SR :: Volume #10

#921: Four Great Heavenly Venerate

These, can it be that randomly bury the post some base and low Yin Spirit to grasp and contact, they do not have that qualifications, from, when extinguishes a cleanness.” “这些古法,岂是乱葬岗的一些卑微阴灵所能掌握与接触的,他们没那个资格,自当灭个干净。” Side, sits the man in Saint Level white jade on said likely lightly. 旁边,一位坐在圣级白玉象上的男子淡淡地说道。 Light that this bloody words, he said that ignores the World of the Dead universe creature life and death. 这种血淋淋的话语,他说的轻飘飘,漠视阴间宇宙生灵的生死。 At this time, from World of the Living's several side troops short reunions, is the respective representative, discussed the important matter of Plundering Guide Breathing Method. 此时,来自阳间的几方人马短暂聚首,都是各自的代表,商议盗引呼吸法之大事。 Because, their knows, if news is true, this is makes Heavenly Venerate probably vibrate, for it intense take action ancient breathing method, must take. 因为,他们知道,如果消息属实,这是让天尊都要震动、为之激烈出手的古老呼吸法,必须要抢到手。 Some time ago their respective conduct, each other did not contact, avoids conflicting, but is now different, even if a side obtained, several other sides definitely will not give up. 不久前他们都各自行事,彼此不接触,避免冲突,但是现在不同,哪怕一方得到,其他几方也肯定不会善罢甘休。 Only if a side is formidable enough, can silence a witness of crime, cuts completely several other side troops, what a pity does not have a side to achieve. 除非一方足够强大,可以杀人灭口,斩尽其余几方人马,可惜没有一方能做到。 Therefore they gather, discussion matters concerned. 所以他们相聚,商谈事宜。 Our square troops must result in hush-hush, otherwise feeds in the World of the Living's words, must begin including Supreme Being of most ancient time, will annoy greatly troublesome for our behind Heavenly Venerate!” “我们四方人马必须得守秘,不然传回阳间的话,连最古老时代的大能都要动手,会为我们身后的天尊惹出大麻烦!” This is the primary purpose that they consult, after a side goes well, does not give other four directions sharing the words, feeds in World of the Living, certainly wants the rivers of blood, oneself cannot preserve Plundering Guide Breathing Method. 这才是他们相商的根本目的,一方得手后,不给其他四方共享的话,传回阳间,肯定要血流成河,自身也保不住盗引呼吸法 Bright yellow bottle gourd, the giant black wooden stick, the leading battleship and white shell, are carrying the square troops, is consecrating Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree. 黄澄澄的葫芦、巨大的黑木杖、青金战舰、白色贝壳,载着四方人马,都供奉着天尊法旨 After these people came to an arrangement, was taking an oath to Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, the offensive and defensive alliance, determined that Plundering Guide Breathing Method was four Great Heavenly Venerate altogether has! 这些人谈妥后,对着天尊法旨起誓,攻守同盟,确定盗引呼吸法为四大天尊共有! Extreme Martial, Hun Yi, Confused Universe and Genesis, this is behind square troops four Great Heavenly Venerate, can accomplish all the good fortune, overawes World of the Living! 太武浑羿乱宇元始,这就是四方人马后面的四大天尊,功参造化,威震阳间 Four Major Sect disciple disciples are numerous, proliferate across World of the Living, in the disciple disciple grandsons of several Great Heavenly Venerate hangers-on, Divine King knows does not have many, overlooks the world, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries. 四个大教弟子门徒众多,遍布阳间各地,几大天尊门下的弟子徒孙中,神王都不知道有多少尊,俯视天下,震古烁今 Some temples *** is presenting the Heavenly Venerate Golden Body statue, various clans worship, Long of Nanyi power and influence imagines. 一些神庙***奉着天尊金身塑像,各族祭拜,威势之隆难以想象。 creature of this progression is too fearful. 这个级数的生灵太可怕。 For example, antiquity World of the Living god great war, because the doctrine is different, between two Heavenly Venerate erupts great war, that simply is loss of life, sweeps across the length and breadth mountains and rivers, Gods trembles, 1 million strong clans palpitate. 比如,上古阳间封神大战,因为教义不同,有两位天尊间爆发大战,那简直是生灵涂炭,席卷广袤山河,诸神颤栗,1000000强族悸动。 After that fights, side Heavenly Venerate suffers defeat and flees, leaves World of the Living, captured of death captured the disciple disciple dies, another side Heavenly Venerate is more magnificent, the broad world talent disciple, the temple incense and candle is prosperous. 那一战过后,一方天尊败走,离开阳间,弟子门徒死的死被俘虏的被俘虏,另一方天尊则更加辉煌,广纳天下天才门徒,神庙香火鼎盛。 Therefore, generally, even if the doctrine conflict, among Heavenly Venerate also as far as possible restrains, will not arrive at the final moment not to have two to teach the big showdown. 故此,一般情况下,哪怕教义冲突,天尊间也都尽量克制,不到最后关头不会发生两教间的大对决。 At present these people did not have qualifications knows Plundering Guide this being lost innumerable years, to let Paramount breathing method that World of the Living Heavenly Venerate keeps thinking about, but this time they come World of the Dead, is responsible for some Artifact that seeks for World of the Living to lose, includes this law, therefore in the elder by Sect was informed in detail. 眼前这些人原本根本没资格知道盗引这种失传无数岁月、让阳间天尊都惦记的究极呼吸法,但这次他们来阴间,就是负责寻找阳间失落的一些器物,其中就包括这种法,因此被师门中的长辈详细告知。 After coming to an arrangement, they prepared to compel Chu Feng to come out, obtained Paramount breathing method in that World of the Living legend as soon as possible. 谈妥后,他们准备逼楚风出来,尽快得到那种阳间传说中的究极呼吸法 „Can you have the countermeasure?” “你们可有对策?” A Three-Eyes Race man of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate lineage/vein inquired, not only looks to other Heavenly Venerate later generation disciple, looked that to troops that these surrender. 太武天尊一脉的三眼族男子询问,不仅看向其他天尊的后辈弟子,也看向那些降服的部众 Xilin Clan several Saint have stood, a person opens the mouth saying: Sir to report, this matter is not difficult.” 西林族的几位圣人都站了出来,一人开口道:“禀报大人,这件事不难。” Extreme Martial, Confused Universe, Hun Yi and Genesis four Major Sect's people, actually early some plans, but saw that hand/subordinate some people like this stand, wants to state opinion, reveals smiles pale. 太武乱宇浑羿元始大教的人,其实早有打算,但看到手下有人这样站出,想要建言,都露出淡笑。 Perhaps, World of the Dead universe person most understands World of the Dead's Evolver, four Major Sect's people nodded, making him say freely. 或许,阴间宇宙人的最了解阴间的进化者,四大教的人都点头,让他尽管说。 Is very simple, will destroy completely with an Earth lineage/vein relations good ethnic group is, furthermore, fellow Sirs should rule extraterrestrially, goes to there murder, with Chu Feng will have the relations will draw, will behead, according to his temper, will not definitely be able to sit still, meets to visit to bring death. In the final analysis, this is the crush of absolute strength, fellow Sirs rule the World of the Dead universe, how regardless to manipulate, he is ants one, the dead end, can toss about him at will.” “很简单,将与地球一脉关系较好的族群一个一个灭掉就是,再者,各位大人更应该君临地球外,也去那里杀人,将与楚风有关系的都拉出来,一个一个砍头,依照他的性子,肯定坐不住,会自己上门送死。说到底,这就是绝对实力的碾压,各位大人君临阴间宇宙,无论怎么摆弄,他都是蝼蚁一只,死路一条,可以随意折腾他。” Xilin Clan several Saint are having the smile, only then a person opens the mouth, but, has actually indicated the manner of this clan all people. 西林族的几位圣人都带着微笑,只有一人开口,但是,却表明了该族所有人的态度。 This place, there are many says silhouette, is troops that World of the Living four Major Sect's disciple surrender, some old Saint hearing this, in the heart sighed secretly, Xilin Clan was really the vicious dog of biting, was too sinister and ruthless. 此地,有很多道身影,都是阳间大教的弟子降服的部众,有些老圣人闻言,心中暗叹,西林族果然是咬人的恶狗,太阴毒。 Is very good, depends on you saying that first selects several to relate near ethnic group with Earth.” Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate disciple that forehead lives the man faint nod of vertical eye. “很好,就依你所言,先选出几个和地球关系较近的族群。”太武天尊门下那个眉心生有竖眼的男子淡漠的点头。 Yes, I suggested person who can the slaughter fall the feathers star first, when antiquity now they with the Evolver relations sworn friend of Earth, follow Kunlun Mountain is very near.” Xilin Clan Saint smiles. “是,我建议可以先屠掉飞羽星的人,上古之时他们与地球的进化者关系莫逆,如今又跟昆仑山走的很近。”西林族圣人满脸笑容。 Other person of hearing this, are secretly imposing, Xilin Clan was really the poisonous snake, the antiquity feathers star indeed relates with Earth very well, once denounced in word and in writing to Xilin Clan, denounces severely their inborn Traitor to the Bone, the feelings evil and cruel. 其他人闻言,暗自凛然,西林族真是毒蛇,上古飞羽星的确跟地球关系很好,对西林族曾口诛笔伐,痛斥他们天生反骨,心肠歹毒。 Finally, feathers star was almost extinguished, fortunately they and Dao Race relate also well, was guaranteed by Dao Race. 最后,飞羽星差点被灭,还好他们与道族关系也不错,被道族保下来了。 This, the feathers star is quite indeed intimate with Earth, but has not restored to era that close relation, Xilin Clan this may really be mean, old enmity. 这一世,飞羽星跟地球的确较为亲近,但是还远没有恢复到上古时代那种密切关系,西林族这可真是阴狠,记着旧仇。 Big Heavenly Dog, you go, first a slaughter city, after the rivers of blood, then brings back to feathers star several important personages.” three eyed man Yuan Chen said calmly, regarding this bloody order, does not care, does not bring to blink. “大天狗,你去吧,先屠一座城,血流成河后,再带回飞羽星几个重要人物。”三眼男子袁晨平静地说道,对于这种血腥命令,根本不在意,都不带眨眼的。 Good!” Golden big Heavenly Dog makes Xilin Clan Saint guide, in an instant vanished, its strength is tyrannical, sufficiently vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered immediately piece of universe. “好!”金色的大天狗西林族的一位圣人带路,转眼消失了,它实力强横,足以纵横当下的这片宇宙。 Sir, like this has the wound day and.” The old Saint bracing oneself opens the mouth of World of the Dead universe, wants to advise. “大人,这样有伤天和。”阴间宇宙的一位老圣人硬着头皮开口,想要劝阻。 Does "hē hē, have the wound day and? I am Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate lineage/vein 6953 generations of disciple, our quarrying a mountain First Ancestor Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate most loathes Yin Spirit, renown, before he has not risen, dao companion was killed by Yin Spirit, Yin Spirit that therefore I kill are more, the Heavenly Venerate old person learned, more will not punish, will be only happy. ” “呵,有伤天和?我是太武天尊一脉6953代弟子,我们的开山鼻祖太武天尊最厌恶阴灵,举世皆知,他未崛起前,道侣就是被阴灵害死的,因此我杀的阴灵越多,天尊老人家得悉后越不会惩罚,只会开心。” The forehead lives vertical eye male Yuan Chen to be quite indifferent, thinks little. 眉心生有竖眼的男子袁晨相当冷漠,不以为意。 Many person heart on the scene is angry, a disciple this of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate lineage/vein does not treat as normal creature them, regards the trim World of the Dead universe is the cemeteries, regards as the base and low clever thing them. 在场不少人都心头愤怒,太武天尊一脉的弟子这根本不将他们当作正常的生灵,视整片阴间宇宙都是坟场,将他们都看作卑微的鬼物。 This is too arrogant with the prejudice, but, nobody dares to say anything. 这实在太傲慢与偏见,但是,没有人敢开口说什么。 At this time, Xilin Clan that Saint smiled once more, first was thinks highly of Yuan Chen to murder decisively, then also stated opinion, said: „The ethnic groups of hundred Sichuan stars also relate with Earth very well.” 这时,西林族那位圣人再次微笑,先是恭维袁晨杀伐果断,接着又建言,道:“百川星的族群也跟地球关系很好。” With is World of the Dead universe Saint, those present looks at his smiling face, feels loathes very much, this is a cold blood executioner. 同为阴间宇宙的圣人,在场的人看着他的笑容,都感觉很厌恶,这是一个冷血的刽子手。 Is very good, a while also greatly kills one, brings several important personages, ties up Earth to behead!” The forehead lives vertical eye male Yuan Chendao. “很好,一会儿也大杀一通,带来几个重要人物,绑到地球去砍头!”眉心生有竖眼的男子袁晨道。 Sir to report, the simultaneous/uniform nebulous star is also close with the Earth intercourse.” A Corpse Race's skinny old Saint opens the mouth, the smiling face is gloomy. 禀报大人,齐云星也跟地球往来密切。”尸族的一位皮包骨头的老圣者开口,笑容阴森森。 Your this old ghost should better not to smile, looks like very disgusting.” Yuan Chen coldly shot a look at his one eyes, but nods to approve his positive suggestions. “你这老鬼最好不要笑,看起来很恶心。”袁晨冷冷地瞥了他一眼,但还是点头认可他的建言。 Yes!” The Corpse Race's old monster bows to salute, a servant. “是!”尸族的老怪物躬身行礼,一副奴仆相。 Sir, south also relates to star and Earth lineage/vein significantly, when executes!” Deity Race's Saint also goes forward, like this suggested. “大人,南离星与地球一脉也关系匪浅,当诛!”天神族的一位圣人也上前,这样建议。 „!” Yuan Chen nods very much happily. “准!”袁晨很痛快的点头。 Then, a reactionary reign of terror towering erupts, is above the expectations of all people, all parties have not prepared, has not given them the strain the time. 就这样,一场血雨腥风突兀地爆发,超乎所有人的预料,各方都没有准备,没有给他们应变的时间。 The feathers stars, hundred Sichuan stars and simultaneous/uniform Yunxing, south to star, four once related sworn friend the ethnic group bitter experience disaster on planet in the antiquity time with Earth, respective several great cities by a golden big Heavenly Dog slaughter, blood stream to become Xi, corpse on the ground Large expanse. 飞羽星、百川星、齐云星、南离星,四颗在上古时期曾跟地球关系莫逆的星球上的族群遭遇劫难,各自有几座巨城被一只金色的大天狗屠杀,血流成溪,伏尸成片。 Ahead of time does not have any wind sound/rumor, wants to run away, wants to rescue, does not have the means. 提前没有任何风声,想要逃走,想要援救等,都没有办法。 All troops were ignorant, although these clans are strong, but is very different to ancient Dao Lineage, their breathing method are far preciously. 各方人马都懵了,这几族虽强,但是离古老的道统相去甚远,他们的呼吸法谈不上珍贵。 However, some of their backgrounds, nearby ten big some relations, although past followed Earth was very near, but by insurance, why today is encountered this catastrophe? 不过,他们都有些背景,跟前十大有些关系,昔日虽跟地球走的很近,但都被保了下来,今天为何遭遇这种大祸? Yuan Chendao: Walks, goes extraterrestrially, chops the head/number of people to there, simultaneously shouted propaganda at Chu Feng, making him have an audience me and others.” 袁晨道:“走,去地球外,到那里去砍人头,同时喊话楚风,让他过来朝见我等。” Confused Universe, Hun Yi and disciple of Genesis Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism nods, has not opened the mouth, but approves this motion. 乱宇浑羿元始三教的弟子都点头,没有开口,但是认可这次行动。 Then, one group of people are enormous and powerful, rush to Earth, four Major Sect's disciple are bringing troops, has a large number is World of the Dead's Saint, was already surrendered. 然后,一群人浩浩荡荡,赶赴地球,四大教的弟子都带着部众,有相当一部分都是阴间的圣人,早已被降服。 Trim Star Sea big change, this is giant storm, World of the Living four Major Sect's disciple walks in the same place, the motion, the ostentation too was hand in hand big. 整片星海剧震,这是一股巨大的风暴,阳间大教的弟子走在一起,联袂行动,排场实在太大了。 Favors including their wars, for example golden big Heavenly Dog, black old hou and pure white jade shape has Saint to pull a cart, is the servant, serves side several Saint beasts. 连他们的战宠,比如金色的大天狗、黑色的老犼、洁白的玉象都有圣人拉车,为奴仆,侍奉在几头圣兽身边。 The typical human life is more inexpensive than the dog. 典型的人命比狗贱。 Saints escorts, follows , the army rushes extraterrestrially, arrives at this stretch of region. 诸圣护驾,追随在后,大军赶到地球外,亲临这片地带。 Well, I smell the Young Heavenly Dog aura, had come to here.” Golden big Heavenly Dog sits on a sedan chair, by four Saint respectful and prudent is lifting, at this time revealed the look of surprise, but has not induced to more things. “咦,我闻到小天狗的气息,曾经来过这里。”金色的大天狗坐在一个轿子上,由四位圣人恭谨的抬着,这时露出异色,不过没有感应到更多的东西。 Young Heavenly Dog alone moves, has not reported the whereabouts to them. 小天狗是独自行动的,没有向他们报备行踪。 At this time, the disciple opens the mouth of Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate disciple, is a female, was having the gentle smiling face, used the World of the Dead universe the platform issue information. 这时,乱宇天尊门下的弟子开口,是一位女子,带着柔和的笑容,利用阴间宇宙的平台发布信息。 „When Chu Feng, come, we and others you were many.” 楚风,来吧,我们等你多时了。” Then, a picture revolution, she lets some people who the lens aim at to be taken prisoner, is the feathers stars, hundred Sichuan stars and simultaneous/uniform Yunxing, south the famous elder to star, some even are long of clan, four clan each ones were brought 2-3 people. 然后,画面一转,她让镜头对准被掳来的一些人,都是飞羽星、百川星、齐云星、南离星的名宿,有的甚至为一族之长,四族各自都被带来两三人。 Chu Feng you come to see!” Yuan Chen opens the mouth, the order person wields the butcher knife. 楚风你来看!”袁晨开口,命令人挥动屠刀。 ! 噗! Immediately has the head/number of people to fly, the blood dyes the starry sky. 当即就有人头飞起,血染星空。 At this time, old clan head of feathers star sighed, said: Can I before say two at the point of death?” 这时,飞羽星的老族长叹气,道:“能我在临死前说两句吗?” Ok.” Later generation disciple Yuan Chen of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate disciple nods. “可以。”太武天尊门下的后世弟子袁晨点头。 This world, is not all people fears you, even if the strength does not beat, there is a hard strength of spirit, most minimum obsolete has not frowned from the start. Although this world also drifts along, there is dirty, for example Xilin Clan, Corpse Race wait/etc., but in this piece of universe more people have the moral courage, I believe, the good bad end has the head, you will pay the proper karma price sooner or later!” “这个世界,不是所有人都怕你们,哪怕实力不敌,也有硬骨气,最起码老朽压根就没皱眉头。这世间虽然也有苟且,也有龌龊,比如西林族尸族等,但这片宇宙中更多的人都有气节,我相信,善恶终有头,你们早晚会付出应有的因果代价!” This old man does not fear death, looks to Yuan Chen, said: Heard that your this evolution Major Sect loathe Yin Spirit, thinks that the World of the Dead's people are the clever thing? Here I said two again, lying trough fuck off Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, sooner or later some people will kill you, you lift to teach are Yin Spirit, will turn sooner or later into Yin Spirit!” 这个老头子一点也不怕死,看向袁晨,又道:“听说你们这个进化大教厌恶阴灵,认为阴间的人都是鬼物?在这里我再说两句,卧槽你大爷的太武天尊,早晚有人弄死你,你们举教才都是阴灵,早晚都化成阴灵!” Without a doubt, this old man is only the air vent, thought that such dies is too aggrieved, therefore finds the opportunity to work as entire Star Sea to shout abuse here, by live transmission. 毫无疑问,这个老头子只为出气,觉得这么死太憋屈,因此找机会在这里当着全星海破口大骂,被直播了出去。 Right, any Extreme Martial, Confused Universe, Hun Yi and Genesis, go to your shit, the old man walk first one step, later waits for my World of the Dead's good son to pick the Heavenly Venerate head, four Great Heavenly Venerate are nothing!” The remaining several old men, were also obloquying at this time, from simultaneous/uniform Yunxing, hundred Sichuan star and south to star. “对,什么太武乱宇浑羿元始,去你玛德,老夫先走一步,以后等着我阴间的好男儿去摘天尊头颅,四大天尊算个屁!”剩下几个老头子,此时也都在大骂,来自齐云星、百川星、南离星。 Cut!” Yuan Chen unemotionally said. “斩了!”袁晨面无表情地说道。 Kills!” Other Confucianism , Buddhism , Daoism disciple also coldly scold. “都击毙!”其他三教弟子也都冷冷地呵斥。 pū pū......” “噗噗噗……” In this starry skies, some heads fly, the beard and hair is all white, several old people were beheaded. 这片星空中,一些头颅飞起,须发皆白,几位老人都被斩首。 Chu Feng, come, this is the first step, behind also had pleasantly surprised!” Confused Universe Heavenly Venerate later generation female disciple has the smile to shout propaganda again. 楚风,来吧,这才是第一步,后面还有惊喜了!”乱宇天尊的后辈女弟子带着微笑再次喊话。 You damn!” Universe deep place, Chu Feng low roar. “你们都该死啊!”宇宙深处,楚风低吼。 He was studying stone box, accident/surprise discovers an application method. 他原本在研究石盒,意外发现一种使用方法。 All that at present has were too sudden, the enemy simply ahead of time has not threatened him, directly after the murder, shouted propaganda, is caught off guard, making his eyebrow but actually vertical. 眼前发生的一切太突然了,对方根本没有提前威胁他,直接杀人后才喊话,措手不及,让他眼眉倒竖。 Chu Feng murders the air/Qi to be dreadful, in the hand is gripping green skin bottle gourd, wishes one could to appear at the scene immediately, kills off all World of the Living people and their troops. 楚风杀伐气滔天,手中攥着青皮葫芦,恨不得立刻出现在现场,去杀光所有阳间人与他们的部众 Also good, you gather, even/including Woduan, I must kill you completely!” “也好,你们都聚集在一起,连窝端,我要杀你们全部啊啊啊啊!”
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