SR :: Volume #10

#919: This thing is predestined friends with me

"Um? ” Young Heavenly Dog saw in the Chu Feng hand that thumb big green skin small bottle gourd, the eye has shone immediately, emitted the blue light, incomparable greedy, said: Good thing, the good treasure, unexpectedly is the treasure that on the innate bottle gourd cane has, this thing is predestined friends with me!” “嗯?”小天狗一看到楚风手中那个拇指大的青皮小葫芦,眼睛顿时亮了起来,放出蓝光,无比的贪婪,道:“好东西,好宝贝,居然是先天葫芦藤上结出的瑰宝,此物与我有缘!” It sits on silver war chariot, laughs, dog mouth is very big, the eye partly narrows the eyes, thinks in the heart carefree. 它坐在银色战车上,哈哈大笑起来,狗嘴咧的很大,眼睛半眯,觉得心中畅快之极。 Chu Feng is also smiling, but is a little cold, died to being imminent, this son-of-a-bitch so was greedy, Tyrant Shigou an appearance, was really tedious. 楚风也在笑,但是有点冷,死到临头了,这只狗崽子还这么贪心,一副霸食狗的样子,实在让人生厌。 „A World of the Dead's mouse can obtain innate bottle gourd that in the chaos grows unexpectedly, but also really surprises people, but definitely is not your this floor goods personally picks, brings, offers this type of generous gift, I could let you, when the leader in my retinue.” 阴间的一只老鼠居然能得到到混沌中生长的先天葫芦,还真是让人意外,不过肯定不是你这种底层货色亲手采摘的,拿来吧,献上这种厚礼,我或许可以让你当我仆从中的头领。” The Young Heavenly Dog haughty, a natural appearance, demanded there. 小天狗大剌剌,一副理所当然的样子,在那里索要。 However, suddenly, its changes countenance changed, after the bottle gourd match pulls out, is equal to revealing big terrifying, even if the heavenly treasure thing can camouflage Heavenly Mystery first, but cannot block from now. 然而,突然间,它的变色变了,葫芦赛拔出来后,等于泄露出“大恐怖”,哪怕先天宝物能遮蔽天机,可现在也遮不住了。 woof!” “汪!” Young Heavenly Dog was too keen, soars directly, kicks out of the way war chariot, must flee! 小天狗太敏锐了,直接腾空而起,踢开战车,就要遁走! Bang! 砰! What a pity, Chu Feng makes an effort in bottle gourd bottom there racket, shakes large share gray fog, this not initially in such one small wisp that Foreign Territory emitted. 可惜,楚风用力在葫芦底儿那里一拍,震出一大股灰色雾霭,这不可是当初在异域放出的那么一小缕。 After the strange material appears, the rapid and violent condensation beasts, are similar to creature, the face has the expression, looks back is smiling to Chu Feng, was too fierce, but also gesticulated to shear the movement of throat to him. 诡异的物质出现后,迅速而猛烈的凝聚成一只兽类,如同一个生灵般,面部有表情,回首对着楚风笑,太狰狞了,还对他比划了一个割喉的动作。 Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, what thing is this especially? Also true birth creature wisdom inadequate, feels is so evil, making in the person heart agitated and restless. 楚风倒吸冷气,这特么是什么东西?还真正诞生灵智了不成,怎么感觉这么邪恶,让人心中烦躁与不安。 Buzz! 嗡! Void is trembling, beasts that grey matter turns into roared, endures compared with the speed of light, rushed over instant, puts the body of Young Heavenly Dog, it according to there. 虚空都在颤栗,灰色物质化成的兽类一声咆哮,堪比光速,刹那冲了过去,扑在小天狗的身上,将它按在那里。 No, woof, roar!” “不,汪,嗷吼!” Young Heavenly Dog yelled, angry roaring, furiously the counter-attack, the whole body is being rune/symbol light. 小天狗大叫,怒吼着,奋力反击,浑身都是符光。 This is any clever thing, the roar, Heavenly Dog swallows the moon/month!” It is roaring, uses one type this to assign divine technique, crazily to that grey strange matter tear and bite. “这是什么鬼东西,吼,天狗吞月!”它怒吼着,动用一种本命神术,疯狂对那灰色的诡异物质撕咬。 Two wild animals are slaughtering, but, Young Heavenly Dog was frightened, it bites on the neck of opposite party, this locks the throat, was fatal, finally oneself instant is actually deteriorating, because it is swallowing the gray blood of opposite party on own initiative, this is dislikes the life to be long simply. 两头野兽在厮杀,但是,小天狗惊悚了,它咬在对方的脖子上一口,这是锁喉,原本是致命的,结果自身却在刹那衰败,因为它在主动吞食对方的灰色血液,这简直是嫌命长。 But the opposite party tears and bites it to be also fatal, pours into massive strange matter, corrodes its flesh also to have the soul. 而对方撕咬到它也是致命的,注入大量诡异物质,侵蚀其血肉还有灵魂。 No!” Young Heavenly Dog called out pitifully, was instant terrified, it thought that oneself must be dried up, let alone was it, such massive fog materials simultaneously welled up, pestered in it together, is the gods falls face down. “不!”小天狗惨叫,刹那惶恐起来,它觉得自己要干枯了,别说是它,这么大量的灰雾物质同时涌来,跟它纠缠在一起,就是神都趴下。 Disaster, extinguishes the world, the ominous material......” it calls out, then dog's bark, rending, it from the Heavenly Dog clan, has heard this type of terrifying thing, only if Supreme Being take action, otherwise in the Divine King contamination is personally difficult to run away dies, it yelled pitifully. “灾祸,灭世,不祥物质……”它嚎叫,而后犬吠,撕心裂肺,它来自天狗族,听到过这种恐怖的东西,除非大能亲自出手,不然的话神王沾染上都难逃一死,它凄惨大叫。 Chu Feng, receives quickly, lets off me!” It unexpectedly such sad and shrill yelled, trembling, previous arrogant and some time ago overbearing all restrained. 楚风,快收回去,放过我吧!”它居然这么凄厉的大叫起来,颤栗着,早先的倨傲、不久前的霸道全都收敛。 So the flash, its body was withered, the blood essence completely loses, simultaneously soul light is gloomy, is nearly decayed. 就这么一瞬间,它的身体就干瘪了,血液精华尽失,同时魂光暗淡,近乎腐朽。 In a minute, it likely was old 10,000 years, the thin, shiny black dog wool did not have the gloss again, was very gloomy, the look did not have up. 片刻间,它像是苍老了10000年,骨瘦如柴,黑亮的狗毛再也没有光泽,无比暗淡,眼神都无光了。 Runs away!” “逃!” Another five Saints are the ghost all brave simply, all flies to run away. 另外五圣简直是亡魂皆冒,全都飞逃。 However, already late, that gray beasts branched out five aura, turned into five stream of light to pursue, sneaked in their bodies, several people called out pitifully, drop on the ground, swayed back and forth unceasingly. 然而,早已晚了,那个灰色兽类分出五股气息,化成五道流光追了过去,钻进他们的身体中,几人惨叫,跌落在地上,不断打滚。 Such overbearing? Chu Feng thinks to send to terrify, he has not come as before grey matter all took out, only emits the small part, the effect such astonishing. 这么霸道?楚风觉得发瘆,他依旧没有将灰色物质全部祭出来,只放出小部分,效果就这么的惊人。 Gives the fearful gray fog that several hundred God tosses about dead worthily, this is their aggregates, now shows fierce side, making Chu Feng be afraid. 不愧是将数百位神灵都给折腾死的可怕灰色雾霭,这是它们的集合体,现在展现出狰狞的一面,让楚风都不寒而栗。 Chu Feng must forgive the place of person, and rich/forgive people, puts my horse!” Young Heavenly Dog calls out. 楚风得饶人之处且饶人,放我一马!”小天狗嚎叫。 Recites strongest breathing method that you practice.” Chu Feng unemotionally said. “将你所练的最强呼吸法背诵出来。”楚风面无表情地说道。 Good!” Young Heavenly Dog coordinates very much, recited directly, finally Chu Feng complexion slightly black, this was breathing method of Heavenly Dog clan, unexpectedly must accompany the dog's bark sound, did this make him practice? Only can give Mastiff King. “好!”小天狗很配合,直接背诵,结果楚风脸色微黑,这是天狗族的呼吸法,居然还要伴着犬吠声,这让他怎么练?只能送给獒王 Has Heavenly Venerate Level breathing method?” Chu Feng is gloomy the face to ask it. “有没有天尊级呼吸法?”楚风阴沉着脸问它。 No, Heavenly Dog breathing method most suits me......” to speak of here, its sudden eye reveal ominous light, the collar on neck buzz a illumination, flew, turns into silver glow, the bang hits together to Chu Feng there. “没有,天狗呼吸法最适合我……”说到这里,它突然眼露凶光,脖子上的项圈嗡的一声发光,飞了出来,化成一道银芒,轰撞向楚风那里。 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng actuates the Heavenly Dao umbrella, shakes directly, unexpected, this silver collar has not damaged, sends out silver glow, was shaken flies high sky. 楚风促动天道伞,直接震开,出乎意料,这银色项圈没有损坏,发出银芒,被震飞上高天 How possible, this is the treasure that refines from Heavenly Venerate Eight Trigrams Furnace, unexpectedly has not destroyed, how your this umbrella a little looks familiar......” “怎么可能,这可是从天尊八卦炉中炼制出来的宝物,居然没打碎,你这伞怎么有点眼熟……” Young Heavenly Dog shock, simultaneously it even more feeble, was skinny, Essence, Qi and Spirit was squandered, and sends out the rotten flavor. 小天狗震惊,同时它越发的衰弱,已经皮包骨头,一身精气神都被耗干了,并且散发出腐烂的味道。 But the five Saints near this time tumbled, are wailing, was pitiful, soul light disintegrated, fleshly body collapsed, they had various inductions, saw that ran into various enemies to kill, was worrying their flesh and souls. 而这个时候附近的五圣翻滚着、哀嚎着,非常凄惨,魂光瓦解,肉身崩溃,他们产生各种感应,看到生前所遇到各种对头杀来了,在撕咬他们的血肉与灵魂。 Finally, five Saints die is very miserable, first is also killed violently compared with Young Heavenly Dog, only leaves behind some small remnant corpses. 最终,五圣死的很惨,比小天狗还先毙命,只留下小部分残尸。 Then, Young Heavenly Dog also calls out continues, fur cuns (2.5 cm) flake voluntarily, a bone break, is senile and inept, the putrefactive odor is ill-smelling. 接着,小天狗也嚎叫不止,皮毛寸寸自行剥落下来,骨头根根断裂,老迈不堪,腐臭味难闻。 Its soul light collapses, died a tragic death here. 魂光崩溃,也在这里惨死。 Even if by the dead city, their soul light materials also completely melts, being doomed is unable to go to the reincarnation, dying inadequate dies again, only leaves behind the rotten corpse. 哪怕挨着死城,它们的魂光物质也尽消融,注定无法去转生,死的不成再死,只留下腐烂的尸体。 fucking was too miserable!” Chu Feng believes firmly, in that short instance, these people encountered this to live the biggest pain, their vision despaired, wished one could Chu Feng to go forward to kill them directly, such was helps them extricate. “太特么的惨了!”楚风确信,就在那短暂的瞬间,这几人都遭遇了此生最大的痛苦,他们的目光都是绝望的,恨不得楚风直接上前去杀了他们,那样才是帮助他们解脱。 Receives!” “收!” Chu Feng uses innate bottle gourd, attempts to come several wreckage fog withdraw, most return, but has little leaves behind in the rotten corpse. 楚风动用先天葫芦,尝试将几具残骸身上的灰雾收起来,大半回归,但还是有少许遗留在腐烂的尸体中。 The Chu Feng palpitation, recalled once more after that grey matter turns into the wild animal, to his fierce smiling, as well as the gesture shears the movement of throat, will this be must look for him sooner or later? 楚风心悸,再次回想那灰色物质化成野兽后对他狰狞的笑,以及比划割喉的动作,这是早晚也要找上他? This thing as if has spirituality, dying thing? 这东西似乎有灵性,并非死物? Chu Feng withdraw that silver collar, stands here long time, finally, he throws into several rotten corpses the dead city, then close is staring. 楚风收起那银色项圈,在这里站立良久,最终,他将几具腐烂的尸体扔进死城中,然后密切的盯着。 Arrived finally, him heard has been similar to the evil spirit calling out sound, that was residual grey matter by the grinding pan crush, and grinding pan sent out the golden light! 到最后,他听到了如同厉鬼般的嚎叫声,那是残留的灰色物质在被磨盘碾压,且磨盘发出金光! This lets his creepy feeling, little can grey matter make such big noise unexpectedly? 这让他头皮发麻,少许灰色物质竟能闹出这么大的动静? Really, that several corpses did not have soul light to stay behind, only have grey matter by the annihilation of crush. 果然,那几具尸体没有魂光留下,只有灰色物质被碾压的湮灭了。 Chu Feng suck in a cold breath! 楚风倒吸冷气 He wanders here long time, feeds in Qin Luoyin the space bracelet, then admits stone box the space bracelet, attempts once more, wants to go to the Reincarnation Road's end. 他在这里徘徊良久,将秦珞音送进空间手链中,而后将空间手链放进石盒,再次尝试,想去轮回路的尽头。 What a pity he failed, Shining Death City has the inexplicable strength to sweep across to come, must receive and instruct the Qin Luoyin's corpse, knows is not stone box only shelters Chu Feng, only shelters the living creature, has not protected Qin Luoyin. 可惜他还是失败了,光明死城有莫名的力量席卷而来,要接引走秦珞音的尸体,不知道石盒只庇护楚风,还是只庇护活物,没有保护秦珞音 Chu Feng hurries to retreat, bringing Qin Luoyin to be far away from there. 楚风慌忙退走,带着秦珞音远离那里。 He sighed in a soft voice, if has not chosen, that can only deliver the Qin Luoyin reincarnation, he must follow up in Reincarnation Cave, looks personally, transfers one revolution, delivered her to be reborn in paradise. 他轻声一叹,如果没有选择,那只能送秦珞音投胎,他要跟进轮回洞中,亲自看一看,转一转,送她往生。 However now he will not give up, leads her in the side, if as before wants means resurrecting. 但是现在他不会放弃,带她在身边,依旧要想办法复活。 Finally, Chu Feng leaves Purgatory, returns to Kunlun Mountain. 最后,楚风离开炼狱,回到昆仑山上。 Meanwhile, universe deep place, on bright yellow bottle gourd, four powerhouses have big Heavenly Dog to give orders. 与此同时,宇宙深处,黄澄澄的葫芦上,四位强者还有大天狗在发号施令。 disciple that other World of the Living Heavenly Venerate sits down, some people sought to kill the inheritance in this piece of universe in my World of the Living some Dao Lineage's breathing method gates, although was the remnant law, but was also very considerable, the reference value was astonishing. We also fast go into action, Great Dream Breathing Method was very strong, but was robbed by a mouse, must kill him, recaptures, in addition also nine shining breathing method, not dead breathing method wait/etc. can look!” 阳间别的天尊坐下的弟子,有人在这片宇宙寻到了在我阳间断送传承的一些道统的呼吸法门,虽然是残法,但也很可观,参考价值惊人。我们也得快速行动起来,大梦呼吸法原本很强,但是被一只老鼠抢走,必须杀了他,重新夺回,此外还有九耀呼吸法、不死呼吸法等可以找!” “Wú, sets out all troops directly, according to this list, sweeps across the World of the Dead universe, seeks for us to need! ” “唔,直接出动所有人马,按照这个名单来吧,席卷阴间宇宙,寻找我们所需!” In a flash, their surrounding person's shadows are ample, is the powerhouses who they surrender, was ordered related Star Territory sweeping, seeks to need. 一瞬间,他们周围人影绰绰,都是他们降服的强者,被命令去相关星域扫荡,寻找所需。 I came back, my Corpse Race got the gate unexpectedly, the shame, I must kill off dare to blaspheme the person of my clan, making me go to Milky Way!” “我又回来了,我尸族竟然被人打上门,耻辱啊,我要杀光敢亵渎我族的人,让我去银河系吧!” "Um, my Deity Race once again assaulted, ignominious! ” “嗯,我天神族又一次遇劫,可耻啊!” What, my did Xilin Clan almost exterminate the clan?!” “什么,我西林族几乎被灭族?!” Some silhouette were roaring angrily, after they were put, first connected this clan with Light Brain, after finding out the situation, scary of each and every one face darken. 一些身影在怒叫,他们被放出来后第一时间用光脑连接本族,了解情况后,一个个脸色阴沉的吓人。 They belong to the World of the Dead universe, goes to the chaos universe to compete for the chance, result many people are surrendered! 他们属于阴间宇宙,去混沌宇宙中争夺机缘,结果很多人被降服! Remember, obeys the order, no one can move randomly, which piece of Star Territory should go to go to which piece!” On yellow skin bottle gourd that forehead lives man's cold and gloomy warning of vertical eye to say. “记住,听从命令,谁都不能乱行动,该去哪片星域就去哪片!”黄皮葫芦上那个眉心生有竖眼的男子森冷的警告道。 Yes!” Person low head that these shout, but in the eye is bringing the cold light. “是!”那些嘶吼的人低下头颅,但眼中却带着寒光。 Meanwhile, other come from World of the Living's several gangs of troops, is giving orders, is competing, all has sent out these surrendered powerhouse, as well as they from retinue. 与此同时,其他来自阳间的几股人马,也都在发号施令,在竞争,全都派出了那些被降服的强者,以及他们自身带着的仆从。 This likely is fearsome super universe hurricane, soon will sweep across trim World of the Dead! 这像是一股可怖的超级宇宙飓风,即将席卷整片阴间
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