SR :: Volume #10

#922: World of the Dead is strongest

The chilly wind has blown, on steep slope completely is the yellow leaf is everywhere on the wane, Chu Feng stands on the hump roars loudly, wishes one could to kill Earth to go immediately. 清冷的风吹过,陡坡上到处尽是黄叶凋零,楚风站在山岗上大声咆哮,恨不得立刻杀到地球去。 This is a universe corner, place of very remote corner. 这是宇宙的一个角落,非常偏僻的一隅之地。 He hides the Yaoyao grandfather there, laid down that inner and outer coffin, the World of the Living person came, he was worried to discover that the Yaoyao grandfather, will annoy to plant fearful existence of Origin Metal in within the body in the past. 他将妖妖的爷爷藏在那里,埋下那口棺椁,阳间人来了,他担心发现妖妖的祖父,会惹出当年在其体内栽种母金的可怕存在。 Now his incomparable anger, the angry blood direct impact top of the head, is similar to together scarlet True Dragon, comes out from top of the head Shining Upon, circles in void, shouting. 现在他无比愤慨,怒血直冲天灵盖,如同一道赤红的真龙,从头顶映照出来,在虚空中盘旋,嘶吼着。 He has never thought steps onto Evolution Road so many not to put down the matter, once thought that considered in the past the angle of matter is not suitable. 他从未想到过走上进化路会有这么多的不平事,曾经的思维,当年考虑事情的角度等都不适用了。 Is this far more than law of the jungle? Various indignation on the path of evolution, the unfair and cruel matter are not many, before the spiritual energy recovers the society, is too straightforward, a word at earliest convenience is not bloody. 这何止是弱肉强食?在进化的道路上各种不忿、不公、残忍的事太多,与灵气复苏前的社会相比,太直截了当,一言不合就是血淋淋。 Treads the nose to tread your face then such as some present people, but must burn down your soul, tramples all that you approve, arrogant, the vicious tendencies are full. 就如现在有人蹬着鼻子踏你的脸,还要焚烧你的灵魂,践踏你所认可的一切,飞扬跋扈,戾气十足。 Chu Feng gets hold of the fist, on the forehead blue vein appears, because of Earth, some irregular ethnic group was involved, the fate is very miserable, making his anger rush. 楚风握紧拳头,额头上青筋都浮现出来,因为地球,一些不相干的族群都被牵扯进来,下场很凄凉,让他怒意澎湃。 The feathers stars, hundred Sichuan stars and simultaneous/uniform Yunxing, south related in the antiquity with Earth to star very well, but this did had the communication, but also was far closely, like this aim at? Too pitiful, making him indignant. 飞羽星、百川星、齐云星、南离星在上古时跟地球关系非常好,但是这一世才有来往而已,还谈不上密切,就被人这样针对?太可悲,让他激愤。 He thought that oneself is too naive, heart pure good, but also considers various gratitude and grudges entanglements in evolution by a thought of modern people. 他觉得自己太天真,心地过于“纯善”,还以一个现代人的思维去考虑进化界中的各种恩怨纠缠。 What demon is he? So-called Demon Chu is unexpectedly softhearted, is never ruthless, is too tolerant to the enemy. 他是什么魔?所谓的楚魔头居然心慈手软,从不赶尽杀绝,对敌人太宽容。 If chooses again one time, he believes firmly, after which manages he died , the flood to be dreadful, after regardless of also dying, whether he will carry on the so-called Yama's Palace trial, must clean Xilin, deity, Corpse Race thoroughly wait/etc., kept them to do really?! 如果再选择一次,他确信,哪管他死后洪水滔天,也不论死后他是否会被进行所谓的森罗殿审判,也一定要彻底清洗掉西林、天神、尸族等,留他们作甚?! When him, a stone box corner/horn slightly clear, the tour of this Purgatory, making him try to find out accidentally/surprisingly this Artifact some special uses, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, unexpectedly can take and put away the object with it. 在他近前,石盒一角略显晶莹,这次炼狱之行,让他意外摸索出这件器物的一些特别用处,运转盗引呼吸法时,居然可以用它收放物体。 However, this makes him quite strenuous, the material that stone box receives is limited, most also then one meter square. 不过,这让他相当的吃力,石盒收进去的物质有限,最多也就一米见方。 Moreover, can only stimulate to movement with Plundering Guide Breathing Method, other breathing method are useless, stone box did not respond. 而且,只能用盗引呼吸法催动,其他呼吸法没什么用,石盒毫无反应。 „Is don't tell me certain special strengths in Shining Death City causes stone box to recover?” 难道光明死城中的某些特别的力量导致石盒复苏?” Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng leaves, catches up with the aid of superior grade wormhole to the extraterrestrial outer space, he does not have any delaying, within the body blood to thunder, felt that oneself must blast out. 楚风离开,借助超级虫洞赶向地球外太空,他没有任何耽搁,体内血液在轰鸣,感觉自身都要炸开了。 The World of the Living's person goes too far, that type despises, that magnanimous attitude, has not placed in the person of this piece of universe the eye quite the same as, optional slaughtering, said that massacres city then the slaughter, at all not life cares on the wane. 阳间的人真的欺人太甚,那种蔑视,那种高姿态,浑然没有将这片宇宙的人放在眼中,随意的杀戮,说屠城就屠,根本未将生命的凋零放在心上。 Chu Feng did you come? The good play just now starts.” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation female disciple is bringing sweet smiling, wears the light yellow long skirt, stands in the starry sky, quite satisfied, lazy extends the small waist, with the lip of snow white hand ajar bright red sex appeal, opened a small yawn. 楚风你来了吗?好戏才刚开始哦。”乱宇天尊的后辈女弟子带着甜甜的笑,身穿鹅黄长裙,站在星空中,相当的惬意,慵懒的伸了伸小蛮腰,用雪白的手半掩鲜红性感的唇,张了个小哈欠。 She waves gently, two old monks were detained, was pressed there, some people hold up the bright as snow long blade high. 她轻轻一挥手,两个老僧被押上来,被按在那里,有人高高举起雪亮的长刀。 Stop!” “住手!” Chu Feng came, rushed from the wormhole, stands in the extraterrestrial outer space, recognizes that two old monk, is Earth Bodhi Gene Evolver thousand Ka and Chiba. 楚风来了,从虫洞中闯了出来,站在地球外太空,一眼就认出那两名老僧,是地球菩提基因进化者千迦与千叶。 “Wú, late yo, you came was too late. ” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation female disciple smiles, element has wielded gently. “唔,晚了呦,你来的太迟。”乱宇天尊的后辈女弟子嫣然一笑,素手轻轻挥了一下。 The after person in distant place is under this order, the hand has the blade to fall, pū pū two chop the heads of two old monks. 远处的人得到这种命令后,手起刀落,噗噗两声将两位老僧的头颅砍下。 The Chu Feng doggedly sincere boils in the anger, this really goes too far, if no scruples the opposite possibly also to have other Evolver of Earth, he already shot green skin bottle gourd. 楚风一腔热血在怒沸,这实在是欺人太甚,如果不是顾忌对面可能还有地球的其他进化者,他早已掷出青皮葫芦 Looks at your look startled and anger, isn't convinced very much?” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple Qi Xiadai was smiling pale, has gathered together the beautiful hair, bright red lip very clear, thought little, said: Your manner makes me not like very much, on Earth should have the old friend who you are familiar with, I thought it is necessary to draw one by one, in the presence of everyone cuts the head.” “看你的眼神又惊又怒,很不服气吗?”乱宇天尊的后辈弟子戚霞带着淡笑,拢了拢秀发,鲜红的唇很晶莹,不以为意,道:“你的这种态度让我很不喜欢,地球上应该还有很多你所熟悉的故人,我觉得有必要逐一拉过来,都当众斩掉头颅。” She is superficial, lets in nearby one crowd of surrendered Saint hearts palpitates, many people are imposing, is remaining silent, any words did not say. 她轻描淡写,让附近的一群被降服的圣人都心中悸动,不少人凛然,都在保持沉默,什么话也不说。 Xilin Clan, Deity Race and Corpse Race's person shows the happy expression, being interested is staring at Chu Feng. 西林族天神族尸族的人则露出笑意,颇感兴趣的盯着楚风 Do not think that I casually said that I am very earnest, because Mount Putuo these two old monks are recent from the sea area, therefore the person by your Earth Yingzhou tied up ahead of time to me, I think that they will fulfill duty to fulfill responsibility very much, should enter the land to tie up other people.” “不要认为我只是随便说说,我可是很认真哦,普陀山的这两个老僧因为距离海域最近,所以被你们地球瀛洲的人提前给我绑来了,我想他们会很尽职尽责的,应该会进入陆地去绑其他人。” The Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation female disciple Qi Xia smiling face is bright, even more appears full of enthusiasm. 乱宇天尊的后辈女弟子戚霞笑容灿烂,越发显得兴致勃勃。 Bring to smile as for Extreme Martial, Hun Yi and Genesis three Great Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple pale, although does not have what special expression, but approves her actions obviously. 至于太武浑羿元始大天尊的后辈弟子都带着淡笑,虽然没有什么特殊的表示,但显然认可她的所作所为。 In the Chu Feng heart is furious, Yingzhou this servant islands, in the end really as before are the supercilious look wolf, spells with Xilin Clan some, once again backlash. 楚风心中震怒,瀛洲这个奴仆岛屿,到头来果然依旧是白眼狼,跟西林族有的一拼,又一次反噬 The people in this Penglai and abbot two islands are very serious, does not have what action actually, surprising the people in Yingzhou, then sneers, has not paid attention. 这一次蓬莱、方丈两岛的人很本分,倒是没有什么举动,让瀛洲的人都很意外,而后冷笑,没有理会。 Your this disgusting and virulent inexpensive woman!” Chu Feng clenches jaws, really cannot bear, wants to hack her really immediately exactly. “你这恶心而又恶毒的贱女人!”楚风咬牙切齿,实在忍不住,真想立刻活剐了她。 Meanwhile, he found some people in Yingzhou in the crowd, cannot help but frightens these people to back up, some people tumble, trembling with fear, by his imposing manner fear. 同时,他在人群中找到瀛洲的一些人,吓得那些人不由自主倒退,更有人跌倒,战战兢兢,被他气势所慑。 Chu Feng is staring at the person in Xilin Clan, Corpse Race and Yingzhou, he thought that is the feelings is too soft, if can live this match, he did not mind that turns into true Great Demon, comes a big clean thoroughly! 楚风盯着西林族尸族、瀛洲的人,他觉得过去真的是心肠太软,如果此役能够活下来,他不介意化成一个真正的大魔头,彻底来个大清洗! You said like this, I am very unhappy, enchanting beautiful female like me, your unexpectedly such evil intention shame, but also calculates that pretty small Yin Spirit you are not really clever, should kill the nine generations.” “你这样说,我很不开心,像我这样妖娆美丽的女子,你竟然这样恶意羞辱,还算俊秀的小阴灵你真不乖,该杀九族哦。” Qi Xia is smiling, has licked the red lip, gesticulated to shear the movement of throat to Chu Feng. 戚霞微笑着,舔了舔红唇,对楚风比划了一个割喉的动作。 Your this crowds virulent, but actually does intentionally profound is mixed up with expert first-grade appearance World of the Living, makes an affectation, revolting!” Chu Feng is staring at the opposite, was looking whether also has living Earth Evolver. “你们这群恶毒但却故作高深与高人一等样子的阳间杂碎,惺惺作态,让人作呕!”楚风盯着对面,在看是否还有活着的地球进化者 He also said: I acknowledged that you are very strong, but your this massacres city at will, slaughters wantonly, thought that has the sense of achievement very much? Cannot show your great strength, will only make people think disgusting and domineering!” 他又道:“我承认你们很强,但是你们这样随意屠城,大肆杀戮,觉得很有成就感吗?并不能彰显出你们的强大,只会让人觉得恶心、跋扈而已!” I think, you have made a mistake a matter.” Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate 6953 rd generation of disciple Yuan Chen coldly open the mouth, said: We kill and others not any sense of achievement, because you have not distinguished with chicken duck pig dog anything in our eyes.” “我想,你搞错了一件事。”太武天尊第6953代弟子袁晨冷冷地开口,道:“我们杀尔等没有任何成就感,因为在我们眼中你们跟鸡鸭猪狗没什么区别。” His coldly said, fluctuates without any mood, can see through the look, simply has not treated as the same level Evolver of World of the Dead universe creature. 冷冷地说道,没有任何情绪波动,通过眼神也能看出,根本没有将阴间宇宙的进化者当作同层次的生灵 Looks through does not divulge, like this selected not to have the meaning.” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple Qi Xia looks to Yuan Chen, like this said with a smile, was quite as before optional, then she looked to Chu Feng, said: Today also calculates to make an exception, said to you unexpectedly these many words, mainly randomly buries the post to be too bored in this piece, after seeing you, slightly under adjustment mood, like teasing stray cat wild dog.” “看破不说破,这样点出来就没意思了。”乱宇天尊的后辈弟子戚霞看向袁晨,这样笑道,依旧相当随意,而后她又看向楚风,道:“今天也算破例,竟对你说了这么多话,主要是在这片乱葬岗太无聊,看到你后,稍微调节下心情而已,就像逗弄野猫野狗。” Chu Feng wants to cut down her really! 楚风真想将她劈杀! It looks like in the World of the Living person, the World of the Dead universe with them is not a level, various life bodies are similar to the wild animal, slaughter at will do not have the psychological burden. 阳间人看来,阴间宇宙跟他们都不是一个层次的,各种生命体如同野兽、随意杀戮毫无心理负担。 Even, looks like in Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate disciple of disciple, cuts to kill Yin Spirit is the merit, this quarrying a mountain First Ancestor of teaching most hates Yin Spirit. 甚至,在太武天尊的门下的弟子看来,斩杀阴灵是功德,该教的开山鼻祖最恨阴灵 Hun Yi Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple opens the mouth, quite indifferent, said: Actually, your Yin Spirit are the good research materials, has the use to World of the Living very much, can understand a piece of incomplete and abnormal universe birth through you principle, Order.” 浑羿天尊的后辈弟子开口,相当的冷漠,道:“其实,你们这些阴灵都是不错的研究材料,对阳间来说很有用处,可以通过你们了解一片残缺而畸形的宇宙诞生的法则、秩序等。” Chu Feng saw, in Divine Chain that their origin soul light turns into, is more locked silhouette there, has Chiba with thousand Ka, has obloquied Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate flying birds old clan head and the others. 楚风看到,在他们的身后有一根由魂光化成的神链,在那里锁着一些身影,有千叶与千迦的,还有大骂过太武天尊的飞羽族老族长等人。 soul light as in, corpse in distant place, but fleshly body has been cut off the head, they also calculate to live, can be saved! 魂光依旧在,尸体更是在远处,只是肉身断掉了头颅,他们还算活着,有救! Chu Feng has not paid attention to the World of the Living four Major Sect disciple sarcastic comments, because of his knows, has not regarded them in these person of eyes similar, regarding ethnic group that this type arrogant, relies on, had nothing saying that some day projected on these Major Sect to kneel on the ground sings conquers is! 楚风没有理会阳间大教弟子的冷言冷语,因为他知道,在那些人眼中没将他们当成同类,对于这种倨傲、自恃的族群,没什么可说的,有朝一日打到这些大教跪在地上唱征服就是! Now he observes closely feathers star old clan head, thousand Ka and the others, wants to rescue. 现在他盯住飞羽星的老族长、千迦等人,想要救下来。 He thought to as soon as possible, otherwise Earth Yingzhou that group of wolf bastards and that group of lackeys mostly probably send familiar Evolver from Earth. 他觉得要尽快,不然的话地球瀛洲那群狼崽子、那群奴才多半又要从地球送来熟悉的进化者了。 What do you look at this are?” Chu Feng took green skin bottle gourd. “你们看这是什么?”楚风青皮葫芦取了出来。 The flash, arrogant and indifferent Heavenly Venerate disciple, four Major Sect's successor cannot be calm, the surprised opening eye, in the innate magical things regarding chaos sea, they are knows, even if in World of the Living also peerless rare, is extremely rare. 一刹那,高傲而冷漠的天尊弟子,四大教的传人都不能淡定,吃惊的睁大眼睛,对于混沌海中的先天灵物,他们是知道的,哪怕是在阳间也绝世稀珍,极其罕见。 In a twinkling, their eyeground deep places flash through greedily, the innermost feelings covet, thinks that one grasps. 霎时间,他们的眼底深处都闪过贪婪,内心觊觎,都想一把抓到手中。 Innate bottle gourd? Really interesting, appears in a small Yin Spirit hand, how do we divide?” Qi Xia breaks tranquilly, has smiled first. “先天葫芦?真是有趣啊,出现在一个小小的阴灵手中,我们怎么分?”戚霞打破宁静,最先笑了起来。 Lets loose them!” Chu Feng direction flying birds old clan head and the others of soul light, in the meantime, present a wormhole in his side, he grasps green skin bottle gourd, said: Otherwise, I invest it directly am linking the Great Abyss wormhole, no one want!” “放开他们!”楚风指向飞羽族的老族长等人的魂光,同时,在他身边出现一口虫洞,他手持青皮葫芦,道:“不然的话,我将它直接投入连着大渊的虫洞,谁也别想要!” These people are quite happy, let loose flying birds old clan head and the others of feeble soul light, after these people return to the corpse separation fleshly body, looks pale, falls back on Chu Feng's rapidly behind. 这些人相当痛快,放开飞羽族的老族长等人衰弱的魂光,这些人返回尸首分离的肉身后,都面色苍白,迅速退到楚风的身后。 Yuan Chen, Qi Xia and the others have not prevented, on the face is hanging the happy expression as before, in their opinion Chu Feng is the meat of block, cannot turn any spray, simultaneously has not treated as coordinated lifeforms to regard him from the start. 袁晨、戚霞等人没有阻止,脸上依旧挂着笑意,在他们看来楚风就是砧板之肉,翻不出什么浪花,同时压根也没将他当作对等的生物看待。 Sir, is more discrete, Earth is very strange, there are three Shining Upon All Heavens level Evolver!” Xilin Clan Saint reminded. “大人,谨慎一些啊,地球很古怪,有三位映照诸天进化者!”西林族的一位圣人提醒。 Any Shining Upon All Heavens, is only Shining Upon Realm, in my World of the Living Heavenly Venerate does not dare saying that own temple can obviously melt in All Heavens each region, but also does not have a place of big incomplete and abnormal universe World of the Living corner, a piece buries the post randomly, here Yin Spirit also dares to boast shamelessly to say any Shining Upon All Heavens, laughable!” “什么映照诸天,只是映照境界而已,在我阳间天尊都不敢说自身的神庙可以显化在诸天各地间,还没有阳间一隅之地大的残缺与畸形的宇宙,一片乱葬岗而已,这里的阴灵也敢大言不惭说什么映照诸天,可笑!” Relax, I hope actually has Shining Upon Level Yin Spirit to jump, extinguishes entirely kills, is mole cricket!” Yuan Chen contemptuously said, overlooks Earth, said: Was a pity, we had surveyed, this planet currently does not have Shining Upon Level Yin Spirit, should run away.” “放心,我倒是希望有映照级阴灵跳出来,统统灭杀,皆是土狗尔!”袁晨轻蔑地说道,俯视地球,道:“可惜,我们已经探测过,这颗星球目前没有映照级阴灵,应该都逃走了。” Through their spoken languages, in nearby Saint heart imposing, further understood that World of the Living's is fearful. 通过他们的言语,附近的圣人心中凛然,进一步了解到阳间的可怕。 In the final analysis , because this piece buries the post to be too weak randomly, the rule is incomplete, Order momentarily meets the avalanche. In our World of the Living, the person of Golden Body level can flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, want to soar here is too easy.” Golden big Heavenly Dog opens the mouth. “说到底,都是因为这片乱葬岗太弱,规则残缺,秩序随时会崩塌。在我们阳间,金身层次的人才能飞天遁地,在这里想要腾空太容易。”金色的大天狗开口。 It lifts a big claw, aims at sparks , aims below Earth, said: Here planet, my palm of the hand can clap broken, was too simple!” 它抬起一只大爪子,指向火星,又指向下方的地球,道:“这里的星球,我一巴掌就能拍碎,太简单了!” According to them, big Heavenly Dog also in Saint Realm, in the World of the Living accurate name is Sacred Territory, the Evolver status of this level is not high. 依照他们所说,大天狗也只是在圣人境界,不过在阳间确切的称呼为圣域,这个层次的进化者地位并不是多高。 As for World of the Living's planet, Evolver of Sacred Territory level is impossible to destroy, the words that dares to attempt, will write off by the planet will! 至于阳间的星球,圣域级的进化者不可能打碎,敢尝试的话,会被星球意志抹杀! At this time, Chu Feng had protected feathers star old clan head and the others. 此时,楚风已将飞羽星的老族长等人保护起来。 He is thinking over green skin bottle gourd, said: „Do I give anyone of you?” 他掂量着青皮葫芦,道:“我给你们谁?” Gives me, this thing teaches to be predestined friends with me!” Yuan Chen first shouting. “给我,此物与我教有缘!”袁晨第一个喝道。 "hē hē, gives me, the elder sister later receives you for the personal retinue, will be good to you! ” Qi Xiatian smiles. “呵呵,给我吧,姐姐以后收你为贴身仆从,会对你好一些!”戚霞甜笑。 Brings, this thing and Genesis lineage/vein are predestined friends!” Another person said indifferently, and extends take action. “拿来,此物与元始一脉有缘!”另一人冷漠说道,并伸出手 At this time, Saint discrete positive suggestions of Xilin Clan, said: Sir, cheats carefully!” 这时,西林族的一位圣人谨慎建言,道:“大人,小心有诈!” In the face of the absolute strength, any insect wants to turn the storm is the futile efforts, you believe that the elephant will be tripped by an ant? Carefully looks, what is this?” Yuan Chen contemptuous smiling, aims at yellow Dharma Decree on Aircraft. “在绝对的实力面前,任何虫子想翻风浪都是徒劳的,你相信大象会被一只蚂蚁绊倒吗?仔细看,这是什么?”袁晨轻蔑的笑着,指向飞行器上的黄色法旨 The people are imposing, is pasting Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree on the flight tool that four teach, frightens the World of the Dead universe sufficiently! 众人凛然,在四教的飞行工具上都贴着天尊法旨,足以震慑阴间宇宙! Let alone little insect, was Shining Upon Level Yin Spirit comes also to die a tragic death, coming one to kill one, coming ten to kill five pairs, trim World of the Dead can only tremble in our under feet!” “别说一只小虫子,就是映照级阴灵来了也得惨死,来一个杀一个,来十个杀五双,整片阴间都只能在我们的脚下颤栗!” At this time, even if Chu Feng is also imposing, Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree was brought, this went beyond his expectation! 这时,即便是楚风也凛然,天尊法旨都被带过来了,这超出他的预料! His body ice is cold, felt that a dilutedness, four Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree here, do go to the battle with what? 他的身体一阵冰寒,感觉到一股无力感,四张天尊法旨在此,拿什么去争斗? Before did not understand, but he understood now, Heavenly Venerate was too formidable incomparable, their Dharma Decree naturally had the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering energy. 以前不了解,但他现在明白了,天尊太强大无匹,他们的法旨自然有惊天动地的能量。 However Chu Feng eyeground deep place killing intent does not reduce, he thinks that the Foreign Territory yellow-haired fox words, about grey matter, are Heavenly Venerate dreaded. 不过楚风眼底深处杀意不减,他想到异域黄毛狐狸的话语,关于灰色物质,便是天尊都忌惮。 Heavenly Venerate could melt, but is only their Dharma Decree to be insufficient! 天尊或许可以化解,但是单凭他们的法旨还不够! Now, Chu Feng has waited till the best opportunity, is impossible to waste, can kill it! 现在,楚风已经等到最佳时机,不可能浪费掉,可以杀之了! Bang! 轰! Without any hesitant, he pulls up the bottle gourd match, exhausts ability, flaps the bottle gourd bottom, all strange matter took out. 没有任何犹豫,他拔起葫芦赛,竭尽所能,拍动葫芦底,将所有诡异物质祭出 "Áo...... ” “嗷……” Likely was prehistoric ferocious beast of floodgate, another was roaring, was sending out dreadful killing intent, as well as the piercing gloomy and cold aura, they all in fierce smiling, plunged the front all people. 像是出闸的史前凶兽,一头又一头咆哮着,散发着滔天的杀意,以及刺骨的阴冷气息,它们全都在狰狞的笑着,扑向前方所有人。 „Is clay chickens and pottery dogs, dissolute in front of Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree?!” Yuan Chen is very faint, has not cared slightly, in his opinion Heavenly Venerate keeps aloof, a hair falls, can separate here so-called powerhouse, do not say Dharma Decree! 土鸡瓦狗,在天尊法旨面前也敢放肆?!”袁晨十分淡漠,丝毫未放在心上,在他看来天尊高高在上,一根头发落下,都可以割裂这里所谓的强者,更不要说法旨 Other people are also smiling, does not care quite the same as. 其他人也在笑,浑然不在意。 Really, the Dharma Decree illumination of four Great Heavenly Venerate, send out fearsome divine glow, the symbol is densely covered, is extremely scary! 果然,四大天尊法旨发光,散发出可怖的神芒,符号密布,极其骇人! However, gray strange matter breaks through the part, lets these person of shocking! 然而,灰色的诡异物质还是突破进去部分,让那些人震惊! Meanwhile, universe deep place number one restricted area-- Great Abyss, presents infinite Order Divine Chain, is all of a sudden radiant, intensive interweaving. 与此同时,宇宙深处第一禁地——大渊,出现无穷的秩序神链,一下子璀璨起来,密集的交织。 Bang! 轰隆! The extraterrestrial outer space, four Dharma Decree also shine, flew in the sound, by the rule Order hauling of this piece of universe, was torn Star Sea, direct impact Great Abyss goes. 地球外太空,四张法旨同时发光,都在哧哧声中飞了起来,被这片宇宙的规则秩序牵引,撕裂星海,直冲大渊而去。 ! 噗! They burn down, crashes the Great Abyss deep place, there gradually becomes dark. 它们焚烧起来,坠落进大渊深处,那里渐渐又变得黑暗。 Nearby Great Abyss, several void leopards, come from World of the Living, is existence of Saint Level peak, Yang Qi is all billowing, is monitoring all these, saw that this fur explodes secretly stands, reported rapidly outward. 大渊附近,有几只虚空豹,都来自阳间,皆是圣级巅峰的存在,阳气滚滚,正在监测这一切,看到这一幕后皮毛炸立,迅速向外禀告。 The World of the Dead universe edge, on the steamship sits several people, after having been reported that the complexion is dignified. 阴间宇宙边缘,有一艘大船上面坐着几人,得到禀告后脸色凝重。 Really, the World of the Dead universe has to let the thing that Heavenly Venerate dreads, in that Great Abyss!” “果然,阴间宇宙有让天尊忌惮的东西,就在那大渊中!” This is also only casually gets the mark with the Heavenly Venerate imperial seal Dharma Decree, but non- Heavenly Venerate oneself own handwriting writing, causes that Great Abyss to react, is somewhat fearful, as if specifically aims at Heavenly Venerate!” “这还只是以天尊印玺随便打上印记的法旨,而非天尊本人亲笔书写,就引起那座大渊做出反应,有些可怕,似乎专门针对天尊!” Doubtful Great Universe Level evolution body!” “疑似大宇级进化体!” The board game piece that Yuan Chen, Qi Xia and the others momentarily can give up obviously, making them bring Dharma Decree to come, was equal to that is probing. 袁晨、戚霞等人显然都是随时可以放弃的棋子,让他们带着法旨过来,等于在进行试探。 Meanwhile, across the World of the Dead universe also shocks, four Great Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree fly away, was swallowed by Great Abyss, there has the World of the Dead universe strongest evolution body doubtful!? 与此同时,阴间宇宙各地也震撼,四大天尊法旨飞走,被大渊吞噬,那里疑似有阴间宇宙最强进化体!?
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