SR :: Volume #10

#914: The day is jealous

"Ah...... ” Luo Family Saint roared, the flesh met again, soul light reappeared, wants to reorganize True Body. “啊啊……”罗家圣人咆哮,血肉重聚,魂光再现,想要重组真身 Arrived their this levels, has been able flesh resurrecting, soul light to gather again, the vitality is super. 到了他们这个层次,都可以血肉复活,魂光再聚,生命力超级顽强。 Chu Feng in staring at him, is blocking other people with the Heavenly Dao umbrella, the golden purple bamboo in hand turns, has divided forward. 楚风一直在盯着他,用天道伞挡住其他人,手中的紫金竹轮动开来,向前劈了过去。 ! 噗! Luo Family this Saint body disintegrates once more, soul light also disperses, is all of a sudden gloomier, is damaged seriously, the person who has not died, Saint comes several times same to perish. 罗家这位圣人身体再次瓦解,魂光也散开,一下子暗淡许多,受损严重,没有不死的人,圣人多来几次一样要亡。 Moreover, this time he just about to once more condenses, Chu Feng moved, the big hand covers there, its soul light grasping. 而且,这一次他刚要再次凝聚,楚风就动了,大手覆盖那里,一把将其魂光给抓了过来。 You give me to come!” Chu Feng shouted. “你给我过来吧!”楚风喝道。 Luo Family this Saint struggles furiously, learns from another's mistakes, must grasping that really must certainly die by Chu Feng. 罗家这位圣人奋力挣扎,前车之鉴,真要被楚风给抓过去那肯定要死。 His soul light rushes, struggling of exhausting ability, wants to run away. 魂光澎湃,竭尽所能的挣扎,想要逃走。 Meanwhile, purple sends youth small Saint military Chengtian also take action, but Luo Yong grandfather Luo Family another Saint crazily is also attacking, wants to rescue. 同时,紫发青年小圣武承天也出手,而罗雍的爷爷罗家另一位圣人也在疯狂出击,想要援救。 The Heavenly Dao umbrella revolves, innate light blooms, the prestige can be huge, blocks that person. 天道伞旋转,先天之光绽放,威能巨大,将那人都挡住。 Carves in this time, in Chu Feng hand a bronze lamp illumination, green and glossy, looks like some to terrify people, spurts to be thin the a ray of light flame, wants to run away all of a sudden the Saint soul light anchorage that then sweeps across. 于此时刻,楚风手中一盏青铜灯发光,绿油油,看起来有些瘆人,喷薄出一道光焰,一下子将那想要逃走的圣人魂光定住,而后席卷过来。 "Ah...... ” chaos Deity Palace this Saint submerges in the wick, by that deep green flame burning down, the pitiful yell was continued, the pain is incomparable, this burns the pain of soul, boils down its spirit long, the time one is doomed to obliterate, dies a cleanness. “啊……”混沌天神宫这位圣人没入灯芯中,被那碧绿的火光焚烧,惨叫不止,痛苦无比,这是烧魂之痛,熬炼其精神,时间一长注定要磨灭,死个干净。 Almost is at the same time, soul light of wick there red clothes female appears, wails together, her soul light ruptured, then reorganizes, falls into the wick fire once more, was burnt down. 几乎是同一时间,灯芯那里红衣女子的魂光浮现,跟着一起哀嚎,她的魂光崩开,然后又重组,再次落入灯芯火中,接着被焚烧。 Well, Death Substituting Talisman, do you want to run away? Was infiltrated in this Nine Nether corpse hot lamp, even if you burn the soul big eruption, cannot run away depending on you!” “咦,替死符,你想藉此逃走?被打入这盏九幽尸火灯中,哪怕你燃魂大爆发,凭你也逃不了!” Chu Feng sneers, looks down soul light of red clothes female struggles in inside, even if on the opposite party has Death Substituting Talisman not to be good, will be more painful, burns resurrected, then again burns down. 楚风冷笑,低头看着红衣女子的魂光在里面挣扎,哪怕对方身上有替死符也不行,会更痛苦,烧死了又复活,接着再焚烧。 A bronze lamp flashing spooky green light, bringing ancient intent also to have the gloominess, was raised by him in the hand, boils down the souls of two people. 一盏青铜灯闪动幽幽绿光,带着古意还有阴森,被他提在手中,熬炼两个人的灵魂。 The opposite several people attack are more violent, but the Heavenly Dao umbrella has no qualms is the treasure, the innate light circulation, melts various Saint Dao rune in imperceptibly, ten thousand laws are difficult to be near the body. 对面几人进攻更加猛烈,但是天道伞无愧是瑰宝,先天之光流转,化解各种圣道符文于无形中,万法难近身。 Gives me dead!” “都给我去死!” Chu Feng shouted, after withdraw bronze lamp, left hand Heavenly Dao umbrella, right hand golden purple bamboo, potential such as Immemorial ominous tiger, forward killing. 楚风喝道,收起青铜灯后,左手天道伞,右手紫金竹,势如太古凶虎般,向前扑杀。 At this time, old servants in four people are very formidable, unexpectedly stimulates to movement dozens flying sword, although is Sub Saint, but understood that profound governing sword technique, simultaneously appears in his head formation diagram, controls 36 flying sword, the prestige can be astonishing. 此时,四人中的老仆人很强大,居然催动起数十口飞剑,虽然是一位亚圣,但是懂得高深的御剑术,同时在他头上浮现一张“阵图”,驾驭36口飞剑,威能惊人。 Handle another brilliant flying sword, the sword light is fearful, combines in together, puts the complicated path, cuts down toward Chu Feng from all around, interweaves the Order symbol! 一柄又一柄绚烂的飞剑,剑光慑人,组合在一起,划出繁复的轨迹,从四面八方向着楚风劈杀过去,交织出秩序符号! Bang! 轰! Earth ruptured, has If the Gods block, then kill the Gods and if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas stance, Sword Qi hundred and thousand, separates this place. 大地崩开,颇有神挡杀神佛挡弑佛的架势,剑气成百上千道,割裂此地。 Even if nearby some arrangement have the Domain boundless mountain also in ruptured, in dazzling Sword Qi, was deducted fine powder. 哪怕附近一些布置有场域的磅礴大山等也都在崩开,在刺目的剑气中,被劈成齑粉 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 The Heavenly Dao umbrella revolves, all flying sword hit on the umbrella cover, immediately sparks fly in all directions, some flying sword break off, some flying sword present many gaps, flies upside down, cuts off the mountain peak directly, the scene is scary. 天道伞旋转,所有飞剑都撞在伞面上,顿时火星四溅,有的飞剑折断,有的飞剑出现很多缺口,倒飞出去,直接斩断山峰,景象骇人。 Death!” “死!” Chu Feng shouted, the violent force vibrated this gamp. 楚风喝道,猛力震动这柄大伞。 Bang, that old servant was extinguished, including its formation diagram with thirty dazzling flying sword, becomes the metal fragments, was destroyed in a moment. 砰的一声,那位老仆被灭,包括其阵图与三十几口炫目的飞剑,都成为金属碎片,被毁于一旦。 Originally is Saint, I was really also mistaken!” Chu Feng sneers, this where is any Sub Saint, was ancient times Saint, the strength is extremely formidable. “原来是圣人,我还真走眼了!”楚风冷笑,这哪里是什么亚圣,是一位远古圣人,实力极其强大。 If not he has the Heavenly Dao umbrella, will suffer a loss mostly, that formation diagram and flying sword combine in together quite swift and fierce. 若非他有天道伞,多半会吃大亏,那阵图飞剑组合在一起相当的凌厉。 Buzz, the world revolves, all mountains are moving, rumble makes noise, scene exceptionally astonishing. 嗡的一声,天地旋转,所有大山都在移动,隆隆作响,景象异常的惊人。 In the ground leaps many Domain symbols, exceptionally dazzling, erupts just like active volcano one after another, becomes a bunch of another bunch of magma big dragon, soars to the heavens on. 地面上腾起很多场域符号,异常的刺目,宛若一座又一座活火山喷发,成为一簇又一簇岩浆大龙,冲霄而上。 Some people in stimulating to movement Domain, in six people Domain Great Grandmaster, this azure clothes old man is almost not unexpectedly weak in Chu Feng, in people the process of fighting, completes the arrangement finally, must kill Chu Feng by Domain certainly. 有人在催动场域,六人中居然有一个场域大宗师,这个青衣老者几乎不弱于楚风,在众人的交手的过程中,终于完成布置,要以场域绝杀楚风 Luo Yong grandfather Luo Family old Saint also had little martial Chengtian to draw back a moment ago, coordinating him to arrange, has not helped that old servant, completed this place together large-scale murdered Domain. 罗雍的爷爷罗家的老圣人还有小武承天刚才一直在退,配合他布置,没有去帮助那个老仆,一同完成此地的大型杀伐场域 Compares Domain with me?” In the Chu Feng eye is leading cold intent, he was too familiar with Great Dream Pure Land, the mountains of this place already mapped his heart, now some people must kill him in this sleepily, but also really acts recklessly. “跟我比场域?”楚风眼中带着冷意,他对大梦净土太熟悉了,此地的山川早已映入他的心底,现在有人要在此困杀他,还真是不知死活。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! He takes a step directly, in the hand golden purple bamboo extremely fast enlarges, turns into thousand hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be long, bang, brings a Domain Great Grandmaster stick of self-confident smile to stab to death that bang a disintegration, destroy both body and soul. 他直接迈步,手中紫金极速放大,化成千百丈长,轰的一声,将那带着自信微笑的场域大宗师一棍戳死,砰的一声解体,形神俱灭 Lamentable, this Domain Great Grandmaster is famous in the chaos universe, bringing arrogant intent to enter the World of the Dead universe, coordinates three Saint with two small Saints, finally death is too aggrieved, does not have the opportunity. 可叹,这位场域大宗师在混沌宇宙富有盛名,带着傲意进入阴间宇宙,配合三位圣人与两位小圣,结果死的太憋屈,毫无用武之地。 Uses in exchange words of place, he could carry on Domain great war with Chu Feng, must compare notes on, however in this stretch of region, he brings about own destruction. 换用一个地方的话,他或许能跟楚风进行场域大战,要切磋上一番,但是在这片地带,他自寻死路。 Why?” The instance of meeting a cruel death, he does not dare believe, this world does have such young Domain Great Grandmaster unexpectedly? Heaven-Blessed Talent is not enough to describe! “为什么?”粉身碎骨的瞬间,他都不敢相信,这个世间竟有这么年轻的场域大宗师天纵奇才都不足以形容! Also remains you two, gives me dead!” Chu Feng compels forward. “还剩你们两个,都给我去死!”楚风向前逼去。 Deity chart, suppression!” Luo Yong grandfather bellows, opens mouth to put out one to bring Primal Chaos Qi formation diagram, the rapid rotation, then the lasing leaves 108 deity blade, chops to cut toward Chu Feng there. “天神图,镇压!”罗雍的爷爷大吼,张嘴吐出一张带着混沌气阵图,快速旋转,而后激射出108口“天神刀”,向着楚风那里劈斩过去。 This is fiercer than formation diagram of old servant, the prestige can be more fearful. 这比老仆人的阵图更厉害,威能更为慑人。 „The Deity Race's treasure are really many!” Chu Feng is astonished. 天神族的宝物真多!”楚风惊异。 However, he does not have the thoughts to kill the time to snatch the weapon of opposite party slowly, there are several high-quality goods to be enough, used the Heavenly Dao umbrella to force up directly. 不过,他没心思去慢慢熬时间抢对方的兵器,有有几件精品就足够了,直接就用天道伞顶上去。 8 deity blade fly randomly, erupts heaven shaking blade light, Blade Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, gives to bevel the mountain peak of this region, cut not to have thoroughly, including the earth disintegration, changed to the magma sea, but is unable to break through the defense of Heavenly Dao umbrella. 一把8口天神刀乱飞,爆发出惊天刀光,刀气纵横,将这片区域的山峰都给削平,彻底斩没了,连大地都崩碎,化作岩浆海,但就是无法攻破天道伞的防御。 Bang! 砰! Finally, Luo Yong grandfather, Luo Family Saint by Chu Feng with Heavenly Dao umbrella tearing deity chart, kills near around, directly with being split up that the golden purple bamboo pounds. 最终,罗雍的爷爷,罗家圣人楚风天道伞撕裂“天神图”,杀到近前后,直接用紫金竹砸的四分五裂。 Luo Family this Saint is really gets angry resentment to soar to the heavens, this was he initially gave Luo Yong treasure, result golden purple bamboo has ruined in the end actually him. 罗家这位圣人真是怒怨冲霄,这是他当初送给罗雍的瑰宝,结果这根紫金竹到头来却葬送了他。 Small Saint military Chengtian is scared, does this also hit? Three Saint died successively, small Saint journey Wei also died in battle. 小圣武承天胆寒,这还怎么打?先后三位圣人都死了,小圣程薇也阵亡。 What a pity, he is unable to run away, Domain Great Grandmaster that one's own side brings gives sleepily the person on one's own side here. 可惜,他无法逃走,己方带来的场域大宗师将自己人给困在这里。 Chu Feng attacks, fist intent is great, is having the unapproachable power and influence, finally purple will send youth military Chengtian also to strike to kill in this. 楚风出击,拳意宏大,中正而带着无可匹敌的威势,最后将紫发青年武承天也击杀于此。 He is raising the bronze lamp, detains four soul light forcefully, infiltrates in them the Nine Nether corpse hot lamp, burns down in the wick, wails lingeringly on faintly. 他提着青铜灯,强行拘禁来四道魂光,将他们也打入九幽尸火灯中,在灯芯中焚烧,哀嚎不绝于耳。 Some people have Death Substituting Talisman, this cannot save them, wants to go all out, but only will also increase longer painful experience. 有的人身上有替死符,这不能挽救他们,想藉此拼命,但也只会增加更加漫长的痛苦经历。 The Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform all these real and clear captures, making in the starry sky one crowd of people be touched, Great Demon Chu Feng this was got angry, struck to kill six big powerhouses, boiled the soul with the lights, was resolute and overbearing. 黑血平台、原兽平台将这一切真实而清晰的捕捉下来,让星空中一群人大受触动,楚风大魔头这是发怒了,一口气击杀六大强者,以灯火熬魂,果决而霸道。 All people can feel, even if has killed these six people, Chu Feng also murderous aura rushes. 所有人都能感觉到,哪怕杀了这六人,楚风杀气澎湃呢。 Had an accident/surprise, our squad loses the contact, as if...... Died.” The universe deep place, on bright yellow bottle gourd, four people feel the accident/surprise, subdues the powerhouse who to be extinguished a squad from the chaos universe unexpectedly, is frustrated. “发生了一点意外,我们的一个小队失去联系,似乎……都死了。”宇宙深处,一个黄澄澄的葫芦上,四人都感觉意外,从混沌宇宙收服的强者居然被灭一个小队,出师不利。 A little meaning, the Shining Upon Level powerhouses of World of the Dead universe left, even even Saint level Evolver does not have remaining several, under this type of environment our one team of troops all extinguish unexpectedly, it seems like also really has to jump da after autumn grasshopper.” “有点意思,阴间宇宙的映照级强者都离开了,甚至连圣级进化者都没有剩下几个,这种大环境下我们的一队人马居然全灭,看来还真有能蹦跶的秋后蚂蚱呢。” On yellow skin bottle gourd that forehead lives the vertical eye man to bring to smile pale, is not anxious, he looks to that build huge golden color day dog, looks to that black mastiff dog, told that they pay attention, finds that take action person. 黄皮葫芦上那个眉心生有竖眼的男子带着淡笑,一点也不急,他看向那头体形巨大的金色天犬,又看向那头黑色的獒犬,吩咐它们留心点,将那个出手的人找出来。 „An earth mouse, even if hides the netherworld tunnel deep place, gives us the time also to be able him to dig!” The big Heavenly Dog response said that whole body golden color fur illumination. “一只土老鼠而已,哪怕躲到冥土地洞深处,给我们时间也能将他挖出来!”大天狗回应道,周身金色皮毛发光。 Chu Feng looks everywhere is the blood, everywhere corpse Great Dream Pure Land, in the heart the anger, one group of fires are burning down, but he has not stayed for a long time, bringing that old Saint to vanish, charges into secret planet of remote area. 楚风看着到处是血、遍地尸体的大梦净土,心中愤怒,有一团火在焚烧,但他没有久留,带着那位老圣人已经消失,冲向偏远之地的一颗隐秘星球 This is the Great Dream Pure Land's escape route, the place of escaping. 这是大梦净土的退路,逃生之地。 If no old Saint to inform the correct doing sign place, Chu Feng was very difficult to find. 如果没有老圣人告知正确的做标地,楚风很难找到。 The universe is dim, this starry skies are very remote, is not the lively place in radiant Star Sea, the long years will not have the powerhouse to pass by here. 宇宙昏暗,这片星空很偏僻,不属于璀璨星海中的繁华之地,漫长岁月都不会有强者路过这里。 Chu Feng came, bringing weak old Saint to come out from the wormhole, dives to a asteroid surface, although the region is remote, but this planet is very indeed beautiful. 楚风来了,带着虚弱的老圣人从虫洞出来,俯冲向一颗小行星的地表,虽然地域偏僻,但是这颗星球的确很美。 The ground wisteria illumination, has bucket to be thick or thin, is tying the countless flower buds, entangles mountain with the forest, some big tree kilometer high, such as gamp. 地上藤萝发光,都有水桶粗细,结着数不尽的花蕾,缠满山地与森林,有些大树都千米高,如大伞般。 Some ground also many house big mushrooms, colorful, clear illumination. 地面还有很多房屋大的蘑菇,五颜六色,晶莹发光。 Another variegated color butterfly dances in the air lightly, have several the zhang (3.33 m), the winding around multi-colored sunlight, can work as the mount to use, to carry some young men and women from the sky to stand guard. 另有斑斓彩蝶翩然飞舞,都有数丈长,缭绕霞光,能当坐骑用,载着一些年轻男女在空中警戒。 This is Great Dream Pure Land's disciple, from extinguishing to send in the catastrophe to run away the part, some remain behind here for a long time. 这是大梦净土的弟子,从灭派大祸中逃出来部分,还有一些是长期留守这里的。 When Chu Feng sees Qin Luoyin once more, the complexion is pallid immediately, she lies down in a crystal sarcophagus, motionless, the side small beds, a child is also sleeping soundly. 楚风再次见到秦珞音时,脸色顿时煞白,她躺在一口水晶棺中,一动不动,旁边还有一张小床,一个孩子在熟睡。 He thought, the whole body blood anger boils, almost must run out of the body surface, in the brain buzz makes noise prosperously, is hard to accept this reality radically. 他觉得,浑身血液怒沸,几乎要冲出体表,脑子中嗡隆作响,根本难以接受这个现实。 Chu Feng, do not impulse!” An old woman shouts. 楚风,别冲动!”一名老妪喊道。 She sees Chu Feng to clash, had a scare, fears him to be irritable, cannot control the fearful energy, causes the disastrous consequence. 她看到楚风冲过来,真的吓了一大跳,怕他急躁,控制不住自己可怕的能量,造成灾难性后果。 By the Qin Luoyin current strength, puts on Great Dream Pure Land is Holy Daughter preparation Sub Saint Level Full-Body Armor, was punctured as before, the body has around several translucent spot, the fearsome blood hole is still bleeding, and is filling one golden brilliance, corrodes its. 秦珞音目前的实力,穿着大梦净土圣女准备的亚圣级甲胄,依旧被打穿,身体有几处前后透亮的部位,可怖的血洞还在淌血,并且弥漫着一片金色光彩,侵蚀其身。 Chu Feng feels, Qin Luoyin is also living, but actually in the unceasing worsening, that golden material unceasingly corrodes its and soul, is unable to prevent, to the oil completely lamp dry situation, has depended entirely on this crystal sarcophagus to suppress. 楚风感觉到,秦珞音还活着,但是却在不断恶化中,那种金色的物质不断侵蚀其身与魂,无法阻止,到了油尽灯枯的地步,全靠这口水晶棺镇压。 This is one strange and formidable material, good of use is the treasure, uses is not good is the disaster!” The old woman explained. “这是一种诡异而强大的物质,利用的好就是瑰宝,利用不好就是灾难!”老妪解释。 This golden material is very rare, is similar to Chu Feng within the body that black and white Little Millstone, initially before had not formed, suffering extreme distress that he suffers, oneself discards. 这种金色物质无比稀珍,类似于楚风体内那个黑白小磨盘,当初未成形前将他折磨的死去活来,自身废掉。 But this golden material is also close Heaven and Earth treasure, is only more harmful to the body, before does not surrender, is fatal. 而这种金色物质也是一种相近的天地奇珍,只是对身体更有害,不降服前是致命的。 At that time, that red clothes female has not settled the good intention, the acquired the material will have infiltrated Qin Luoyin's within the body at will, regarded the carrier her, suffered her intentionally. 当时,那红衣女子没安好心,将收集到的这种物质随意就打入了秦珞音的体内,将她当成载体,故意折磨她。 Damn!” “该死!” Chu Feng takes out the bronze, was staring at wick there, the vision is similar to the flame, stares soul light that several people are burning down, clenches jaws, wishes one could to kill several them again. 楚风取出青铜等,盯着灯芯那里,目光如同火焰,盯着几人焚烧的魂光,咬牙切齿,恨不得再将他们杀几遍。 bo! 啵! The wick flame beats fiercely, that several people called out pitifully, was similar to the ghost cries, was pitiful and scary, burnt several times soul light blasted out. 灯芯火光剧烈跳动,那几人惨叫,如同鬼哭,凄惨而吓人,被烧的数次魂光炸开。 I decided, must burn down you for a long time, every day lives to might as well die!” Chu Feng cold sound said. “我决定,要焚烧你们更长时间,每天都生不如死!”楚风寒声道。 He looks to Qin Luoyin, the anxious color, took wondrous medicines, but the old woman told him these to be useless, could not solve the problem completely. 他又看向秦珞音,充满担忧之色,将身上的圣药都取了出来,但是老妪告诉他这些没有用,根本解决不了问题。 How can save her?” “怎么才能救她?” At present non-solution.” The old woman sighed with sadness. “目前无解。”老妪悲叹。 Chu Feng finds through her, Chu Wuhen live, is Qin Luoyin infiltrates his within the body Death Substituting Talisman well. 楚风通过她了解到,楚无痕活的好好的,是秦珞音替死符打入他的体内。 Mother!” At this time, the lethargic sleep child woke up, the big eye was similar to the gem, but was bringing the tears, was summoning Qin Luoyin, was very kind, worried very much. “娘!”这时,昏睡的孩子醒来,大眼如同宝石,但却带着泪光,在呼唤秦珞音,很亲切,也很担忧。 He experienced in the embryo to confuse, forgets, but was very as before intelligent, was short was experienced and skidding, at the present is naive and pure, was very anxious, has cried low voice. 他经历了胎中迷,遗忘过去,但是依旧很聪慧,少了老成与滑溜,而今天真而纯净,很焦虑,小声哭了起来。 Real non-solution? Chu Feng does not believe! 真的无解吗?楚风不相信! The old woman also cries, said: Non-solution, my knows your bitter experience, once by black material invasion, but this golden material is more fearful, after invades the soul light 90% above comprehensively, never some people melt successfully. And......” 老妪也落泪,道:“无解,我知道你的遭遇,曾被黑色物质侵染,但这种金色物质更可怕,在全面入侵魂光九成以上后,从未有人化解成功过。而且……” She wants saying that Qin Luoyin was in itself punctured fleshly body, the body and spirit is nearly tattered, and soul light is damaged was too fierce, this wound originally not high hope. 她想说,秦珞音本身就被打穿肉身,体魄近乎破烂,且魂光受损的太厉害了,这种伤原本就没有多大希望。 Chu Feng opens Discerning Eyes, looks to Qin Luoyin, finally his heart shivers, saw Qin Luoyin's soul light just like the candlelight in wind, momentarily will extinguish, comes to this fresh end. 楚风睁开火眼金睛,看向秦珞音,最后他的心颤抖,看到了秦珞音的魂光犹如风中的烛火,随时会熄灭,真的走到此生的尽头。 Can live now, depends entirely on this special crystal sarcophagus suppression! 能够活到现在,全靠这口特殊的水晶棺镇压! No!” The Chu Feng heart palpitates, the first feeling such is afraid. “不!”楚风心头悸动,第一次感觉这么害怕。 At this time, Qin Luoyin regained consciousness, light language said: Looks after...... Our children.” 这时,秦珞音苏醒,轻语道:“照顾好……我们的孩子。” When hears this words, the Chu Feng nose turns sour, whispers: Do not think, all right, can certainly live, this time I have not protected you, certainly will not have the next time!” 当听到这种话语时,楚风鼻子发酸,低语道:“你不要多想,没事的,一定可以活下来,这一次我没有保护好你,一定不会有下一次!” My knows own situation, did not have the means to recall.” The Qin Luoyin face whiten is similar to a paper, her weak opens the mouth, sees Chu Feng to be tense, but the eye red appearance, feels relaxed finally unexpectedly likely, on the face appears gently. “我知道自己的情况,已经没有办法挽回。”秦珞音脸色苍白如同一张纸,她虚弱的开口,看到楚风紧张而眼睛通红的样子,最后竟像是释然,脸上浮现柔和。 My knows, we in have too many accidents/surprises together, we are the parallel lines that two have not occurred together.” A Qin Luoyin person light language, does not have the strength as before, and sound is getting more and more weak, said: I understand, you have not liked me, in together for this child, for completely one responsible.” “我知道,我们在一起有太多的意外,原本我们是两条没有交集的平行线。”秦珞音一个人轻语,依旧没有力气,且声音越来越弱,道:“我明白,你从来没有喜欢过我,在一起只是为了这个孩子,为了尽一负责任。” „, It is not this.” Chu Feng hurries saying that simultaneously is afraid very much, because Qin Luoyin speech while bleeds in the corners of the mouth, dark red falls on the crystal coffin shocking. “不是的,不是这样的。”楚风赶忙说道,同时很害怕,因为秦珞音一边说话一边在嘴角淌血,殷红色落在晶棺上触目惊心。 You were needless saying that also did not need to comfort, my knows, I have not entered your innermost feelings, but before you, was not dao companion in my ideal, but behind had many matters eventually......” “你不用多说,也不用安慰,我知道的,我没有走进你的内心,而你以前也不是我理想中的道侣,但后面终究是发生了很多事……” She is getting more and more weak, words slightly inaudible. 她越来越虚弱,话语都微不可闻。 Child...... Here, you must protect him, does not want...... Hurt......”, when spoke of here, Qin Luoyin was unable to open the mouth, spiritual strength several nearly dried up, she was reluctant to part, is in suspense, what on the final pass/test facial countenance appeared was the maternal brilliance. “孩子……在这里,你要保护好他,不要……受伤害……”当说到这里时,秦珞音已经无法开口,精神力几近枯竭,她依依不舍,放心不下,最后的关头脸上浮现的是母性的光辉。
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