SR :: Volume #10

#924: Whom clear/pain demon forgives

Friendly bad end has the report, Heavenly Dao good Reincarnation, does not believe to look up, whom clear/pain demon does forgive?” “善恶终有报,天道轮回,不信抬头看,楚魔饶过谁?” Old clan head of flying birds was singing while high Earth flew the outer space, the head of shining white was swaying, looks at a distant place piece of decayed Saint corpse. 飞羽族的老族长一边唱着一边从从地球飞上外太空,白花花的头颅摇晃着,看着远处一片腐臭的圣者尸体。 At this time, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple Yuan Chen has not died, but also in weak wailing, after seeing him, the gloomy eye gets angry to open the eyes immediately. 此时,太武天尊的后世弟子袁晨还未死,还在虚弱的哀嚎,看到他后,暗淡的眼睛顿时又怒睁起来。 He hates greatly, did this words too taunt, making this World of the Living Major Sect disciple feel sad? 他大恨,这种话语太嘲讽,让他这个阳间大教弟子情何以堪? „Haven't you died?” The old clan head hair of flying birds is gray, looks at Yuan Chen, said: Allowed the old man to say two again, lying trough fuck off Extreme Martial did Heavenly Venerate, see? When your this crowd of unfilial later generation disciple are arrogant compared with the bald tail dog also horizontal, but the feeble heel dead dog is the same, looks like you very much!” “你还没死啊?”飞羽族的老族长头发花白,看着袁晨,道:“再容老头子说两句,卧槽你大爷的太武天尊,看到没有?你这群不孝后辈弟子飞扬跋扈时比秃尾巴狗还横,可衰弱后跟死狗一样,很像你吧!” This old man real personality, before previously was beheaded, had obloquied Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, runs now, points at the person nose to scold. 这老头子真性情,早先被砍头前就大骂过太武天尊,现在又跑上来了,指着人鼻子骂。 woof!” Big Heavenly Dog has not died, whole body golden color fur falls off, the body is bare, and gets down witheredly, does not have dog wool on the body. “汪!”大天狗还没死呢,浑身金色皮毛都脱落,身体光秃秃,且干瘪下去,没有一根狗毛在身上。 Also really did the bald tail dog, poke to your Extreme Martial Heavenly Race lineage/vein painful foot? One group of sons of bitches, get what one deserves!” Happiness that the old gentleman of feathers star scolded. “还真有一只秃尾巴狗,戳到你太武天族一脉的痛脚了?一群狗东西,活该!”飞羽星的这位老爷子骂的痛快。 You......” Yuan Chen had not breathed, although soul light is dissolving, but his vitality is very tenacious, longs for that the miracle appears. “你……”袁晨原本还没咽气呢,尽管魂光正在溶解,但他生命力很顽强,渴望奇迹出现。 But now hears this words, his been mad soul light is rapid, both eyes spill over the dead grey, must be irritated while still alive. 可是现在听到这种话语,他被气的魂光迅速暗淡,双目泛出死灰色,要被活活气死了。 woof!” Big Heavenly Dog is not willing, both eyes vicious, but does not have any brilliance, but is sending out wickedly final low hiss. “汪!”大天狗也不甘心,双目凶狠,但是却没什么光彩,只是在恶狠狠地发出最后的低嘶。 !” “噗!” After this person of dog puts out final two Dark Blood, is killed violently thoroughly, soul light melts, was irritated while still alive. 这一人一狗吐出最后两口黑血后,彻底毙命,魂光消融,被活活气死。 I do not want dead, but also my beauty, I want the youthful years......” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple Qi Xia to make the weakest sound. “我不想死啊,还我的美丽,我要青春年华……”乱宇天尊的后辈弟子戚霞发出最为虚弱的声音。 She is trembling, loses a leg, the white hair from gray, skinny, the whole face is very deep pleating, the eye socket gets sucked, there difficult pulls out copper mirror. 她颤颤巍巍,失去一条腿,白发从苍苍,皮包骨头,满脸都是很深的褶子,眼窝深陷,在那里艰难的掏出一个铜镜 This time Chu Feng, the old gentlemen of feathers star have not said anything, this place then remaining Qi Xia, other World of the Living people died cleanly. 这次无论是楚风,还是飞羽星的老爷子都没说什么,此地就剩下戚霞自己,其他阳间人都死干净了。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Qi Xia exhausted the final strength to exude one compared with a moment ago greatly many sounds, sharp grating, after she saw oneself appearance, an alarmed and afraid color of face, the incomparable horridness, died in this condition finally. 戚霞用尽最后的力气发出一声比刚才大很多的声音,尖锐刺耳,她看到自己的样子后,一脸的惊惧之色,无比的惶恐,最后死在这种状态中。 Chu Feng reminded that old gentleman by the latter point, here was not peaceful, grey matter filled the air, suitable danger. 楚风提醒那位老爷子靠后一点,这里可不太平,灰色物质弥漫,相当的危险。 In fact, the old clan head indignation of this feathers star, is not unbearably angry, to leave foul odor, after one ridicules, rapidly travels, charges into Earth. 事实上,这位飞羽星的老族长只是不忿,气不过而已,为出一口恶气,一番奚落后,迅速跑路,又冲向地球。 When Chu Feng takes in green skin bottle gourd all corpses and fog, hears gloomy sneering, sends out in that bottle gourd. 楚风将所有尸体与灰雾收进青皮葫芦时,听到一声阴森森的冷笑,在那葫芦中发出。 He suspected seriously, this grey matter spiritual wisdom, moreover already stared at him, now has not counter-attacked violently he, probably wants to walk with his hand in each region. 他严重怀疑,这灰色物质通灵,而且早就盯上他,现在没有猛烈反扑他,好像是想借他之手行走于各地。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng does not have the time to consider these now, receives the spoils of war, moves sideways then to vanish, appears on Earth. 楚风现在没时间考虑这些,收完战利品,一闪身便消失,出现在地球上。 Now across the universe is similar to excavates the center of the earth magma, the heat wave is dreadful, various clan ebullition, a noise. 现在宇宙各地如同采掘出地心岩浆,热浪滔天,各族沸腾,一片嘈杂声。 Gave to kill the World of the Living people, was Chu Feng this must ascend the sky? Many ethnic groups can only sigh, this young Evolver really formidable, creates the miracle repeatedly. 阳间人都给干掉了,楚风这是要上天吗?许多族群只能感叹,这个年轻的进化者实在可畏,屡创奇迹。 Even if the enemy also tacitly approves his Great Influence has become, if World of the Living nobody eradicates him, later nobody can receive him. 哪怕是对头也都默认他大势已成,如果阳间没有人来铲除他,以后真没有人能收他了。 Meanwhile, there is a people to shriek with pain quickly, previously World of the Living's these person of put on a high and mighty act, not World of the Dead universe Evolver, when the person looks, regards as Yin Spirit , compared with the pig dog, that stance really makes the person feel urgently the indignation and shame. 同时,也有人大喊痛快,早先阳间的那些人趾高气昂,不将阴间宇宙的进化者当人看,视作阴灵,比作猪狗,那种姿态实在让人倍感愤慨与羞辱。 Kills good, Chu Feng, the old man I support you, words that full of killing, World of the Living this group of grandsons come again, the old man does not beat also helps you, they who kills roll World of the Living!” “杀的好啊,楚风,老头子我支持你,杀的酣畅淋漓,阳间这群孙子再来的话,老夫就是不敌也去帮你,杀的他们滚回阳间!” Chu Feng, I did not shout your demon from now, Divine King Chu on, you killed World of the Living that many people, holy artifact that obtained were not few, kindly gave my two casually!” 楚风,从此以后我不喊你魔头,楚神王在上,你打杀阳间那么多人,获得的圣器不算少,随便赏给我两件吧!” In the starry sky, countless people discuss. 星空中,无数人热议。 Recently, several ancient strong clans were extinguished, was won breathing method, the atmosphere was depressing, now is obviously relaxed much, some people were away from the starry sky to crack a joke to Chu Feng. 近日,十几个古老的强族被灭,被夺走呼吸法,气氛非常压抑,现在明显轻松不少,有人隔着星空对楚风开玩笑。 However on Earth some place, that atmosphere is almost suffocating. 不过地球上某一地,那种氛围却几乎要让人窒息。 Eastern Sea, the great waves strike the day! 东海,浪涛击天! Chu Feng flies high to come, kills to the Yingzhou island! 楚风凌空而来,只身杀向瀛洲岛! Thousand Ka, feathers star old clan head and the others of shouted in behind, must come the help, however their speeds how and Chu Feng, was flung not to have the shadow. 千迦、飞羽星的老族长等人在后面大喊,要过来帮忙,但是他们的速度怎及楚风,被甩没影了。 Yingzhou, the entire islands are not small, in the folding space, blends with the Earth principal space now, obviously melts in world. 瀛洲,整座岛屿不算小,以前处在折叠空间中,现在跟地球主空间交融,显化在世间。 In the island the beautiful scenery, the scenery is exquisite, has the boundless snowy mountain to reach to the sky, the vast glacier is cold. 岛上青山绿水,景色优美,更有茫茫雪山高耸入云,浩大冰川寒冷刺骨。 Chu Feng came, sweeps away, with irresistible force, bores a hole through the Yingzhou island center directly, arrives in the central mountain range, the snowflake dances in the air, the lofty mountain is boundless, spiritual energy transpiration. 楚风来了,一路横扫,势如破竹,直接凿穿进瀛洲岛腹地,降临在中心山脉,雪花飞舞,巍巍大山苍茫,灵气蒸腾。 One group of people and others here, kotows unceasingly, the hope forgives, the high level in Yingzhou islands has scared, how can expect Chu Feng to win finally unexpectedly. 一群人等在这里,不断叩首,祈求原谅,瀛洲岛屿的高层吓坏了,怎能料到楚风最后竟能胜出。 ! 噗! A Chu Feng stick has swept, several hundred powerhouses turn into blood mist, anything does not have remaining, in the golden purple bamboo strikes destroy both body and soul gently. 楚风一棍扫了过去,数百强者化成血雾,什么都没有剩下,在紫金竹的轻轻一击下形神俱灭 Chu Feng, can you utterly destroy?” The mid-hill splits, several old man innertubes large quantities of people were flushing, brings to fear intent, is not willing. 楚风,你要斩尽杀绝吗?”山腹裂开,有几个老头子带着大批人冲了出来,带着惧意,还有不甘心。 „When wild ambition, antiquity the leader on Earth treats your ancestors like the brothers, gives the generous gifts, various mystique method practice at will, finally you like this treat their descendants, wants to move kills it excessively?!” “狼子野心,上古时地球上的头领待你们的祖上如兄弟,给予厚赐,各种秘法随意修行,结果你们就这样对待他们的后裔,想要调过头来杀之?!” A Chu Feng stick has swept, some opposite people shout, unexpectedly Sub Saint, this is the strength of most high-end, lived from the antiquity, although old must die. 楚风一棍扫了过去,对面有人嘶吼,居然有一位亚圣,这是最高端的战力,是从上古活下来的,虽然老的都要死掉了。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, we think live was better, in any case you were dying, what wrong closed up Xilin Clan, to close up the World of the Living person to have? Opportunity of choice is not very good, whose knows your this damn human life is so hard, don't you die? Really our misfortunes!” 成王败寇,我们只是想活的更好一些,反正你要死了,靠拢西林族、靠拢阳间人有什么错?只是选择的时机不够好而已,谁知道你这个该死的人命这么硬,你怎么不去死?真是我们的不幸!” That old fogy cheek twitch, rumbles holy artifact, kills toward Chu Feng, knew perfectly well that does not beat also begins, because Chu Feng is impossible to give him the means of livelihood. 那个老家伙面皮抽动,轰出一件圣器,向着楚风杀来,明知不敌也动手,因为楚风不可能给他活路。 Ambition is too heavy, refuses stubbornly to repent!” Chu Feng was disinclined saying that a palm of the hand has clapped, pulled out this old fogy flies, the face chest cavity in the midair distorted, the mouthful tooth flew to fall with the blood, then the body an cuns (2.5 cm) break, bang blasted out in the midair, Asian holy blood splash. “野心太重,死不悔改!”楚风懒得多说,一巴掌拍了过去,将这个老家伙抽飞,在半空中脸膛变形,满嘴牙齿和着血飞落,而后身体又寸寸断裂,轰的一声在半空炸开,亚圣血飞溅。 Chu Feng selects to fly directly six mountains with the black bamboo, will hide in inside Yingzhou core members gives to clutch, without any hesitant, kills completely. 楚风用紫竹直接挑飞六座大山,将躲在里面的瀛洲核心成员都给揪出来,没有任何犹豫,全部打杀。 At this time, the feathers, hundred Sichuan and simultaneous/uniform cloud, south and Chiba to four stars old clan head as well as thousand Ka of rushed, four Sub Saint, suppressed the Yingzhou island to be very easy fully. 这时,飞羽、百川、齐云、南离四星的老族长以及千迦和千叶都赶到了,足有四位亚圣,镇压瀛洲岛很容易。 Chu Feng has not continued, has given them, regarding here child his not being able to get down hand, told these people to go about something with a free hand freely, searches for soul, if there is an innocent person to let loose, but there is evil thought that in the heart wants to retaliate, managed him is the child or the old and weak, a wisp killed without the amnesty! 楚风没有继续下去,交给了他们,对于这里的孩子他下不去手,告诉这些人尽管放手去做,去搜魂,若有无辜者可以放开,但有恶念者,心中想报复的,管他是孩子还是老弱,一缕杀无赦! Then he walked, enters the outer space, relates Heavenspan Worm-hole Company, takes among one day to hit half universe, extinguishes Xilin Clan. 然后他就走了,进入外太空,联系通天虫洞公司,要一日间打遍半个宇宙,去灭西林族等。 Brother, you scared to death us, a person facing the World of the Living person, was quite thrilling, but was also quite happy!” Big Black Ox shouts, they caught up. “兄弟,你吓死我们了,一个人面对阳间人,好惊险,但也好痛快!”大黑牛喊道,他们赶来了。 Ouyang Feng at the back of the black tortoise shell, is stepping the Swan step gracefully, said: I said, the clear/pain demon you acted are also too quick, we caught up tightly catch up slowly, after the place, you ended, it seems like World of the Living this group of people were the parallel import, Uncle Ouyang have not assumed an awe-inspiring pose, they were dying.” 欧阳风背着黑龟壳,优雅地迈着天鹅步,道:“我说,楚魔你动作也太快了吧,我们紧赶慢赶,等到地头后你都收场了,看来阳间这群人都是水货,欧阳大爷还没发威呢,他们就死翘翘了。” hee-haw hee-haw, World of the Living this group of grandsons really not, Old Donkey I, although family background scholarly family aristocratic family, but also prepares to contest with them today, finally died, kills really!” Old Donkey also called out. 儿啊儿啊,阳间这群孙子真不咋地,老驴我虽然出身书香门第世家,可今天也准备跟他们过招呢,结果都死了,真不禁杀!”老驴也叫道。 One group of people arrive, concerned intention takes in everything at a glance, as far as possible they said is more relaxed, does not raise Qin Luoyin, feared that Chu Feng is moved. 一群人到来,关切心意一览无余,他们尽量说的轻松一些,不提秦珞音,怕楚风伤感。 Chu Feng said: Previous time is too benevolent, now we criticize together cleanly!” 楚风道:“上次太仁慈,现在我们一起去清算干净!” The time is not long, they come out from the wormhole, the first station arrives at planet that Xilin Clan is. 时间不长,他们就从虫洞出来,第一站就来到西林族所在的星球 Chu Feng is looking below star earth, the vision is spooky, regarding this ethnic group he really does not have a favorable impression, the matter that the antiquity did to be too disgusting, despicable and as evil and cruel as the extreme. 楚风望着下方的星土,目光幽幽,对于这个族群他真是没有一点好感,上古做的事太恶心,卑劣与歹毒到极点。 Was a pity, did not have antiquity world ninth Wei Heng by Saint of strange matter group killing in!” “可惜,被诡异物质群杀的圣人中没有上古天下第九魏恒!” Chu Feng regretted, does not have this person in extraterrestrial outer space die Saint, Wei Heng was initially cruel and merciless, shears the head of Uncle Ming, Marinate in the jar, was too sinister and ruthless, must know Uncle Ming is his teacher, did not read the benevolence. 楚风遗憾,在地球外太空殒落圣者中没有此人,当初魏恒心狠手辣,将明叔的头颅割下来,腌制在罐子中,太阴毒了,须知明叔可是他的启蒙老师,一点都不念恩情。 Whether Chu Feng knows Wei Heng does not die in the chaos universe, has not seen its trace. 楚风知道魏恒是否死在混沌宇宙,未见其踪。 However, who must acknowledge, Wei Heng heaven blessed genius, gold world in one generation ninth extremely fearful. 不过,谁都得承认,魏恒天纵之资,黄金一代中的天下第九极其可怕。 Whiz, Chu Feng penetrates the Xilin star, understands situation, where he thinks knows this clan final escape route! 嗖的一声,楚风深入西林星,去了解情况,他想知道该族最后的退路在哪里! Finally he returns to the outer space, looked below planet, said to Cauldron of Monster Ancestor: This time makes you eat to the full, the energy is abundant!” 最后他回归外太空,看了一眼下方的星球,对妖祖之鼎道:“这次让你吃个饱,能量非常充沛!” He reaches an agreement with Cauldron of Monster Ancestor, throws suddenly, the great cauldron illumination, bang hits the Xilin star. 他跟妖祖之鼎商量好,猛然一掷,大鼎发光,轰的一声撞进西林星。 Bang! 砰! On this day, fireworks blooms, is especially brilliant in the starry sky! 这一日,一朵烟花绽放,在星空中格外绚烂! The Xilin star extinguishes! 西林星灭! Obviously this clan some people previously frightened scared, ran away ahead of time. 显然该族有些人早先就吓到胆寒,已经提前逃走。 Chu Feng thinks little, his knows this clan also planet, is the so-called second hometown, previous time had several troops to run away, this time also some people of pasts. 楚风不以为意,他知道该族还有一颗星球,是所谓的第二家乡,上一次就有几部人马逃过去了,这次也有人过去。 He has begun to materialize, approximate knows where! 他已经有眉目,大致知道在哪里! Shortly, Chu Feng arrives Deity Star, without any hesitant, fills the cauldron to enter, bang, punctures that giant stars, the light rain blasts out. 不久后,楚风驾临天神星,没有任何犹豫,灌鼎而入,轰的一声,将那颗巨大的星辰打穿,光雨炸开。 The day divine ancestors star extinguishes! 天神祖星灭! The starry sky cooker, various clans shock, the Chu Feng under killer, slaughtered. 星空炸锅,各族震撼,楚风真的下杀手了,大开杀戒。 After the moment, Chu Feng arrives at starry sky another end, arrives at Corpse Race in star earth, uses the cauldron of Monster Race as before, shells it directly! 片刻后,楚风来到星空另一端,降临尸族所在星土,依旧动用妖族之鼎,直接轰击之! Bang! 砰! Another dazzling ball of light leaps, illuminates here starry sky, is extremely dazzling! 又一朵刺目的光团腾起,照亮这边星空,极其耀眼! He nonstop, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in Star Territory, unfeeling attack, does not have the hesitation of least bit, cleans Xilin, deity, Corpse Race. 他马不停蹄,纵横星域中,冷酷无情的出击,没有半点的犹豫,清洗西林、天神、尸族等。 Arrived afterward, some remote universe corner, another planet disintegrated, bang, the light beam erupted, four sides the dazzling energy great waves charged into Eight Desolates. 到后来,某一偏僻的宇宙角落,又一颗星球瓦解,轰的一声,光束爆发,刺目的能量浪涛冲向四面八荒 The Xilin Clan so-called second hometown extinguishes! 西林族所谓的第二家乡灭! Various clans learned, is all scared. 各族得悉,皆胆寒。 Sub Immortal Clan hears it, had ancient times Saint startled to let slip to fall in the temple falls the teacup, tea stain moistens the body not to know. 亚仙族闻之,有远古圣人在圣殿中惊慌失手摔落茶杯,茶渍沾身而不知。 gray era first year, Chu Feng vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered World of the Dead universe, among one day suppress and kill number clan, shocking, various clans tremble. 灰色纪元元年,楚风纵横阴间宇宙,一日间镇杀数族,举世震惊,各族颤栗。
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