SR :: Volume #9

#893: Thinks a nest end

The distant place came several Saint, receives rogue cultivator that Yellow Ox and Earth lineage/vein post a reward to catch up with, but does not want to begin, only wants to confront, each one resists Saint short then. 远方来了几位圣人,都是接到黄牛与地球一脉悬赏而赶来的散修,但并不想动手,只想对峙,各自短暂抵住一位圣人即可。 Reason that Chu Feng makes Yellow Ox such do, to divert, thus makes Corpse Race, Deity Race, Xilin Clan wait/etc. not feel relieved, dispatches all Saint in clan, comes to resist! 楚风之所以让黄牛这么做,是为了牵制,从而让尸族天神族西林族等不放心,遣出族中的所有圣者,前来对抗! Does not take risk, does not fall oneself in the hopeless situation, how can attract all Saint? He indeed in the gambling, put together himself, once the merit became, that harvest will unable imagine! 不冒险,不陷自己于绝境中,怎么能吸引来所有圣者?他的确在赌,拼上了自己,一旦功成,那收获将不可想象! "hē hē...... ” “呵呵……” Xilin Clan, Corpse Race, Deity Race and Assassinating Vault of Heaven's Saint jointly appears, approaches the front, blocks all rogue cultivator Saint, frightens. 西林族尸族天神族刺天穹的圣人联合出现,逼近前方,挡住所有散修圣人,进行震慑。 Everybody, extremely do not approach, stands here!” “各位,还是不要太过靠近,都站在这里吧!” Corpse Race's ancient times the Saint opens the mouth, the black skin, was flowing black light, is wrapping the bone, the body very skinnyly, likely is a babbit metal skeleton! 尸族的远古圣人开口,黑色的皮肤,流淌着乌光,包裹着骨头,身体非常的枯瘦,像是一个乌金骷髅! These rogue cultivator Saint very dreaded, a person has not gone forward again, is changes to confrontation, diverts some Saint. 这些散修圣人都十分忌惮,没有一人再上前,也算是变向的对峙,牵制出一些圣人 The distant place, the Great Dream Pure Land's three old Saint complexions are ugly, because only remaining four have hostility Saint to block them here, as for the Sub Immortal Clan's three people, almost nobody is blocking, nobody defends. 远处,大梦净土的三位老圣人脸色难看,因为在这里只剩下四位有敌意的圣者挡住他们三人,至于亚仙族的三人,几乎没人拦着,无人防守。 But these three people actually aloof, is all having the smiling face, puts on an act, is also confronting likely with that four people, actually does not have the meaning of take action, from the start has not planned to rescue Chu Feng. 可是这三人却无动于衷,皆带着笑容,装个样子而已,像是也在跟那四人对峙,其实没有出手的意思,压根就没打算救楚风 Three Fellow Daoist, now are the opportunities, your can don't tell me give up Wu Lunhui? His potential, you are not knows, once grows, is doomed Invincible Under the Starry Sky!” Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint urged. “三位道友,现在就是机会,你们难道要放弃吴轮回吗?他的潜力,你们不是不知道,一旦成长起来,注定要星空下无敌!”大梦净土的一位老圣人劝道。 Our Sub Immortal Clan with you considered that issue the angle is different, this world most does not lack is the talent, past Yaoyao how? Was known as that in history strongest evolution talent, the result is what kind, had not been strangled, when die in the youth is vigorous.” Ms. Sub Immortal Clan's opens the mouth, sound not anxiously not slow, quite light, is very confident. “我们亚仙族跟你们考虑问题的角度不一样,这个世间最不缺少的就是天才,当年的妖妖如何?号称有史以来最强进化天才,结果怎样,还不是被扼杀,殒落在青春蓬勃时。”亚仙族的老妪开口,声音不急不缓,相当的平淡,也很坦然。 She also said: Chu Feng's is firmly good, but, before has not grown, eventually is only good. Today came these many Saint, you think that he can also maintain a livelihood? Even if we go all out, can rescue him, is very difficult! Moreover, once is defeated, offended in the universe a number of strong clans. Knows perfectly well will be defeated, we do not begin, sits looks is.” 她又道:“楚风的确不错,但是,没成长起来前,也终究只是不错而已。况且,今天来了这么多圣人,你认为他还能活命吗?即便我们拼命,能救出他吗,很难!而且,一旦失败,得罪了宇宙中一批强族。明知会失败,我们就不动手了,坐看就是。” Another two old men nod, approve of her viewpoint. 另外两个老者点头,赞同她的观点。 Generally speaking, previously, they opposed that Ying Zhexian marries Chu Feng, after all he is the Great Dream Pure Land's son-in-law. 总的来说,早先时,他们就反对映谪仙嫁给楚风,毕竟他已经是大梦净土的女婿。 Moreover, their thoughts are very detachable, obtain some news that feeds back from the chaos universe, there may not lack the true going against heaven's will rare talent. 另外,他们的心思很活络,得到从混沌宇宙中反馈回来的部分消息,那里可真不缺少真正的逆天奇才。 They also learned, some World of the Living people came! 况且,他们还得悉,阳间有人过来了! These people were really too fierce, forcing outstanding heroes, even if the age were not very big person also startled certainly colorful, showed disdain for the chaos universe, initiated greatly shocks! 那些人真是太厉害了,力压群雄,哪怕年岁不是很大的人也惊才绝艳,傲视混沌宇宙,引发巨大震撼! Sub Immortal Clan has to think that an idea, World of the Living that road to the utmost will be radiant, perhaps the Ying Zhexian marrying object should formidable and brilliant is right! 亚仙族有想一个想法,阳间那条路会极尽璀璨,或许映谪仙的联姻对象应该更加的强大与绚烂才对! Brother, we came, co-exists dead with you, altogether life or death!” “兄弟,我们来了,与你共生死,共存亡!” Big Black Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, Zhou Quan, Old Donkey, Mastiff King and other group of people came. 大黑牛东北虎周全老驴獒王等一群人都来了。 They follow side old Saint's, this person was on good terms with Earth antiquity Saint Uncle Ming, previous time had attacked Deity Star, this time has not walked, keeps in this piece of universe. 他们跟在一个老圣人的身边,此人跟地球上古圣人明叔交好,上一次曾经跟着进攻过天神星,这次也没有走,留在这片宇宙中。 Did not strive for the same moon/month living in the same year, but strove for the same moon/month dying in the same year!” One crowd of big monsters boast, here shouts, one group of people killed. “不求同年同月生,但求同年同月死!”一群大妖咋呼,在这里嘶吼,一群人真的杀来了。 One flock of ants, is noisy, boisterous!” Spirit Race Saint sneers, scolds lightly, the sound wave turns into the symbol, must write off these people. “一群蝼蚁而已,也敢吵闹,聒噪!”灵族圣者冷笑,一声轻叱,音波化成符号,就要将那些人抹杀。 However, is actually blocked with old Saint that Earth is on good terms, shakes all rune. 不过,却被与地球交好的老圣人挡住,震开所有符文 „It is not anxious, should not be will lure the enemy out of his stronghod? Let us the attention disperse to these ants on, then some people rescue Demon Chu Feng.” Xilin Clan Saint opens the mouth. “不急,该不会是调虎离山吧?让我们将注意力分散到这些蝼蚁身上,而后有人去救楚风魔头。”西林族圣人开口。 Xilin Clan, you were too ignominious, betrays from Earth, now also extinguishes the Earth descendant, despicable and as dirty as the extreme!” 西林族,你们太可耻了,从地球背叛出去,如今还来灭地球后裔,下贱与肮脏到极点!” Big Black Ox and the others shouted, does not have the heart of fear, hides behind one crowd of rogue cultivator Saint, stands side the Uncle Ming friend. 大黑牛等人叫嚷,毫无畏惧之心,躲在一群散修圣人后面,站在明叔的朋友身边。 "Um, is not anxious, a while extinguishes them, looks that also who dares to come. ” Corpse Race's ancient times the Saint opens the mouth, preventing Xilin Clan Saint to lose one's temper. “嗯,不急,一会儿灭他们,看一看还有谁敢来。”尸族的远古圣人开口,阻止西林族圣人动怒。 Earth, Yellow Ox brought Clairvoyant Du Huaijin and Clairaudient Ouyang Qing, Ye Qingrou and the others also to start off, one group of warm-blooded youth were bellowing, voiced on Beast Source Platform, the fearless death, must go is Chu Feng observes. 地球,黄牛带着千里眼杜怀瑾顺风耳欧阳青叶轻柔等人也上路了,一群热血青年大吼着,在原兽平台上发声,无惧死亡,要去为楚风观战。 "hē hē, a little meaning, Evolver this on Earth was flew into a rage, wants to rescue Chu Feng to be helpless, now like this shouts and struggles is also useful?! ” “呵呵,有点意思,地球上的进化者这是急眼了,想救楚风却无能为力,现在这样叫嚷与挣扎又有什么用?!” In the universe some hostile forces laugh carefree, reveals the color of despising. 宇宙中一些敌对势力畅快大笑,都露出轻蔑之色。 In their opinion, these Evolver of Earth have been scared, Chu Feng will die, but his these friend not any means that now chaotic discretion, oneself are also courting death. 在他们看来,地球的这些进化者慌神了,楚风将死,而他的这些朋友没有任何办法,现在乱了分寸,自己也在找死。 Walks, since they observe, started off, we also pass, does not miss this universe coin, when the time comes after witnessing Chu Feng was killed by mistreatment, we can also with take action, strike to kill Earth this group of young people, gives to extinguish a cleanness!” “走,既然他们去观战,已经上路,我们也过去,又不差这点宇宙币,到时候见证楚风被虐杀后,我们也可以跟着出手,击杀地球这群年轻人,都给灭个干净!” Haha, good, you and others I, we start off together, goes to Great Abyss to observe, how looks at the Chu Feng dead end, moved toward the death!” “哈哈,好,兄台等我,咱们一起上路,去大渊观战,看楚风如何穷途末路,走向死亡!” hēi hēi, I want to look Demon Chu Feng that very much Gao Ge advances vigorously was compelled into the hopeless situation, when lives to might as well die the appearance, waited to be very long on this day!” 嘿嘿,我很想看一看一路高歌猛进的楚风魔头被人逼入绝境,生不如死时的样子,等这一天很久了!” ...... …… In the universe, some people nearly revelries, want to go to Great Abyss, the short distance look at the Chu Feng destruction, wants to massacre Yellow Ox and the others, destroys completely all Evolver that goes out of Earth. 宇宙中,一些人近乎狂欢,都想去大渊,近距离看楚风覆灭,同时也想杀掉黄牛等人,灭掉从地球走出的所有进化者 Can start off like this, naturally some status, most minimum sale price rich astonishment, otherwise how possible flower the sky-high price opens superior grade wormhole. 能这样上路的,自然都有些身份,最起码身价丰厚的惊人,不然的话怎么可能花的起天价开启超级虫洞 Yellow Ox sighed secretly, this pool of water already muddy cannot be muddy, was not only Saint, was once the person of level to Chu Feng hostility strongest a number of Golden Body also like this started off, when the time comes looked that Chu Feng can catch. 黄牛暗叹,这池水已经浑的不能再浑,不光是圣人,就是对楚风敌意最浓烈的一批金身曾层次的人也这样上路,到时候就看楚风能不能接得住。 The Yellow Ox heart is heavy, although because prepares fully, has the formidable card in a hand, but it slightly some worried, feared has the accident/surprise. 黄牛心头沉甸甸,因为虽然准备充分,有强大的底牌,但它还是略有担忧,怕出现意外。 Great Abyss, various group of troops came to be many, Xilin Clan, Deity Race, Shi Clan and Spirit Race Saint almost arrived, rogue cultivator wait/etc., as well as various clans Evolver of Golden Body level. 大渊,各路人马都来了不少,西林族天神族石族灵族圣人几乎都到了,还有散修等,以及各族的金身层次的进化者等。 Usually deathly stillness Great Abyss, somewhat lives it up now! 平日间死寂的大渊,现在有些热闹起来! Haha, Chu Feng this time must die without doubt, these many people send out, really unimaginable, must kill this kind of Sub Saint not anything suspense, although he died should also be content!” “哈哈,楚风这次必死无疑啊,这么多人出动,真是不可想象,要杀他这样一尊亚圣没什么悬念,他虽死也该知足了!” "hē hē, making him rampant, thinks really own unmatched in the world, how becomes Sub Saint? You looked, came these many Saint all of a sudden, must extinguish him! ” “呵,让他嚣张,真以为自己天下无敌了吗,成为亚圣又如何?你们看,一下子来了这么多圣人,必然要灭他!” Is hostile to the Chu Feng's person to take pleasure in others' misfortunes, was waiting to visit him dead a tragic death. 敌视楚风的人幸灾乐祸,都在等着看他惨死。 But person who has the favorable impression to Chu Feng, is having the worried look, the feeling the important matter is not wonderful today. 而对楚风有好感的人,则带着忧色,感觉今天大事不妙。 „Should my father really do not die here?!” Little Daoist Priest also came, the heart is serious. “我爹该不会真的要死在这里吧?!”小道士也来了,心头沉重。 Qin Luoyin maintains total silence, a white clothing dances in the breeze, she is pulling Little Daoist Priest, silent silent, the face has no time beautifully, in peaceful waiting. 秦珞音一语不发,一袭白衣飘舞,她牵着小道士,沉默无声,面庞美丽无暇,在安静的等待。 Was similar, the people who should come should come.” In the Chu Feng heart talked to oneself, then suddenly raising the head, looks to the distant place, said: I acknowledged, this misjudging, has not thought of also some these many old scoundrels in the World of the Dead universe, your this group of old villains!” “差不多了,该来的人都该来了。”楚风心中自语,而后霍的抬头,看向远方,道:“我承认,这次失算,没有想到还有这么多老混账在阴间宇宙,你们这群老恶棍!” Then, he sighed: Today, my one person work a person to work as, to friend of mine take action, I do not die here, does not have the issue, but do not injure and innocent.” 然后,他叹道:“今天,我一人做事一人当,请不要对我的朋友出手,我死在这里可以,没问题,但不要伤及无辜。” "hē hē, you said that doesn't kill does not kill? Oneself is also only ants, momentarily can a foot stamp you, why to discuss the condition with us?! ” “呵,你说不杀就不杀?自身也只是个蝼蚁而已,随时都能一脚踩死你,凭什么跟我们谈条件?!” The Nine Yin Bird opens the mouth, indifferent also disdains. 阴九雀开口,冷漠中也有不屑。 Chu Feng opens the space bracelet, takes out Artifact, opens the mouth saying: Has these things enough? Can exchange, puts friend of mine to depart!” 楚风打开空间手链,取出一件又一件器物,开口道:“有这些东西够不够?能否交换,放我的朋友离去!” The flash, all Saint breath shortness, are staring at several Artifact in his hand, deeply feels shocking, in the vision covets, has greedy, there is a hope. 一刹那,所有圣人都呼吸急促,盯着他手中的几件器物,深感震惊,目光中有觊觎,有贪婪,也有渴望。 Vajra Cutter enough?” Chu Feng raises in the hand the thing. 金刚琢够不够?”楚风扬起手中之物。 Then, he takes up another bracelet, said: Starry sky Origin Gold bracelet enough?” 而后,他又拿起另一枚手环,道:“星空母金手环够不够?” Then, Chu Feng takes out one page of silver special paper, the water and fire does not invade, ball sonorous making noise, said: Inheritance value how much of Holy Master?!” 接着,楚风又取出一页银色的特殊纸张,水火不侵,弹之铿锵作响,道:“圣师的传承价值几何?!” Only spoke of here, all person Saint cannot take a seat, initiated the stir! 仅说到这里,所有人圣人就坐不住了,引发轰动! Another Paramount breathing method that Plundering Guide Breathing Method as well as I cultivation enough?” Chu Feng is holding together ancient tablet. 盗引呼吸法以及我所修炼的另外一种究极呼吸法够不够?”楚风持着一块古碑 Who isn't jealous? Saint could not sit still, nobody is confronting with rogue cultivator, all approaches to Chu Feng there, feared that falls behind other people, but the minute is less than the thing! 谁不眼红?圣人都坐不住了,没有人在跟散修对峙,皆向楚风那里逼近,怕落后其他人而分不到东西! This thing, you come to see!” Then Chu Feng takes out very small green skin bottle gourd, but actually sends out Primal Chaos Qi, what is most important is passes is sending the innate miraculous glow, making the person mind shiver. “还有这件东西,你们来看!”接着楚风又取出一个很小的青皮葫芦,可是却散发混沌气,最为重要的是透发着先天灵光,让人心神都在跟着颤动。 Growth in innate bottle gourd of chaos sea deep place, Heaven, this will not have the mistake, you look, is indistinct the reappearing chaos symbol, this is the innate magical things, cannot obtain including the Shining Upon All Heavens powerhouses!” “生长在混沌海深处的先天葫芦,天啊,这不会有错,你们看,隐约间浮现混沌符号,这是先天灵物,连映照诸天的强者都得不到啊!” At this moment, was Saint is crazy. 这一刻,就是圣人都跟着疯狂了。 "hē hē, is very good, Chu Feng you must die, but can also provide these many sacred thing, hands over them, I ensure your relatives and friends old friend is safe and sound! ” “呵呵,很好,楚风你就要死去了,还能提供出这么多神圣之物,将它们都交出来,我确保你的亲朋故友都安然无恙!” "Um, but also is good, offers! ” “嗯,还算不错,都献上来吧!” Although one crowd of Saint do intentionally calmly, but is unable to maintain actually acts with constraint, wishes one could to go forward to slaughter immediately, fights. 一群圣人虽然故作镇定,但其实根本无法保持矜持,恨不得立刻上前厮杀,争抢到手中。 The distant place, some people are calling out in alarm, in joyful laughing, is the later generations of various clans, excited incomparable, in their opinion, after elder of these things in the clan obtains, later eventually will inherit to give them. 远方,有人在惊呼,在喜悦的大笑,都是各族的后辈,兴奋无比,在他们看来,这些东西被族中长辈得到后,以后终究会传承给他们。 Demon Chu Feng, before the point of death, becomes the loose wealth young lad, thanks you, haha......” some people smile is very happy. 楚风魔头,临死前还才成为散财童子,真是感谢你啊,哈哈……”一些人笑的很开心。 At this moment, Nine Yin Bird and Corpse Race's ancient times Saint and Deity Race's established powerhouse and others, all compelled to go forward, 19 Saint siege Chu Feng, wants to compete for Supreme Treasure! 这一刻,阴九雀尸族的远古圣人天神族的老牌强者等,全都逼上前去,共有19位圣人围困楚风,想要争夺至宝 "hē hē, Chu Feng also presumptuously thinks to receive in exchange for the safety of these people with these divine treasure, is really laughable and stupid, after taking away these divine object, just right nest end, kills a cleanness his these relatives and friends old friend! ” “呵呵,楚风还妄想用这些神宝换取那些人的平安,真是可笑与蠢笨,收走这些神物后,正好一窝端,将他的那些亲朋故友杀个干净!” At this time, in the Chu Feng's heart was not tranquil, he is also thinking whether a nest end? 这个时候,楚风的心中也不平静,他也在想,能否一窝端? green skin small bottle gourd, obsolete very much wants to obtain well.” Corpse Race's ancient times Saint showed the smiling face, skinny, that smiling makes people think that sends to terrify. 青皮小葫芦不错,唔,老朽很想得到。”尸族的远古圣人露出笑容,皮包骨头,那种笑让人觉得发瘆。 bottle gourd that "Um, the innate thing, in chaos is long, is my Sub Immortal Clan does not have, this thing is predestined friends with my clan! ” “嗯,先天之物,混沌中长出来的葫芦,就是我亚仙族也没有,此物与我族有缘!” At this moment, the original skill does not close oneself, quite somewhat aloof Sub Immortal Clan three big powerhouses also to be feared, the old woman so opens the mouth, wants to compete. 这一刻,原本事不关己、颇有些超然物外的亚仙族三大强者也都被惊住,那老妪这般开口,想要争夺。 Wu Lunhui, delivers me and others this thing.” A Sub Immortal Clan's old man is directly in secret sound transmission. 吴轮回,将此物送我等。”亚仙族的一个老头子更是直接暗中传音 Saint both eyes of Xilin Clan are blazing, said: This should be Supreme Treasure that Earth antiquity time left behind, was related with my clan, now my Xilin Clan is Earth lineage/vein legitimate lineage, when this thing was my clan!” 西林族的一位圣人双目炽热,道:“这应该是地球上古时期遗留下来的至宝,与我族有关,如今我西林族才是地球一脉的正统,此物当属我族!” ...... …… Suddenly, various clan Saint in abundance open the mouth, all wants green skin bottle gourd. 一时间,各族圣人都纷纷开口,全都想要青皮葫芦 Chu Feng grasps that thumb high small bottle gourd, sighed lightly, said: „Is this thing predestined friends with you? Gives to you why not!” 楚风手持那个拇指高的小葫芦,一声轻叹,道:“此物与你们有缘?送给你们又何妨!”
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