SR :: Volume #10

#929: The blood dyes the starry sky

Immeasurable era, the Gods ash flies, only my other shore Lord!” The other shore flower slaughters intensely, simultaneously was yelling, said: I hope that fifth kills is a dog head!” “无量纪元,诸神灰飞,唯我彼岸主!”彼岸花激烈厮杀,同时在大叫,道:“我希望第五杀是个狗头!” He disturbs old Heavenly Dog with Wu Xing Kun great war, often the lasing leaves several blue spooky leaves, separates the universe, in view of old Heavenly Dog. 他干扰同吴兴坤大战的老天狗,不时激射出几片蓝幽幽的叶子,割裂宇宙,针对老天狗 In fact, his oneself is not quite relaxed. 事实上,他自身相当不轻松。 Void, the blue leaf blade is on the wane, in that leader may shear the universe under terrifying Blade Qi, the other shore is colored the tendrils to be cut off, the blue liquid sprinkles. 虚空中,蓝色叶片凋零,在那个头领可割宇宙的恐怖刀气下,彼岸花许多枝蔓都断掉,蓝色液体洒落。 The universe edge, the situation is critical. 宇宙边缘,情况非常危急。 The kui cow shouts, thunder waterfall, with black crow dogfight, but this only came from World of the Living's ferocious bird too fearsome, black feather together open up, black light rises suddenly, prevents the thunder, but every time has delimited the midair, will leave behind some fearful wounds on the kui cow, the blood light emerges. 夔牛嘶吼,雷霆瀑布,跟黑乌鸦缠斗,但是这只来自阳间的凶禽太可怖,黑色羽毛齐张,乌光暴涨,阻挡雷霆,而每一次划过半空,都会在夔牛身上留下一些可怕的伤口,血光涌现。 heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun is very strong, is old Heavenly Dog is also fearful, two people needle-tip to the wheat awn, kills intensified. 天刀吴兴坤很强,可是老天狗也非常可怕,两人针尖对麦芒,杀到白热化 Roar!” “吼!” Old Heavenly Dog shouts, a pale golden body person high, such is standing erect, with human take action, a pair of big claw collides with heavenly blade continually, sparks fly in all directions, the energy of overflow shakes fine powder nearby asteroid. 天狗嘶吼,淡金色的身体一人多高,就这么直立着,跟人类般出手,一双大爪子跟天刀持续碰撞,火星四溅,溢出的能量将附近的小行星都震成齑粉 ! 噗! Its whole body golden light is radiant, is similar to evil Divinity from dark Abyss, after a claw standard keeps off heavenly blade, leaves behind several fearsome scars in Wu Xing Kun's shoulder, the blood drippings, nearly separates the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun's neck, the blood scatters. 它周身金光璀璨,如同来自黑暗深渊的邪恶神祇,一爪子格挡出去天刀后,在吴兴坤的肩头留下几道可怖的伤痕,鲜血淋淋,险些割裂天刀吴兴坤的脖子,血液四溅。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Blade Qi soars to the heavens, white, is similar to a piece of star is burning down, condenses in together, changes to the eternal light, goes toward the old Heavenly Dog lasing. 刀气冲霄,白茫茫,如同一片恒星在焚烧,凝聚在一起,化作永恒之光,向着老天狗激射而去。 ! 噗! Finally, fearful blade light cuts old Heavenly Dog together once more, almost cuts off its foreleg, but void covers entirely the fissure. 终于,一道可怕的刀光再次斩中老天狗,几乎将它的一条前肢斩断下来,而虚空更是布满裂痕。 Two people kill to be jealous, the fierce struggle continues, is going all out. 两人杀到眼红,激斗不止,都在拼命。 Old Heavenly Dog has Death Substituting Talisman, this type of card in a hand increases too many odds of success imperceptibly, making it be proud to have the energy, this place atmosphere depressing suffocating. 只是老天狗替死符,这种底牌无形中增加太多的胜算,让它自负而有底气,此地气氛压抑的让人窒息。 woof!” The dog's bark is shocking, the trim starry sky is dark, Heavenly Dog swallows the universe, it is displaying fearful big divine ability, a big mouth swallows all. “汪!”犬吠震天,整片星空都黑暗下来,天狗吞乾坤,它在施展可怕的大神通,一张血盆大口吞噬一切。 Instant, gloomy, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, divine ability is shocking, old Heavenly Dog uses strongly the assigns divine technique, must swallow heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun exactly. 刹那,天昏地暗,伸手不见五指,神通惊世,老天狗动用最强的本命神术,要活吞天刀吴兴坤。 Old blade!” The other shore flower yelled. “老刀!”彼岸花大叫。 That leader sneers, grasps three sharp double-edged swords to block his way, goes all out to attack, does not make him rescue. 那个头领冷笑,手持三尖两刃刀挡住他的去路,拼命进攻,不让他救援。 Another side, kui cow cried loud and long, went crazy thoroughly, arrives at today with heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun together, shared life and death, its whole body was the thunder, each inch flesh bathing lightning, the body was bringing Primal Chaos Qi, must save heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun. 另一边,夔牛长啸,彻底发狂了,跟天刀吴兴坤一起走到今天,生死与共,它浑身都是雷霆,每一寸肌肤都沐浴闪电,身体带着混沌气,要去救天刀吴兴坤。 gua!” The black crow yelled, the ruby eye sends out the fearsome ray, kills unceasingly, blocks the road ahead of kui cow. “呱!”黑乌鸦大叫,红宝石般的眼睛发出可怖的光芒,不断扑杀,阻断夔牛的前路。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The lightning interweaves, in the kui cow goes crazy in going all out attack, the black crow hit black feather is on the wane, void dances in the air in the universe, is bringing the electric arc, very dazzling. 闪电交织,在夔牛发疯般的拼命进攻中,黑乌鸦被打的黑色羽毛凋零,在宇宙虚空中飞舞,带着电弧,非常刺目。 Haha......” the old Heavenly Dog laughter is very big, void thundering that shakes, and crack comes, it swallowed Wu Xing Kun, the corners of the mouth was also bringing the blood. “哈哈……”老天狗笑声很大,震的虚空轰鸣,并龟裂开来,它吞掉了吴兴坤,嘴角还带着血。 Has Wu Xing Kun, there are it. 有吴兴坤的,也有它自己的。 Wu!” The kui cow angrily roars. “吴!”夔牛怒吼。 “Chi!” “哧!” Suddenly, blazing blade light tearing darkness, cuts to break this starry skies, sends out from the body of old Heavenly Dog, its smiling face solidifies, the Heavenly Dog body is split up rapidly. 突然,炽烈的刀光撕裂黑暗,斩破这片星空,从老天狗的身体中发出,它的笑容凝固,天狗身迅速四分五裂。 Finally, bang, old Heavenly Dog has disintegrated, but heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun has killed, in hand bright as snow long blade, if the daylight is radiant, the shining universe is void. 最后,砰的一声,老天狗解体了,而天刀吴兴坤杀了出来,手中雪亮的长刀若天日般璀璨,照耀宇宙虚空。 heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun staggers, the whole body is the blood, without a doubt, by that divine technique suppression, was pouched old Heavenly Dog in abdomen the world, is fearful suffering, changed a person possibly at the scene becomes bloody mud by the crush. 天刀吴兴坤踉跄,满身是血,毫无疑问,被那种神术压制,被吞进老天狗的“腹中世界”,是一种可怕的折磨,换一个人可能当场就被碾压成血泥了。 His whole body wound, some place deep obvious bones. 他满身伤口,有的地方都深可见骨。 chī chī chī...... 哧哧哧…… He brandishes a sword unceasingly, does not stay, kills toward the body that old Heavenly Dog breaks to pieces, wants to kill his one time, discards Death Substituting Talisman of its within the body. 他不断挥刀,一刻也不停留,向着老天狗碎掉的身体杀去,想多杀他一次,废掉它体内的替死符 Roar! 吼! But, Death Substituting Talisman is too unusual, stems from the hand of some Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate lineage/vein Divine King, suddenly, lets the remnant body and blood of old Heavenly Dog gathers together, it by the divine light package, the external force could not be hit, then it once more recovers! 可是,替死符太超凡,出自太武天尊一脉某位神王之手,瞬息间,让老天狗的残体与血液重新聚在一起,它被神光包裹,外力打不进去,而后它再次复原! Kills my one time, you thought that has the sense of achievement very much? I am intentionally so, can swallow you to be better, swallows you also to make you remove half life, how I look at your then strength enemy and ourselves!” Old Heavenly Dog shows the gloomy and cold smiling face, pair of pupil no longer great changes, but is profound and fearful. “又杀我一次,你觉得很有成就感吗?我是故意如此,能吞掉你更好,吞不掉你也让你去掉半条命,我看你接下来如何力敌我!”老天狗露出阴冷的笑容,一双眸子不再沧桑,而是深邃与可怕。 The situation is critical, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun has the declining tendency, kills old Heavenly Dog continually two, is opposite party bursting with energy resurrecting, restores in peak condition, making him have no alternative. 情况危急,天刀吴兴坤出现颓势,连杀老天狗两次,可是对方又都生龙活虎的复活,恢复到巅峰状态,让他无可奈何。 In this piece of universe, he arrives at this is extremely the summit, does not have to become God eventually, but old Heavenly Dog also in this progression, and body that Yang Qi nourishes is tenacious and formidable, is very difficult to kill. 在这片宇宙,他走到这一步已经是极巅,终究是没成神,而老天狗也在这个级数,且阳气滋养的躯体坚韧而强大,很难杀死。 Now is in inverse proportion, Wu Xing Kun even more strenuous. 现在此消彼长,吴兴坤越发的吃力。 Another side, kui cow also falls into dangerous situation, even if the thunder erupts trillion wisps, but could not kill the old crow, but wounded the opposite party several times. 另一边,夔牛也陷入险境中,哪怕雷霆爆发亿万缕,但也杀不了老乌鸦,只是数次击伤对方而已。 But, its wound is heavier. 可是,它自己的伤更重。 But other shore flower situation is not wonderful, besides coping with that leader, but also needs to guard against the surrounding Shining Upon Level powerhouse, these people killed him several times. 而彼岸花情况也非常不妙,除了对付那头领外,还需要防备周围的映照级强者,那些人数次袭杀他。 At this time, the juice scatters, blue leaf blade dances in the air, withers and falls unceasingly, he is wounded heavily. 此时,汁液四溅,蓝色叶片飞舞,不断凋落,他负伤不轻。 The situation is serious, the World of the Living's strength is desperate. 情况非常严重,阳间的战力让人绝望。 Kills!” “杀!” At this time, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun angrily roared, tall and strong body eruption dazzling rune, the whole person turned into a blade, with own bright as snow long blade fused in together, the scene was fearful. 这时,天刀吴兴坤怒吼,魁梧的身躯爆发刺目的符文,整个人都化成了一口刀,跟自身的雪亮长刀融合在一起,景象可怕。 He is similar to the snow white bolt of white silk, inscribes complicated abstruse rune, excessively is vertically and horizontally void, almost cuts in two at the waist old Heavenly Dog, leaves behind the fearsome wound, the dog blood scatters together. 他如同雪白的匹练,铭刻着繁复深奥的符文,纵横过虚空,差点将老天狗腰斩,留下一道可怖的伤口,狗血四溅。 heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun with the body blade, the vertical day, kills to other shore flower there, in view of other Shining Upon Level powerhouse take action, is breaks through for the other shore flower. 天刀吴兴坤以身化刀,纵天而起,杀向彼岸花那里,针对其他映照级强者出手了,也算是为彼岸花解围。 ! 噗! One of them was passed through by heavenly blade directly, then blasts out, destroy both body and soul. 其中一人直接被天刀贯穿而过,而后炸开,形神俱灭 Chī! 哧! Another person prevents, finally was divided the weapon by heavenly blade, and that person was also stood chops for two halves, soul light was also cut to kill, died thoroughly. 另一人阻挡,结果被天刀劈断兵器,并且那个人也被立劈为两半,魂光也被斩杀,彻底死去。 xiū! 咻! The third person was also passed through the body by heavenly blade, but at this time heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun was also hard maintains the shape of cutter body, obviously melted True Body to come, the big mouth respite, the face whiten like the snow, raised the hand of blade lightly to tremble, this consumption was without a doubt big. 第三人也被天刀贯穿身体,而此时天刀吴兴坤也难以保持刀体的形状了,显化出真身来,大口喘息,脸色苍白如雪,提刀的手都在轻颤,毫无疑问这种消耗非常大。 He behind that was passed through Shining Upon Level expert of body, although is angry and unwilling, but has disintegrated finally, was kept Blade Qi of his within the body to disintegrate, cuts completely soul light! 他身后那个被贯穿身体的映照级高手,尽管愤怒与不甘,但最终还是解体了,被留在他体内的刀气瓦解,斩尽魂光 The dog's bark is shocking, the old Heavenly Dog anger extremely, has chased down. 犬吠震天,老天狗怒极,追杀了过来。 Meanwhile spends the great war leader to be also angry with the black crow as well as with the other shore, closes up to here together, the violent rush, wants to seize the chance to kill heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun. 同时跟黑乌鸦以及跟彼岸花大战的头领也愤怒,一起向这边靠拢,猛烈冲杀,想趁机干掉天刀吴兴坤。 The kui cow shouts, the other shore flower goes crazy, fights with all might with them. 夔牛嘶吼,彼岸花发疯,跟他们拼杀。 This stretch of region is fearful, murderous aura is dreadful, the chaos are vibrating. 这片地带非常可怕,杀气滔天,混沌都在抖动。 A World of the Dead universe silence, atmosphere is very depressing. 阴间宇宙一片寂静,气氛无比压抑。 People knows, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun and other shore flower prospect is not mostly wonderful, after all the opposite party three big main forces have Death Substituting Talisman, they are unceasingly are consuming own source, is wounded unceasingly, will be getting more and more feeble. 人们知道,天刀吴兴坤与彼岸花多半前景不妙,毕竟对方的三大主力都有替死符,他们则是在不断消耗自身的本源,不断负伤,会越来越衰弱。 Suddenly, the people feel the heart to be heavy, cannot see the hope simply. 一时间,人们都感觉心头沉重,简直看不到希望。 ! 噗! Really, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun almost pulled out the heart by a pale golden big claw, the chest was cut, breastbone being cut off several, the whole person horizontally flies. 果然,天刀吴兴坤被一只淡金色的大爪子差点掏出心脏来,胸膛被划开,胸骨都断掉数根,整个人横飞出去。 His situation is not wonderful, the fight of this progression, was life and death preying, the consumption is too big. 他情况不妙,这个级数的战斗,都是生死搏杀,消耗太大了。 Another side, kui cow was once is torn one time by the black crow, the blood splashing starry sky, if not heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun rescued at risk of life, soul light of kui cow was extinguished kills. 另一边,夔牛更是曾被黑乌鸦撕裂过一次,血溅星空,若非天刀吴兴坤拼死救援,夔牛的魂光就被灭杀了。 "Ah...... ” other shore flower angrily roars, when with that leader pesters the fierce struggle, by several Shining Upon Level Evolver is killed, the body is seriously battered, the root hair broke much. “啊……”彼岸花怒吼,跟那个头领纠缠激斗时,被几名映照级进化者袭杀,身体遭受重创,根须断了不少。 The situation is critical, a person will ride also other shore flower soon to be rumbled to kill! 情况危急,一人一骑还一株彼岸花即将被轰杀! Also who can save them?!” “还有谁能救他们?!” In Star Sea, the hearts of some people mentioned the throat, worried, the sincerity does not hope they were defeated dead. 星海中,一些人的心都提到嗓子眼,太担忧,真心不希望他们落败而死去。 World of the Dead is inferior to World of the Living, comes some people, must destroy completely our highest strength, is really grieved and desperate!” 阴间真的远不如阳间吗,就过来一些人而已,就要灭掉我们这里的最高战力,真的让人心痛与绝望啊!” In the universe, some famous elders sigh deeply, are leading sad intent. 宇宙中,一些名宿长叹,带着悲意。 They rush to the sky, wants to help, but dejected halts finally, has gotten hold of the fist, their people of this progression simply do not have the qualifications to appear there, an insufficiently old Heavenly Dog claw suppresses, bumps into must explode broken. 他们都冲上天空,想要去帮忙,但最后又颓然止步,握紧了拳头,他们这个级数的人根本没有资格出现在那里,都不够老天狗一根爪子压制的,碰到就要爆碎。 Bang!” “砰!” The universe edge, the other shore flower disintegration, turns into the large expanse of blue light rain, that is his blood! 宇宙边缘,彼岸花解体,化成成片的蓝色光雨,那是他的血! However he has not died, Rebirth from a drop of Blood, fast condenses True Body, but the aura is obviously feeble, did not accommodate greatly formerly. 不过他没有死,滴血重生,飞快地凝聚出真身,但是气息明显衰弱,大不容从前了。 „The other shore young prince, you are not good, hehe, your World of the Dead does not have splendid enough formidable Evolver, how many coming to kill how many, but also do some people come?” That leader shouts with a smile. “彼岸小王爷,你还是不行啊,呵呵,你们阴间就没有足够出色让人敬畏的进化者,来多少杀多少,还有人来吗?”那个头领笑着喊道。 "hē hē, come, who dares to come again? Dares to appear, cuts to kill a cleanness! ” Old Heavenly Dog also laughs, the scarlet big mouth, the snow white fang reveals, look very gloomy and cold, making it appear very fierce. “呵呵,来啊,谁再敢来?敢出现,都斩杀个干净!”老天狗也哈哈大笑,猩红的血盆大口,雪白獠牙露出,眼神很阴冷,让它显得十分狰狞。 gua, dares to come to dare to kill a cleanness!” Black crow also cold sound said, scarlet eye twinkle cold light. “呱,敢来就敢杀个干净!”黑乌鸦也寒声道,赤红的眼睛闪烁冷光。 They depend on Death Substituting Talisman, is sporty, but Wu Xing Kun, the kui cow and other shore flower even more are feeble, momentarily will be killed. 他们倚仗替死符,底气十足,而吴兴坤、夔牛、彼岸花却越发衰弱,随时会被杀死。 Hateful, who can kill them?!” In the starry sky, many person indignation, some warm-blooded youth were not yelling particularly. “可恶,谁能杀他们?!”星空中,许多人不忿,尤其是一些热血青年都在大叫。 Universe, in some starry skies, on not famous life planet. 宇宙,某一片星空中,一颗不出名的生命星球上。 In mountain scene lineage/vein, there are several hunting households. 片山脉中,有几家猎户。 In a big blue stone, an old man sits cross-legged there, inspires unceasingly, he is very thin and small, the body is also very withered, but actually unceasingly swallows the mysterious light beam that condenses to come from void. 一块大青石上,一个老者盘坐在那里,不断吸气,他很瘦小,身体也很干瘪,但是却不断吞咽从虚空中凝聚而来的神秘光束。 Grandfather, how were you?” Side, an attractive young boy was inquiring. “爷爷,你这是怎么了?”旁边,一个漂亮的小男孩在询问。 Grandfather was old, did not have any strength, was going all out to absorb some universe Concise Essence, hopes that the time, must fight the unprincipled person with enough time.” Old man opens the mouth. “爷爷老了,没什么力气了,在拼命吸收一些宇宙精粹,希望时间来得及啊,要去斗坏人。”老者开口。 At this time, spilled into the light beam in his body more. 这时,涌进他身体中的光束更多了。 Nearby person not thinks, but if stands the outer space certainly to be startled outside, because discovered that the energy in the rapid sharp decline, on some mountain scene lineage/vein toward this planet gathers, the rich energy turns into one after another tiny light beam. 附近的人无觉,可若是站在外太空一定会吃惊,因为发现能量在迅速锐减,朝着这颗星球上的某一片山脉聚去,浓郁的能量化成一道又一道细小的光束。 Grandfather, you are quite strange today, how to be different from the past?” The attractive young boy 3-4 year, brings puzzled to ask with the doubt. “爷爷,你今天好怪,怎么跟以往不一样?”漂亮的小男孩不过三四岁,带着不解与狐疑问道。 Grandfather was old, immediately must leave, later should not come back again, your sister and brother must listen to parents' words from now on.” Old person swallows the light beam, while touches his head, spoils completely. “爷爷老了,马上就要离开了,以后应该再也回不来了,你们姐弟今后要多听父母的话。”老人一边吞咽光束,一边摸了摸他的头,满是溺爱。 Grandfather, you were saying anything, your is healthy, but can also live several hundred years old!” A white clothing young girl walks, the big eye is pure, reveals the worried look, she perceived, squats, supports the arm of old man. “爷爷,你在说什么,你身体硬朗,还可以活几百岁!”一个白衣少女走来,大眼纯净,露出忧色,她有所觉察,蹲下来,扶住老者的手臂。 The old men also spoil touches her head, said: Person life, is only Reincarnation, 70 years old and 100 years old, with long live anything not to distinguish, this experience experienced, this experience have experienced, the good and bad in life, in the taste, looks forward to with depressed, hopes with desperately, has tasted, did not have anything unable to put down, my this stood the end point, this departed calmly. You are the good children, later live is more joyful.” 老者也溺爱的摸了摸她的头,道:“人这一生,只是个轮回,70岁和100岁,和一万岁没什么区别,该经历的都经历了,该体验的都体验了,酸甜苦辣,个中滋味,憧憬与苦闷,希望与绝望,都品尝过了,就没什么放不下了,我这一站到终点了,该从容离去。你们都是好孩子,以后活的快乐一些。” Chī! 哧! His withered body sends out the glimmer, is gradually bright, was lit likely. 他干瘪的身体发出微光,渐渐明亮,像是被点燃了。 Good child, you must going on living well, the hope be able the growth of without cause for grief.” “好孩子,你们都要好好的活下去,希望可以无忧的成长起来。” Suddenly, the old person disappeared, said that those words turn into the light beam that soars to the heavens together, tears the universe, charges into the universe edge. 突然,老人消失了,说完那句话就化成一道冲天的光束,撕裂宇宙,冲向宇宙边缘。 At this time, a hunter couple came back, discards the prey in hand, sent to dash about wildly fully here, their strengths were very actually strong, but actually could not compare the old man. 这时,一对猎人夫妇回来,扔掉手中的猎物,发足狂奔到这里,他们的实力其实都很强,但是却远比不上老者。 They since childhood were the orphans who the old man adopted, was directed to practice to grow up, but has not seen old person take action, finally this time, they saw, but also was only final send-off. 他们自幼就是老者收养的孤儿,被指点修行长大,但从来没有见过老人出手,最后这一次,他们看到了,但也只是最后的送别。 „Did father, mother, where the grandfather go to?” The young boy asked naively. “父亲,母亲,爷爷去哪里了?”小男孩天真地问道。 Grandfather walked!” In the hunting household couple eyes with tears, told two children like this, because of their knows, this life should unable to see the old person to come back again. “爷爷走了!”猎户夫妇眼中含泪,这样告诉两个孩子,因为他们知道,这一生应该再也见不到老人回来了。 They have the premonition, this is parts forever. 他们有预感,这是永别。 Universe another place, silent starry skies. 宇宙另一地,一片寂静的星空。 On dry lonesome planet, a middle-aged man is coughing, the face whiten, said: „Can my sickness tuberculosis ghost also shine to give off heat? The strength is insufficient, can only by the blood splashing starry sky, hope that my death, can draw in a same level person, goes!” 一颗枯寂的星球上,一个中年男子在咳嗽,脸色苍白,道:“我一个病痨鬼也要发光发热了吗?战力不足啊,只能以血溅星空,希望我的死,能拉上一个同级的人,去也!” Chī! 哧! He turned into a ray of light also to disappear, charged into the universe edge. 他化成一道光也消失了,冲向宇宙边缘。 At this moment, several people start off, the World of the Dead universe final Shining Upon Level powerhouse is uneven, knows perfectly well to die, kills to universe edge there! 这一刻,又有数人上路,阴间宇宙最后的映照级强者齐出,明知必死,也杀向宇宙边缘那里! Lunar New Year's Day, happy new year, good luck, transports greatly, various types happy pester you happily, Happy Spring Festival! 大年初一,给大家拜个年,好运,大运,各种开心愉快纠缠你们,春节快乐! Moreover, said to renew, will not break, but for these days every day one, during the new year's celebration, I also seize the chance under the rest adjustment, accompanies the family member. Thanks everybody's support. 另外,说下更新,不会断更,但是这几天每天就一更吧,过年期间我也趁机休息调整下,陪下家人。谢谢大家的支持。
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