SR :: Volume #10

#928: Cuts the World of the Living dog head

old horse lame a leg, but the movement fast, in the shuttle starry sky, extremely fast catches up to the universe edge. 一头老马瘸了一条腿,但是动作飞快,穿梭星空中,极速赶向宇宙边缘。 Moreover its condition fast is having the change, does not have the gloss mixed wool to fall off gloomily completely, reveals the capable body, changed including the shape. 而且它的状态在飞快发生改变,一身暗淡没有光泽的杂毛全部脱落,露出精壮的身体,连形态都变了。 This is not a horse, but is kui! 这不是一匹马,而是一头夔! It as if the cow, the dark green body does not have the corner/horn, at this time exudes the roar, the thunder spout, cuts the dark universe, becomes blazing dazzling incomparable. 它状如牛,苍身而无角,此时发出吼声,雷霆喷涌,划破黑暗的宇宙,变得炽烈刺目无比。 This is ferocious beast, overawed the ancient times, rare. 这是一头凶兽,威震古代,举世罕见。 Moreover, normal kui cow only then a leg, but this evolves three, is the fourth leg also grows one section, the phenomenon is extraordinary! 而且,正常的夔牛只有一条腿,而这一头进化出三条,就是第四条腿都也都长出一截,异象非凡! If four feet become, it is Divine Beast, moreover is itself to evolve successful beginning generation of Divine Beast! 四足若成,它便是神兽,而且属于自己进化成功的初代神兽 The same time, that on the kui cow at the back of the old person of hatchet is also having the astonishing change, appearance tall and strong, becomes a guy. 同时间,在夔牛身上那个背着柴刀的老人也在发生着惊人的变化,体貌魁梧起来,成为一个大汉。 His appearance is rough, the appearance is somewhat ugly, but is difficult to cover the supernatural might spirit of that soaring to the heavens, the back rusty stain stained firewood blade light magnificent rises suddenly, the rust falls off completely, turns into a bright as snow long blade! 他长相粗犷,面貌有些丑,但是却难掩那种冲天的神武气概,背后锈迹斑斑的柴刀光华暴涨,铁锈全部脱落,化成一口雪亮的长刀! More...... tuo Buddha!” “弥……陀佛!” Buddha Race was paying attention to the ancient times Saint heart of universe edge to shock, a face fantasy appearance, this was that person of past years, unexpectedly was also living! 佛族正在关注宇宙边缘的一位远古圣者心中震撼,一脸活见鬼的样子,这是当年的那个人,居然还活着! heavenly blade, he does not have died during meditation unexpectedly, rides his kui cow born once more!” Dao Race's ancient times Saint also shocked, the words slightly had the vibrato. 天刀,他居然没有坐化,骑着他的夔牛再次出世!”道族的一个远古圣人也震惊,话语都略微带颤音。 In age that their this ancient times Saint just became famous, in that magnificent ancient times time, this was honored as heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun already the Shining Upon All Heavens long years, was to the utmost brilliant, leaves behind too many magnificence, overawed the entire world. 在他们这种远古圣人刚成名的年代,在那辉煌的远古时期,这位被尊为天刀的吴兴坤已经映照诸天漫长岁月,极尽绚烂,留下太多的辉煌,威震寰宇。 At that time, the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun life essence not many, soon died during meditation, finally will ride is accompanying his lifetime kui cow alone to start off, looks to bury the bone place, a person was humming own burying song, quite unique. 那时,天刀吴兴坤寿元无多,即将坐化,最后骑着陪伴他一生的夔牛独自上路,去找埋骨地,一个人哼唱着自己的葬歌,相当的超脱。 Who can think, he appears after these many years unexpectedly, has not died, lives as world, carries the blade born once more! 谁能想到,时隔这么多年他居然又出现,还没有死,依旧活在个世间,再次背刀出世! heavenly blade cuts the sentiment, he is for a lifetime wretched not depends on, the lover accident/surprise of friends from childhood dies under his heavenly blade, he has not married his entire life, in the first ten big beautiful women some people including initially the starry sky was deeply in love in him is turned down, melts the sentiment entire life in the blade, had too many topics about him in the past, has too many legends, was this person damn went, life essence already completely, unexpectedly appeared!” 天刀斩情,他一辈子孤苦无依,青梅竹马的恋人意外死在他自己的天刀下,他一生都未娶,连当初星空中前十大丽人中有人钟情于他都被婉拒,一生融情于刀中,关于他当年有太多的话题,有太多的传说,就是这个人原本该死去了,寿元早已尽,居然又出现!” The people are excited, that person rode vanishes. 人们才激动,那一人一骑就消失了。 heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun is too terrifying, in hand the bright as snow long blade cuts suddenly, breaks out the universe, this appearance somewhat ugly overwhelming power guy breaks out the universe directly, the horse treads void, goes from in same place vertical day, rushes to the universe edge. 天刀吴兴坤太恐怖,手中雪亮的长刀猛然一斩,劈开宇宙,这位容貌有些丑的威猛大汉直接劈开宇宙,马踏虚空,从原地纵天而去,赶赴宇宙边缘。 Beyond the chaos, great war is intense, a steamship that such flash, the World of the Living universe comes was covered then the other shore flower, he strikes to kill two people. 混沌外,大战非常激烈,就这么一瞬间,阳间宇宙过来的一艘大船被就彼岸花覆盖,他击杀两人。 This is Shining Upon Level Evolver, is also mediocre in World of the Dead highest achievement. 这可是映照级进化者,在阴间最高成就者也不过如此。 But now a person of corpse separates, a person was pierced by Order Divine Chain comprehensively, thorough death. 可是现在一人尸首分离,一人被秩序神链全面刺穿,彻底死亡。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The other shore spends one to bellow, bang, the plant body covers the entire steamship, causes the it total disassembly. 彼岸花一声大吼,轰的一声,植物躯体覆盖整艘大船,使之彻底解体。 On this ship the last Shining Upon Level powerhouse was also restrained the neck by his root hair, was pierced fleshly body by his tendrils, rapid withered. 这艘船上最后一位映照级的强者也被他的根须勒住脖子,被他的枝蔓洞穿肉身,迅速干瘪。 Rapidness that too all these have, others want to rescue without enough time. 所有这一切发生的太快,别人想救援都来不及。 Old Heavenly Dog angrily rebukes, the dog's bark acoustic shock disperses nearby chaos, makes void is ruptured leaves the innumerable black cracks, its blood energy is dreadful. 天狗一声怒斥,犬吠声震散附近的混沌,让虚空更是崩开出无数的黑色的裂缝,它血气滔天。 This occasion, it, although is aged, the exuberant vitality that but sends out is more fearful than many mature powerhouses, the, the bloodshed rushes, is its body dissipates, submerges the World of the Dead universe edge. 此际,它虽然老迈,但是散发出的旺盛生机比许多壮年强者还可怕,附近,血海澎湃,都是它的身体逸散出来的,淹没阴间宇宙边缘。 Its body becomes very fearsome, opens the big mouth, looks at several feet, but actually pouches the mouth nearby planet. 它的身体变得很可怖,张开血盆大口,看着不过几丈长,但是却将附近的行星都生生吞进嘴里。 Dharma Idol swallows planet! 法相吞噬星球 It not only reveals the fierce and snow white fang to the other shore flower, swallows forward, but also wields cold light to sparkle, the incomparably fearful and sharp big claw, strikes forward. 它不仅对彼岸花露出狰狞而雪白的獠牙,向前吞去,而且挥动出一只寒光闪闪、无比可怕与锋锐的大爪子,向前拍击。 Void blasting open! 虚空炸裂! Let alone other shore flower near, is he behind some celestial body of distant place is been broken by exploding of this fearful energy impact, disintegrates one after another. 别说彼岸花近前,就是他身后远处的一些星体被这股可怕的能量冲击的爆碎,一颗接着一颗解体。 Nearby, various other shore flower incarnation cuns (2.5 cm) breaks, turn into the powder, his True Body naturally was discovered that old Heavenly Dog has locked him! 附近,彼岸花各种化身都寸寸断裂,化成粉末,他的真身自然被发现,老天狗锁定了他! The other shore flower wants to avoid its point, fully realizes this old Heavenly Dog terrifying. 彼岸花想避开它的锋芒,深知这只老天狗的恐怖。 However that is only big claw too to terrify person, covers the dark green space, has covered him, becomes side small universe, space Order interweaves, makes noise sonorously. 但是那只大爪子太瘆人,覆盖苍宇,已经将他笼罩,自成一方小乾坤,空间秩序交织,铿锵作响。 “Chi!” “哧!” At this moment, splits void, dazzling cold light appears, the blade glow as if has cut together eternal of universe, illuminates the world. 就在这时,虚空裂开,一道耀眼的寒光出现,一道刀芒仿佛划破了宇宙的永恒,照亮人间。 Accompanies the blood light to flash before, old Heavenly Dog exudes one stuffily, the body shivers, a big claw cut off by heavenly blade, the blood scatters in the starry sky. 伴着血光闪现,老天狗发出一声闷哼,身躯颤抖,一只大爪子被天刀生生斩断,血液四溅在星空中。 This blade is too overbearing, destroys the hardest defenses, formidable such as old Heavenly Dog, is known as Half-God, accumulates the innumerable years, magical skill high scary, once very relaxed slaughter fell some Shining Upon Level powerhouses. 这一刀太霸道,无坚不摧,强大如老天狗,号称半神,积累无数岁月,道行高的吓死人,曾很轻松的屠掉一些映照级强者。 But now, was actually divided the right foreleg a blade, this makes it hate greatly, simultaneously a flurry, it feels the severe pain to be incomparable, the blood unceasingly spout. 可是现在,却被人一刀劈掉右前肢,这让它大恨,同时一阵慌乱,它感觉剧痛无比,鲜血不断喷涌。 Roar!” “吼!” Its bellows, vibrates this piece of universe, the big mouth opens, wants to swallow heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun, Heavenly Dog swallows the moon/month is the folklore, genuine clan powerhouses can swallow the starry sky! 它一声大吼,震动这片宇宙,血盆大口张开,想将天刀吴兴坤吞进去,天狗吞月是民间传说,真正的该族强者是能够吞星空的! ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” At this time, overwhelming power kui good whole body fur that Wu Xing Kun sat down was bright as snow, sends out the dazzling electric light, particularly its three legs, held its thunder power and influence in in addition. 这时,吴兴坤坐下的威猛夔牛周身皮毛雪亮,发出刺目的的电光,尤其是它有三条腿,在加持其雷霆威势。 Of bang, kui cow opens mouth, the thunder of blowout is bringing faint trace dense Immortal Vapours, rumbles in that big mouth. 轰的一声,夔牛张嘴,喷出的雷霆带着丝丝氤氲仙雾,轰进那血盆大口中。 ! 噗! Old Heavenly Dog called out pitifully, the latter nape of the neck was penetrated, flushed the lightning that to be too formidable from the mouth, burned black that its big mouth hit, the blood scatters, but also passed through it. 天狗惨叫,后脖颈都被击穿了,从嘴里冲进去的闪电太强大,将它的血盆大口打的焦黑,血液四溅,还将它贯穿。 If not the powerhouse drop of blood of this progression can come back to life, its this time was absolutely dangerous. 若非这个级数的强者一滴血就可以复生,它这次绝对危险了。 However, it also therefore falls into passively, in the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun hand the bright as snow long blade was too quick, reappears in the past his vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered universe invincible blade potential. 不过,它也因此而陷入被动,天刀吴兴坤手中雪亮的长刀太快,再现当年他纵横宇宙无敌的刀势。 ! 噗! Old Heavenly Dog left shoulder shoulder blade there was melted a bloodstain, deep obvious bone. 天狗的的左肩胛骨那里被化开一道血痕,深可见骨。 Chī! 哧! blade light surges, several stay behind the fearsome trace in the old Heavenly Dog chest spot, bloody. 刀光激荡,有几道在老天狗的胸膛部位留下可怖的痕迹,血流如注。 Courts death, I am World of the Living Shining Upon extremely summit Evolver, is known as Half-God, Yin Spirit also dares to flaunt ominously to me!” The old Heavenly Dog anger extremely, it once had said that Cultivator of this piece of universe must result on high Great Realm to be able with World of the Living's creature to fight, finally now some people disregard this principle, such raises the blade to divide it crazily. “找死啊,我是阳间映照极巅的进化者,号称半神,一个阴灵也敢对我逞凶!”老天狗怒极,它曾说过,这片宇宙的修士必须得高上一个大境界才能跟阳间的生灵争锋,结果现在有人无视这一法则,就这么提刀狂劈它。 The old Heavenly Dog imposing manner changed, body becomes the normal person so is long, it stands erect the body, whole body gray-black fur is sending out the pale gold/metal gloss, then the aura rises suddenly, was submerged by the golden light! 天狗气势变了,身体变得不过正常人那么长,它直立着身子,周身灰黑色的皮毛发出淡金光泽,而后气息暴涨,被金光淹没! Kills!” “杀!” It bare-handed collides with heavenly blade, naturally does not dare to bump the blade edge, strokes side the cutter body unceasingly, sparks fly in all directions, the sound is grating, is extremely scary. 它徒手跟天刀碰撞,当然没有敢碰刀锋,不断击打刀体侧面,火星四溅,声音刺耳,极其骇人。 Between its pale golden claw and heavenly blade, dense and numerous is the Order mark winds, is the regular symbols, intense collision, starry sky in crack! 在它的淡金色的爪子与天刀间,密密麻麻都是秩序纹络,都是规则符号,激烈碰撞,星空都在龟裂! Two people get angry the war, the peak showdown. 两人怒战,巅峰对决。 The surrounding World of the Living person has been shocked, old does Heavenly Dog run into the rival in the World of the Dead universe unexpectedly? In their mind, should the crush, sweep away all enemies to be right. 周围的阳间人都惊呆了,老天狗阴间宇宙居然遇到敌手?在他们的心中,理应碾压,横扫一切敌人才对。 As for Star Sea across, various clan troops are in a daze, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun reappears, making various clans be shocked, cannot think, not only does not have died during meditation, but also is so formidable, has blocked World of the Living's big expert. 至于星海各地,各族人马更是发呆,天刀吴兴坤再现,让各族都震惊,想不到不仅没有坐化,还这么强大,挡住了阳间的高手 Other shore flower also once more reveals itself, kills World of the Living Shining Upon Level expert horizontally, makes in the starry sky seethe with excitement simply. 还有彼岸花也再次出世,横杀阳间映照级高手,简直让星空中沸腾。 gua!” “呱!” The black crow eye is red, is similar to gem, projects Scarlet Rosy Cloud, it dived instantaneously the past, must jointly attack heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun with old Heavenly Dog together. 黑乌鸦眼睛赤红,如同宝石,射出赤霞,它瞬间俯冲了过去,要跟老天狗一起合击天刀吴兴坤。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Dozens over a hundred thick lightnings send out from the body of kui cow, complete bang to black crow there. 数十上百道粗大的闪电从夔牛的身上发出,全部轰向黑乌鸦那里。 At the same time, other shore flower, everywhere is the clear flower petal, the blue vine is also densely covered, several turn into divine spear, blue sparkling, the crow in flying shoots towards midair. 同一时间,彼岸花也在动,漫天都是晶莹的花瓣,蓝色藤蔓密布,其中几条化成神矛,蓝莹莹,飞射向半空中的乌鸦。 Bang! 轰! The fierce collision, old crow whole body black feather together open up, spurts to be thin strong black light, twists to extinguish the lightning, and shakes the vine. 剧烈的碰撞,老乌鸦满身黑色羽毛齐张,喷薄出浓烈的乌光,绞灭闪电,并且震开藤蔓。 Other shore flower grows in the World of the Dead universe, has restricted your upper limit, dares to fight me?” Old crow black light rises suddenly, toward the other shore flower blowout large expanse of black flame, then once again charges into heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun there. “彼岸花生长在阴间宇宙,制约了你的上限,也敢跟我动手?”老乌鸦乌光暴涨,向着彼岸花喷出成片黑色的火焰,然后又一次冲向天刀吴兴坤那里。 Silly bird, your other shore grandfather grows in World of the Dead is most suitable, comes with your bird life!” The other shore spends shouts out, his whole body blue light soars to the heavens, the cloudy fog rises suddenly, blocks all black flame, and True Body killing in the past. “傻鸟,你彼岸爷爷生长在阴间才最适合,拿你的鸟命来吧!”彼岸花大喝,他周身蓝光冲霄,阴雾暴涨,将所有的黑色火焰都挡住,并且真身扑杀过去。 Other shore is colored, your father is a fleeing criminal, you are convict's son, must bring to justice, accept your coming fate!” “彼岸花,你父亲是逃犯,你是囚徒之子,也要归案,纳命来吧!” At this time, nine Shining Upon Level expert on other three steamships approached, one of them shouts out, was a middle-aged man, grasped a three sharp double-edged sword, killed directly. 这时,其他三艘大船上的九名映照级高手逼近,其中一人大喝,是一个中年男子,手持一口三尖两刃刀,直接扑杀过来。 Other shore flower heart one cold, this is the leaders in nine Shining Upon Level powerhouses, is powerful, is not weak in Heavenly Dog and black crow, and person in the maturity, blood energy is dreadful, is Human Race expert, such kills, breaks out the universe to be void with the blade edge directly! 彼岸花心头一凛,这是九名映照级强者中的头领,实力非常强大,不弱于老天狗与黑乌鸦,且人在壮年,血气滔天,是一个人族高手,就这么杀过来,直接以刀锋劈开宇宙虚空! The other shore flower bellows, the whole body emits the blue spooky ray suddenly, that is a flame, blends with his oneself in the same place, is very painful regarding plant clan Evolver. 彼岸花大吼,周身突然冒出蓝幽幽的光芒,那是一种火焰,跟他自身交融在一起,对于一株植物族进化者来说很痛苦。 However he indeed fuses successfully, the whole body aura rises suddenly. 但是他的确融合成功,周身气息暴涨。 Adjoins to Yin Bird Race to have planet, on has the Nine Nether restricted area, for one of the universe most fearful regions, this other shore flower has gone in successfully, takes out some Nine Nether Fire Seed!” “毗邻阴雀族有一个星球,上有九幽禁地,为这片宇宙最可怕区域之一,这彼岸花成功进去过,取出部分九幽火种!” Some Dao Race people exclaimed in surprise, their ethnic group Immemorial are old, knows that restricted area secret. 道族有人惊叹,他们的族群太古老,知道那处禁地的秘密。 The other shore spends divine might to rise sharply, with that Shining Upon Level leader great war, life and death preying. 彼岸花神威大涨,跟那映照级头领大战,生死搏杀。 ! 噗! Suddenly, blue vine departs, four teaches a person in young disciple to strike to kill the distant place, was pierced the forehead at the scene, then the whole person blasts out. 突然,一条蓝色的藤蔓飞出,将远处四教年轻弟子中的一人击杀,当场被洞穿眉心,而后整个人炸开。 You! Begins to a junior, is what heroes?!” The World of the Living person berated. “你!对一个小辈动手,算什么英雄好汉?!”阳间人喝斥。 The other shore flower remains unmoved, said: I go to fuck off, my father is the heroes, finally was been cloudy by the World of the Living person, I kill the enemy normally, does your also feeling all right mouthful spew? Come, come, come, your family other shore Sir most likes killing the World of the Living's bastard, including your this old bastards!” 彼岸花不为所动,道:“我去你大爷的,我父亲是英雄好汉,结果被阳间人给阴死了,我正常杀敌,你也好意思满嘴喷粪?来,来,来,你家彼岸大爷最喜欢杀阳间的崽子,包括你们这种老崽子!” Bang! 轰隆! great war is intense, the kui cow shouts, emits thunder light, alone meets head-on the old crow, the roar is deafening. On it has many wounds, deep obvious bone, although is very strong, but receives the World of the Dead equivalent to press after all, has not entered Divine Realm, to World of the Living's this ominous bird at leeward. 大战激烈,夔牛嘶吼,喷吐雷光,独自去迎战老乌鸦,吼声震耳欲聋。它身上有很多伤口,深可见骨,虽然很强,但毕竟受阴间等阶所压,没有进入神境,对上阳间的这只凶鸟处在下风。 Another side, heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun after the kui cow separates alone great war old Heavenly Dog, arrived at intensified. 另一边,天刀吴兴坤跟夔牛分开后独自大战天狗,已经到了白热化 Kill! 杀! blade light like the snowflake, everywhere sweeps across, the boundless light beam illuminates the universe edge, Wu Xing Kun was too formidable, has no qualms the heavenly blade prestige. 刀光如雪片,漫天席卷,茫茫光束照亮宇宙边缘,吴兴坤太强大了,无愧天刀威名。 Old Heavenly Dog is very fearful, wields the big claw each time, is the golden symbol blooms, dense and numerous, it in the stimulation of movement principle, wants suppress and kill heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun. 天狗很可怕,每次挥动大爪子,都是金色符号绽放,密密麻麻,它在催动法则,要镇杀天刀吴兴坤。 In ding-dong the sound, two life dead preying, the energy rushes, blood energy pressed and covered piece of universe! 在当当中声中,两人生死搏杀,能量澎湃,血气压盖这片宇宙! ! 噗! In the end, in the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun hand the bright as snow long blade flashes, , cuts open the neck of old Heavenly Dog, a pale golden dog head flew, blood long class. 到头来,天刀吴兴坤手中雪亮的长刀一闪,噗的一声,将老天狗的脖子剖开,一颗淡金色的狗头飞了出去,血液长流。 The heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun blade cuts Half-God old Heavenly Dog! 天刀吴兴坤刀斩半神天狗 The dog body disintegrates, was twisted broken in endless Blade Qi, turns into blood mist, including that soul light. 狗身瓦解,在无尽刀气中被绞碎,化成血雾,包括那魂光 However, in angry dog's bark sound, old Heavenly Dog reappears, reorganizes True Body, it opens the big mouth, fierce fierce incomparable, said: I have Death Substituting Talisman, blocked this to kill strikes, then this you started off!” 然而,在愤怒的犬吠声中,老天狗再现出来,重组真身,它张开血盆大口,凶猛狰狞无比,道:“我有替死符,挡住了这必杀一击,接下来该你上路了!” Death Substituting Talisman of this progression, that most at least must God Level peak Evolver be able to refine, obviously the World of the Dead universe will not have! 这个级数的替死符,那最起码也都得神级巅峰的进化者才能炼制,显然阴间宇宙不会有! Death Substituting Talisman can rescue your one time, but can also save you twice, three times? I cut your dog head again!” Wu Xing Kun bellows, this tall and strong guy horizontal blade forwards, the look is similar to the blade edge is also sharp, the crazy tyrant is incomparable, the whole person must turn into a blade edge of destroying the hardest defenses! 替死符能救你一次,还能救你两次、三次吗?我再斩你狗头!”吴兴坤大吼,这个魁梧的大汉横刀向前,眼神也如同刀锋般犀利慑人,狂霸无比,整个人都要化成一口无坚不摧的刀锋! Kills!” “杀!” The flash, he brandishes a sword suddenly but actually, , gave behind the airborne black crow to strike, making it plume feather on the wane, the blood sprinkled. 一刹那,他猛然倒挥刀,噗的一声,给了身后空中的黑乌鸦一击,使之翎羽凋零,血液洒落。 The kui cow came across the disaster a moment ago, was nearly torn by the black crow, by a Wu Xing Kun blade solution crisis. 夔牛刚才遇到劫难,险些被黑乌鸦撕裂,被吴兴坤一刀解决危机。 Kills!” “杀!” heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun brandishes a sword once more, toward old Heavenly Dog killing in the past, wants to cut to kill his second! 天刀吴兴坤再次挥刀,向着老天狗扑杀过去,想斩杀他第二回! Lying trough your uncle, is really sore, the new generation other shore king I got angry!” The other shore flower yelled, his section of root hair has been short of a tiny part, was divided with three sharp double-edged swords by the opposite that leader, his whole body blue color flame soars to the heavens, rushes, making the chaos in distant place surge. “卧槽你二大爷的,真疼啊,新一代彼岸王我怒了!”彼岸花大叫,他一截根须少了一小段,被对面那个头领用三尖两刃刀劈断,他满身蓝色火光冲霄,澎湃起来,让远处的混沌都在激荡。 ! 噗! The other shore flower charges into side reckless, covers Shining Upon Level expert, the thorough package, is then roaring, derives this person of whole body energy. 彼岸花不顾一切冲向旁边,将一位映照级高手覆盖,彻底包裹,而后怒吼着,汲取此人浑身能量。 Rear that leader chases down, the other shore flower unceasingly changes the position. 后方那个头领追杀,彼岸花则不断改变方位。 During this process, wrapped Shining Upon Level powerhouse also angrily struggles, principle rune are innumerable, the complete bang comes out, causing the other shore to be colored the leaf blade and small tendrils break, everywhere is on the wane. 在此过程中,被包裹的映照级强者也愤怒挣扎,法则符文无数,全部轰出来,导致彼岸花许多叶片与较小的枝蔓断裂,漫天凋零。 However , finally this person by other shore flower extinguishing, and by suck dry life energy. 但是噗的一声,最终这个人被彼岸花给灭了,并被吸干生命能量。 Your family prince fourth killed, has not done business at a loss, the life source has been supplemented, came again!” It is bellowing, the root hair grows, kills forward. “你家王爷第四杀了,已经不赔本,生命本源得到补充,再来!”它大吼着,根须生长,向前杀去。 Another side, the heavenly blade Wu Xing Kun's tall and strong body also moves at the show, blade light such as the waterfall like vast is forward turbulent, bright as snow fearful, said: Cuts your dog head again!” 另一边,天刀吴兴坤魁梧的身躯也在展动,刀光如瀑如汪洋般向前汹涌,雪亮慑人,道:“再斩你一次狗头!” The year of dog, such oppressive dog of big new year's celebration, a little worry, turns head to burn incense pays respects Heihuang to go. The Eve blessed everybody, the entire family was happy, complete, happy, next year will transport greatly, the wealth prosperous studies were prosperous, bless all book friends! 狗年到,大过年的这么虐狗,有点担心啊,回头烧香拜黑皇去。除夕夜祝福大家,阖家欢乐,圆圆满满,幸幸福福,来年大运,财旺学业旺,祝福所有书友! In addition, the big new year's celebration, this chapter, watched the party. 另,大过年的,就这一章了,看晚会去。
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