SR :: Volume #10

#923: The evolution end is too terrifying

The World of the Dead universe edge, several people on ship no longer tea, expression grave, after having fed back, they believe firmly that in Great Abyss has the tremendous problem, is fearful. 阴间宇宙边缘,船上的几人不再饮茶,神色凝重,得到反馈后他们确信大渊中有巨大问题,非常可怕。 According to the radiation value computation, its life cycle at the deterioration final part, will thoroughly soon die, another pours the terrifying on ultimate evolution body road exists.” “根据辐射值计算,它的生命周期处在衰败末段,即将彻底死去,又一个倒在终极进化体路上的恐怖存在。” Regardless of where this words shock everybody, what because discussed was the common people cannot contact the level that mention was ancient and incomparably fearful existence. 这种话语无论在哪里都惊世骇俗,因为谈论的是世人根本接触不到的层面,提及是古老而无比可怕的存在。 In fact although these people are True Disciple, is good in the respective Dao Lineage status, but could not have contacted this level thing. 事实上这几人虽然是真传弟子,在各自的道统地位不俗,但是也还远接触不到这个层面的东西。 Just like Yuan Chen, Qi Xia and the others were the same, these people before entering World of the Dead were taught the famous elder to instruct earnestly, instill into various fearful secrets as well as the experiences, for is makes them find out the World of the Dead universe strangeness. 正如袁晨、戚霞等人一样,这几人在进入阴间前被教中的名宿耳提面命,灌输各种可怕的秘密以及经验,为的就是让他们探出阴间宇宙这边的古怪。 Because, in had Heavenly Venerate to come inexplicably to vanish in the past personally! 因为,在过去有天尊亲自过来都莫名消失! Is very difficult to imagine, has this ancient existence in this incomplete microcosm unexpectedly, dares to take the road of ultimate evolution body, what a pity, in the end drops down, but knows it did not turn into anything finally.” “很难想象,在这种残缺的小宇宙中居然有这种古老的存在,敢走上终极进化体之路,可惜啊,到头来还是倒下,只是不知道它最后变成了什么。” Has a theory when World of the Living, presently the road of person thinks the certificate insufficient, when oneself to the ultimate evolution body makes great strides forward, no one knows will have anything. 阳间有一种理论,当前人的路不足以为凭证时,自己向终极进化体迈进时,谁都不知道会发生什么。 Naturally, announced according to the World of the Living Celestial Emperor Calendar 5,302,978 years the record that the Great Universe Level evolution body should also the section of road be possible to walk is right, but few people can contact that several roads. 当然,按照阳间天帝历5302978年公布出来的记载,大宇级进化体应该还有一段路可走才对,只是没有几人能接触到那几条路。 „The Heavenly Venerate Level energy cannot absolutely in this piece of World of the Dead void escape, otherwise in existence by Great Abyss will be absorbed forcefully! It sheds the thing that turns into, even if in the deterioration end, is fearful, more formidable creature dies facing it is quicker.” 天尊级的能量绝对不能在这片阴间虚空逸散,不然会被大渊中的存在强行吸收!它蜕变成的东西哪怕处于衰败末期,也非常可怕,越强大的生灵面对它死的越快。” On the ship several people of discrete discussions, the look is serious, does not dare to act rashly. 船上几人谨慎讨论,都神色郑重,不敢轻举妄动。 The universe, each region has seethed with excitement. 宇宙,各地已经沸腾。 The people have found through the live transmission, four Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree fly away, is uncontrolled, went by one mysterious strength hauling. 人们通过直播已经了解到,四张天尊法旨飞走,不受控制,被一种神秘的力量牵引而去。 When the Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform previous time catches various Chu Feng and clan Saint fierce combat pictures, once some lay out Heavenly Eye near Great Abyss, is the withdrawal. 黑血平台、原兽平台上一次捕捉楚风与各族圣人激战时的画面,曾在大渊附近布下一些天眼,至今还为撤走。 Therefore, two big platforms first discovered, four Dharma Decree are burning down, falls into Great Abyss, such was swallowed. 因此,两大平台第一时间发现,四张法旨焚烧着,落入大渊,就这么被吞噬。 Suddenly, each region shocks, World of the Dead also has like this fearful strength, energy that can firmly resist Heavenly Venerate Level have?! 一时间,各地震撼,阴间还有这样的可怕实力,能硬抗天尊级存在的能量?! However, if the theory clamored and focuses attention on, at this time extraterrestrial outer space even better, although the evolution rank of participant did not have Heavenly Venerate to be so high, but actually affected the mind of person. 不过,若论喧哗与瞩目,此时地球外太空更胜一筹,虽然参与者的进化级别没有天尊那么高,但是却更加牵动人的心神。 people that hates hates, the person who worries about to be deep sorrow, matter that is concerned here have. 恨的人大恨,担忧的人则深忧,关切这里正在发生的事。 Universe regional innumerable Evolver go to here the vision, true widely-noted. 宇宙各地无数进化者将目光投向这里,真正的举世瞩目。 Yuan Chen, Qi Xia and the others the fine body hair is but actually vertical, what's all this about? They are unable to understand, Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree will fly away unexpectedly, making their big such as fight. 袁晨、戚霞等人寒毛倒竖,这是怎么回事?他们无法理解,天尊法旨居然会飞走,让他们头大如斗。 In their hearts, Heavenly Venerate is a vault of heaven, keeps aloof, is impassable Firmament, result four Great Heavenly Venerate about is taken away in same place Dharma Decree, is too sudden, is too fearful. 在他们心中,天尊就是苍穹,高高在上,是不可超越的上苍,结果四大天尊合在一起的法旨都被收走,太突然,也太可怕。 They are frightened, if at this time Earth that three Shining Upon Level powerhouses came back one, killed them sufficiently completely, could not run away. 他们惊悚,这个时候如果地球那三位映照级强者回来一尊,足以杀死他们全部,一个也跑不掉。 Their fine body hair is but actually vertical, from the beginning as cool as foot. 他们寒毛倒竖,从头凉到脚。 Must capsize in the World of the Dead universe, in their eyes buries the post randomly unexpectedly such fearsome? 阴间宇宙要翻船,他们眼中的乱葬岗居然这么可怖? Their spines ice coldly, but quick awakens, not, because in the heart is scared to make it so, but is the true bad risk approaches to be the result. 他们脊椎骨都冰寒,不过很快就醒悟,并不是在因为心中发毛使然,而是真正的凶险逼近所致。 Is that fog, turns into another wild animal and wicked birds and beasts, some are the Immemorial ominous tigers, some were prehistoric Nine-headed Bird, some for dark hunting...... 是那灰雾,化成一头又一头野兽与恶禽,有的为太古凶虎,有的为史前九头鸟,有的为黑暗猎食者…… Bang!” “轰!” Their took out weapon, including that crowd of troops that they surrender also in take action, but is useless, was pestered instantaneously on! 他们都祭出兵器,包括他们降服的那群部众也都在出手,但是没有用,都在瞬间被纠缠上! Also some people quite skidding, first flees, wants to flee from here, saw that the symptom is not right. 也有人较为滑溜,第一时间就遁走,想要逃离这里,看出苗头不对。 creature that what a pity, these fog turn into is quicker, surmounts the lightning simply, whiz whiz overtakes the complete troops, was similar to the wild animal shouts to throw. 可惜,这些灰雾化成的生灵更快,简直超越闪电,嗖嗖追上全部人马,如同野兽般嘶吼着扑了上去。 You hurry to enter Earth!” Chu Feng whispered, making feathers star old clan head, thousand Ka and the others walk quickly, do not stay in this place. “你们赶紧进入地球!”楚风低语,让飞羽星的老族长、千迦等人快走,不要呆在此地。 Here lost control, even if in the Chu Feng hand has innate bottle gourd, is unable to guarantee that can block the terrifying abnormity that this rich fog turns into. 这里已经失控,哪怕楚风手中有先天葫芦,也无法确保可以挡住这浓郁的灰雾化成的恐怖异形。 Good, we walk!” “好,我们走!” These person old becomes a spirit, knows cannot help, is impolite with Chu Feng, dives together to Earth. 这些人都人老成精,知道帮不上忙,没有跟楚风客气,一起俯冲向地球。 What thing is this?!” “这是什么东西?!” Some person Saint Level Evolver panic-stricken shouts out, their heart and gall is all cold, after being pestered on , the flesh is withered immediately, oneself is sending out the decayed flavor unexpectedly in a twinkling, is feeble in the shortest time. 一些人圣级进化者惊恐大喝,他们心胆皆寒,被纠缠上后血肉立刻干瘪,自身居然在霎时间发出腐臭的味道,在最短的时间衰弱下来。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple Yuan Chen, on handsome face no longer faint, but writes all over alarmed and afraid, he thought that oneself must turn into the rotten corpse, the smell is ill-smelling. 太武天尊的后辈弟子袁晨,英俊的脸上不再淡漠,而是写满惊惧,他觉得自己要化成腐烂的尸体了,气味难闻。 "Ah, no! ” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation female disciple Qi Xiageng was yelling startled, her bright and clean such as the face of jade starts to defeat dry, the flesh is withered, the putrid stench fill the air, making her call out pitifully to continue. “啊,不!”乱宇天尊的后辈女弟子戚霞更是在惊慌大叫,她那光洁如玉的面孔开始枯败,肌肤更是干瘪,尸臭弥漫,让她惨叫不止。 Unexpectedly is...... strange matter, will Six Paths Evil Venerate in the potential surface ominous fog, how appear here?!” The World of the Living person fears, was yelling. “居然是……诡异物质,六道邪尊所在位面的不祥灰雾,怎么会出现在这里?!”阳间人恐惧,都在大叫。 In the Chu Feng heart moves, the Foreign Territory past first ancestor once grasped to have Six Paths Time Technique, the old age will not bring in the strange matter entanglement, this person should be Six Paths Evil Venerate in World of the Living population. 楚风心中一动,异域当年的始祖曾掌握有六道时光术,藉此晚年不会引来诡异物质纠缠,此人应该就是阳间人口中的六道邪尊 However, Six Paths Evil Venerate in long before was killed by World of the Living's Supreme Being. 不过,六道邪尊在很早以前就被阳间的大能击毙了。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” One crowd of Saint Level Evolver were also yelling, the pain is hard to endure, no matter ancient times Saint, was the recent antiquity Sanctification person, one appearance, facial features withered, decomposed odour was strong. 一群圣级进化者也在大叫,痛苦难忍,不管是远古圣者,还是近古成圣的人,都一个样子,面容枯槁,腐烂气味儿浓重。 Some people fly to Chu Feng, a face fierce color, must draw in him to start off together. 有人冲着楚风飞来,一脸狰狞之色,要拉上他一起上路。 And, Xilin Clan several Saint and Corpse Race's ancient times Saint and Deity Race's powerhouse was not willing, to Chu Feng whole face the color of hatred, killed fast. 其中,西林族的几位圣人尸族的远古圣者天神族的强者最是不甘心,对楚风满脸的怨毒之色,快速杀来。 They think quickly, but compared usually was too slow, Essence, Qi and Spirit was already pestered, in their carcasses attracted above 90%. 他们自认为很快,但是比起平日太慢了,一身的精气神早已被纠缠在他们身上的兽体吸掉九成以上。 Chu Feng remains unmoved, stands in same place, grasps green skin bottle gourd, grasps the golden purple bamboo, uses the Heavenly Dao umbrella uselessly, fears this pollution. 楚风不为所动,站在原地,一手持青皮葫芦,一手持紫金竹,没用动用天道伞,怕将此器污染。 In his opinion, has green skin bottle gourd and golden purple bamboo is enough in the hand! 在他看来,有青皮葫芦紫金竹在手就足够! Bang! 砰! The big stick that the golden purple bamboo turns into, was moved by the Chu Feng wheel, one that throws Saint that hits Xilin Clan that to be split up first, the black dirty blood scatters. 紫金竹化成的大棍,被楚风轮动起来,将西林族的那位最先扑过来的圣人打的噗的一声四分五裂,黑色污血四溅。 "Ah...... Fellow Daoists, was he has harmed us, on, the slaughter fell him together, even if were dies must draw in him to start off together, otherwise was your I resigned? ” “啊……诸位道友,是他害了我们,一起上啊,屠掉他,哪怕是死也要拉上他一起上路,不然你我甘心吗?” Xilin Clan another Saint shouts, summoned that other Saint move together, come to strike to kill Chu Feng. 西林族另一位圣人呼喊,号召其他圣人齐动手,都过来击杀楚风 You can indeed not be willingly, because I will extinguish your Xilin entire ethnic group, utterly destroys, does not remain!” Chu Feng said coldly faintly. “你的确会不甘心,因为我会灭了你们西林整个族群,斩尽杀绝,一个都不留!”楚风冷幽幽地说道。 Bang! 砰! The golden purple bamboo pounds to fall, although this Saint is resisting, however the present strength ten do not save one, drops feebly to Realm, where is a match, the top of the head was broken at the scene, dies a violent death. 紫金竹砸落,这位圣人虽然在对抗,但是如今的实力十不存一,衰弱到境界都跌落下去,哪里是对手,当场天灵盖就被砸碎,死于非命。 You......” “你……” Can the Xilin Clan remaining Saint startled anger, exterminate the clan? Their innermost feelings are full of the fear! 西林族剩下的圣人惊怒,要被灭族?他们内心充满恐惧! Thinks is survivor of disaster coming back that from the chaos universe, even if loses the freedom, becomes others' servant, but lived after all, can shelter own ethnic group, how can expect in an instant all to become empty/sky! 原本以为从混沌宇宙劫后余生的回来,哪怕失去自由,成为别人的奴仆,但是毕竟活了下来,能够庇护自己的族群,怎能料到转眼间一切成空! Has defeated including the World of the Living's people, how this demon? 阳间的人都败了,奈何不了这个魔头? Said that I am a demon, my truly to become demon looked to you, I will arrive at the ethnic group that and others were, Deity Race, Xilin, Corpse Race wait/etc. do not need to exist!” The Chu Feng's words are icy. “都说我是魔头,那我就真正成魔给你们看,我会亲临尔等所在的族群,天神族、西林、尸族等都没有必要存在了!”楚风的话语冷冰冰。 Deity Race and Corpse Race's Saint hearing this, complexion also turns white, the physique withered, thorough deterioration, looks awful now. 天神族尸族的圣者闻言,脸色也发白,原本形体枯槁,彻底衰败,现在更是不成样子。 Kills, first has destroyed Earth!” “杀,先毁了地球!” One group of people turn around, wants to avoid Chu Feng, dives to Earth. 一群人转身,想避开楚风,向地球俯冲。 Cuts!” “斩!” Chu Feng scolds lightly, pats green skin bottle gourd gently, its fissure illumination all over the body, condenses the strength of very fearful lightning, then gathers to bottle gourd mouth there, flies the large expanse of fearful light beam. 楚风轻叱,轻轻一拍青皮葫芦,它通体的裂痕发光,凝聚出非常可怕的闪电之力,然后聚向葫芦嘴那里,噗的一声飞出去成片可怕的光束。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Saint exploding of Deity Race, Corpse Race and Xilin Clan one after another opens, does not have including the blood, was rumbled by the light beam the powder, only leaves behind big piece grey matter. 天神族尸族西林族圣人一个接一个的爆开,连血都没有,都被光束轰成粉末,只留下大片灰色物质 Initially, the yellow wool old fox when Foreign Territory helped him refine, left the incomplete first Heavenly Thunder thunderclap principle this not mature bottle gourd nourish. 当初,在异域时黄毛老狐狸帮他炼制过一番,将这不成熟的葫芦温养出残缺的先天雷霆法则。 As expected, carcasses that some strange matter turn into grin fiendishly, starts to kill to Chu Feng. 不出所料,有些诡异物质化成的兽体狞笑,也开始向楚风扑杀。 Receives!” “收!” Chu Feng shouted, innate bottle gourd long in chaos sea, once was nourished by the chaos thunder, was too powerful, received strange matter. 楚风喝道,先天葫芦长在混沌海中,曾被混沌雷霆滋养,太强悍了,将诡异物质生生收进去。 Surrounding Saint is dumbfounded, such as falling icehouse, then some people pain is wailing, really could not endure the corrosion of strange matter. 周围的圣人傻眼,如坠冰窖,接着一些人痛苦的哀嚎着,实在忍受不了诡异物质的侵蚀。 Front, the people in Yingzhou tremble, fears, they betray once more, finally discovered that Great Demon Chu Feng is simply omnipotent, selects to turn including the World of the Living's people, making them almost scare to death. 前方,瀛洲的人颤栗,最为恐惧,他们再次背叛,结果发现楚风大魔头简直无所不能,连阳间的人都挑翻,让他们差点吓死。 In fact has not waited for Chu Feng to begin, these people cannot insist, turned into the carrion in the most painful suffering by grey matter, soul light is dissolved completely, always can not be reincarnated. 事实上还没有等楚风动手,这些人就坚持不住,在最为痛苦的煎熬中被灰色物质化成腐尸,魂光全部被溶解,永世不得超生。 "Ah...... Chu Feng you cannot like this, I come from Sub Immortal Clan, saves me quickly! ” “啊……楚风你不能这样,我来自亚仙族,快救救我吧!” Chu Feng virtue nephew, I came from Pegasus Star Territory, not complained with your far date recently did not have the enmity.” 楚风贤侄,我来自天马星域,与你远日无怨近日无仇啊。” ...... …… Some person Saint yelled, however, Chu Feng actually cold-hearted like iron, remains unmoved, has not paid attention. 一些人圣者大叫,然而,楚风却心冷如铁,不为所动,根本就没有理会。 Since this group of people follow the World of the Living person to come Earth to cope with him together, must have a consciousness. 这群人既然追随阳间人一起来地球要对付他,就要有所觉悟。 Kills!” “杀!” Some Saint final crazy, will soon die, then turns toward Earth to flush away, wants to give Chu Feng to add to stop up, must rush below stars. 一些圣者最后的疯狂,即将死去,便向着地球冲去,想要给楚风添堵,要闯进下方的星辰。 This is the futile effort, looking awful that they deteriorate, the strength sharp decline, Chu Feng overtakes instant, the golden purple bamboo sweeps away, stick gives to kill. 这是徒劳的,他们都衰败的不成样子,实力锐减,楚风刹那追上,紫金竹横扫,一棍一个都都给打杀。 Meanwhile, in his hand green skin bottle gourd assumes an awe-inspiring pose once more, sprays the light beam, is accompanying strange matter, sweeps some Saint falls, turns into fine powder. 同时,他手中青皮葫芦再次发威,喷射光束,伴着诡异物质,将一些圣者扫落,化成齑粉 Across the universe knows does not have many people to see this, by dumbfoundedness of being startled! 宇宙各地也不知道有多少人看到这一幕,被惊的目瞪口呆! In aspect that in this type must die, Chu Feng stemmed from live once again, but also was striking to kill the match who expected! 在这种必死的局面中,楚风又一次出乎所料的活了下来,还在击杀对手! On Earth, the people in Penglai and abbot island secretly are scratching the cold sweat, was rejoicing that own strength in meditation is full, has not jumped, this chess was too right. 地球上,蓬莱、方丈岛的人都在暗自擦冷汗,都在庆幸自身定力十足,没有跳出去,这步棋太对了。 The person in Yingzhou island, lifts the clan to look ashen now. 瀛洲岛的人,现在举族面如土色。 The universe deep place, Sub Immortal Clan's three ancient times Saint were also scared! 宇宙深处,亚仙族的三位远古圣人亦发毛! The extraterrestrial outer space, Yuan Chenjiang own skin grasped rottenly, the solid pain was difficult to bear, is unable to endure, what within the body flowed out was the black blood, the odor was ill-smelling. 地球外太空,袁晨将自己的皮肤都抓烂了,实在痛苦难当,无法忍受,体内流出的是黑色血液,恶臭难闻。 Chu Feng, you must by may you be punished by heaven, not be tolerated by heaven or earth, dare to use this material, Heavenly Venerate kill it!” 楚风,你要被天诛,天地不容,竟敢动用这种物质,天尊共杀之!” He is whooshing, frightened boundless, only if now hurries back to World of the Living immediately, asking Heavenly Venerate rapid take action to rescue, otherwise did not have any means of livelihood. 他嘶吼着,恐惧无边,现在除非立刻赶回阳间,请天尊迅速出手解救,不然的话没有任何活路。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” He is wailing, tumbles in void. 他哀嚎着,在虚空中翻滚。 Chu Feng walked, some nearby Saint were dying rapidly, turns into the rotten corpse, but he remains unmoved, only to World of the Living's these people. 楚风走了过去,附近一些圣人在迅速死去,化成腐烂尸体,但他不为所动,只冲着阳间的这些人而来。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng begins personally, turns the golden purple bamboo, hits not to have Yuan early morning lower half body, Dark Blood and black fog dissipate. 楚风亲自动手,轮动紫金竹,将袁晨的下半截躯体打没,黑血与黑雾逸散。 The Yuan Chen painful noisy wail, extending take action wants to kill Chu Feng, but weakly is actually incapable, arrived at this, his body and spirit extinguish, where also had any strength. 袁晨痛苦长嚎,伸出手想杀楚风,但是却虚弱无力,都到这一步了,他形神将灭,哪里还有什么力量。 „The World of the Living's person is also mediocre.” Chu Feng is superficial, has given him a stick, below dozen of disappearances of his chest and belly, then does not pay attention, making him wither away in the suffering gradually. 阳间的人也不过如此啊。”楚风轻描淡写,又给了他一棍,将他胸腹以下打的消失,然后就不理会了,让他在煎熬中逐渐消亡。 Gives me a happiness!” Yuan Chen bellows in behind, but Chu Feng no longer responds him. “给我一个痛快!”袁晨在后面大吼,但是楚风不再搭理他。 Chu Feng arrives at Qi Xia near, a golden purple bamboo gently point, her right knee vanished, turns into one group of black blood mist and grey matter. 楚风来到戚霞近前,紫金竹轻轻一点,她的右膝盖就消失了,化成一团黑色血雾灰色物质 You were too ugly.” Chu Feng overlooks, turns around to walk. “你太丑陋了。”楚风俯视,转身就走。 "Ah, who did you say uglily? I am Qi Xia fairy maiden! No, my foot, my leg, my face...... ” Qi Xia was screaming, painful was calling, her body likely was old several thousand years. “啊,你谁说丑陋?我是戚霞仙子!不,我的脚,我的腿,我的脸……”戚霞尖叫着,痛苦的叫着,她的身体像是苍老了数千年。 Struggles in this place from the World of the Living's people, is sad and shrill, has not thought will have such moment, they previously overlooked this piece to bury post randomly, does not look in the eye, thinks that does not have the comparability with World of the Living's creature, finally here was actually killed it! 来自阳间的人都在此地挣扎,非常凄厉,从来没有想到过会有这样的一刻,他们早先俯视这片“乱葬岗”,并不看在眼中,认为和阳间的生灵没有可比性,结果却在这里被杀之! Here ghost crying god is howling, one group of people are very frigid, dying one after another, is unable to resist, the dead shape is too ugly, soul light was dissolved, the corpse is rotten. 这里鬼哭神嚎,一群人十分惨烈,一个接一个的死去,根本无法抗争,死状太难看,魂光被溶解,尸体腐烂。 Chu Feng raised the head, does not want to visit them, grasps green skin bottle gourd to start to receive the dead as well as the fog, simultaneously his eye pupil looks to Earth Yingzhou island direction, looks to the universe deep place. 楚风抬头,不想看他们,手持青皮葫芦开始收死者以及灰雾,同时他的眼眸望向地球瀛洲岛方向,又看向宇宙深处。 The World of the Dead universe edge, is floating a vermilion steamship. 阴间宇宙边缘,漂浮着一艘朱红色大船。 On the tea table, the fragrance fills the air, winds around the five colors dense color fog, this is a god tea, produces in several jade stone mountain peaks near Genesis Heavenly Venerate seclusion place, is the rarest special product, is the god tea. 茶几上,香气弥漫,缭绕出五色氤氲彩雾,这是一种神茶,产于元始天尊坐关地附近的几座玉石山峰上,算是最稀珍的特产,属于神茶。 However, several people on ship have no interest tea, state of mind uneasy. 但是,船上的几人无心饮茶,神思不宁 Experiments the God Level energy, looked that is also whether influential.” A person opens the mouth, and takes out Dharma Decree, is World of the Living God Level powerhouse own handwriting writing, at this time Shining Upon leaves dazzling complicated mysterious veined pattern, void is shivering. “试验一下神级能量,看是否也有影响。”一人开口,并取出一张法旨,是阳间一位神级强者亲笔书写,此时映照出炫目的繁奥纹路,虚空都在颤动。 Finally, this Dharma Decree by took out, finally of bang also suction, submerges Great Abyss! 最终,这张法旨祭出,结果轰的一声也被吸走,没入大渊 Several people knit the brows, no wonder the incomplete World of the Dead universe does not have God Level Evolver, the reason here, will also be swallowed including the energy of this progression! 几人皱眉,难怪残缺的阴间宇宙没有神级进化者,原因在此,连这个级数的能量也会被吞食! They determined that exists marched into deterioration most late stage, but the half dead body is such fearful, what did its exuviate turn into? The Evolution Road end is too terrifying! 他们确定,那个存在已经步入衰败最后期,可半死之身还是这么可怕,它到底蜕变成了什么?进化路的尽头太恐怖!
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