SR :: Volume #10

#940: Ultimate breathing method cuts Heavenly Venerate

Yaoyao take action, sank to the Great Abyss endless deep place, but turns into a white light to clash now, portable three chi (0.33 m) Qingfeng, dares to wield a sword to Heavenly Venerate! 妖妖出手,原本都已经沉入大渊无尽深处,但现在化成一道白光冲了出来,手提三尺青峰,敢向天尊挥剑! But in Great Abyss, stone box is sinking, the back bloodstained, is scarlet and shocking. 大渊中,石盒在下沉,背面血迹斑斑,猩红而触目惊心。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate not happy without cause for grief, indifferently silent, after turning the hand grinds Chu Feng, he does not have the slight mood to fluctuate, in his eyes, the myriad things in this side world, the ants, planet is also good, anything has not distinguished. 太武天尊无喜无忧,漠然无声,翻手碾碎楚风后,他没有丝毫情绪波动,在他的眼中,这方天地中的万物,蝼蚁也罢,星球也好,没什么区别。 Perhaps in his eyes, Chu Feng is a stone and a grass. 或许在他眼中,楚风就是一块石、一株草。 But now facing a Yaoyao shocking sword, he does not fluctuate as before, regards it indifferently, lifts the hand bang to go forward. 而现在面对妖妖惊艳的一剑,他依旧毫无波动,漠然视之,抬手向前轰去。 He is stone embryo, innate thing, was dug from the chaos by Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, refining up Dao Body, is to the utmost firm, clang hits with sword that Origin Metal casts in the same place is lossless, sparks fly in all directions. 他是石胎,先天之物,被太武天尊从混沌中挖出来的,炼成一具道身,极尽坚固,锵的一声跟母金铸成的剑器撞在一起都无损,火星四溅 The Yaoyao white clothing flap flap, without any stay, Divine Sword punctures after his palm, revolves taking advantage of the strength whole person, across the sky, instant has appeared above the stone embryo top of the head, then extremely fast dives, sword edge punctures toward the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate top of the head. 妖妖白衣猎猎,没有任何停留,神剑刺在他手掌上后,借力整个人旋转而起,横空而过,刹那出现在石胎头顶上方,而后极速俯冲,剑锋向着太武天尊的天灵盖刺去。 Bang! 轰! Above stone embryo top of the head towering appearance three lotus flowers, snow white has no time, blooms three wisps of air/Qi, evolves three Sword Qi, rushes to the upper air loudly. 石胎头顶上方突兀的出现三朵莲花,雪白无暇,绽放出三缕气,演化出三道剑气,轰然冲上高空。 This is the sword of Order, he evolves at will, falls in torrents willfully, the light of murdering passes through the dark green space, is bright as snow and dazzling. 这是秩序之剑,他随意演化,恣意倾泻,杀伐之光贯穿苍宇,雪亮而刺目。 Is gasified the first Sky Sword light by Great Dao, beyond comparison, the sword light hits Divine Sword in Yaoyao hand together, another two sword light all turn toward Yaoyao fleshly body to puncture. 大道之气化成先天剑光,无以伦比,一道剑光击中妖妖手中的神剑,另外两道剑光全都向着妖妖肉身刺去。 Is better than Yaoyao not to avoid completely, this is the sword of Great Dao, is Heavenly Venerate cultivates vital energy, even if suppresses to the Shining Upon boundary, shocks everybody. 强如妖妖也没有全部避开,这是大道之剑,是一位天尊养气而成,哪怕压制到映照境,也惊世骇俗。 ! 噗! And Sword Qi passes through the shoulder of Yaoyao together, the blood scatters, that snow white long skirt was past first defended battlesuit, finally now is also cut, said peerless the sword edge glow was incomparable. 其中一道剑气妖妖的肩头贯穿,血液四溅,那雪白的长裙原本是昔日的第一防御战衣,结果现在也被斩开,绝世道剑锋芒无匹。 Princess!” 公主!” Across the universe, some will of the people tremble, call out in alarm make noise. 宇宙各地,一些人心颤,惊叫出声。 Princess Yaoyao, do not defeat!” 妖妖公主,不要败啊!” People heart reappearing haze, previously shocking Yaoyao now fights has been wounded, worrying. 人们心头浮现阴霾,早先惊艳的妖妖现在才一交手就负伤了,让人担心。 xiū! 咻! Yaoyao white clothing dyes with blood, flies high to go, stands is in inside and outside dozens li (0.5 km). 妖妖白衣染血,凌空而去,立身在数十里里外。 stone embryo indifferently, takes a step forward, surroundings are Energy Body, various phenomenon numerous, are having the formidable aura, making this piece void bang call, is trembling. 石胎漠然,向前迈步,周围都是能量体,各种异象纷呈,带着强大的气息,让这片虚空轰隆而鸣,在颤栗。 Among, he arrived, directs, the lasing leaves together the purple light, appears in the distant place instant, one of the bang sound changed becomes camouflage starry sky Purple Qi. 一步间,他就到了,一指点出,激射出一道紫光,浮现在远方的刹那,轰的一声化成遮蔽星空的紫气 World Evolver is all panic-stricken, optional one finger/refers is East-Rising Purple Qi this type of auspicious atmosphere auspicious, making the person change countenance, has to the look solidification. 世间进化者皆惊骇,随意一指就是紫气东来这种祥和大气的瑞相,让人动容,不得不神色凝固。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Yaoyao is wielding a sword, seems like the movement is not quick, but makes the person turn one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily, soul light for resonance and tremor, before her body, and behind leaps tens of thousands of Sword Embryo, each punctures the dark green space, is huge, just like supporting day pillar/backbone, is very fearful, glitters the cold metallic luster. 妖妖在挥剑,看似动作不快,但却让人神驰目眩,魂光都为共鸣与颤动,她的身前与背后腾起成千上万柄剑胎,每一柄都刺破苍宇,非常巨大,宛若撑天支柱,十分可怕,闪烁冷冽的金属光泽。 Clang clang clang! 锵锵锵! As the three chi (0.33 m) azure front in her hand wields forward cuts, stood started in her near tens of thousands of great sword, the detachment, was cut forward void, big collapse. 随着她手中的三尺青锋向前挥斩,立在她近前的成千上万柄巨剑一起动了,跟着向前劈去,虚空被斩开,大崩溃。 Bang! 轰! Purple Qi that comes enormously and powerful could not camouflage void, was cut, the Order symbol erupted intensely, the regular mark wound blooms unceasingly, was to the utmost dazzling. 那浩荡而来的紫气遮蔽不了虚空,被斩开,秩序符号激烈爆发,规则纹络不断绽放,极尽耀眼。 The flash, Sword Qi like divine rainbow, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered surges, illuminates trim Great Abyss, such as the flower of Great Dao blooms in this stretch of region unceasingly, Yaoyao chops 100,000 swords! 一刹那,剑气神虹,纵横激荡,照亮整片大渊,如大道之花在这片地带不断绽放,妖妖足足劈出100000剑! This involves the light of Order, the principle mark winds, Shining Upon All Heavens, each sword light fearful boundless, pierces the starry sky, the lethality is boundless! 这涉及到秩序之光,法则纹络,映照诸天,每一道剑光都可怕无边,洞穿星空,杀伤力无边! Suddenly, stone embryo near sparks fly in all directions, his palm strikes unceasingly, various types of light beams in intense ruptured, burn down there, rune exploded. 一时间,石胎近前火星四溅,他的手掌不断拍击,各种光束在激烈的崩开,在那里焚烧,符文都炸了。 This really shocks everybody, some people can slaughter unexpectedly this step with Heavenly Venerate. 这实在惊世骇俗,有人居然可以跟一位天尊厮杀到这一步。 Even if Extreme Martial suppresses own Realm, but Shining Upon Level, but has been through repeatedly the remote years, and can become teaches First Ancestor, is the terrifying is naturally boundless, vibration past and present. 哪怕太武压制自身的境界,不过映照级,但是历经久远的岁月,且能够成为一教鼻祖,自然是恐怖无边的,震动古今。 However, he is resisted now, fights with the person intensely. 然而,他现在被抵住,跟人激烈交手。 Chī! 哧! Arrived finally, Yaoyao used a very shocking sword, Sword Qi has cut the void, white energy rough seas forms a bell, pressed Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate under. 到最后,妖妖动用了非常惊艳的一剑,剑气划开虚空,白茫茫能量大浪形成一口大钟,将太武天尊压在下方。 Transports the sword like the god, the rune evolution sword light, becomes the clock of Great Dao, suppresses stone embryo! 运剑如神,符文演化剑光,成为大道之钟,镇压石胎 stone embryo is unfeeling, a fist rumbles, works as one, in the end the bell that is condensed by sword Dao rune punctures this. 石胎冷酷无情,一拳轰出,哐当一声,到头来将这由剑道符文凝聚的大钟打穿。 However, bell disintegration instant, endless sword intent blooms, strangles to death him unceasingly. 不过,大钟解体的刹那,无尽的剑意绽放,不断绞杀他。 Makes noise sonorously, clank the sword whining noise moves the day! 铿锵作响,铮铮剑鸣声动天! Trades to make words of match, even if infinite sword intent that after is the Shining Upon peak powerhouse is submerged by the bell blasts out, forms like this, wants the blood splashing starry sky. 换作一个对手的话,哪怕是映照顶峰的强者这样被大钟炸开后形成的无穷剑意淹没,也要血溅星空。 This is trump card! 这是一种杀手锏 stone embryo is as before well! 石胎依旧无恙! Countless sword light since bell disintegration, but the lasing, large expanse of to become Cu, completely cuts here on his body, what a pity stays behind some light traces on him, cuts to be motionless radically he lithical body. 数不尽的剑光随着大钟解体而在这里激射,成片成簇,全部斩在他的身上,可惜只是在他身上留下一些淡淡的痕迹,根本斩不动他的石质躯体。 The innate thing did not say, firm immortal! 先天之物不是说说而已,坚固不朽! This is the innate capital, does not touch him, his pupil is indifferent, looks at frightening. 这是先天之资,打不动他,他眸子冷漠,望之让人恐惧。 Chī! 哧! In instant, no one who all sword light bloom had noticed how Yaoyao moves, flies fast, if the startled great wild goose, mixes in the sword light, unexpectedly appears one side of stone embryo, the body and sword unite, wields a sword violently, cuts to the neck of stone embryo. 在所有剑光绽放的刹那,谁都没有看到妖妖如何动的,翩若惊鸿,混在剑光中,居然出现在石胎一侧,身与剑合一,猛烈挥剑,斩向石胎的脖子。 dang! 当! sparks fly in all directions, the sound is grating, such as puts on gold splitting stone, in Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate sword! 火星四溅,声音刺耳,如穿金裂石般,太武天尊中剑! However, makes the person heart sink, his head has not flown. 然而,却让人心头微沉,他的头颅并没有飞出去。 Too firm! 太坚固了! "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Afterward, the people are astonished, stone embryo neck there bleeds, has a wound, moreover is very deep, almost thoroughly cuts, he is wounded unexpectedly! 随后,人们惊愕,石胎脖子那里流血,出现一道伤口,而且很深,差点彻底斩开,他居然负伤! People heart big change, this is what kind of sword, absolute unparalleled, nearly beheads Heavenly Venerate, conceivable, changes into other Shining Upon Level matches unable to catch, must be cut the head! 众人心头剧震,这是怎样的一剑,绝对的无双,险些将天尊枭首,可以想象,换成其他映照级对手根本接不住,必然要被斩下头颅! Even if this sword is too quick, divine light already flashed, now desolate Sword Qi are also filling the air, is proliferating, nearby space was being separated! 即便这一剑太快,神光早已闪过去了,现在也还有一股苍凉剑气在弥漫,在扩散,附近的宇宙空间在被割裂! The universe edge, in the chaos, two Dao Child are scared, this is real, what they saw, Extreme Martial was Heavenly Venerate almost beheaded by a female? 宇宙边缘,混沌中,两个道童傻眼,这是真实的吗,他们看到了什么,太武天尊差点被一个女子斩首? Bang! 轰! At this time this occasion, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate is different, blood energy explodes, even if stone embryo, is Scarlet Rosy Cloud dreadfully on, is similar to Hong Ancient Wilderness beast resurrecting, his pupil is cold and heartless, stares at Yaoyao. 此时此际,太武天尊不一样了,血气爆开,哪怕是石胎,也是赤霞滔天而上,如同一头洪荒古兽复活,他的眸子冷冽而无情,盯上妖妖 Meanwhile, his pupil rune twinkle, various surroundings Energy Body appear. 同时,他的瞳孔符文闪烁,周围各种能量体浮现。 Side him, a life old tree drags, the twig fills the vigorous energy, under Bodhi tree shines, lets fall faint trace Great Dao Divine Chain continuously. 在他身边,一株生命古树摇曳,枝杈弥漫蓬勃的能量,一株菩提树发光,垂落下丝丝缕缕的大道神链 But before his body, the golden lotus flower everywhere, takes root void. 而在他的身前,金色莲花遍地,扎根虚空中。 Chī! Chī! Chī! 哧!哧!哧! His take action, was more fearful than a moment ago, everywhere is the golden flower petal, that is the lotus flower is blooming, is departing, revolving, clear dazzling. 出手了,比刚才可怕很多,漫天都是金色的花瓣,那是莲花在绽放,在飞出,旋转着,晶莹刺目。 Such the flash, All Heavens thunders, Great Dao shivers, all under the suppression of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate, the golden flower petal dance in the air, is extremely beautiful and brilliant. 就这么一瞬间,诸天轰鸣,大道颤抖,一切都在太武天尊的压制下,金色花瓣飞舞,极其美丽与绚烂。 But this is fearful, is fearful, these flower petal separate spaces, certainly incomparable, the bystander cannot block. 但这是可怕的,也是慑人的,这些花瓣割裂宇宙空间,强绝无比,外人根本挡不住。 As can be seen, outside Great Abyss these giant star human bones, were touched by the golden lotus petal slightly directly are broken, turn into fine powder, the lethality are unable to estimate. 可以看到,大渊外那些巨大的星骸,被金色的莲瓣稍微触及就直接被震碎,化成齑粉,杀伤力无法揣度。 Wants knows, these broken celestial body have not distinguished with genuine star anything, may when the flower petal dances in the air, large expanse of destruction. 知道,这些残破的星体跟真正的星斗没什么区别,可在花瓣飞舞时,成片的毁灭。 Yaoyao is moving, rapid incomparable, crosses the dark space, vigorously avoidance. 妖妖在移动,迅速无比,横渡黑暗空间,极力躲避。 However, these Energy Body are very fearful, pierces the space, follows, even more brilliant. 然而,这些能量体十分可怕,洞穿空间,一路跟随,越发的绚烂。 In world, World of the Living, is World of the Dead, the lotus flower is one type very formidable with being as deep as a well Energy Body, now after Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate stimulates to movement, the golden lotus petal cuts to break to prevent. 天地中,无论是阳间,还是阴间,莲花都是一种非常强大与高深莫测的能量体,现在太武天尊催动后,金色莲瓣斩破一切阻挡。 Arrived afterward, the Yaoyao hand in Divine Sword has wielded unceasingly, the sword light like the rain, cuts the broken world, will be similar to a peerless sword immortal will soon lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards, will be dazzling and beautiful, the ultra dust will be refined. 到了后来,妖妖手中神剑不断挥动,剑光如雨,斩破天地,如同一位绝代剑仙即将举霞飞升,炫目而又美丽,超尘脱俗。 However, golden lotus flower Energy Body, although is not exclusive Heavenly Venerate secret technique, generally has each region, may be also fearful, the lethality is astonishing, is very difficult to deal with. 然而,金色莲花能量体虽然不是独家天尊秘术,普遍存在各地,可也是可怕的,杀伤力惊人,很难应付。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Yaoyao dyes with blood, World of the Dead antiquity first battlesuit could not defend, several chilly colorful red flowers bloomed, her shoulder, rib region, arm altogether had the 7-8 place by the golden lotus petal separate, or pierced. 妖妖染血,阴间上古第一战衣也防不住,几朵凄艳的红色花朵绽放,她的肩头、肋部、手臂等共有七八处被金色莲瓣割裂,或者刺穿过去。 People heart one tight, Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate is immeasurably deep, was too fearful, even if at this time with is Shining Upon Level, his road of evolution is also perfect, will be desperate. 人们心头一紧,太武天尊深不可测,太可怕了,即便此时同为映照级,他的进化之路也是完美无瑕的,会让人绝望。 Hu! 呼! Suddenly, Yaoyao revolution breathing method, imposing manner was different, her empty pupil suddenly had the appearance, present age true Yaoyao short unites with that group formidable soul light that fleshly body multiplies, grasps this body. 突然,妖妖运转呼吸法,气势不同了,她那空洞的眸子突然有了神采,当世真正的妖妖短暂跟肉身滋生出的那团强大的魂光合一,掌握这具躯体。 She in the Foreign Territory hundred years, has promoted to the Shining Upon boundary, deduces has suited own various laws with saying, in a flash, in her surroundings, the immortal light shines ninth heaven/day, rises above worldly affairs unusually, clothes sleeve unfolds within, various Energy Body appearances. 她在异域百年,已经晋升到映照境,推演过适合自身的各种法与道,一瞬间,在她的周围,仙光照耀九天,超凡绝俗,衣袂展动间,各种能量体出现。 In her side reappearing chaos pond, middle cyan lotus drags, rustle makes noise, this naturally is one type to strong Energy Body. 在她的身边浮现混沌池,当中青莲摇曳,沙沙作响,这自然是一种至强能量体 In her under foot rosy cloud transpiration, that is the light of flying immortal, is aloof nearly illusory Energy Body. 在她的脚下云霞蒸腾,那是飞仙之光,是超然近乎虚幻的能量体 The time fragment before her body fluctuates, is similar to the ocean waves, and there is a clear flower rain to dance in the breeze. 在她身前光阴碎片起伏,如同海浪,且有晶莹花雨飘舞。 She looked at Great Abyss, saw that stone box will forever fall, pupil micro, immediately murderous aura is dreadful, deducts own say/way and law, kills to Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate. 她看了一眼大渊,看到石盒永坠,瞳孔微缩,顿时杀气滔天,演绎自己的道与法,向太武天尊杀去。 Just like the flying immortal, lifts the rosy cloud really the line, the light rain covers outside Great Abyss, the Yaoyao white clothing like the immortal, the sword light punctures thoroughly eternal, to the utmost above, grows the invincible say/way! 真的宛若飞仙,举霞而行,光雨笼罩大渊外,妖妖白衣如仙,剑光刺透永恒,极尽之上,衍生无敌道! What is most fearful, Yaoyao in revolution special breathing method, she as if clearly understands the Plundering Guide Breathing Method ultimate secret, the pupil light more comes magnificently intense. 最为可怕的是,妖妖在运转特别的呼吸法,她仿佛明悟出盗引呼吸法的终极秘密,眸光越来盛烈 Bang! 轰! Prestige of the sword, cuts universe, cuts immortally, she arrived at the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate near, two world various Energy Body collide unceasingly, was too intense. 一剑之威,划破宇宙,斩开不朽,她到了太武天尊的近前,两人间各种能量体不断碰撞,太激烈了。 All troops shock, is similar to the clay sculpture woodcarving, stares dumbfounded. 各方人马都震撼,如同泥塑木雕般,瞠目结舌。 Universe edge, with World of the Living person big such as fights, that is who, looks like the life aura is vigorous, unexpectedly can with so intense, such perfect of Shining Upon boundary cultivation Heavenly Venerate kills, unbelievable. 宇宙边缘,跟过来的阳间人都头大如斗,那是什么人,看起来生命气息蓬勃,居然能跟天尊杀的这般激烈,将映照境修炼的如此完美,难以置信。 Heavenly Venerate is invincible, after the pressure falls Realm, various aspects are perfect, but a young female can actually strive for hegemony with him, if this feeds in World of the Living definitely to be vibrates the world the news. 天尊无敌,压落境界后,各方面都是完美的,可是一个年轻的女子却能跟他争霸,这如果传回阳间必然会是震动天下的消息。 Plundering Guide!” 盗引!” The Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate first opens the mouth, only then two characters, both eyes are radiant, he is staring at Yaoyao indifferently, knows this female has used what kind of breathing method. 太武天尊第一次开口,只有两个字,双目璀璨无比,他冷漠的盯着妖妖,已经知道这个女子动用了怎样的呼吸法 Bang! 轰! At this time, sword light that Yaoyao cuts, sword intent is great, pressed and covered world, is Great Desolation Great Dao falls on the pressure simply likely, deducts the Shining Upon finally extremely strength! 此时,妖妖斩出的剑光,剑意宏大无边,压盖世间,简直像是洪荒大道在压落,演绎映照终极之力! She with Heavenly Venerate life and death preying, own white clothing dyes with blood, but does not drop the wind, particularly looks back to look out Great Abyss, saw that stone box sinks to fall, falls to the darkness, her murderous aura even more soars to the heavens. 她在跟天尊生死搏杀,自身白衣染血,但毫不落下风,尤其是回首遥望大渊,看到石盒沉坠,落向黑暗中,她越发的杀气冲天。 Originally her elusive Ruoxian, but now such swift and fierce take action, just like a killing intent boundless war immortal! 原本她空灵若仙子,但现在这样凌厉的出手,宛若一尊杀意无边的战仙! ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗! Yaoyao wields a sword, punctures several blood holes on stone embryo successively, after understanding thoroughly the Plundering Guide Breathing Method final secret, her strength rushes, the lethality, can cut stone embryo fearfully! 妖妖挥剑,先后在石胎身上刺出十几个血洞,在洞彻盗引呼吸法最后的秘密后,她战力澎湃,杀伤力可怕之极,可以斩动石胎 Chī! 哧! The sword light departs together, she melts together the fearful wound in the Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate abdomen, almost cuts in two at the waist him. 一道剑光飞出,她在太武天尊的腹部化开一道可怕伤口,差点将他腰斩。 Buzz! 嗡! Shivers void, Yaoyao in use special breathing method, receives and instructs energy of the cosmic inventory, stimulates oneself fleshly body implication the potential, a sword has delimited, an arm of stone embryo cut off, is bringing the blood rain, flies to fall! 虚空颤抖,妖妖在动用特殊的呼吸法,接引宇宙万物之能,也激发自己肉身蕴含的潜能,一剑划过,石胎的一条手臂被斩断,带着血雨,飞落出去! Formidable Plundering Guide Breathing Method, do you want to practice? When writes this book, truly looked up some breathing method in the reality, now is taught you by Yaoyao, the words that wants to look, can search Chen Dong in slightly letter public number there, in addition after me, transmits the Plundering Guide two characters to me, can see. 强大的盗引呼吸法,你们想练吗?写这本书时,确实在现实中查了一些呼吸法,现在由妖妖教给你,想看的话,可以在微信的公众号那里搜索辰东,加上我后对我发送盗引两个字,就能看到了。
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