SR :: Volume #10

#936: The seething discontent among the people, put to death it

Jiang Zhou is bringing smiling, is calm and calm, now all perform in grasping, he believes firmly that Artifact on Chu Feng's. 江舟带着笑,从容而镇定,现在一切尽在掌握中,他确信那件器物就在楚风的身上。 Great Abyss, the darkness and lonesomeness and quietness, any mighty waves, have not been the World of the Dead universe most fearful place, nobody are usually willing to visit 大渊,黑暗而幽静,平日没有任何波澜,是阴间宇宙最可怕之地,无人愿意踏足 However it becomes the world-wide focus is at now. 但是它现在却成为举世关注的焦点所在。 Even if what a pity, cannot catch the clear picture with the Heavenly Eye lens, and intermittent. 可惜,哪怕以天眼镜头也捕捉不到清晰画面,而且时断时续。 Chu Feng sighed lightly, he has not thought that in the end fell to this step, really did not have the road to walk, his look was tranquil, oneself started to sink, since has not chosen, that joined in Great Abyss, will not hand over stone box. 楚风轻叹,他没有想到到头来落到这一步,真是没有路可以走了,他神色平静,自身开始下沉,既然没有选择,那就投身大渊,绝不会将石盒交出去。 Waits.” Jiang Zhou saw that he such renounces, must sink to Great Abyss, the complexion changed, here he does not dare to use the too formidable principle, moreover is distanced such far, words that must begin, he feared that cannot imprison Chu Feng by some chance, will lose stone box thoroughly. “等一等。”江舟看到他这么决绝,要沉入大渊,脸色变了,在这里他不敢动用太强大的法则,而且相距这么远,真要动手的话,他怕万一禁锢不到楚风,会彻底失去石盒 Domestic animal, what do you also want to say?” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, to this step, has not needed to say, does not need to give this person of good complexion. “畜牲,你还要说什么?”楚风开口,到了这一步,真的没有必要多说,也无需给予此人好脸色。 Some time ago that palm, this for a lifetime will not forget, Jiang Zhou hit to explode three life planet, several hundred hundred million creature died a violent death, too cold blood and cruelty. 不久前那一掌,他这一辈子都不会忘记,江舟将三颗生命星球打爆,数百亿生灵死于非命,太冷血与残忍。 At that moment, in the Chu Feng heart twitches, both eyes blush, but is actually incapable of changing anything. 那一刻,楚风心中抽动,双目发红,但是却无力改变什么。 World of the Living person at all not this piece of universe creature, when the person looked, kills at will, several hundred hundred million population direct destruction it, look like in Jiang Zhou with being run over and dying ant insect, is not guilty. 阳间人根本不将这片宇宙的生灵当人看,随意就杀,数百亿人口直接覆灭之,在江舟看来就跟碾死蚁虫般,毫不愧疚。 You, if jumps in Great Abyss, your friends can die is very miserable, this is not the threat, but is the fact.” The smiling face of Jiang Zhou corners of the mouth is a little cold. “你要是跳进大渊,你的那些朋友会死的很惨,这不是威胁,而是事实。”江舟嘴角的笑容有点冷。 On Chu Feng face reappearing startled anger, although the knows opposite party is not very the thing, already guessed that attended the meeting all sorts of possibly, but experiences after like this, is unendurable. 楚风脸上浮现惊怒,虽然知道对方很不是东西,早已猜测到会有种种可能,但这样经历后还是难以忍受。 This is his soft rib, but, can he compromise? He does not want really! 这是他的软肋,但是,他能妥协吗?他真不愿意! This, I walk one first!” Chu Feng clenches teeth finally, must leap forward in Great Abyss. “这一世,我先走一步!”楚风最后一咬牙,就要跃进大渊中。 Slow, I do not want to make them die, I never threaten the person, disdains to intimidate, but gives you to state a fact, you late dead a while? First looks at my resolution, actually I do not want to take a life.” Jiang Zhou has prevented him, the following words are at a moderate pace, is very calm. “慢,我不是想让他们死去,我从不威胁人,也不屑恫吓,只是给你陈述一个事实,要不,你晚死一会儿?先看一看我的决断,其实我不想杀生。”江舟阻止了他,后面的话语不紧不慢,很从容。 Meanwhile, the chaos edge, Old Divine Master and yellow weasel already deduced, say some Coordinate places to Jiang Zhou with must great True Body. 与此同时,混沌边缘,老神师、黄鼠狼都早已推演完毕,对江舟与须宏的真身说出一些坐标地。 Quick, Great Abyss here, Jiang Zhou the incarnation has fed back, reveals smiles pale, said Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Zhou Quan, Yellow Ox and the others to Chu Feng the respective hiding place. 很快,大渊这里,江舟的这具化身得到反馈,露出淡笑,对楚风说出大黑牛欧阳风周全黄牛等人各自的藏身地。 These people were deduced, nowhere avoidance! 这些人都被推演出来,无处躲避! The Chu Feng's pupil contraction, the body is very stiff, wants to join in Great Abyss very much, but also hesitated, what to do if he does jump these people? 楚风的眸子收缩,身体很僵硬,很想投身大渊中,但是又犹豫了,他要是跳下去的话那些人怎么办? His knows, the opposite party wants to disintegrate his firm faith gradually, making him turn head, goes out of Great Abyss. 知道,对方想一步一步瓦解他坚定的信念,让他回头,走出大渊 At this time, Jiang Zhou was very gentle, shows the smile, sound transmission said: Or, we make a test, you also will die in any case, finally the moment experiments the humane good and evil, examines among you friendship is whether reliable.” 这时,江舟很和缓,露出微笑,传音道:“要不,我们来做个测试,反正你也将死,最后关头试验一下人性的善恶,检验一下你们这些人之间的友情是否牢固。” Then, he has turned around to the World of the Dead universe Evolver opens the mouth, said: Now, Chu Feng here, are some people willing to come to here dead for him?” 然后,他转过身对阴间宇宙的进化者开口,道:“现在,楚风就在这里,有人愿意来这里替他而死吗?” Wanting is the Chu Feng's good friend, relates close to dare to come to here with him, I let off Chu Feng, naturally you must die, perishes for Chu Feng.” Jiang Zhou stressed, is calm and composed even in press of work. “只要是楚风的好友,跟他关系密切者敢来这里,我就放过楚风,当然你自己得死,替楚风而亡。”江舟强调,好整以暇。 Chu Feng saw this secretly, turns toward in Great Abyss to sink directly, he does not think that the opposite party realized this evil and cruel thoughts, was too cruel. 楚风看到这一幕后,直接向着大渊中沉了下去,他不想对方实现这种歹毒的心思,太阴损了。 Only tests the human nature, if you stop there, my does not kill, if you jump, I all kill a cleanness!” Jiang Zhou by soul light sound transmission, his innermost feelings thorough was rapidly anxious, feared that bamboo basket fetches water spatial. “仅是考验人性而已,你若停在那里,我一个也不杀,你要是跳下去,我全杀个干净!”江舟迅速以魂光传音,他内心彻底紧张了,怕竹篮子打水一场空。 The Chu Feng vision ice is cold, incomparably is hostile, in his time, he float bore there finally. 楚风目光冰寒,无比仇视,在最后他时刻,他悬浮在那里忍住了。 Because, he sees bottom of the Great Abyss endless darkness, a little white light is reappearing, is ascending slowly! 因为,他看到大渊无尽的黑暗底部,有一点白光在浮现,在慢慢升腾! Lying trough fuck off World of the Living Evil God!” “卧槽你大爷的阳间邪神!” At this moment, Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Yellow Ox and the others cannot bear open the mouth to curse, their knows, even if overtook unable to rescue Chu Feng, but now Jiang Zhou is so unscrupulous, proposed that this view, was playing the person completely. 这一刻,大黑牛欧阳风黄牛等人都忍不住开口大骂,他们知道,哪怕赶过去也救不了楚风,而现在江舟这么肆无忌惮,提出这种说法,完全是在玩人。 The so-called human nature is ugly and good, the examination of friendship, is the excuse, is the tool, actually he wants to suffer the people, thus disintegrates the Chu Feng's fighting spirit. 所谓的人性丑恶与善良,友谊的检验等,都是说辞,都是工具,其实他是想折磨众人,从而瓦解楚风的斗志。 Although knows, your this bastard is shameless, but, your Grandpa Ox or not being able to bear stand, if I in the past, you will let off Chu Feng?” “虽然知道,你这个杂种无耻,但是,你牛爷爷还是忍不住站出来,我如果过去,你会放过楚风吗?” me too!” Yellow Ox and the others also stand. 还有我!”黄牛等人也站出。 hee-haw hee-haw, the World of the Living's god, your donkey master sent regards to your family female 18 generations!” 儿啊儿啊,阳间的神,你驴爷问候你们全家女性18代!” One group of people have gotten angry, here cursed. 一群人都怒了,在这里诅咒。 Time are not much, currently only needs one person, are some people willing dead for Chu Feng?” On the Jiang Zhou face is hanging the light happy expression, again asked that facing the World of the Dead universe. “时间不多,目前只需要一人而已,有人愿意替楚风去死吗?”江舟脸上挂着淡淡的笑意,再一次发问,面对阴间宇宙。 I, Kunlun Mountain Mastiff King, the Coordinate position is...... Mastiff King speaks in the Dark Blood platform at present, angry roaring, is standing directly, indicated that can go dead for Chu Feng. “我,昆仑山獒王,目前坐标位置是……”獒王黑血平台上发话,怒吼着,直接站出,表示可以去替楚风而死。 Your Grandpa Ox also in......” “你牛爷爷也在……” Almost is at the same time, Big Black Ox and the others start to open the mouth, but was forestalled by Mastiff King, his first stands. 几乎是在同一时间,大黑牛等人都开始开口,可是被獒王抢先,他第一个站出来。 "hē hē, did not need to say! ” Jiang Zhou sneers, vanishes from Great Abyss. “呵,无需多说!”江舟冷笑,从大渊外消失。 But the next quarter, he came back quickly, raises Mastiff King to return, to this level, the starry sky was too vertically and horizontally easy. 但下一刻,他很快就回来了,提着獒王而归,到了这个层次,纵横星空太容易。 I wither your ancestor 19 generations!” “我干死你祖宗19代!” Big Black Ox and other human eye corners/horns stared to crack, angrily roared in abundance, through the picture that the off and on Heavenly Eye lens caught, each and every one bristles with anger. 大黑牛等人眼角都瞪裂了,纷纷怒吼,通过断断续续的天眼镜头捕捉到的画面,一个个怒发冲冠。 Because, they saw Jiang Zhou very cruel is raising Mastiff King, pinched his many bones, threw him in the Great Abyss edge, the whole body was the blood. 因为,他们看到江舟很残忍的提着獒王,捏断了他身上很多骨头,将他扔在大渊边缘,满身是血。 These people get angry extremely, must control Cauldron of Monster Ancestor to overrun, spelled with him. 这些人怒极,就要驾驭妖祖之鼎冲过去,跟他拼了。 Do not come!” Chu Feng's eye also hyperemia, but exclaimed like this, even if his knows had warm-blooded, had unyielding fighting intent, was useless, eventually was not the match, can only be driven to death after suffering an injustice. “都不要来!”楚风的眼睛也充血,但却这样吼道,他知道哪怕有热血,有不屈的战意,也没用,终究不是对手,只能枉死。 The Mastiff King also weak opens the mouth, said: Do not come, does not need to walk according to the way that World of the Living this Evil God arranges, I stand like this, wants to confirm that he is very disgusting. Jiang Zhou, your Grandpa Mastiff King came, you have to plant, will let off my brother Chu Feng?” 獒王也虚弱的开口,道:“你们不要来,没必要按照阳间这个邪神安排好的路径走,我这样站出来,就是想证实他很恶心。江舟是吧,你獒王爷爷来了,你有种吗,会放过我兄弟楚风吗?” Brother!” In the starry sky, one crowd of big monsters yelled. “兄弟!”星空中,一群大妖大叫。 „Is Yaoyao, you? You come quickly!” 妖妖,是你吗?你快来!” In Great Abyss, Chu Feng gets hold of the fist, looks at the dark restricted area deep place, hopes that white light was antiquity Yaoyao fleshly body reappears. 大渊中,楚风握紧拳头,看着黑暗的禁地深处,希望那白光是上古妖妖肉身再现。 But at this moment he incomparably longs for become stronger, this world spoke by the strength in the end eventually, anything was black and white, any good and evil, did not have the enough formidable card in a hand, said that anything was pale, weak. 而这一刻他无比渴望变强,这个世间到头来终究是靠实力说话,什么黑与白,什么善与恶,没有足够强大的底牌,说什么都是苍白的,无力的。 Jiang Zhou looks at Mastiff King, said: I mean what he says, you come dead for Chu Feng, my present stage lets off him, does not cut his life. Un, you can start off.” 江舟看着獒王,道:“我说话算话,你来替楚风死,那我现阶段就放过他,不斩他性命。嗯,你可以上路了。” Stop!” Chu Feng shouted, opposite party too evil and cruel, this executes the word of heart, wants to make him see the bloody picture, this was forcing him to obey. “住手!”楚风喝道,对方太歹毒了,这是诛心之言,想让他看到血淋淋的画面,这是在逼迫他就范。 Said that anything does not intimidate, does not threaten, is naturally false, wants to see this brutal scene to him, vacillates his heart. 说什么不恫吓,不威胁,自然都是虚假的,就是想给他看到这种残酷的场景,动摇他的心。 I dislike others such to speak to me.” Jiang Zhou said calmly, and in a flash, , Mastiff King has blasted out, blood mist disperses. “我反感别人这么对我说话。”江舟平静地说道,并且弹指间,噗的一声,獒王炸开了,血雾飞散。 Jiang Zhou your shit! 江舟玛德! Chu Feng wishes one could the birth God Level energy, extinguishes him immediately kills, the eye ache, feels like a knife twisting in the heart, was too uncomfortable, Mastiff King is catches up to go to for him, like this was killed! 楚风恨不得诞生神级能量,将他给立刻灭杀,眼睛疼痛,心如刀绞,太难受了,獒王是赶过来替他赴死,就这样被杀! Jiang Zhou smiled, said: Is hostile toward me, loathes me, that also how, you have that strength, the ants call out to the deity, that can only appear base and low and laughable.” 江舟笑了笑,道:“仇视我,厌恶我,那又如何,你有那种力量吗,蝼蚁对天神嚎叫,那只能显得卑微与可笑。” Then, as soon as he directs, Mastiff King blood mist turn into ash, vanishes thoroughly, but leaves behind together weak soul light same place, Mastiff King True Spirit has not extinguished, but also here. 然后,他一指点出,獒王血雾成灰烬,彻底消失,但原地留下一道虚弱的魂光,獒王真灵未灭,还在这里。 This mastiff is also suffices the loyalty, the brothers affectionate, dares to come to bring death for you, un, good.” Jiang Zhou looks at Great Abyss, said to Chu Feng: Now, I again give you an opportunity, this mastiff dies for you, but does not calculate that all extinguishes, if you come up, dies a time for this mastiff, no, only need offer the blood for him, carries on a time blood sacrifice, I let off his soul light, restores not to be a problem.” “这条獒也算是够义气,兄弟情深,真敢来为你送死,嗯,不错。”江舟看着大渊,对楚风道:“现在,我再给你们一个机会,这条獒替你而死,但不算全灭呢,你如果上来,替这条獒死一次,不,只需为他献上血液,进行一次血祭,我就放过他的魂光,恢复过来不成问题。” World of the Living's Evil God, you are disgusting, does not mean what he says, now also in shameless forcing, but also is concerned about face?” Mastiff King angrily roars, although soul light is very gloomy, but is as before unyielding. 阳间的邪神,你恶心吧啦,说话不算话,现在还在无耻的胁迫,还要脸吗?”獒王怒吼,尽管魂光很暗淡,但是依旧不屈。 Meanwhile, he looks to Chu Feng, said: Brother, do not pay attention to him. Initially the Great Qi Dynasty's person caught up from Earth Mount Lao star road, I was captured alive by them, was you have saved me, today dies for you one time, I was am also willing, do not come!” 同时,他看向楚风,道:“兄弟,你不要理会他。当初大齐皇朝的人从地球崂山星路赶过来,我被他们活捉,是你救了我,今天就是为你死一次,我也是心甘情愿的,你别过来!” Initially, a Great Qi Dynasty's maidservant seized Mastiff King, and discarded him, the striking back primary form, in his neck on tap a chain, has to the utmost shamed, was Chu Feng saves him, and cured him. 当初,大齐皇朝的一位侍女将獒王捉到,并将他废掉,打回原形,在他的脖子上栓了一条链子,极尽羞辱,是楚风救下他,并将他治好。 The Mastiff King heavy affectionate righteousness, the itself is the friendship of sharing life and death, in addition these, naturally do not fear, is willing to help Chu Feng receive. 獒王重情重义,本就是生死与共的交情,再加上这些,自然更加不畏死,愿意帮楚风受过。 Was too virulent, withers him!” “太恶毒了,干死他!” Star Territory of distant place, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and the others were resentful, decides to be ready for any sacrifice, to communicate with Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, asked it whether with this so-called god showdown. 远方的星域,大黑牛黄牛等人愤懑,决定豁出去了,在跟妖祖之鼎沟通,问它能否跟这个所谓的神对决。 I am only a weapon, although was very once strong, but has been damaged, but he is one suppresses from God Level to Shining Upon Level Evolver, I definitely am not a match.” Cauldron of Monster Ancestor spoke frankly, but finally under people's urging and request, the scattered person will receive the same place, carries them to start off! “我只是一件兵器,虽然曾经很强,但受损过,而他是一个由神级压制到映照级进化者,我肯定不是对手。”妖祖之鼎坦言,但最后还是在众人的催促与请求下,将分散的人接到一起,载着他们上路! fucking, has been ready for any sacrifice, must die died together, goes to the slaughter god!” One group of people were shouting. 特么的,豁出去了,要死就死在一起吧,去屠神!”一群人喊着。 Great Abyss, the dim white light to/clashes together fiercely. 大渊,一道朦胧的白光猛地冲起。 Yaoyao, is you, has killed him!” The Chu Feng within the body anger blood ebullition, there sound transmission, summoned the female who in Great Abyss flushed. 妖妖,是你吗,杀了他!”楚风体内怒血沸腾,在那里传音,呼唤大渊中冲出来的女子。 "Um!? ” “嗯!?” Jiang Zhou explodes draws back, anything did not attend, in Great Abyss ran out of lifeforms unexpectedly, making his fine body hair but actually vertical, whole-heartedly fended backward. 江舟爆退,什么都不顾上了,大渊中竟冲出一个生物,让他寒毛倒竖,全力以赴的向后闪避过去。 However, was too quick, quickly to letting Jiang Zhou is startled, can this universe have Evolver of this speed? 然而,太快了,快到让江舟都吃惊,这个宇宙怎么能有这种速度的进化者 Chī! 哧! The sound of drawing a sword resounds through outside Great Abyss, the bright sword light is similar to the daylight, too dazzling, illuminates the darkness, toward Jiang Zhou. 拔剑的声音响彻大渊外,煌煌剑光如同天日,太刺目了,照亮黑暗,朝着江舟而来。 He is avoiding fast, was this moment was scared, making this character have the greatest sense of crisis, unexpectedly the avoidance did not pass. 他在快速躲避,可是这一刻还是恐慌了,让他这种人物都生出莫大的危机感,居然躲避不过去。 ! 噗! A sword cuts, his neck emits the blood light, the head flies up at angle, was cut to fall unexpectedly! 一剑斩来,他的脖子冒出血光,头颅斜飞出去,竟被斩落! Writes again, starts to restore two chapters. 再去写,开始恢复两章。 Meanwhile, helping the person be advertisement «All living things Perfect Future», the metropolis rebirth class novel, is interested can look. 同时,帮人做个广告《众生之完美未来》,都市重生类小说,感兴趣都可以去看。
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