SR :: Volume #10

#918: Experiments trump card

Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Void, sparks fly in all directions, is similar to metal collides, makes the grating sound! 虚空中,火星四溅,如同金属碰撞,发出刺耳的声音! Young Heavenly Dog the vision is sharp, is very fearful, its cultivate successfully Heavenly Eye, by far World of the Dead so-called Heaven-Blessed Talent! 小天狗的这种目光非常犀利,也很慑人,它修成天眼,远胜阴间很多所谓的天纵奇才 The Heavenly Dog clan bloodlines are scarce, but especially in formidable, ordinary circumstances, even if the young son time, started to follow the Deity. 天狗族血脉稀少,但是都格外的强大,一般情况下来说,哪怕都还是幼崽时期,就开始追随神人了。 Of conceivable this clan blood relationship, caused that all powerhouses are willing to raise a head, is only they are too rare, is very difficult to obtain. 可以想象该族血统之强,引得各方强者都愿意养上一头,只是它们太稀有,很难得到。 Thousand li (500 km) remote regarding Saint Level Evolver, was too short, they suddenly flushed, before Shining Death City, sees the boundless skeleton, this crowd of person also shaken heavy, is terrified. 千里之遥对于圣级进化者来说,实在太短了,他们瞬息间就冲了过来,到了光明死城前,看到无垠的尸骸,这群人也被震的不轻,都悚然。 „Did woof, where I arrive at? Felt that likely is Purgatory in legend, has the road that the dead of big destiny may be able to take?” “汪,我来到了哪里?怎么感觉像是传说中的炼狱,一些有大气运的死者才有可能会走的路?” It is not all people have opportunity to come to here, some World of the Living Heavenly Venerate believe, this place is not the natural production, but is doubtful the Supreme Being arrangement that by ancient cannot be guessed. 不是所有人都有机会来这里,阳间有些天尊认为,此地不是天然生成的,而是疑似由古老不可揣测的大能布置。 The average men miss this place, related to certain fearful rules and Order. 常人无缘来此地,涉及到了其中的某些可怕规则与秩序等。 fucking, Purgatory, Heavenly Venerate has not come, I have met how, I......” Young Heavenly Dog was afraid. 特么的,炼狱啊,天尊都没来过,我怎么就遇上了,我……”小天狗害怕了。 However, is quick it to stand firm, its True Body has not entered in the dead city, moreover oneself has not died, has not stepped Reincarnation Road, has something to be worried? So long as does not rush rashly, should not have the danger, draws back along the old route and that's the end. 不过,很快它又稳住,它的真身又没有进死城中,而且自身未死,不曾踏上轮回路,有什么可担心的?只要不贸然闯进去,应该不会有危险,沿着原路退回去就是了。 It knows not many about Purgatory, this is the thing that the terrifying super great person can study, it listens secretly some in some time bits and pieces. 它对炼狱了解不多,这是恐怖超级大人物才会研究的东西,它只是在某次次偷听到一些“边角料”而已。 In World of the Living, the rank is stern, many matters do not arrive at that level unable to contact. 阳间,等级非常森严,许多事不到那个层次根本接触不到。 Chu Feng withdraws, to get close to Shining Death City, hides in a rear area of piece of skeleton, his knows distant place that strange dog has discovered him, the opposite party has Heavenly Eye . Moreover the sense of smell is too keen, worthily is the dog clan family background. 楚风退后,接近光明死城,躲在一片尸骸的后方,他知道远处那头古怪的狗发现了他,对方拥有天眼,而且嗅觉太敏锐,不愧是狗族出身。 The flash, who his knows this was, because he boiled the soul through the Nine Nether corpse hot lamp, had known from martial Chengtian, journey Wei and other population their back instigation, suddenly were filled with righteous indignation. 一刹那,他知道这是谁了,因为他通过九幽尸火灯熬魂,从武承天、程薇等人口中得知了他们背后的主使者,一时间怒火填膺。 Because of his knows, this is World of the Living's lifeforms, precisely they orders to conquer by killing Great Dream Pure Land, robs breathing method, causes the Qin Luoyin tragic death. 因为他知道,这是阳间的生物,正是他们命令血洗大梦净土,抢夺呼吸法,才导致秦珞音惨死。 Sediment, the mouse, rolls, sees the primate sacred arrival, has not come to welcome the emperor!” “渣子,老鼠,滚过来,看到灵长类神圣驾临,还不过来接驾!” The Young Heavenly Dog opens the mouth, spiritual fluctuation penetrating power is very strong, the thorough dozens li (0.5 km), pass to the Chu Feng's ear bank clearly. 小天狗开口,精神波动穿透力很强,深入数十里,清晰传到楚风的耳畔。 Sediment? Mouse? After Chu Feng hearing this, complexion ice-cold, including a World of the Living's dog such arrogant, shames the World of the Dead universe at will Evolver, was too not the thing. 渣子?老鼠?楚风闻言后脸色冰冷,连一只阳间的狗都这么的傲慢,随意羞辱阴间宇宙的进化者,太不是东西了。 Chu Feng has not responded it, inspects oneself Artifact wait/etc., frequently prepares the slaughter dog! 楚风没搭理它,检查自己身上的器物等,时刻准备屠狗! Unsophisticated mouse, you were deaf, hasn't heard the Heavenly Race powerhouse's summon?” Sub Saint shouted, is having the swift and fierce imposing manner, attacked this stretch of region, thought highly of the Heavenly Dog clan is Heavenly Race. “土老鼠,你耳朵聋了吗,没听到天族强者的召唤吗?”一位亚圣喝道,带着凌厉的气势,冲击这片地带,将天狗族恭维为天族 A retinue of dog, is willing for the slave, making the Chu Feng look even more indifferent, this time, some person live being inferior dogs, some people were inferior including the dog, is enough pitiful. 一条狗的仆从,甘愿为奴,让楚风眼神越发的冷漠,这个时代,有些人活的不如狗,有些人连狗都不如,也是够可悲的。 Makes people think what is lamentable, they are also glad to make the dog the servant. 更让人觉得可叹的是,他们还很乐意做狗的奴仆。 Chu Feng reorganizes Artifact, walked outward several steps, said: „The thing that your this dog mother-in-law raises, making the person pull a cart, puts on despicable airs, thinks weren't oneself a dog?” 楚风整理好身上的器物,向外走了几步,道:“你这狗家娘养的东西,让人拉车,人模狗样儿,就以为自己不是一条狗了吗?” After Young Heavenly Dog hears, whole body dog wool stands erect, reveals a mouth fang, the look is cold and gloomy, is gives up on the person to stare at him likely generally. 小天狗听到后,周身狗毛都竖立起来,露出一嘴獠牙,眼神森冷,像是看死人一般盯着他。 My servants, anyone of you go to raise to me this mouse, World of the Dead buries the people who is born randomly is an idiot, always thinks arrogantly oneself are the talent, is actually any thing, in the World of the Living's words, is the waste firewood of not being able to amount to something!” “我的奴仆们,你们谁去将这只老鼠给我提过来,阴间乱葬地诞生的人都是蠢货,总是自大的以为自己是天才,其实算什么东西,在阳间的话,都是上不得台面的废柴而已!” When hears Young Heavenly Dog this quiet cold words, Sub Saint stands directly, shouted: Chu Feng, has not come to meet the Heavenly Race envoy, does not want self to harm.” 当听到小天狗这种幽冷的话语,一位亚圣直接站出,喝道:“楚风,还不过来叩见天族的使者,不要自误。” Chu Feng has not paid attention to him, is willing for the retinue of dog, had something to say to them. 楚风没有理会他,甘愿为狗的仆从,对他们还有什么可说的。 "hē hē, you are now self-designated, I thought how your a while lowers the head to beg for mercy! ” That Sub Saint said, then asked two Saint to assist, they brought big Killing Weapon to come, compelled forward, wanted to arrest Chu Feng. “呵呵,你现在自命清高,我看你一会儿怎么低头求饶!”那位亚圣道,然后请身边的两位圣人相助,他们都带着大杀器而来,向前逼去,想要缉拿楚风 Although knows Chu Feng has killed some Saint, but they as before fearless, has Young Heavenly Dog to follow after behind, even if their several people do not beat, but also is worth making the offensive posture now. 虽然知道楚风杀过一些圣人,但是他们依旧无惧,有小天狗跟在身后,哪怕他们几人不敌,但现在也值得做出进攻姿态。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Sub Saint flushed with two Saint, finally on the way bang bang has blasted out, changed to the blood and bone, when a way Undying Bird nearby it sent out is broken by fearful killing intent as well as exploding of blood energy that impact. 一位亚圣与两位圣人冲过来了,结果才在途中而已就砰砰地炸开了,化作血与骨,因为路径一只不死鸟附近时被它散发的可怕杀意以及血气冲击的爆碎。 They have to feel the fearfulness of this skeleton deep place, but sees Chu Feng standing well there, thinks him to be well, they will not have the matter. 他们不是没有感觉到这片尸骸深处的可怕,可是看到楚风好好的站在那里,觉得他无恙,他们也不会有事。 The reality is such brutal, Chu Feng can stand there, they are not good! 现实就是这么残酷,楚风可以站在那里,他们不行! "Um, your body has Supreme Treasure! ” The eye of Young Heavenly Dog has shone, although has not induced anything, but through this contrast, its retinue died, but Chu Feng is safe and sound, can draw the conclusion. “嗯,你身上有至宝!”小天狗的眼睛亮了,虽然没有感应到什么,但是通过这种对比,它的仆从死了,而楚风安然无恙,就能得出结论。 It to three people of deaths, does not care, lets another five people of disappointments, does not pass by the road is they elects, oneself walk. 它对三人的死,根本不放在心上,让另外五人一阵寒心,不过路是他们自己选的,自己走的。 „The World of the Dead's mouse, you come, submits to me, I lead you to go to World of the Living, to exquisite silk Great Dao, delivers you a supreme chance, can make you get rid of this decayed and gloomy and cold environment since then, how do you look?” 阴间的老鼠,你还是过来吧,臣服于我,我带你去阳间,给一条锦绣大道,送你一桩无上机缘,可以让你从此摆脱这腐臭与阴冷的大环境,你看如何?” Young Heavenly Dog shouts, to Chu Feng rocking big claw. 小天狗喊道,对楚风晃动大爪子。 The Chu Feng facial color is cold, said: You also are really the dog, the thing of being a snob, does not have any qualifications before me arrogant, how was your master came, your this son of a bitch!” 楚风面色冷冽,道:“你还真是狗,狗眼看人低的东西,没什么资格在我面前倨傲,就是你的主人来了又如何,你这狗东西!” He really cannot get used to seeing this son-of-a-bitch, too fucking will not speak the logical expression, therefore cannot bear scold. 他实在看不惯这狗崽子,太特么的不会说人话了,因此忍不住呵斥。 You called Chu Feng, were you court death? Courts death!” The Young Heavenly Dog woods are even more cold, an angry face draws is very long, whole body fur vibrates, watches intently. “你叫楚风是吧,你是找死呢?还是找死呢!”小天狗越发森寒,一张狗脸拉的很长,浑身皮毛抖动,逼视过来。 Chu Feng said: Makes your back master look for me, your this dog considers as finished, dares to talk nonsense again, the person the head makes into the dog head!” 楚风道:“让你背后的主人过来找我,你这种狗还是算了,再敢胡言乱语,人脑袋打成狗脑袋!” At first, he is angry, but spoke of him unable to bear smile finally, did not need to make into the dog head, this was in itself. 起初,他还愤怒,但说到最后他自己都忍不住笑了,都不用打成狗脑袋,这本身就是。 The Young Heavenly Dog complexion sinister and vicious, said: I must kill you, moreover must make you not seek livehood to ask unable, extinguishes your nine generations! You are hugging is the female your wife? Haha, good that dying, is really pleased. I told you, person who as long as had the relations with you, I must kill, she was first, will also have many people to die!” 小天狗脸色阴鸷,道:“我非弄死你不可,而且要让你求生不得求死不能,灭你九族!你抱着的女子是你妻子吧?哈哈,死的好,真是快意。我告诉你,但凡跟你有关系的人,我都要杀了,她是第一个,还会有很多人要死!” Chu Feng not hesitant, wants to experiment strange grey matter in this stretch of region strong, he takes out green skin bottle gourd to pull up the bottle gourd match directly, said: „The World of the Living's son-of-a-bitch, extinguished you today first, another day again kills to raise your people, does not remain, cuts a cleanness completely!” 楚风没有犹豫,在这片地带想试验一下诡异的灰色物质到底有多强,他取出青皮葫芦直接拔起葫芦赛,道:“阳间的狗崽子,今天先灭了你,改日再杀养你的那些人,一个不剩,全部斩个干净!” Here is Purgatory, he releases strange matter not any psychological burden, does not fear to pollute anything, therefore quite happy then took out this trump card, was the time examines on the spot! 这里是炼狱,他释放诡异物质没有任何的心理负担,不怕污染什么,因此相当痛快的就祭出这种杀手锏,是时候实地检验一下了!
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