SR :: Volume #10

#931: Kills a happiness

When face whiten man unfolds is spatially young should be handsome, now the graying at the temples, is having the morbid state, previous old handsome man but who also calculates. 脸色苍白的男子展空年轻时应该非常英俊,现在两鬓斑白,带着病态,但也算的上一个年老的美男子。 Now as soon as he sweeps dispirited makings, the both eyes deep place has the flaming flame to burn down, this is the recent antiquity learned that after Earth was conquered by killing and destroyed completely, his first having plenty of fight in one so, fighting intent that extinguishes, the war blood of that antiquity seethed with excitement once more. 现在他一扫颓废的气质,双目深处有熊熊火光在焚烧,这是近古得悉地球被血洗、灭掉后他第一次这般的斗志昂扬,那熄灭的战意,那上古的战血再次沸腾起来。 Meanwhile, the show dreadful anger, he is suppressing spatially, hides in the heart deep place, is approaching that steamship! 同时,展空还有一股滔天的怒气,他强忍着,藏在心底深处,在接近那艘大船! He approaches the battlefield, integrates void, waited for the opportunity of ultimate striking! 他临近战场,融入虚空中,等待终极一击的机会! In field, great war even more frigid, making World of the Dead universe all people silent, nobody can help, heavenly blade, Duke of Thunder and other shore flower whole body is the blood, such as the candlelight in that wind, the life will momentarily extinguish. 场中,大战越发的惨烈,让阴间宇宙所有人都沉默,没有人可以去帮忙,天刀雷公、彼岸花满身是血,如那风中的烛火,生命随时会熄灭。 Old Heavenly Dog withdraws, enters the steamship. 天狗退出,进入大船。 But, actually Half-God that comes two blood energy to soar to the heavens, these two appearances look like in the men of middle age leisurely treat the work, all in the most powerful condition, is too fierce. 可是,却来了两名血气冲霄的半神,这两名容貌看起来在中年的男子都逸待劳,全都在最强盛状态,太勇猛。 In addition the black crow as well as the previous that leader, Evolver of four Shining Upon peak, strikes the World of the Dead universe three people, that really has the overwhelming superiority. 再加上黑乌鸦以及早先的那个头领,共四位映照巅峰的进化者,共击阴间宇宙的三人,那真是占据绝对优势。 Is the body of Duke of Thunder is torn one time, the other shore flower difficult asylum can the blood condense in Wu Xing Kun and, reorganizes good fleshly body. 就是雷公的身体都被撕裂一次,在吴兴坤与彼岸花艰难的庇护下才得以血液凝聚,重组好肉身 The World of the Dead universe does not have Divine King, nobody to refine other Shining Upon Level Death Substituting Talisman, Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and the others wants to restore only to be able by oneself to pay very big price, is even more feeble. 阴间宇宙没有神王,无人可以炼制映照级别的替死符,雷公天刀等人想恢复过来只能靠自己付出很大代价,越发衰弱。 The words of such death are too aggrieved, they each other look at each other, how regardless of must kill Half-God to be good, otherwise is not willing. 这样死的话太憋屈,他们三人彼此相视,无论如何也要杀死一个半神才行,不然太不甘心。 Then, they do not count the price, the going all out bloody battle, fiercely attacks old crow one person, even if oneself were attacked, the bloodstained, reveals the bone, the life endures the danger not to flinch. 然后,他们不计代价,拼命血战,猛攻老乌鸦一人,哪怕自身被攻伐,血迹斑斑,露出骨头,性命堪危也不退缩。 gua......” “呱……” Old crow anger cry, the three big expert all striking power of World of the Dead universe fall in torrents suddenly on its body, making it shock, angry, simultaneously is bringing in a terrified way. 老乌鸦怒鸣,突然间阴间宇宙的三大高手所有攻击力都倾泻在它的身上,让它震惊,愤怒,同时带着惶恐。 ! 噗! He was killed finally one time, on within the body that Death Substituting Talisman appears together the fissure, consumes the opportunity that one time resurrects once more. 他终于是又被杀一次,体内那枚替死符上又浮现出一道裂痕,再次耗掉一次复活的机会。 However in this time fiercely attacking, Duke of Thunder is injured quite heavily, was nearly stood by three sharp double-edged swords chops is two pieces, a shoulder falls off, blood splashing starry sky. 但是在这一次的猛攻中,雷公受伤颇重,被三尖两刃刀险些立劈为两片,一条肩膀都脱落下去,血溅星空。 He slightly reveals the declining tendency, because he is oldest, life essence is close, the energy of can using is not that many, this time catches up with great war is the fermentation is very long. 他略显颓势,因为他年岁最大,寿元接近干枯,所能动用的能量不是那么多,这次赶来大战都是酝酿很久。 Meanwhile, other shore flower is also very miserable, the blue leaf blade dances in the air, vine paragraph many roots. But heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun is injured is also heavy, the chest was passed through, that is a lance punctures, nearly makes him be split up. 同时,彼岸花也很惨,蓝色的叶片飞舞,藤蔓段落很多根。而天刀吴兴坤则受伤也非常重,胸膛被人贯穿,那是一杆长矛刺出的,险些让他四分五裂。 Kills!” “杀!” Between Heaven and Earth only has this character, makes noise sonorously, deafening, three people reckless kill once more, the oath must cut the old crow. 天地间唯有这一个字,铿锵作响,震耳欲聋,三人不顾一切再次扑杀,誓要斩老乌鸦。 You block them, I am not good!” The old crow screamed, flushes away toward the rear steamship, flees the battlefield, it is somewhat scared. “你们拦住他们,我不行了!”老乌鸦尖叫,向着后方的大船冲去,逃离战场,它有些胆寒。 Even if there is Death Substituting Talisman in the body, it has also been afraid, including was being killed, its innermost feelings fear fears. 哪怕有替死符在身,它也害怕了,连着被人干掉,它内心惶惧。 „The World of the Living person is also mediocre!” Duke of Thunder laughs, the thin and small body overflows the blood unceasingly, the corners of the mouth are scarlet one piece, he was ridiculing the old crow. 阳间人也不过如此啊!”雷公大笑,瘦小的躯体不断溢出血,嘴角更是猩红一片,他在嘲笑老乌鸦。 However that ferocious bird actually does not return, runs away to the steamship, shouts: When the chaos universe, Shining Upon Level expert that I do kill are few? Is your this piece of universe creature!” 但是那头凶禽却头也不回,逃向大船,喊道:“在混沌宇宙时,我杀的映照级高手还少吗?很多都是你们这片宇宙的生灵!” It refutes like this, is bringing feeling of anger. 它这样驳斥,带着恼意。 This indeed is the brutal fact, they slaughter in the chaos universe, cut the World of the Dead many Shining Upon Level Evolver's head, the feeling is not the difficult matter. 这的确是残酷的事实,他们在混沌宇宙大开杀戒,斩掉阴间不少映照级进化者的头颅,感觉不是什么难事。 Also precisely because of so, them even more thought, comes several Half-God sufficiently to overlook World of the Dead, the non- membership dues anything strength can sweep away all Dao Lineage. 正是因为如此,他们才越发觉得,过来几名半神就足以俯视阴间,不会费什么力气就能横扫所有道统 How can expect, meets the unyielding person, the World of the Dead most formidable several people are born, they who kills is scared, if not there is Death Substituting Talisman when the body, died to be many. 怎能料到,遇上硬骨头,阴间最强大几人出世,杀的他们胆寒,若非有替死符在身上,已经死去多时。 It looks like in the old crow, this shame, they come from World of the Living really very much after all, what usually cultivates is top breathing method, and day and night was nourished by Yang Qi, should keep aloof, may strike to kill same level expert to be right easily. 在老乌鸦看来,这真的很耻辱,毕竟他们来自阳间,平日间修炼的是顶级呼吸法,且日日夜夜被阳气滋养,理应高高在上,可轻易击杀同级高手才对。 Now like this suffers setbacks, how many people by World of the Dead's was being pursued killing, if this feeds in World of the Living to go, what face they also do have? 现在这样受挫,被阴间的几人追着杀,这要是传回阳间去,它们还有什么脸面可言? Meanwhile, on the steamship that final two Half-God sent out, replaces the black crow, kills forward. 与此同时,大船上那最后的两名半神出动了,接替黑乌鸦,向前杀来。 This quite fearful, desperate! 这相当的可怕,让人绝望! Old Heavenly Dog and old crow run away to the steamship come up, but, four Half-God meet to replace them, in addition that leader, five big expert! 天狗、老乌鸦都逃到大船上去,可是,共有四名半神接顶替他们,再加上那个头领,共五大高手 I hate really!” heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun angrily roars, partner kui ox self-destruct who accompanies most lifetime perishes, but he actually cannot revenge for it, at present must die a tragic death here. “我真是恨啊!”天刀吴兴坤怒吼,陪伴大半生的伙伴夔牛自爆而亡,而他却不能为它报仇,目前还要惨死在这里。 "hē hē, the person of World of the Dead universe also wants to turn out the storm, when World of the Living's Heavenly Venerate makes makes a decision, wants me and others arrived, the destinies of your many people already had been doomed! ” “呵,阴间宇宙的人也想翻出风浪,在阳间的天尊做出决断后,要我等降临时,你们许多人的命运就已经早已注定!” Half-God said with a smile faintly. 一位半神淡漠地笑道。 Such being the case, then then to destroy indiscriminately, even if dies is also brilliant, will not allow you and others the dirty hand to touch our corpses!” “既然如此,那就玉石俱焚吧,哪怕死也要绚烂,不会容你等的脏手触及我们的尸体!” From exploding, draws in them dead several times!” “自爆吧,拉上他们跟着死上几次!” The other shore flower and Duke of Thunder angry roar. 彼岸花、雷公都怒吼起来。 Three big powerhouses, expert of World of the Dead most formidable Shining Upon peak moved, the whole body illumination, blood energy tears this piece of dark green space, their whole body essence burning down, must from exploding. 三大强者,阴间最强大的映照巅峰的高手动了,浑身发光,血气撕裂这片苍宇,他们浑身精气焚烧,要自爆了。 Opposite several Half-God are frightened, backs up rapidly, all first avoids. 对面几名半神惊悚,迅速倒退,全都第一时间躲避。 Even if on their gods has Death Substituting Talisman, but is not willing to be killed like this one time, such three big expert from exploding, the destruction storm that will form will be terrifying, may be able to kill them one after several other times! 哪怕他们神上有替死符,但也不愿意这样被杀死一次,况且这样的三大高手自爆,形成的毁灭风暴会非常恐怖,有可能可以接连杀他们数次! Bang! 轰! The dreadful blood energy eruption, the shocking fluctuation of energy surges. 滔天的血气爆发,惊世的能量波动激荡而出。 At this moment, across the World of the Dead universe knows does not have many people to yell, the eye turns sour, saw that these three people go, thought the innermost feelings severe pain. 这一刻,阴间宇宙各地也不知道有多少人大叫出来,眼睛发酸,看到这三人赴死,都觉得内心剧痛了一下。 Is now!” “就是现在!” heavenly blade drinks lowly, the whole person thins, body forms a blade, incomparable sharpness, under Blade Qi heaven shaking! 天刀低喝,整个人变薄,身体化形成一口刀,无比的锋锐,刀气惊天下! He escapes while several Half-God, turns toward the steamship of chaos edge to flush away directly, the speed was too fast! 他趁着几位半神逃开,直接向着混沌边缘的大船冲去,速度太快了! At the same time, Duke of Thunder also angrily roars, the thin and small body bleeds, the ray is dazzling, raises two sledgehammers to hurry to toward the steamship. 同一时间,雷公也怒吼,瘦小的身体淌血,光芒炫目,提着两柄大锤向着大船赶去。 In addition also has the other shore to be colored, turns into the human form, is a blue clothes tattered man, the whole body is the wound, arrives to that great warship. 此外还有彼岸花,化成人形,是一个蓝衣破烂的男子,周身全是伤口,降临向那宏大的战船。 Has old Heavenly Dog and black crow on that as well as is sheltered on Divine Master Huang and several young people, at this time these people are terrified! 在那上面有老天狗、黑乌鸦以及被庇护在上的黄神师与几名年轻人,此时这些人悚然! Was not good, has killed them!” “不好,杀了他们!” Several Half-God startled anger, hurry to kill toward the steamship on. 几名半神惊怒,慌忙向着大船上杀去。 Their knows was swindled, World of the Dead's three big expert feign from exploding, retreated in fear they, the goal is the person on steamship. 他们知道上当了,阴间的三大高手不过是佯装自爆而已,吓退了他们,目标是大船上的人。 Protects Divine Master Huang, sieges that three Yin Spirit, executes summarily!” “保护黄神师,围困那三个阴灵,格杀勿论!” Half-God with spiritual sound transmission, forms the fearful storm, shakes this place, he got angry. 一位半神用精神传音,形成可怕的风暴,震荡此地,他真的怒了。 If the Divine Master Huang tragic death, they do not go on living, these people could not protect the old yellow weasel, that was the serious dereliction of duty. 如果黄神师惨死,他们这些人也活不下去,这些人都保护不了老黄鼠狼的话,那是严重的失职。 Also twenty Shining Upon Level expert on steamship, although is not existence of peak, cannot call Half-God, but is also very strong, kills together. 在大船上还有二十几名映照级高手,虽然不是巅峰的存在,称不上半神,但也都很强,一起杀来。 On the other hand, old Heavenly Dog and black crow stand in behind are somewhat scruple, finally keeps off before the Divine Master Huang body, has not begun personally, because in the heart has the shadow, feared that is executed by the person who that three go crazy obviously. 相对来说,老天狗与黑乌鸦站在后面有些迟疑,最后只是挡在黄神师身前,没有亲自去动手,因为心中有阴影,怕真的被那三个明显发疯的人格杀。 Haha...... Your Grandpa Duke of Thunder has not slaughtered, although has killed Half-God, but he lived, that takes you to make up the number, before dying, fishes under cost price!” “哈哈……你雷公爷爷还没有大开杀戒呢,虽然杀死过半神,但他又活了,那就拿你们来凑数,死前捞够本!” The Duke of Thunder anger smiles extremely, a pair of sledgehammer in hand is too fearful. 雷公怒极而笑,手中的一对大锤太可怕。 Bang! 轰! Strikes, the sledgehammer will block his Shining Upon expert to have the person including the weapon to give directly to pound one group of blood mist, blasts out on the hull, quite overbearing. 一击而已,大锤将正面挡住他的一位映照高手连兵器带人都给砸成一团血雾,炸开在船体上,相当的霸道。 Kills!” “杀!” Nearby two angry roar, the lance and war sword puncture together forward, ray dazzling, shining person cannot open both eyes, murderous aura is boundless. 旁边有两人怒吼,长矛、战剑一起向前刺来,光芒刺目,耀的人睁不开双眼,杀气无边。 Dies to me!” “给我死啊!” Duke of Thunder angrily roars, a pair of sledgehammer in hand rumbles, disintegration that the lance front hits, will fight the sword to shake several sections, the whole person rushed over, being split up that the two shake while still alive, simultaneously he wields the hammer once more, executes soul light. 雷公怒吼,手中的一对大锤轰出,将矛锋打的崩碎,将战剑震成十几截,整个人冲了过去,将那两人活活震的四分五裂,同时他再次挥锤,格杀魂光 This was too fierce, in the past when his vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered World of the Dead universe, is a time invincible person, lives now, the magical skill was immeasurably deep, reappears in the past divine might. 这实在太勇猛了,当年他纵横阴间宇宙时,就是一个时代无敌的人,活到现在,道行深不可测,再现当年神威 ! 噗! Side, arrow feather flies, some people shoot the tapping arrow, pierces his fleshly body, meanwhile the person throws the lance, the body penetration of old gentleman, the blood will dripping, passes through the chest. 旁边,箭羽飞来,有人射出铁箭,洞穿他的肉身,同时还有一人掷矛,将老爷子的身体穿透,鲜血淋淋,贯穿胸膛。 Before this, Duke of Thunder has to be wounded, even the body was torn two pieces, but has reorganized. 此前,雷公不是没有负伤过,甚至身体都被撕裂成两片,但都又重组了过来。 Now somewhat is but different, after all his blood energy was withered, receives such heavy wound, the body shook fiercely, does not have blood splattering of gloss. 可是现在有些不同,毕竟他血气干枯,受了这么重的伤,身体剧烈摇动,没有光泽的血液喷溅而出。 Kills!” “杀!” Duke of Thunder angrily roars, in the thin and small body sent out void killed the acoustic shock has blasted open, he threw the sledgehammer suddenly, two handles both flew. 雷公怒吼,瘦小的躯体中发出杀声震的虚空都炸裂了,他猛然投掷出大锤,两柄都飞了出去。 ! 噗! The person who draws the archery was pounded the meat sauce, another throws the person of lance is the head is also split up. 开弓射箭的人被砸成肉酱,另一个投掷长矛的人也是脑袋四分五裂。 On old person's sledgehammer is containing principle, has locked them, kills to destroy fleshly body directly. 老人的大锤上蕴含着法则,锁定了他们,直接杀毁肉身 Bang! 轰隆! Duke of Thunder angrily roars, unarmed, a pair of hand grips tightly, turned into the hammer, the bang kills to forward directly, rushed over, destroys completely soul light of two! 雷公怒吼,赤手空拳,一双手攥紧,变成了锤子,直接一路轰杀向前,冲了过去,将那两人的魂光也灭掉! Has many wounds on his body, is inserting some swords, but he actually incomparable fierceness, forward rushes ahead! 在他的身上有许多伤口,插着一些刀剑,但是他却无比的勇猛,一路向前冲杀! Front line there, the Divine Master Huang heart and gall is all cold, is old Heavenly Dog and black crow is scared. 最前方那里,黄神师心胆皆寒,就是老天狗与黑乌鸦都发毛。 But at this time, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun was also going crazy, oneself turned into a bright as snow long blade, has cut, harvested several lives in pū pū the sound one after another, was Shining Upon Level, but his oneself also staggered obviously to melt the primary form finally, was incapable maintains the cutter body shape. 而这个时候,天刀吴兴坤也在发狂,自身化成一口雪亮的长刀,斩了过来,在噗噗声中接连收割数条生命,都是映照级,而他自身最后也踉跄着显化出原形,无力保持刀体形态了。 Was under cost price, does not compensate, kills happy, haha!” The other shore flower laughs, his whole body is the blood, bare-handed executes, here kills several people continually, the whole body is the blood of Shining Upon Level powerhouse. “够本了,不赔了,杀的痛快啊,哈哈!”彼岸花大笑,他满身是血,徒手格杀,在这里连杀几人,浑身是映照级强者的血。 Duke of Thunder also laughs: Any World of the Living's expert, any need we are high you and other Realm to fight, is the nonsense, your head/number of people of today killing is billowing, buttocks urine class, happy!” 雷公也大笑起来:“什么阳间的高手,什么需要我们高你等一个境界才可一战,都是狗屁,今天杀的你们人头滚滚,屁股尿流,痛快啊!” At this time, the Duke of Thunder whole body illumination, a pair of hand turns into the fist, pounds down each time, will puncture void, the principle is densely covered, the thunder interweaves, executes the powerhouse one after another, naturally on own body also inserted completely the weapon, was very fearful, bloody. 此时,雷公浑身发光,一双手化成拳头,每次砸下,都会打穿虚空,法则密布,雷霆交织,接连格杀强者,当然自身的躯体上也插满了兵器,很可怕,血淋淋。 It is difficult to imagine, why in such thin and small body will have is so overbearing and energy certainly! 很难想象,这么瘦小的躯体中为什么会有那么霸道而强绝的能量! Your three Yin Spirit must die a tragic death, I must suffer for 100 years to grind you!” “你们三个阴灵都要惨死,我要折磨100年才会碾碎你们!” Rear several Half-God kill the near, some people angry roar. 后方的几名半神杀到近前,有人怒吼。 They are in an uncontrollable rage, on the forehead blue veins jumps, a negligence, was been unexpectedly serious by oneself this side loss, was killed these many Shining Upon expert. 他们怒不可遏,额头上青筋暴跳,一个疏忽而已,居然让自己这一方损失惨重,被杀了这么多映照高手 This is unforgivable, they are crazy, go all out to kill! 这是不可饶恕的,他们疯狂,拼命杀来! In this fast, all expert pushes on the steamship, gathers at place! 就在这电光石火间,所有高手都挤在大船上,聚集在一地! Even if this steamship is firm, inscribes the massive World of the Living symbols, but also presents the fissure now, must disintegrate. 哪怕这艘大船坚固无比,铭刻着大量的阳间符号,可现在也出现裂痕,要解体了。 Without the Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree asylum, it soon will be destroyed! 没有天尊法旨庇护,它即将被毁! Has been OK, three draw back!” “可以了,三位退吧!” At this time, Duke of Thunder and other shore flower and heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun's heart deep place simultaneously resounded together the sound, told them, the opportunity arrived, can retreat. 这时,雷公、彼岸花、天刀吴兴坤的心底深处同时响起一道声音,告诉他们,时机到了,可以退走。 The Xilin Army army regimental commander Wei Xilin master, unfolds spatially by the old age handsome man of complexion blanch the criminal says from archaic Earth, at this time the corners of the mouth bleed, exhaust ability in the stimulation of movement energy, pours into toward green skin bottle gourd in! 西林军军团长魏西林的师傅,来自上古地球以罪人自称的脸色发白的老年美男子展空,此时嘴角淌血,竭尽所能在催动能量,向着青皮葫芦中灌入! Previously, he in passed with three people of ditches in secret, reaches an agreement does this, making all people concentrate place. 早先时,他已经在暗中跟三人沟通过,商量好这样做,引所有人都集中一地。 Now, that three people succeeded! 现在,那三人成功了! My this life is too failed, fills to regret, the fee/spent completely painstaking care taught disciple, actually will become the person condemned for all time, the cold blood executioner, I will say goodbye the ancients without the face, will say goodbye without face/color dies in the underground these old friend, I make reparations today, the blood that I will use, my life, most afterward made up one to regret!” “我这一生太失败,充满遗憾,费尽心血教导出一个弟子,却成为千古罪人,冷血的刽子手,我无脸再见先民,无颜再见死于地下的那些故友,我今天来赎罪,我用的血,我的命,最后来补上一点遗憾!” In his eye pupil Shining Upon left the past all, the passing youth, he was young at that time handsome, full of vigor and vitality, with one crowd of friend wanderer Star Sea, drank wine happily, pursues the female who oneself liked. 他的眼眸中映照出昔日的一切,过往的青春,那个时候他还年轻英俊,朝气蓬勃,跟着一群友人闯荡星海,痛快饮酒,追自己喜欢的女子。 But, looks at the present again! His also remaining what? His these old friends, these old friend many died under his disciple butcher knife! 可是,再看今朝!他还剩下什么?他的那些老友,那些故人许多都死在了他自己弟子的屠刀下! When seeing Duke of Thunder, heavenly blade and other shore flower will shoots up to the sky, the show began spatially, pounds green skin bottle gourd suddenly! 在看到雷公天刀、彼岸花堪堪冲天而起时,展空就动手了,猛然砸出青皮葫芦 This immature innate bottle gourd full is the fissure, must break, was poured into the magnanimous energy by him, then after this suddenly makes, bangs into the steamship, the disintegration of bang, has the large explosion here! 这个未成熟的先天葫芦满是裂痕,早就要破碎了,被他灌入海量能量,而后这样猛然打出后,撞入大船中,轰的一声解体,在这里发生大爆炸! This shocks the universe, the brilliant light soars to the heavens directly, tearing darkness! 这一幕震撼宇宙,绚烂之光直接冲霄而起,撕裂黑暗! Will have the enemy to live, I and others you!” The Wei Xilin master, this old handsome man, whole body burning down, fights the blood ebullition, on outside, he already does not want alone to go on living, died in battle he is earnestly seeking of innermost feelings, is the home to return to that he hopes finally. “会有敌人活下来吗,我等你!”魏西林的师傅,这位年老的美男子,浑身焚烧,战血沸腾,就等在外面,他早就不想独自活下去了,战死才他是内心的渴求,也是他最后希望的归宿。
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