SR :: Volume #10

#932: That is my grandfather

At first, but wipes the brilliant light, tears the dark universe, then the large explosion, is similar to the universe comes to the end point, the judgment day arrives. 起初,只是一抹绚烂的光,撕裂黑暗的宇宙,接着大爆炸,如同宇宙走到终点,世界末日到来。 The energy of rushing, blazing ray, has shocked the trim World of the Dead universe all of a sudden! 澎湃的能量,炽热的光芒,一下子震惊了整片阴间宇宙! Can see that the universe edge chaos explode broken, is similar to opens the day again, once again develops, development epoch world! 可以看到宇宙边缘混沌爆碎,如同重新再开天,又一次辟地,开拓新纪元世界! All person bodies are cold, what this had? Even without the live transmission, some powerhouses induce to the phenomenon of universe edge to terrify person. 所有人都身体寒冷,这是发生了什么?哪怕不用直播,一些强者都感应到宇宙边缘瘆人的异象。 The big universe was punctured, was rumbled broken! 大宇宙被打穿,被轰碎! The innate thing blasts out, is that the what kind of mighty force? Especially this green skin bottle gourd, was born in the thunder sea in chaos, was nourished to the strong rule, even if not mature, shakes the world sufficiently. 先天之物炸开,那是何等的伟力?尤其是这个青皮葫芦,原本诞生在混沌中的雷霆海中,被至强规则滋养,哪怕没有成熟,也足以震世。 When Chu Feng obtains, its whole body fissure, had been left behind the scar by the stone mill plate crush of Foreign Territory edge, otherwise, external force difficult wound. 楚风得到时,它满身裂痕,被异域边缘的石磨盘碾压而留下过伤痕,不然的话,外力难伤。 Also precisely because of so, it momentarily will disintegrate, today can detonate, otherwise could not have destroyed one depending on Shining Upon Level expert, even if not mature innate bottle gourd. 正是因为如此,它随时会解体,今天才能够引爆,不然凭映照级高手还摧毁不了一个哪怕不成熟的先天葫芦 This is similar to one time extinguishes world large explosion, the green skin bottle gourd disintegration, is containing the thunder rule interweaves, is more fearful than Shining Upon Level big Heavenly Tribulation. 这如同一次灭世大爆炸,青皮葫芦解体,蕴含着的雷霆规则交织,比映照级的大天劫还要可怕。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” In the flaming ray, was calling out pitifully including Half-God, was roaring, was struggling. 在炽盛的光芒中,连半神都在惨叫,在怒吼,在挣扎。 Exhibition spatial face whiten, the corners of the mouth bleed, he in burning down, condenses the energy, is staring at the sea of that piece of fearful ray, prepares to kill at any time. 展空脸色苍白,嘴角淌血,他在焚烧自我,重新凝聚能量,盯着那片可怕的光芒之海,随时准备杀过去。 At this moment, most fearful is also not the disintegration of green skin bottle gourd, but is gray strange matter falls in torrents, a point has not retained, is similar to the grey mushroom cloud leaps, submerges there! 此刻,最为可怕的还不是青皮葫芦的解体,而是灰色的诡异物质倾泻而出,没有一点保留,如同灰色的蘑菇云腾起,淹没那里! Suddenly, this piece of region Scarlet Rosy Cloud surges, that is the blood of Half-God, that is Shining Upon Level Evolver is being killed violently. 一时间,这片地带赤霞激荡,那是半神的血,那是映照级进化者在毙命。 Is accompanying also variegated color light, is divine soul is disintegrating, is burning down, the large expanse of wailing sound gets up. 同时还伴着斑斓彩光,是神魂在解体,在焚烧,成片的哀嚎声响起。 On the steamship the person are not few, at first, Shining Upon Level has twenty people, was killed, several people, in addition other people, are the powerhouse, the ghost crying god are howling. 大船上人不算少,起初时,映照级就有二十几人,被杀了一些,还有十几人,再加上其他人,都是强者,鬼哭神嚎。 Across World of the Dead universe, widely-noted, all people are in a daze, finally can the time reverse unexpectedly? 阴间宇宙各地,举世瞩目,所有人都发呆,最后时刻居然能够逆转? Haha......” “哈哈……” Duke of Thunder is smiling, on thin and small body full is the fissure, but he actually incomparable carefree. 雷公在笑,瘦小的躯体上满是裂痕,但是他却无比的畅快。 In a moment ago fearful large explosion , he although ran away, but nearly was also routed fleshly body by that intense complementary waves, a pair of sledgehammer lost. 在刚才可怕的大爆炸中,他虽然逃出来了,但是也被那强烈的余波险些击溃肉身,一双大锤都丢了。 heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun is also very miserable, his bright as snow long blade was already cut off, oneself has hair dishevelled, the blood wells up, whole body wound, deep obvious bone. 天刀吴兴坤也很惨,他那口雪亮的长刀已然断掉,自身披头散发,鲜血汩汩而涌,满身伤口,深可见骨。 Is colored as for the other shore, by striking back primary form, dispirited, but also is actually laughing, puts out in the heart foul odor, he very pleased. 至于彼岸花,被打回原形,萎靡不振,但却也在大笑,吐出心中一口恶气,他非常的快意。 Most central zone, 6-7 position Shining Upon Level Evolver disintegration, thorough tragic death, but after Half-God dies, comes back to life, even if has Death Substituting Talisman on the body, no helps, he was extinguished several times, finally destroy both body and soul. 最中心地带,六七映照级进化者解体,彻底惨死,而一位半神死后又复生,可是哪怕有替死符在身上,也于事无补,他被灭数次,最后还是形神俱灭 Death Substituting Talisman is dying thing, making him come back to life same place, becomes a fugitive without enough time, but the central zone is most dangerous, the innate energy wreaks havoc, strange matter manifests a spirit, sad and shrill noisy wail! 替死符是死物,让他原地复生,来不及逃亡,可中心地带最危险,先天能量肆虐,诡异物质显灵,凄厉长嚎! Half-God fell by the slaughter! 一位半神被屠掉! "Ah...... ” “啊……” Even if the steamship peripheral zone, has Shining Upon not in the vortex center, the body scrap, the remnant body binds to bring soul light to run away, may also die a tragic death finally. 哪怕是大船边缘地带,有映照者不在漩涡中心,身体炸碎,残躯裹带着魂光逃出来,可最后也惨死。 grey matter fierce smiling, exudes the real laughter, turns into an evil spirit, has killed, submerges him there. 灰色物质狰狞的笑着,发出真实的笑声,化成一头厉鬼,扑杀了上去,将他淹没在那里。 No, saves me......” “不,救我……” Some people yelled alarmed and afraid, at this moment they rather directly died, is not willing to withstand this tribulation, soul light was being nibbled, was eaten by that grey matter, always can not be reincarnated! 有些人惊惧大叫,这一刻他们宁愿直接死去,也不愿承受这种磨难,魂光在被蚕食,被那灰色物质吃掉,永世不得超生! Disintegrates from the World of the Living's steamship, the large explosion, has been finally split up to all people, some difference people are reorganizing, some people died a tragic death directly. 来自阳间的大船瓦解,大爆炸,到最后所有人都四分五裂了,区别是有的人在重组,有的人直接惨死。 Some people run away.” The show talked to oneself spatially, sees Half-God, incomparable pitiful, was killed one after several other times, finally drags the half remnant body to run out. “真有人逃出来啊。”展空自语,看到一尊半神,无比的凄惨,接连被杀死几次,最后拖着半截残体冲出。 Without a doubt, he is near to the center, was finally useless including Death Substituting Talisman, was consumed, fast escapes. 毫无疑问,他离中心较近,连替死符最后都没用了,被耗掉了,飞快逃出。 However, his condition is not quite good, was pestered by grey matter, the complexion is gloomy, fleshly body is withered, he is roaring, struggling. 不过,他的状态相当不好,被灰色物质纠缠住,脸色灰暗,肉身干枯,他怒吼着,挣扎着。 „The strange, root of all evil, dares with this type of thing, Heavenly Venerate to execute, the world attacks, this piece of universe must be buried!” He is breathless. “诡异,万恶之源,竟敢用这种东西,天尊共诛,天下攻伐,这片宇宙都要被葬掉!”他气急败坏。 Because, he thought that oneself lives is about two years, even if Half-God, only contaminates under the protection of Death Substituting Talisman on, but was not submerged, is his also knows, the non-solution! 因为,他觉得自己活不过两年,哪怕是半神,在替死符的保护下只沾染上一点,而不是被淹没,可是他也知道,无解! Now ran to look for the Heavenly Venerate treatment already late! 现在跑回去找天尊救治已经晚了! Good, before me, I the slaughter falls your this piece of universe trillion creature at the point of death first, various clan Dao Lineage, give me to extinguish!” “那好,在我临死前,我先屠掉你们这片宇宙亿万生灵,各族道统,都给我全灭!” Before this is at the point of death crazy, he wants to draw in countless people buried along with the dead, is too not resigned, was pestered by grey matter, that is the sad news, must die without doubt. 这是临死前的疯狂,他想拉上无数人陪葬,太不甘心了,被灰色物质纠缠,那就是噩耗,必死无疑。 Bang! 轰! He turned into a ray of light to clash, must kill to the World of the Dead universe deep place. 他化成一道光冲了出来,就要杀向阴间宇宙深处。 "Ah...... ” “啊啊……” In his, some steamship edge spot also two people run out, is Shining Upon Level, has not died, wants to go crazy, conquers by killing regional life planet. 在他的身后,大船边缘部位也有两人冲出,都是映照级的,还没有死,也想发疯,去血洗各地的生命星球 Gives me dead!” “都给我去死!” The show emptied, he has not feared, instead was bringing smiling, felt relieved, has waited till finally, his life final time was not wastes, but can display the final afterheat. 展空动了,他没有惧怕,反而带着笑,如释重负,总算等到了,他的生命最后的时光不是虚耗过去,而是可以发挥最后的余热。 Bang! 轰! His fleshly body disintegration, turns into energy storage, Divine flame is dreadful, that soul light also disintegrates, fills, becomes endless glowing flame, burns with All Heavens! 肉身解体,化成能量源,神焰滔天,还有那魂光也瓦解,填入进去,成为无尽的光焰,与诸天共焚! The show is spatial, the master of Commander Xilin Army, hugs must die the heart, he does not have the crime, but actually wants to make reparations, does not want to go on living again, many years ago has lost hope, at this time, he extricated! 展空,西林军团长的师傅,抱着必死之心,他没有罪,但却想赎罪,不想再活下去,很多年前就就已经心死,此时,他解脱了! In the flame, his face Shining Upon, is as before young, had the antiquity past old friend in, there are him to like his female, that was in his heart thought to think that was his ideal state, he wants to return, wants again being near antiquity, the change past tragedy. 火焰中,他的面孔映照而出,依旧年轻,在里面还有上古昔日的故友,也有他喜欢他的女子,那都是他心中的所思所想,那是他理想的国度,他想回到过去,想再临上古,改变昔日的惨剧。 Your this lunatic!” That Half-God startled anger, is strange matter, is similar to the great waves strikes to come generally, this person prevents him unexpectedly like this, to destroy indiscriminately, blocks the way. “你这疯子!”那位半神惊怒,身后是诡异物质,如同浪涛一般拍击而来,这个人居然这样阻挡他,玉石俱焚,拦住去路。 He feared, the complexion is pallid, angrily roars: Go away, what your knows are making? Was pestered by grey matter, does not have to say next life, always can not be reincarnated, can die very chilly fierce!” 他恐惧了,脸色煞白,怒吼:“滚开,你知道自己在做什么吗?被灰色物质纠缠,就没有来生可言,永世不得超生,会死的非常凄烈!” I do not seek next life, does not ask next life, what fearing has, Half-God that World of the Living thinks oneself infallible, I deliver you to start off!” “我不求来生,不问来世,何惧之有,阳间自以为是的半神,我送你上路!” In glowing flame, show spatial tranquil visits him, the final moment of death, he was calm, has felt relaxed, has extricated, incomparable tranquility and calmness. 光焰中,展空平静的看着他,死亡的最后关头,他是从容的,释然了,解脱了,无比的宁静而镇定。 People who I like in antiquity, my good friend, my female friend, my friends and relatives, I came, in the past I was unfair to you, a person started off, looked back again, anything did not have, anything, me does not come now!” “我喜欢的人都在上古,我的好友,我的红颜知己,我的亲故,我来了,当年我对不起你们,一个人上路,再回首,什么都没有,什么都不在了,现在我来了!” On the show spatial handsome face reveals to smile, many years, he is listless, the heart lonesome such as dies, he finally such loud was shouting, in the flame, was bringing smiling, settled this life. 展空英俊的面庞上露出笑,多少年了,他都是病恹恹,心寂如死,他最后这样大声的喊着,在火光中,带着笑,了结这一生。 Bang!” “轰!” He hits with Half-God in the same place, this is a Shining Upon Level Evolver this lives strongly strikes, is outspoken, fleshly body and soul light burn, burning through universe. 他跟半神撞在一起,这是一位映照级进化者此生最强的一击,毫无保留,肉身魂光共焚,烧穿宇宙。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” That Half-God yelled sad and shrill, his itself is the remnant body, caused heavy losses, the whole body is the fissure, is the bloodstain, now withstands? 那位半神凄厉大叫,他本就是残体,受到重创,满身都是裂痕,全是血迹,现在怎么承受的了? He has disintegrated, turns into blood rain, soul light of disruption, as for with two Shining Upon direct tragic deaths that he to/clashes, destroy both body and soul. 他解体了,化成一片血雨,还有碎裂的魂光,至于跟着他冲过来的两位映照者直接惨死,形神俱灭 No!” “不!” This Half-God angrily roars, he gathers soul light, finally is also useless, the grey matter entanglement of being pursued, submerged, then sends out the last desperate pitiful yell, in light of this conclusion life. 这位半神怒吼,他强聚魂光,结果也是无用的,被追上来的灰色物质纠缠,淹没了,然后发出最后一声绝望的惨叫,就此结束性命。 The show died spatially, in a final collision, turns into the light, burns down the end, belongs to the eternal darkness! 展空死去了,在最后的一次碰撞中,化成光,焚烧到尽头,归于永恒的黑暗中! The distant place, on planet, Yellow Ox has cried, under the eye tumbles the clear tears unceasingly, sobs saying: He is my guide, is my grandfather, does not have the blood relationship, but exceeds one's own......” 远方,一颗星球上,黄牛哭了,眼中不断滚落下晶莹的泪水,泣道:“他是我的引路人,是我爷爷,没有血缘关系,但更胜过亲生……” Yellow Ox cries, is sorrowful. 黄牛大哭,非常悲恸。 Big Black Ox and the others in the heart do not feel better, silently gaze. 大黑牛等人心中也不好受,默默注视。 Another piece of Star Territory, in the Chu Feng also heart turns sour, this old handsome man, this is seeks the extrication in oneself, perhaps only has this, the show can feel relaxed spatially, can put down all. 另一片星域,楚风也心中发酸,这个年老的美男子,这是在自己寻求解脱,或许唯有这样,展空才能释然,才能放下一切。 The steamship explodes, but also is in progress, is almost at the same time, another direction runs out of a ray of light, runs away toward the chaos, is accompanying the pitiful yell sound: squeak squeak!” 大船爆炸,还在进行中,几乎是同一时间,另一个方向冲出一道光,向着混沌中遁去,伴着惨叫声:“吱吱!” Divine Master Huang by striking back primary form, and discards the half body, but fled unexpectedly successfully. 黄神师被打回原形,且丢掉半截身子,但居然成功遁走了。 The people are astonished, does it have such big ability? Then guessed, perhaps has fearful divine talisman, is sheltering it to run away! 人们惊愕,它有这么大的本领吗?而后猜测,或许是有可怕的神符,在庇护着它远逃! Meanwhile, the light that Divine Master Huang sends out also brought old Heavenly Dog and black crow, gets out of trouble from the large explosion, old Heavenly Dog is very miserable, above the remaining chests, its Death Substituting Talisman already cannot only use. 与此同时,黄神师发出的光将老天狗与黑乌鸦也带了出来,从大爆炸中脱困,老天狗很惨,只剩下胸部以上,它的替死符早就不能用了。 But the black crow also consumes the opportunity that last time has maintained a livelihood, the whole body is the blood, falls with old Heavenly Dog together falls in the chaos edge, cannot vanish with the Divine Master Huang light beam thoroughly. 而黑乌鸦也耗掉了最后一次活命的机会,浑身是血,跟老天狗一起摔落在混沌边缘,没能跟着黄神师的光束彻底消失。 Run away! 逃! These two are anxiously anxious such as stray cur, fearful such as fish slip through, flees, running away that starts to go all out. 这两人急急如丧家之犬,惶惶如漏网之鱼,窜起来,开始拼命的逃。 Old dog, where you walks, leaves behind the dog head to me!” “老狗,你哪里走,给我留下狗头!” The other shore flower and heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun shouted, when staring at the large explosion center, was seeing the old yellow weasel fled they were angry, pursued, happen to intercepted a birds and beasts dog. 彼岸花、天刀吴兴坤喝道,一直在盯着大爆炸中心呢,看到老黄鼠狼遁走时他们就恼了,追击下来,正好截住一禽一狗。 Roar!” Old Heavenly Dog angrily roars, although in the heart the fear fears, but has also gone all out, and is shouting: Your World of the Dead must be extinguished, uses grey matter again, this is courts death, Heavenly Venerate will execute, violates the huge taboo!” “吼!”老天狗怒吼,尽管心中惶惧,但也拼命了,并呼喊着:“你们阴间都要被灭了,一而再动用灰色物质,这是找死,天尊会共诛,犯下天大的忌讳!” Obviously, it is outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted. 显然,它色厉内荏。 Goes to your motherfucker Heavenly Venerate, our family has a grudge with your behind Heavenly Venerate, I must kill him sooner or later!” The other shore flower shouted. “去你妈的天尊,我们一家子都跟你们身后的天尊有仇,我早晚要杀了他!”彼岸花喝道。 ! 噗! Many blue vines are uneven, pierces old Heavenly Dog, making him call out pitifully sad and shrill, this time old Heavenly Dog is not already in peak condition. 很多根蓝色的藤蔓齐出,将老天狗洞穿,让他凄厉惨叫,此时的老天狗早已不在巅峰状态。 In addition does not have Death Substituting Talisman available, the small half body that he runs away is shivering, the innermost feelings fear, on innate then weak imposing manner, strength also already sharp decline, therefore was torn the body directly. 再加上没有替死符可用,他逃出来的小半截躯体在颤抖,内心恐惧,先天上就弱了气势,实力也早已锐减,因此被直接撕裂躯体。 ! 噗! A dog head was separated by the vine, drops down, was pierced the forehead, soul light disintegrates, dies a violent death. 一颗狗头被藤蔓割裂,直落下来,接着又被洞穿眉心,魂光瓦解,死于非命。 Old Heavenly Dog sends out the last feeble dog's bark, completely finished this life, is not willing, but actually cannot change anything. 天狗发出最后一声衰弱的犬吠,彻底结束这一生,太不甘心,但却也改变不了什么。 Haha...... Your other shore grandfather has killed Half-God finally, died also the value!” The other shore flower laughs. “哈哈……你彼岸爷爷终于杀了一个半神,死也值了!”彼岸花哈哈大笑。 Another side, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun is more direct, turns into a blade, stands chops the old crow, he is roaring, the name of summon kui cow. 另一边,天刀吴兴坤更直接,化成一口刀,立劈老乌鸦,他怒吼着,呼唤夔牛的名字。 Some time ago, when kui cow facing old crow from exploding, solemn and stirring die this place. 不久前,夔牛就是面对老乌鸦时自爆的,悲壮殒落此地。 gua!” Old crow alarmed and afraid anger cry, but is also incapable of working loose, was divided here, thorough withering away. “呱!”老乌鸦惊惧怒鸣,但也无力挣脱,被劈死在此,彻底消亡。 But, the other shore flower or heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun oneself also weakly arrives at the low point, did not have the strength, killed this step, spelled with many half divine blood, the opposite party had Death Substituting Talisman, how unable to kill, was too fearful to their losses. 可是,无论是彼岸花还是天刀吴兴坤自身也都虚弱到低点,没有力气了,杀到这一步,跟多位半神血拼,对方都有替死符,怎么都杀不死,对他们的损耗太可怕。 Not far away, Duke of Thunder angrily roars, eruption infinite thunder. 不远处,雷公怒吼,爆发无穷雷霆。 Steamship disintegration, after explosion, finally is gradually tranquil, but that three Half-God have not died finally, is having the boundless angry resentment, flushed, kills to Duke of Thunder. 大船解体,爆炸过后,终于渐平静,可是最后那三位半神没有死,带着无边的怒怨,冲了出来,杀向雷公 These three people not in most central zone, although died more than once, but boils finally finally, the whole body is the blood, is roaring running out, must conquer by killing them. 这三人没有在最中心地带,虽然死了不止一次,但最后终于熬下来,浑身是血,怒吼着冲出,要血洗他们。 Kills!” “杀!” Had nothing saying that the other shore flower and heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun were towing the exhausted body, even if own whole body wound, must disintegrate, dive without hesitation, killing in the past, rescued Duke of Thunder. 没什么可说的,彼岸花、天刀吴兴坤拖着疲累之躯,哪怕自身满身伤口,已经要解体了,也毫不犹豫的俯冲,扑杀过去,营救雷公 Preying, other shore perianth tearing, the blue juice scatters. 一番搏杀,彼岸花被撕裂,蓝色汁液四溅。 heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun angry roar, oneself turns into a blade, chops the match, cuts two opposite party, but own the blade of formation has also broken, the remnant body obviously melts. 天刀吴兴坤怒啸,自身化成一口刀,劈中对手,将对方斩成两段,可是自身化成的刀也断裂了,残躯显化出来。 But, that two Half-God actually difficultly resurrect, has not died as before, the bitter experience of another side Duke of Thunder surface is also similar. 可是,那两个半神却又艰难复活,依旧没有死,另一边雷公面的遭遇也差不多。 Was good, your Death Substituting Talisman were useless, although we are also the spent forces, loses the strength, but father believes firmly, can draw in you dead!” “行了,你们的替死符没用了,虽然我们也是强弩之末,失去战力,但是老子确信,可以拉上你们去死!” The other shore flower yelled, slightly fearless, at this moment, his torn body has not reorganized, but is burning down, angrily roars, the comprehensive violence, turns into glowing flame, on, sweeps across dreadfully forward. 彼岸花大叫,丝毫无惧,这一刻,他被撕裂的躯体没有重组,而是焚烧,怒吼,全面的暴烈,化成光焰,滔天而上,向前席卷。 Bang! 轰! He submerges one person, that Half-God is panic-stricken, sends out the sad and shrill noisy wail: Lets loose me, I retreat, I acknowledged do not beat, such to destroy indiscriminately, your I forever lonesome, world not obvious!” 他将一人淹没,那个半神惊恐,发出凄厉的长嚎:“放开我,我退走,我承认不敌,这样玉石俱焚,你我都将永寂,人间再也不可见!” Rolls your motherfucker!” The other shore flower responded like this. “滚你妈的!”彼岸花这样回应。 Bang! 轰! He has blasted out thoroughly, draws this Half-God to start off together, both's soul light Burning all the Heavens, is then gloomy, belongs to the deathly stillness. 他彻底炸开了,拉着这个半神一同上路,两者的魂光焚烧诸天,而后暗淡,归于死寂。 This......” remaining two Half-God are frightened. “这……”剩下的两名半神惊悚。 The person of World of the Dead universe loses one's voice to call out in alarm, is this result of other shore flower choice? Let in the person heart the slightly pain. 阴间宇宙的人失声惊呼,这就是彼岸花选择的结局?让人心中微痛。 Hey!” “嘿!” Suddenly, in the darkness presents a blue light, only then a fist that big small group, other shore flower True Spirit reappears, said: I am deliver you to start off, oneself have not sufficed exactly, naturally, this had ended, the father these time goes to the reincarnation, goes to World of the Living, dies to knock with you, endless!” 瞬息间,黑暗中出现一点蓝光,只有拳头那么大的一小团,彼岸花的真灵再现,道:“我是送你上路,自己还没有活够,当然,这一世结束了,老子这一次去投胎,去阳间,跟你们死磕到底,没完没了!” Whiz! 嗖! The flash, he disappeared, charges into universe another end. 一刹那,他消失了,冲向宇宙另一端。 Where walks!” Half-God must intercept, but Duke of Thunder also has heavenly blade together to prevent! “哪里走!”一位半神要拦截,但是雷公还有天刀都一起阻止! „To block me? Has a dream, this is only my some True Spirit, I will also stay behind in the gate of Purgatory, how will be reincarnated. This war says goodbye to the war, your other shore grandfather wanders that for a long time in planet that Purgatory is at for what? When preparing to be reincarnated the reincarnation, our World of the Living sees, some day I rise, must cut Heavenly Venerate!” “想拦我?做梦吧,这只是我的部分真灵,我在炼狱之门还留下一点,无论怎样都会去转世。这一战只是告别战,你彼岸爷爷在炼狱所在的星球徘徊那么久为的是什么?就是在准备转世投胎呢,咱们阳间见,有一天我崛起时,必斩天尊!” Other shore flower quite decisive, very unyielding starting off. 彼岸花相当的果断,很硬气的上路。 Finally, it also shouting loudly, said: Boy, I initially had said that when facing you, has played an idle chess conveniently, I such slaughter, do right by you, if another day you enter World of the Living, if discovered that a strange other shore flower, crosses me, you know me inevitably!” 最后,它又一声大喝,道:“小子,我当初说过,面对你时,随手下了一步闲棋,我这么厮杀,对得起你,他日你若进阳间,若发现一株奇异的彼岸花,来渡我,你必然认识我!” The universe deep place, in the Chu Feng heart shakes, his knows, the other shore flower was speaking to him. 宇宙深处,楚风心中一震,他知道,彼岸花在对他说话。 The final decisive battle, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun with the body blade, finally actually broken becomes several pieces, but he is slaughtering as before, finally also from exploding. 最后的大决战,天刀吴兴坤以身化刀,结果却碎成几片,但他依旧在厮杀,最后也自爆了。 He both causes heavy losses to two Half-God, almost died a tragic death. 他将两位半神都重创,几乎惨死。 With the body blade, heavenly blade is broken, the blood dyes the starry sky, his in light of this die. 以身化刀,天刀碎,血染星空,他就此殒落 Duke of Thunder angrily roars, that thin and small body illumination, the flaming combustion, must burn completely All Heavens, his able to support both heaven and earth, must break open the universe all of a sudden simply. 雷公怒吼,那瘦小的身体发光,熊熊燃烧,要焚尽诸天,他一下子顶天立地,简直要撑破宇宙。 At this moment, World of the Dead regional all people saw, his silhouette Shining Upon across Star Sea, is similar to an angry lion at the war! 这一刻,阴间各地所有人都看到了,他的身影映照星海各地,如同一头怒狮在战! ! 噗! He hits to explode Half-God, the fist like the rainbow, passes through the head of that Half-God, strikes to kill in the starry sky. 他将一名半神打爆,拳头如虹,贯穿那半神的头颅,击杀在星空中。 Looks at Finally, that is my grandfather!” The starry sky deep place, on ordinary life planet, a young boy looking up, looks at silhouette in Shining Upon dark green space, excited and proud was shouting. “看到了吗,那是我爷爷!”星空深处,一颗普通的生命星球上,一个小男孩仰着头,看着映照苍宇上的身影,激动而骄傲的喊着。 Shining Upon All Heavens, this time Duke of Thunder, real Shining Upon in universe, each region obvious! 映照诸天,这个时候的雷公,真的映照在宇宙中,各地都可见! The young boy knows grandfather's condition, Mr. knows was not dying. 小男孩并不知道自己爷爷的状态,不知道老人要死了。 Look, my grandfather is fierce, he is fighting the unprincipled person!” He is very proud, very proud commendation. “看,我爷爷多厉害,他在斗坏人!”他很自豪,也很骄傲的称赞。 Yes, that is a grandfather, is fighting the unprincipled person!” The elder sister of young boy, that white clothing young girl sobs was saying, her knows this should be they last time sees own grandfather. “是的,那是爷爷,在斗坏人!”小男孩的姐姐,那个白衣少女哭泣着说道,她知道这应该是他们最后一次见到自己的爷爷了。 Side, that pair of middle-aged hunting household couple eyes are red, in silent cries. 旁边,那一对中年猎户夫妇眼睛通红,在无声地落泪。 Bang! 轰! Finally strikes, Duke of Thunder firm and fierce is incomparable, the bang explodes final that Half-God, his oneself also poured, turned into blood mist, turned into the light, turned into the energy, in light of this dissipation. 最后一击,雷公刚猛无比,轰爆最后的那名半神,他自身也倒下去了,化成血雾,化成光,化成能量,就此消散。 That is my grandfather!” The immature voice of young boy is reverberating. “那是我爷爷!”小男孩的稚嫩声音在回荡。
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