SR :: Volume #9

#884: Visits to apologize?

This stretch of region was hit simply remnantly, entire planet has disintegrated, is split up, when Central Asia sacred weapon dances in the air, energy light beam ebullition! 这片地带简直被打残了,整颗星球都已经解体,四分五裂,当中亚圣兵器飞舞,能量光束沸腾! Is better than Chu Feng also to cough up blood, this group of people are too ruthless, prepare big Killing Weapon are not two, but was each one came trump card, for example terrifying Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, the bang put on void! 强如楚风也在咳血,这群人太狠,准备大杀器不是一件两件,而是各自都来了杀手锏,比如恐怖的紫晶天雷,轰穿虚空! Chu Feng kills the redeye, dies to knock with them, does not want to let go a person, this group of people naturally also go all out, at this moment is not you dies is I perishes. 楚风杀红眼睛,跟他们死磕到底,不想放走一个人,这群人自然也拼命,这一刻不是你死就是我亡。 Thing that Xilin Clan, your this flock of pig dogs are inferior, in the past your Earth subsequent hand and card in a hand and other how to go so far as to expiration of?” Chu Feng shouts, stares at Xilin Clan several people. 西林族,你这们这群猪狗不如的东西,当年要不是你们地球的后手与底牌等何至于失效?”楚风嘶吼,盯上西林族的几人。 Exceeds Deity Race regarding hate of this clan wait/etc., this group of people let a wolf into the fold in the past, instead passes away to kill the person on one's own side, the act is bad and evil and cruel, hundred die cannot its crime. 对于该族的恨更胜过天神族等,这群人当年引狼入室,反过身来杀自己人,行径恶劣而歹毒,百死不能恕其罪。 This way of the world, the winner for the king defeated is an invader, we have won, therefore Xilin Clan live is very good, even more prosperous, and will return to Earth, becomes there master. But your ancestors, were extinguished, was hit thoroughly remnantly, all pure blood ancients wrote off a cleanness, this is the real and brutal reality!” “这世道,胜者为王败者为寇,我们赢了,所以西林族活的很好,越发的昌盛,并且将回归地球,重新成为那里的主人。而你们的祖先呢,被灭了,被彻底打残,所有纯血先民都被抹杀个干净,这就是真实而残酷的现实!” Xilin Clan several people of whole bodies are blood, unexpectedly brings holy artifact, goes crazy the stimulation of movement, even if oneself quickly attracted adult dried meat, may go all out. 西林族的几人满身是血,居然带来一件圣器,发疯般催动,哪怕自身都快被吸成人肉干了,可还是在拼命。 Because, their knows, does not go all out to die. 因为,他们知道,不拼命就得死。 In addition, they still in go crazy throw Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, the prestige can be great, the Saint Level fluctuation is too fearful, making being split up planet once more blast out, turns into fine powder. 除此之外,他们还在发疯般投掷紫晶天雷,威能宏大,圣级波动太可怕,让四分五裂的星球都再次炸开,化成齑粉 Is moon also exploded exploding of not far away is broken, turns into one group of dazzling rays. 就是不远处的一颗月亮也都被炸的爆碎,化成一团刺目的光芒。 This fight incomparable intensity, carries on intensified, they acknowledged that even if prepares completely safe, thought that can probably kill Chu Feng, but discovered that now is not good, but does not have the road back, can only the blood spell. 这种战斗无比的激烈,进行到白热化,他们承认哪怕准备万全,觉得能必杀楚风,可现在发现还是不行,但没有回头路,只能血拼到底。 Your this group of ignominious traitors, reveal the archaic Earth route of withdrawal, exposes dozens to escape, if not you, archaic Earth will be conquered by killing cleanly, will many ancients kill off?” Chu Feng cold sound said. “你们这群可耻的背叛者,泄露上古地球的撤退路线,暴露数十处逃生地,如果不是你们,上古地球会被人血洗干净吗,许多先民会被杀光吗?”楚风寒声道。 In the hand the purple sparkling bamboo wields, delimits the misty halo, the Purple Qi transpiration, rumbles, crack that Xilin Clan took out holy artifact pulls out, that is most low level Saint Level weapon, cannot block the chaos Deity Palace sacrifice has built up divine sense beating whip. 手中紫莹莹的竹子挥动间,划出蒙蒙的光晕,紫气蒸腾,轰一声,将西林族祭出圣器抽的龟裂,那是最低级圣级兵器,根本挡不住混沌天神宫祭炼过的打神鞭 Stronger weapon that several people did not stimulate to movement. 更强的兵器那几人催动不了。 Bang! 轰隆! Then, Chu Feng wields the black bamboo once more, the bang breaks to pieces that weapon, making here have the large explosion, some people called out pitifully with enough time have not sent out, turned into one group of blood mist. 接着,楚风再次挥动紫竹,轰碎那件兵器,让这里发生大爆炸,一些人惨叫都没有来得及发出,就化成一团血雾 One person runs away in a panic ahead of time, but, by Chu Feng with a black bamboo point, was away from very far outer space finally, blasts out, collapses at the first blow in front of holy artifact. 只有一人仓皇提前逃走,但是,结果被楚风用紫竹一点,隔着很远的太空,噗的一声炸开,在圣器面前不堪一击。 Kills!” “杀啊!” Runs away!” “逃啊!” Remaining various clan powerhouses, manner is entirely different, some people go all out, some people want to run away, but is going all out, for goes on living. 剩下的各族强者,态度截然不同,有的人拼命,有的人则想逃走,但都在拼命,为的只是活下去。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Deity Race's several old monsters have their followers, was chased down by Chu Feng on, the black bamboo sweeps, the Saint prestige fills the air, bang bang bang, hits to explode them. 天神族的几个老怪物还有他们的追随者,被楚风追杀上,紫竹一扫,圣威弥漫,砰砰砰,将他们都打爆。 This is a slaughter! 这是一场屠杀! Corpse Race and Spirit Race have large quantities of followers and others, is this fate, all was moved past tense by the black bamboo wheel hits to explode. 尸族灵族还有大批的追随者等,也都是这个下场,全都被紫竹轮动过去时打爆。 Naturally, Chu Feng also pays very big price, by the whole body that their big Killing Weapon shake is the fissure, was submerged several times almost by Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, nearly disintegration, if not his speed is fast enough, moreover Human King Physique too much is different, has the possibility to cherish hatred in this. 当然,楚风也付出很大的代价,被他们的大杀器震的浑身是裂痕,数次差点被紫晶天雷淹没,险些解体,若非他速度足够快,而且人王体太特殊,有可能真的饮恨于此。 The fight had not ended, individual small fish, but their situation is not wonderful, planet has disintegrated, some people in the fierce energy impact, will soon die. 战斗还没有结束,还有个别小鱼等,但是他们处境不妙,星球都解体了,有些人在剧烈的能量冲击中,即将死亡。 "Um?! ” Suddenly, Chu Feng has the giant sense of crisis, is frightened, the fine body hair is but actually vertical, the scalp almost must blast out. “嗯?!”突然间,楚风生出巨大的危机感,非常惊悚,寒毛倒竖,头皮几乎要炸开了。 Universe Express Delivery!” He first sends out the signal, this is he with the agreement that Heavenspan Worm-hole Company achieves in secret, the time for him prepares a wormhole as a special guest, life and death time in peril can open in an instant. 宇宙快递!”他第一时间发出信号,这是他以贵宾身份跟通天虫洞公司暗中达成的约定,时刻为他准备一条虫洞,生死危亡时刻能够在刹那间开启。 Naturally, lets the Heavenspan Worm-hole Company time attention and accompanying a sick person to provide nursing care, the opening wormhole, the price is momentarily scary. 当然,让通天虫洞公司时刻关注与陪护,随时开启虫洞,代价骇人。 However, stemming from discrete, stems from dark some sensibility, Chu Feng is willing to pay this price, was exploited by them. 但是,出于谨慎,也出于冥冥中的某种感悟,楚风还是愿意付出这种代价,被他们剥削。 Before this, Yaoyao had warned, but his oneself also has the inexplicable induction, therefore has been guarding, the instance that now the shadow of death appeared, he activated this instruction without hesitation. 此前,妖妖已经示警过,而他自身也生出莫名感应,因此一直在防备,现在死亡阴影浮现的瞬间,他毫不犹豫的激活这一指令。 Buzz, superior grade wormhole appears, Chu Feng the gate pulse, like the lightning, used this to live the quickest speed for a while quickly! 嗡的一声,超级虫洞出现,楚风第一时间冲了进去,快如闪电,动用此生最快的速度! In his, a giant finger selects, is boundless and terrifying, is sending out dreadful blood energy, grinds the large expanse of mountains sufficiently. 在他的身后,一根巨大的指头点来,磅礴而恐怖,散发着滔天的血气,足以碾碎成片的山川。 Compared with it many asteroids small many, this finger was too big! 比之许多小行星都小不了多少,这根手指头太大了! If not Chu Feng crashes in the wormhole, inevitably by this direction, with his present whole body is fissure the bodies of severe wound, must explode mostly at the scene. 若非楚风冲进虫洞中,必然被这一指点中,以他现在周身都是裂痕的重伤之体来说,多半当场就得爆开。 Bang! 轰! At the same time, fearful scarlet Battle Spear is similar to the drop blood, punctures thoroughly void, suddenly arrives before the wormhole that opens, bursts out heaven shaking divine glow, nearly passes through Chu Feng, after the Sub Saint aura erupts, beyond comparison. 同一时间,一杆可怕的赤红战矛如同在滴血,刺透虚空,瞬息间抵至所开启的虫洞前,迸发惊天神芒,也是险些就贯穿楚风,亚圣气息爆发开来后无以伦比。 This was not holy artifact of Golden Body expert stimulation of movement, but was true Sub Saint holds big Killing Weapon to arrive, the bang killed Chu Feng, moreover was not mutant! 这可不是刚才的金身高手催动的圣器,而是真正的亚圣持大杀器降临,轰杀楚风,而且不是异人 The third person appears, a giant fist was bigger than the mountain, sends out the dazzling azure light, the bang has broken to pieces two remaining moon of this ruined places, making it blast out at the scene, changes to fine powder, passed through to the wormhole. 第三人出现,一只巨大的拳头比山岳还大,发出刺目的青光,轰碎了这片破败之地的两颗残余的月亮,使之当场炸开,化作齑粉,贯穿向虫洞。 This is kills certainly, if not wormhole appears, some Sub Saint arrive, such bang kills, definitely cannot withstand by fleshly body that Chu Feng will soon disintegrate, will be hit to explode. 这是绝杀,若非虫洞出现,一些亚圣降临,这么轰杀下来,以楚风即将解体的肉身来说肯定承受不住,会被打爆。 This is one wants destruction Chu Feng's to kill the bureau, does not give the opportunity that he maintains a livelihood, was known as that the non- Saint today, only Sub Saint presented several, indeed is certainly kills. 这是一场要覆灭楚风的杀局,不给他活命的机会,在号称无圣的今天,仅亚圣都出现了数尊,的确算是绝杀。 Even, Chu Feng is unascertainable, whether will present true Saint. 甚至,楚风不能确定,是否会出现真正的圣人 If is only Sub Saint, if he will not be the body will collapse, soon will disintegrate, then dares to use the status fierce combat of Domain Great Grandmaster. 如果仅是亚圣的话,他如果不是身体将崩,即将解体,则敢利用场域大宗师的身份激战。 However, he retreated, he was bied injuried by an explosion by Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, now the situation is not wonderful. 但是,他退走了,他被紫晶天雷炸成重伤,现在情况非常不妙。 Now, his five main internal organs (entrails) has not healed, full is the fissure, the heart was pierced, do not say as for fleshly body. 现在,他的五脏六腑还没有愈合,满是裂痕呢,心脏都被洞穿,至于肉身就更不要多说。 Recovers, criticizes with you, I must go to to become Sub Saint!” Chu Feng makes this plan in secret. “养好伤,跟你们清算,我要去成为亚圣!”楚风暗中做出这种打算。 Hateful, unexpectedly the wormhole, he must die without doubt!” That tattered place, has whole body together is misty brilliance silhouette brings unwillingly, to say indifferently. “可恶,居然有一条虫洞,原本他必死无疑!”那破烂之地,有一道周身都是蒙蒙光辉的身影带着不甘,冷漠地说道。 Misses one step, they then execute Chu Feng, finally falls short, the appearance of that wormhole disrupts their all plans greatly. 就差一步,他们便格杀楚风,结果功亏一篑,那虫洞的出现大打乱他们所有的计划。 Finds the person to study, where strives to estimate the wormhole, launches big chasing down of cross Star Territory!” Some person of cold sound tracks, look the wormhole that vanishes is a little helpless, is very resentful. “找人研究,争取估量出虫洞通向何方,展开跨星域的大追杀!”有人寒声道,看着消失的虫洞有点无奈,也很愤懑。 Chu Feng runs away, is revolving, more thinks the situation to be serious, the old fogy who one crowd is dormant jumps, Sub Saint kills him hand in hand, perhaps has Saint, he thought that needs earnest and discrete treatment. 楚风逃走,越是细思,越是觉得情况严重,一群蛰伏起来的老家伙跳出来,亚圣联袂来杀他,说不定就有圣人,他觉得必须要认真而谨慎的对待。 After “Chi!” runs out of the wormhole, Chu Feng not hesitant, shouts once more: Heavenspan Express Delivery!” Once again opens the wormhole, from vanishes same place. “哧!”冲出虫洞后,楚风没有犹豫,再次喊道:“通天快递!”又一次开启虫洞,从原地消失。 He transformed the position several times, goes far away directly. 他数次变换方位,直接远去。 Extra, the extra, the Great Demon Chu Feng bitter experience blockade, nearly cherishes hatred dead an untimely death in the starry sky, by various clan joint attacks, had the Saint take action bang to kill him!” “号外,号外,楚风大魔头遭遇阻击,险些饮恨而横死在星空中,被各族联手进攻,有圣人出手轰杀他!” Has saying that Dark Blood platform divine ability are general, unexpectedly first obtains the news, even catches some fuzzy pictures with Heavenly Eye. 不得不说,黑血平台神通广大,居然第一时间得到消息,甚至用天眼捕捉到部分模糊的画面。 The must know, this Chu Feng has not carried on the live transmission with these people, the black study platform can also have this method, amazing. 须知,这一次楚风与那些人都没有进行直播,黑学平台还能有这种手段,让人惊异。 Then, the people saw the Chu Feng bang kills the picture of group enemy, sees the scene of Sub Saint that giant fist bang broken two moon, is terrified. 然后,人们看到了楚风轰杀群敌的画面,也看到亚圣那巨大的拳头轰碎两颗月亮的景象,全都悚然。 Although said that is place of decline, on planet the rule and Order are not many, the mountains are not firm, may hit to explode planet not to be simple like this.” “虽然说那是一片没落之地,星球上规则与秩序不多,山川不坚固,可这样打爆星球也不简单啊。” Indeed has used the Saint Level strength, this sound was too big.” “的确是动用了圣级力量,这一次动静太大了。” Across the universe discusses, people knows, the mighty waves will get up, now some people stare at Chu Feng, must hunt and kill him, the situation is not very common. 宇宙各地热议,人们知道,波澜又将起,现在有人盯上楚风,要猎杀他,情况很不一般。 Great Dream Pure Land first reacts, how many clans publicly reprimanded, encircled and hunted their sons-in-law unexpectedly blatantly, this behavior was too bad, was this must make war? 大梦净土第一时间做出反应,严厉斥责几族,竟公然围猎他们的女婿,这种行为太恶劣,这是要开战吗? However, these clans have also been ready for any sacrifice, should not be face, the serious protest, said that this time is Chu Feng active threat several clan troops, they stick together to warm up, with protect oneself, finally Great Demon Chu Feng too evil and cruel, has killed their all people, so the demonic nature act of bloodthirsty, must to the view, denounce Chu Feng. 然而,这几族也都豁出去了,不要老脸,严重抗议,说这一次是楚风主动攻击几族人马,他们抱团取暖,用以自保,结果楚风大魔头太歹毒了,还是杀了他们的所有人,如此嗜杀的魔性行径,必须要给个说法,声讨楚风 Was stronger as for Corpse Race that in the universe ranks before, Deity Race is fiercer, warned Chu Feng severely, must visit to apologize, otherwise has not ended with him, did not die continuous! 至于尸族那就更强势了,在宇宙中排名靠前,比天神族厉害多了,严厉警告楚风,必须登门谢罪,不然跟他没完,不死不休! Meanwhile, Corpse Race also disregards the Great Dream Pure Land's sound, even intimidates Great Dream Pure Land, said that should shut up, otherwise first ten big Corpse Race get angry, will bleed the floating scull, the corpse horizontal starry sky. 同时,尸族也无视大梦净土的声音,甚至恫吓大梦净土,说最好闭嘴,不然的话前十大之一的尸族发怒,将流血漂橹,尸横遍星空。 Suddenly, the old monster air/Qi in Great Dream Pure Land to is not good, each and every one is very annoyed, several clans do not acknowledge mistakes, Corpse Race also such overbearing, unexpectedly in turn threatens them, really annoying hateful. 一时间,大梦净土中的老怪物气到不行,一个个都很恼火,几族不认账也就罢了,尸族还这么的霸道,居然反过来威胁他们,实在可恼可恨。 Chu Feng, you apologized to us, otherwise this matter did not calculate!” 楚风,你给我们赔罪,不然这件事不算完!” Must visit to request us to forgive, your this executioner massacres innocently, is cruel, you owe us one to have the apology of sincerity, apologized!” “必须登门请求我们宽恕,你这个刽子手乱杀无辜,性情残暴,你欠我们一个有诚意的道歉,过来请罪!” Spirit Race and Machine Race, are Xilin Clan, Assassinating Vault of Heaven wait/etc., like this is requesting. 无论是灵族机械族,还是西林族刺天穹等,都在这样要求。 Corpse Race is aggressive boundless, threatened Chu Feng, if did not apologize, later saw that destroyed completely with his concerned person, a tooth for a tooth, returned the blood by the blood. 尸族更是霸气无边,扬言楚风如果不去请罪,以后见到跟他有关的人就去灭掉,以牙还牙,以血还血。 This countenance, this request, making the Great Dream Pure Land's old monsters be burning with anger. 这种嘴脸,这种要求,让大梦净土的老怪物们怒火中烧。 Could not bear as for one crowd of big monsters of Kunlun Mountains, each and every one bristles with anger, this group of people kill to kill the bureau to Chu Feng, wants to kill him, finally also dares such distorting the facts of clear vision growing up, to really be hateful. 至于昆仑的一群大妖都忍不住了,一个个怒发冲冠,这群人给楚风杀下杀局,想要杀他,最后还敢这么明目长大的颠倒黑白,真是可恨。 On Sub Immortal Star, silver-haired Little Loli grasps an arm of old man, shakes unceasingly, acts like a spoiled brat there, said: Fifth Uncle master you rescues Chu Feng quickly, you must make the sound, warned that group of shameless people, was too hateful, distorting the facts such, really makes the person choke with rage.” 亚仙星上,银发小萝莉抱住一个老者的手臂,不断摇动,在那里撒娇,道:“五叔爷你快去救楚风啊,你得发出声音,警告那群无耻之人,太可恶了,这么的颠倒黑白,实在让人窝火。” That old man shakes the head, said: „Do I hold true by the rescue, has any qualifications to issue the warning, he is the Great Dream Pure Land's son-in-law, is not our family/home.” 那个老者摇头,道:“我有什么理由营救,有什么资格发出警告,他是大梦净土的女婿,又不是我们家的。” But he is Wu Lunhui, is my brother-in-law, the Fifth Uncle master, you can look that these clans do bully our Sub Immortal Clan's Holy Daughter dao companion? This was the provocation, how Corpse Race, patted directly, Great Dream Pure Land could not hit them, our Sub Immortal Clan did not fear, refused to accept completely to suppress!” “可他就是吴轮回啊,是我姐夫,五叔爷,你能看着这几族欺负我们亚仙族的圣女道侣吗?这是挑衅,尸族又怎么了,直接拍死,大梦净土打不过他们,我们亚仙族不怕,不服就全部镇压!” Silver-haired Little Loli turns big supercilious look saying that is very discontented. 银发小萝莉翻着大大的白眼说道,很是不满。 However, the old man air/Qi, said: You added, morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King unexpectedly is Great Demon Chu, do you make our Sub Immortal Clan feel sad? Said that two Holy Daughter must marry one person, is really absurd!” 然而,老者更气,道:“你还说,义薄云天轮回王居然是楚大魔头,你让我们亚仙族情何以堪?说出去两家圣女要嫁一人,实在是荒谬!” Ying Xiaoxiao muttered low voice, said: Fifth Uncle master, you will not renege on a promise, this cannot be good, we announced to the outside, my elder sister must marry Wu Lunhui, if you renege, attacks to our Sub Immortal Clan's is bigger.” 映晓晓小声咕哝,道:“五叔爷,你不会反悔吧,这样的话不可好,我们都对外宣布了,我姐要嫁给吴轮回,你如果变卦,对我们亚仙族的打击更大。” The old men face upward to sigh: Trouble here, previously really should not leave the wind sound/rumor to manifestation, the son-in-law who now elect, must recognize with tears, otherwise our Sub Immortal Clan became laughs!” 老者仰天叹道:“麻烦就在这里,早先真不该对外放出风声,现在自己选的女婿,含着泪也得认,不然我们亚仙族岂不是成笑话了!” That hurries to rescue!” The Ying Xiaoxiao eye has shone, urging him to warn Corpse Race wait/etc., who making their knows stronger. “那就赶紧去救啊!”映晓晓眼睛亮了起来,撺掇他应该警告尸族等,让他们知道谁更强。 Said that must marry Wu Lunhui, but may not be put into action, in name married was good, he was best, we then to the outside said that has gotten married and that's the end, did not need a specific person, Chu Feng, if were intercepted by the bystander in the starry sky, that was the Will of Heavens, explained that he was weak, allowed nature to take its course.” “说是要嫁给吴轮回,但不一定要付诸行动,名义上嫁就行了,他最好来不了,我们便对外说已经成婚就是了,不需要一个具体的人,楚风如果被外人截杀于星空中,那就是天意,说明他不够强,顺其自然。” "Ah? This is unfair to my elder sister, marries a transparent person, one group of air, were too pitiful. ” Ying Xiaoxiao flies into a rage. “啊?这对我姐不公平,嫁给一个透明人,一团空气,太可悲了。”映晓晓急眼。 How I felt that is not your older sister must get married, but is you?” Old man doubt. “我怎么感觉不是你姐要嫁人,而是你呢?”老者狐疑。 Said anything!” “说什么呢!” ...... …… Then, the news passed on, shortly after Sub Immortal Clan must hold Wu Lunhui and Ying Zhexian wedding. 然后,消息就传出去了,亚仙族不久后就要举行吴轮回映谪仙的婚礼。 This naturally is the important matter, various clan Evolver very much anticipated, wants to look how Chu Feng and Wu Lunhui's status naturally transforms. 这自然是大事,各族进化者都很期待,想要看一看楚风吴轮回的身份如何自然转换。 „To get married, do not count on, has us, you also want to enter Sub Immortal Clan, the direct bang kills it!” “想去成亲,就不要指望了,有我们在,你还想进亚仙族,直接轰杀之!” In the starry sky, there is Sub Saint to sneer. 星空中,有亚圣冷笑。 In the starry sky some place, Chu Feng is attacking Sub Saint Realm, he thought, oneself should be able to break through, when he bridges over this natural moat, he must go to the bang to kill these people, goes to so-called Corpse Race, Spirit Race, Netherworld Race, Xilin Clan wait/etc. not to want him to visit to apologize, that steps onto, whom looks at to be afraid, looks who is scared, looked who rumbles to kill who! 星空中某一地,楚风在冲击亚圣境界,他觉得,自己应该可以突破了,等他跨过这道天堑,他要去轰杀那些人,去所谓的尸族灵族幽冥族西林族等不是要他登门谢罪吗,那就走上一趟,看谁害怕,看谁胆寒,看谁轰杀谁! Naturally, Sub Immortal Clan must go. 当然,亚仙族还是要去。
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