SR :: Volume #10

#935: Having no way out

Falls Shiheng to fly, is bringing blood, the planet of this region was covered, has life planet to be split up, was ruined by that big hand easily. 陨石横飞,带着血,这片区域的行星被覆盖,有生命星球在四分五裂,被那只大手轻易毁掉。 This is the dwelling place of hot ape clan, is one achieves Seventh Level Evolutionary Civilization higher planet, 10 billion hot apes were killed fully, blood splashing starry sky. 这是火猿族的栖居地,是一颗达到七级进化文明的高等星球,足有10000000000火猿丧生,血溅星空。 But in this region, two is the Human Race's planet, all vitality abundant, blue verdant, in the ground the spiritual energy is rich, this is two Sixth Level Evolutionary Civilization higher planet, but also disintegrates now, several hundred hundred million people die a violent death. 而在这片区域,还有两颗属于人族的行星,全都生机盎然,碧绿葱葱,地面上灵气浓郁,这是两颗六级进化文明的高等星球,可是现在也解体,数百亿人死于非命。 Instance that the catastrophe presents, famed scenery is similar to the porcelain full is the fissure, then blasts out. 大灾难出现的瞬间,名山大川如同瓷器满是裂痕,而后炸开。 In some famous evolution Sect, many Cultivator rush to the sky, may unable to change the destiny as before, with below stuffed dumpling, is bringing the blood, under large expanse of crashes the sky, under energy oppression that in outside territory cannot be estimated that is killed violently one after another. 一些负有盛名的进化门派中,不少修士冲上天空,可依旧改变不了命运,跟下饺子似的,带着血,成片地坠落下天空,在域外不可揣度的能量压迫下,相继毙命。 Trim vault of heaven in dyes with blood! 整片苍穹都在染血 Especially that big hand falls, gradually after approaching, is more fearful, is away from a very far distance, the mountains are collapsing. 尤其是那只大手落下来,逐渐接近后就更加可怕,隔着很远的一段距离,山川就在崩坏。 Ground all person lifeforms, no matter Human Race, is Evolver of other clans, all turns into one after another blood mist. 地上所有人生物,不管是人族,还是其他族的进化者,全都化成一团又一团血雾 As for the average person say nothing, could not send out including the sound, vanishes in the ground, leaves behind a scarlet, was extruded bloody mud by the energy. 至于普通人就更不用说了,连声音都发不出,就在地面消失,留下点点猩红,被能量挤压成血泥 Judgment day! 世界末日! This starry skies in gloomy, has blasted out including Sun, the idle talk is other, Jiang Zhou sets out an incarnation, only the pressure falls a hand, makes the place of this suitable occupying bloody. 这片星空在暗淡,连太阳都炸开了,更遑论是其他,江舟出动一具化身而已,仅压落一只手,就让这片宜居之地血淋淋。 The starry sky was punctured by his palm, anything does not have remaining. 星空被他一掌打穿,什么都没有剩下。 Chu Feng!” 楚风!” Remote universe deep place, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and the others yelled, this is also wants the fearful hundred times of experiences compared with the nightmare, witnesses, that starry sky blood light clash, the resentful soul are innumerable, wails in the world. 遥远的宇宙深处,大黑牛黄牛欧阳风等人大叫,这是比噩梦还要可怕百倍的经历,亲眼目睹,那片星空血光冲起,怨魂无数,在天地中哀嚎。 Buzz! 嗡! That big hand wipes gently, blood, several hundred hundred million creature obsession wait/etc. vanished into thin air. 那只大手轻轻一抹,无论是血,还是数百亿生灵执念等都烟消云散。 In the face of the absolute strength, all unwillingness and humiliations appear that pale, Jiang Zhou strikes, the murder are countless. 在绝对的力量面前,所有的不甘、屈辱都显得那么苍白,江舟一击而已,杀人无数。 The Human Race several hundred hundred million population were killed, the hot ape clan also exterminated the clan, cold and dreary.. 人族数百亿人口被杀,火猿族亦被灭族,一片凄冷。。 Domestic animal!” Has the famous elder to angrily rebuke. “畜牲啊!”有名宿怒斥。 However, can be what kind of? 但是,又能怎样? Jiang Zhou stands is in void, on face is very tranquil, without any mighty waves, has done a not worthy of mentioning matter likely. 江舟立身在虚空中,脸上很平静,没有任何波澜,像是做了一件微不足道的事。 He is inducing, searches the special goods, he this piece of pond universe under this palm does not have lifeforms to live self-confidently, will be executed. 他在感应,寻觅特殊的物品,他自信在这一掌之下这片池塘宇宙没有生物可以活下来,都会被格杀。 In fact, the flash, hot ape clan two ancient times Saint shot up to the sky, Human Race four Sub Saint struggled to rush to the sky, finally one planted to fall. 事实上,刚才的一刹那,火猿族两位远古圣人冲天而起,人族四位亚圣挣扎着闯上天空,结果又都一头栽落下去。 These powerhouses are too weak before him. 这些强者在他面前太弱。 The Jiang Zhou pupil flashes on and off erratically, afterward glows to puncture the light beam of person, his Heavenly Eye blooms fearful rune, after seeking for Chu Feng dies the relic. 江舟眸子明灭不定,随后焕发出刺人的光束,他的天眼绽放可怕的符文,在寻找楚风死后的遗物。 In fact, he starts such one strikes at the same time, starts most formidable divine awareness, wants to catch the response of that Supreme Treasure, further investigates. 事实上,他发动这样一击的同时,亦发动出最强大的神觉,想捕捉到那件至宝的反应,进一步探查。 Chu Feng, Brother, is this your miserable fate? The cold blood domestic animal that Jiang Zhou your this tortoise lamb, the pig dog is inferior , the father will want to enter World of the Living sooner or later!” 楚风,兄弟,这就是你的凄凉下场吗?江舟你这个王八羔子,猪狗不如的冷血畜牲,老子早晚要要打进阳间!” Big Black Ox and the others the body are trembling, the eye is red, is very difficult to accept this brutal fact. 大黑牛等人身体哆嗦着,眼睛通红,很难接受这个残酷的事实。 A palm, that starry sky was punctured, but Chu Feng was deduced there, like this ends, lets in their hearts uncomfortable. 一掌而已,那面星空就被打穿,而楚风被推演出就在那里,这样落幕,让他们心中难受。 The World of the Dead universe deathly stillness, various clan Evolver from the beginning coolly arrive at the foot, including soul as if frozen, crashes into the icehouse under hell. 阴间宇宙死寂,各族进化者从头凉到脚,连灵魂都仿佛被冰封,坠入地狱下的冰窖中。 On this day, the people feel are very cold, grasps the head including some warm-blooded youth, squats on the ground, to get close to collapse, this really attacks the faith of person, some people silent crying. 这一天,人们感觉很冷,连一些热血青年都抱住头颅,蹲在地上,接近崩溃,这实在打击人的信念,有些人无声的哭了。 Some people are sad for Chu Feng, but more people are sad for this brutal realistic situation, cannot see dawn, on this day is too dark. 一些人是为楚风而感伤,而更多的人是为这一残酷的现实处境而悲,看不到一点曙光,这一天太黑暗。 World of the Living some people who comes to know how things stand, the starry skies that can press do not have the skylight secretly, was too pitiful. 阳间就过来那么有数的一些人,就能压的这片星空暗无天光,太可悲了。 „Did Chu Feng die?!” 楚风死了?!” Outside abatement Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Yellow Ox and the others, across other, many Evolver also finally realized, transforms the time the storm to be violent greatly. 除却大黑牛欧阳风黄牛等人外,其他各地,许多进化者也终于意识到,大变革时代的风暴非常猛烈。 In people's consciousness, Chu Feng likely is tenacious lifeforms that cannot kill, many hardships, could not die, but collapses at the first blow in front of Jiang Zhou now, differs too far. 在人们的意识中,楚风像是打不死的顽强生物,多少艰难困苦挺过来了,一直死不了,可是现在在江舟面前不堪一击,相差太远。 "Um? ” Jiang Zhou seeks, unexpectedly does not have any special Artifact to stay behind. “嗯?”江舟寻找,居然没有任何特别的器物留下。 The time flows backwards, some time ago, the Chu Feng heart constrained the pinnacle, realized that total destruction, his earliest possible time took out stone box, will receive, hid. 时光倒流,不久前,楚风心头压抑到极致,体会到灭顶之灾,他第一时间祭出石盒,将自己收进去,藏身当中。 In stone box, there is a Qin Luoyin's corpse, under addition he, will tolerates. 石盒中,有秦珞音的尸体,再加上他自己,堪堪能容下。 Then, covers the instance of box, that big hand rumbled, void smashing, but the stone box stroke the inexplicable path, did not have a fluctuation of energy, crashed in the starry sky crack, vanished in light of this. 然后,盖上盒子的瞬间,那只大手就轰到了,虚空粉碎,而石盒划出莫名的轨迹,没有一点能量波动,冲进星空裂缝中,就此消失。 In this moment, Jiang Zhou spiritual soul light rises suddenly, covers the myriad things, and big hand detains all materials, thing including void crack. 在这一刻,江舟精神魂光暴涨,笼罩万物,且大手拘禁所有物质,包括虚空裂缝中的东西。 Celestial Object from dark?! Although Chu Feng in box, but realized that the space change, escapes to go in extremely fast likely, his heart is not very calm. 天物自晦?!楚风虽然在盒子中,但是体会到空间变迁,像是在极速远遁而去,他心头很不平静。 His knows, stone box was very not simple, but now was confirmed unceasingly, this thing compared with extraordinariness that also he imagines. 他一直都知道,石盒很不简单,而现在不断被证实,这东西比他想象的还非凡。 Finally, stone box leaves along the space crack, crashes in inexplicable Star Territory, was similar to a wormhole distance. 最终,石盒沿着空间裂缝离开,冲进莫名的星域,如同走了一段虫洞路程。 Jiang Zhou does not have to know, does not have to think, formidable such as his soul light has not induced. 江舟无所知,无所觉,强大如他的魂光没有感应到。 This lets his surprise, searches for this starry skies to be very long, did not have any discovery. 这让他诧异,搜寻这片星空很久,一直没有任何发现。 The chaos edge, Jiang Zhou True Body has fed back, the eye reveal fine glow, thinks the exceeds expectation, lowers the head sits cross-legged the old man on carpet to consult to that. 混沌边缘,江舟真身得到反馈,眼露精芒,觉得超出预料,低头向那位盘坐在蒲团上的老者请教。 Celestial Object does not reveal, Supreme Treasure from dark, that Artifact recovers points slightly, was used by that Yin Spirit.” 天物不显,至宝自晦,那件器物略微复苏一点,被那阴灵利用起来。” On the vermilion steamship, that old man opens the mouth, and opens the pupil, infers any situation. 朱红色大船上,那名老者开口,并睁开眸子,推断出什么情况。 Let the thing of Heavenly Venerate earnestly seeking, naturally has its terrifying unusual place. 天尊都渴求之物,自然有其恐怖超凡之处。 After Jiang Zhou has been prompted, knows were negligent, if imprisoned that piece void to be good, but a oneself palm of the hand puncture, that treasure possibly strength fled. 江舟得到提示后,知道自己大意了,若是禁锢那片虚空就好了,而自己一巴掌击穿,那宝物可能藉此之力遁走。 Might as well, has not recovered truly, but has the sign slightly, deduces again!” “无妨,并没有真正复苏,只是稍微有迹象而已,再推演一番!” The old men said that then started, but is quick he to be direct the big mouth to cough up blood, the whole body is burning down the god splendor, the physique is instant more withered, face upwards to fall down in the deck, looks ashen. 老者说完便开始了,可是很快他就直接大口咳血,周身都在焚烧神辉,形体刹那干枯很多,仰天栽倒在甲板上,面如土色。 Old Divine Master you how?” Jiang Zhou is surprised. 老神师你怎么了?”江舟大吃一惊。 The old man is a Divine Master peak level exists, surpasses the old yellow weasel. 老者是一位神师巅峰级存在,超过老黄鼠狼。 This thing as if made by heaven, evasive, the deduction, can want the human life forcefully!” The old men sit difficultly, mouthful is a bloody foam, has a lingering fear. “此物天成,不可捉摸,强行推演,会要人命!”老者艰难的坐起来,满嘴都是血沫子,心有余悸。 He opens the mouth once more, said: Fortunately, you have brought this named Chu Feng's all materials, even there is his remnant blood, as well as his clothes with sending the silk, I take him as the main deduction, even if that Supreme Treasure camouflages Heavenly Mystery, I can also deduce a truth. However, needs yellow Fellow Daoist to assist.” 他再次开口,道:“还好,你们带来了这个名为楚风的所有资料,甚至有他的残血,以及他的衣服与发丝等,我以他为主体推演,哪怕那件至宝遮蔽天机,我也能推演出一丝真相。不过,需要黄道友相助。” Old yellow weasel hearing this, sets out directly, he also invited Divine Master, in the heart is not convinced also wants to make contribution, sold to the Heavenly Venerate disciple face. 老黄鼠狼闻言,直接起身,他也是被请来的神师,心中不服气的同时也想尽一份力,卖给天尊门徒面子。 Two people collaborate, in their nears, the large expanse of carapace is shining, burning down, then they are then big mouth to cough up blood, in an instant is skinny. 两人联手,在他们的近前,成片的龟甲在发光,而后焚烧,接着他们都大口咳血,刹那间皮包骨头。 This has shocked all people, catches Heavenly Mystery so to be unexpectedly fearful? Is simply more thrilling than life and death great war, to terrify person! 这惊呆了所有人,捕捉天机竟这么可怕?简直比生死大战还惊险,更瘆人! !” Old Divine Master face upwards to fall down, faint in the past. “噗!”老神师仰天栽倒,昏厥过去。 The yellow weasel squeak squeak was calling, spat blood to fall in the deck, the look was lax, was flinging the gigantic tail unceasingly. 黄鼠狼吱吱叫着,也吐血摔在甲板上,眼神涣散,不断甩着硕大的尾巴。 The people hurried to treat and cure, have been busy at work moment, these two big Divine Master recovered. 众人赶忙救治,忙活了片刻,这两大神师才复苏。 Quite fierce, that Supreme Treasure goes against heaven's will, deduces Chu Feng almost to make the old man encounter the unexpected calamity, is really fearful, Chu Feng should be covered by that mysterious object, therefore is not good to practice divination, but began to materialize.” “好厉害,那至宝太逆天,推演楚风都差点让老夫遭遇横祸,实在可怕,楚风应该是被那神秘器物所覆盖,所以才不好占卜出来,但有眉目了。” The Old Divine Master opens the mouth, said an approximate Coordinate. 老神师开口,说出一个大致的坐标。 The yellow weasel nods, fear, two people collaborated so to be unexpectedly thrilling a moment ago, it has a terrified and dilutedness, does not want to continue. 黄鼠狼点头,一阵后怕,刚才两人联手居然还那么惊险,它生出一种惶恐与无力感,真不想继续下去了。 This position, ominous!” “这个位置,不祥啊!” Several people of facial colors changed, Jiang Zhou must great, or two big Divine Master complexions are unattractive, because there is away from Great Abyss is not very far, in nearby. 几人面色都变了,无论是江舟还是须宏,亦或是两大神师的脸色都不好看,因为那里距离大渊不是很远,就在附近。 This occasion, after Chu Feng feels is tranquil, the first stone box lid turns on a slit, where after seeing is, his suck in a breath of cold air, after passing through the starry sky crack, unexpectedly arrived here, is Great Abyss. 此际,楚风感觉平静后,第一时间将石盒盖开启出一道缝隙,看到是何地后,他倒吸一口冷气,贯穿星空裂缝后居然到了这里,是大渊 He crosses void, to get close to Great Abyss rapidly. 他迅速横渡虚空,接近大渊 In fact, he had realized, World of the Dead also nobody may fight World of the Living to come the person again, perhaps here lets the place that God Level expert dreads only. 事实上,他已经意识到,阴间再也无人可战阳间来人,或许这里是唯一让神级高手忌惮的地方。 How could to make you achieve wishes, was really not good, I then threw in stone box Great Abyss!” “岂能让你们如愿,实在不行,我便将石盒抛进大渊中!” Chu Feng stands in the Great Abyss edge, feels strength of the terrifying absorption, if is not in the bosom has stone box, he must be swallowed directly. 楚风站在大渊边缘,感觉到一股恐怖的吸附之力,若非是怀中有石盒在,他直接就要被吞进去。 Meanwhile, here has the formidable radioactive substance, as well as fearful energy! 同时,这里有强大的放射性物质,以及可怕的能量! shuā! 刷! He enters in stone box once more, this places have many star human bones, by the energy assimilation of Great Abyss, float in dark void, radiated flaws. 他再次进入石盒中,这片地带有许多星骸,被大渊的能量同化,悬浮在黑暗的虚空中,被辐射的千疮百孔。 This place absorbed energy, there is a radiation of terrifying. 此地吸收能量,也有恐怖的辐射。 Chu Feng hides in this place, if the situation is not right, prepares to crash in Great Abyss at any time, anything does not stay behind. 楚风躲在此地,若是情况不对,随时准备冲进大渊,什么都不留下。 Almost is suddenly, Jiang Zhou came, the movement is too quick, huge silhouette far ultra celestial body, stands erect there, but does not dare to release the God Level energy, only uses the Shining Upon Level incarnation. 几乎是瞬息间,江舟来了,动作太快,庞大的身影远超星体,矗立在那里,但不敢释放神级能量,只动用映照级的化身。 Chu Feng, your life is very big, runs away unexpectedly here, but after this time not, I will have swept each inch void one by one, catches you!” 楚风,你的命很大啊,竟逃到这里,但是这一次没有以后了,我会逐一扫过每一寸虚空,将你抓出来!” The present Jiang Zhou whole world is paying attention, learned outside after Great Abyss that he arrives, various clansmen are shocked, but also is seeking for Chu Feng, hadn't Demon Chu been struck to kill? 现在的江舟举世都在关注,得悉他来到的大渊外后,各族人震惊,还在寻找楚风,楚魔头没有被击杀? In starry sky, immediately a noise. 星空中,顿时一片嘈杂声。 Some warm-blooded youth raise the head, now incomparably longs for, hoping for Chu Feng can go on living, this is also reposing of final revolt will! 一些热血青年重新抬头,现在无比渴望,希冀楚风能活下去,这也算是最后的反抗意志的寄托! Living, is certainly going on living!” “活着,一定活下去!” Many people muttered the light language, unexpectedly was the incomparable disturbance, this seemed concerning some obsession in their heart. 许多人喃喃轻语,竟是无比的忐忑,这似乎是关乎着他们心中的某种执念 Previously these people despaired, thinks that World of the Dead is hopeless, faith avalanche, but now is to grab a final straw likely, although could not see the dawn as before, but could not bear want to put out a hand to hold. 早先这些人都绝望了,认为阴间再无希望,信念崩塌,而现在像是抓住最后的一根稻草,尽管依旧看不到曙光,但还是忍不住想伸手抓住。 Jiang Zhou soul light is too boundless, has swept away this region, not, not having what material to hide the truth from his spirit soul light glow, covers to each inch space. 江舟魂光太磅礴,横扫过这片区域,无远不届,没有什么物质可以瞒过他的灵魂光芒,覆盖向每一寸空间。 However, he is astonished, had not found. 然而,他讶异,还是没有找到。 Celestial Object arrives at the pinnacle from dark, my soul light should approach, but as before was actually hoodwinked, I personally cross all materials!” 天物自晦到极致,我的魂光应该接近了,但是却依旧被蒙蔽,那我就将所有物质都亲手过一遍!” On the Jiang Zhou face is bringing smiling, not disappointed, but even more is interested. 江舟脸上带着笑,没有失望,而是越发感兴趣。 He lifts the hand, the star human bones of many breakage flew in his big hand rapidly, turned into fine powder by him one by one, he is seeking carefully, must leaf through this place. 他抬起手,很多破损的星骸等迅速飞到他的大手中,逐一被他化成齑粉,他在仔细寻找,要翻遍此地。 Chu Feng sighed lightly, his knows could not keep, quick will involve his here. 楚风轻叹,他知道藏不住了,很快就会涉及到他这里。 In fact that huge soul light was a moment ago discrete, does not dare to approach jet black Great Abyss edge, perhaps otherwise, stone box was discovered. 事实上刚才那庞大的魂光过于谨慎,没有敢接近漆黑的大渊边缘处,不然的话,说不定石盒就被发现了。 However, Chu Feng knows, along with the time lapse, Jiang Zhou will definitely violate the danger, even dares to spy on to Great Abyss, can discover him inevitably. 但是,楚风知道,随着时间推移,江舟肯定会犯险,甚至敢向大渊中窥探,必然能发现他。 Chu Feng admits in stone box the bosom, arrives at the Great Abyss edge without consulting anybody, the big half body enters, prepares to sink at any time. 楚风石盒放进怀中,径自走到大渊边缘,大半截身子都进入,随时准备下沉。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Jiang Zhou looks back, although is far away, but he is the what kind of character, first has the induction, discovers the Chu Feng's life symptom! 江舟回首,虽然相距很远,但他是何等人物,第一时间生出感应,发现楚风的生命体征! How to hide?” Jiang Zhou brings to smile pale, but is somewhat cold. “怎么不藏了?”江舟带着淡笑,但是有些冷。
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