SR :: Volume #10

#937: God Slaying

Jiang Zhou angrily roars, the first loses self-control, his was cut the head, a sword beheads! 江舟怒吼,第一次失态,他被人斩掉了头颅,一剑枭首! Whiz! 嗖! Head flying upside down, that body is also shifting, both spell to crowd together rapidly, want to reorganize the body of Shining Upon. 头颅倒飞,还有那身体也在横移,两者迅速拼凑在一起,想要重组映照之身。 Jiang Zhou responded indeed quickly, was the God Level consciousness, the whole body illumination, the neck heals worthily, the blood flowed backwards to return to within the body, and his aura was rising suddenly, urged to send to Shining Upon to the utmost. 江舟反应的确快,不愧是神级意识,周身发光,颈项愈合,血液倒流回体内,并且他气息在暴涨,催发到映照极尽。 However, the opposite white light flashes, that female flies fast, if the startled great wild goose, reveals itself elusively, dived once more, and sword light like the rainbow, cut once again. 然而,对面白光一闪,那个女子翩若惊鸿,空灵出世,再次俯冲到了,并且剑光如虹,又一次斩来。 Also wants to go well!?” The Jiang Zhou face darken, he has used big divine ability, blurred void, seems like near at hand, but two worlds were separated by the dimension space. “还想得手!?”江舟脸色阴沉,他动用了大神通,虚空模糊了,看似近在咫尺,但是两人间被次元空间隔开。 This is the so close, yet worlds apart technique! 这是咫尺天涯术! Meanwhile, the World of the Dead universe edge, the chaos region, on the vermilion steamship, one group of people exude the screams. 与此同时,阴间宇宙边缘,混沌地带,朱红色的大船上,一群人都发出惊呼声。 Jiang Zhou True Body is both eyes light beam rises suddenly, first orders, Shining Upon Level Evolver leaves, goes to Great Abyss suppress and kill that female. 江舟真身更是双目光束暴涨,第一时间下命令,映照级进化者动身,前往大渊镇杀那女子。 And, his body is gloomy, splits up together the incarnation once more, this is his limit, the vitality has damaged severely! 并且,他的身体暗淡下来,再次分化出一道化身,这是他的极限,已经元气大伤! At the same time, the God Level powerhouse must great also branch out two big incarnations, leaves to start off. 同一时间,神级强者须宏也分出两大化身,动身上路。 Artifact that since knows Heavenly Venerate has earnestly sought on Chu Feng, when now does not send out to treat, must take. 既然已经知道天尊都渴求的器物楚风身上,现在不出动更待何时,必须要抢到手中。 In addition, the incarnation that eight Shining Upon Level Evolver, follow two big God Level powerhouses overtook! 此外,还有八名映照级进化者,追随两大神级强者的化身赶了过去! Outside Great Abyss. 大渊外。 “Chi!” “哧!” Bright sword light brilliant such as age gold/metal burning down, Shining Upon starry sky, pierces the so-called dimension space, chops to cut directly once more. 煌煌剑光绚烂如庚金焚烧,映照星空,洞穿所谓的次元空间,直接再次劈斩过来。 Jiang Zhou divine ability is invalid, was broken open by a sword! 江舟神通无效,被一剑破开! A sword broken ten thousand law, non- flying sword, but is uses/gives technique grasps three chi (0.33 m) Divine Sword walk world, cuts to kill all enemies! 一剑破万法,非飞剑,而是施术者手持三尺神剑行走世间,斩杀一切敌! , the Jiang Zhou pupil opens the eyes is very big, is bringing frightened condition, his neck was cut again, an excellent head flew. 噗的一声,江舟眸子睁的很大,带着惊悚之态,他的脖子再次被斩开,一颗大好头颅飞了出去。 He is furious, simultaneously the heart deep place ascends scared, is this who? Unexpectedly can behead to him continuously twice, this seriously is very terrifying. 他震怒,同时心底深处升腾起恐慌,这是什么人?居然能对他连续两次枭首,这当真是非常恐怖。 Headless body flying upside down, that head also rapid shuttle void, wants to flee, wants to reorganize with the body once more. 无头的躯体倒飞,还有那颗头颅也迅速穿梭虚空中,想要遁走,想要跟躯体再次重组。 However, this white clothing female was too quick, is similar to white lightning accompanying, no longer gives him the opportunity, the sword light cuts once more. 但是,这一次白衣女子太快了,如同一道白色的闪电随行,不再给他机会,剑光再次斩来。 ! 噗! The Jiang Zhou startled anger, he cut in two at the waist, was divided to succeed in giving up two sections from the abdomen, head that if separates again in addition, that was cut three parts. 江舟惊怒,他被腰斩,从腹部被劈断成两截,若是再加上分离出去的头颅,那就是被斩成三部分。 His innermost feelings fear even more fears, he is a god, even if were suppressed to the Shining Upon boundary, is fiercer than Evolver of this progression, absolutely is Half-God. 他的内心越发的惶惧,他可是神,哪怕被压制到映照境,也比这个级数的进化者厉害,绝对算是半神 But, he unexpectedly first is beheaded now, latter cuts in two at the waist, cannot resist. 可是,现在他居然被人先枭首,后腰斩,招架不住。 Jiang Zhou first estimates, fleshly body of this female is too swift and violent, even if looks like beautiful is not nearly real, is similar to celestial fairy, but the strength absolutely is God Level. 江舟第一时间预估到,这个女子的肉身太迅猛,哪怕看起来美丽的近乎不真实,如同一位天仙子,可是实力绝对是神级的。 Divine Physique! 神体 He makes the judgment, this female has God Level fleshly body, although the vision slightly is lax, but absolutely is this progression, the fleshly body movement is too quick, surmounts Shining Upon Level Evolver's to think of the feeling. 他做出判断,这个女子拥有神级肉身,虽然目光略显涣散,但绝对是这个级数的,肉身动作太快,超越映照级进化者的思感。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Jiang Zhou low roar, goes all out to stimulate to movement the remnant body, but also is thinking models the body of Shining Upon again, blood energy is dreadful, various golden symbols are dense and numerous, here blooms. 江舟低吼,拼命催动残体,还想着再塑映照之躯呢,血气滔天,各种金色符号密密麻麻,在这里绽放。 Even if the remnant body, cut off, he is also using secret technique, launches the attack to that white clothing female, does not display formidable trump card, he will not have the opportunity, will be cut to kill. 即便是残体,被人斩断,他也在动用秘术,对那白衣女子展开进攻,不施展强大的杀手锏的话,他将毫无机会,将会被斩杀。 This place, most at least 100,000 sharp swords appear, each is by a symbol construction, in a flash, turns into the dazzling sword rain, the terrifying is boundless, flaming incomparable, punctures toward that white clothing female. 此地,最起码有100000柄利剑浮现,每一柄都是由一枚符号构建而成,一瞬间,化成炫目的剑雨,恐怖无边,炽盛无匹,向着那白衣女子刺去。 Was pierced void, this is 100,000 swords altogether dances, the direct access to the highest authorities moves, this is the principle, Order arrives, must strangle to death the match. 虚空被洞穿,这是100000剑共舞,通天动地,这是法则所化,秩序降临,要绞杀对手。 However, in that white clothing female hand Divine Sword shakes, is not wields the sword light, but is centered on this sword outward diffusion ripples, not. 然而,那白衣女子手中神剑一震,不是挥动出剑光,而是以此剑为中心向外扩散涟漪,无远不届。 This is terrifying, void as if at avalanche, the sword rain of that ten ten thousand rune constructions, clank makes noise, is breaking off, this wail, all ruptured! 这是恐怖的,虚空都仿佛在崩塌,那十万符文构建的剑雨,铮铮作响,在折断,这哀鸣,全都崩开了! This piece of space large explosion! 这片空间大爆炸! The distant place, in Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, Big Black Ox and the others have one's hair stand on end, takes Mastiff King soul light extremely fast to escape. 远处,妖祖之鼎内,大黑牛等人毛骨悚然,带上獒王魂光极速远遁。 In fact, did not need them saying that Cauldron of Monster Ancestor has made the most correct choice, avoided this stretch of battlefield, leading the person suddenly to vanish. 事实上,不用他们多说,妖祖之鼎就做出了最为正确的选择,避开这片战场,带着人瞬息间消失。 This cauldron background long ago, it fully realized that this place fierce, in the past Monster Ancestor die was related with this place! 这口鼎来头古远,它深知此地的厉害,当年妖祖殒落就跟此地有关! In the battlefield, Jiang Zhou angrily roars, at this time felt that rips the pain of heart check bone, that ripples attack, breaks off his 100,000 Divine Sword, the flaws that he will attack , the half body blasted out. 战场中,江舟怒吼,此时感觉撕心裂骨的痛,那涟漪冲击过来,将他的100000柄神剑折断,将还他冲击的千疮百孔,半截身子炸开了。 Kills!” “杀!” Rebirth from a drop of Blood, his head wants to reorganize with the remnant body, deducts the complete body, however in this moment, the sword light like the waterfall, snow white and bright, large expanse of sweeps. 滴血重生,他的头颅跟残身想要重组,演绎出完整的躯体,但是在这一刻,剑光如瀑布,雪白而灿烂,成片的扫来。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Jiang Zhou was broken out by the sword light, body turns into dozens pieces, and in sword intent is containing the fearful principle, is grinding his soul light! 江舟被剑光劈开,身体化成数十片,并且剑意中蕴含着可怕的法则,正在碾碎他的魂光 No! 不! Jiang Zhou angrily roars, he was really scared, can be struck to kill in this unexpectedly? 江舟怒吼,他真的胆寒了,竟然要被击杀于此? In addition, after he thinks where Great Abyss is, is afraid, jumps the person who from here, the nature is extraordinary. 此外,当他想到大渊是什么地方后,不寒而栗,从这里跳出来的人,自然非凡。 Meanwhile, universe edge, chaos region, Jiang Zhou True Body roared, he altogether condensed two big incarnations, was containing his own true source soul light, if this were strangled to death, his True Body must be damaged, the loss was serious. 与此同时,宇宙边缘,混沌地带,江舟真身咆哮,他总共就凝聚出两大化身,蕴含着他自身真正的本源魂光,这要是被绞杀,他的真身也要受创,损失严重。 If two big incarnations both die there, is equal to removing his most strip life! 若是两大化身都死在那里,等于去掉他大半条命! At this time, one group of people killed, must the great two big incarnation and Jiang Zhou another incarnations as well as eight Shining Upon, 11 people! 这时,一群人杀到了,须宏的两大化身、江舟的另一具化身以及八位映照者,共11人! When they rush ahead to this place, the Jiang Zhou first incarnation is giving out desperate angry roaring, was passed through soul light by a sword, wants to run away unable to run away, burns burn to ashes, destroy both body and soul. 在他们冲杀到此地时,江舟的第一具化身正发出绝望的怒吼,被一剑贯穿魂光,想逃都逃不走,焚烧成灰烬,形神俱灭 "Ah...... ” “啊……” In the chaos, Jiang Zhou True Body face upwards to fall down on the ground, coughs up blood unceasingly. 混沌中,江舟真身仰天栽倒在地上,不断咳血。 But outside Great Abyss, true great war opens just now starts. 大渊外,真正的大战开才刚开始。 After the appearance that one group of people see the white clothing female, is astonished, the graceful bearing is peerless, the white fights skirt dyes with blood, this is the spatial bright female, but after beginning, is similar to fights the immortal, swift and fierce incomparable. 一群人看到白衣女子的样子后,都惊异,丰姿绝世,白色战裙染血,这是空明的女子,但是动起手来后又如同战仙,凌厉无比。 You feel Finally, her fleshly body is God Level, but Spiritual Will has the issue, the shortcoming has killed her.” Must the great opens the mouth. “你们感觉到了吗,她的肉身神级的,但是精神意志有问题,藉此缺点杀了她。”须宏开口。 My knows, this piece of universe suppresses God Level, is impossible to present truly Evolver of this progression, fast solves her!” The Jiang Zhou second incarnation nurses hatred to say. “我就知道,这片宇宙压制神级,不可能出现真正这个级数的进化者,速速解决她!”江舟的第二具化身含恨说道。 But after, the white clothing women's show moves figure, their complexions changed, fleshly body is God Level, even if the vision is lax, is the movement and fight consciousness is also incomparable, a sword departs, first form makes a Shining Upon forehead bleed, then bang, the body is divided into two pieces, was stood chops! 可是,当白衣女子展动身形后,他们的脸色变了,肉身神级的,哪怕目光涣散,可是动作与战斗意识等也是无匹的,一剑飞出,第一式而已就让一位映照者眉心淌血,而后砰的一声,身体分为两片,被立劈了! Damn, here is Great Abyss, why doesn't absorb the energy in her fleshly body?” “该死,这里是大渊,为什么不吸收她肉身内的能量?” These person of some hair, the short distance fierce combat, they the fearful place of knows this female, this distinct some were not right. 这些人有些毛了,近距离激战,他们才知道这个女子的可怕之处,这分明有些不对头。 Kills!” “杀!” Jiang Zhou with must great incarnation opens the mouth, unite remaining seven Shining Upon Level Evolver to go crazy the attack, sought World of the Living's Supreme Treasure, is on Chu Feng, how can fall short, wants to win very much immediately. 江舟与须宏的化身开口,联合剩下的七名映照级进化者发疯般进攻,都已经寻到阳间的至宝,就是楚风身上,怎能功亏一篑,很想立刻夺走。 But, the brutality of this service, has gone beyond the expectations of all people. 可是,这一役之残酷,超出了所有人的预料。 In the white clothing female hand Divine Sword, that is Origin Metal that opens from Machine Race old Vajra Body changes form, sharp incomparable, destroys the hardest defenses. 白衣女子手中神剑,那是从机械族的老金刚身上拆下来的母金化形而成,锋锐无比,无坚不摧。 In this fights, the Shining Upon Level weapon cut off several, breaks the arm stump residual limb to fly unceasingly in this stretch of region. 在这一战中,映照级兵器被斩断十几件,在这片地带断臂残肢等不断飞起。 ! 噗! World of the Living expert cut off by slanting shoulder, soul light is receiving the corrosion of sword light, exudes the pitiful big cry, is all of a sudden gloomy, was struck to kill! 阳间一位高手被斜肩斩断,连带着魂光都受到剑光的腐蚀,发出凄惨的大叫声,一下子暗淡下去,被击杀了! Chī! 哧! Scarlet Rosy Cloud blooms together, Yaoyao fleshly body wields a sword once more, cuts one of them 's head. 一道赤霞绽放,妖妖肉身再次挥剑,将其中一人的头颅割下。 Then her spin body, the long sword sweeps away, various weapons that attacks from the back will truncate, and rips open large expanse of principle rune. 接着她一个旋身,长剑横扫,将从背后进攻来的各种兵器削断,并撕开成片的法则符文 Cannot block her!” Some people call out in alarm. “拦不住她!”有人惊叫。 Cannot kill him!” Another person of fear opens the mouth, after fighting truly, their knows has met what kind of match. “杀不死他!”另一人恐惧地开口,真正交手后,他们知道遇上了怎样的对手。 Some people want to run away, finally white light flashes, the women's clothing flap flap, the white clothing female pursued, a sword from rear area cutting down, makes up a sword, annihilates soul light. 有人想逃,结果白光一闪,衣裙猎猎,白衣女子追了上去,一剑从后方将之劈杀,又补一剑,击灭魂光 This shocks everybody, the Shining Upon Level powerhouse is difficult to kill, after soul light escape, can flee, rapid regeneration. 这惊世骇俗,映照级的强者非常难杀,魂光逸散后,可以遁走,迅速再生。 However, now is swept by the white clothing female bright sword light, has no way out radically, hides nowhere, wrote off including soul light. 然而,现在被白衣女子煌煌剑光一扫,根本无路可走,无处遁形,连魂光都被抹杀了。 Walks!” “走!” Must great turn around to walk, an incarnation caused heavy losses in the short battle process, he does not want protracted battle in this, extremely fast escapes void. 须宏转身就走,其中一具化身在短暂的交战过程中已经被重创,他不想在此久战,极速遁向虚空。 ! 噗! But, a sword flies, is similar to Immortal Flying Over The Heavens, that white clothing female was too quick , the incomparable aloofness, the person and sword congeal as one, to must great behind, penetrates it to protect the body principle, sets up him chops for two halves. 可是,一剑飞来,如同天外飞仙,那白衣女子太快了,也无比的超然,人与剑凝结为一体,到了须宏背后,击穿其护体法则,将他立劈为两半。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The universe edge, in the chaos, must great True Body face upward to fall down on the steamship, bleeds profusely from the head, is damaged very heavily. 宇宙边缘,混沌中,须宏的真身仰天栽倒在大船上,七窍流血,受创很重。 This war, shocks all people, Cultivator of World of the Dead universe, is the World of the Living's person, petrify there, the fine body hair but is actually vertical. 这一战,震惊所有人,无论是阴间宇宙的修士,还是阳间的人,都石化在那里,寒毛倒竖。 zhēng zhēng zhēng !” 铮铮铮!” The sword light like the rainbow, eight Shining Upon Level characters who the World of the Living universe catches up with, now is cut down one after another, this white clothing female is hanging loose beautiful hair, is too swift and fierce and swift and violent, every strikes kills one person! 剑光如虹,阳间宇宙赶过来的八位映照级人物,现在被接连劈杀,这白衣女子披散着秀发,太凌厉与迅猛,每一击都杀一人! In an instant, eight people were cut to utterly destroy, the horizontal corpse outside Great Abyss, soul light all extinguishes! 转眼间,八人都被斩斩尽杀绝,横尸于大渊外,魂光皆灭! You......” “你……” Scene only remaining Jiang Zhou with must the great respective last incarnation, they be scared, has not thought, enters the World of the Dead universe unexpectedly such frightened, was killed not to have the temperament. 现场只剩下江舟与须宏各自最后一具化身,他们胆寒,从来没有想到,进入阴间宇宙居然这么的惊悚,被杀到没脾气。 Whiz! 嗖! The white shadow flashes, female kills, looks at grace and talent peerless, is in the hand Divine Sword is heartless, her appearance like immortal, but goes into action now is actually similar to female Asura. 白影一闪,那女子杀来,看着风华绝代,可是手中神剑无情,她容貌如仙,但现在行动起来却如同女修罗 ! 噗! The head of Jiang Zhou this incarnation also flew, was cut the neck by a sword, the corpse separation. 江舟这具化身的头颅也飞了起来,被一剑斩开脖子,尸首分离。 You......” “你……” Jiang Zhou has a dilutedness, he has gone all out, but cannot block as before, was beheaded, this is second is also the final incarnation. 江舟有一种无力感,他已经拼命了,可是依旧挡不住,被人枭首,这是第二具也是最后的化身。 ! 噗! The next sword falls, Sword Qi surges, being split up that his fleshly body shakes, the head that flies was also broken out, large expanse of soul light runs out, wants to flee. 下一剑落下,剑气激荡,将他的肉身震的四分五裂,连带飞出去的头颅也被劈开,成片的魂光冲出,想要遁走。 Then, female secondary earthquake sword, the ripples light beam runs out again, all soul light all extinguish! 然后,那女子再次震剑,涟漪般的光束冲出,所有魂光全灭! "Ah...... ” in chaos, the Jiang Zhou True Body pain tumbles, the most strip life did not have, he shouts unceasingly, finally faints. “啊……”混沌中,江舟真身痛苦翻滚,大半条命没有了,他不断嘶吼,最后昏死过去。 Two incarnations all extinguish, is too serious to his loss! 两具化身全灭,对他的损耗太严重! ! 噗! Outside Great Abyss, must the great final incarnation become a fugitive, but was overtaken as before, is similar to comet light beam across the sky hits together, the sword light cutting down, fleshly body will be divided into two pieces together, soul light dissipates. 大渊外,须宏最后的化身逃亡,但是依旧被追上,被一道如同彗星横空的光束击中,一道剑光将之劈杀,肉身分成两片,魂光消散。 All extinguishes! 全灭! This group of people died, the troops who World of the Living sets out were killed a cleanness! 这批人都死了,阳间出动的人马被杀个干净! The advertisement book title makes a mistake in writing, should be «Rebirth Perfect Future». 广告书名写错,应该是《重生之完美未来》。
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