SR :: Volume #10

#920: The wind has World of the Dead

Another stream of light charges into across the universe together, quick, Star Sea has seethed with excitement, various clan most formidable Saint that initially left had part to come back, reappeared world. 一道又一道流光冲向宇宙各地,很快,星海沸腾了,当初离开的各族最强大的圣人有一部分回来了,再现世间。 Eight ancestors, my Corpse Race is quite miserable, wū wū...... Several Saint died, was killed by Chu Feng this little bastard cleanly, the core juniors are the casualty are innumerable, since ancient times the strongest 13 ancestors came back, must take responsibility for the clansman!” “八祖,我尸族好惨,呜呜……几位圣人都死了,被楚风这个小畜生杀个干净啊,核心子弟更是死伤无数,既然远古最强13祖都回来了,一定要为族人做主啊!” Some people were complaining tearfully, in the heart got angry resentfully dreadful, very unwilling. 有人在哭诉,心中怒怨滔天,非常地不甘。 Deity Race generation on, Heaven's blessing my clan, Old Ancestor safe return, lamentable, my clan was bullied to lower the head to the personal enemy unexpectedly, moreover once went on a punitive expedition against by us, has conquered by killing, to get close to extermination of the clan a person of wild planet, hates seriously greatly!” 天神族列祖列宗在上,天佑我族,各位老祖平安回归,可叹啊,我族竟被欺压到向仇人低头,而且曾是被我们征伐过、一路血洗、接近灭族的一个蛮荒星球的人,当真是大恨!” Regional noises, are unable to be tranquil. 各地喧嚣,无法宁静。 The people who although comes back do not have means immediately to rush to the clan, must obey the verbal command conduct, but makes their ethnic groups excited, the thoughts are very active. 虽然回来的人都没有办法立刻赶到族中,都要听从号令行事,但是却让他们的族群都激动起来,心思无比活跃。 A present universe piece discusses sound, some people of stimulated, some people of frightened, some people dance with joy, some people tremble, the response is various. 现在的宇宙一片热议声,有人亢奋,有人恐惧,有人手舞足蹈,有人瑟瑟发抖,反应各不相同。 Everyone knows, must have the big event to occur, because the ancestors of these returns plant to disclose to the clan through Light Brain the news that is too fearful, the World of the Living person came, the chaos universe is not a match, the idle talk is World of the Dead. 谁都知道,要有大事件发生,因为那些回归的祖先通过光脑向族种透露出的消息太可怕,阳间人来了,混沌宇宙都不是对手,更遑论是阴间 Especially they suggested vaguely, this piece of universe Shining Upon Level other powerhouse, is Divinity in chaos universe, was all used, some people by the blood sacrifice, the fate were very been miserable. 尤其是他们隐晦地暗示,无论是这片宇宙映照级别的强者,还是混沌宇宙中的神祇,皆被人利用,有部分人被生生血祭,下场很惨。 Under this type of environment, the World of the Living person arrives, who with resists? 这种大环境下,阳间人降临,谁与相抗? What to do can this? Many Great Clan are sad, fears is conquered by killing, was worried that the step Great Dream Pure Land's footsteps, they the knows World of the Living person was seeking for some specially ancient breathing method now. 这可怎么办?许多大族忧愁,怕被血洗,担心步大梦净土的后尘,现在他们已经知道阳间人在寻找一些特别古老的呼吸法 In the law that World of the Living is lost, will not annoy big karma, should very ancient, the pinnacle is formidable, such as Great Dream shouted the laws, nine shining breathing method.” “在阳间失传的法,不会惹出大因果,最好十分古老,极致强大,如大梦呼法、九耀呼吸法等。” After this news spreads some ancient Dao Lineage have been afraid, is palpitating including Buddha Race and Dao Race, feared that was destroyed completely. 当这种消息传出后一些古老的道统都害怕了,连佛族道族都在悸动,怕被灭掉。 „The place of Earth this barbarian housing resurges unexpectedly, shook once more? Gives me dead!” On the same day, has return Saint to get angry, boasts the slaughter to fall Earth, kills a cleanness. “地球这颗蛮夷居住之地竟真的死灰复燃,再次抖起来了?给我去死!”就在当日,有回归的圣人发怒,放言要屠掉地球,杀个干净。 Earth that some people knows, recently rose must but actually big mildew, on Earth be possible mostly few Saint, then Uncle Ming, but by these ethnic groups that Chu Feng destroys completely, ancient times Old Ancestor were really many, inside story deep scary. 一些人知道,新近崛起的地球多半要倒大霉,地球上可没几个圣人,也就一个明叔而已,而被楚风灭掉的那些族群,远古老祖真不少,底蕴深厚的吓死人。 This time, if these people come back from the chaos universe, how could to be friendly? Even if their were surrendered, becomes troops, but is also fearful. 这一次,如果这些人从混沌宇宙回来,岂能善了?哪怕他们被人降服,成为部众,但也非常可怕。 If these many Ancient Saint enter slanderous talk, requested to go to battle with Earth and ensure Earth could not eat to capture walking! 这么多古圣如果都一齐“进谗言”,请求出战地球,保证地球吃不了兜着走! The starry sky wanted the chaos, many clan clans were worried to exterminate the clan, naturally some ethnic groups were also calm, already knows own ethnic group no longer by gone on a punitive expedition against list. 星空要大乱了,许多族族担心被灭族,当然也有些族群还算淡定,已经知道自家的族群不再被被征伐的名单上。 Earth lineage/vein have Plundering Guide Breathing Method, no person taps this breathing method ultimate potential, even if the owners finally have not practiced, it is most mystical, being worth the World of the Living's fellow Sirs studying!” “地球一脉有盗引呼吸法,从来没有人挖掘出这部呼吸法的终极潜力,哪怕拥有者都没有最终练成,它最为神秘,值得阳间的各位大人去研究!” No one has thought, what first stands is Xilin Clan, they welcome various World of the Living's group of sacred arrivals publicly, and is willing to be the guide, looks famous breathing method. 谁都没有想到,第一个站出来的是西林族,他们公开欢迎阳间的各路神圣驾临,且愿意为向导,去找负有盛名的呼吸法 Meanwhile, they regard Earth lineage/vein breathing method! 同时,他们首推地球一脉的呼吸法 At this time, even if Corpse Race, Deity Race, Netherworld Race and Spirit Race were congratulating, is hostile toward Chu Feng, but the surface had not had the big movement, has not had any action. 此时,哪怕尸族天神族幽冥族灵族内部都在庆贺,在仇视楚风,但表面也还未有大动作呢,不曾有任何举动。 But Xilin Clan actually dares such to do, first jumps, counter- Earth, must become a guide, extinguishes this to say to them was also once mother star was. 可是西林族却敢这么做,第一个跳出来,反地球,要成为带路人,去灭这颗对他们说也是曾经的母星的所在。 This is similar to rushes out of the nest, across Star Sea is not tranquil, many people pay silent tribute for Earth, meet such cold blood Xilin Clan that and is not concerned about face mostly, Earth lineage/vein die is very miserable. 这如同炸窝,星海各地都不平静,许多人为地球默哀,遇上这样冷血且不要脸的西林族,地球一脉多半死的很惨。 Saint of various clans feed back news, as if greatly was vibrated from World of the Living several troops, is interested in Plundering Guide Breathing Method extremely. 各族的圣人反馈回来消息,来自阳间几部人马似乎大受震动,对盗引呼吸法极其感兴趣。 Some people realized, Earth ended, stared with emphasis by the World of the Living's person, what good end but can also have? 一些人意识到,地球完了,被阳间的人重点盯上,还能有什么好下场? Xilin Clan is the wolf bastard, really inborn Traitor to the Bone, the antiquity treachery, gave the person on one's own side to strike fatally, now comes this set, let off them, result must first kill Earth Evolver's is they!” 西林族都是狼崽子,果然天生反骨,上古临阵倒戈,给了自己人致命一击,现在又来这一套,都放过他们了,结果第一个要害死地球进化者的又是他们!” In some far away galaxy, Big Black Ox sighed, the innermost feelings are extremely angry, felt the Xilin Clan too disgusting person, the previous time has not exterminated the clan them too takes a rash step. 某一偏远星系中,大黑牛感叹,内心极其愤怒,感觉西林族太恶心人,上次没有将他们灭族太失策。 „The Chu Feng's heart is too soft, at that time should conquer by killing them, is infertile, plunges to death including the small mouse that has not opened eyes!” Has the Kunlun Mountains big monster to be regrettable. 楚风的心太软啊,当时就该血洗他们,寸草不生,连没睁眼的小耗子都摔死!”有昆仑大妖遗憾。 Ok, the way things should be, Chu Feng is modern people of a life in metropolis, experiences the spiritual energy to recover, after world mutation, few years, you make him kill some people because of the big enmity to be good, you make him conquer by killing many planet all of a sudden, loss of life, he affirms not being able to get down hand. Similar to your I, previously , before old is black, is a black yak of Tibetan Plateau, suddenly makes him slaughter trillion creature, under him going hand? After all is grazes to grow up.” Old Donkey said that also opens the mouth: My also not being able to get down hand, I grow in the south of the lower reaches of the Yangze River scholarly family aristocratic family.” “算了吧,人之常情,楚风原本就是一个生活在都市中的现代人,经历灵气复苏,天地异变后还没几年,你让他因为大仇而杀一些人还行,你让他一下子血洗很多颗星球,生灵涂炭,他肯定下不去手。就如同你我,早先时,老黑以前就是青藏高原的一头黑牦牛,突然让他去屠戮亿万生灵,他下的去手吗?毕竟是吃草长大的。”老驴道,又开口:“我也下不去手,我生长在江南水乡书香门第世家。” Moo, fart, your donkey, but also scholarly family aristocratic family, eats the fodder!” Big Black Ox stares, slandered him to be indignant regarding Old Donkey, such counter-attack, said: Must say, tiger elder brother is a vegetarian actually not.” “哞,屁啊,你就一驴子,还书香门第世家,也是吃草料的!”大黑牛瞪眼,对于老驴诋毁他愤愤不平,这么反击,又道:“要说起来,虎哥倒不是吃素的。” „When my vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Siberia with northeast region, eats the wild ginseng specially, never takes a life!” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is rocking the easy mark. “我纵横西伯利亚与东北区域时,专门吃野人参,从不杀生!”东北虎晃动着大脑袋。 Fart, eats spiritual medicine also to clamp the meat each time to eat, otherwise cannot eat up!” Ouyang Feng despises. “屁,每次吃灵药都还要夹着肉吃,不然吃不下!”欧阳风鄙视。 A talk dilutes some sadly, but in their hearts fills the haze, the great stress is boundless, now the Earth absolute situation is not wonderful, is extremely awful. 一番谈话冲淡部分忧愁,但是他们心中还是充满阴霾,压力巨大无边,现在地球绝对处境不妙,极其糟糕。 Arrived this time, Deity Race, Corpse Race, Netherworld Race, Spirit Race, Machine Race wait/etc. also started to take a stand severely, said that once was visited by the Chu Feng humiliation, may endure what else cannot be tolerated, must kill it! 到了这时,天神族尸族幽冥族灵族机械族等也都开始严厉表态,都说曾被楚风欺凌上门,是可忍孰不可忍,必杀之! After these ethnic groups took a stand, in the universe uneasy was even more static. 这些族群表态后,宇宙中越发不宁静。 In addition, but also some with Earth do not calculate is together happy Dao Lineage, stands the statement, said that if there is need to be willing to assist these ethnic groups. 此外,还有些原本跟地球不算相处愉快的道统,也都站出来表态,说如有需要愿意相助那些族群。 Various clans are imposing, Great Influence makes it so, the World of the Living's person came, Earth so-called rises to become the illusion, this is must be extinguished, so-called is neighboring the deterioration and bloodiness prosperously! 各族凛然,大势使然,阳间的人来了,地球所谓的崛起成为镜花水月,这是要被灭啊,所谓昌盛紧邻着衰败与血腥! ...... …… At this moment, news that in some galaxies passes on frightened, nine shining clans were extinguished, breathing method was taken, this Dao Lineage rivers of blood, killed off. 此刻,一些星系中传回来的消息让人惊悚,九耀族被灭,呼吸法被去取走,该道统血流成河,被人杀光。 Also then, there is a news to transmit, the Undying Silkworm clan dismisses, in the clan the juniors become a fugitive in Star Sea, simultaneously makes the person offer on not dead breathing method in clan to give the World of the Living person. 接着,又有消息传来,不死蚕族解散,族中子弟逃亡星海中,同时让人奉献上族中的不死呼吸法阳间人。 But, they have incurred very frigid big chasing down as before! 可是,他们依旧招致了一场很惨烈的大追杀! „Not dead breathing method, once was World of the Living extremely breathing method, cut off in World of the Living inherited, naturally cannot spread in World of the Dead widely, even if were incomplete, you did not have the qualifications to grasp!” “不死呼吸法,曾为阳间绝顶呼吸法,在阳间都断绝传承了,在阴间自然不能广为流传,哪怕是残缺的,你们也没有资格掌握!” This is the reason that the World of the Living person gives, incomparable overbearing, this clan overtakes by golden Big Dog as well as black old hou, the direct descendant clansman was slaughtered cleanly. 这就是阳间人给出的理由,无比的霸道,该族被被一只金色的大狗以及一只黑色的老犼追上,嫡系族人被屠戮干净。 "Ah...... ” on the same day, Young Master Undying Silkworm was insane, this clan ranks the Princess also grief and indignation in starry sky first ten big beautiful woman wants certainly, pledged that must revenge. “啊……”当日,不死蚕公子疯了,该族排名在星空前十大丽人中的公主也悲愤欲绝,发誓要报仇。 They lived by luck, but the situation is worrying. 他们两人侥幸活了下来,但是处境堪忧。 Quick, the World of the Living person from different Heavenly Venerate disciple, they dispatches the troops separately, must go to Earth, brings Plundering Guide Breathing Method. 很快,来自不同天尊门下的阳间人,他们都分别遣出人马,要去地球,带回来盗引呼吸法 In the universe, regional people sighed, Earth lineage/vein really must end. 宇宙中,各地的人们都叹息,地球一脉果然要完了。 “Wú, Plundering Guide Breathing Method, looks like that law in legend very much, if really it, that sufficiently alarmed World of the Living, this was the super big event, hopes that can give us a pleasant surprise. ” “唔,盗引呼吸法,很像传说中的那种法,真要是它,那就足以惊动阳间了,这是超级大事件,希望能给我们一个惊喜。” From World of the Living's several gangs of troops, each other once short met. 来自阳间的几股人马,彼此都曾短暂碰头。 "hē hē, the accident/surprise, hope is really that law, according to the description, is very likely is, brings to give Heavenly Venerate to look that naturally can examine the truth. ” “呵呵,意外啊,希望真是那种法,按描述来看,极有可能就是,带回去给天尊看自然能验出真伪。” But, this law in the Chu Feng hand, he now possibly on Earth, not sending the person to go to there to be also useless.” “不过,据悉,这种法在楚风手中,他现在可能不在地球上,派遣人去那里也无用。” Quick, from World of the Living's several side influences, ordered rapidly, making the person who left to start off trace the Chu Feng's exact location, do not do not studiously. 很快,来自阳间的几方势力,又迅速下令,让动身上路的人去追查楚风的确切位置,不要做无用功。 Meanwhile, a news travels, the World of the Living's Deity wants to observe to read Plundering Guide Breathing Method very much, who can bring, must have the generous recompense! 同时,一则消息传开来,阳间的神人很想观阅盗引呼吸法,谁能带来,必有重赏! The attention of their law, wins other. 他们对此法的关注,更胜其他。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… Another stream of light sparkles in Star Sea together, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered each region, many Saint are sending out, to look for the Chu Feng's whereabouts. 一道又一道流光星海中闪耀,纵横各地,许多圣人在出动,寻找楚风的下落。 This time Chu Feng truly already left Earth, moreover takes the Yaoyao grandfather, always thought that keeps here him, may leave the important matter, he brings that ancient coffin to charge into the Star Sea deep place, wants to place him in place of secret. 此时的楚风确实早已离开地球,而且带上妖妖的祖父,总觉得将他留在这里,可能会出大事,他带着那口古棺冲向星海深处,想将他安放在一处隐秘之地。 Suddenly, universe Star Sea was chaotic, all troops are looking for Chu Feng. 一时间,宇宙星海乱了,各方人马都在找楚风 Chu Feng comes out, otherwise, must be destroyed completely with your concerned person, cannot be left over, do not regret!” Ancient times Saint threat of Xilin Clan return. 楚风出来吧,不然的话,跟你有关的人都要被灭掉,一个都剩不下,你不要后悔!”西林族回归的远古圣人威胁。 Arrived finally, the troops who outside abatement World of the Living sent, the people of some World of the Dead universe ethnic groups. 到了最后,除却阳间派遣出的人马外,还有阴间宇宙一些族群的人。 Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Yellow Ox and the others startled and anger, the human nature is very sometimes ugly, in team that some Great Influence strength to climb up World of the Living's tall Zhier, join the battue on own initiative, must encircle Chu Feng. 大黑牛欧阳风黄牛等人又惊又怒,有时候人性真的很丑陋,有些大势力为了攀上阳间的高枝儿,主动加入追猎的队伍中,要围剿楚风 The must know, they were very some time ago respectful and prudent, dispatch the important mission, nearly the pilgrimage rushes to Earth Kunlun Mountain, finally in an instant turned hostile. 须知,不久前他们都还很恭谨,遣出重要使团,近乎朝圣般赶到地球昆仑山,结果转眼间就变脸了。 Big Black Ox and Yellow Ox they are worried about Chu Feng very much, sits on the Young Lady Xi flying saucer, appears and disappears in some galaxies, inquires the news, wants to share the pressure. 大黑牛黄牛他们都很担心楚风,坐在少女曦的飞碟上,在一些星系出没,打探消息,想分担压力。 I said everybody, were these by Fellow Daoist of World of the Living control, what the irregular person you also mixed? Must go to battue Chu Feng, is this must do everything to please? Be careful death is very miserable!” “我说各位,那些被阳间控制的道友也就罢了,不相干的人你们掺和什么?非要去追猎楚风,这是要献殷勤吗?当心死的很惨!” The Ouyang Feng indignation, did not shout propaganda in the starry sky. 欧阳风不忿,在星空中喊话。 “Wú, you understand the Chu Feng's words, should knows he walk, changes various types of dead ends lives, not possibly melts is the possibility, the person who such early does everything to please, be careful was criticized, tragic death! ” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Mastiff King wait/etc. one crowd of Kunlun Mountains big monster anger very much clash, said angry. “唔,你们了解楚风的话,应该知道他一路走来,将各种死局都变活,化不可能为可能,这么早献殷勤的人,当心被清算,惨死!”东北虎獒王等等一群昆仑大妖火气都很冲,愤慨地说道。 They are indeed angry, the person who some time ago also came Earth Kunlun Mountains pilgrimage, such turns hostile in an instant, this countenance is tedious. 他们的确恼怒,不久前还来地球昆仑朝圣的人,转眼间就这么变脸,这种嘴脸让人生厌。 Meanwhile, Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox wait/etc. in secret is also relating Monster Race, Sub Immortal Clan wait/etc., asking them to inform Saint that comes back from the chaos universe when following orders battue Chu Feng, spares and not punishes too severely as far as possible. 同时,大黑牛黄牛等也在暗中联系妖族亚仙族等,请他们告知从混沌宇宙回来的圣人在奉命追猎楚风时,尽量高抬贵手。 However, the Sub Immortal Clan's feedback makes Yellow Ox and the others the complexions ugly incomparable. 然而,亚仙族的反馈让黄牛等人的脸色都难看无比。 Sub Immortal Clan previously kept this piece of universe three ancient times Saint to lead cold intent, the direct rejection, draws a line with Earth. 亚仙族早先就留在这片宇宙的三位远古圣人带着冷意,直接拒绝,跟地球划清界限。 Grass!” Ouyang Feng exploded. “草!”欧阳风炸了。 Big Black Ox as far as possible is mild, said: Earth although now the situation is worrying, but we have not requested you to assist, but asked you and others to drop in private slightly, were you extent that? Moreover, doesn't Sub Immortal Clan intend to with Earth marry?” 大黑牛则尽量语气和缓,道:“地球现在虽然处境堪忧,但我们也没有要求你们相助,只是私下请你等稍微放手,你们至于如此吗?再者说,亚仙族不是有意要与地球联姻吗?” However, he was scolded, was rejected again. 然而,他被呵斥了,再次被拒绝。 Suddenly storm attack, all people cannot see the outlet of Earth, cannot see Chu Feng to have the hope of going on living, sooner or later must be extinguished. 一时间暴风骤雨来袭,所有人都看不出地球的出路,看不到楚风有活下去的希望,早晚要被灭。 In this, the World of the Dead universe several clans were extinguished, is that specially ancient ethnic group, the breathing method World of the Living's person who grasps carries off. 于此之际,阴间宇宙又有十几族被灭,都是那种特别古老的族群,掌握的呼吸法阳间的人带走。 This piece buries the post randomly, does not have no merit to speak , when lays down the ancient time Heavenly Venerate, under losing some terrifying shouted incomplete breathing method, this was in the cemetery appropriating lost articles bead, harvested is not small.” “这片乱葬岗,也不是一无是处,埋下古老时期的天尊时,也遗落下一些恐怖的呼残缺呼吸法,这算是在坟场拾遗珠,收获不小。” Has smiles from the World of the Living's female, rides to sit on black fur luminous old hou, suitable optional, does not care regarding the destruction of several ethnic groups. 有来自阳间的女子微笑,骑坐在一头黑色皮毛光亮的老犼身上,相当的随意,对于十几个族群的覆灭根本不放在心上。
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