SR :: Volume #10

#930: Dies not to be possible to fear

Universe edge here is the battlefield that a piece of blood dyes, has the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun's blood, there is a blood of old Heavenly Dog, blue other shore flower juice! 宇宙边缘这里是一片血染的战场,有天刀吴兴坤的血,也有老天狗的血,还有蓝色彼岸花的汁液! Moo!” “哞!” Kui ox Tai looks at the eye, sends out depressed sad Howl. 夔牛抬望眼,发出沉闷的悲啸。 Its whole body crack, its life soon must come to the end, the whole body crack, full is the wound, particularly the spine has been cut off, was torn by the black crow. 它浑身龟裂,它的生命即将要走到尽头,浑身龟裂,满是伤口,尤其是脊椎骨都断掉了,被黑乌鸦撕裂。 The kui cow prepares from exploding at any time, draws in the enemy to start off! 夔牛随时准备自爆,拉上敌人上路! World of the Living's this black ferocious bird too fearsome, the wings like the blade, in the bird beak emit thunder-fire, the strength is too strong, the kui cow of suppression fights a decisive battle at risk of life, does not beat. 阳间的这头黑色凶禽太可怖,羽翅如刀,鸟喙中喷吐雷火,实力太强,压制的夔牛拼死决战,还是不敌。 Naturally, under kui cow attack at risk of life, the black crow also has some wounds, the feather withers and falls. 当然,在夔牛拼死的进攻下,黑乌鸦也出现一些伤口,羽毛凋落。 At this time, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun, the other shore flower with old Heavenly Dog with that leader great war, in addition are also having the Shining Upon Level character in killing them, making the World of the Dead's person fall into the hopeless situation. 此时,天刀吴兴坤、彼岸花正在跟老天狗与那个头领大战,此外还有映照级人物在袭杀他们,让阴间的人陷入绝境中。 Mainly is, the blood spells this step, their strength has used up, the so-called energy grows continually, soul light continuously, has the limit. 主要是,血拼到这一步,他们都力竭了,所谓的能量生生不息,魂光源源不绝,也是有极限的。 Facing this powerful enemy, true Half-God, don't they possibly consume the source? 面对这种劲敌,真正的半神,他们怎么可能不消耗本源? The opposite party has Death Substituting Talisman, but their anything does not have! 对方有替死符,而他们却什么都没有! "Ah...... ” “啊……” heavenly blade or the other shore flower is going all out, burns down flaming soul light, Shining Upon high sky, is going all out. 无论是天刀还是彼岸花都在拼命,焚烧出熊熊的魂光,映照高天,都在拼命。 Wants to destroy indiscriminately? Come, I have Death Substituting Talisman, can resurrect as before, you and others completely can go all out, delivers you to start off!” Old Heavenly Dog clamored, the look was mean. “想要玉石俱焚?来啊,我有替死符,依旧可以复活,你等尽可以拼命,送你们上路!”老天狗叫嚣,神色阴狠。 However, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun and other shore flower actually look moves, their knows, old Heavenly Dog was somewhat afraid and timid, Death Substituting Talisman must consume mostly thoroughly. 然而,天刀吴兴坤与彼岸花却都神色一动,他们知道,老天狗有些心虚与胆怯了,替死符多半要彻底耗掉了。 gua!” Black crow long cry, tears the kui ox Dapian flesh, turns into blood mist his half body, spreads the wings to fly high to strike to kill, to go they to encircle and hunt heavenly blade and other shore with old Heavenly Dog together is colored. “呱!”黑乌鸦长鸣,撕裂夔牛大片的血肉,将其半边身子都化成血雾,展翅凌空击杀,为的是去跟老天狗他们一起围猎天刀与彼岸花。 This is to make the best use of the time to destroy completely that two big main force! 这是想抓紧时间灭掉那两大主力! World of the Dead is really weak, nobody?” It is sneering. 阴间真虚弱,没人了吗?”它在冷笑。 Dead crow!” “死乌鸦!” Explodes together drinks to transmit, likely is startling thunderclap, person divine soul that shakes is not steady, must blast out. 一道爆喝传来,像是一声惊雷般,震的人神魂不稳,都要炸开。 Towering spiritual fluctuation transmits, this is a thin and small withered old man, precisely that to the foster father of hunting household, then the grandfather to sister and brother, after deriving enough many universe energies, kills directly. 突兀的精神波动传来,这是一个瘦小干枯的老者,正是那对猎户的养父,那对姐弟的爷爷,汲取足够多的宇宙能量后,直接杀到。 Bang! 轰! While his shouts out, arrived above the top of the head of black crow, and already began! 在他大喝的同时,已经来到黑乌鸦的头顶上方,并且早已动手! He does not look high, the body is dry, but in that thin and small body is actually hiding the astonishing energy, a pair of palm of the hand hits on the body of black crow, rumbles to explode it directly! 他看着不高,身体干巴巴,但是那瘦小的躯体中却藏着惊人的能量,一双巴掌打在黑乌鸦的身上,直接将它轰爆! He walks hunter likely in darkness, steady, and incomparable wild, such went well! 他像是行走在黑暗中的狩猎者,稳而准,且无比的狂暴,就这么得手了! If without a doubt, does not have Death Substituting Talisman, this only came from World of the Living's ferocious bird dead mostly, not necessarily can drop the blood regeneration, will be executed directly. 毫无疑问,如果没有替死符,这只来自阳间的凶禽多半就死了,都不见得能滴血再生,会被直接格杀。 Piece of blood mist blasts out, black crow is disappearing same place. 一片血雾炸开,黑乌鸦在原地消失。 Thin and small old man killing intent is dreadful, is similar to like lightning rapid, and that moment to the black crow beginning, a pair of brightly burnished sledgehammer already ahead of time shot, the terrifying is boundless, winds around divine glow. 瘦小的老者杀意滔天,如同闪电般迅疾,并且在对黑乌鸦动手的那一刻,一对锃亮的大锤就早已提前掷出,恐怖无边,缭绕神芒 Because, his goal also has old Heavenly Dog and that leader! 因为,他的目标还有老天狗与那个头领! Bang! 轰! Such one, gives to break by smashing with stone the waist of old Heavenly Dog, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun is keen, seizes the right moment for battle, a blade sweeps away, old Heavenly Dog was broken out the head, died once more one time. 就这么一下而已,将老天狗的腰给砸断,天刀吴兴坤敏锐无比,捕捉到战机,一刀横扫而过,老天狗被劈开头颅,再次死了一次。 Another side void blasting open, another sledgehammer in that thin and small old person hand also hits the target, slaughters in the leader who with the other shore flower the move. 另一边虚空炸裂,那瘦小的老人手中的另一只大锤也击中目标,跟彼岸花厮杀的头领中招。 , his pounded bone breaks the muscle booklet. 噗的一声,他被砸的骨断筋折。 Formidable such as this head has not avoided unexpectedly, is really because opposite party the strength of principle is too terrifying, locks this starry skies, the sledgehammer is the source of principle, has imprisoned him. 强大如这个头颅居然没有避开,实在是因为对方的法则之力太恐怖,锁定这片星空,大锤即法则之源,禁锢了他。 Chī! 哧! The other shore spends take action, pierces the forehead of that leader, making him raise head to fall down, fleshly body and soul light disintegrate. 彼岸花出手,洞穿那个头领的眉心,让他仰头栽倒,肉身魂光瓦解。 What a pity, this person also has Death Substituting Talisman, is really similar to old Heavenly Dog and black crow, was different to Half-God this level status, has the maintaining life method. 可惜,这个人也有替死符,果然如同老天狗与黑乌鸦般,到了半神这个层次身份地位都不一样了,有保命手段。 In an instant, along with thin and small old person's arrival, let the World of the Living three most God Level expert destruction one time, feared this place all people. 转眼间,随着瘦小老人的到来,让阳间三大半神级高手都覆灭了一次,惊住此地所有人。 Duke of Thunder!” heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun sees this thin and small old person, is surprised. 雷公!”天刀吴兴坤看着这个瘦小的老人,非常吃惊。 He is very accidental/surprised, this rising time also wants the remote old man also to live compared with him unexpectedly, this should be immediately the World of the Dead universe also living a oldest generation of person. 他很意外,这个崛起时代比他还要久远的老者居然还活着,这应该算是当下阴间宇宙还活着的年岁最老的一辈人了吧。 Is I, the person was old, the body is not good, the accumulation energy to the present, can begin reluctantly.” Duke of Thunder spreads the spirit to fluctuate. “是我,人老了,身体不行了,聚集能量到现在,才能勉强动手。”雷公传出精神波动。 In the universe, Dao Race, Buddha Race wait/etc. is very shocking, this old man that may really be top powerhouse of extremely ancient age, calculates that the time early should died during meditation be right, cannot think he appears unexpectedly. 宇宙中,道族佛族等都很震惊,这个老头子那可真是极其古老年代的至强者,算一算时间早该坐化了才对,想不到他居然又出现。 The critical moment, Duke of Thunder stands, as before overwhelming power like the past! 关键时刻,雷公站出,依旧威猛如昔! In Star Sea that past Duke of Thunder, a pair of sledgehammer pounded various group of powerhouses lowered the head, was known as that was unrivaled, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the life, left behind the endless legend.” “当年的雷公,一双大锤砸的星海中各路强者低头,号称无人可敌,纵横一生,留下无尽的传说。” This person shows disdain for various clans, true magnificent first!” “这个人傲视各族,真正辉煌一世!” In star space, famous elder really shaken heavy of various clans, no one has thought that can also see this person once more, unexpectedly is living present world. 星宇中,各族的名宿真的被震的不轻,谁都没有想到还能再次见到这个人,居然活着又现世间。 „If not heavenly blade shouted that his name, is he appears, our knows his status, age Immemorial is not old, this is one generation of peerless fierce!” “如果不是天刀喊出他的名字,就是他出现,我们也不知道他的身份,年代太古老,这是一代绝世猛人啊!” In the starry sky, many people are encouraged, is very excited. 星空中,许多人振奋,无比激动。 Kills!” “杀!” At this time, several people of universe edge have not called a halt, continue to kill to that several Shining Upon Level powerhouses. 这时,宇宙边缘的几人没有停手,继续杀向那几个映照级强者。 ! 噗! The time, four people are killed violently, the kui cow at risk of life has killed one person. 顿时间,有四人毙命,就连夔牛都拼死杀了一人。 And, they kill together to the old yellow weasel, knows it is the key person. 并且,他们一起扑杀向老黄鼠狼,知道它才算是核心人物。 "Ah...... You come quickly, do not wait! ” The old yellow weasel screamed, the deduction and divination are Dominion that it excels, but the fight is not its strong point. “啊……你们快来啊,不要等了!”老黄鼠狼尖叫,推演与占卜是它所擅长的领域,但是战斗不是它的强项。 In the chaos, a giant hull drives faintly, has oppressive, some World of the Living people have not made an appearance, now reveals the terrifying silhouette. 混沌中,一艘巨大的船体幽幽驶来,非常具有压迫性,阳间还有人没有露面,现在露出恐怖的身影 This desperate! 这让人绝望! Meanwhile, old Heavenly Dog, the black crow and that leader resurrect, reorganize fleshly body and soul light, keeps off before the body of Divine Master Huang, shelters it. 与此同时,老天狗、黑乌鸦、那个头领复活,重组肉身魂光,挡在黄神师的身前,将它庇护在后。 Thinks really we do come rashly? Has not killed your this piece of universe all top expert strengths, to arrive how possibly!” “真以为我们是贸然过来?没有杀死你们这片宇宙所有顶尖高手的实力,怎么可能会降临!” Old Heavenly Dog sneers, simultaneously the heart somewhat shivers, it was killed unexpectedly one after several other times, Death Substituting Talisman can only use one time, feels terrified. 天狗冷笑,同时心头有些颤抖,它居然被接连杀死数次,替死符只能用一次了,感觉到悚然。 If not there is divine talisman in the body, its these time will die in the World of the Dead universe unexpectedly, this with him previously expected that differed is too big. 若非有神符在身,它这一次居然会死在阴间宇宙,这跟他早先的预料相差太大了。 „......” “呜……” In the chaos, that giant warship exudes the bugle horn sound, is vigorous and depressed, frightens the will of the people, is standing some silhouette on that is Shining Upon Level, on that has four Half-God fully! 混沌中,那艘巨大的战船发出号角声,雄浑而沉闷,震慑人心,在那上面站着一些身影,都是映照级的,那上面足有四名半神 Is Duke of Thunder wants the heart to be heavy, he can flicker to kill the black crow a moment ago, is the opportunity of because seizing is good, moreover kills, actually the true strength is similar to heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun. 就是雷公都要心头沉重,他刚才能瞬杀黑乌鸦等,是因为把握的时机非常好,而且是袭杀,其实真正的战力跟天刀吴兴坤相仿。 How many Half-God now the opposite came, how making them hit? This is the desperate aspect. 现在对面又来了几个半神,让他们如何打?这是让人绝望的局面。 Meanwhile, various World of the Dead universe clans have a dilutedness, watches such fight, saw again some World of the Living also people arrive, the heart was thoroughly cool, trim starry sky deathly stillness. 与此同时,阴间宇宙各族也都生出一股无力感,观看到这样的战斗,再看到阳间还有人降临,心彻底凉了,整片星空都死寂。 Previously saw Duke of Thunder to appear, the people were excited and excited incomparable, but looks now, is unable really compared with World of the Living, the inside story bad was too far. 早先看到雷公出现,人们还兴奋与激动无比,可是现在看,真的无法跟阳间相比,底蕴差的太远。 Person who World of the Dead such several can go on an expedition, but World of the Living comes a group of people able to extinguish this piece of universe casually strongest Evolver! 阴间就这么几个能征战的人了,而阳间随便过来一批人就能全灭这片宇宙的最强进化者 In the chaos fog, that steamship is gradually clear, outside abatement four Half-God also has twenty Shining Upon Level expert, the each and every one strength is very strong, this suitable terrifying! 混沌雾霭中,那艘大船渐渐清晰,除却四位半神外还有二十几名映照级高手,一个个实力都很强,这相当的恐怖! They have not been separated from the chaos region, the person of oppression must suffocate! 他们还没有脱离混沌区域,就压迫的人要窒息! Kills!” “杀!” At this time, Duke of Thunder and heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun, other shore flower have not given up, killed forward. 这个时候,雷公天刀吴兴坤、彼岸花没有罢手,向前杀去。 At the same time, kui cow is also whooshing, the whole body illumination, plunges the black crow, recognized this match. 同一时间,夔牛也嘶吼着,浑身发光,扑向黑乌鸦,认准了这个对手。 Small kui!” “小夔!” heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun voice hoarse, called out loudly, this big and tall guy corner of the eye stared to crack, had the bloodstain to drip, had hair dishevelled. 天刀吴兴坤声音嘶哑,大声叫道,这位魁伟的大汉眼角都瞪裂了,有血迹淌出,披头散发。 Because, he saw kui cow this is must from exploding. 因为,他看到夔牛这是要自爆了。 The distant place, that steamship drives, at a moderate pace, does not have anxiously beginning, because here old Heavenly Dog and the others can also deal with. 远处,那艘大船驶来,不紧不慢,没有急着动手,因为这边的老天狗等人还能应付。 Wu Xing Kun goes all out to slaughter, puts together left rib to be stressed the fearsome wound by old Heavenly Dog, killed, will save own old partner kui cow. 吴兴坤拼命厮杀,拼着左肋被老天狗抓出可怖的伤口,也杀过去了,将挽救自己的老伙伴夔牛。 Wu, I walks first one step, our age, life and death fearless, does not have anything at the worst!” Kui ox growl, then it starts to burn down, shines the dazzling brilliance, the body crack, the soul light ebullition, soon will blast out. “吴,我先走一步,我们都这把年岁了,生死无惧,没什么大不了!”夔牛低吼,然后它开始焚烧,发光刺目的光彩,身体龟裂,魂光沸腾,即将炸开。 It deducts the thunder world, appears the endless lightning source, locks in the black crow, must draw it to start off together. 它演绎雷霆世界,浮现无尽的闪电本源,将黑乌鸦锁住,要拉着它一同上路。 gua!” The black crow struggles furiously, shoots up to the sky, black light rises suddenly, pressed and covered world, the terrifying aura fills the air, it sneers saying: „To draw me to start off, you could not have locked me, oneself die!” “呱!”黑乌鸦奋力挣扎,冲天而起,乌光暴涨,压盖世间,恐怖的气息弥漫,它冷笑道:“想拉我上路,你还锁定不了我,自己去死吧!” At this moment, its movement is too astonishing, as if sometimes the strength of light fills the air, shuttles back and forth in the strange tunnel, avoids the thunder source world, wants to escape kills the bureau. 这一刻,它的身法太惊人,仿佛有时光之力弥漫,穿梭在奇异的隧道中,避开雷霆本源世界,想逃出杀局。 Thunder is endless!” The kui cow roared, the roar was shocking, the whole body sent out the flaming ray, it has disintegrated . Moreover the world that the lightning interwove delayed infinitely, towed the black crow, and covered other old Heavenly Dog, that leaders as well as Shining Upon Level enemies. “雷界无疆!”夔牛咆哮,吼声震天,周身都散发出炽盛的光芒,它解体了,而且闪电交织成的世界无限延展,将黑乌鸦拖回来了,并且将老天狗、那个头领以及其他映照级敌人覆盖。 Helps me block!” Old Heavenly Dog is most frightened, its Death Substituting Talisman can only use one time, does not think that this consuming, goes all out to struggle. “帮我挡住!”老天狗最惊悚,它的替死符只能用一次了,不想这次耗掉,拼命挣扎。 That leader is sincere, grasps three sharp double-edged swords, throws the thunder deep place directly, helping old Heavenly Dog block the fatal thunder, goes all out to counter-attack! 那个头领还算厚道,手持三尖两刃刀,直接扑进雷霆深处,帮老天狗挡住致命的雷霆,拼命反击! Bang! 轰! The fierce large explosion sends out, black crow was calling out pitifully, it has disintegrated, met a cruel death! 剧烈的大爆炸发出,黑乌鸦惨叫着,它解体了,粉身碎骨! Another side that leader also blasts out, becomes blood mist, in addition also has two Shining Upon Level expert with the thorough destruction, thorough tragic death. 另一边那个头领也炸开,成为血雾,此外还有两位映照级高手跟着彻底覆灭,彻底惨死。 "Ah...... ” old crow angrily roars, reorganizes in the distant place. “啊……”老乌鸦怒吼,在远处重组。 ! 噗! The heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun eyes were scarlet, have killed the past, has made up a blade to it, making him die again one time, was struck to kill at the scene. 天刀吴兴坤眼睛猩红,扑杀了过去,给它补了一刀,让他再一次死了一次,被击杀当场。 "Ah...... ” same, that leader just reappeared, was executed one time. “啊……”同样,那个头领刚再现出来,也被格杀了一次。 Bang! 砰! Other shore flower crazy take action, exploded old Heavenly Dog that died bloody and almost, run away intercepts, pierces its forehead directly, making its Death Substituting Talisman consume. 彼岸花疯狂出手,将被炸的血淋淋、差点死掉、正在逃遁的老天狗截住,直接洞穿其眉心,让它的替死符耗掉。 Old Heavenly Dog is frightened, after fleshly body condenses once more, goes all out to run away, goes toward the chaos. 天狗惊悚,再次肉身凝聚后,拼命逃遁,向着混沌而去。 ! 噗! A sledgehammer flies, breaks by smashing with stone its half body, making it call out pitifully, does not dare to fight again, but becomes a fugitive. 一只大锤飞过来,砸断它半截身子,让它惨叫,不敢再战,只是逃亡。 Meanwhile, that steamship drives out of chaos, flies two big powerhouses, blocks the way of people, shelters Divine Master Huang and the others. 与此同时,那艘大船驶出混沌,飞出来两大强者,挡住众人的去路,庇护住黄神师等人。 Flusters anything, old Heavenly Dog you is a little timid.” A person opens the mouth. “慌什么,老天狗你有点怯弱啊。”一人开口。 Kui cow!” The distant place, the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun eyes are red, are hanging loose the long hair, face upwarded to angrily roar, the partner who accompanied his most lifetime died, destroy both body and soul. “夔牛!”远处,天刀吴兴坤眼睛赤红,披散着长发,仰天怒吼,陪伴他大半生的伙伴死去了,形神俱灭 This partner initially was also only a cub started to follow him, was he raises personally, from darling to grown, arrived at to get close to Divine Beast, went on an expedition the world, shared life and death, kissed compared with the family member, finally like this died to leave, he got angry resentfully dreadful! 这个伙伴当初还只是一头幼兽就开始追随他,是他亲手养大的,从憨态可掬到成年,又到接近神兽,征战天下,生死与共,比亲人还亲,结果就这样死别,他怒怨滔天! Kills......” “杀啊……” heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun gets angry the blood ebullition. 天刀吴兴坤怒血沸腾。 Meanwhile, Duke of Thunder and other shore flower is also slaughtering. 与此同时,雷公、彼岸花也在厮杀。 You must die!” Opposite, walks two Half-God cold sound tracks that from the steamship, they replace old Heavenly Dog, was mainly old Heavenly Dog Death Substituting Talisman consumed, does not dare to fight again. “你们都要死!”对面,从大船走出来的两名半神冷声道,他们接替老天狗,主要是老天狗替死符耗掉了,不敢再战。 During this time, Chu Feng came, in remote darkness void, he wants to shout very much, his here has green skin bottle gourd, has strange matter, can rumble to kill the World of the Living person! 在此之际,楚风来了,在遥远的黑暗虚空中,他很想大喊,他这里有青皮葫芦,有诡异物质,可以轰杀阳间人! His knows, depended on itself unable to approach the side of that character, did not have the opportunity to rumble green skin bottle gourd. 知道,靠自己根本接近不了那种人物的身边,没机会轰出青皮葫芦 But, World of the Dead this piece of universe person, although sees him to use this thing to cut to kill Saint Level expert, but did not know that this strange matter, does not think it can kill the Shining Upon Level powerhouse. 可是,阴间这片宇宙的人,虽然见过他用此物斩杀圣级高手,但是根本不认识这种诡异物质,不认为它能杀映照级强者。 Is Duke of Thunder and heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun as well as in other shore flower not knows that the World of the Dead universe grows up. 就是雷公天刀吴兴坤以及在阴间宇宙长大的彼岸花都不知道 Furthermore, knows how, half God Level expert dispersion is standing, is difficult the opportunity complete bang to kill a cleanness. 再者,知道又如何,半神级高手分散站着,难有机会全部轰杀个干净。 However, Chu Feng is goes all out to come, particularly saw steamship that drives newly, even if above went out of two Half-God, two Half-God as well as twenty Shining Upon Level expert, if hit green skin bottle gourd, even if his oneself dies immediately also the value. 不过,楚风是拼命而来,尤其是看到那艘新驶来的大船,上面哪怕走出两位半神了,还有两位半神以及二十几位映照级高手,如果将青皮葫芦打上去,哪怕他自身立刻死也值了。 A sigh resounds in the Chu Feng ear, some people hold down his shoulder, said: Child, here is not the place that you should stay, goes back.” 一声叹息在楚风耳边响起,有人按住他的肩头,道:“孩子,这里不是你该呆的地方,回去吧。” The complexion of this person is very pale, likely is a sickness tuberculosis ghost. 这个人的脸色很苍白,像是一个病痨鬼。 Chu Feng is startled, Shining Upon Level character? Really fearful, appears in his side towering, cannot detect ahead of time. 楚风吃惊,映照级人物?果然可怕,突兀出现在他的身边,没有能提前发觉。 He sighed secretly, really could not participate in the fight of this progression, even if there is green skin bottle gourd and strange matter is not good in the hand. 他暗自一叹,果然参与不了这个级数的战斗,哪怕有青皮葫芦诡异物质在手也不行。 Senior you are......” “前辈你是……” Little Yellow is seedling that I favor, hopes you and it can going on living well.” The face whiten man said like this. 小黄是我看好的苗子,希望你与它都能好好的活下去。”脸色苍白男子这样说道。 Chu Feng is startled, he realized immediately, when this possibly is the previous Great Abyss decisive battle, the person who Yellow Ox finds, must help, teaches the Yellow Ox breathing method person. 楚风吃惊,他立刻意识到,这可能就是上次大渊决战时,黄牛去找的人,要来帮忙,也是教黄牛呼吸法的人。 Initially, will deliver starting off less than three -year-old Yellow Ox, went to Earth, this person mostly and some archaic Earth relations. 当初,将不足三岁的黄牛送上路,去地球,这个人多半与上古地球有些关系。 This male body is very bad, the speech is incapable, and corners of the mouth overflowing blood, after he wipes, said: My this life, has too many mistakes, violates to be bigger than accidentally, disciple will be the person condemned for all time, my oneself naturally also difficult running away responsibility for an offense, today to make me wash the crime by own blood!” 这个男子身体很差,说话都无力,且嘴角溢血,他擦去后,道:“我这一生,有太多的错,无意中犯下大过,弟子是千古罪人,我自身自然也难逃罪责,今天让我以自身之血来洗罪吧!” „Are you?” Chu Feng is startled. “你是?”楚风吃惊。 Wei Xilin is my disciple!” This person words are low and deep. 魏西林是我的弟子!”这个人话语低沉。 He is on the Xilin Army regiment the Wei Xilin master, with the Yaoyao grandfather is the person of same time. 他是西林军的军团上魏西林的师傅,跟妖妖的祖父是同时代的人。 In the past, he entered the chaos universe at the capital of Saint very much long time ago, finally there Shining Upon All Heavens, but was also disabled, having the uncurable old ailment to return. 当年,他以圣人之资很早就进入混沌宇宙,最后在那里映照诸天,但也伤残了,带着不可治愈的病根回归。 When he comes back, is the recent antiquity, Earth already the destruction, he simply felt acutely disappointed, learned that oneself disciple Wei Xilin is one of the executioners, making the foreign enemy enter Earth, makes that person god altogether indignant matter, wishes one could to kill it, then alienates oneself. 当他回来时,已经是近古,地球早已覆灭,他简直是万念俱灰,得悉自己的弟子魏西林是刽子手之一,引外敌进地球,做出那种人神共愤的事,恨不得杀之,而后自绝。 But when he looks for Wei Xilin, actually by this disciple dragging time, brought in Corpse Race and Deity Race's ancient ancestor to block, almost died, nearly half waste. 可是他去找魏西林时,却被这个弟子拖延时间,引来尸族天神族的古祖进行阻击,差点死掉,近乎半废。 My this life was too failed, teaches a domestic animal, my mistake, my hate, only useful own conquering by killing!” “我这一生太失败了,教出一个畜生,我的错,我的恨,唯有用自己的血洗!” Senior, this is not your mistake!” Chu Feng is very shocking, this unexpectedly is the Wei Xilin master, stems from Earth, the recent antiquity becomes Shining Upon Level expert in the chaos universe. “前辈,这不是你的错!”楚风真的很震惊,这居然是魏西林的师傅,也出自地球,近古在混沌宇宙中成为映照级高手 You go back!” Face whiten man tears space directly, throws Chu Feng, said: Living, you and Little Yellow must try hard to go on living, have you to hope!” “你回去!”脸色苍白的男子直接撕裂空间,将楚风扔进去,道:“活着,你与小黄都要努力活下去,有你们在就是希望!” He warned severely, letting Chu Feng cannot turn head again! 他严厉警告,让楚风不许再回头! The Chu Feng eye turns sour, his knows cannot change not anything, is incapable of intervening this place all, only seriously dispatches green skin bottle gourd, with soul light rapid sound transmission, told him this bottle gourd all. 楚风眼睛发酸,他知道改变不了不什么,也无力干预此地的一切,只将青皮葫芦郑重递出,用魂光迅速传音,告诉他这个葫芦的一切。 Good!” This face whiten man received green skin bottle gourd, grasps firmly firmly. “好!”这个脸色苍白的男子接过青皮葫芦,牢牢攥住。 He turns around resolutely, said: Hopes that I can draw in many people to start off together, I want to extinguish them really very much!” 他毅然转身,道:“希望我可以拉上很多人一起上路,我真的很想全灭他们啊!” This face whiten man is coughing, mouth blood, bringing green skin bottle gourd to clash, he must seek for most appropriate opportunity to destroy indiscriminately. 这个脸色苍白的男子咳嗽着,嘴边血液点点,带着青皮葫芦冲了出去,他要寻找最合适的时机玉石俱焚
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