SR :: Volume #9

#892: Saints arrives together

Great Abyss, jet black like black ink, profound endless, cannot see inside has anything, even if cultivate successfully Heavenly Eye is also helpless. 大渊,漆黑如墨,深邃无尽,根本看不到里面有什么,即便修成天眼也无能为力。 It separates the universe likely, has various star human bones in neighbor, is the giant stars remnant bodies, the itself volume is unrelieved, but compares with Great Abyss, is similar to the dust. 它像是将宇宙割裂,在附近有各种星骸,都是巨大的星辰残体,本身体积无变化,可是跟大渊比起来,如同尘埃般。 Chu Feng walks randomly in the, felt that a strange strength, in summoning him, entices him, must pouch in the jet black unknown black region him. 楚风游走于附近,感觉到一股诡异之力,在呼唤他,诱惑他,要将他吞进漆黑未知的黑色区域中。 Saint came to revere, Nine Yin Bird turned into more than one zhang (3.33 m) to be long, whole body Scarlet Rosy Cloud rushed, the blood-color Saint feather illumination, looked like very brilliant, however also can only illuminate the limited region, bright splendor suction by Great Abyss. 圣人来了很多尊,阴九雀化成一丈多长,周身赤霞澎湃,血色的圣羽发光,看起来很绚烂,然而也只能照亮有限的区域,所有神辉都会被大渊吸走。 Side him, the grey sends and old starry sky Knight of whole face wrinkle, in years past executioner, the pupil was cold, distant was staring at Chu Feng, moved with him, but nobody dares to get close to Great Abyss. 在他身边,灰色发丝与满脸皱纹的老星空骑士,昔年的刽子手,眸子冷冽,都远远的盯着楚风,跟着他而动,但是没有人敢过于接近大渊 Hands down, even if not thorough, is distanced nearly is too easy to have an accident, eight Saint do not dare to act rashly! 相传,哪怕不深入,相距太近都容易出事,八位圣人不敢轻举妄动! The distant place, Great Dream Pure Land's three old Saint arrived, expression grave, must break through eight Saints to prevent, finally Netherworld Race, Spirit Race wait/etc. some people catch up, presents four powerhouses all of a sudden, wears ice-cold Full-Body Armor, is raising holy artifact, blocks their ways, confronts in this place. 更远处,大梦净土的三位老圣人已经到了,神色凝重,原本要冲破八圣阻挡,结果幽冥族灵族等都有人赶来,一下子出现四尊强者,身穿冰冷的甲胄,提着圣器,挡住他们的去路,在此地对峙。 Three Fellow Daoist, even if your take action is also personally useless, our here present had several Saint, the power balance, differs disparately, might as well sit to discuss well.” A Netherworld Race person reveals smiles pale, the whole body is winding around the black fog, is raising holy artifact, talked with Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint. “三位道友,即便你们亲自出手也无用,我们这边现在就已经有十几位圣者,力量对比,相差悬殊,不如坐下来好好谈一谈。”幽冥族一人露出淡笑,周身缭绕着黑雾,提着圣器,跟大梦净土的圣人对话。 Saint that Spirit Race catches up with also opens the mouth, the surface like the jade pendant adorning a hat, the silver hair hangs loose, is calm and calm, said: Three Fellow Daoist why for a deceased person, but strong over?” 灵族赶来的圣者也开口,面如冠玉,银发披散,从容而镇定,道:“三位道友何必为了一个死人而强出头?” He grasps a God blood streamer, the scarlet streamer surface flutters, is bringing various strange veined pattern, as if must swallow the soul of person, this person keeps off in the front. 他手持一杆神灵化血幡,赤红幡面招展,带着各种诡异的纹路,仿佛要将人的灵魂吞进去,此人挡在前方。 The implied meaning is obvious, Chu Feng is a deceased person, who came unable to rescue, even if Great Dream Pure Land resisted with them, cannot change the result whole-heartedly. 言下之意明显,楚风已经是一个死人,谁来了都救不了,哪怕大梦净土跟他们对抗,全力以赴也改变不了结局。 How hasn't fought knows?!” A Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint eye pupil is swift and fierce, even if the hair is gray, on face wrinkle stack, but the sharp qi, does not want to give up Chu Feng. “不战过一场怎么知道?!”大梦净土的一位老圣人眼眸凌厉,哪怕头发花白,脸上皱纹堆积,但也有一股锐气,不想放弃楚风 hēi hēi......” void, presents a terrifying big sword, murderous aura fills the air, lets the person such as the falling icehouse, but actually cannot see the person, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's killed the Saint. 嘿嘿……”虚空中,出现一口恐怖的大剑,杀气弥漫,让人如坠冰窖,但是却见不到人,刺天穹的杀圣到了。 Instantaneous, power balance has change again, did not say that surrounds the Chu Feng's eight Saints, is only here presents five Saint, blocks the Great Dream Pure Land's three people. 瞬间,力量对比再次发生改变,不说围堵楚风的八圣,仅是这里就出现五尊圣者,拦住大梦净土的三人。 My Great Dream Pure Land does not accept the threat!” Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint full head flower white hair silk dances in the breeze, he shows unyielding fighting intent. “我大梦净土不接受威胁!”大梦净土的圣人满头花白发丝飘舞起来,他透出一股不屈的战意 In his hands presents a bronze dagger-axe, delimits the cold spooky ray, selects the directional front, moved in his side another two respect for elders Saint, a manpower holds the copper mace, a person of took out Wuseta, is holy artifact, must fight to the death with them. 在他的手中出现一杆青铜戈,划出冷幽幽的光芒,点指向前方,在他的身边另外两尊老圣人也动了,一人手持紫铜锏,一人祭出一座五色塔,都是圣器,要跟他们决一死战。 Several also are really obstinate, although Great Dream Pure Land is strong, but has not advanced into first ten in a big way, moreover only do your three people, want dead in battle in this place?” “几位还真是执拗啊,大梦净土虽强,但是还没有跻身前十大,况且仅你们三人而已,想战死在此地吗?” The old man who full head golden color sends the silk walks, the big overwhelming power, grasps a golden great blade, is glittering the cold ray, blooms mysterious symbols, frightens at the scene. 一个满头金色发丝的老者走来,高大威猛,手持一口金色的巨刀,闪烁着冷冽的光芒,绽放出一个又一个玄奥的符号,震慑当场。 He came from Deity Race, moreover was ancient times Saint, slaughtered in archaic Earth, now reappears world. 他来自天神族,而且是一位远古圣人,在上古地球大开杀戒,如今再现世间。 Suddenly, here has six Saint to block the way, must deal with the Great Dream Pure Land's three people, will form the two against one aspect. 瞬息间,这里就有六位圣者拦路,要对付大梦净土的三人,会形成二打一的局面。 That fights one!” “那就战一场!” Great Dream Pure Land's that old Saint sinking sound said, grasps the bronze dagger-axe, wields suddenly, the separate darkness, shines the dazzling brilliance, the Saint prestige is enormous and powerful. 大梦净土的那位老圣人沉声道,手持青铜戈,猛然挥动起来,割裂黑暗,照耀出炫目之极的光彩,圣威浩荡。 His side other two also moved, takes a step forward, wants to overrun, close to Chu Feng, shelters him to run away. 他身边另外两人也动了,向前迈步,想要冲过去,临近楚风,庇护着他逃走。 What a pity, their strength, although is strong, however cannot occupy in this place cheaply, the opposite was very formidable Saint, Deity Race, Spirit Race and Assassinating Vault of Heaven's ancient times Saint arrived, moreover was six pairs three. 可惜,他们实力虽强,但是在这个地方根本占不到便宜,对面都是非常强大的圣者,天神族灵族刺天穹的远古圣人亲临,而且是六对三。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… Void ruptured, rune is densely covered, interweaves Large expanse, cold weapon surges, passes the complementary waves that sends out, several ancient age surviving of extremely remote region, in the steel battleship sweeps, bang blast, or turns into fine powder, either the evaporation is clean. 虚空崩开,符文密布,交织成片,冷兵器激荡,透发出的余波而已,就将极其遥远地带的几艘古老年代残存在下来的钢铁战舰扫中,砰的炸开,或者化成齑粉,或者蒸发干净。 In a minute, several stuffy snort/hum transmit, Great Dream Pure Land's three old Saint all stagger to back up, some people are coughing up blood, the beard and hair was been incarnadine by the bloodstain. 片刻间,几声闷哼传来,大梦净土的三位老圣人全都踉跄倒退,有人在咳血,须发都被血迹染红。 Also in some people the blade, was divided the arm by the old man of Deity Race that big overwhelming power, the right arm almost breaks to fall, is only linking a body. 也有人中刀,被天神族那位高大威猛的老者劈中手臂,右臂膀都几乎断落下来,只连着一层皮肉。 A person kills the Saint the big sword to hit by the Spirit Race God blood streamer and Assassinating Vault of Heaven's, half body covered with blood, almost vanishes, is very miserable. 还有一人被灵族神灵化血幡与刺天穹的杀圣的大剑击中,半边身子血肉模糊,几乎消失,很惨。 How, no one can save the Chu Feng young demon today, several Fellow Daoist, I urged you do not act rashly, honest was staying, avoided from harming.” “如何,今天谁都救不了楚风小魔头,几位道友,我劝你们不要轻举妄动,还是老老实实的呆着吧,避免自误。” Deity Race's ancient times Saint sneered saying that he does not believe today also who can change the war, rescues Chu Feng, because the present universe takes them as to revere. 天神族的远古圣人冷笑道,他不相信今天还有谁能改变战局,救走楚风,因为现在的宇宙就以他们为尊。 Various clan Saint send out together, if could not have killed a young people that becomes laughs! 各族圣者一起出动,如果还杀不死一个年轻人那就成笑话了! The Great Abyss edge, Chu Feng uses Discerning Eyes, here all will look in the eye, immediately sound transmission, said: Three seniors, the good intention declined with thanks, again take action. At the worst dies, relax, even if I die also to drag one person to start off, my sincerity thanks you to come to rescue me!” 大渊边缘,楚风动用火眼金睛,将这边的一切看在眼中,立时传音,道:“三位前辈,好意心领,你们不要再出手。大不了一死而已,放心,哪怕我死也要拖上一人上路,我真心感激你们前来营救我!” Three old Saint are not willing, the shoulder weapon, each and every one does not withdraw, confronts with these six big expert! 三位老圣人不甘心,手持兵器,一个个都不退后,跟这六大高手对峙! chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 At this time, split void, three person's shadows walked, was bringing the faintly recognizable white fog, and was accompanying dim Primal Chaos Qi, the great strength outside these personalities, in Saint were rare expert. 这时,虚空裂开,三道人影走出来,都带着飘渺的白雾,且伴着朦胧的混沌气,这几人格外的强大,在圣者中都是罕见的高手 Sub Immortal Clan's person horse, an old woman arrived with the old man who two hair both quickly fell the light, was very tranquil. 亚仙族的马来了,一位老妪与两位头发都快落光的老头子降临,都很平静。 Several Fellow Daoist and others collaborated with me quickly, kills to rescue Wu Lunhui together!” Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint shouts, sees Sub Immortal Clan to arrive, in the heart slightly has the anticipation. “几位道友快与我等联手,一起杀过去救吴轮回!”大梦净土的一位老圣人喊道,看到亚仙族到来,心中略有期待。 However, Sub Immortal Clan's three Saint have not moved, but their syzygy under one expressed best wishes slightly. 然而,亚仙族的三位圣者没有动,只是稍微他们对点了一下头致意。 Deity Race, is Spirit Race, Assassinating Vault of Heaven, Machine Race wait/etc., felt that the heart sinks, they are somewhat dreads regarding Sub Immortal Clan. 无论是天神族,还是灵族刺天穹机械族等,都感觉心头一沉,对于亚仙族他们还是有些忌惮的。 After all, this ethnic group was too formidable, even if this clan expert completely leaves, went to the chaos universe, but is not the average person can provoke, and wants to be hostile, what to do later was criticized by this clan? 毕竟,这个族群太强大了,哪怕这一族高手尽出,已经前往混沌宇宙,但也不是一般人可以招惹的,且真要敌对起来,以后被这一族清算怎么办? Is the acquaintances, do not slaughter, we talked about old days.” Ms. Sub Immortal Clan's opens the mouth, is having the temperate smiling face. “都是熟人,就不要厮杀了,我们叙叙旧吧。”亚仙族的老妪开口,带着温和的笑容。 This makes Great Dream Pure Land's three old Saint stunned, then, the complexion is ugly immediately, they realize the Sub Immortal Clan's plan, is present at work does not strive, but went through the motions! 这让大梦净土的三位老圣人愕然,然后,脸色顿时难看起来,他们意识到亚仙族的打算,出工不出力,只是走个过场! At this time, split void once more, goes out of three people, came in waves. 这时,虚空再次裂开,走出三人,联袂而来。 Leaders, skinny, the eye socket gets sucked, the double pupil is similar to Ghost Fire, but he actually passes sends this terrifying the aura, making general Saint tremble. 为首者,皮包骨头,眼窝深陷,双眸如同鬼火般,但是他却透发这恐怖的气息,让一般的圣人都颤栗。 Originally was the old friend, Corpse Race's several dead people came.” Ms. Sub Immortal Clan's greeted, is having smile, did not have the hostility. “原来是老朋友,尸族的几位故人来了。”亚仙族的老妪打招呼,带着微笑,毫无敌意可言。 After Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint hears, heart was cool, they realized, Sub Immortal Clan could not count on. 大梦净土的圣人听闻后,心都凉了,他们意识到,亚仙族指望不上了。 Haha, several old friends, many years have not seen, elegant demeanor as before. Said that we can live this age, is not really easy, to your my this age, but can also live is being the good fortune.” Corpse Race that skinny ancient times Saint greeted, was very warm, was on very good terms likely. “哈哈,几位老友,许多年未见,风采依旧啊。说起来我们能活到这个年代,真是不容易,到了你我这个年岁,还能活着就是福气。”尸族那皮包骨头的远古圣者打招呼,也很热情,像是交情不错。 At this time, split void once again, Xilin Clan also two Saint arrived, after all parties have greeted, to Sub Immortal Clan's Saint expresses best wishes, each other was not strange. 这时,虚空又一次裂开,西林族也有两位圣人降临,跟各方打过招呼后,也向亚仙族的圣者致意,彼此不算陌生。 The Great Abyss edge, Chu Feng knits the brows, Corpse Race, Deity Race also or Xilin Clan is an Earth lineage/vein mortal enemy, but Sub Immortal Clan these three Saint do not care, but was talking about old days, absolutely did not have take action to rescue his meaning. 大渊边缘,楚风皱眉,无论是尸族,还是天神族亦或是西林族都是地球一脉的死敌,可亚仙族这三位圣者都不怎么在意,而是在叙旧,完全没有出手来救他的意思。 "Um, today therefore the person, is a friend, does not need to kill, here chatted the past events. ” A Sub Immortal Clan's old man opens the mouth to take a stand, the head is bare, only the remaining dozens hair, the face also with rind of air-drying, pleats. “嗯,今天都是故人,都是朋友,不必打打杀杀,就在这里聊一聊往事吧。”亚仙族的一位老头子开口表态,头上光秃秃,只剩下数十根头发,脸也跟风干的橘子皮似的,都是褶子。 All parties nod, revealed the look of surprise, understands clearly their intentions, is only in this confrontation, take action, this will not be good! 各方都点头,都露出异色,洞悉他们的心意,只是在此“对峙”而已,不会出手,这样再好不过! Various clans understand their meanings, if Chu Feng has difficult, Sub Immortal Clan does not come the troops to rescue, will be looked down upon by universe regional Evolver, but the person came now, won't actually slaughter? 各族明白他们的意思,如果楚风有难,亚仙族不来人马救援的话,会被宇宙各地的进化者看不起,但现在人来了,却不会厮杀? Great Dream Pure Land's three old Saint are disappointed, their shoulder weapon shows fighting intent. 大梦净土的三位老圣人非常失望,他们手持兵器透出战意 Bang!” “轰!” Corpse Race, Deity Race, Xilin Clan wait/etc. collaborated, sends out the Saint prestige, this place 11 Saint suppress them, is not naturally difficult. 尸族天神族西林族等联手,散发圣威,此地11位圣者压制他们三人,自然不算困难。 Great Dream Pure Land's three Fellow Daoist why, how your three people can change the general situation, I looked that like this considers as finished, the old man brings some good tea, was inferior how we do sit to drink tea while talk about old days?” 大梦净土的三位道友何必呢,你们三人如何能够改变大局,我看就这样算了吧,老夫带来一些好茶,不如我们坐下来一边喝茶一边叙旧如何?” The Corpse Race's old man opens the mouth, brings to smile pale, all completely are grasping, does not have the meaning of take action including Sub Immortal Clan, expected that Great Dream Pure Land cannot turn any storm! 尸族的老者开口,带着淡笑,一切尽在掌握中,连亚仙族都没有出手的意思,料想大梦净土翻不出什么风浪! "hē hē, the distant place came some fellows of being an eyesore, I warned them! ” Corpse Race's ancient times the Saint opens the mouth, then looked to the Sub Immortal Clan's three people, said: Three old friends, I I must say good bye now, a while talked about old days first again!” “呵呵,远处来了一些碍眼的家伙,我去警告他们!”尸族的远古圣人开口,而后又看向亚仙族的三人,道:“三位老友,我先失陪,一会儿再叙旧!” The Sub Immortal Clan's three old man nod smiles, an old man opens the mouth saying: Old friend, goes, a while chatted well!” 亚仙族的三位老者点头微笑,一个老头子开口道:“老友,去吧,一会儿好好聊一聊!” Side, the Great Dream Pure Land's three old Saint complexions are pale, their knows, Sub Immortal Clan take action, will not set an example. 旁边,大梦净土的三位老圣人脸色铁青,他们知道,亚仙族不会出手,真的只是做个样子而已。 However, in their hearts also has a thought that if today, Chu Feng has been able to live, endured this tribulation, then world, only then Chu Feng, will not have with Sub Immortal Clan intimate Wu Lunhui! 不过,他们心中也生出一股念头,如果过了今日,楚风能活下来,熬过这一劫,那么世间就真的只有一个楚风了,不会有跟亚仙族过于亲密的吴轮回 Suddenly, in their hearts some anticipated unexpectedly, today must rescue Chu Feng with every effort, making him go on living, in the future completely will therefore perhaps change some pattern. 一时间,他们心中竟有了一些期待,今天要尽力救下楚风,让他活下去,将来或许将完全因此而改变某种格局。 They also sighed, was too difficult, even if their three died here unable to succeed mostly. 只是,他们又叹息,太难了,即便他们三个死这里多半也无法成功。
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