SR :: Volume #10

#934: Dark age

That young woman said a word lightly, but was full is despising, rigid theorizing, intimidation, let the World of the Dead universe in the Evolver heart the indignation, but, what can the people say? 那个年轻女子言语平淡,可是饱含着藐视、说教、恫吓等,让阴间宇宙的进化者心中愤慨,但是,人们又能说什么? Now the situation compared with person, this side world situation is worrying, truly does not beat the person of World of the Living, making the people have a dilutedness, even somewhat despairs. 现在形势比人强,这方天地处境堪忧,确实不敌阳间之人,让人们生出一股无力感,甚至有些绝望。 Chu Feng has not spoken, looks up to the ice-cold starry sky, is very dark, only has several gloomy stars. 楚风没有说话,抬头望向冰冷的星空,十分黑暗,只有几颗暗淡的星。 Does not use anxiously, I give the time that you consider.” Must the great opens the mouth, temperate smiling, sit cross-legged wear a look on the lotus throne, the about 0.33m long white eyebrows is hanging, the whole person is calm and gentle. “不用急,我给你考虑的时间。”须宏开口,面带温和的笑,盘坐在莲台上,尺许长的白眉垂着,整个人沉稳而又平和。 Although he looks very much amiably, and is bringing smiling, but nobody thinks that he is good stubble, if cannot get the satisfactory answer to be doomed to meet take action! 他虽然很看着随和,且带着笑,但是没有人认为他是一个善茬儿,如果得不到满意的答案注定会出手 Before the moment, several Saint Level famous elders in he is having in the situation of smiling face, flickers to kill by the vision! 片刻前,几位圣级名宿就是在他带着笑容的情况下,以目光瞬杀! After the Star Sea deep place is short silent, people were guessing how Chu Feng will choose, now cannot see a hope, does not have the outlet. 星海深处短暂寂静后,人们都在猜测楚风将如何选择,现在真的看不到一点希望,没有出路可言。 If Chu Feng still stands in the hell together on alone the rock, forward one is Abyss, withdraws one step is also Abyss, the magma rough seas are partly visible. 楚风犹若站在地狱中一块孤零零的岩石上,向前一步是深渊,退后一步也是深渊,岩浆大浪若隐若现。 The gods came, who with resists?! 神来了,谁与相抗?! At this time, as long as stands in Evolver that in the Chu Feng standpoint considers thought, the trim sky does not have the brilliance, life so gloomy, has the suffocating and desperate constriction. 此时,但凡站在楚风立场上考虑的进化者都觉得,整片天空都没有光彩,人生是如此的灰暗,有种让人窒息而绝望的压迫感。 Some remote galaxy, on a asteroid, scattered Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Old Donkey and the others, gathered at this time again, is Chu Feng worries. 某一偏僻的星系,一颗小行星上,本已分散的大黑牛黄牛老驴等人,此时再聚,都在为楚风而忧。 They are anxious, really not any hope? 他们焦虑,真的没有任何希望吗? Perhaps, only then invited Great Abyss that take action having light.” Young Lady Xi opens the mouth, this is they discussed candidate who from now on can think of only. “或许,只有请大渊那位出手才有一线光明可言。”少女曦开口,这是他们讨论过后唯一能想到的人选。 heavenly blade breaks off, Duke of Thunder blood splashing starry sky, these strong people died, the trim World of the Dead universe does not have expert again. 天刀折断,雷公血溅星空,这些强人都死了,整片阴间宇宙再无高手 How is that several people outstandingly again resurrects, is not the match of god. 况且,就是那几位人杰再复活又如何,也不是神的对手。 Big Black Ox knits the brows, feels is very difficult, said: In Great Abyss that...... Is Princess Yaoyao? According to the Chu Feng lecture, her both eyes absent-minded, the vision is lax, appears and disappears in Great Abyss stemming from an instinct likely, summoned her very much difficultly truly.” 大黑牛皱眉,感觉很难,道:“大渊中那位……是妖妖公主吗?据楚风讲,她双眼失神,目光涣散,像是出于一种本能在大渊出没,很难真正呼唤到她。” Meanwhile, they think that female, even if fleshly body that the Yaoyao antiquity left behind, its body was very mostly strong, but its Spiritual Will has not arrived at God Level. 同时,他们认为那个女子即便是妖妖上古所留下的肉身,其躯多半很强,可是其精神意志也未到神级啊。 But World of the Living came true God Level expert. 阳间来了一位真正的神级高手 At this time, Old Donkey was complaining, some World of the Living people have Death Substituting Talisman, lets its very not indignation. 此时,老驴在抱怨,阳间部分人有替死符,让它很不忿。 Big Black Ox, Young Lady Xi, Yellow Ox wait/etc. disregards it. 大黑牛少女曦黄牛等将它无视。 Ouyang Feng casts a sidelong glance slantingly Old Donkey, said: Your also scholarly family aristocratic family, including the issue that the average people can think, has something to complain that obviously.” 欧阳风斜睨老驴,道:“你还书香门第世家呢,连普通人都能想到的问题,有什么可抱怨的,显而易见。” Dreaded including Heavenly Venerate oneself, is not willing to arrive to the World of the Dead universe, naturally must to Pathfinder Death Substituting Talisman, guarantee that they can go on living, otherwise who is willing to work oneself to death conscientiously. 天尊自身都忌惮,不愿降临到阴间宇宙,自然要给探路者替死符,保证他们可以活下去,不然谁愿尽心尽力地卖命。 Death Substituting Talisman is too precious, the impossible each people to grant. 只是替死符太珍贵,不可能每个人都赐予。 The Yellow Ox opens the mouth, said: Initially Great Abyss suction Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, this frightens to the World of the Living person, their powerhouses extremely do not dare to cross, I thought that god is also very discrete, does not dare to go out of the chaos.” 黄牛开口,道:“当初大渊天尊法旨都吸走,这对阳间人来说是震慑,他们的绝顶强者不敢横渡过来,我看那个神也很谨慎,没敢走出混沌。” They believe that now only then Great Abyss may rescue Chu Feng, there has the energy storage that not measures! 他们认为,现在只有大渊可救楚风,那里有莫测的能量源! Nobody can awaken there all, how can stimulate to movement and stimulate? 只是,没有人可以唤醒那里的一切,怎么才能催动与激发? Time press, they rapid and urgent big discussion, does not have any effective means that finally Young Lady Xi stands, said: It seems like, needs me to step onto by oneself, the attempt prevents to give a try.” 时间紧迫,他们迅速而紧急的大讨论,也没有任何有效的办法,最后少女曦站出来,道:“看来,需要我亲身去走上一趟,尝试阻止试试看。” Meanwhile, she also said goodbye to these people, she was also doomed to return to World of the Living. 同时,她也向这些人告别,原本她亦注定要返回阳间 But this time she overtakes, these people do not dare to start to her mostly, but may not listen to her dissuading, but brings back to World of the Living her forcefully, delivers to her family, makes the good friends with her lineage/vein. 而这一次她赶过去,那些人对她多半不敢下手,但是却有可能不听她的劝阻,而是将她强行带回阳间,送到她的家族,与她那一脉结善缘。 The Young Lady Xi family has very big background in World of the Living! 少女曦的家族在阳间有很大的来头! But, the development of matter stems from the expectations of all people, the change is too rapid. 可是,事情的发展出乎所有人的预料,变化太快。 In the chaos, the fog surges, another vermilion ancient ship appears, is pasting Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, the place of to get close to World of the Dead. 混沌中,雾霭翻腾,又一艘朱红色古船出现,贴着天尊法旨,接近阴间之地。 On this not very big ancient ship, is standing a person, seems like young, but the incomparable calm, is actually shouldering both hands, the whole person was covered by divine ring, is very dignified. 在这艘不算很大的古船上,站着一个人,看起来还算年轻,但是却无比的沉稳,背负着双手,整个人都被一层神环笼罩在内,十分威严。 How regardless to see, this likely is not a youth, is too silent, like the mountain, launches in salvos the silk not to raise one motionless, is similar to the stone carving, if idol. 无论怎么看,这都不像是一个青年,太寂静,不动如岳,连发丝都没有扬起一根,如同石雕,又若神像。 Jiang Zhou Senior Brother, you also came.” 江舟师兄,你也来了。” Must the great opens the mouth, the snow white long eyebrow raise, the young people who on vermilion ancient ship drives is greeting to that frightening, this is one makes him probably call is the Senior Brother powerhouse, without a doubt is the God Level character! 须宏开口,雪白的长眉微扬,对那正在驶来的朱红色古船上的年轻人打招呼,让人心惊,这是一个让他都要称呼为师兄的强者,毫无疑问是神级人物! Super expert that another cannot be shaken came, making various World of the Dead clan troops not have the frame of mind thoroughly, no longer longs for including the miracle, what also took to go to the battle? 又一尊不可撼动的超级高手来了,让阴间各族人马彻底没了心气,连奇迹都不再渴望,还拿什么去争斗? Must great, hundred years have not seen, elegant demeanor as before.” On vermilion ancient ship the Jiang Zhou opens the mouth of young semblance, they are not the same Heavenly Venerate disciple. “须宏,百年未见,风采依旧啊。”朱红色古船上年轻外表的江舟开口,他们不属于同一天尊门下。 Now two people call by the Senior Brother younger brother, but is polite. 现在两人以师兄弟称呼,不过是客气。 Until the people noted at this time, in Jiang Zhou There is still one old man sits cross-legged on carpet, hoary-headed, is very tranquil, is shutting both eyes. 直到这时人们才注意到,在江舟的身边还有一个老者盘坐蒲团上,白发苍苍,很宁静,闭着双目。 Has many carapaces side this old man, some time ago once had deduced anything. 在这个老者身边有许多龟甲,不久前曾推演过什么。 This side, the old yellow weasel understands thoroughly instantaneously, this is divination Dominion expert, most at least is also Divine Master, only above his him, not under him. 这一边,老黄鼠狼第瞬间洞彻,这是占卜领域的一个高手,最起码也是神师,只在他他之上,不在他之下。 Heavenly Venerate Dao Body arrives, does not allow me and others to compromise to Yin Spirit.” Jiang Zhou opens the mouth once more, and said such an explosive news. 天尊一具‘道身’降临,不容我等对阴灵妥协。”江舟再次开口,并且说出这么一则爆炸性的消息。 Let alone World of the Dead universe various people, must great shock from World of the Living's, then trembles. 别说阴间宇宙诸人,就是来自阳间的须宏都震撼,而后颤栗。 As for World of the Dead, various clan Cultivator shocking at the same time, the soul is palpitating, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, this has been above the imagination! 至于阴间,各族修士震惊的同时,灵魂都在悸动,从头凉到脚,这超乎了想象! Did Heavenly Venerate come? Evolver of this equivalent strong, World of the Dead simply does not have the concept, only knows in World of the Living is existences of various bird's eye view group of expert, is known as a side founder! 天尊来了?这个等阶的进化者到底有多强,阴间根本没有概念,只知道阳间都是俯瞰各路高手的存在,号称一方教祖! Yes...... Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate Dao Body?” Must great voice tremble, ask like this. “是……太武天尊的‘道身’?”须宏声音发抖,这样问道。 Jiang Zhou nods, and informs this is fusion innate divine object Dao Body, has arrived in the chaos universe, waits for the result. 江舟点头,并告知这是融合先天神物的一具道身,已经驾临混沌宇宙中,坐等结果。 Must great, is old yellow weasel creepy feeling, existence of this quarrying a mountain First Ancestor level leaves unexpectedly personally, is born directly, is too stirring. 无论是须宏,还是老黄鼠狼都头皮发麻,这种开山鼻祖级的存在居然亲自动身,直接降世,太震撼人心。 Although is only one the first Heavenly Dao body, but is not True Body, but this also fully explained the issue, Heavenly Venerate regarded as important to this matter especially, wants some World of the Dead's Artifact. 虽然只是一具先天道身,而不是真身,但这也足以说明问题,天尊对这件事格外看重,想要阴间的某件器物 Meanwhile, these World of the Living people realized, World of the Dead must start the blood rain to be excited mostly, before Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate has not risen, its dao companion was killed by the clever thing, he most hates Yin Spirit. 同时,这些阳间人意识到,阴间多半要兴起血雨兴奋,太武天尊没有崛起前,其道侣被鬼物所杀,他最恨阴灵 Really, the Jiang Zhou opens the mouth, said: What does not kill, gives the World of the Dead person consideration time, this insignificant, Extreme Martial Heavenly Race lineage/vein will not give the opportunity that they bargained back and forth!” 果然,江舟开口,道:“什么不杀,给予阴间人考虑时间,这无意义,太武天族一脉不会给予他们讨价还价的机会!” He when speaking these words, murderous aura is steaming. 他在说这些话时,杀气腾腾。 At this time, the Chu Feng's heart was cool, with greatly is in secret black you, Yellow Ox and the others to relate, making them do not think that any means that fast dispersing, avoided having the disaster. 此时,楚风的心都凉了,暗中正在跟大黑你、黄牛等人联系,让他们不要想什么办法了,速速散开,避免发生祸事。 Although he in the heart has the anger, but, actually also has to acknowledge, in the face of the absolute strength, now all appears that pale, is weak, did not contend. 他虽然心中有怒,但是,却也不得不承认,在绝对的实力面前,现在一切都显得那么苍白,那么无力,根本抗衡不了。 We will disperse, protects itself good, is you...... Hurries Great Abyss!” Yellow Ox suggested very much anxious. “我们会分散开,保护好自己,可是你……赶紧去大渊!”黄牛很焦虑地建议。 They will not know perfectly well in situation that must die, but also goes to a mantis trying to stop a chariot, but is really Chu Feng is now anxious, this is the hopeless situation, World of the Living Heavenly Venerate has Dao Body to arrive, what now was Great Abyss recovers unable to change? 他们不会明知必死的情况下,还去螳臂当车,但是现在真的为楚风而忧虑,这是绝境,阳间天尊都有道身降临,现在就是大渊复苏都改变不了什么吧? The chaos edge, must great secretly thought, after a Extreme Martial lineage/vein disciple come, really must stir the reactionary reign of terror, this lineage/vein are the ruthless stubble. 混沌边缘,须宏暗道,太武一脉的门徒来了以后果然要搅起血雨腥风,这一脉都是狠茬子。 Jiang Zhou looks young, but very calm, motionless like the rock, this time is only opens the mouth faintly, said: Must great, why, my knows you now do not kill him, but is safe in order, wants to obtain his Supreme Treasure first, afterward must kill. We are different, is more direct, how heart wants how to do.” 江舟看着年轻,但是十分的镇定,不动如磐石,此时只是淡漠地开口,道:“须宏,何必呢,我知道你现在不杀他,不过是稳妥起见,想先得到他身上的至宝,事后还是要杀的。我们不同,更直接,心底怎样想就怎么做出来。” Then, he spoke, spoke frankly to the World of the Dead universe, needs all materials about Chu Feng this person, as well as wants to understand with his concerned person thing. 然后,他发话,对阴间宇宙坦言,需要关于楚风这个人的一切资料,以及想了解跟他有关的人事物等。 This is must start to Chu Feng . Moreover, this is also making some Evolver surrender. 这是要对楚风下手,而且,这也是在让一些进化者投诚。 Without a doubt, Jiang Zhou already knows Chu Feng, led that formidable divination master to be able from his side knows, comes prepared. 毫无疑问,江舟早已知道楚风,从他身边带着那个强大的占卜师就可以知道,有备而来。 World of the Dead is silent, various clans are imposing, all people understand, one transformed greatly, World of the Living troops murderous aura was steaming, arrived including Heavenly Venerate! 阴间寂静,各族都凛然,所有人都明白,一场大变革到了,阳间人马杀气腾腾,连天尊都亲临! Even if Heavenly Venerate does not come, only stays in the chaos universe, fully explained its manner, this was the drastic change of supreme terrifying level! 哪怕天尊不过来,只呆在混沌宇宙,也足以说明其态度,这是无上恐怖级的剧变! Silent , some people of angry, the World of the Living person is unscrupulous, making people feel the humiliation. 寂静过后,有人愤怒,阳间人肆无忌惮,让人感觉到屈辱。 Meanwhile , some people of silence, feel to be incapable, even there is a famous elder to cry, thought that on this day is too dark, how regardless of they do, how diligently, unable to change the present situation. 同时,也有人沉默,感觉无力,甚至有名宿大哭起来,觉得这一天太黑暗,无论他们怎样做,如何努力,都改变不了现状。 Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade, the show is spatial,......” 雷公,天刀,展空,呜……” Some age very big famous elders, lived from the ancient times, could not bear the tears, sobbed to make noise, the feeling was pitiful, was Duke of Thunder and heavenly blade and the others the deaths regretted, after that several person outstanding die, cannot change anything as before. 有年岁很大的名宿,是从远古活下来的,忍不住老泪纵横,呜咽出声,感觉可悲,为雷公天刀等人的死惋惜,那几位人杰殒落后依旧改变不了什么。 That several people of blood has not done, elapses, finally the realistic World of the Dead universe actually becomes more brutal, after several powerhouse blood splashing starry skies, should come must come, enemy as in, and is fiercer. 那几人的血还未干,才逝去,结果现实的阴间宇宙却变得更加残酷,几位强者血溅星空后,该来的还是要来,敌人依旧在,且更厉害。 Some people look up to the sky, thinks too gloomy, the trim world and entire life do not have the brilliance. 一些人抬头望向天空,觉得太灰暗,整片世界、整个人生都没有光彩。 However, Evolver are innumerable, what person has, some people in excited, shivers, some ethnic groups were send out the representative to leave. 不过,进化者无数,什么样的人都有,也有人在激动,略带颤抖,有些族群更是派出代表动身了。 Quick, the World of the Dead universe peripheral zone, some people are throwing over the black cape, covers the whole body, sees the World of the Living's person, and delivers to various types of materials immediately. 很快,阴间宇宙边缘地带,有些人披着黑色斗篷,捂住全身,去见阳间的人,并在第一时间呈送上各种资料。 "Um, understood. ” Jiang Zhou nods. “嗯,了解了。”江舟点头。 When sees this, universe regional many people felt that ices all over the body coldly. 当见到这一幕,宇宙各地许多人感觉通体冰寒。 The people are different, the choice is different. 人不同,选择不同。 Many Evolver realized, the Chu Feng's result may be very frigid, was compelled the dead end the end. 不少进化者都意识到,楚风的结局或许会很惨烈,被逼到绝路的尽头。 Really is pitiful, the solemn piece of big universe, falls to this paddies unexpectedly, outsider then such several people, do we of suppression suffocate, gain ground, this is what kind of time, what kind of sorrow!” “真是可悲啊,堂堂一片大宇宙,竟落到这步田地,外来者就那么几个人而已,就压制的我们窒息,抬不抬头来,这是怎样的一个时代,何等的悲哀!” These lowering the head, do not have strength of spirit, I did not say that you do not have the moral courage, I felt that was born is too dismal in this world!” “那些低头者,没有骨气者,我不说你们没有气节,我只是感觉生于此世太悲凉!” Some famous elders stand, in Star Sea the vibrato, all is very in a tone with painful, actually cannot change anything. 一些名宿站出,星海中语带颤音,全都很痛苦,却改变不了什么。 At this moment, Jiang Zhou understands thoroughly all by formidable soul light, understands all materials, then raised the head, said: Perhaps you refuse to accept very much, but this is the reality, here is a side narrow and small space, a side pond, you cannot see a broader world.” 此刻,江舟以强大的魂光洞彻一切,了解所有资料,然后抬起头,道:“或许你们很不服,但这就是现实,这里是一方狭小的空间,一方池塘而已,你们看不到更广阔的天地。” Then, his first time shows the smiling face, however the fair tooth makes him look like somewhat fearful, said: Chu Feng, you rise, but also is rapid, perhaps you thought that you are side starry sky Heaven's Chosen Son, but I want to tell the sentence truth actually, you are good in this small pond, compared with young people but who overflows with the World of the Living natural talent, you are not good, is not worth showing mercy to train. Perhaps these words are very grating, but this is the reality. Heavenly Venerate makes me leave behind individual World of Death's Seed, what a pity, you do not enter my discernment, leaves behind Supreme Treasure, you start off.” 然后,他第一次露出笑容,但是白生生的牙齿让他看起来有些慑人,道:“楚风,你一路崛起,还算迅速,或许你觉得自己是一方星空的天选之子,但其实我想说句实话,在这片小池塘你不错,但跟阳间天资横溢的年轻人相比,你还不行,不值得我们手下留情去培养。或许这些话语很刺耳,但这就是现实。天尊让我留下个别阴间种,可惜,你不入我法眼,留下至宝,你上路吧。” At this moment, Young Lady Xi rushes, she stretches out the arms, impediment that does not dread! 就在这时,少女曦赶到,她张开双臂,毫不畏惧的阻止! Zhou Family small Princess!” 周家的小公主!” Some person of surprised, first recognize her! 有人惊讶,第一时间认出她! Young Lady Xi is missing long time, World of the Living's Zhou Family is a colossus, once sent out the sky-high price to post a reward, looks for her whereabouts. 少女曦失踪很长时间,阳间的周家是一个庞然大物,曾发出天价悬赏,寻找她的下落。 Must great, is Jiang Zhou, or old yellow weasel suitable being startled, revealed the look of surprise, this is the pleasant surprise, sends back her, definitely will have the generous reward. 无论是须宏,还是江舟,亦或是老黄鼠狼都相当的吃惊,露出异色,这是意外的惊喜,将她送回去,绝对会有厚报。 Jiang Zhou listens to Young Lady Xi to relate tranquilly, but quick has rejected, said: Princess Xi, I deliver you to return to World of the Living, here matter do not participate, is complex.” 江舟平静地听少女曦诉说,但很快就拒绝了,道:“曦公主,我送你回阳间,这里的事你不要参与,过于复杂。” During the speeches, he seals up Young Lady Xi, feeds in her the cabin. 说话间,他封住少女曦,将她送进船舱中。 Then, Jiang Zhou goes out, and looked that sits cross-legged the old man to the side on carpet, reveals the respect, whispered several, is consulting anything to him. 然后,江舟走出,并看向身边盘坐在蒲团上的老者,露出敬意,低语了几句,向他请教着什么。 In an instant, Jiang Zhou looks up to Star Sea, because that old man told him one to sit the scalar potential. 刹那间,江舟抬头望向星海,因为那位老者告诉他一个坐标位。 Chu Feng, delivers you to start off!” 楚风,送你上路!” Jiang Zhou opens the mouth tranquilly, departs together phantom from his within the body, he does not dare to set out True Body, only starts a Shining Upon Level incarnation to enter the World of the Dead universe. 江舟平静地开口,从他体内飞出一道虚影,他不敢出动真身,只发动一具映照级的化身进入阴间宇宙。 Then, in some piece of Star Sea of bang, a silver-white big hand wields, camouflages this piece of star space, covers many planet under. 接着,某一片星海中轰的一声,一只银白色的大手挥动下来,遮蔽这片星宇,将许多星球都覆盖在下方。 This is the World of the Living's fearful character, Jiang Zhou starts, unfeeling, under extreme methods to Chu Feng. 这就是阳间的可怕人物,江舟发动,冷酷无情,对楚风下死手。 This starry skies, the blood scatters! 这片星空,血液四溅!
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