable to open both eyes, crosses Star Sea, catches up directly to Great Abyss! 他踩着一条神虹,绚烂到极尽,让人睁不开双眼,横渡星海,直接赶向大渊 All Evolver trembles with fear, the soul trembles, creature of what level is this? 各方进化者都惊颤,灵魂发抖,这到底是什么层次的生灵 Has the famous elder to make the judgment, this is Shining Upon Level lifeforms, the energy level of shows has not broken through the World of the Dead universe the boundary. 有名宿做出判断,这是映照级生物,所展现的能量层次并未突破阴间宇宙的界限。 However, why does he actually give people the constriction beyond comparison? 但是,为何他却给人无以伦比的压迫感? Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate came! 太武天尊来了! He does not have the use to surmount the God Level energy, but has solved own problem when the chaos, is strongest Shining Upon. 他没有动用超越神级的能量,而是在混沌中时就解决了自身的问题,最强不过映照 For some reasons, he earnestly seeks World of the Dead's Paramount Supreme Treasure compared with anyone, when because of some of his knows truth, was initially young has seen some records fortunately, even if becomes Heavenly Venerate, his obsession is not loose, instead is getting more and more intense. 出于某种原因,他比谁都渴求阴间的究极至宝,因为他知道一些真相,当初年轻时有幸看到过一些记载,所以哪怕成为天尊,他的执念还未散,反而越来越强烈。 Therefore he came, rushes personally! 故此他来了,亲自赶到! divine rainbow is dazzling, the light rain spurts, in the trim universe Yang Qi is billowing, the meteorology that he brings shocks everybody, making the person shock incomparably. 神虹炫目,光雨飞洒,整片宇宙中都阳气滚滚,他带来的气象惊世骇俗,让人震撼无比。 Over a hundred Sun that as if burnt down gathers, becomes a halo that he sends out, he walks on that divine rainbow path, to get close to Great Abyss. 仿佛正在焚烧的上百颗太阳聚集在一起,成为他散发的一层光晕,他行走在那条神虹道路上,接近大渊 Slightly stop, but he steps starts the footsteps, feels Great Abyss truly! 略微停顿,但他又迈开始脚步,真正感到大渊 A person stands here, illuminates the darkness, enabling Heavenly Eye to catch this place clearly the scene. 一个人站在这里,照亮黑暗,让天眼都能清晰地捕捉到此地的景象了。 At this moment, in his all around profusion of fallen petals, that is not the beautiful and delicate ordinary flower petal, but is the Energy Body model, is the carrier of say/way. 此刻,在他的四周落英缤纷,那不是秀丽与柔弱的普通花瓣,而是能量体模型,全都是道的载体。 That is the rule, is Order, constructs the gorgeous picture, composes a magnificent prospect. 那是规则,也是秩序,构建出华美的画面,组成一幅瑰丽的图景。 His ray is reserved, no longer that dazzling, the people see his appearance, unexpectedly is a statue, the appearance is dignified, the face such as the blade truncates, is uneven including the chignon. 他的光芒内敛,不再那么刺目,人们看到他的样子,居然是一尊石像,面目威严,脸如刀削,连发髻都有棱有角。 This is stone embryo, digs out from the chaos, same is the innate thing with innate bottle gourd, was sought by Extreme Martial, becomes his Dao Body. 这是一尊石胎,从混沌中挖出,跟先天葫芦一样属于先天之物,被太武寻到,成为他的一具道身 stone embryo sends out the gentle light, under foot is divine rainbow, the midair is various Energy Body, constructs the flower petal, in his, golden divine lotus large expanse of taking root, shaking, the light of Order is rippling. 石胎发出柔和的光,脚下是神虹,半空是各种能量体,构建成花瓣等,在他的身后,金色的神莲成片的扎根,哗哗摇动,秩序之光在荡漾。 In addition, the bodhi grows in side, the life old tree stretches the branch in another side. 此外,还有菩提在身边生长,生命古树在另一侧舒展枝桠。 These are different energy shapes, is Order evolves, constructs around him, becomes part of phenomenon he blooms. 这些都是不同的能量形态,都是秩序演化,构建在他四周,成为他绽放的异象的一部分。 At this moment, in universe, as long as has the strong Great Clan group of inside story, big such as fights, was frightened. 这一刻,宇宙中但凡有底蕴的强大族群,都头大如斗,受到惊吓。 For example Dao Race, Buddha Race, Sub Immortal Clan wait/etc., their inheritance are remote enough, is this piece of universe top three strong clan, the ancestor came from World of the Living. 比如道族佛族亚仙族等,他们的传承足够久远,是这片宇宙的前三甲强族,祖上来自阳间 In the past worthies personally written letter in their clan has the record, this is in Realm perfect manifestation, the same level unmatched in the world, nobody can resist! 他们族中的前贤手札中有记载,这是一个境界内完美无瑕的体现,同层次天下无敌,没有人可以对抗! According to personally written letter records in some ancient ethnic groups, past Monster Ancestor as well as the World of the Dead universe no.1 expert Dragon Race remote ancestor of prehistoric years, once achieved this condition. 据一些古老族群中的手札记载,当年的妖祖以及史前岁月的阴间宇宙第一高手龙族远祖,都曾达到这种状态。 When such lifeforms walk world phenomenon obstructs the day, various Energy Body numerous, combine in all around, the world is unapproachable! 这样的生物行走世间时异象遮天,各种能量体纷呈,组合在四周,天下无人可匹敌! It is reported that the two possibly afterward only broke the World of the Dead universe limit creature, surmounts the Shining Upon boundary. 据传,那两人可能是后来仅有的突破阴间宇宙限制的生灵,超越映照境。 Now, this kind of lifeforms came, who with resists? 现在,这样一个生物来了,谁与相抗? Even if his energy is Shining Upon Level, is Energy Body these many, each type may show the fearful prestige energy, after the combination , the words that must attack, may display to exceed this universe upper limit the striking power. 哪怕他的能量是映照级的,可是能量体这么多,每一种都可展现出慑人的威能,组合后真要进攻的话,可发挥出超越这片宇宙上限的攻击力。 This means that although is the Shining Upon Level energy, many phenomenon that but shows by his perfect busy condition, after mutually overlay, can endure to compare Divine Realm! 这意味着,虽然是映照级能量,但是以他完美无暇状态所展现的多种异象,相互叠加后,可以堪比神境 This was equal to setting out true Divinity! 这等于出动了一尊真正的神祇 In fact if World of the Dead universe person knows, this is Heavenly Venerate Dao Body suppresses itself, enters this place, that will fear, it is estimated that the entire universe wants the aphonia, does not want to resist, because that will not have what suspense! 事实上如果阴间宇宙的人知道,这是天尊道身压制自己,进入此地,那就会更加恐惧了,估计全宇宙都要失音,都不想抵抗,因为那将没有什么悬念! lifeforms of Heavenly Venerate level, even if only Dao Body, does not arrive, can show the most perfect Shining Upon Level condition. 天尊层次的生物,哪怕只是一具道身,不是亲临,也可以展现最完美无瑕的映照级状态。 What is the same Realm unmatched in the world? That is, is not restricted in this piece of universe, in the World of the Living universe also nothing more than such as is. 什么是同境界天下无敌?这就是,不限于这片宇宙,在阳间宇宙也不外如是。 By, Great Abyss there must leave the important matter!” “遭了,大渊那里要出大事!” Big Black Ox and the others think to send to terrify, in the heart frightened. 大黑牛等人都觉得发瘆,心中惴惴。 Face earnest color Yellow Ox, is ordinary day laughing Ouyang Feng, now expression grave, nobody can relax, is extremely anxious. 无论是一脸认真之色的黄牛,还是平日嘻嘻哈哈的欧阳风,现在都神色凝重,没有人可以放松,全都极度紧张。 Even if separated by such far, they think the palpitation, thought that will have any not good matter soon to occur likely. 即便相隔这么远,他们都觉得心悸,觉得像是有什么不好的事情即将发生。 Chu Feng just gazed after Yaoyao to sink in Great Abyss, turns head suddenly, felt the stone embryo super terrifying condition of towering having, his frightened. 楚风刚刚目送妖妖沉落进大渊中,猛然回头,感觉到突兀出现的石胎的超级恐怖状态,他一阵惊悚。 Without the reason, his both eyes start to bleed unexpectedly, and in heart big tong, inexplicable sad reappearing, lets his heart tear discomfort, is this what kind of one ominous induction? 没有缘由,他的双目竟开始淌血,且心中大恸,一种莫名的感伤浮现,让他的心撕裂般的难受,这是怎样的一种不祥感应? From seeing stone embryo appears, arrives at the inexplicable mind to palpitate again, all are in an instant matters. 从看到石胎出现,再到莫名的心灵悸动,一切都是刹那间的事。 But Chu Feng does not have any hesitation, turns toward Great Abyss to dive suddenly, his knows, this life body could not cope, even if Yaoyao came up, will possibly have the accident/surprise. 楚风也没有任何的犹豫,猛然向着大渊俯冲下去,他知道,这个生命体对付不了,哪怕妖妖上来,也可能会出现意外。 Chī! 哧! stone embryo stands is outside Great Abyss, lifts in the hands, stone Zhangru Vault of heaven, is only gently to Abyss in a pressure, Chu Feng felt a strange fluctuation. 石胎立身在大渊外,抬手间,石掌如苍穹,只是轻轻对着深渊中一压而已,楚风就感觉到了一股奇异的波动。 This flash, the time seems flowing backwards, the surroundings have the time fragment sparkle doubtful. 这一瞬间,时光仿佛在倒流,周围疑似有光阴碎片闪耀。 Chu Feng discovered, own surrounding bright, is no longer dark, this was known as that cannot use the rule in Great Abyss, unexpectedly was subverted, has the light of slight Order to spread, he was imprisoned, is similar to falls into the fearful mire. 楚风发现,自身周围灿烂,不再黑暗,这号称不可动用规则的大渊内,居然被颠覆,有细微的秩序之光在蔓延,他被禁锢,如同陷入可怕的泥沼中。 In fact, he is still dropping, but the speed tends to be gentle, slowly static, feared that is Heavenly Venerate Dao Body does not dare as well as is unable inquire into the Great Abyss deep place. 事实上,他还在下降,但是速度趋于平缓,慢慢静止,怕是天尊道身也不敢以及无法探究大渊深处。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate can achieve this step in the method of Shining Upon level, is goes against heaven's will! 太武天尊映照层次的手段能做到这一步,已经算是逆天! ! 噗! The palm of stone embryo is away from an endless far void gently pressure, Chu Feng's fleshly body instantaneous full is the fissure, then disintegrates, explodes one group of blood mist. 石胎的手掌隔着无尽远的虚空轻轻一压,楚风的肉身瞬间满是裂痕,而后瓦解,爆成一团血雾 If not at this important moment, Great Abyss trembles lightly, making the stone embryo body stop, has not caught up again, Chu Feng's soul light must be ground. 若非在这关键时刻,大渊轻颤,让石胎身体停顿,没有再发力,楚风的魂光都要被碾碎。 Here is Great Abyss, is very special, if changes a place, let alone any blood mist, is the Chu Feng surrounding space annihilates, all will not exist! 这里是大渊,很特殊,如果换一个地方,别说什么血雾,就是楚风周围的空间都湮灭,一切都将不复存在! Wisp of fog flutters from the Chu Feng's blood, a very thin wisp, is having the fuzzy face, prevents that palm the strength of surplus destruction crazily. 一缕灰雾从楚风的血液中飘荡而出,很稀薄的一缕,带着模糊的面孔,疯狂阻挡那一掌的剩余毁灭之力。 Clarity that Chu Feng's soul light looks , the startled anger is terrified, that stone embryo only lifts a hand gently pressure, then almost lets his destroy both body and soul in Great Abyss, is too fearful. 楚风的魂光看的清楚,惊怒而悚然,那石胎仅抬手轻轻一压,在大渊中便几乎让他形神俱灭,太可怕。 Meanwhile, he also sends to terrify, is that wisp of thin fog the ominous material? When he is move of not knows. 同时,他也发瘆,那一缕稀薄的灰雾是不祥物质吗?他是什么时候中招的都不知道 Said, this is he contaminates on fog in a Foreign Territory hundred years of institute? 还是说,这就是他在异域百年所沾染上的灰雾? But, why does this wisp of thin gray fog help him swallow that stone embryo destructive attacked energy? 可是,这缕稀薄的灰色雾霭为什么帮他吞噬那石胎的毁灭性攻性能量? Buzz!” “嗡!” The stone embryo second rolling falls the palm again, a few words did not say, must kill Chu Feng, in his eyes indifferent heartless, has not worked as any match Chu Feng, likely in the weed of harvesting roadside. 石胎再次压落手掌,一句话不说,就是要击毙楚风,他眼中冷漠无情,根本就没有将楚风当什么对手,像是在收割路边的杂草。 This tone, this not happy without cause for grief heartless performance, has the world not to be unkind takes the myriad things as the style of dogs and hay worthless thing, overlooks all living things, does not have the sentiment. 这种气韵,这样无喜无忧无情的表现,颇有天地不仁以万物为刍狗的风格,俯视众生,毫无感情。 Chu Feng was reorganizing fleshly body vigorously, condenses blood mist, but he once more has blasted out now, and soul light was also being ground. 楚风原本在极力重组肉身,凝聚血雾,可是现在他再次炸开了,并且魂光也在被碾碎。 Flash, his Spiritual Will crack, but in back of the body a blank, without any sensation. 一刹那,他的精神意志龟裂,而后心中一片空白,没有任何感知了。 Finally, stone embryo discovered that after Chu Feng explodes is broken, Paramount Supreme Treasure that leaves behind is anything, first changing countenance, on the face had the expression, uses the profound law, must detain stone box. 终于,石胎发现楚风爆碎后,遗留的究极至宝是什么,第一次动容,脸上有了表情,动用玄法,就要拘禁走石盒 However, his body is slightly stiff, in Great Abyss has an inexplicable bellow, making him feel the soul to palpitate, has secret power to tow that stone box! 然而,他身体微微僵,大渊中有一种莫名的轰鸣声,让他都感觉灵魂悸动,有秘力在牵引那石盒 He cannot take immediately! 他没有能够在第一时间取上来! Same carves, he backed up one step, the whole body is immeasurable rune, various Energy Body surround around him, is stepping on the golden Great Dao lotus flower, he sacred stainless, just like standing erect in eternal end, eternal not spoiled immortal. 同一刻,他倒退了一步,周身都是无量符文,各种能量体在他四周环绕,踩踏着金色的大道莲花,他神圣无垢,宛若屹立在永恒的尽头,万古不腐不朽。 Chu Feng died!” 楚风死了!” Lying trough also Sir!” “卧槽也大爷的!” Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Zhou Quan and the others zi want to crack, their clear saw some scenes in Great Abyss. 大黑牛黄牛东北虎周全等人目眦欲裂,他们真切的看到了大渊中的部分景象。 The place brightness that because, the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate whole body illumination, Energy Body shines, was entirely different from the past. 因为,太武天尊浑身发光,能量体照耀的此地一片灿烂,跟以往截然不同。 Heavenly Eye can catch there scene accurately, many people see with one's own eyes fearful blood mist to explode. 天眼能准确地捕捉到那里的景象,许多人亲眼看到可怕的血雾爆开。 Did Chu Feng die? By blast that a stone embryo palm suppresses, the whole world is all witnessed, various clan shocking at the same time, feels the endless coldness. 楚风死了?被石胎一掌压制的炸开,举世皆见证,各族震惊的同时,感觉到无尽的寒冷。 Is many famous elder who lived from the high antiquity, in such long life years, have not met stone embryo such fearful lifeforms, the heart have one greatest fear. 就是许多从远古时代活下来的名宿,这么悠长的生命岁月中,都没有遇上过石胎这么可怕的生物,心头有一种莫大的恐惧。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Many people yelled, relates sworn friend this time to feel like a knife twisting in the heart with Chu Feng, feels the mind severe pain. 许多人大叫,跟楚风关系莫逆者此时心如刀绞,感觉到心神剧痛。 In Star Sea, the deathly stillness will cause a stir from now on, is boils noisily, the innumerable noises resound. 星海中,死寂过后是轰动,是喧沸,无数嘈杂声响起。 This is too fearful, was known as Great Demon Chu Feng that cannot kill, turns the hand today grinds explodes, must great and other incarnations of god catch up including Jiang Zhou, cannot how him, but Chu Feng easily writes off now. 这实在太慑人,号称打不死的楚风大魔头,今天被人翻手间碾爆,连江舟、须宏等神的化身赶来,都没有能奈何他,可是现在楚风被轻易抹杀。 Especially this stone embryo, maintains total silence from beginning to end, walks to come silent, the direct under killer, made people think fearfully. 尤其是这尊石胎,自始至终都一语不发,沉默行走而来,直接下杀手,就更加让人觉得可怕了。 Who to present also nobody knows he is, callous take action, frightens the trim World of the Dead universe! 到现在还没有人知道他是谁,冷酷出手,震慑整片阴间宇宙! Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate!” 太武天尊!” The universe edge, in the chaos presents two Dao Child, was reciting the real name, they read aloud the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate four characters, looked like Dao Race recites Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable to be ordinary. 宇宙边缘,混沌中出现两个道童,都在口诵真名,他们诵出太武天尊四字,就像是道族口诵无量天尊一般。 At this moment, universe regional stirs, what comes is Heavenly Venerate?! 这一刻,宇宙各地轰动,来的是一位天尊?! Who can believe, who dares believe? 谁能相信,谁敢相信? However, this method is beyond control they not to believe, abatement Heavenly Venerate arrives, who can also have the so fearful performance? 但是,这种手段又由不得他们不相信,除却天尊降临,谁还能有这般可怕的表现? Heavenly Venerate arrives, Yin Spirit completely eliminates!” 天尊亲临,阴灵尽除!” In that two Dao Child has one person in the opens the mouth, is very cold proud, this words startled people lose color. 那两个道童中有一人在开口,很是冷傲,这种话语惊的人们面无血色。 Big Black Ox and the others the eye hyperemia, that is Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, massacres their brothers Chu Feng, making them be hard to control the mood, wants to kill to the scene. 大黑牛等人眼睛充血,那就是太武天尊,杀掉他们的兄弟楚风,让他们难以控制情绪,想杀向现场。 In Great Abyss, the white light appears, antiquity Yaoyao fleshly body flushed from the bottom, was too quick, beautiful hair hangs loose, in the beautiful face covers entirely murderous intention. 大渊中,白光浮现,上古妖妖肉身从底部冲了上来,太快了,秀发披散,绝美面孔上布满杀机 After many years, this body first time presents such vivid expression, her portable three chi (0.33 m) Divine Sword, shoots to go toward the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate electricity. 时隔多年,这具躯体第一次出现这么生动的表情,她手提三尺神剑,向着太武天尊电射而去。 Yaoyao wields a sword to begin to Heavenly Venerate! 妖妖天尊挥剑动手!
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