SR :: Volume #10

#927: fuck you came

This words one, that is some does not conceal, said that what invited? Clearly is the intimidation, warned, threatens Chu Feng to pass seriously as soon as possible. 这种话语一出,那就是有些不掩饰了,说什么请?分明是恫吓,警告,郑重威胁楚风尽早过去。 In the starry sky dies the general tranquility, Evolver of various clans are all scared, the World of the Living's person is too fierce, can understand thoroughly in Star Territory including Chu Feng, who isn't afraid? 星空中死一般的宁静,各族的进化者皆胆寒,阳间的人太厉害,连楚风所在星域都能洞彻,谁不害怕? If this dares the chaotic language certainly to be clutched, is difficult to have any good end. 这要是敢乱语肯定要被揪出来,难有什么好下场。 Is really unconscious, did I ask you to come you not to come?” The azure clothes man opens the mouth lightly, puts down the teacup, said: to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, misses the present, finally perhaps needs you to crawl!” “真不自觉啊,我请你过来你还不来?”青衣男子淡淡地开口,放下茶杯,道:“敬酒不吃吃罚酒,错过现在,最后恐怕需要你自己爬过来!” The azure clothes young man is sideways to look, stance is very high, his corner of the eye brow tip is leading little cold intent, said: Really gives to be concerned about face!” 青衣年轻男子侧身看着,姿态很高,他的眼角眉梢带着几许冷意,道:“真是给脸不要脸!” In the universe, was broken tranquilly, many people discuss. 宇宙中,平静被打破,很多人热议。 Meanwhile, the people also note , many Evolver are remaining silent, fears to ask for trouble! 同时,人们也注意到,也有不少进化者在保持沉默,怕惹火烧身! Azure clothes young male servant!” This is the Chu Feng's response. “青衣小厮!”这是楚风的回应。 Meanwhile, he is knitting the brows, the opposite party selects Star Territory that he is at unexpectedly , the method is exceedingly high, unexpectedly such strange? 同时,他在皱眉,对方居然真的点出他所在的星域,手段通天,竟然这么邪乎吗? He does not believe in evil doctrines, the consideration, no longer relates Heavenspan Worm-hole Company secretly, but flies into planet directly, taking advantage of here Teleportation Domain, leaves this piece of Star Sea. 他不信邪,暗自思量,不再联系通天虫洞公司,而是直接飞入一颗星球,借这里的传送场域,离开这片星海 At this time, the World of the Dead universe edge, one group of people are smiling, have Divine Master Huang, they do not fear the enemy to escape, ascend the sky into to search. 此时,阴间宇宙边缘,一群人都在微笑,有黄神师在,他们不怕敌人逃掉,上天入地都能寻觅出来。 One group of people drink tea, is very indifferent. 一群人喝茶,都很淡然。 At this time, they thought it is necessary to surrender this piece of universe many Dao Lineage, mobilizes them to help World of the Living seek for that two Artifact in legend together. 此时,他们觉得有必要降服这片宇宙的诸多道统,发动他们一起帮阳间寻找传说中的那两件器物 gua!” Stands in the old crow opens the mouth of broad side, moreover to the trim World of the Dead universe, was saying: “Wú, the old man also here invited, this piece of universe Shining Upon Level above Evolver can come this to drink tea, one was one, had to dare to come? Hehe...... ” “呱!”站在船舷的老乌鸦开口,而且是对着整片阴间宇宙,道:“唔,老夫也在这里邀请,这片宇宙映照级以上的进化者可以来此喝茶,有一个算一个,有敢来的吗?呵呵……” This black ominous ferocious bird, its sound is senile, is very simultaneously grating and coarse, reverberates in the Dark Blood platform, frightens the will of the people. 这只黑色的不祥凶禽,其音衰老,同时很刺耳与难听,在黑血平台上回响,震慑人心。 Some face discolorations, this old crow this was calling a number, faced World of the Dead universe strongest a group of people, was proud seriously! 一些人脸色变了,这只老乌鸦这是在叫号,只身面对阴间宇宙最强的一批人,当真是自负! The old crow is having lightly happy expression, said: Come, drinks cup tea. Doesn't nobody dare to come? Naturally, you can also understand are, I was shouting that Shining Upon Level Cultivator kneels!” 老乌鸦带着淡淡地笑意,又道:“来吧,喝杯茶。唔,没有人敢来吗?当然,你们也可以理解为,我在喊映照级修士跪过来!” This old crow spoke of finally, was too naked, this speaks the last words entire Star Sea, despised the World of the Dead universe, did not look at Shining Upon Level Evolver in this piece of world in the eye. 这只老乌鸦说到最后,太赤裸裸了,这是叫板全星海,藐视阴间宇宙,不将这片天地中的映照级进化者看在眼中。 Various clan many people have gotten angry, but, sighed finally, Evolver of Shining Upon All Heavens level vanished at present, cannot return safely. 各族不少人都怒了,但是,最后又是一叹,映照诸天级的进化者目前都消失了,没能安然返回。 The old Heavenly Dog opens the mouth, said: “Wú, Evolver of World of the Dead universe, needs on high Great Realm, has the qualifications to fight with World of the Living Cultivator. ” 天狗开口,道:“唔,阴间宇宙的进化者,需要高上一个大境界,才有资格同阳间修士交手。” Its tone is light, but, is despising World of the Dead universe all Evolver similarly. 它语气平淡,但是,同样在蔑视阴间宇宙所有进化者 This establishes the arena simply, their several people stand one's ground steadfastly, wait in the World of the Dead universe edge, is equal to talking wildly, making all refusing to accept challenge. 这简直是立下擂台,他们几人岿然不动,等在阴间宇宙边缘,等于在放言,让所有不服者去挑战。 Old man and others sat in this place tea, welcome to have courage Evolver to verify, discusses without doing, hehe......” old Heavenly Dog that type smiles to bring to be proud also has the arrogance. “老夫等坐在此地饮茶,欢迎所有具备勇气的进化者来印证,坐而论道,呵呵……”老天狗那种笑带着自负还有倨傲。 Clang clang clang! 锵锵锵! During the speeches, the old Heavenly Dog claw lifts, departs one and remnants, some for the lance of break, some are half broken sword, ancient cauldron that some to break to pieces, but also some are the bell fragments, is bringing the blood, falls around the steamship, the ups and downs, have a type of depressing aura. 说话间,老天狗爪子一抬,飞出一件又件残兵,有的为断裂的长矛,有的为半截断剑,有的为碎掉的古鼎,还有的为大钟残片,都带着血,落在大船四周,沉沉浮浮,有种压抑的气息。 Universe big vibration! 宇宙大震动! Because, some people recognize, this is the weapons of some Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses, belongs to this piece of universe, was broken, the results of their master can be imagined. 因为,有人认出,这是一些映照诸天级强者的兵器,属于这片宇宙,都被打断了,它们的主人的结局可想而知。 After old Heavenly Dog throws these weapons, any words again had not said that but was actually equal to that in various fan clan Evolver's faces, frightens the trim starry sky! 天狗扔出这些兵器后,什么话都没有再说,但是却等于在扇各族进化者的脸,震慑整片星空! This is naked despising! 这是赤裸裸的蔑视! Here also some.” The old crow opens the mouth, opens mouth, puts out some weapons of disjunction, is bringing the blood, belongs to Shining Upon Level. “我这里也有一些。”老乌鸦开口,张嘴间,吐出一些折断的兵器,都带着血,属于映照级 It adds: I wait for that to ask the Chu Feng's young people to visit here, in you most powerhouse, some people dares to come?” 它补充道:“我在这里等那个叫楚风的年轻人上门,也在等你们中的最强者,有人敢来吗?” At this moment, state of mind fluctuating of many people are fierce, the World of the Living person is too domineering, this is provoking, after suppressing trim World of the Dead, they still there despise. 此刻,许多人的心绪起伏剧烈,阳间人太跋扈,这是在挑衅,压制整片阴间后,他们还在那里藐视。 The Evolver hearts of many Great Clan in the drop blood, recognized the Sect Protecting weapon in clan, ancient ancestor died inevitably, but also was demonstrated like this. 许多大族进化者心都在滴血,认出族中的镇教兵器,古祖必然死了,还被人这样展示。 motherfucker, a dog, a crow, suppressed our World of the Dead universe, was too aggrieved, if the father Shining Upon Level, must butcher them!” 妈的,一头狗,一只乌鸦,就压制了我们阴间宇宙,太憋屈了,老子要是映照级的,非去宰了他们不可!” Some people angry roar, this is also the aspirations of many people. 有人怒吼,这也是许多人的心声。 However, Between Heaven and Earth, reveals itself without expert of this progression. 然而,天地间,没有这个级数的高手出世。 Suddenly, across the starry sky, all Evolver have the frustration, the feeling is very depressed, World of the Living so is fierce, invincible? Comes several people able to raise the military casually to strike awe! 一时间,星空各地,所有进化者都有种挫败感,感觉很沮丧,阳间就这么厉害,不可战胜?随便过来几人就可以扬武扬威! "hē hē...... ” the old Heavenly Dog laughter spreads, somewhat is really grating. “呵呵……”老天狗的笑声传出,实在有些刺耳。 Many people are resentful, in the heart angry flame burning down, big was World of the Dead so been unexpectedly contemptuous, not having one to be possible the person of war?! 许多人愤懑,心中怒焰焚烧,偌大的阴间居然被人这么轻蔑,没有一个可战之人?! Oh!” “唉!” A sigh, in very far away starry skies on ordinary life planet resounds. 一声叹息,在非常偏远的一片星空中一颗普通的生命星球上响起。 This is an ordinary village, an old man is rubbing the hatchet in the outskirts, crippled old horse that he looks at grind with a grindstone, said: Old companion, can you also run?” 这是一个普通的村子,一个老者正在村头磨柴刀,他看向正在拉磨的一头瘸腿老马,道:“老伙计,你还能跑吗?” The crippled old horse mouth spits the criticism, did not answer asked back, was old, said: „The high antiquity you retired, now walks, resorting to arms that but also raised?” 瘸腿老马口吐人言,不答反问,非常苍老,道:“远古时代你解甲归田,现在走出去,还提的动刀吗?” Should also be able to reduce several domestic animal heads, although I do not have any good end mostly.” The old men replied, continue to rub his rusty stain stained hatchet. “应该还能砍掉几颗畜牲头吧,虽然我自己多半也没什么好下场。”老者答道,继续磨他那把锈迹斑斑的柴刀。 At this time, the World of the Dead universe edge, Divine Master Huang is very gentle, takes out several animal skin volumes to study, talked to oneself: These were World of the Living once posting a reward and arrest warrant, since arrived at the World of the Dead universe, made me carefully look, can perhaps have anything to harvest.” 此时,阴间宇宙边缘,黄神师很平和,取出几张兽皮卷正在研究,自语道:“这些都是阳间曾经的悬赏与通缉令,既然来到阴间宇宙,就让我仔细看一看,说不定能有什么收获。” Side, after several young people see the record on animal skin volume, each and every one is imposing, some were immortal dynasty issue arrest warrant, but some records were related with Heavenly Venerate. 旁边,几名年轻人看到兽皮卷上的记载后,一个个都凛然,有些是不朽的皇朝发布的通缉令,而有的记载则跟天尊有关。 In the past, the other shore king once ran into World of the Dead, although was put to death, but has the descendant to stay behind doubtful. It is not worth exploring, a while I deduce, if there is descendant to stay behind, it cannot avoid my deduction technique.” The old yellow weasel talked to oneself, shows the happy expression, this sky-high price posts a reward to be worth take action. “当年,彼岸王曾逃进阴间,虽被诛杀,但疑似有后裔留下。唔,值得探索,一会儿我来推演一番,如果真有后裔留下,它避不开我的推演术。”老黄鼠狼自语,露出笑意,这则天价悬赏值得出手 The old yellow weasel then glances through animal skin ancient scroll, reveals being astonished color, said: Well, here has not posted a reward, is only a hearsay, World of the Living sits shut up in Buddhist or Daoist meditation is falling the emperor slope that once was rooted in Origin Metal in several talent within the body, has the test piece to enter World of the Dead......” 老黄鼠狼接着翻阅兽皮古卷,露出讶色,道:“咦,这里还有一条不是悬赏,只是一则传闻,阳间坐关在落帝坡的那位,曾根植母金于几位天才体内,有试验品进入阴间……” His suck in a breath of cold air, this involved the writing skill of some great person. 倒吸一口冷气,这涉及到了某位大人物的手笔。 He has uncovered this decisively, has not gone profoundly to study. 他果断揭过这篇,没去深入研究。 Then, Divine Master Huang started to practice divination in years past all of other shore king, his knows anything should bump, anything should not bump. 然后,黄神师开始占卜昔年彼岸王的一切,他知道什么该碰,什么不该碰。 "Um, interesting, other shore king Deque died, but, he has the bloodlines to stay behind, but also in this piece of universe, where making me come to see it. ” “嗯,有意思,彼岸王的确死了,但是,他有血脉留下,还在这片宇宙中,让我来看一看它在哪里。” An old yellow weasel deduction, reveals the happy expression, said: Which piece of Star Sea my knows it is at!” 老黄鼠狼一阵推演,露出喜色,道:“我知道它在哪片星海!” It turns head to look to old Heavenly Dog and black crow, asking them to assist, helping it take this posting a reward. 它回头看向老天狗与黑乌鸦,请它们相助,帮它拿下这笔悬赏。 Relax, my World of the Living comes person, although are not many, but is not such several, Shining Upon Level has!” “放心,我阳间来人虽不多,但也不是这么几个,映照级还是有一些的!” Old Heavenly Dog is very genial to it, the stance is low, grants every request, as soon as it wields the big claw, drives four steamships in that chaos slowly, each passes on to sit cross-legged three people, are not many. 天狗对它很和善,姿态非常低,有求必应,它一挥大爪子,在那混沌中缓缓驶来四艘大船,每一艘传上都只是盘坐着三人,不多。 But, they are Shining Upon Level! 可是,他们都是映照级的! In these people, on some naked half bronze skin, sits cross-legged there, on the knee the bright as snow long blade, some in the expiration and inspiration, Primal Chaos Qi are passing and out in mouth and nose horizontally, but also some closed eyes maintain mental tranquility. 这些人中,有的赤裸上半截古铜色皮肤,盘坐在那里,膝盖上横着雪亮的长刀,有的则在吐纳,混沌气口鼻间进出,还有的闭目养神。 Four ships, in each sit cross-legged three people, is Shining Upon Level Evolver, from World of the Living! 四艘船,每艘上盘坐三人,都是映照级进化者,来自阳间 Is very good, immediately leaves for......” the Divine Master Huang opens the mouth, informs them to sit the scalar potential. “很好,立刻开赴……”黄神师开口,告知他们坐标位。 However, at this moment, , the blue sparkling vine flies together, passes through void, punctures toward the forehead of old yellow weasel. 然而,就在这时,噗的一声,一道蓝莹莹的藤蔓飞来,贯穿虚空,朝着老黄鼠狼的眉心刺去。 Too sudden, is old Heavenly Dog and black crow these two big expert is not vigilant ahead of time. 太突然了,就是老天狗与黑乌鸦这两大高手都没有提前警觉。 But Divine Master Huang is shocking, it can become avoids disaster, finally unexpectedly the person approaches before the body, to his callous under killer. 黄神师更是震惊,它可以趋吉避凶,结果居然被人接近到身前,对他冷酷下杀手。 Avoidance that it exhausts ability, and body has paper talisman to burn down, helping it escape the dead tribulation, tittered one, the blue sparkling vine punctured thoroughly the Death Substituting Talisman paper, but passed through the shoulder of old yellow weasel as before, let its right foreleg rapid crack, then blasted out, the blood scattered. 它竭尽所能的躲避,且身上有符纸焚烧起来,帮它逃过死劫,噗嗤一声,蓝莹莹的藤蔓刺透替死符纸,但是依旧贯穿老黄鼠狼的肩头,让它的右前肢迅速龟裂,而后炸开,血液四溅。 This nearly tears it entire to have the body! 这险些撕裂开它整具躯体! "Ah...... ” “啊……” The old yellow weasel does not dare believe simply, its caused heavy losses, nearly should tribulation, unexpectedly has not surveyed ahead of time, which link had problems? 老黄鼠狼简直不敢相信,它被人重创,险些应劫,居然没有提前测算到,哪个环节出了问题? Old Heavenly Dog and black crow responded, all angrily roared, blood energy was dreadful, forward killing in the past, their take action. 天狗、黑乌鸦反应过来,全都怒吼,血气滔天,向前扑杀过去,它们出手了。 Their startled anger, simultaneously is afraid, two people are responsible for protecting Divine Master Huang, finally almost helplessly looks that it was assassinated, if this Divine Master died, they must be buried along with the dead. 它们惊怒,同时很害怕,两人负责保护黄神师,结果差点眼睁睁地看着它被刺杀,若是这位神师死去,它们都要陪葬。 This stretch of region, everywhere is the blue flower petal, another other shore flower appears, the flower rain sprinkles, brilliant, but illusion. 这片地带,漫天都是蓝色的花瓣,一株又一株彼岸花出现,花雨洒落,绚烂而梦幻。 Is you!” Who the old yellow weasel knows was came immediately, some time ago was still deducing, the result it such quickly killed the scene! “是你!”老黄鼠狼顿时知道是谁来了,不久前还在推演,结果它这么快杀到现场! Right, fuck you came!” “没错,你大爷来了!” The other shore flower avoids old Heavenly Dog and black crow, everywhere is its blue Avatar, disturbs this place all people, blue light Shining Upon All Heavens. 彼岸花避开老天狗与黑乌鸦,到处都是它的蓝色分身,干扰此地所有人,蓝光映照诸天 Of its True Body bang twines a steamship, on this ship has three Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouses, just drove from the chaos. 它的真身轰的一声缠绕上一艘大船,这艘船上有三名映照诸天级强者,刚从混沌中驶出来。 However, blue other shore flower still fearless, the root hair and stem leaf shone, Order Divine Chain is densely covered, will put in order a ship to lock sleepily. 但是,蓝色彼岸花依然无惧,根须与茎叶等都发光,秩序神链密布,将整艘船锁困。 Roar!” “吼!” Was stranded three Shining Upon Level expert on ship angrily roars, but, in pū pū the sound, their protecting body ray was pierced, has Divine Chain to pass through their whole bodies. 被困在船上的三位映照级高手怒吼,但是,在噗噗声中,他们的护体光芒被洞穿,有神链贯穿他们全身。 You have killed my father, this enmity also unreported, you kill me, when really I am weak!” The other shore flower angrily roars. “你们杀了我父亲,此仇还未报,你们又来杀我,真当我可欺啊!”彼岸花怒吼。 ! 噗! A Shining Upon Level head/number of people tumbles, by its rhizome separate, divine soul was also cut to extinguish, all these complete in fast, the other shore flower kills towering, goes crazy thoroughly. 一位映照级的人头滚落,被它的根茎割裂,神魂亦被斩灭,这一切都在电光石火间完成,彼岸花突兀杀来,彻底发狂。 ! 噗! Another Shining Upon Level Evolver was entangled to bind in middle, the body is rapid, pierces by many root hair and Order Divine Chain, suddenly was twisted broken! 另一位映照级进化者被缠裹在当中,身体迅速干瘪,被诸多根须与秩序神链洞穿,眨眼间被绞碎! Meanwhile, on life planet of some universe remote place, that rubs the old person of hatchet to put on tattered Full-Body Armor, rides that crippled old horse, starts to start off. 与此同时,宇宙某一偏僻之地的生命星球上,那个磨好柴刀的老人穿上破烂的甲胄,骑上那匹瘸腿老马,开始上路。 I, although was old, but also raises hatchet, always do some people need to raise one's head are not? Kills!” “我虽老了,但还提的起柴刀,总有人要出头不是?杀!”
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