SR :: Volume #10

#926: Another Paramount breathing method

The old yellow weasel degenerated likely, no longer spoke the language, but in squeak squeak called, exuded the wild nature cry of beasts. 老黄鼠狼像是退化了,不再讲人语,而是在吱吱叫,发出兽类的野性叫声。 Nearby person has scared, this Divine Master status is very high, coming World of the Dead also to rely upon its strength of deduction, has this condition? 旁边的人都吓坏了,这个神师地位很高,来阴间还要仰仗它的推演之力呢,怎么发生这种状况? The old yellow weasel eye is very red, the ear is also bleeding, the appearance is a little scary, body rickets even more, could not sit still, is this must by the striking back primary form? 老黄鼠狼眼睛都很红,耳朵也在淌血,样子有点吓人,身体越发的佝偻,都坐不住了,这是要被打回原形? Senior!” One group of people were anxious, is anxious. “前辈!”一群人急了,非常焦躁。 Old Heavenly Dog fast take action, injects the exuberant life energy to Divine Master Huang within the body, helping it deal with the misfortune, if this thorough beast, divination Dominion Divine Master reverts for the wild animal, that loses inestimably. 天狗快速出手,向黄神师体内注入旺盛的生命能量,帮它应对厄运,这要是彻底兽化,占卜领域的一位神师归回为野兽,那损失不可估量。 squeak squeak......” Divine Master Huang was calling, the wild nature aura was full, slightly was bare, only then the tails of little wool flung, the body was twitching. “吱吱……”黄神师叫着,野性气息十足,略显光秃秃、只有少许兽毛的尾巴甩来甩去,身体都在抽搐。 After for a long time, it puts out a blood once more, this gradually is tranquil, and long exit|to speak one breath. 好长时间后它再次吐出一口血,这才渐渐平静下来,并长出口一口气。 Senior are you all right?” That white clothing youth asked kindly. “前辈你没事吧?”那白衣青年关切地问道。 Old Heavenly Dog and black crow although now is as before aged, but such as heavenly blade of sheath, internal energy is swift and fierce, by astonishing divine light and energy package, has injected the massive vitality energies to Divine Master Huang within the body as before. 天狗、黑乌鸦现在虽然依旧老迈,但都如出鞘的天刀,气机凌厉,都被惊人的神光与能量包裹,依旧向黄神师体内注入了大量生机能量。 Quite fierce, almost say/way!” “好厉害,差点着道!” The old yellow weasel has a lingering fear, it is said that oneself was negligent, one was easy to present the mystique method deduction of issue using divination Dominion, finally brought in such backlash unexpectedly. 老黄鼠狼心有余悸,它说自己大意了,利用占卜领域某一容易出现问题的秘法推演,结果竟引来这样的反噬 In that flash, he feels acutely disappointed, unexpectedly nearly by striking back primary form. 就在那一瞬间,他万念俱灰,居然险些就被打回原形。 Small Yin Spirit, is properly speaking impossible like this! 一个小小的阴灵而已,按理来说根本不可能这样! However, Divine Master Huang does not have what angry, instead is somewhat excited, gloomy both eyes have shone gradually, this means that any it is very clear. 不过,黄神师没有什么恼怒,反而有些兴奋,暗淡的双目渐渐亮了起来,这意味着什么它很清楚。 On that Yin Spirit has the extraordinary thing!” “那个阴灵身上有非凡之物!” Other people hear reveal startled accommodate, this is divination Dominion Divine Master, did not discuss the evolution, to deduce to discuss only, that may really be as deep as a well. 其他人听闻都露出惊容,这可是占卜领域神师,不去讨论进化,单以推演而论,那可真是高深莫测。 What extraordinary thing has to be able this to suffer a loss, nearly by striking back primary form? Those present eyes are suddenly splendid. 有什么非凡之物能让这种人吃大亏,险些被打回原形?一时间在场的人眼睛都熠熠生辉。 Luckily here is World of the Dead, but also is unable to compare with place of World of the Living's corner, Order is incomplete, otherwise I have not dared to deduce.” “幸好这里是阴间,还无法和阳间的一隅之地相比,秩序残缺不全,不然的话我还真不敢推演。” Divine Master Huang dares to come this piece of universe , because the principle has the flaw, area insufficient length and breadth, therefore he dares in this pond universe divination. 黄神师敢来这片宇宙,就是因为法则有缺陷,疆域不够广袤,所以他才敢在这个池塘宇宙占卜。 If in World of the Living, he does not have any means that Heavenly Mystery of deduction this type of Paramount Artifact thing, it is estimated that forcefully can die is very miserable. 若是在阳间,他没有任何办法,强行推演这种究极器物的天机,估计会死的很惨。 It has traded law of the deduction, manipulates several pieces of carapaces, then starts to practice divination once more, this time way is quite safe. 它换了一种推演之法,摆弄几片龟甲,然后再次开始占卜,这次的方式较为稳妥。 However, then he starts the big mouth to cough up blood, and bleeds profusely from the head, squeak squeak called again, and look is slightly lax. 然而,接下来他又开始大口咳血,并且是七窍流血,再次吱吱叫了起来,且眼神略微涣散。 Divine Master!” Nearby person is startled and fears, this was, it did not say that might as well? How to be in danger, if this by the striking back primary form, it is estimated that can only ask Heavenly Venerate heir take action to rescue. 神师!”旁边的人又惊又惧,这是怎么了,它不是说无妨吗?怎么又遇险,这要是被打回原形,估计只能请天尊子嗣出手相救。 All right, this is proper backlash, but also is insufficiently fatal!” The old yellow weasel shook, restores. “没事,这是应有的反噬,还不足以致命!”老黄鼠狼甩了甩头,恢复过来。 What kind of?” Stands in the old crow feather not many roots of broad side, the eye is the scarlet, low voice and asked discretely. “怎样?”站在船舷的老乌鸦羽毛没有多少根,眼睛为猩红色,小声而谨慎地问道。 Which Star Territory estimates approximately, but is unable to determine the accurate Coordinate.” Divine Master Huang replied, but was actually not discouraged, instead was very happy. “大致估量出在哪个星域,但是无法确定准确坐标。”黄神师答道,但是却一点也不气馁,反而很高兴。 Was previously pure to deduce that 1-2 Artifact, he wants not to be been good by backlash, because absolutely did not have a clue, could not find position that was. 早先单纯去推演那一两件器物,他想被反噬都不行,因为根本就没有一点头绪,找不到所在的方位。 Now, unexpectedly starts because of Yin Spirit truly to get close to! 现在,居然因为一个阴灵而真正开始接近! We are very lucky, I speculated that Artifact has not recovered, had not belonged to that Yin Spirit truly, otherwise I really helpless!” “我们很幸运,我推测那件器物还没有复苏,还没有真正属于那个阴灵,不然的话我真的无能为力!” The people are imposing, can shelter Heavenly Mystery of person without the recovery, moreover in microcosm space that in World of the Dead this cannot withstand incompletely. 众人凛然,没有复苏就能庇护一个人的天机,而且是在阴间这残缺不堪的小宇宙空间中。 If to World of the Living, even if has not recovered, Divine Master Huang is also helpless. 若是到了阳间,哪怕没有复苏,黄神师也无能为力啊。 Found him as soon as possible, avoids having the accident/surprise!” The old Heavenly Dog say/way reveals cold internal energy, must leave personally, as Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate lineage/vein Evolver most is hostile to Yin Spirit. “尽早找到他,避免出现意外!”老天狗道露出冷冽气机,要亲自动身,身为太武天尊一脉的进化者阴灵最为仇视。 The universe deep place, Chu Feng grasps the stone box research. 宇宙深处,楚风手持石盒研究。 Its altogether six surface, at this time at the same time on little clear gets down gloomily, is once more rough, he then received. 它总共有六个面,此时其中一面上的少许晶莹暗淡下去,再次粗糙,他便收了起来。 Because, Sub Immortal Clan contacted with him at this time once more, making him be surprised, three ancient times Saint of this clan complied unexpectedly, can observe to read breathing method to him. 因为,这时亚仙族再次联系他,让他深感意外,该族的三位远古圣人居然答应,可以给他观阅呼吸法 What sign is this? He quite suspected, the opposite party complied unexpectedly, wants to ambush him? 这是什么兆头?他相当的怀疑,对方居然答应了,想伏击他吗? Chu Feng fearless, grasps green skin bottle gourd, grasps the golden purple bamboo, has overtaken then starting off directly, he must look whether but actually Sub Immortal Clan has eaten the bear heart leopard guts. 楚风无惧,一手持青皮葫芦,一手持紫金竹,直接就上路赶过去了,他倒要看一看亚仙族是否吃了熊心豹子胆。 He actually not arrogant, has not visited the flying immortal star, but allows this clansman to enter in the starry sky. 他倒是没有自大,并未踏足飞仙星,而是让该族人进入星空中。 Sub Immortal Clan's Ms. Saint appears, sees Chu Feng to be fully-armed, face was immediately green, is this is deceiving them? Actually can kill their three people? 亚仙族的圣者老妪出现,看到楚风全副武装,一张老脸顿时就绿了,这是在诓骗他们吗?其实要打杀她们三人? Another two hair sparse old man also bodies tighten, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, they also think Chu Feng to under the extreme methods to them. 另外两个头发稀疏的老头子也都身体绷紧,从头凉到脚,他们也认为楚风要对他们下死手。 You must mean what he says!” The old woman complexion is ugly. “你可不能说话不算话!”老妪脸色难看。 „Have you brought breathing method really?” The Chu Feng surprise, he thought suddenly these three people like supposing to kill the bureau to ambush his appearance. “你们真带来了呼吸法?”楚风诧异,他忽然觉得这三人不像设下杀局伏击他的样子。 But, were these three old fogy too spineless people, threatened a bowel movement to obey by him really? 可是,这三个老家伙也太软骨头了吧,被他威胁一通便真的就范了? This makes Great Demon Chu quite speechless, thinks that these three ancient times Saint had the moral courage, has not thought such instigated, lowered the head to admit defeat directly, is willing to offer the top three breathing method! 这让楚大魔头相当无语,原以为这三个远古圣人多有气节呢,没有想到这么怂,直接低头服软,愿意献上前三甲的呼吸法 In Chu Feng heart fiery, because to his knowledge, Sub Immortal Clan ranks the first ten ethnic groups in World of the Living, this type of scrip­tures go against heaven's will! 楚风心中火热,因为据他所知,亚仙族阳间都是排名前十的族群,这种经文太逆天! Even if spreads in World of the Dead is the incomplete law, can only high cultivate until Shining Upon All Heavens, will have some slight defects, some little fault places, but was also enough, can be called world treasure level inheritance! 哪怕在阴间流传的不过是残缺法,最高只能修到映照诸天,甚至还会有一些瑕疵,有少许失误处,但也足够了,称得上世间瑰宝级传承! The Chu Feng look is green and glossy, that may really put the green light. 楚风眼神绿油油,那可真是放绿光。 But looks in the Sub Immortal Clan three old man eyes, that is quite fearful and dangerous, this demon must renege, soon will conquer by killing them? Three people of terrified, in heart disturbed. 可是看在亚仙族三位老者眼中,那相当的可怕与危险,这魔头是要变卦吗,即将血洗他们?三人悚然,心中忐忑。 “Wú, brings, hopes that do not disappoint me. ” Chu Feng said. “唔,拿来吧,希望不要让我失望。”楚风道。 An old woman hesitation, but hands over a jade box case finally, has an animal skin of very ancient time in middle, records the breath scrip­tures of this clan. 老妪一阵犹豫,但最后还是递过去一个玉石匣子,在当中有一张非常古老时代的兽皮,记述该族的呼吸经文。 Brought really?” Chu Feng looks then knows, this should real, animal skin Immemorial is old, moreover breathing method that above records is extremely mysterious, swept several to make him fascinated sketchily. “真带来了?”楚风一看就知道,这应该是真的,兽皮太古老,而且上面所记述的呼吸法极其玄奥,粗略扫了几眼就让他入迷。 In three Saint hearts the unstated criticism, your fucking extinguishes the deity, Xilin and Corpse Race continually, who isn't afraid? Hit not to have three planet, dared not to send? 三位圣者心中腹诽,你特么的连灭天神、西林、尸族,谁不害怕?将三颗星球都打没了,敢不送来吗? If not three clans were extinguished, they are impossible to be so happy, was extremely worried that Chu Feng also gives to kill cleanly Sub Immortal Clan. 若非三族被灭,他们不可能这么痛快,非常担心楚风亚仙族也给打杀干净。 Chu Feng is slanting the eye to visit them, wants to say very much, your three old fogies judge others by oneself, am I such person? 楚风斜着眼睛看他们,很想说,你们三个老家伙以己度人,我是那样的人吗? Three Saint visit him, the heart deep place was saying, this demon is cruel and merciless, absolutely is such person! 三位圣者看着他,心底深处却在说,这个魔头心狠手辣,绝对是那样的人! How also to have an animal skin?” Chu Feng asked that also had one bottom of the box case, was very obsolete. “怎么还有一张兽皮?”楚风问道,在匣子底部还有一张,也很陈旧。 This is improvement breathing method, more suitable to practice in the World of the Dead universe.” The old woman replied truthfully. “这是改进的呼吸法,更适合在阴间宇宙修行。”老妪如实答道。 Good!” The Chu Feng heart great happiness, according to this logic first is some first editions that brings from World of the Living? “好!”楚风心头大喜,这样说来第一份算是从阳间带过来的一部分原版? If were not worried that Ying Xiaoxiao was too intimate anything to say to Chu Feng, before having scruples her, has revealed these, three Saint kill will not consider such thoroughly. 如果不是担心映晓晓楚风太亲近什么都说,顾忌她以前泄露过这些,三位圣者打死也不会考虑这么“周到”。 You must keep the promise, cannot pass to other people in the World of the Dead universe again!” The old woman emphasized. “你得遵守诺言,在阴间宇宙不能再传给其他人!”老妪强调。 Relax!” Chu Feng nods, the serious color, said: Law does not pass on six ears!” “放心!”楚风点头,一脸严肃之色,道:“法不传六耳!” He on dense and numerous the writing two animal skin ancient scroll remembers rapidly, has given back to them, then turns around to walk, now he does not want to stay for a long time in a place. 他迅速将两张兽皮古卷上密密麻麻的文字记住,又还给了他们,然后转身就走,现在他不想在一个地方久留。 Such finished up? In three Saint original consciences frightened, feared that he gets angry does not acknowledge mistakes, kills them directly, on the back already the cold sweat flowed, now actually discovers all such simply. 就这么完事了?三位圣者原本心中惴惴,怕他翻脸不认账,直接打杀他们,脊背上早已冷汗流淌,现在却发现一切这么的简单。 Three people of look at each other in blank dis­may, felt this time instigates is too decisive, was too thorough, from just now the performance of opposite party, clearly can also negotiate! 三人面面相觑,感觉这次怂的太果断,太彻底了,从方才对方的表现来看,分明还能谈判啊! ! 噗! Three people spit blood, beat the chest immediately, the complexion is pallid, this demon intimidates them, deceive walked the Sect Protecting scrip­tures, is quite grieved! 三人吐血,捶胸顿时,脸色煞白,这个魔头恫吓他们,诓走了镇教经文,好心痛! Chu Feng ran not to have the shadow speedily, rare under this type of depressing environment in heart delicious, this was really the happiness of accident/surprise, he has not thought that unexpectedly obtained supreme breathing method really! 楚风一溜烟就跑没影了,难得的在这种压抑的大环境下心中美滋滋,这真是意外之喜,他没有想到居然真得到一桩无上呼吸法 When Foreign Territory, his obtained some Buddha Race's breathing method, some time ago he killed one group of World of the Living people, does not die and other breathing method to seek nine shining who they collect, completely in heart. 异域时,他的得到了佛族的部分呼吸法,不久前他干掉一群阳间人,将他们收集上来的九耀、不死等十几部呼吸法都寻到,全部记在心中。 The Chu Feng heart has impulsive, this is must to the opportunity that he evolves, he must walk Strongest Road absolutely, does not leave behind one to regret, revises the hooligan. 楚风心头有股冲动,这是要给他一个重新进化的机会,他绝对要走最强路,不留下一点遗憾,修正野路子。 In the hand grasps these many top breathing method, in addition Foreign Territory that old fox „the strongest note, Chu Feng thinks excitedly, is somewhat stimulated. 手中掌握这么多顶级呼吸法,再加上异域那头老狐狸的“最强笔记”,楚风只是想一想就激动,有些亢奋。 Dares to hit Sub Immortal Clan and attention of Buddha Race breathing method in World of the Living nobody, but Chu Feng currently had, exceeds some World of the Living immortal Dao Lineage, in addition he also has Plundering Guide Breathing Method! 阳间没人敢打亚仙族佛族呼吸法的注意,可是楚风现在都有了,胜过阳间一些不朽的道统,此外他还有盗引呼吸法 After opening the wormhole, Chu Feng has traded piece of Star Territory, has not returned to the original that asteroid. 开启虫洞后,楚风换了一片星域,没回原来那颗小行星。 The universe edge, Divine Master Huang wants to practice divination again, strives to determine that more further range, the result it spits blood the discovery, Chu Feng was not in-situ. 宇宙边缘,黄神师想再占卜一番,争取能确定更进一步的范围,结果它吐血发现,楚风不在原地了。 Its complexion sends immediately green, can this deduce? 它脸色顿时发绿,这又要重新推演一遍? Calculated each time earnestly must spit blood, how many blood essence does it have to cough? If really by striking back primary form, that pleasure was big. 每次认真推算都要吐血,它有多少精血可以咳?万一真的被打回原形,那乐子就大了。 Well, my this well, roughly and fuzzy survey he in this piece of Star Territory!” Divine Master Huang prepares the good crystalline lens with the claw direction ahead of time, presents starry skies above. “咦,我这次无恙,大体而模糊的测算出他在这片星域!”黄神师用爪子指向提前准备好的水晶体,在上面呈现一片星空。 When this time it deduces, Chu Feng has not stimulated to movement stone box, it returns roughly, at the same time no longer slightly clear, therefore old yellow weasel not by backlash. 这一次它推演时,楚风并没有催动石盒,它重归粗糙,其中一面不再略微晶莹,因此老黄鼠狼没有被反噬 Divine Master Huang pondered over slightly, guessed any situation, has the energy immediately. 黄神师略微思忖,猜测出什么情况,顿时更加有底气。 This is divination Dominion that it is proud, changes into other people, is impossible to deduce that Yin Spirit, will be hoodwinked Heavenly Mystery. 这是它自负的占卜领域,换成其他人,根本不可能推演到那个阴灵,会被蒙蔽天机 Those present understood after this situation, has felt relieved, shows the smiling face, when Divine Master Huang deduction does not need always to exhaust the blood essence, that all said. 在场的人了解这一情况后也都放心了,露出笑容,只要黄神师推演时不用总是耗去血精,那一切都好说。 They believe, Chu Feng cannot escape from their palms. 他们相信,楚风逃不出他们的手掌心。 Shouted that he comes.” Wears the young man smile of white robe, like this opens the mouth to suggest. “喊他过来吧。”身穿白袍的年轻男子微笑,这样开口建议。 As well as stands the black crow as for old Heavenly Dog on broad side, calmly is calmer, not having the plan to seek personally. 至于老天狗以及站在船舷上的黑乌鸦,也都从容镇定多了,没有打算亲自去寻找。 , In the Dark Blood platform presents a news towering, initiates various clan hearts startled, the World of the Living person appears, uses this universe the platform issue news. 突兀地,黑血平台上出现一则消息,引发各族心惊,阳间人出现,利用这个宇宙的平台发布消息。 A white robe young man is very handsome, the temperate opens the mouth, inviting Chu Feng to go to the World of the Dead universe edge to drink tea. 一个白袍年轻男子很俊朗,温和的开口,邀请楚风阴间宇宙边缘喝茶。 Is from World of the Living Genesis Heavenly Venerate to close up the place god tea outside on jade stone mountain peak, the taste is extremely good, may with not be possible to ask.” “产自阳间元始天尊闭关地外的玉石山峰上的神茶,口感极佳,可遇不可求。” He said while makes tea, movement is artistic, such as the passing clouds and flowing water, the manner is graceful. 他边说边泡茶,动作美观,如行云流水,举止非常优雅。 Meanwhile, he said Star Territory, selected the Chu Feng site, said that there was too lonely, can come to the universe marginal facies to gather, chatted together. 同时,他说出一个星域,点出楚风所在地,说那里太冷清,可以来宇宙边缘相聚,一起畅聊。 Afterward a azure clothes man appears, said that Extreme Martial Heavenly Race later generation disciple, is also smiling, very bright, gentle invitation Chu Feng in the past. 随后一个青衣男子出现,自称太武天族的后辈弟子,也在笑,十分的灿烂,也平和的邀请楚风过去。 In starry sky silent, all people realized, World of the Living person this is secure, is very likely to discover that Chu Feng's Coordinate place, this is compelling him to pass to apologize! 星空中寂静,所有人都意识到,阳间人这是有恃无恐,极有可能发现楚风的坐标地,这是在逼他自己过去请罪! Come, I invited zealously, Chu Feng, I think that you won't be concerned about face?” The azure clothes man brings to smile pale, leaves behind such a few words. “来吧,我热忱相请,楚风,我想你不会给脸不要脸吧?”青衣男子带着淡笑,留下这么一句话。 Today valentine day? Latter after the knowledge thinks, wishing everybody joyful, the handsome doubling, definitely is not separate many years of good brother and sister ^ _ ^ 今天情人节?后知后觉,祝大家快乐,翩翩成双,肯定不是失散多年的好兄妹^_^
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