SR :: Volume #9

#891: Strongest storm

The world kills clear/pain, in the universe eight Great Saint collaborates, chases down Chu Feng to approach Great Abyss, this is the killing bureau that is unable to melt, entire Star Sea caused a stir. 天下杀楚,宇宙中八大圣人联手,追杀楚风临近大渊,这是一场无法化解的杀局,全星海都轰动了。 The Dark Blood platform or Beast Source Platform the cooker, countless people were discussing, in the cognition of people, Chu Feng is in danger repeatedly, but escaped, is this difference. 无论是黑血平台还是原兽平台都已经炸锅,无数人在议论,在人们的认知中,楚风多次遇险,但都逃过一劫,可是这一次不同。 Saint arrives at eight all of a sudden, who with resists? 圣人一下子降临八尊,谁与相抗? Manages him is Wu Lunhui or Chu Feng, finally is the same, either wrote off, either jumps in Great Abyss, in brief must die without doubt. 管他是吴轮回还是楚风,结果都一样,要么被抹杀,要么自己跳进大渊中,总之必死无疑。 Oh, makes Demon Chu of such big disturbance, in the end actually must die is so miserable, was a little a pity that I want to look he rises, Shining Upon All Heavens, even after to become God, actually strong, finally actually must be early young!” “唉,闹出这么大风波的楚魔头,到头来却要死的这么惨,有点可惜啊,我想看着他一路崛起,映照诸天,甚至成神后就究竟有多强,结果却要早夭!” „Was this Earth lineage/vein fate, how the antiquity gold Yaoyao in one generation? In the universally acknowledged history the strongest talent, had not been strangled, strange can only blame the Chu Feng insufficient low key, has not grown to want for the ancestry to ask for the blood debt, was somewhat arrogant.” “这是地球一脉的宿命,上古黄金一代中的妖妖又如何?举世公认的史上最强天才,还不是被扼杀,怪只能怪楚风不够低调,还没有成长起来就想为祖辈讨血债,有些自大了。” Many people feel to regret, wants to witness him to soar to the heavens very much, but after on, how to illuminate the starry sky, but, does not feel that opportunity now! 很多人都感觉惋惜,很想见证他冲霄而上后如何照亮星空,但是,现在感觉没有那个机会了! Claps and cheers as for the hostile influence, ahead of time laughs, particularly Xilin Clan, Netherworld Race, Deity Race, Corpse Race, Spirit Race wait/etc., is bringing heartless smiling, in the feeling heart carefree. 至于敌对的势力则拍手称快,提前大笑起来,尤其是西林族幽冥族天神族尸族灵族等,都带着无情的笑,感觉心中畅快。 Wu Lunhui, Great Demon Chu Feng we and others you visited yo, on the ancient blood debt is countless, we have killed your many ancients, waits for you to dun, is not we do not repay a debt, but is you can come? Haha......” 吴轮回,楚风大魔头我们等你登门呦,上古血债累累,我们杀了你们那么多先民,就等着你来讨债呢,不是我们不还债,而是你能来吗?哈哈……” Somewhat right, somewhat is hostile to the Chu Feng's person speech naked reveal, takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, waits to visit him to be on the wane, die. 有些对头,有些敌视楚风的人说话赤露露,幸灾乐祸,等着看他凋零,殒落 fucking, kills, brothers, supports Chu Feng, who dares to kill my brother, your Grandpa Ox first goes all out with you, even if dies must go, fights with Chu Feng together!” Big Black Ox spoke on Beast Source Platform, summoned that the person supported together. 特么的,杀啊,兄弟们,去支援楚风,谁敢杀我兄弟,你牛爷爷第一个跟你们拼命,哪怕死也要去,跟楚风一块战斗!”大黑牛原兽平台上发话,号召人一起去支援。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger also exclaimed: „The Great Dream Pure Land's senior, Exiled Immortal Clan Saint, do not look, hurried take action, Chu Feng was dying, our brothers killed first, even if knew perfectly well to die, liked a moth to the flame, I must clash forward!” 东北虎也吼道:“大梦净土的前辈,谪仙族的各位圣人,不要看着了,赶紧出手,楚风就要死了,我们兄弟先杀过去,哪怕明知必死,飞蛾扑火,我也要向前冲!” One crowd of big monsters of Kunlun Mountains are roaring, spoke in the major platforms, wants to have favorable impression Saint to assist to Earth, rescued Chu Feng together. 昆仑的一群大妖怒吼着,在各大平台上发话,想请对地球有好感的圣人相助,一起去救楚风 But they are the practical action, sufficiently collects the travel expense, asking Heavenspan Worm-hole Company to open the super path, roared to howl together, did not fear the death, killed to Great Abyss. 而他们自己更是实际行动起来,凑足路费,请通天虫洞公司开启超级道路,一起吼啸着,不畏死亡,杀向大渊 These people went also to bring death, making many people change countenance, felt a heavy thing. 这些人去了也是送死,让许多人动容,感觉到了一种沉甸甸的东西。 People knows, even if in their hands has several big Killing Weapon also insufficiently to look, most can come to Saint, in the ancient times Saint was born, the movement rapid like the thunder and lightning, the speed was too quick, was impossible to make them hit second strikes. 人们知道,哪怕他们手中有几件大杀器也不够看,最多能给圣人来一下,古代圣人出世,动作迅疾如雷电,速度太快了,不可能让他们打中第二击。 This is one crowd of heavy friendship big monster, what a pity must die, such kills, is somewhat solemn and stirring, will be patted by a Saint palm, turns into bloody mud.” “这是一群重情义的大妖,可惜都要死啊,这么杀过去,有些悲壮,会被圣人一掌拍死,化成血泥。” Some people sighed, thinks that they killed like this to Great Abyss, was really pitiful, nobody can live. 有人叹气,认为他们这样杀向大渊,实在可悲,没有人能活下来。 Saint, like this sees somebody in danger and does nothing, invited take action, starry sky Knight was notorious, indeed this blockade!” “还有圣人吗,就这样见死不救吗,请出手啊,星空骑士臭名昭著,的确该阻击!” Some people cannot tolerate, summoned in the major platforms, said should start together, wants to leave several to respect the elders Saint to help Chu Feng solve to kill the body catastrophe, rescues the Kunlun Mountains big monster. 有人看不过眼,在各大平台上号召,说应该一同发动,想请出几尊老圣人去帮楚风解决杀身大祸,也救下昆仑大妖。 However, there is a unharmonious sound, even are not few. 然而,也有不和谐的声音,甚至不算少。 For example, is hostile to Chu Feng's Evolver, now is all smiles, congratulates each other, happy to see this. 比如,一些敌视楚风的进化者,现在笑容满面,弹冠相庆,都乐见这一幕。 One group of people who “Wú, it seems like Earth lineage/vein recently rose must be executed, oneself scurry to overrun to bring death, in my opinion is not the heavy loyalty, but is stupid is similar to the donkey. ” “唔,看来地球一脉最近崛起的一拨人都要被格杀,自己上赶着冲过去送死,在我看来不是重义气,而是蠢笨如同驴子。” Meanwhile, some people do not lack the universe coin, is having the happy expression, said: Fellow Daoists, who is willing to observe, looks at the Demon Chu how destruction, its had the frightened death scene to photograph, was worth later ruminating.” 同时,也有人不缺少宇宙币,带着笑意,道:“诸位道友,谁愿去观战,看楚魔头如何覆灭,将其带着恐惧的死亡景象拍摄下来,值得以后回味。” “Wú, is reasonable, we accompany starting off together, looks the Chu Feng tragic death, looked that he can panic-stricken to kneeling begs for mercy, I anticipated very much, haha...... ” “唔,有道理,我们一同结伴上路,去看楚风惨死,看他会不会惊恐到跪地求饶,我很期待啊,哈哈……” Everybody, went like this mostly without enough time, the Saint what kind of prestige energy, did a palm of the hand sufficiently clap dead Chu Feng, don't tell me I and others looked at his remnant bone?” “各位,这样去多半来不及了,圣人何等的威能,一巴掌就足以拍死楚风,难道我等去看他的残骨吗?” No, now Saint has not begun, Chu Feng is running away to Great Abyss, nobody dares to detonate there, Saint is also very discrete, therefore we overtake also with enough time.” “不,现在圣人还没有动手,据悉楚风正在向大渊中逃,没人敢引爆那里,圣人也很谨慎,所以我们赶过去还来得及。” At this time, Great Dream Pure Land or Sub Immortal Clan, the atmosphere was very dignified, or did Saint rescue Chu Feng? 这个时候,无论是大梦净土还是亚仙族,气氛都很凝重,到底要不出圣人去救楚风 In fact does not have the time to delay, in evening's step words, wants to gather up dead bodies for him without enough time, definitely will turn the hand to crank up blood mist by starry sky Knight. 事实上没有时间可耽搁,在晚上一步的话,想为他收尸都来不及,肯定会被星空骑士翻手拍成血雾 Qin Luoyin a few words did not say, but is holding the hand of Little Daoist Priest, stands outside the Saint's dwelling place, waited for silently, the words that because begged said, said again also uselessly. 秦珞音一句话也不说,只是牵着小道士的手,站在圣人的栖居地外,默默等待,因为央求的话已经说完,再多说也无益。 Around them, one crowd of Golden Body are old , many people are plead to come, does not hesitate to with killing Great Abyss. 在他们周围,还有一群金身老怪,也有不少人是请命而来,不惜要跟着杀到大渊 This time has been ready for any sacrifice, he after all is my Great Dream Pure Land's son-in-law, insurance as far as possible!” “这次豁出去了,他毕竟已经是我大梦净土的女婿,尽可能的保下来!” The pure land deep place, under the earth, two old men do not have the delay time, crashes in the wormhole, in addition, goes out of an old man from stone wall, three Saint kill to Great Abyss. 净土深处,大地之下,两位老者没有延误时间,冲进虫洞中,此外,从一座石壁中也走出一个老者,共三位圣人杀向大渊 Thanked Saint!” Qin Luoyin leads Little Daoist Priest to bow politely. “谢圣人!”秦珞音领着小道士叩拜。 However, three old Saint knows, mostly are actually not able to succeed, because their population are unable to compare with the opposite party. 然而,三位老圣人知道,多半无法成功,因为他们的人数无法与对方相比。 Especially Corpse Race, Deity Race, Spirit Race does wait/etc. upon learning this, how visit them to save others? Also must dispatch in clan once more final Saint! 尤其是尸族天神族灵族等得知后,怎会看着他们救人?也必然要再次遣出族中最后的圣人 At this time, in Sub Immortal Clan, silver-haired Little Loli was begging her Third Uncle master, shook his arm unceasingly, was very anxious, said: Third Uncle master, asked your two uncle masters born quickly, words Chu Feng that did not go to must be killed, posthaste, quickly!” 此时,亚仙族内,银发小萝莉在央求她的三叔爷,不断摇动他的手臂,十分焦急,道:“三叔爷,快去请你的那两位叔爷出世吧,再不去的话楚风就要被人杀死了,十万火急,赶快啊!” This Sub Saint sighed, said: Oh, in the clan has to reach the unified opinion, his Wu Lunhui did not have to form dao companion with Zhexian after all truly, this is to his final test. Also, he is Chu Feng, in the future our two clan will Holy Daughter both marry a person, how various universe clans will see us?” 这位亚圣叹息,道:“唉,族中不是没有达成统一意见吗,他吴轮回毕竟还没有真正与谪仙结成道侣,这算是对他的最后考验。还有,他就是楚风啊,将来我们两族圣女都嫁给一个人,宇宙各族会怎么看我们?” Hasn't formed dao companion not to rescue? Any dog bullshit, clearly in together murders!” Silver-haired Little Loli was anxious, is staring the big eye, seizes the beard of old man, said: Entire starry sky knows, we select Wu Lunhui, now can not rescue? My knows, certainly is the person who in the clan these oppositions get married, these old fogies want to sit while this opportunity look at Chu Feng to wither away, then has the excuse to get rid of this engagement, his heart evil and cruel!” “没结成道侣就不救?什么狗屁话,分明是在跟着一起谋杀!”银发小萝莉急了,瞪着大眼,一把揪住老头子的胡须,道:“全星空都知道,我们选中吴轮回,现在怎能不救?我知道,一定是族中那些反对成亲的人,那些老家伙想趁此机会坐看楚风消亡,然后就有借口摆脱这份婚约,其心歹毒!” What are you anxious?” The old men touch her head. “你急什么?”老者摸了摸她的头。 I am not how anxious, did not save others can only gather up dead bodies!” “我怎么不急,再不去救人就只能收尸了!” Quick, some people reported that said that female in flying immortal star interview, and sent important letter paper. 很快,有人禀告,说有一女子在飞仙星求见,并送来一封重要的信笺。 Sub Immortal Clan this Third Uncle master, after launching the letter paper , the discovery only has several lines of characters, is very simple, is very simple. 亚仙族这位三叔爷,展开信纸后发现只有几行字,很简单,也很朴实。 That female told them, can not rescue Chu Feng, but actually must adopt the stance, please leave three Saint to go to nearby Great Abyss, did not need to begin, stood is good there. 那个女子告诉他们,可以不救楚风,但却要摆出姿态,请出三尊圣人大渊附近,也不用动手,站在那里就好。 And in the letter helps Sub Immortal Clan analyze, by doing so, even if Chu Feng dies there, was executed, being insufficient makes in the universe Evolver of various clans dislike to Sub Immortal Clan. 并且信中帮亚仙族分析,这样做,哪怕楚风死在那里,被人格杀,也不至于让宇宙中各族的进化者亚仙族反感。 These our naturally knows, precisely we anxious, if we over, indeed will not make the person be unable to continue watching, even if were not at all our surface to say anything, will poke our backbones this Third Uncle master to nod in the back. “这些我们自然知道,也正是我们所忧虑的,如果我们不出头,的确会让人看不下去,哪怕不敢当着我们的面说什么,也会在背后戳我们的脊梁骨”这位三叔爷点头。 Then, he turns around then to disappear, sees Saint. 然后,他一转身便消失,去见圣人 As the race in universe top three, its inside story nature deep fearfulness, in ancient palace, several Saint sit cross-legged, can bear lonely, does not go to the chaos universe to compete for the good fortune. 身为宇宙前三甲内的种族,其底蕴自然深的可怕,一座古殿中,有几尊圣人盘坐,忍得住寂寞,不去混沌宇宙争夺造化。 “Wú, I step onto one, if not appeared not indeed good. ” An old woman opens the mouth, stands up, is bringing Primal Chaos Qi, is especially formidable. “唔,那我就走上一遭吧,若是不出现的确不好。”一位老妪开口,站起身来,带着混沌气,格外强大。 The Third Uncle master said: Paternal aunt ancestor, you are not perhaps good, the population is too frail.” 三叔爷道:“姑祖,您一个人恐怕不行,人数太单薄。” What's wrong, but also considers too little? I, even if not begin, goes there to confront with them, was helps one another.” The old woman said desolately. “怎么,还嫌少?呵,我哪怕不动手,前去那里跟他们对峙,也算是相助了。”老妪冷淡地说道。 "Um, goes to three people. ” In the palace, Primal Chaos Qi fills the air, hair falls the light quickly the old man opens the mouth, stands up, shouted another person. “嗯,还是去三人吧。”殿宇中,混沌气弥漫,一个头发头快落光的老者开口,站起身来,又喊上另外一人。 Walks, goes late is not good.” “走吧,去的太晚也不好。” "Um, I think that Corpse Race and Deity Race definitely have the old fogy to appear, blocks me in Great Abyss there and others, for a long time has not seen, talks about old days. ” “嗯,我想尸族天神族肯定有老家伙会出现,在大渊那里拦住我等,许久未见,叙叙旧吧。” These three people were saying, vanishes from the palace. 这三人说着,从殿宇中消失。 The Third Uncle master sighed lightly , can only, in the clan the opinion not be so unified, the resistance came from very influential Saint mainly. 三叔爷轻叹,也只能如此了,族中意见非常不统一,阻力主要是来自很有影响力的圣者 The flying immortal star, Young Lady Xi looks that letter paper was met, after feeding in Teleportation Domain, she turns around to walk, the moment has not stayed. 飞仙星,少女曦看着信笺被人接过去,送进传送场域中后,她转身就走,片刻也没有停留。 Chu Feng, according to you said that I have delivered to the letter, gradually is muddy this atmospheric conditions just before a rain, such will do definitely to attract Xilin Clan, Corpse Race and various Assassinating Vault of Heaven's group of Saint to come, will go to Great Abyss to detain Earth so-called allied force unceasingly ‚’. But you such do, did not fear that plays the prostration? Takes one really carelessly, all of us can die is very miserable!” 楚风,按照你说的,我可是将信送到了,逐渐将这池水搅浑,这么做肯定会吸引来西林族尸族刺天穹的各路圣人不断现身,去大渊拦阻地球所谓的‘友军’。可是你这么做,就不怕玩虚脱吗?真要一个不慎,我们所有人都会死的很惨!” The Young Lady Xi look is especially dignified, her knows, this Chu Feng played in a big way, became , then shook the universe, the defeat died without the burial ground, quite pitiful. 少女曦神色格外凝重,她知道,这一次楚风玩大了,成则撼动宇宙,败则死无葬身之地,会相当的凄惨。 She naturally could see, Chu Feng betting nature is full, this is must skid the universe level hurricane in the original storm again, wants to involve many Saint! 她自然看得出,楚风赌性十足,这是要在原有的风暴上再撬动起宇宙级飓风,想牵扯进来更多的圣人 Meanwhile, Yellow Ox in Kunlun Mountains big monster has not started off, in using the Chu Feng's golden color account number posts on Beast Source Platform. 与此同时,昆仑大妖中的黄牛也没有上路呢,在用楚风的金色帐号在原兽平台上发帖。 It stated clearly, was entrusted by Chu Feng, sends out the sky-high price to post a reward, asking Saint that in the universe is dormant to assist, did not ask certain take action, so long as went to Great Abyss to help Chu Feng block Saint respectively, confronted, did not need to slaughter, will give the resources that Saint wanted. 它言明,受楚风委托,发出天价悬赏,请宇宙中蛰伏的圣人相助,不求一定出手,只要各自去大渊楚风挡住一位圣人,进行对峙,不用厮杀,就会给予圣人想要的资源。 What, the wondrous medicines, Divine Skill and Paramount breathing method, these possibly become the rewards!?” “什么,圣药、神技究极呼吸法,这些都可能会成为报酬!?” In the starry sky, causes a stir immediately. 星空中,顿时轰动。 You said that has?” Some people do not believe. “你说有就有啊?”有人不相信。 Naturally has, does Chu Feng rise by what? If no these Paramount breathing method, Divine Skill wait/etc., how to show disdain for universe this for the person, hits the starry sky to be unpaired?! Please feel relieved, if Chu Feng does not pay the reward, the entire universe executes, now various clans testify!” “自然有,楚风靠什么崛起?如果没有这些究极呼吸法神技等,如何傲视宇宙这代人,打遍星空无对手?!请你们放心,如果楚风不支付报酬,全宇宙共诛,现在各族作证!” Yellow Ox has also been ready for any sacrifice, shouted propaganda in the platform. 黄牛也是豁出去了,在平台上喊话。 Naturally, it has not said definitely the words, because front has mentioned the wondrous medicines, this can also work as the reward. 当然,它没将话说死,因为前面提到过圣药,这也能当报酬。 "hē hē, does not need to slaughter, the old man steps onto, looks a old friend to chat, keeps off his way, confronts with him! ” “呵,不用厮杀,那老夫就走上一遭,去找个故人聊聊,挡他去路,跟他对峙!” Some people leave, go to Great Abyss. 真有人动身,前往大渊 Corpse Race, a ghost air/Qi in the dense ancient palace, is winding around the cloudy fog, there is strong Primal Chaos Qi, skinny ancient Saint opens the eye, said: For a long time, hasn't patted that evil remnants? In the past killed his ancestor not to take time!” 尸族,一个鬼气森森的古老殿宇中,缭绕着阴雾,也有浓重的混沌气,一个皮包骨头的古老圣者睁开眼睛,道:“这么长时间,还没有拍死那个余孽吗?当年杀他的祖上都没太费事!” Old Ancestor, actually passing moment, the time is not long, moreover that boy does not fear death very much, walks randomly in the Great Abyss edge, not awfully, is Saint does not dare to shell simply, feared that detonates there. In addition, Great Dream Pure Land and Sub Immortal Clan , some rogue cultivator Saint left, arrives at outside Great Abyss, situation some are not wonderful, divert eight Saints.” 老祖,其实才过去片刻,时间并不长,而且那个小子很不怕死,游走在大渊边缘,简直不要命,就是圣人也不敢轰击,怕引爆那里。此外,大梦净土亚仙族、还有一些散修圣者动身了,降临大渊外,情况有些不妙,牵制住八圣。” "Um, such being the case, the old man also leaves, from antiquity one post-war, very long has not moved. ” This skinny old man was ancient times Saint, in the past had slaughtered up-and-coming Saint of Earth personally. “嗯,既然如此,老夫也动身,自上古一战后,很久没有活动了。”这个皮包骨头的老者乃是一位远古圣人,当年亲自屠杀过地球的后起圣人 Follows his also two, in addition before this rushed to Great Abyss Corpse Race Saint, almost all sent out! 跟随他的还有两人,再加上此前已经赶往大渊的一位尸族圣人,几乎全出动了! The same matter is also happening in Netherworld Race, Deity Race wait/etc., they learned, there are other Saint to intervene, wants to rescue Chu Feng wait/etc., immediately sends out. 同样的事也正发生在幽冥族天神族等,他们得悉,有其他圣人干预,想救楚风等,顿时出动。 “Wú, I and others intercepted, the bystander wants to save the Chu Feng young demon, that is impossible, today was Heavenly Venerate comes not to be good, cannot save him! “唔,我等去拦截,外人想挽救楚风小魔头,那是不可能的,今日就是天尊来了也不行,救不了他! Great Abyss, breaks all of a sudden tranquilly, Saint of various clans catch up one after another to here, storm originally was lit, surges a more fearful hurricane, namely general collapse Yulie! 大渊,一下子打破宁静,各族的圣者相继赶向这里,原本的风暴又被点燃,激荡出更为可怕的飓风,即将星崩宇裂!
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