SR :: Volume #9

#890: Super big event

The star light is little, the meteorites have often delimited from Chu Feng, extremely fast goes far away, leaves behind the bright tail light. 星光一点点,一颗又一颗陨石不时从楚风身边划过,极速远去,留下灿烂的尾光。 Chu Feng roams through Star Sea, is feeling the vastness of universe, the beauty of starry sky, the big stars hang just like another crystal lantern in the side. 楚风遨游星海,感受着宇宙的浩瀚,星空的美丽,一颗又一颗大星宛若一盏又一盏水晶灯笼挂在身边。 After becoming Sub Saint, was completely different regarding the feeling view of trim world, sees to feel is different, rotation planet likely is some high level life body, nebula that grand, during fluctuating, the starry sky is similar to is breathing, has some pulsation. 成为亚圣后,对于整片世界的感观完全不同了,所见所感都不一样了,转动的星球都像是某种高级生命体,星云是那么的壮丽,起伏间,星空如同在呼吸,有某种脉动。 The Sub Saint thinking feeling explores the universe deep place, what catches is Order, was more profound regarding the cognition of trim starry sky world. 亚圣的思感探索进宇宙深处,捕捉到的是秩序,对于整片星空世界的认知更深刻了。 At this time, across the starry sky is discussing, innumerable Evolver were discussing, Wu Lunhui Great Demon was insane, had the method , the main house gate mouths of how many big strong clans dares to go to really? 此时,星空各地都在热议,无数进化者都在谈论,吴轮回大魔头是疯了,还是真有手段,真敢去几大强族的家门口吗? At this time, Chu Feng's Light Brain had the news, he was responding to who likely, said: I am silly, why is all right to run Xilin Clan and Corpse Race to go, but tosses about them, making them feel that I have the card in a hand to visit to ask for the blood debt, making them be critical situation, lifts the clan to be anxious! I, then finds a place to sleep, is dormant, lets on their anxious several days!” 这时,楚风的光脑有消息,他像是在回应什么人,道:“我傻啊,没事跑西林族尸族干什么去,只是折腾他们而已,让他们觉得我真有底牌去登门讨血债,让他们如临大敌,举族紧张!我呢,则找个地方去睡觉,蛰伏起来,让他们焦躁上几天!” At this moment, Chu Feng is having the smiling face, slightly obviously makes widely known with happily, is talking over the telephone with the person likely. 此刻,楚风带着笑容,略显张扬与得意,像是在跟人通话。 Behind, in that ice-cold starry sky deep place, a pair of pupil opens, huge incomparable, indifferent heartless, bright red great birds and beasts appear all over the body, has Earth to be so big fully! 后方,在那冰冷的星空深处,一对眸子睁开,巨大无比,冷漠无情,一只通体鲜红巨禽浮现,足有地球那么大! It is callous, is heartless, even if whole body bright red like blood, Scarlet Rosy Cloud winds around, is similar to the flame, but also gives people the ice-cold feeling. 它是冷酷的,也是无情的,哪怕周身鲜红如血,赤霞缭绕,如同火光般,但也给人冰冷的感觉。 This is terrifying ferocious bird, after the pair of wings launches, was too huge, only the claw sufficiently grasps Earth, wing red flamboyance! 这是一头恐怖的凶禽,双翼展开后,太庞大了,单是爪子而已就足以抓起地球,羽翼红的炽盛! This small ants, after challenging the enemy to battle various clans, oneself actually must run, I also think that he has any method!” This terrifying ferocious bird opens the mouth. “这只小小的蝼蚁,叫阵各族后,自己却要跑路,我还以为他有什么手段呢!”这头恐怖的凶禽开口。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng ended the telephone conversation decisively, at this moment the fine body hair is but actually vertical, sends all over the body coldly, from the beginning as cool as foot. 与此同时,楚风果断结束通话,这一刻寒毛倒竖,通体发寒,从头凉到脚。 His knows stared by any lifeforms, the previous that feeling floats the heart once more, suddenly turning around, raised the head suddenly, immediately pupil contraction. 知道被什么生物盯上了,早先的那种感觉再次浮上心头,霍的转身,猛然抬头,顿时瞳孔收缩。 Behind that in the extremely remote ice-cold starry sky, a pair of pupil is similar to the blood moon/month, is visiting him indifferently, locks here! 在那后方,极其遥远的冰冷星空中,一双眸子如同血月,正在冷漠的看着他,锁定这里! Nine Yin Bird!” 阴九雀!” Chu Feng cannot forget this ferocious bird for a lifetime, the outstanding person who in starry sky Knight lives, had not died to the present from the antiquity! 楚风一辈子也忘不了这头凶禽,星空骑士中活下来的佼佼者,从上古到现在一直未死! Initially, this giant bird of prey, once flew extraterrestrial that just recovered, after displaying divine technique, the body looked like endures ratio stars to be so big, attacked. 当初,这头巨大的猛禽,曾经飞到刚复苏的地球外,施展神术后,身体看起来堪比一颗星辰那么大,进行攻击。 At that time, it was too cruel, incomparable savage. 那时,它太残暴了,无比的凶残。 In an instant Chu Feng boils discusses a throat: Heavenspan Express Delivery!” 刹那间楚风熬唠一嗓子:“通天快递!” He was already decisive with Light Brain relates on this ancient universe level company, a wormhole opens, Chu Feng flushed instantaneously, makes a getaway. 他早已果断用光脑联系上这个古老的宇宙级公司,一条虫洞开启,楚风瞬间冲了进去,逃之夭夭。 Was taking to one's heels to run away?! 撒丫子逃了?! The distant place, Heavenly Eye of Dark Blood platform catches this, making people very shocking, this demon do not go on an expedition the world...... Saves the universe? 远方,黑血平台的天眼捕捉到这一幕,让人都很震惊,这个魔头不是要去征战天下……拯救宇宙吗? All people are speechless, this flickers completely greatly, from the start has not been thinking the fight, deceived people! 所有人都无语,这完全是大忽悠,压根就没想着战斗,骗人的! Idiot, you runs away?!” “蠢货,你逃的了吗?!” In that ice-cold starry sky, the Nine Yin Bird indifferent opens the mouth, in the bird beak is idling a grain of god bead, sends out dazzling radiance, locks wormhole that Chu Feng is, catches the Coordinate to lead to destination. 在那冰冷的星空中,阴九雀冷漠的开口,鸟喙中闲着一粒神珠,发出刺目的光华,锁定楚风所在的虫洞,捕捉到通向目的地的坐标。 Localization god bead in the hand, you cannot escape, ascends the sky into, must kill you!” “定位神珠在手,你插翅难逃,上天入地,也要杀你!” In Yin Bird then the side, wear obsolete Full-Body Armor Knight, is very old, ash sends, whole face fold, this is established starry sky Knight, and Sanctification! 阴雀就的身边,有一个穿着陈旧甲胄骑士,很苍老,一头灰发,满脸褶皱,这是老牌星空骑士,而且成圣了! Whiz! 嗖! He with Nine Yin Bird, pursued instant, opens the wormhole decisively, chases down Chu Feng. 他跟着阴九雀,刹那追了下去,也果断开启虫洞,去追杀楚风 Heaven, Saint attacks, chases down Wu Lunhui in Star Sea, this Great Demon Chu Feng kicks the sheet iron, draws out big Killing Tribulation!” 天啊,圣人出击,在星海中追杀吴轮回,这一次楚风大魔头踢到铁板,引出大杀劫!” Really, my knows, definitely some host of ancient Saint are dormant, now was born, must extinguish Wu Lunhui, person take action of this progression, who with resists immediately?” “果然啊,我就知道,肯定有相当一批古圣人蛰伏,现在出世了,要灭吴轮回,这种级数的人出手,当下谁与相抗?” Across universe in an uproar, in the ancient times Saint appeared, produces the huge repercussion. 宇宙各地哗然,古代圣人出现,引发巨大震动。 Especially Nine Yin Bird, he is extremely Sub Saint, but was abandoned, previous time plunders the Saint source, must restore and Sanctification, finally was sneak attacked on Nine Nether Star by Chu Feng and Young Lady Xi, destroyed his good deed. 尤其是阴九雀,他原本是绝顶亚圣,但是被废了,上一次掠夺圣人本源,原本是要恢复并成圣的,结果被楚风少女曦九幽星上偷袭,破坏了他的好事。 Reappear after more than one year, he already Sanctification! 时隔一年多再现,他已经成圣 Some people recognize Nine Yin Bird ash to send the old man, unexpectedly was in antiquity starry sky Knight a leader of corps, in the past ominous illustrious, after many years, already Sanctification. 有人认出阴九雀身边的灰发老者,竟是上古星空骑士中一个战队的头领,当年凶名赫赫,时隔多年,已然成圣 Meanwhile, all people are speechless, Wu Lunhui is also Chu Feng, the strong bosom was some time ago intense, fervent, finally at the last moment travelled! 同时,所有人都无言,吴轮回也就是楚风,不久前壮怀激烈,慷慨激昂,结果事到临头跑路了! kidnapper has feared, Chu Feng this demon skidding, my knows he in the flickering person, for no reason makes various clans tense, now was confirmed that meets Saint he only to become a fugitive!” 人贩子怕了,楚风这个魔头一项滑溜,我就知道他在忽悠人,平白让各族紧张起来,现在被证实,遇上圣人他只能逃亡!” Across starry sky, innumerable Evolver discussions. 星空各地,无数进化者议论。 All people thought, by Chu Feng deceiving, to have hurt feelings, the fellow of this having no shame, the conduct is really incredible. 所有人都觉得,被楚风给欺骗了,太伤感情了,这个没羞没臊的家伙,果然行事荒诞离谱。 Heavenspan Express Delivery!” 通天快递!” After Chu Feng runs out of the wormhole, once again shouted, Light Brain quickly was pinched to explode by him. 楚风冲出虫洞后,又一次大喊,光脑都快被他捏爆了。 Silent, superior grade wormhole appears, his then to bind, travelled once more. 无声无息,一条超级虫洞出现,他一头就扎了进去,再次跑路。 Because, he happen to appears near life planet, therefore there is Heavenly Eye to catch, this picture let out, once again initiates calls out in alarm. 因为,他正好出现在一颗生命星球附近,所以有天眼捕捉到,这个画面被人放出去,又一次引发惊呼。 The people admire the Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's technology, real-time knows the Chu Feng trend, can follow the service synchronously? 人们佩服通天虫洞公司的技术,实时掌握楚风动态,能够同步跟上服务? Does not need to think, this is Chu Feng ahead of time for the escape route that oneself keep, already discussed with Heavenspan Worm-hole Company has gathered together, so long as his first call, after opening the wormhole, following is automatically opens for him, this is the plan that he makes ahead of time, this is the laws of a series of escaping.” “不用多想,这是楚风提前为自己留的退路,早就跟通天虫洞公司谈拢了,只要他第一次呼叫,开启虫洞后,接下来的都是自动为他开启的,这是他提前做的预案,这就是一系列的逃生之法。” Some people analyze, draw such conclusion. 有人分析,得出这样的结论。 Bang! 轰! Nine Yin Bird flushed, the body already reduced, more than one zhang (3.33 m) are long, the whole body bright red like the blood, the wings has the dazzling ray, Divine flame to beat, in his side with that wear obsolete Full-Body Armor old Knight, chases down together. 阴九雀冲了过来,身体早已缩小,一丈多长,周身鲜红如血,羽翅带着刺目的光芒,神焰跳动,在他身边跟着那个穿着陈旧甲胄的老骑士,一同追杀。 Localization god bead locking!” “定位神珠锁定!” Where regardless to run away, will be found, you died, the old friend who dares to kill my starry sky Knight survival, kept you not to!” “无论逃到哪里,都将被找到,你死定了,敢杀我星空骑士幸存的老友,留你不得!” In the starry sky was chaotic, Chu Feng becomes a fugitive greatly, runs away from place to another place, stretches across Star Territory, spends the astronomical figures the universe coin. 星空中乱了,楚风大逃亡,从一地逃向另一地,横跨一个又一个星域,花费天文数字的宇宙币。 Moreover, starry sky Knight sends the old man two people to increase to four people from Nine Yin Bird with this ash directly, came two, is the old executioners who the antiquity lived, all Sanctification. 而且,星空骑士阴九雀与这个灰发老者两人直接增加到四人,又来了两个,都是上古活下来的老刽子手,全都成圣 Outside person who abatement enters the chaos universe, our these Sanctification youngest brothers arrived in full!” “除却进入混沌宇宙的人外,我们这些成圣的老兄弟到齐了!” Cannot think that our starry sky Knight can also the reunion, think back on the past the mighty force again, altogether goes to archaic Earth, field littered with corpses that kills, chases down in the starry sky greatly, what kind of pleased, corrodes to the present years, our generation is on the wane, several old fogies who remaining we have several.” “想不到啊,我们星空骑士还能再聚首,遥想当年千军万马,共赴上古地球,杀的尸横遍野,又在星空中大追杀,何等的快意,到现在岁月侵蚀,我辈凋零,就剩下我们有数的几个老家伙了。” Four starry sky Knight chases down, while is very sigh with emotion, Sanctification starry sky Knight are not really many, each region dispersion, by years and space room partition. 四位星空骑士一边追杀,一边都很感慨,成圣的星空骑士真的不多,分散各地,被岁月与空间隔断。 However, today they collaborated, chases down Chu Feng, must destroy completely him thoroughly. 但是,今天他们联手了,追杀楚风,要彻底灭掉他。 We are starry sky Knight, in the past overawed the world, swept away all obstacles, which refused to accept? The hope seed that Earth runs away was destroyed completely by us, how to have allowed a young animal to kill our youngest brothers to this, the lamentable that fish seven change, the tuo mist and Kan great several people, dying quite miserable!” “我们是星空骑士,当年威震天下,所向披靡,哪个不服?地球逃走的希望种子都是被我们灭掉的,到了这一世岂容一个小崽子杀我们的老兄弟,可叹那鱼七变、陀岚、阚宏几人,死的好惨!” They fondly remembered the antiquity years, that was their towering time, chased down these seed level characters, has destroyed completely all heir of archaic Earth great person. 他们怀念上古岁月,那是他们的“峥嵘时代”,追杀那些种子级人物,灭掉了上古地球大人物的所有子嗣。 If is not they, once these youngster grow, hopes, can model the formidable ethnic group again. 若非是他们,那些少年一旦成长起来,就是希望,能再塑强大的族群。 Regional Fellow Daoist, please help me and other helping hands, kills clear/pain in the starry sky, destroys completely this Earth evil remnants!” “各地的道友,请助我等一臂之力,在星空中杀楚,灭掉这个地球余孽!” Nine Yin Bird in drawing support from the inter-satellite network, promulgates the chasing down command in some most famous platform, asking all people to begin to detain Chu Feng, simultaneously attack it. 阴九雀在借助星际网络,在一些最富有盛名的平台上颁布追杀令,请所有人动手拦阻楚风,齐杀之。 Saint chases down, affects the universe starry sky! 圣人追杀,波及宇宙星空! This is the super big event, now expert of trim universe almost walked, enters the chaos universe, competes Godhood. 这是超级大事件,如今整片宇宙的高手几乎都走了,进入混沌宇宙,去争夺神位 Now Saint sends out, even if the top strength. 现在圣人出动,就算是顶级战力。 Chu Feng you accept your coming fate!” 楚风你纳命来!” Four starry sky Knight were throwing over past Full-Body Armor, was very broken, is bringing the stained dry bloodstain, was expressing some determination, must extinguish Chu Feng, killed off Earth lineage/vein the eminent. 四位星空骑士披着当年的甲胄,都很残破,带着斑斑干涸的血迹,在表达某种决心,要灭楚风,杀尽地球一脉的翘楚。 Four old executioners, or the full head ash send or the full head white hair, the age is very big, but vicious tendencies now as much as ever, look vicious. 四个老刽子手,或者满头灰发或者满头白发,年岁都很大,但是戾气不减当年,眼神凶狠 "hē hē, Chu Feng, Wu Lunhui, the evil remnants later generation, your a little ability, do not come my clan to criticize? Passed by, but not entering the Sect! ” “呵呵,楚风,吴轮回,余孽的后人,你就这么一点本领啊,不是要来我族清算吗?怎么路过而不入门!” The Netherworld star, an old man has killed, is all over the body jet black, puts on black Full-Body Armor, is bringing the dreadful black fog, chases down Chu Feng together. 幽冥星,一位老者杀了出来,通体漆黑,穿着黑色的甲胄,带着滔天的黑雾,跟着一起追杀楚风 Spirit Race also has Saint to pursue, sneers again and again, he grasps a blood streamer, said: Interesting, Demon Chu, I have waited for you to visit, how not to come, actually anxious such as stray cur, what to run away?” 灵族也有圣人追来,冷笑连连,他手持一杆化血幡,道:“有意思,楚魔头,我一直等你上门呢,怎么不来,却急急如丧家之犬,逃什么?” The starry sky is chaotic, Saint collaborates to chase down Chu Feng, the Coordinate that the deduction wormhole opens, besieges and pursues to block off to him, must make him ascend the sky simply enters roadless does not have the gate. 星空纷乱,圣人联手追杀楚风,推演虫洞开启的坐标,对他围追堵截,简直要让他上天无路入地无门。 Across the universe, thorough boils noisily! 宇宙各地,彻底喧沸! Saints collaborates, chases down Great Demon Chu Feng together, even if opens the wormhole unceasingly, he also barely escapes, must be overtaken. 诸圣联手,一同追杀楚风大魔头,哪怕不断开启虫洞,他也险死还生,要被人追上了。 Arrived finally, eight Saint presents, him who chases down ascends the sky enters roadless does not have the gate. 到最后,共有八位圣人出现,追杀的他上天无路入地无门。 Has spelled, Heavenspan Express Delivery, looks for a forbidden area, throws me!” Chu Feng bellows. “拼了,通天快递,找个禁区,将我投进去!”楚风大吼。 Whiz! 嗖! This time he disappears, making Nine Yin Bird that and the others the rear area chases down the brow jump crazily, catches the Coordinate through the localization god bead, Chu Feng's approaches the forbidden area firmly. 这一次他消失,让后方追杀的阴九雀等人眉头狂跳不已,通过定位神珠捕捉到坐标,楚风的确临近禁区。 Moreover, that is the most fearful place, is known as World of the Dead universe number one restricted area-- Great Abyss. 而且,那是一个最为可怕的地方,号称阴间宇宙第一禁地——大渊 He has not gone, was only to Great Abyss, wants to deceive me and others not to dare to approach, withdrew.” “他没进去,只是到了大渊附近而已,想诓骗我等不敢临近,藉此脱身。” Laughable, died to being imminent, that was struggling of futile effort, went to Great Abyss, he either waited to be killed by mistreatment, either jumped in Great Abyss.” “可笑,死到临头了,那是徒劳的挣扎,去大渊,他要么等着被虐杀,要么自己跳进大渊中去。” Bang! 轰隆! The wormhole opens, one crowd of Saint have chased down. 虫洞开启,一群圣人追杀了下去。 This is jet black places, the peaceful fearfulness, piece of universe Abyss spans this place, has interrupted the trim universe likely, dies the general silence. 这是一片漆黑之地,安静的可怕,一片宇宙深渊横亘此地,像是截断了整片宇宙,死一般的寂静。 Chu Feng runs out of the wormhole, to, but does not dare to lead the way, are too many about here legend, trillion years ago the universe no.1 expert Dragon Race first ancestor, was afterward no.1 expert Monster Ancestor, their premature die were related with this place. 楚风冲出虫洞,到了附近,但是再也不敢前行,关于这里的传说太多,无论是亿万年前宇宙第一高手龙族始祖,还是后来的第一高手妖祖,他们过早的殒落都跟此地有关。 The two have entered Great Abyss! 那两人都进过大渊 Chu Feng, doesn't the young animal, how you run away?!” 楚风,小崽子,你怎么不逃了?!” Eight Saint appear, stops up in not far away. 八位圣人浮现出来,堵在不远处。 Chu Feng's heart most deep place is indifferent, is heartless, the consideration, so-called tastes world to be completely brilliant silently, must start since then! 楚风的心底最深处是冷漠的,也是无情的,默默思量,所谓尝尽世间绚烂,或许要从此地开始! Xilin Clan can Fellow Daoist, come to look? This small evil livestock was stopped up near Great Abyss, un, catches a turtle in a jar! Heavenspan Worm-hole Company to here helpless, no one dares in this place hurriedly.” 西林族道友,要过来看下吗?这个小孽畜被堵在大渊附近,嗯,瓮中捉鳖!通天虫洞公司对这里无能为力,谁都不敢在此地造次。” Some Saint in the foreign relations, summoned the old friends. 有些圣人在对外联系,召唤故旧。 Must select Saint to be good, eight insufficiently kill!” This is the Chu Feng's heart language. “要多来点圣人才好,八个不够杀啊!”这是楚风的心语。
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