SR :: Volume #10

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The Qin Luoyin's sound got down feebly, could not hear, past the nimble and resourceful pupil was also gloomy, not having a brilliance, death aura to reappear. 秦珞音的声音衰弱下去,听不到了,昔日灵动的眸子也暗淡,没有一丝光彩,死气浮现出来。 The Chu Feng low roar, gets hold of the fist, lifts the crystal sarcophagus, stimulates to movement oneself exuberant life vitality crazy to pour into to her within the body. 楚风低吼,握紧拳头,掀开水晶棺,催动自己旺盛的生命元气疯狂向她体内灌注。 Her both eyes are atheistic, look at Chu Feng, wants to reveal gentle smiling diligently, but was actually defeated, was once beautiful the busy face to be somewhat stiff. 她双目无神,看着楚风,努力想露出柔和的笑,但是却失败了,曾经美丽无暇的面孔有些僵硬。 She with the Chu Feng battle, showdown, gentle has been together finally, arrives at the same place, although has thought never will elect him for dao companion, but the Foreign Territory hundred years, these memories float the heart, once abandoned the fate to rescue, once from morning until evening accompanied, after the return, he dares to kill Great Dream Pure Land to get married, in her heart can not have the ripples? Likes eventually, has gentleness, has the sentiment. 她跟楚风争斗过,对决过,最后又平和相处,走到一起,尽管曾经从未想过会选他为道侣,但是异域百年,那些记忆浮上心头,曾经舍命相救,曾经朝夕相伴,回归后他更是敢只身杀到大梦净土来娶亲,她心中怎能没有涟漪?终究是有欢喜,有温柔,有感情。 This life, she has liked! 这一生,她喜欢过! But, her short life, blurred including the consciousness now, such as that autumn wind has swept the flower bud, sheds completely riotous, rapid on the wane, crashes low-spirited. 可是,现在她生命无多,连意识都模糊了,如那秋风扫过的花蕾,褪尽缤纷,迅速凋零,黯然坠落。 Finally the moment, Qin Luoyin returns to consciousness just before dying, nods to Chu Feng difficultly, reveals the gentle color, she is also then incapable again, the pupil loses all brilliance. 最后关头,秦珞音回光返照,对楚风艰难地点头,露出柔和之色,然后她再也无力,眸子失去所有光彩。 Luoyin, I am unfair to you, has not protected you!” Chu Feng likely is an injured this one wolf, is filled with filled with grief. 珞音,我对不起你,没有保护好你!”楚风像是一头受伤的孤狼,满腔悲怆。 He exhausts ability, wants to detain all, appointed he stimulated to movement all life internal energy to enter the Qin Luoyin's body unable to change anything. 他竭尽所能,想要挽留一切,但是任他催动所有生命气机进入秦珞音的身体都改变不了什么。 Moreover, he discovered panic-stricken, her soul light loses the vigor, is going ruptured, to dissipate in this piece of Between Heaven and Earth. 而且,他惊恐的发现,她的魂光失去活力,将要崩开,就要消散在这片天地间 Meanwhile, that golden light is pestering, must with evaporate together. 同时,还有那金光在纠缠着,要跟着一起蒸发掉。 Chu Feng displays various divine ability, with various Divine Skill, wants to suppress this place, blocks all, does not make her soul light be defeated and dispersed, must preserve existing all. 楚风施展各种神通,用出各种神技,想要镇压此地,封锁一切,不让她魂光溃散,要保住现有的一切。 But, from ancient to present, but also nobody can reverse the life and death under universe principle, the person dies cannot come back to life, how can change? 可是,从古至今,还没有一个人可以逆转宇宙法则下的生死,人死不能复生,怎能改变? Luoyin, you have not died!” Chu Feng has cried today unexpectedly, in the past, experienced various poverty-stricken, facing many tribulations, he was smiling facing. 珞音,你没有死!”楚风在今天竟然哭了,过去,经历各种困苦,面对再多的磨难,他都微笑着面对。 However, today, as a man, he cannot bear unexpectedly, the nose turns sour, the eye is fuzzy, he is roaring lowly, is not willing, not to accept this brutal fact. 但是,今天,身为一个男人,他竟忍不住,鼻子发酸,眼睛模糊,他低吼着,不愿、不想接受这个残酷的事实。 Qin Luoyin dies in his at present, he is helpless. 秦珞音死在他的眼前,他却无能为力。 Especially, thinks these words that she spoke, said that he has not liked her, she never enters in his heart, for the child, performs one responsibility together. 尤其是,想到她说的那些话,说他从来没有喜欢过她,她从未走进他的心中,在一起只是为了孩子,尽一种责任。 This lets in the Chu Feng heart the stabbing pain, felt that guilty also has grieved, he somewhat hates himself, why at that moment did not shout loudly, said that even if a few words, satisfied her wish. 这让楚风心中刺痛,感觉愧疚还有酸楚,他有些恨自己,那一刻为什么不大声喊出来,说出哪怕一句话,满足她的心愿。 But when she, finally actually gently visits him, can see, she has smiled, feels relaxed, this life had liked. 而她,最后时却柔和的看着他,能够看出,她有笑过,有释然,她这一生曾经喜欢过。 But he anything had not said in the end, at this time he has the rending pain, has beaten a oneself fist ruthlessly, the mouthful bloody taste, the shame and everlasting regret makes him feel that the blood is burning down, wants to bellow to yell, he is hard to accept such brutal and fearful fact. 而他到头来却什么都没有说,此时他有中撕心裂肺的痛,狠狠地捶了自己一拳,满嘴血腥味儿,愧与遗恨让他感觉血液都在焚烧,想要大吼大叫,他难以接受这么残酷而可怕的事实。 Side, an immature and no use child was summoning own mother, cried sadly, falls down non-stop there weeping sound. 旁边,一个幼小而无助的孩子在呼唤自己的母亲,伤心大哭,扑倒在那里哭声不停。 Chu Feng feels like a knife twisting in the heart, he is unendurable, but also can only shout in a low voice, on the forehead the blue vein underlines, both hands pinch creak sound. 楚风心如刀绞,他难以忍受,但也只能低声嘶吼,额头上青筋都突显出来,双手捏的咯吱咯吱响。 Qin Luoyin soul light is gloomy, extinguishes, simultaneously is defeated and dispersed, must vanish in trim Between Heaven and Earth thoroughly. 秦珞音魂光暗淡,熄灭,同时在溃散,要彻底消失在整片天地间 The Chu Feng eye is red, prevents full power, trembles until his heart oratorio, took out Soul Bell, anchorage Qin Luoyin that loses the vitality unexpectedly soul light. 楚风眼睛通红,全力阻止,直到他心神剧颤,祭出魂钟,竟定住秦珞音那失去生机的魂光 She is gloomy, without vitality, is similar to a black and white picture scroll, lost in the past all spirituality, gust blew sufficiently to ruin her, vanishes into thin air. 她是暗淡的,没有生机,如同一幅黑白画卷,失去往昔所有灵性,一阵风吹来就足以将她毁掉,烟消云散。 What this is, blocked the soul light rain, to belong to the trend in world?!” Old woman sad at the same time , but also is very surprised, almost does not dare believe. “这是什么,挡住了魂光化雨、归于天地的趋势?!”老妪悲伤的同时,还很吃惊,几乎不敢相信。 She has looked after Qin Luoyin personally, entered Great Dream Pure Land from Qin Luoyin in childhood started, she is very sad, is very sorrowful, now longs for the miracle, is also finally disappointed. 她亲手照料过秦珞音,从秦珞音小时候进入大梦净土时就开始了,她很伤心,很悲恸,现在渴望奇迹,可是最后又失望。 Chu Feng also the soul light anchorage that Qin Luoyin's fleshly body and gloomy will collapse, could not feel her vigor. 楚风也只是将秦珞音的肉身与暗淡将崩的魂光定住而已,已经感觉不到她的活力。 Does not have soul light to flee and become separated, without any material leak, she, her has not left, the bystander thought that she has passed away, but I believe her also in!” “没有魂光逃散出去,没有任何物质外泄,她还在,她还没有离开,外人觉得她逝去了,但是我相信她还在!” On the Chu Feng face is bringing the tears, makes an effort to get hold of the double fist, is having the color of hope, is not willing to give up. 楚风脸上带着泪水,用力握紧双拳,带着希冀之色,不愿放弃。 Great Dream Pure Land that cut in two at the waist ancient times Saint restored some wound bodies, arrived here, looks at Qin Luoyin to lose the activeness, only then the death aura heavy gloomy soul material, he shook the head. 大梦净土那位被腰斩的远古圣人恢复部分伤体,来到这里,看着秦珞音失去活性、只有死气沉沉的暗淡灵魂物质,他摇了摇头。 spirituality has dispersed, only remaining constructs the soul light energy, this is a material quality, Luoyin...... She died! We do not hope her to leave, does not think her to elapse, but, she, did not restrain grief really!” The old Saint sound trembles, is very distressed, but is actually comforting Chu Feng. 灵性已散,只剩下构建魂光的能量,这是一种材质,珞音……她死去了!我们都不希望她离开,不想她逝去,但是,她真的不在了,节哀!”老圣人声音发颤,很痛心,但却在安慰楚风 You do not understand, she also in!” Chu Feng said, tears fuzzy both eyes, he makes an effort to scour, he believes that but also is hopeful. “你不懂,她还在!”楚风说道,泪光模糊双眼,他用力擦净,他坚信,还有希望。 Then, he turns around, runs out of this place, carries the golden purple bamboo also to have the Heavenly Dao umbrella, arrives at the outer space, starts the seed in forcibly crush stone box. 然后,他转身,冲出此地,拎着紫金竹还有天道伞,来到外太空,开始用力碾压石盒中的种子。 A seed turns into Soul Bell now, anchorage Qin Luoyin, two seeds in hand. 一颗种子如今化成魂钟,定住秦珞音,还有两颗种子在手中。 Initially, he picked stone box from Kunlun Mountain, inside altogether had three mysterious seeds, helped him evolve unceasingly, two never have had the change. 当初,他从昆仑山脚下捡到石盒,里面共有三颗神秘种子,其中一颗帮他不断进化,还有两颗从未发生过变化。 Now Soul Bell has such major function, he wants to try another two, wanting the research to grind, making Qin Luoyin take! 现在魂钟有这么大的作用,他想试试另外两颗,想要研磨碎掉,让秦珞音服食下去! Disregards, he always thought, these three seed background big going against heaven's will, perhaps grind one, can be as good as the miracle drug. 不管不顾,他总觉得,这三颗种子来头大的逆天,也许磨碎一颗,抵得上仙丹妙药。 However, making him angry, knocks not the broken trivial seed including the golden purple bamboo, after using the Heavenly Dao umbrella, unexpectedly also helpless! 然而,让他愤怒,连紫金竹都敲不碎区区一颗种子,动用天道伞后竟然也无能为力! At this moment, Chu Feng cannot attend to exclaiming in surprise that the monsters of these two seeds are evil, but is the whole face is filled with grief, what means but also there is possible to rescue Qin Luoyin? 这一刻,楚风顾不上惊叹这两颗种子的妖邪,而是满脸悲怆,还有什么办法可救秦珞音 Dives to return to the ground once more, arrives in room, sees young child who cries, the Qin Luoyin motionless body, Chu Feng is utterly confused, the pain is incomparable. 再次俯冲回地面,来到房间中,看到大哭的幼子,还有秦珞音一动不动的身体,楚风心乱如麻,痛苦无比。 He by oneself calm, the care is chaotic, if now wants completely to manage Dharma Idol to rescue is good, cannot be anxious. 他让自己冷静,关心则乱,现在要想尽办法相救才好,不能焦躁。 Goes to Earth, asking the Shining Upon All Heavens level character to rescue!” Chu Feng thought, oneself was mentally confused, therefore has neglected all these, Earth also has expert, but also some people can rescue. “去地球,请映照诸天级人物救助!”楚风觉得,自己心乱了,所以忽略了这一切,地球还有高手,还有人可以相救。 He uses Soul Bell anchorage Qin Luoyin, takes one's leave Great Dream Pure Land several old people, entrusts the child to them looks, then borrows here Teleportation Domain to leave, after choosing a Coordinate, enters in remote starry skies. 他用魂钟定住秦珞音,拜别大梦净土几个老人,将孩子托付给他们照料,接着借这里的传送场域离开,选择一个坐标后,进入一片遥远的星空中。 Chu Feng in the place of nobody, relates Heavenspan Worm-hole Company, opens the path to lead to Earth. 楚风在无人之地,联系通天虫洞公司,开启通向地球的道路。 shuā! 刷! Approaches Earth, after running out of the wormhole, he first dives, charges into the desert of western area directly, seeks for the other shore to be colored. 接近地球,冲出虫洞后,他第一时间俯冲下来,直接冲向西部地区的沙漠,寻找彼岸花。 Now the spiritual energy recovers, on Earth landform changes greatly, did not have the desert, some are only the oases that the length and breadth misses. 如今灵气复苏,地球上地貌大变样,已经没有沙漠,有的只是广袤无缘的绿洲。 Other shore flower senior, please come to the life-saving, I am willing to withstand any big karma!” Chu Feng shouts. “彼岸花前辈,请现身救人,我愿承受任何大因果!”楚风喊道。 Rustle sound, the large expanse of blue spooky other shore flower appears in the surface, looks, blue sparkling, nearly intoxicant, cannot look at the end. “沙沙”声响,成片蓝幽幽的彼岸花浮现在地表,一眼望去,蓝莹莹,近乎醉人,望不到尽头。 A sigh transmits, said: It seems like, Earth cannot stay, I will take a long journey.” 一声叹息传来,道:“看来,地球不能呆了,我将远行。” Senior!” The Chu Feng great happiness, summoned the other shore to be colored, making him excited. “前辈!”楚风大喜,真的呼唤出彼岸花,让他激动无比。 He explained the purpose in coming directly, without any concealed. 他直接说明来意,没有任何隐瞒。 A gloomy bridge appears, is carrying him to lead to the horizon end, enters in scrap netherworld on Earth, here becomes a side space, in original desert. 一条灰暗的桥梁浮现,载着他通向天际尽头,进入地球上的一小块冥土中,这里自成一方空间,在原来的沙漠中。 Now, Chu Feng came. 现在,楚风进来了。 Unexpectedly is this material, I...... Helpless . Moreover, she did not have the life to fluctuate.” “居然是这种物质,我……无能为力,而且,她已经没有生命波动。” The other shore flower does not have the means unexpectedly, thinks the non-solution including him. 彼岸花居然没有办法,连他都觉得无解。 Senior, aren't you Shining Upon All Heavens level Evolver character in extremely? Hasn't don't tell me been able refining to fall this material?!” Chu Feng does not believe. “前辈,你不是映照诸天进化者中的绝顶人物吗?难道还无法炼化掉这种物质?!”楚风不相信。 This golden material does not have active soul light to congeal gloomily in her together, if I refining falls the golden material, her soul light with the dissolution, will also be built up, does not exist, this material is hardest to deal with, once soul light surpasses is covered by it most probably, that is very difficult to deal with, nearly non-solution.” “这种金色物质跟她那暗淡没有活性的魂光凝结在一起,我若炼化掉金色物质,她的魂光也会跟着溶解,跟着被炼掉,不复存在,这种物质最难缠,一旦魂光超过大半被它覆盖,那就很难对付,近乎无解。” The other shore flower said reluctantly, he is helpless. 彼岸花无奈地说道,他无能为力。 Chu Feng such as falling icehouse, is helpless including the other shore flower, he is the Shining Upon All Heavens level powerhouse, immediately one of the World of the Dead universe most formidable several people! 楚风如坠冰窖,连彼岸花都无能为力吗,他可是映照诸天级强者,当下阴间宇宙最强大的几人之一! Chu Feng is absentminded, cannot look at Qin Luoyin dead, in heart moved, wants to save as before vigorously, he cannot accept this reality. 楚风失魂落魄,真的不能看着秦珞音死去,心中伤感,依旧想极力挽救,他不能接受这个现实。 Also hopeful, but can also rescue!” Chu Feng muttered, but the face whiten, he despaired. “还有希望,还可以相救!”楚风喃喃,但是脸色苍白,他真的要绝望了。 I must walk, you also hurry to leave, the World of the Living's person came, sooner or later will seek here, I had killed the World of the Living's bastard in the past!” The other shore flower told him this kind of news. “我要走了,你也赶紧离开吧,阳间的人过来了,早晚会寻到这里,我当年杀过阳间的崽子!”彼岸花告诉他这样一则消息。 Chu Feng nodded wooden, desolate region Qin Luoyin is leaving the western region. 楚风木然地点了点头,落寞地带着秦珞音离开西部地域。 Bang! 轰隆! The blue light soars to the heavens, the other shore flower leaves, the last sigh transmits, said: I have the premonition, I must tribulation mostly, but, I will kill some people, is dies does not owe!” 蓝光冲霄,彼岸花离开,最后一声叹息传来,道:“我有预感,我多半要应劫,但是,我会干掉一些人,就是死也不亏!” Takes care!” Chu Feng raised the head, gazes after him to vanish in void. “保重!”楚风抬头,目送他消失在虚空中。 At this time, black Divine Dog is dashing about wildly in the universe, already left bright yellow bottle gourd, precisely that small day dog. 这时,一头黑色的神犬正在宇宙中狂奔,早已离开黄澄澄的葫芦,正是那头小天犬。 Said that is the small day dog, but under the normal state, its more than two meters are also long, is very strong, whole body black fur shines, the eye is very ominous, is fearful. 说是小天犬,但是正常状态下,它也有两米多长,很强壮,周身黑色皮毛发亮,眼睛很凶,非常慑人。 Its goal unexpectedly is Earth, was talking to oneself, said: My talent divine ability told me, the mouse in this piece of galaxy, in addition obtained the material, his mother star also here, wants to hide here, did not have the mistake, I can first clutch you!” 它的目标竟然是地球,正在自语,道:“我的天赋神通告诉我,地老鼠在这片星系,再加上得到资料,他的母星也在此,想来躲在这边,没有错误,我会第一时间将你揪出来!” But at this time, Chu Feng is treading Kunlun Mountains, he arrives at Gate of Hell, this place acquires fame is because often accompanies the thunder. 而此时,楚风正在踏昆仑,他来到“地狱之门”,此地得名是因为常伴雷霆。 Past, when Chu Feng first time hiked Kunlun Mountain, once was framed by golden purple pecking wooden Bird King, almost died in thunder light. 昔日,楚风第一次登昆仑山时,曾被一只紫金啄木鸟王陷害,差点死在雷光中。 This stretch of region year to year was hit by the lightning, after spiritual energy recovery, thunder light was more terrifying, in fact here underground has to connect the Purgatory road. 这片地带常年遭受闪电袭击,灵气复苏后,雷光更恐怖了,事实上这里的地下有连接着炼狱的路。 Chu Feng came, he wants to enter Danger Land! 楚风来了,他想进绝地 Initially, my Reincarnation has rushed, today leads you to go to give a try!” He wants to bring Qin Luoyin, enters Purgatory to look, can have the means of livelihood. “当初,我连轮回都闯过,今天带你进去试试看!”他想带着秦珞音,进入炼狱看一看,能否有活路。
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