SR :: Volume #10

#916: Enters Purgatory

Kā! Kā! Kā! 喀!喀!喀! The lightning descends from the vault of heaven one after another, lets fall in the mountain, links up Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, the very terrifying, cuts down all. 一条又一条闪电从天穹上降落,垂落到山中,贯通天上地下,非常的恐怖,劈杀一切。 Including void was torn, if not Kunlun Mountain is the place, had in the ancient times the large-scale Domain protection under Holy Master arrangement, was not rumbled to put on may not. 连虚空都被撕裂,若非昆仑山是非常之地,有古代圣师布置下的大型场域守护,非被轰穿不可。 Even if so also shocks everybody, this lightning is flaming, Evolver that on Earth presents cannot shoulder at present. 即便如此也惊世骇俗,这种闪电非常炽盛,地球上出现的进化者目前都扛不住。 The distant place has some different kind to be frightened, trembles, if this bang on their bodies, must make into the large expanse of ashes them absolutely. 远处有一些异类惊悚无比,瑟瑟发抖,这要是轰在它们的身上,绝对要将它们打成成片的灰烬。 The lightning links up Gate of Hell, very dazzling, extremely to terrify person. 闪电贯通地狱之门,非常刺目,极其瘆人。 Chu Feng is bringing Qin Luoyin, grasps the Heavenly Dao umbrella to enter Gate of Hell, here has to lead to the underground deep well, has to enter the Purgatory path! 楚风带着秦珞音,手持天道伞进入地狱之门,这里有通向地下的深井,有进入炼狱的道路! That thunder, that dazzling lightning comes to him, making him be surprised, the terrifying electric light of this place was more formidable than far more than hundred times before. 那雷霆,那刺目的闪电就是冲着他来的,让他深感意外,这地方的恐怖电光比以前强大何止百倍。 Now attempts initially, Chu Feng throws several Golden Body levels the expert weapon, finally in the sound, the brightly burnished long spear/gun, the deep green full moon sickle and scarlet thunder sound drum directly turns into the flying ash, was beaten in this. 现在初步尝试,楚风扔出几件金身层次的高手的兵器,结果在哧哧声中,锃亮的长枪、碧绿的圆月弯刀、赤红的雷音鼓都直接化成飞灰,被打烂在此。 Perhaps said, was decomposed by the electric light directly. 或许说,直接被电光分解。 His suck in a cold breath, this is also only the exterior domain, so is fearful? He felt that this thunder is containing the Sub Saint prestige most minimum, the average person enters Gate of Hell to die without doubt. 倒吸冷气,这还只是外部区域而已,就这么可怕?他感觉到这雷霆最起码蕴含着亚圣威,一般人进入地狱之门必死无疑。 When like initially, before the world did not have mutation, world is an average person, approached here, touching died. 就像当初,天地没有异变前,世间都是普通人时,接近这里,触之即死。 Now the spiritual energy recovers, the world changed late stage fiercely, here also evolved, became the place of big terrifying, may deter all people as before. 现在灵气复苏,天地剧烈变化到了后期,这里也跟着进化,成为大恐怖之地,依旧可震慑所有人。 Purgatory with here connected, should that inside not become fearsomer?” Chu Feng is imposing. 炼狱跟这里相连,那里面该不会也变得更可怖了吧?”楚风凛然。 Bang! 轰! His body big change, all around electric arc flies to shoot, thunder light is infinite, the Heavenly Dao umbrella in hand is shivering, when by dozens over a hundred thunder simultaneously in bang, the scene is fearful. 他身体剧震,四周电弧飞射,雷光无穷,手中的天道伞在颤动,被数十上百道雷霆同时轰中时,景象可怕。 Chu Feng enters rapidly underground, here has the ready-made path, is quick he to enter a piece of small space, here is connecting a ancient mine area. 楚风迅速进入地下,这里有现成的道路,很快他就进入一片小空间,这里连接着一片古矿区。 Has a World of the Living female in this deep and quiet mining area deep place, is quite fearful, although the grace and talent is incomparable, but was actually the person of thousands of year dying, ecdysis regeneration. 在这片幽邃的矿区深处有一个阳间女子,相当慑人,虽然风华无匹,但却是千万年死去的人,蜕皮再生。 World has the view, this is the alternative becoming an immortal road. 世间有说法,这是另类成仙路。 In fact is, the corpse incites the creature wisdom, comes back to life once more, even is having some before death memories. 事实上是,尸体滋生灵智,再次复生,甚至带着生前的部分记忆。 But this female initially had not died doubtful thoroughly, bringing passing old to recall, here lived difficultly, not knows she whether sheds old skin completely, completes new life. 而此女疑似当初就没有死透,带着过往的旧忆,在这里艰难活了下来,不知道她是否完全褪掉老皮,完成新生 Now the World of the Living person came, who Chu Feng in several soul light knows through Nine Nether corpse hot lamp has been urging their several people. 现在阳间人过来了,楚风已经通过九幽尸火灯中的几道魂光知道了谁在驱使他们几人。 Initially this female ran away from World of the Living, kills talent that many World of the Living have chased down, has the corpse that Yang Qi overflowed in this ancient cave deep place. 当初这个女子从阳间逃过来,杀了不少阳间追杀过来的天才,在这片古洞深处至今还有阳气四溢的尸体。 Chirp chirp......” “啾啾……” In this ancient cavern, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, likely is have ghost at the low cry. 这片古老的洞穴中,伸手不见五指,像是有鬼在低鸣。 Some people flush air behind the Chu Feng neck, some people pat his shoulder, some people must climb up his back, the gloomy and cold aura touches on the flesh, lets his whole body is goosebumps. 有人在楚风脖子后面吹气,有人拍他的肩头,有人要爬上他的后背,阴冷的气息触及到肌肤上,让他浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩 Initially, Chu Feng's Discerning Eyes expired, could not see anything, but now is different, he was Sub Saint, saw that many shadows must twine on him. 当初,楚风的火眼金睛都失效,看不到什么,但现在不一样了,他是亚圣,看到许多阴影要缠绕在他身上。 Bang! 砰! The Heavenly Dao umbrella shakes, shakes many phantom, the clever whining noise is ear-spitting, is very incisive. 天道伞一震,将许多虚影震开,鬼鸣声震耳,很尖锐。 Senior, is I, initially once sought an interview, today I passed by.” Chu Feng sinking sound said. “前辈,是我,当初曾经求见,今天我只是路过。”楚风沉声道。 Finally, the clever whining noise stops. 最终,鬼鸣声止住。 Senior, the World of the Living's person came, if knows you here, will be disadvantageous to you.” Chu Feng reminded, this Lord has killed World of the Living many people. “前辈,阳间的人来了,如果知道你在这里,可能会对你不利。”楚风提醒,这主可是杀过阳间不少人。 Meanwhile, he is frowning, was worried inexplicably the Yaoyao grandfather, can also stare? 同时,他在蹙眉,莫名担心起妖妖的爷爷,会不会也被人盯上? In ancient cave silent, nobody responded. 古洞中寂静,没有人回应。 Chu Feng is not willing, said: Senior, my wife...... he was said by the golden material entanglement in a soft voice, wants to pray for rescue here, gives a try this from the World of the Living's female whether has the means. 楚风不甘心,道:“前辈,我的妻子被金色物质纠缠……”他轻声说道,想要在这里求救,试试看这个来自阳间的女子是否有办法。 I am incapable incompetently.” “我无能无力。” Chu Feng cannot think, the opposite party responded to him, was only the answer is very brutal, making him feel particularly cruelly, came from the females of World of the Living's this being as deep as a well not to have the means to melt continually, once refining, just like the other shore flower said like that Qin Luoyin's soul light also will be melted. 楚风想不到,对方真的回应他,只是答案很残酷,让他觉得分外残忍,连来自阳间的这个高深莫测的女子都没有办法化解,一旦炼化,正如彼岸花所说的那般,秦珞音的魂光也会被熔掉。 I also walked!” The female opens the mouth, in ancient cave silver light a big magnificence burst, finally of bang, thorough disappearance of female, making here fall into the darkness once more. “我也走了!”那女子开口,古洞银光大盛,最后轰的一声,那女子的彻底消失,让这里再次陷入黑暗中。 She also leaves Earth, has completed the transformation? 她也离开地球,已经完成蜕变? Chu Feng is startled, in the heart constrains, World of the Living is too fearful, was dreading including this females, feared was discovered. 楚风一怔,心中压抑,阳间太可怕,连这个女子都在忌惮,怕被发现。 His heart is suddenly serious, who does World of the Living come the person to keep off? 一时间他心头沉重,阳间来人谁能挡? Chu Feng to has been arching cupping one hand in the other across the chest void, then rush through will not go, charges into is linking Purgatory that road, it seems like can only walk this place. 楚风对着虚空拱了拱手,然后头也不会地奔行而去,冲向连着炼狱的那条路,看来只能走这个地方了。 In that Purgatory end, in the Shining Death City rear area, before that Reincarnation ancient cave, the unpainted clay idol, said according to the Foreign Territory old fox, he possibly is...... Lives! 在那炼狱的尽头,在光明死城的后方,在那轮回古洞前,有一尊泥胎,按照异域老狐狸所说,他可能是……活的! If this to become true, is very difficult to imagine this is expert of any level, it is estimated that Heavenly Venerate must dread, after all never heard spoke of Heavenly Venerate dares chaotic Reincarnation Road! 这若是成真,很难想象这到底是什么层次的高手,估计天尊都要忌惮,毕竟从未听说说及天尊敢乱轮回路 Unpainted clay idol sits in the Reincarnation Road end, frightens the past and present! 一尊“泥胎”坐在轮回路尽头,震慑古今! Even if World of the Living's Supreme Being, does not dare to inquire into. 即便是阳间的大能,都不敢探究。 They want to explore anything, makes disciple go to Reincarnation Road to walk. 他们想要想探索什么,也只是让弟子轮回路上走一遭。 Meanwhile, but must go to World of the Living that most fearful several restricted area deep places to go on an expedition obediently, ahead of time takes mysterious paper talisman to be good, this is Reincarnation Road only pass. 同时,还得乖乖地去阳间那最可怕的几处禁地深处征战,提前取到一张神秘符纸才行,这是轮回路唯一的“通行证”。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Chu Feng feels frightened, along with to get close to Purgatory, all was different, he thought that the fine body hair is but actually vertical, the skin must tear, scalp in severe pain. 楚风感觉惊悚,随着接近炼狱,一切都不同了,他觉得寒毛倒竖,皮肤要撕裂了,头皮都在剧痛。 Here really changed, is not quite same! 这里果然变了,不太一样! Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng enters the void slit, entered in Purgatory initial that place bottom stone chamber, saw these skeletons once more. 楚风走进虚空缝隙,进入炼狱当初的那个地底石室中,再次见到那些骸骨。 Finally, he from here rush out, enters Purgatory truly once more. 最后,他从这里冲出去,真正再次进入炼狱 The flash, his fine body hair is but actually vertical, the whole body tightens! 一刹那,他寒毛倒竖,浑身绷紧! outside territory, Young Heavenly Dog crashes in the Milky Way deep place, the dog nose very spirits, does not pursue the enemy by the sense of smell, but by divine technique, is fiercer than the divination. 域外,小天狗冲进银河系深处,狗鼻子很灵,不是以嗅觉来追敌,而是以一种神术,比占卜还厉害。 Chu Feng kills troops that the World of the Living powerhouse surrenders, destroys completely martial Chengtian, journey Wei, Luo Family Saint wait/etc., causing Young Heavenly Dog to trace, chases down Chu Feng personally. 楚风击毙阳间强者降服的部众,灭掉武承天、程薇、罗家圣人等,导致小天狗追查,亲自追杀楚风 Locks Chu Feng, because he executes that several people are not the secret, Heavenly Eye of World of the Dead universe major platforms caught the Chu Feng take action picture, Young Heavenly Dog with lightning speed, several times ran out from the wormhole now, gradual approach Solar System. 锁定楚风,因为他毙掉那几人不是什么秘密,阴间宇宙各大平台的天眼都捕捉到楚风出手的画面,小天狗现在风驰电掣,数次从虫洞中冲出,渐渐接近太阳系。 Finally, it approaches Earth, arrives in the outer space. 最后,它接近地球,来到外太空中。 “Wú, the decayed flavor, is very disgusting, I do not like World of the Dead, will not like here, each life planet is actually the World of the Living person buries the post randomly! ” Young Heavenly Dog talked to oneself, whole body black hair illumination, its color of face detesting. “唔,腐臭的味道,很恶心,我不喜欢阴间,也不会喜欢这里,每颗生命星球其实都是阳间人的乱葬岗!”小天狗自语,满身黑色毛发发光,它一脸嫌恶之色。 It looks down below that water blue color planet, revealed the look of surprise, said: I also felt that strange aura, is a little strange.” 它低头看着下方那颗水蓝色星球,露出异色,道:“我也感觉到了奇异的气息,有点古怪。” With the feeling, it is discrete, then silently enters Earth, lands in Kunlun Mountain! 凭着感觉,它谨慎起来,而后无声无息进入地球,降落在昆仑山上! Then, it is smelling, the nose illumination, talent divine technique is very astonishing, nose there sends out the black ripples, is searching any thing. 而后,它一路嗅着,鼻子发光,天赋神术十分惊人,鼻子那里发出黑色的涟漪,在寻觅什么东西。 Finally it stops in a stretch of region, arrives under mountain foot, excavates earth with the claw, digs out dozens zhang (3.33 m) deep big hole. 最后它在一片地带停下,来到一座大山脚下,用爪子挖土,挖出数十丈深的大坑。 If Chu Feng here, extremely will be certainly shocking, this initially picked the stone box place, this Young Heavenly Dog was too keen, unexpectedly can find this place. 如果楚风在这里,一定会非常震惊,这是当初捡到石盒的地方,这头小天狗太敏锐了,居然能一路找到此地。 Strange, here what does not have, but, why I have the special induction, what thing don't tell me this place initially had buried, was only already not in?” Young Heavenly Dog talked to oneself. “奇怪,这里什么也没有,可是,我为何有特殊的感应,难道此地当初埋过什么东西,只是已经不在了?”小天狗自语。 Then, its look shakes, trembling sound said: Should not be my World of the Living's Artifact?” 而后,它神色一震,颤声道:“该不会是我阳间的器物吧?” Then, it could not sit still, is very anxious, said: „Can this not know what to do? Once the thing in World of the Living legend recovers, was Supreme Being of most ancient time came, was very difficult to induce again, it can be reserved, hidden went to the trail!” 接着,它坐不住了,无比焦躁,道:“这可如何是好?阳间传说中的东西一旦复苏,就是最古老时代的大能来了,都很难再感应到了,它会自己内敛,隐去踪迹!” "Um, making me calm down a bit, thinks. ” It is peaceful, pondered over carefully, then linked was coughing several big blood essence, deduced. “嗯,让我静一静,想一想。”它安静下来,仔细思忖,然后连着咳了几大口精血,进行推演。 The Young Heavenly Dog vision is sparkling, said: „It is not right, the thing that we want should in the World of the Dead universe most fearful buries the post randomly, buries in Heavenly Venerate, perhaps World of the Living's Artifact was brought by some Heavenly Venerate in that ancient age.” 小天狗目光烁烁,道:“不对,我们想要的东西应该在阴间宇宙最可怕的乱葬岗,在天尊葬地,也许阳间的器物在那古老年代被某位天尊带过来了。” He believes firmly, this planet has not been burying Heavenly Venerate, because does not have that type of fearful aura, does not induce. 他确信,这颗星球没有埋着天尊,因为没有那种可怕的气息,毫无感应。 If Heavenly Venerate is rotten, that smell makes it frightened, Heavenly Venerate tens of millions year of fleshly body are not spoiled, but for a long time passed cannot reach an agreement. 如果天尊腐烂,那种气味让它都要惊悚,天尊数千万年肉身不腐,但是更长时间过去就说不好了。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” On its neck has a silver collar, now shakes, flies to fall eight silhouette, unexpectedly five Saint, three Sub Saint, this combination is too strong! 它颈项上有一个银色的项圈,现在摇动间,飞落出八道身影,居然有五位圣人,三名亚圣,这种组合太强! “Wú, my retinues, listen to my verbal command, gives me to search here, looks for this only mouse! ” During the speeches, Young Heavenly Dog with a dog's paw point, Chu Feng's phantom appears, lifelike. “唔,我的仆从们,听我号令,给我在这里寻觅,将这只地老鼠找出来!”说话间,小天狗用一只狗爪子一点,楚风的虚影浮现,栩栩如生。 These eight people come from chaos universe, is a side extraordinary character, but is surrendered now. 这八人都来自混沌宇宙,都是一方了不起的人物,可是现在被降服。 In fact, in these people of hearts also angry, the World of the Living's powerhouse has suppressed them, but to the end actually bestows the mastiff dog that the side raises, this is really the shame. 事实上,这几人心中也恼怒,阳间的强者镇压了他们,可是到头却赐给身边养的獒犬,这实在是耻辱。 They feel resentfully, but actually does not dare to revolt, because wants to go on living, oneself was supposed restrictions. 他们感觉愤懑,但却不敢反抗,因为想要活下去,自身都被设下禁制 In addition, they also indeed to World of the Living that several people of promise, but the heart movement, wants to hold the matter, then settled on, is having one and goes to World of the Living. 此外,他们也的确对阳间那几人的许诺而心动,想办好事,而后被看中,带着一并去阳间 By a dog order, their heart is somewhat sorrowful. 只是,被一只狗命令,他们心底还是有些悲哀。 What looks, your this waste can Saint, compare with my World of the Living Evolver? Let alone my master, is I, can a claw pat you completely!” Young Heavenly Dog sneers to say. “看什么,你这种废物圣人,能跟我阳间进化者相比吗?别说我的主人,就是我,也能一只爪子拍死你们全部!”小天狗冷笑道。 Eight people of silence, have not refuted. 八人沉默,没有反驳。 They disperse, seeks in Kunlun Mountains. 他们分散开来,在昆仑山脉中寻找。 Because, Young Heavenly Dog believes firmly, that place mouse in nearby. 因为,小天狗确信,那个地老鼠就在附近。 It regards Chu Feng is the place mouse, does not care about the World of the Dead universe so-called talent, in his opinion, the talent of this piece of universe so-called younger generation, but also cannot compare disciple of World of the Dead universe door small faction. 它视楚风为地老鼠,根本不在乎阴间宇宙所谓的天才,在他看来,这片宇宙所谓的年轻一代的天才,还比不上阴间宇宙一个小门小派的弟子 "Um, here! ” In the end it found the clue, its dog nose is too keen, sends out the black ripples unceasingly, seeks Gate of Hell. “嗯,在这里!”到头来还是它自己找到线索,它的狗鼻子太敏锐,不断发出黑色涟漪,寻到地狱之门 Whiz! 嗖! It has eight people to rush over, finally brings in the terrifying the thunder, changes countenance including that eight Saint, the body tightens, but the Young Heavenly Dog actually color of face despising, does not care. 它带着八人冲了过去,结果引来恐怖的雷霆,连那八位圣者都动容,身体绷紧,但是小天狗却一脸轻蔑之色,根本不在意。 On its neck, that silver white collar illumination, resists all lightnings successfully, being hard injures their slightest. 在它脖子上,那银白项圈发光,成功抵住所有闪电,难以伤他们分毫。 Walks!” It has eight people to crash in fast underground. “走!”它带着八人快速冲进地下。 "Um, here has the strangeness, once had Yang Qi, even if were erased, but is not thorough, but I do not have the time to inquire into now, turned head to say again. First pursues that only mouse, dares to kill my person, he is any thing, has not undergone the agreement, even if my lackey, is not a he small World of the Dead mouse active! ” “嗯,这里有古怪,曾经有阳气,哪怕被抹除了,但并不彻底,不过我现在没时间探究,回头再说。先去追那只地老鼠,敢杀我的人,他算什么东西,没经过同意,哪怕是我的奴才,也不是他一个小小的阴间地老鼠所能动的!” Young Heavenly Dog is quite arrogant, wallops. 小天狗相当傲慢,一路猛冲。 Almost is suddenly, it arrives at the end of road, enters the space crack, enters the bottom stone chamber, then truly breaks in Purgatory. 几乎是瞬息间,它就来到路的尽头,进入空间裂缝,走进地底石室,接着真正冲入炼狱中。 woof! woof!” In an instant, its dog's bark, the body tightens, the whole body black dog wool is but actually vertical, dog eye opening the eyes big of , the shock trembles is staring at the front. “汪!汪!”刹那间而已,它就犬吠,身体绷紧,浑身黑色狗毛倒竖,狗眼睁的很大,震惊而颤栗着盯着前方。 Today was a little late, tomorrow diligently, will then write the Reincarnation person to be cursed by dark Reincarnation, in the person with book same gets rid in the attempt. Happen to using evening's time well idea under. This chapter said that book review to look, looked that everybody responded is quite intense, as far as possible I formed in one's mind complete, then the big mighty waves, the present are only small spray. 今天有点晚了,明天白天接着努力吧,写轮回的人真的被黑暗轮回诅咒了,跟书中的人一样在尝试摆脱。正好利用晚上的时间好好构思下。本章说、书评都看了,看大家反应比较激烈,我尽量构思的圆满点,接下来一路大波澜,现在只是一朵小浪花。
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