SR :: Volume #10

#938: The world does not have the anti- hand

Dim Great Abyss, atmosphere of withering, World of the Living one crowd of person corpses on the ground here, the blood dyes void. 昏暗的大渊,肃杀的气氛,阳间一群人伏尸在此,血染虚空。 The white clothing female is bright the dust, if still Heavenly Immortal is born, graceful bearing unparalleled, some time ago fights her sword to sweep away the square enemy in the hand unexpectedly, frightens World of the Dead. 白衣女子明丽出尘,犹若天仙降世,风姿无双,不久前的一战她竟然一剑在手横扫四方敌,震慑阴间 She is bright-colored and aloof, if not Divine Sword in hand in the drop blood, is very difficult to imagine this kind of female to be possible unexpectedly the looking disdainfully world, strength startled Star Sea. 她明艳而超然,若非手中的神剑还在滴血,很难想象这样一个女子竟可睥睨天下,实力惊星海 The World of the Dead universe, all people shock, the innermost feelings were attacked intensely, the World of the Living's god walks in this piece of universe, was cut to kill?! 阴间宇宙,所有人都震撼,内心受到强烈的冲击,阳间的神行走在这片宇宙中,都被斩杀了?! Big Black Ox and the others in remote starry sky, first jumped, makes an effort to shake the fist, good that bellowing, is killing, felt that within the body fights the blood to seethe with excitement. 大黑牛等人在遥远的星空中,第一时间跳了起来,用力挥拳,大吼着,杀的好,感觉到体内战血跟着沸腾。 Previously they oppressed had gone bad, in chest cavity had depression unable to spit throughout. 早先他们憋闷坏了,胸腔中有一口郁气始终无法吐出来。 Now, along with antiquity Yaoyao fleshly body take action, slaughtered, sweeps away the person of World of the Living this crowd of being arrogant and conceited, making World of the Dead many people excited and stimulated, finally shouted loudly. 现在,随着上古妖妖肉身出手,大开杀戒,横扫阳间这群目空一切的人,让阴间很多人都激动、亢奋,最后大声喊了出来。 One type constrains for a long time mood to run out of the chest, making the person leave foul odor finally. 一种压抑已久的情绪冲出胸膛,让人总算出了一口恶气。 The universe edge, in the chaos the remaining people such as the falling icehouse, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, is this what kind of one experience? Before the moment, they still in overlooking this piece of pond universe, suddenly all reversal, in the god including them walk finally in the incarnation in world are cut to kill. 宇宙边缘,混沌中剩下的人如坠冰窖,从头凉到脚,这是怎样的一种体验?片刻前他们还在俯视这片池塘宇宙,结果瞬息间一切逆转,连他们中的神行走在世间的化身都被斩杀。 At this moment, Jiang Zhou must great faint, bleeds profusely from the head, moves cannot move, the source presents the fissure, moves cannot move. 此刻,无论是江舟还是须宏都昏死过去,七窍流血,一动不能动,本源都出现裂痕,一动不能动。 The old yellow weasel called out: Quick, we walk, this piece of incomplete World of the Dead universe has the inexplicable danger, I do not want to stay, goes to the chaos universe!” 老黄鼠狼叫道:“快,我们走,这片残缺的阴间宇宙有很多莫名危险,我一刻也不想停留下去,去混沌宇宙!” It is restless, oneself has been injured in the process of deduction, moreover in some time ago also once was entangled faint trace strange matter, he was already scared. 它非常不安,自身在推演的过程中就已经受伤,而且在不久前还曾被缠上丝丝诡异物质,他早已胆寒。 Sits cross-legged the Old Divine Master also face whiten on carpet, does not dare to deduce again, he intense restlessness, why knows always does not think some palpitations. 盘坐在蒲团上的老神师也脸色苍白,没有敢再推演,他也强烈的不安,不知道为何总觉得有些心悸。 They unanimously decided, falls back on chaos universe, there has Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body to assume personal command, can melt all, who can resist? 他们一致决定,退到混沌宇宙中,那里有太武天尊的一具道身坐镇,可以化解一切,谁可相抗? Falls back on there to make them feel at ease! 退到那里才能让他们安心! Young Lady Xi was stranded in the cabin, but knows had anything, immediately has smiled happily, perhaps currently also only has coming out that she can smile. 少女曦被困船舱中,但是已经知道发生什么,顿时开心地笑了起来,恐怕现在也唯有她能笑的出来。 Walks!” “走!” The vermilion steamship starts, flushes away toward chaos in rapidly. 朱红色大船开动,迅速向着混沌中冲去。 They do not want to stay, always thought that this piece of World of the Dead universe is too cold and gloomy, the body flood goosebumps, quickly flees. 他们一刻也不想停留,总觉得这片阴间宇宙太森冷,身上泛起鸡皮疙瘩,迅速逃离。 No matter what said, the sky collapsed had high to withstand/top, the Heavenly Venerate incarnation in the front, they went to to report truthfully and that's the end. 不管怎样说,天塌了有高个顶着,天尊化身在前方,他们如实去禀报就是了。 Behind, in the dim fog, one group of fog appears, turns into a fierce ugly face, there cold spooky smiling, followed directly! 后方,在朦胧的雾霭中,一团灰雾浮现,化成一张狰狞的鬼脸,在那里冷幽幽的笑着,直接跟了下去! Outside Great Abyss, female calmly in standing there, peerless elusive, on the white clothing has the bloodstain that era left behind, began on Origin Metal Divine Sword the blood to drip to fall again, making her have a unique tone, beautiful astonishment and alternative. 大渊外,那女子静静地在站那里,绝世空灵,白衣上有上古时代留下的血迹,再加上手中的母金神剑上血液淌落,让她有一种独特的气韵,美的惊人与另类。 „Is Yaoyao, you?” 妖妖,是你吗?” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, the sound shivers, Yaoyao vanishes is very long, truly has not returned to the present, but now this looks like exactly the same person, clearly is she. 楚风开口,声音都略带颤抖,妖妖消失很久,到现在都没有真正回归,而现在这个看起来一模一样的人,分明就是她啊。 Meanwhile, thinks that Yaoyao had said words, she fought in the antiquity, although was killed, but wore in the past first battlesuit, crashed Abyss, should be the present person. 同时,想到妖妖说过的话,她在上古一战中虽被杀,但是身穿当年第一战衣,坠落深渊,应该就是眼前的人。 Yaoyao sought for her past fleshly body, now how? 妖妖来寻找她昔日的肉身,现在怎样了? Do not say that is its Chu Feng, is Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and the others also anxious incomparable, thinks the knows outcome very much, present age Yaoyao in this fleshly body? 不要说是其楚风,就是大黑牛黄牛等人也都紧张无比,很想知道究竟,当世的妖妖在这具肉身中吗? Various universe clans, wants to inquire into. 宇宙各族,也都想探究。 The same time, Big Black Ox, Old Donkey and the others must stimulate to movement Cauldron of Monster Ancestor to start off, must rush to here, but, Chu Feng has first prevented them. 同时间,大黑牛老驴等人就要催动妖祖之鼎上路,要赶到这里,但是,楚风第一时间阻止了他们。 She is...... Under my antiquity left behind the body.” “她是……我上古遗留下的身体。” The white clothing female opens the mouth, the sound is very light, off and on, this is Yaoyao, found her to drop the Great Abyss flesh and blood in the past. 白衣女子开口,声音很轻,断断续续,这是妖妖,找到了她当年落进大渊中的血肉之躯。 That service, her result is very miserable, only then obsession escapes, although fleshly body several near destructions, but spirituality does not extinguish, the flesh remoulds, falls on this place. 那一役,她的结局很惨,只有执念逃出,肉身虽然几近毁灭,但是灵性不灭,血肉重塑,落在此地。 Only can say that Yaoyao this body is too extraordinary, stemming from an instinct, passive transport Plundering Guide Breathing Method, the meteorology is shocking now, and has one group of dim consciousness. 只能说妖妖这具身体太非凡,出于一种本能,被动运转盗引呼吸法,如今气象惊世,而且生出一团朦胧的意识。 This group of soul light are somewhat fearful, although is ignorant of affair, does not understand the world truth, but protects oneself consciousness too intensely, nearly writes off Yaoyao present age soul light! 只是这团魂光有些可怕,虽然不谙世事,不懂人间道理,但是自我保护意识太强烈,险些将妖妖当世的魂光抹杀! Chu Feng is Yaoyao joyful and excited at the same time, feels fearfully, is nourished one group of dim consciousness so to be unexpectedly fearful by fleshly body? 楚风妖妖喜悦与激动的同时,也感觉到可怕,由肉身滋养出一团朦胧意识竟这么可怕? Is because this place too much leaves, is this fleshly body is unusual? 是因为这地方太特别,还是这具肉身过于超凡? But the dim consciousness that this fleshly body has is also Yaoyao own? Now don't tell me has two Yaoyao, which is she. 而这具肉身出现的朦胧意识还算是妖妖自身的吗?如今难道有两个妖妖,到底哪一个是她自己。 Now, Yaoyao facing a very fearful issue, she could not grasp this fleshly body, after by that group, soul light repel that was born, the latter must write off her. 现在,妖妖面对一个非常可怕的问题,她掌握不了这具肉身,被那团后诞生的魂光排斥,后者要抹杀她。 She draws back in various places of this body, temporarily was dormant, not having the opportunity to grasp oneself once body, these time also braved death to exert the influence. 她退在这具身体的各处,暂蛰伏,没有机会掌握自己曾经的身体,这一次也只是冒死施加影响。 Now, she must unable to control, after saying these, look even more lax. 现在,她要控制不住了,说完这些后眼神越发的涣散。 The white clothing female turnover universe energy and Star Sea essence, close the pupil, moreover starts to sink slowly to Great Abyss, soon must leave here. 白衣女子吞吐宇宙能量与星海精华,闭上眸子,而且开始缓慢向大渊中沉去,即将要离开这里。 Yaoyao!” Chu Feng was worried very much. 妖妖!”楚风很担心。 Just when heard, he is Yaoyao is happy, but now he is such anxiety, dim soul light that antiquity Yaoyao fleshly body afterward was born is the big threat! 刚听闻时,他还在为妖妖开心,但现在他又是如此的忧虑,上古妖妖肉身后来诞生的朦胧魂光是大威胁! Bang! 轰! In the chaos, vermilion steamship of braving all hardships meets another to paste the Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree black warship. 混沌中,乘风破浪的朱红色大船遇到另一艘贴着天尊法旨的黑色战船。 How did you draw back?” On the black steamship some people asked that the bow was setting up three silhouette, as before was God Level Evolver! “你们怎么退回来了?”黑色大船上有人问道,船头立着三道身影,依旧是神级进化者 World of the Living these time sends out really on a large scale, some ancient Dao Lineage consumption very big prices open a path, naturally thinks that has attained. 阳间这一次真的是大举出动,一些古老的道统耗费很大代价才开启出一条通路,自然想有所获。 The simple exchange, both sides both knows had anything, the old yellow weasel uniform acceleration drives away to go, reports Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate! 简单交流,双方都知道发生了什么,老黄鼠狼等加速驶离而去,去禀告太武天尊 But the remaining three big powerhouses, each and every one expression grave, they are not willing to brave hardships and dangers, but thinks that the Heavenly Venerate dignified face, as well as the special confession, they brace oneself starting off, feared that misses that Artifact by some chance, will be punished. 而剩下的三大强者,一个个神色凝重,他们不愿涉险,但是想到天尊威严的面孔,以及特别的交代,他们硬着头皮上路,怕万一错过那件器物,被会责罚。 Heavenly Venerate blames, even if suppresses for 500 years, is lives to might as well die, wishes one could to be struck to kill. 天尊怪罪下来,哪怕只是镇压500年,也是生不如死,恨不得被击杀。 „The Six Stars of the Southern Dipper Lord dies, our may evolve two stars, encircles kills her to give a try, the time press, cannot make that Artifact fall into Great Abyss, that really did not have the opportunity.” 南斗六星主死,我们一人可演化两星,去围杀她试试看,时间紧迫,千万不能让那件器物落入大渊中,那就真的没有机会了。” They feared that Chu Feng one cruel-hearted will forever sink World of the Living's Supreme Treasure in Great Abyss. 他们怕楚风一狠心将阳间的至宝永沉大渊内。 Their extremely fast line. 他们极速而行。 Shortly, outside Great Abyss vibrates once more, six silhouette appear, arranges World of the Living Six Stars of the Southern Dipper, everyone is blooming dazzling rune. 不久后,大渊外再次震动,六道身影浮现,排列阳间南斗六星,每一个人都在绽放刺目的符文 This is the six big incarnations of three big powerhouses, everyone most can melt two. 这是三大强者的六大化身,每人最多能化出两尊。 Was a pity very much, they overestimated Six Stars of the Southern Dipper this ancient Domain to manage the ability of death, here was World of the Dead, they could not display the strength of that certainly killing. 很可惜,他们高估了南斗六星这种古老场域主掌死亡的能力,这里是阴间,他们发挥不出那种绝杀之力。 A white light to/clashes, in Yaoyao antiquity fleshly body, that group dim soul light was enraged, stemming from the self-preservation, stemming from an instinct, has killed. 一道白光冲起,妖妖的上古肉身中,那团朦胧的魂光被激怒,出于自保,出于一种本能,杀了出来。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Sword Qi thousand imaginary, divine glow soars to the heavens, the heads fly, six people were beheaded, so-called Six Stars of the Southern Dipper was cut down finally, the blood splashes outside Great Abyss! 剑气千幻,神芒冲霄,一颗又一颗头颅飞起,六人都被枭首,所谓的南斗六星最后都被劈杀,血溅大渊外! Here was pure, future all corpse on the ground! 这里清净了,来者皆伏尸! The world does not have the anti- hand, this is the earliest possible time cognition of all people, the white clothing female in Great Abyss is too shocking, the World of the Living's person who unexpectedly kills all extinguishes. 天下无抗手,这是所有人的第一时间的认知,大渊中的白衣女子太惊艳,居然杀的阳间的人全灭。 Some people shout warmly, World of the Living also does dare some people to come? 一些人热烈大喊起来,阳间还敢有人过来吗? They hope really, white clothing female ends this time blood and chaotic. 他们真的希望,白衣女子终结这一次的血与乱。 Female war-god!” “女战神!” Clearly is fights the immortal to be good!” “分明是战仙好不好!” The people discuss, send out such title, previously really by choking with rage that World of the Living these people suppressed, now some people can cut the incarnation of God Killer like this, how can not be inspired? 人们热议,送出这样的称号,早先实在是被阳间那些人压制的窝火,现在有人可以这样斩杀神之化身,怎能不振奋? The famous elder who some ancient times lived was actually knitting the brows, because they saw white clothing female was unstable, the vision was lax, was worried that she could not leave there, cannot shelter trim Star Sea. 只是,一些远古活下来的名宿却在皱眉,因为他们都看出白衣女子的不稳定,目光涣散无神,担心她离不开那里,并不能庇护整片星海 At this moment, pastes the Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree vermilion steamship to cross the chaos sea, experiences cutting down of Thunder Tribulation, the hull has damaged seriously. 此刻,贴着天尊法旨的朱红色大船已经横渡过混沌海,经历过雷劫的劈杀,船体破损严重。 For increasing speed, catches up for the earliest possible time, old yellow weasel and the others did not hesitate at all costs, pastes Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree on ship to burn, turns into glowing flame. 为了提速,为了第一时间赶过来,老黄鼠狼等人不惜一切代价,贴在船上的天尊法旨都在燃烧,化成光焰 They rush to the broken chaos universe at the inconceivable speed. 他们以不可思议的速度赶到残破的混沌宇宙中。 Report!” “报!” After they cross, in the mouth is bellowing, to the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate transmission news, told him to find World of the Living Paramount antiques, but had the accident/surprise. 他们横渡过来后,口中大吼着,向太武天尊传递消息,告诉他找到阳间一件究极古物,但是出现意外。 Silent, sends out gentle ray the statue to reappear in their at present, calmly listens respectfully, then suddenly take action, is selecting one finger/refers to the vermilion steamship behind. 无声无息,一尊发出柔和光芒的石像浮现在他们的眼前,静静聆听,然后突然出手,对着朱红色大船后方点出一指。 "Áo...... ” “嗷……” The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound gets up, is similar to the injured wild animal, is similar to the evil spirit is calling out, one group of dim fog appear, there by the Heavenly Venerate light beam crush, blasted out finally, by some inexplicable energy completely. 凄厉惨叫声响起,如同受伤的野兽,又如同厉鬼在嚎叫,一团朦胧的灰雾浮现,在那里被天尊光束碾压,最后炸开,又被某种莫名的能量化尽。 On vermilion steamship, regardless of other old yellow weasel person creepy feeling, the incomparable fear fears, too to terrify person, their rear areas unexpectedly with ominous material. 朱红色大船上,无论老黄鼠狼还是其他人都头皮发麻,无比的惶惧,太瘆人了,他们的后方居然跟着不祥物质。 The people are afraid, have a lingering fear, if no Heavenly Venerate Dao Body to assume personal command in this, their knows did not stare, in the end can definitely die a tragic death! 众人不寒而栗,心有余悸,如果没有天尊道身坐镇于此,他们都不知道被盯上,到头来肯定会惨死! The next quarter, the statue vanishes, silent, crosses the chaos sea, charges into the World of the Dead universe direction unexpectedly. 下一刻,石像消失,无声无息,横渡混沌海,竟然冲向阴间宇宙方向。 What, did Heavenly Venerate pass personally?!” “什么,天尊亲自过去了?!” On the vermilion steamship, one crowd of person bodies tremble, this is must leave the important matter, did not say that Heavenly Venerate can't arrive at the World of the Dead universe? Will be swallowed. 朱红色大船上,一群人都身体发颤,这是要出大事啊,不是说天尊不可亲临阴间宇宙吗?会被吞掉。 This fearsome matter is not a case, has some records to the utmost the ancient time, although the common World of the Living person does not know, but Heavenly Venerate oneself definitely understands. 这种可怖的事可不是个例,在极尽古老的时代有部分记载,寻常阳间人虽然不知,但天尊自身肯定明白。 Is they, because must come to be the Heavenly Venerate management, was informed some secret facts. 就是他们这些人,因为要来为天尊办事,也被告知一些隐情。 Now Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate passed, this had problems Heaven Falls and Earth Rends! 现在太武天尊过去了,这是出了问题将天崩地裂 They realized, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate cares about that thing, incomparably longs for, wants to obtain, otherwise does not meet after the wedding, since World of the Living catches up. 他们意识到,太武天尊太在意那件东西,无比渴望,想要得到,不然的话也不会亲自从阳间赶过来。 But must kill World of the Dead! 而现在更是要杀进阴间 Might as well, Heavenly Venerate does not have the rival, even if World of the Dead has strangely cannot block him!” “无妨,天尊没有敌手,哪怕阴间有古怪也拦不住他老人家!” They guessed, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate definitely will suppress own energy, will not release the God Level above fluctuation, after all did the experiment, Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree could have the past, so long as did not assume an awe-inspiring pose well. 他们猜测,太武天尊肯定会压制自身的能量,不会释放神级以上的波动,毕竟做过实验,天尊法旨可以带过去,只要不发威就无恙。 Even if suppresses Shining Upon Level, who is the Heavenly Venerate match? 哪怕压制到映照级,谁又是天尊的对手? The world does not have the anti- hand! 天下无抗手! Right, Heavenly Venerate is invincible in World of the Dead. The past time, some people had the accident/surprise are because did not understand, but this time we have performed the experiment, monitored the Great Abyss radiation value, thinks that the Heavenly Venerate old person knew fairly well, how knows avoided the crisis situation!” “没错,天尊阴间无敌。过去的时代,有人出意外是因为不了解,而这一次我们做过试验,监测了大渊的辐射值等,想必天尊老人家心中有数,知道如何回避危机情况!” They believe, Heavenly Venerate nobody may block, will not fall oneself in the hopeless situation, this time decides however can bring back to the World of the Living's Paramount treasure. 他们相信,天尊无人可阻,不会陷自身于绝境中,这次定然可以带回阳间的究极瑰宝。 In chaos, after Heavenly Venerate leaves is very long, one group of fog appear, quietly the long journey, to connecting the World of the Living's exit|to speak hurries to! 混沌中,当天尊离开很久后,一团灰雾浮现,悄然远行,向连接阳间的出口赶去! On the same day, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate crosses chaos sea, enters the World of the Dead universe! 当日,太武天尊横渡混沌海,进入阴间宇宙!
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