SR :: Volume #10

#933: In the face of absolute strength

The young boy voice is tender, is happy and is proud, he is young, but the 3-4 year, Duke of Thunder of knows in that brilliant ray did not die, this is he last time sees his grandfather. 小男孩声音柔嫩,开心而自豪,他还小,不过三四岁,并不知道在那绚烂的光芒中雷公已死,这是他最后一次见到他的爷爷。 His age too young, had not understood. 他年龄太幼,还不理解。 His elder sister also has the parents, tears unceasing falling, finally kneels on the ground. 他的姐姐还有父母,眼泪不断的滑落,最后都跪在地上。 great war ends, all dies from World of the Living's Half-God, but Shining Upon Level Evolver could not see one, only then the old yellow weasel was living departure, entered in the chaos. 大战落幕,来自阳间的半神皆死,而映照级进化者也看不到一个了,只有老黄鼠狼活着离开,进入混沌中。 The universe is very peaceful, all people see the final brilliance, then returns to the darkness, the World of the Living person, although was struck to kill, the price that but the World of the Dead universe pays is too big, the person who Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and other shore flower and show spatial each and every one illuminate a time is outstanding, die, nobody lived. 宇宙很安静,所有人都看到最后的绚烂,而后又回归黑暗,阳间人虽然被击杀,但是阴间宇宙付出的代价太大,雷公天刀、彼岸花、展空一个个照亮一个时代的人杰,都殒落了,没有一个人活下来。 For a long time in regional ancestral land still in the hemorrhaging rain, fell on past Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade wait/etc. already in the removed altar. 很长时间各地的祖地中都还在下血雨,落在当年雷公天刀等早已被撤下的祭坛上。 Thinks that their died during meditation many years, they are born until today, the people are clear, they continuously also, but really died now, died in battle in universe Wasteland's border. 都以为他们坐化很多年,直到今日他们重新出世,人们才明白,他们一直都还在,但是现在真的死去了,战死在宇宙边荒 The present universe is constrains, is sad, the people are not willing to open the mouth, see like this frigid as well as final solemnness and stirring, the heart is uncomfortable. 现在的宇宙是压抑的,也是沉闷的,人们不愿意开口,见到这样的惨烈以及最后的悲壮,都心头难受。 Had finished eventually, this war draws to a close, but some people are impossible to appear, burns down fleshly body and soul light, will not fear forever lonesome, will die in this final service. 终究结束了,这一战落下帷幕,可是有些人却再也不可能出现,焚烧肉身魂光,不畏永寂,死在这最后的一役中。 grey matter? 灰色物质呢? Chu Feng is the same with the people, the eye turns sour, thinks moved, the show is spatial, is heavenly blade, Duke of Thunder and the others is very unyielding, the letting will of the people of dying trembles. 楚风跟众人一样,眼睛发酸,觉得伤感,无论是展空,还是天刀雷公等人都很硬气,死的让人心颤。 However, he is also paying attention to another matter, where the gray fog? A moment ago when large explosion, he has been staring, saw its fearfulness, was in the Half-God contamination some, finally miserable howling, dying was very sad and shrill. 但是,他也在关注另一件事,灰色雾霭哪里去了?刚才大爆炸时,他就一直盯着,看到它的可怕,就是半神沾染上一些,最后都惨嚎,死的很凄厉。 How it vanished in an instant, that many, the incomparable richness, just now is ten thousand beasts gallops, the roar to terrify person, disappears finally. 怎么一转眼它就消失了,那么多,无比的浓郁,方才可是万兽奔腾,吼声瘆人,结果都不见了。 He realized the major problem, if had not guessed that the mistake, strange matter spiritual wisdom, has refined really from several hundred Divinity, it mostly entered the chaos now, must cross. 他意识到出大问题了,如果没有猜测错误的话,诡异物质真的已经通灵,是从数百位神祇身上提炼出来的,它现在多半已经进入混沌,要横渡过去。 Where does it want to go to? Chu Feng frown deep lock, then, his heart one startled, strange matter can don't tell me go to World of the Living? 它想去哪里?楚风双眉深锁,然后,他心头一惊,诡异物质难道要去阳间 In the Chu Feng heart big change, now World of the Living and chaos universe have an alley and ensure the World of the Living troops can arrive, if strange material counter past, then the ambition is very big, the goal is somewhat fearful! 楚风心中剧震,现在阳间与混沌宇宙有一条小路,保证阳间人马可以降临,若是诡异的物质逆着过去,那么志向真的很大,目的有些可怕! He always thought, this gray fog makes him restless, the monster is too evil, is swallowing the expert flesh and soul light each time, this is clearly expanding! 他总觉得,这灰色雾霭让他不安,太妖邪,每次都是在吞噬高手的血肉与魂光,这分明是在壮大自我! Hoped it to go to World of the Living, otherwise, World of the Dead may unable to withstand its wreaking havoc!” “但愿它去了阳间,不然的话,阴间可承受不起它的肆虐!” Actually, Chu Feng hopes that it is ordinary grey matter, looks fearfully, may probably disperse, that was not anything, will be diluted by the vast starry sky to can ignore. 其实,楚风更希望它是普通的灰色物质,看着可怕,可真要分散开来,那就不算什么了,会被浩瀚星空稀释到可以忽略不计。 However, its spiritual wisdom! 然而,它通灵了! Universe edge, after steamship disintegration, leaves behind some fragments, in addition is also committing fornication the broken weapon of blood, what a pity, soul light was burnt down cleanly, so-called Rebirth from a drop of Blood was impossible to carry on. 宇宙边缘,大船解体后留下部分碎片,此外还有染着血的残破兵器,可惜,魂光都被焚烧干净,所谓的滴血重生也不可能进行了。 heavenly blade fragment and Duke of Thunder god hammer to bits block...... Was relating some time ago great war sad Lie how all. 天刀残片、雷公神锤碎块……无不在诉说着不久前的大战多么的悲烈。 Suddenly, a metal deck that in the chaos fog, warship explodes moved, was shoved open, middle-aged men of only remaining small half bodies crawled, among mouth and nose is the bloody foams, his face gloomy and cold, brings also to have the palpitation of being survivor of disaster angrily, the vision is quiet, coldly staring World of the Dead universe! 突然,混沌雾霭中,战船爆炸出去的一块金属甲板动了一下,然后被推开,一个只剩下小半截身子的中年男子爬了出来,口鼻间都是血沫子,他面孔阴冷,带着愤怒还有劫后余生的心悸,目光幽寒,冷冷的凝视阴间宇宙! What, some people lived, how to be possible?!” “什么,有人活下来了,怎么可能?!” The person of World of the Dead universe shocks, then a noise. 阴间宇宙的人震撼,而后一片嘈杂声。 Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and other shore flower and show spatial and the others paid with the life, died in battle completely, in the end has not killed off the World of the Living person, is the powerhouse living? 雷公天刀、彼岸花、展空等人付出生命,全部战死,到头来还没有杀尽阳间人,还有强者活着? I am living, but also shortly after life, goes to your World of the Dead to kill a happiness, I looked that now who can block me!” “我活着,但是也命不久矣,去你们的阴间杀个痛快,我看现在谁能阻我!” This person gloomy woods said, suddenly cannot restore, throughout is the half body, bleeds unceasingly, his complexion slightly is gloomy, was pestered by few wisp of strange matter, his knows ended. 这个人冷森森地说道,一时间就恢复不过来,始终是半截身子,不断淌血,他脸色略显灰暗,被很少的一缕诡异物质纠缠,他知道自己完了。 He is not Half-God, is Shining Upon initial stage Evolver. 他不是半神,是一位映照初期进化者 Some time ago, he thinks that oneself died, is why not knows, when the old yellow weasel was wrapped by a ray of light was crashing in the chaos, he also carries over the steamship, lucky life. 不久前,他以为自己死了,可是不知道为何,在老黄鼠狼被一道光包裹着冲进混沌时,他也被带出大船,侥幸活命。 The sound that various clan Evolver of World of the Dead universe hear his hatred, the heart feels cold, the feeling important matter is not wonderful. 阴间宇宙的各族进化者听到他怨毒的声音,都心头发冷,感觉大事不妙。 I then depart, come a big clean now!” His angry exclaiming, because will die, he is very crazy, actually he is not willing dead, but, was pestered by strange matter, simply did not have any opportunity. “我现在就出发,来一次大清洗!”他愤怒的吼道,因为将死,他很疯狂,其实他真的不愿意死,但是,被诡异物质纠缠,根本没有任何机会了。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Suddenly, splits void, several silhouette flushed, is throwing purple sparkling Artifact to him, then all flees to escape in the wormhole. 突然,虚空裂开,几道身影冲了出来,对着他投掷紫莹莹器物,而后又全都亡命遁进虫洞中。 Bang! 轰隆! This Shining Upon Level Evolver was pestered by wisp of strange matter, oneself is feeble, including response and movement serious slow, has not shunted, was hit directly. 这个映照级进化者被一缕诡异物质纠缠,自身非常衰弱,连反应与动作都严重迟缓,没有躲开,直接被击中。 The dazzling light, deafening sound, the universe was rumbled to put on! 炫目的光,震耳欲聋的声音,宇宙被轰穿! This unexpectedly is Shining Upon Level three Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, hits completely on his body, like this gives to kill him! 这竟然是映照级的三颗紫晶天雷,全部打在他的身上,就这样将他给干掉! If in the ordinary day, regarding Shining Upon Level Evolver, this at all is not the threat, with progression how is not the person can pose the threat to them, looks like Chu Feng holds green skin bottle gourd to be also difficult to kill old Heavenly Dog and the others to be the same. 如果是在平日,对于一位映照级进化者来说,这根本不是什么威胁,不是同级数的人怎么能对他们构成威胁,就像是楚风持着青皮葫芦也难杀老天狗等人一样。 Now, this Shining Upon Level expert cannot avoid, was rumbled to kill! 现在,这个映照级高手没能躲开,被轰杀了! Most mainly because he tied down soul light by grey matter! 最主要还是因为他被灰色物质缠住魂光 Reversal that the entire universe aphonia, this simply suddenly comes, all parties are scared, has not thought that unexpectedly will have such one. 全宇宙都失音,这简直是突来的逆转,各方都傻眼,没有想到居然会发生这样的一幕。 Thinks that the World of the Dead universe will soon have catastrophe, will be conquered by killing, after all all top characters died in battle, nobody can resist again, who can expect, this ominous person is killed violently directly! 原以为阴间宇宙即将有大祸,会被血洗,毕竟所有顶尖人物都战死了,再也没有人可以抵挡,谁能料到,这个凶人直接毙命! Haha...... Good, this is the retribution, a fish slip through, relies on can accomplish all the good fortune, is the result what kind of? Asked you to install, appeared killed!” “哈哈……太好了,这就是报应啊,一个漏网之鱼,自恃功参造化,结果怎样?叫你装,才露头就被打死!” Good that dying, is aggrieved you, puts the ruthless words to deliver you to start off, sees your grandfather to go!” “死的好,憋屈死你,才放狠话就送你上路,见你姥爷去!” World of the Dead universe cheers, people feel carefree incomparable, grows depression, is the frigid atmosphere that the previous several powerhouses died in battle solemnly and stirringly is diluted. 阴间宇宙一片欢呼声,人们都感觉畅快无比,长出一口郁气,就是早先几位强者悲壮战死的惨烈气氛都被冲淡一些。 However, a sigh resounds, vibrates Star Sea, making the chaos split, disperses automatically, reveals a stretch of open field. 然而,一声叹息响起,震动星海,让混沌都裂开,自动分散开来,露出一片开阔地。 In that chaos, presents an old man, sits cross-legged on the lotus throne, a pair of white eyebrows is very long, more than one foot, hang fully curved, the hair is sparse, few, are almost bald. 在那混沌中,出现一个老者,盘坐在莲台上,一双白眉很长,足有一尺多,弯垂下来,头发稀疏,没有几根,几乎算是光头。 In his side also several people, is the young men and women as well as the middle-aged people, each and every one in great spirits. 在他身边还有几人,都是年轻的男女以及中年人,一个个精神奕奕 In addition the old yellow weasel is also sitting cross-legged on carpet of his side, a life that even if runs away, this Divine Master Huang facial color is flustered, very non- nature. 此外老黄鼠狼也在他身边的一个蒲团上盘坐着,哪怕逃的一命,这位黄神师还面色慌张,非常不自然。 Previously, Divine Master Huang fled, beyond the abatement divine talisman asylum, the main reason was this sits cross-legged old man take action on lotus throne to be the result! 早先,黄神师遁走,除却神符庇护外,最为主要的原因是这位盘坐在莲台上的老者出手所致! At this moment, Evolver of various World of the Dead universe clans close the mouth, nobody celebrates again, is all of a sudden peaceful, the people heart appears the strong haze, thorough desperate! 这一刻,阴间宇宙各族的进化者都闭上嘴巴,再也没有人庆祝,一下子安静下来,人们心头浮现浓重的阴霾,彻底绝望! How possible? In chaos also some people, moreover this frown more than one foot long and nearly bald old man looks is not general Evolver, was too calm! 怎么可能?混沌中还有人,而且这个双眉一尺多长、近乎光头的老者一看就不是一般的进化者,太沉稳了! Made Divine Master Huang frightened.” The white eyebrows old man opens the mouth, comforts old yellow weasel. “让黄神师受惊了。”白眉老者开口,安慰老黄鼠狼。 Many thanks must the great Deity rescue.” The old yellow weasel returns salute, said very much grateful, otherwise, it really more unfortunate than fortunate. “多谢须宏神人相救。”老黄鼠狼还礼,很感激地说道,不然的话,它真的凶多吉少。 When this words spread, across the World of the Dead universe, the people such as the falling icehouse, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, what did they hear? This is a god! 当这种话语传出,阴间宇宙各地,众人如坠冰窖,从头凉到脚,他们听到了什么?这是一位神! Must great, God Level expert, from World of the Living, whose enemy? 须宏,神级高手,来自阳间,谁可敌? According to the view of World of the Living person, in normal condition, this piece of universe Cultivator, only if on high World of the Living person Great Realm, otherwise is unable to resist with World of the Living's Evolver. 按照阳间人的说法,正常情况下来说,这片宇宙的修士除非高上阳间人一个大境界,不然的话根本无法跟阳间的进化者对抗。 Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and other shore flower is so strong, can only be a case, otherwise the words, old Heavenly Dog, the black crow can kill many Shining Upon Level expert in the chaos universe? 雷公天刀、彼岸花这么强,只能算是个例,不然话,老天狗、黑乌鸦等怎么能在混沌宇宙杀了很多映照级高手 Now, a god came, but how also to resist? The thorough heart like dying embers, absolutely does not have the strength to resist. 现在,一尊神过来了,还如何对抗?让人彻底的心如死灰,根本就没有实力抵挡。 Must on great sitting cross-legged lotus throne, immovability, has not entered the World of the Dead universe, and suppresses own energy, does not dare to show the fluctuation of energy of God Level, because previously had done the experiment, Great Abyss will swallow the God Level energy. 须宏盘坐莲台上,不动如山,没有进阴间宇宙,且将自身能量压制,不敢透出神级的能量波动,因为早先做过实验,大渊会吞神级能量。 He like the rock, sighed steadily again lightly, said: I think that also will present 1-2 Shining Upon Level Yin Spirit.” 他稳如磐石,再次轻叹,道:“我以为还会出现一两位映照级阴灵呢。” At this moment, the people are frightened, all has realized anything! 这一刻,人们惊悚,全都意识到了什么! World of the Living Shining Upon Level expert of that only remaining half bodies, must great rescue, stays behind intentionally, making him force the World of the Dead universe, hopes that can draw out the final big fish. 那个只剩下半截身子的阳间映照级高手,是须宏救下的,故意留下,让他逼迫阴间宇宙,希望能引出最后的大鱼。 Finally, only then several famous elders catch up, in the Saint boundary, projects Shining Upon Level Amethyst Heavenly Thunder. 结果,只有几位名宿赶来,都在圣人境,投出映照级紫晶天雷 At this time, void rumble makes noise, at this time the people noted, the piece of space of distant place was imprisoned by the principle, precisely several famous elders open the wormhole the Coordinate place. 此时,虚空隆隆作响,这时人们才注意到,远处的一片空间被法则禁锢,正是几位名宿开启虫洞的坐标地。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 There splits, several old men drop, they...... Cannot run away, was decided there, now was emitted! 那里裂开,几位老者跌落出来,他们……没有能逃走,都被定在那里,现在被放出! Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! These people fly upside down, crash in chaos, must great detain with inexplicable divine ability by that Deity at present, he looked looked, said: Several have the person of moral courage, does not fear the life and death, dares to begin to Shining Upon Level Evolver by the base and low body, is worth respecting. I give you a happiness, starting off.” 这几人倒飞,冲进混沌中,被那位神人须宏用莫名神通拘禁到眼前,他看了又看,道:“几位都是有气节之人,不畏生死,敢以卑微之躯对映照级进化者动手,值得敬重。我给你们一个痛快,上路吧。” His pupil light flashes, is similar to the sharp sword, punctures thoroughly these people, understands thoroughly the secret in their soul light, but also cuts to kill them, turns into fine powder completely! 他眸光一闪,如同利剑般,刺透这几人,不禁洞彻他们魂光中的秘密,还将他们斩杀,全部化成齑粉 The several famous elders of World of the Dead universe of noble character and high prestige are Saint, is before this grade of World of the Living character, seriously the frail anxious pain, his pupil light flashes, lets several people of destroy both body and soul! 阴间宇宙的几位德高望重的名宿都是圣者,可是在这等阳间人物面前,当真脆弱的让人揪心的痛,他眸光一闪,就让几人形神俱灭 In the face of the absolute strength, all struggling are base and low, futile effort, weak. 在绝对的实力面前,一切的挣扎都是卑微的,徒劳的,无力的。 The World of the Dead people lose the confidence thoroughly, has not expected, has been taken to the threshing ground including the World of the Living's Deity, assumes personal command in the chaos, will then not have any suspense. 阴间众人彻底失去信心,怎么也没有料到,连阳间的神人都登场了,就坐镇在混沌中,接下来不会有任何悬念。 Thinks carefully, the people can only sigh, has the Divinity chaos universe to be suppressed continually, doesn't Evolver that World of the Living enters the stage possibly have expert of this progression? 仔细想想,人们只能一叹,连有神祇的混沌宇宙都被压制,阳间出场的进化者怎么可能没有这个级数的高手 At this moment, is a Chu Feng dilutedness, standing silently there, motionless. 此刻,就是楚风都有一种无力感,默默的站在那里,一动不动。 Ultimate died a ship person, is too sudden, is accompanying strange matter, rescues including me without enough time, being incapable comprehensive engagement steamship.” Must the great say/way. “终极是死了一船人,太突然,伴着诡异物质,连我都来不及救助,也无力全面接触大船。”须宏道。 Then, he raised the head, restrains that wisp of regret. 而后,他抬头,收敛起那缕遗憾。 Chu Feng, you come, I do not take your life, so long as in your hand a thing.” 楚风,你过来吧,我不取你性命,只要你手中一件东西。” On lotus throne must great, a pair of snow white eyebrow trembles, like this said gentle, both eyes are profound, as if must completely understand the World of the Dead universe starry sky. 莲台上的须宏,一双雪白的眉毛微颤,这样平和地说道,双目深邃,仿佛要看透阴间宇宙星空。 Chu Feng is silent, without any response. 楚风沉默,没有任何回应。 At this time, the chaos fog wound around once more, making the old man on that lotus throne somewhat blur, his bald was very bright, static sitting cross-legged was motionless there. 这时,混沌雾霭再次缭绕,让那莲台上的老者都有些模糊了,他的光头很亮,静静的盘坐在那里不动。 In his side, that several are standing in the men and women some people opens the mouth, youth words are tranquil, the complexion is faint, said: Chu Feng, I was held by Lin Nuoyi Junior Sister, after seeing you, must cross your regulation, receives and instructs your enter the Dao. But already understood, you kill big Heavenly Dog, ambushes four to teach disciple, provocative World of the Living again, I was helpless, your crime not amnesty.” 在他的身边,那几名站立着的男女中有人开口,一位青年话语平静,脸色淡漠,道:“楚风,我受林诺依师妹所托,原本看到你后,要渡你一程,接引你入道。可是已然了解,你杀大天狗,伏击四教弟子,一而再的挑衅阳间,我已无能为力,你的罪不可赦。” Chu Feng hears the Lin Nuoyi's news, the heart vibrates, thought, initially her left all of a sudden from Mount Lao, has not heard from light of this, cannot think that she had the connection with World of the Living unexpectedly! 楚风听到林诺依的消息,心头震动,一下子想到很多,当初她从崂山离开,就此杳无音信,想不到她居然跟阳间有了关联! However, is quick he to be also tranquil, looks at that complexion faint man, felt that an inexplicable intent taste, that likely in bestowing him, as if looks in the Lin Nuoyi's face, must provide relieft to the World of the Dead's poor relative, but...... Finally did not plan to provide relief. 不过,很快他又平静下来,看着那脸色淡漠的男子,感觉到一种莫名的意味儿,那像是在施舍他,仿佛是看在林诺依的面子上,要救济一下阴间的穷亲戚,但是……最后又不打算救济了。 Chu Feng, since must great Deity here, open the precious words to remit your capital crime, you as soon as possible come, does not want self to harm.” That complexion faint youth opens the mouth once more. 楚风,既然须宏神人在此,已经开金口赦免你死罪,你还是尽快过来吧,不要自误。”那个脸色淡漠的青年再次开口。 Chu Feng comes, we chatted, I had said did not kill you certainly to achieve.” Must the great facial color be gentle.. 楚风来吧,我们聊一聊,我说过不杀你就一定做到。”须宏面色和缓。。 At this time, a youth woman also opened the mouth, said: In the face of the absolute strength, all sadness and sorrows, or the method and impractical hope, appears very laughable. Chu Feng, as well as World of the Dead's everybody, you should be more serious, is more practical, understands the coordination, this is the best choice!” 这时,一个青年女子亦开口,道:“在绝对的实力面前,一切的哀伤、悲凄,或者手段与不切实际的希冀等,都会显得十分可笑。楚风,以及的阴间的各位,你们理应本分一些,实际一些,懂得配合,这才是最好的选择!”
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