SR :: Volume #10

#925: The thing of World of the Living Heavenly Venerate earnestly seeking

xiū! 咻! A gold coin high throws, is having the slight vibrato, from the sky turns over, across faint trace chaos fog continuously, then falls to falling. 一枚金币被高高的抛起,带着细微的颤音,在空中翻转,穿过丝丝缕缕的混沌雾,而后向下坠落。 The upfront with the reverse side, separately represents the life and death. 正面与反面,分别代表生与死。 This is edge in chaos region, on the vermilion steamship several people are very tranquil, eject a gold coin, decides some World of the Dead universe person as well as Dao Lineage's life and death by the front and back. 这是在混沌区域的边缘,朱红色的大船上几人很平静,抛出一枚金币,以正反面来决定阴间宇宙一些人以及道统的生死存亡。 Yuan Chen, Qi Xia and the others were killed, truly stems from their expectations, but actually also thinks little, died several people very normal, cannot be regarded anything. 袁晨、戚霞等人被杀,确实出乎他们的预料,但却也不以为意,死去几人很正常,算不得什么。 However, they must express own manner. 但是,他们要表达出自身的态度。 Whiz! 嗖! The white shadow flashes, on ship were many a person, puts out a hand to catch the falling gold coin, is calm and graceful. 白影一闪,船上多了一人,伸手接住下坠的金币,从容而优雅。 This is a young man, wears the pure white battle dress, is far from handsome, but has the makings very much, the elegant demeanor is self-confident, he opens the mouth to smile, said: Life and death performs in the palm.” 这是一个年轻男子,身穿素白战袍,谈不上英俊,但很有气质,风采自信过人,他开口微笑,道:“生死尽在掌中。” Meanwhile, in the chaos reveals a huge ship shadow, some people come, is the World of the Living's steamship, is sending out the billowing heat wave in this World of the Dead. 同时,混沌中露出一艘庞大的船影,又有人过来,属于阳间的大船,在这阴间散发着滚滚热浪。 On the pitch-dark steamship the person are not many, but is very special. 黑漆漆的大船上人不多,但都很特殊。 Old Heavenly Dog is very senile, such as the person sits cross-legged to sit generally, calmly tea. An old crow stands on broad side, scarlet eye flowing monster evil ray, is very aged, the feather quickly fell up. 一只老天狗十分衰老,如人一般盘膝而坐,静静地饮茶。一只老乌鸦站在船舷上,猩红的眼睛流动妖邪的光芒,也很老迈,羽毛都快落光了。 A yellow weasel, is older, wool slightly flood white, the rickets the body, is sitting cross-legged there, is staring at the carapace on tabletop, is studying the trigram shape. 还有一只黄鼠狼,更为苍老,兽毛略微泛白,佝偻着身子,盘坐在那里,盯着桌面上的龟甲,正在研究卦象。 Several people on vermilion steamship set out, greet these three old men, because they have the background very much, the strength is strong. 朱红色大船上的几人起身,迎接这三位老者,因为他们都很有来头,实力强劲。 Old Heavenly Dog from Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate that lineage/vein, although is an old servant, but actually may the showdown chaos universe God Level powerhouse, the magical skill be as deep as a well. 天狗来自太武天尊那一脉,虽然为一老仆,但却可对决混沌宇宙的神级强者,道行高深莫测。 It is also not genuine god, but the cultivation years are remote, magical skill profound scary, in addition the World of the Living treasure is auxiliary, by the body of Half-God may vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in this stretch of world. 它还不是真正的神,不过修炼岁月过于久远,一身道行高深的骇人,再加上阳间重器辅助,以半神之体可纵横这片天地中。 The old crow so, the strength is also similar to it, has these two expert to assume personal command, they handle affairs without cause for grief. 老乌鸦亦如此,实力跟它相仿,有这两位高手坐镇,他们行事无忧。 Only then that yellow weasel is quite special, fur was bare, although is old, but is not remote because of the evolution years, but the strength is as deep as a well, he marches into Shining Upon Level reluctantly. 只有那只黄鼠狼较为特殊,皮毛都光秃了,虽然年迈,但是并未因进化岁月久远,而实力高深莫测,他勉强步入映照级 However, nobody dares to despise, even even/including Heavenly Dog and old crow to are very respectful, is responsible for protecting it. 但是,没有一个人敢轻视,甚至连老天狗与老乌鸦都对很恭敬,负责保护它。 Has seen Divine Master Huang!” “见过黄神师!” Young silhouette on vermilion steamship sets out, nobody is dissolute. 朱红色大船上的年轻身影都起身,没人敢放肆。 Because, various dean when World of the Living has always urged, this is expert, is Hun Yi Heavenly Venerate fifth disciple reveals itself personally, person who looks. 因为,在阳间时各教长老叮嘱过,这是一位高人,是浑羿天尊的第五弟子亲自出世,去找来的人。 Moreover, Confused Universe and Extreme Martial two Heavenly Venerate later generation have also invited this old yellow weasel. 而且,乱宇太武两位天尊的后人也去请过这个老黄鼠狼。 !” “噗!” The old yellow weasel coughs up blood, throws down the carapace on tea table, closes the eye, by the rattan chair, the chest fluctuates fiercely. 老黄鼠狼咳血,丢下茶几上的龟甲,闭上眼睛,靠在藤椅上,胸膛剧烈起伏。 It sighed gently, said: Was old, the energy is bad, this practices divination an trigram, exhausts many mind.” 它轻轻一叹,道:“老了,精力不济,这才占卜一卦而已,就耗去不少心神。” Those present reveal the respect, the innermost feelings are vibrated greatly, they admire very much, what Artifact because knows this old yellow weasel is deducing, concerns really in a big way, lets thing that Heavenly Venerate earnestly seeks, lets ancient Artifact that World of the Living Supreme Being keeps thinking about, how many people there are to dare to mess with? 在场的人都露出敬意,内心大受震动,他们很佩服,因为知道这个老黄鼠狼在推演什么器物,关乎甚大,让天尊都渴求的东西,让阳间大能都惦记的古老器物,有几人敢沾惹? In practicing divination in this Dominion, most fears to reveal Heavenly Mystery, touches Taboo, will frequently lose the big life. 在占卜这个领域内,最怕泄露天机,触动禁忌,动辄就会丢大性命。 That and other Artifact, who do other divination masters dare to deduce? Can awfully! 那等器物,其他占卜师谁敢推演?会要命的! I thought that rumor not empty, something indeed in this piece of universe.” The old yellow weasel by said there calmly. “我觉得,传言非虚,有些东西的确在这片宇宙中。”老黄鼠狼靠在那里平静地说道。 The people are shocked, surprised at the same time also the incomparable joy, secretly sighed, this Divine Master Huang really fierce extraordinary, may deduce including that type of thing. 众人震动,吃惊的同时又无比的欣喜,暗叹,这位黄神师果然厉害非凡,连那种东西都可推演。 Unexpectedly really in this piece of universe, making their hearts immediately fiery 居然真的在这片宇宙中,让他们的心头顿时火热起来 Is too difficult, I feel, but is actually not able to determine the Coordinate, even suddenly continually the approximate position cannot look.” The old yellow weasel sighed lightly, two long yellowish white eyebrows trembled. “太艰难,我只是感觉到,但却无法确定坐标,甚至一时间连大致方位都找不出来。”老黄鼠狼轻叹,两道长长的黄白眉毛微颤。 In which most ancient doesn't Artifact reach to the sky greatly, boundless? The goal should greatly be very right, when the time comes we use Heavenspan Mirror to shine, can perhaps find directly.” A person opens the mouth. “其中的最古器物不是高耸入云、宏大无边吗?目标应该很大才对,到时候我们用通天镜照耀,说不定能直接找到。”一人开口。 The old yellow weasel determined a moment ago, this Artifact should in World of the Dead. 刚才老黄鼠狼确定,这件器物应该在阴间 Other people nod, hand down that Artifact to be palatial, the air/Qi swallows Eight Desolates. 其他人点头,相传那件器物巍峨磅礴,气吞八荒 In the past, a Paramount character rapidly rose because of it, is this real?” A person muttered low voice, mentioned the thing of that most ancient legend. “当年,一位究极人物就是因为它而迅速崛起的,这是真的吗?”一人小声咕哝,说起那件最古老的传说之物。 The old yellow weasel nods, says some secrets, after all these later generation disciple cannot contact this level. 老黄鼠狼点头,说出一些隐秘,毕竟这些后辈弟子接触不到这个层面。 "Um, some people saw it in the past, is a giant wall, spans Between Heaven and Earth, raised the head to look, on the wall full is the trace, is some Ultimate Land potential charts, afterward described to look to the World of the Living most formidable Domain researcher, lets its feeling fear, these topography contain the mysterious of Paramount, immeasurably deep. ” “嗯,当年有人看到它,是一面巨大的墙壁,横亘天地间,抬头仰望,墙壁上满是痕迹,都是一些终极地势图,后来描摹出一些给阳间最强大的场域研究者看,让其感觉害怕,那些地势蕴含究极之奥,深不可测。” What is most essential, the person of that discovery giant wall also sees some symbols of illumination on the wall, the implication profound meaning. 最为关键的是,那个发现巨大墙壁的人在墙上还看到一些发光的符号,蕴含深意。 Has been a pity, that ancient existence rises, toward the Paramount body evolution, falls on the road finally, knows did not evolve anything, calculates that its deterioration terminal time, should die.” “可惜了,那位古老的存在藉此崛起,向着究极体进化,最终还是倒在路上,不知道进化成了什么,算一算它的衰败末端时间,应该死去了。” News that even if so, half Paramount body of that dropping down leaks, makes the person be jealous, covets this wall. 哪怕如此,那位倒下的半究极体泄露出来的消息,还是让人眼红,觊觎此墙。 If a case, afterward some people saw that giant wall, starts toward finally the polocyte evolution, is defending that wall many years, what a pity he also falls on Evolution Road. 若是一例也就罢了,后来又有人看到那面巨大的墙壁,也开始向着终极体进化,守着那面墙很多年,可惜他也倒在进化路上。 Afterward, a World of the Living accident appeared, according to what has been heard that wall was entered the chaos sea, entered the World of the Dead universe. 后来,阳间一场变故出现,据闻那面墙被打进混沌海,进入阴间宇宙。 What is strangest, everyone stands before that wall, is unable to peep its complete picture, can only inch by inch tried to find out.” “最为诡异的是,每一个人站在那面墙前,都无法窥到它的全貌,只能一寸一寸的去摸索。” The old yellow weasel so said, making those present dumbfounded. 老黄鼠狼这般说道,让在场的人都目瞪口呆。 Big such as a wall of Xumi? 大如须弥的一道墙? This Artifact is most ancient, what time nobody knows it stems from, but several other are perhaps more precious?” Some people asked. “这件器物只是最古老,没有人知道它起源于什么时代,而另外几件或许更珍贵吧?”有人问道。 The old yellow weasel nods, said: Yes, although it can rise, moves toward half ultimate evolution body, but is actually is not unparalleled in the world, after all our World of the Living ranks first several breathing method to want practicing routinely, similarly can achieve.” 老黄鼠狼点头,道:“是,虽然它可以让人崛起,走向半终极进化体,但却也算不上独步天下,毕竟我们阳间排名前几的呼吸法只要按部就班的修行,同样能做到。” Other people nod, mention Supreme Treasure, the World of the Living rank before several aloof ethnic groups, respective Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure can deter All Heavens similarly, suppresses World of the Living, is not only weaker than it that wall. 其他人点头,说起至宝,阳间排名靠前的几个超然族群,各自的镇教至宝同样可以威慑诸天,镇压阳间,比之那面墙只强不弱。 What is most essential, Supreme Treasure in these ethnic groups have not lost, throughout was grasped by that several clans, revolves to have at one's command. 最为关键的是,这些族群中的至宝从来没有丢失过,始终被那几族掌握,运转起来如臂使指。 The hearsay, the thing of supreme trains from the chaos, in far ultra chaos sea mature innate bottle gourd. 传闻,都是从混沌中培养出来的无上之物,远超混沌海中成熟的先天葫芦等。 Separate several Artifact in this piece of universe?” even/including Heavenly Dog is bending body, consults to Divine Master Huang respectfully. “失散的几件器物都在这片宇宙?”连老天狗都弯着身子,恭敬地向黄神师请教。 1-2, have the fuzzy feeling.” The old yellow weasel responds. “有一两件在,有模糊的感觉。”老黄鼠狼做出回应。 And, it narrated approximately the origin, in that very ancient time, World of the Living has had the cataclysm, why dissipates Supreme Being knows of innumerable time suddenly not to present and erupt great war. 并且,它大致讲述了一下根由,在那非常古老的时代,阳间发生过大动乱,一些消逝无数个时代的大能知道为何突然出现并爆发大战 In addition, some restricted areas therefore are not steady, the abatement departs outside some paper talisman, other things are born, even there is a living creature to walk, incurs not the good consequence, the World of the Living Supreme Being fierce combat, the rivers of blood. 此外,有些禁地也因此不稳,除却飞出一些符纸外,还有其他东西出世,甚至有活物走出来,引发不好的后果,阳间大能激战,血流成河。 That war affects All Heavens, World of the Living has several great people dying, carries off the treasure, each one chooses to bury, some people then therefore enter the World of the Dead universe. 那一战波及诸天,阳间有几位大人物垂死,带走瑰宝,各自去选择葬地,有人便因此进入阴间宇宙。 Some this Heavenly Venerate guessed that World of the Living Supreme Treasure possibly loses the World of the Dead's basis. 这就是有的天尊猜测阳间至宝可能遗落阴间的根据。 That time was too magnificent, was too fearful.” The old yellow weasel is sighing with emotion, under a service Gods wail. “那个时代太辉煌了,也太可怕了。”老黄鼠狼在感慨,一役之下诸神哭嚎。 He shook the head, World of the Living's Supreme Treasure only then 1-2 here, other lose in the unknown place, when knows does not appear again. 他又摇了摇头,阳间的至宝只有一两件在这里,还有其他失落在未知处,不知道什么时候再出现。 Before then, we process Yin Spirit that World of the Dead some are quite an eyesore.” The old crow opens the mouth, it is a Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate lineage/vein old servant. “在这之前,我们还是处理一下阴间一些较为碍眼的阴灵吧。”老乌鸦开口,它是乱宇天尊一脉的老仆。 It received the news, taught Qi Xia and other disciple dead, it thought it was necessary to clean, World of the Living Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple can tolerate Yin Spirit to strike to kill? 它已经接到消息,教中的戚霞等弟子死去,它觉得有必要清洗一番,阳间天尊的后辈弟子怎能容忍阴灵击杀? Yes, although several Junior Brother natural talents cannot be regarded shockingly, but enters my Islam wall, eventually not shame.” That white clothing youth nods. “是,几位师弟的天资虽然算不得惊艳,但入得我教门墙,终究是不可辱。”那白衣青年点头。 Previously came, to be responsible for monitoring Great Abyss four on vermilion steamship to teach disciple hearing this also to nod, advocated take action, first cleaned up Yin Spirit. 早先就过来、在朱红色大船上负责监测大渊的四教弟子闻言也都点头,主张出手,先清理阴灵 "Um, what is most essential, the Plundering Guide Breathing Method accident/surprise appears unexpectedly, this shocks the World of the Living's big event, is the pleasant surprise of exceeds expectation, on that named Chu Feng's Yin Spirit. ” “嗯,最为关键的是,盗引呼吸法居然意外出现,这是震撼阳间的大事件,属于超出预料的惊喜,在那个名为楚风的阴灵身上。” Those present unanimously request, where asking Divine Master Huang to deduce Chu Feng, look immediately him. 在场的人一致要求,请黄神师推演楚风在何方,立刻将他找出来。 The universe deep place, Chu Feng thinks very weary, is not the fatigue of body, but is the heart has the feeling of weariness, Qin Luoyin's dying makes him dejected, has not thought how to revive. 宇宙深处,楚风觉得很疲倦,不是身体的劳累,而是心有倦意,秦珞音的死让他心灰意冷,至今还未想到如何救活。 He sees the parents, looks at Chu Wuhen, then starts off once more. 他去看望父母,又去看楚无痕,然后再次上路。 We separate, I think peaceful.” Chu Feng said to Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and the others. “我们分开吧,我想安静一下。”楚风大黑牛黄牛等人说道。 You are feared that has the danger to implicate us?” Young Lady Xi glances him slantingly, is keen. “你是怕有危险连累我们?”少女曦斜瞟他,非常敏锐。 Yes, in my heart lacks self-confidence, for the security concern, we separates, avoids in different Star Territory, some World of the Living also people can come mostly.” Chu Feng said. “是,我心中没底,为了安全考虑,我们分开吧,躲避在不同的星域中,阳间多半还有人会过来。”楚风道。 Most when at least, homicide World of the Living person these brothers not on the scene, he does not want to implicate them. 最起码,他杀阳间人时这些兄弟没有在场,他不想将他们牵连进来。 „Did you speak, how can we flinch?” Big Black Ox pounds on the table. “你说什么话,我们怎能退缩?”大黑牛拍桌子。 Chu Feng shakes the head, this matter is they want to help unable to add on, if some World of the Living people appear again, that definitely will drag in lots of people, has certainly the big assurance. 楚风摇头,这种事就是他们想帮忙也帮不上,如果阳间再有人出现,那肯定会兴师动众,有绝大的把握。 strange matter has exposed, the opposite party definitely will guard, next time his knows does not resist with anything. 诡异物质已经暴露出来,对方肯定会有所防备,下一次他不知道用什么去对抗。 Any one group of people disputed, Chu Feng had not agreed, left decisively, alone starting off. 任一群人争执,楚风也没有同意,果断离开,独自上路。 Chu Feng, I want with you to discuss that.” 楚风,我想和你谈一谈。” Unexpected, Ying Wudi relates Chu Feng with Light Brain, this time is not black the face, but blushes, expression very non- nature. 出乎意料,映无敌光脑联系楚风,这一次不是黑着脸,而是红着脸,表情非常不自然。 His bracing oneself opens the mouth, said: My younger sister has shouted in confusion to save you, but in three Saint by the clan was put under house arrest, my elder sister Ying Zhexian closed up for a long time, her not knows this time matter.” 他硬着头皮开口,道:“我妹妹一直吵嚷要救你,但被族中三位圣人软禁起来,我姐姐映谪仙闭关很长时间了,她不知道这次的事。” Sub Immortal Clan feared that I do kill?” Chu Feng asked calmly. 亚仙族怕我杀过去?”楚风平静地问道。 Among one day, he extinguishes Xilin and slaughter deity, to eliminate Corpse Race, naturally initiates big change, Sub Immortal Clan's three Saint scares, to the present also face whiten like snow. 一日间,他灭西林、屠天神、除尸族,自然引发剧震,亚仙族的三位圣人吓坏,到现在还脸色苍白如雪。 Yes.” Ying Wudi sighed lightly, although before , is always black the face to Chu Feng, but he could not get used to seeing in the clan the doing faction of that three old fogy. “是。”映无敌轻叹,虽然以前总是对楚风黑着脸,但他也看不惯族中那三个老家伙的做派。 You in that three old monster with the Sub Immortal Clan temple said one, I want to look at Sub Immortal Clan's breathing method.” Chu Feng said gentle. “你跟亚仙族圣殿中那三个老怪物说一声,我想看一眼亚仙族的呼吸法。”楚风平和地说道。 Ying Wudi turns head to leave Light Brain, this matter has no way to discuss, but he thinks, told in the clan truthfully that three Saint, he thought that these three should reject? 映无敌扭头离开光脑,这事没法谈,不过他想了想,还是如实去告诉族中那三位圣者了,他觉得这三位应该会拒绝吧? Chu Feng looked for a tranquil asteroid, descends, looked at Qin Luoyin, he is very moved, finally blows her gloomy deathly stiff soul light by Soul Bell, takes in stone box. 楚风找了一颗宁静的小行星,降落下来,看了看秦珞音,他很伤感,最后以魂钟镇住她那暗淡僵死的魂光,收进石盒中。 Then, he starts to study stone box once again, he thought that this thing is containing the extraordinary secret, after the following research is thorough, can perhaps shelter Qin Luoyin with it, has gone through the Shining Death City stone mill plate, looks the Reincarnation Road end unpainted clay idol. 然后,他又一次开始研究石盒,他觉得这东西蕴含着非凡的秘密,后续研究透彻后,或许就能用它庇护住秦珞音,穿行过光明死城的石磨盘,去找轮回路尽头的泥胎。 stone box side slightly has clear, there is the endless mountains topography chart, is complex and unpredictable, is in Domain Dominion the most fearful Ultimate Land potential. 石盒的一面略有晶莹,那里是无尽的山川地势图,复杂而难测,都是场域领域中最可怕的终极地势。 Before stone box was very rough, only then the gloomy mark wound, but after the tour of previous Purgatory, it had some changes, when Chu Feng to stone box deposited energy, can the short time maintain some gloss at the same time. 以前石盒很粗糙,只有暗淡的纹络,但是上一次炼狱之行后它发生些许变化,当楚风石盒注入能量时,其中一面可以短时间保持些许光泽。 The old yellow weasel that universe edge, practiced divination spouts the pale golden blood suddenly, moreover coughs up blood one after another. 宇宙边缘,正在占卜的老黄鼠狼突然间噗的一声喷出淡金色的血液,而且是接连咳血。 Senior you how?!” The surrounding person has a big shock, because saw that its eye is bleeding, situation quite serious. “前辈你怎么了?!”周围的人大惊失色,因为看到它的眼睛都在淌血,情况相当的严重。 Doesn't deduce Yin Spirit whereabouts? how to go so far as to this. 不就是推演一个阴灵的下落吗?何至于此。 squeak squeak......” old yellow weasel exudes this cry unexpectedly. “吱吱……”老黄鼠狼居然发出这种叫声。
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