SR :: Volume #9

#883: Sweeps away the allied armies

The mountain range is very vigorous, is covered with pine cypress and other old tree, some grand silver-colored waterfall, let fall from several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high mountain massif, is sublime. 山脉很雄浑,长满青松翠柏等老树,更是有一些壮阔的银瀑,从数千丈高的山体上垂落下去,非常壮美。 However, this region actually also murderous intention four volts. 然而,这片地带却也杀机四伏。 large expanse of rune shines in the mountainous region, causing many waterfalls to flow backwards, changes to Domain part, some mountains are rumble thunder, rise straight from the ground, arrange in all around. 成片的符文在山地中亮起,导致许多瀑布倒流,化作场域的一部分,一些大山更是隆隆轰鸣,拔地而起,排列在四周。 Does not need to think, in the mountain massif has Divine Sword, has the ominous flag, has Divine Magnet wait/etc., this is in changing the world, made the environment change thoroughly, sieged Chu Feng. 毋庸多想,山体内有神剑,有凶旗,有神磁石等,这是在“改天换地”,彻底让大环境变了,围困楚风 The Chu Feng look is solemn and respectful, in his left and right hands various are practicing moderation bracelet, snow white like jade, shines brightly burnished, precisely Vajra Cutter. 楚风神色肃穆,他的左右手中各支自持着一枚手环,一枚雪白如玉石,锃亮而发光,正是金刚琢 Another bracelet is having a gloss, is similar to all over the sky the stars twinkle, in addition also has the complicated mark to wind, is similar to the nebula, black hole. This is starry sky Origin Gold bracelet that seizes from Spirit Race spoiled child Myriad Celestial Physique Xu Chengxian there, similarly invaluable and priceless, is world Supreme Treasure material. 另一枚手环带着点点光泽,如同满天繁星闪烁,此外还有繁复的纹络,如同星云、黑洞等。这是从灵族骄子万星体徐成仙那里夺来的星空母金手环,同样价值连城,是世间至宝材料。 As of late, Chu Feng horizontally pushes various enemy, outside the even/including universe small Saint Luo Yong is struck to kill, this is first time simultaneously double grasps the link to oppose the enemy, obviously his seriousness. 最近这段时间,楚风一路横推诸敌,连外宇宙的小圣罗雍都被击杀,这是第一次同时双手持环对敌,可见他的郑重。 „When our ancestors join up, archaic Earth these so-called powerhouse casualties who once killed completely, exterminate the clan them, finally only then the individual fish slip through flees, now do some mixed blood descendants also presumptuously think to recover and rise? Do not have a dream, fellow youngest brothers, cut to kill this young demon, exterminates hope that they revive, isn't he in peer most can hit? Ahead of time strangles!” “我们的祖上联合起来时,曾经杀的上古地球那些所谓的强者死伤殆尽,将他们灭族,最后只有个别漏网之鱼遁走,如今一些杂血后裔还妄想复苏与崛起?别做梦了,各位老兄弟们,斩杀这个小魔头,灭绝他们复兴的希望,他不是同辈中最能打吗?提前扼杀!” A Netherworld Race old man opens the mouth, as one of the past most important prime culprit ethnic groups, they was extremely worried, feared some day after Chu Feng Shining Upon All Heavens, gave to extinguish them. 幽冥族一位老者开口,作为当年最重要的元凶族群之一,他们非常担心,怕有朝一日楚风映照诸天后将他们都给灭了。 Kills!” “杀!” The war cry resounds through four directions, was only these people of prime culprit ethnic group gold/metal deep Great Perfection level came dozens, in addition other followed the troops who came, the person's shadow was ample, the war cries were shocking! 喊杀声响彻四野,仅是这些元凶族群金深大圆满层次的人就来了数十尊,再加上其他追随而来的人马,人影绰绰,杀声震天! Chī! 哧! In the mountains, altogether leaps 81 flying sword, some purple sparkling, some are blue, some bright red like blood, some are silver white, some golden light like rainbow, some black such as Abyss...... 在山川中,一共腾起81口飞剑,有的紫莹莹,有的碧幽幽,有的鲜红如血,有的银白灿灿,有的金光如虹,有的黑如深渊…… And nine are especially brilliant and dazzling, that is the sword of main killing, making Chu Feng change countenance, looks askance, is ready in full battle array, because that is Asian holy artifact! 其中九口格外绚烂与刺目,那是主杀之剑,让楚风都动容,都侧目,严阵以待,因为那是亚圣器 Buzz! 嗡! That is flying sword is trembling lightly, sweeps away, 81 flying sword such firm and fierce overbearing at the same time bang kill, the scene is magnificent. 那是飞剑在轻颤,横扫过来,81口飞剑这样刚猛霸道的同时轰杀,场面非常壮观。 Some flying sword palms of the hand are long, void shivering that but actually cuts, but some flying sword rise suddenly to dozens on hundreds of zhang (333 m), is similar to a metal hill strikes, making people frightened. 有的飞剑不过巴掌长,但却斩的虚空颤抖,而有的飞剑暴涨到数十上百丈,如同一座金属小山拍击下来,让人惊悚。 Chu Feng displays Shrink the Ground to an Inch this secret technique, the body is similar to a ray of light is moving, does not allow to send in the middle avoids strangling to death of many flying sword. 楚风施展缩地成寸这种秘术,身体如同一道光在移动,在间不容发间躲避过很多口飞剑的绞杀。 However , some flying sword accelerate, reverses, sweeps away toward him, is unable to avoid! 但是,也有一些飞剑加速,倒转回来,向着他横扫过去,无法躲避! What is main, surroundings symbol are innumerable, because precisely Domain was activated, stimulates to movement these flying sword, pours into the difficult situation energy, can make flying sword interweave heaven shaking divine rainbow! 最为主要的是,周围符号无数,正是因为场域被激活,催动起这些飞剑,灌入惊涛骇浪般的能量,才能让飞剑交织成惊天神虹 The Chu Feng double pupil is heartless, very calm, in this critical moment, he does not have flurriedly, even if kills facing Asian holy artifact bang, he also fearless! 楚风双眸无情,非常的冷静,在这种紧要关头,他没有一点慌乱,哪怕面对亚圣器的轰杀,他也无惧! dang! 当! His both arms show moves, in hand two bracelet both displayed the dazzling ray, now his strength is no comparison between them, the prestige that two rare treasures erupted can naturally also fearful boundless. 他双臂展动,手中两枚手环都发挥出了刺目的光芒,如今他的实力不可同日而语,两件秘宝爆发的威能自然也可怕无边。 What is Origin Metal? Destroys the hardest defenses, is indestructible, average people cannot refine, this is its basic characteristics. 何为母金?无坚不摧,不可毁灭,一般人都不能炼制,这是它基本的特性。 Therefore, even if before it has not evolved Paramount Weapon, can hardly shake various type rare treasures, does not need to be worried about oneself to be damaged, firm immortal, strong the body of god. 所以,哪怕它还没有演变成究极兵器前,也能硬撼各类型的秘宝,不用担心自身受损,坚固不朽,强过神的躯体。 The flash, sparks fly in all directions, the sound is grating, when many flying sword impacts come, in two bracelet by his hand was swept away and hit! 一刹那,火星四溅,响声刺耳,许多口飞剑冲击而来时,都被他手中的两枚手环横扫并击中! Clang clang clang...... 锵锵锵…… This sound is too grating, making people think the tooth acid, what about hundred stubborn big flying sword are worst is the person refinement of Golden Body level, finally now many directly are broken by smashing with stone by Chu Feng! 这种声音太刺耳,让人觉得牙酸,近百口强大的飞剑最差都的是金身层次的人炼制的,结果现在有许多直接被楚风砸断! dāng dāng dāng! 当当当 In the grating sound, flying sword is one after another gloomy, horizontal is flown, there is many instant break that Chu Feng pounds, collapses two sections. 在刺耳的声音中,一口又一口飞剑暗淡,被楚风砸的横飞,有许多都刹那的断裂,崩成两截。 In addition, some flying sword is been broken with exploding that Vajra Cutter of hand hits by Chu Feng! 此外,还有一些飞剑楚风用手的金刚琢打的爆碎! One of Vajra Cutter Origin Metal characteristics, is the energy of pouring into are then more its terrifying even more, is heavier than the mountain, strongly in such show small volume, some so-called flying sword direct scraps that pounds, turns into fine powder! 金刚琢母金的特性之一,便是灌入的能量越多它越发的恐怖,比山岳还重,集中在这么秀小的体积上,砸的一些所谓的飞剑直接炸碎,化成齑粉 Also terrifying as for starry sky Origin Metal, its ring center turns into the black hole, swallows flying sword directly, several flew, was received by it in the inner space. 至于星空母金也很恐怖,它的圆环中央化成黑洞,直接吞噬飞剑,已经有十几口飞进去,被它收在内部空间。 How possible, this is can slaughter Sub Saint Level Domain, could not kill this demon, he in the Golden Body level, unexpectedly so was formidable, this simply was Yaoyao second, reappearance of antiquity evildoer/monstrous talent!” “怎么可能,这是能够屠杀亚圣级场域,都杀不了这个魔头,他还在金身层次啊,居然就已经这么强大,这简直是妖妖第二,上古妖孽的再现!” One group of people call out in alarm make noise, even if the foe, to must die, startled regrets in his great strength and fearfulness that Chu Feng hates, domineering such. 一群人惊呼出声,哪怕为仇敌,对楚风恨的要死,还是惊憾于他的强大与可怕,这么的强势。 Buzz! 嗡! However, is more fearful, nine main swords exceptionally were sharp and radiant, have illuminated the universe, limitless, was similar to the eternal light flies, this was Sub Saint Level flying sword. 然而,接下来更可怕,九口主剑都是异常的犀利与璀璨,照亮了天宇,无边无际,如同永恒之光飞来,这是亚圣级飞剑 Kills!” “杀!” Chu Feng angrily roars, stimulates to movement Essence, Qi and Spirit, particularly blood by fresh both red and expert for deep blue, launched in salvos the silk the color changed, this was manifestation that Human King Physique awakened, naturally was only first stage, Human King of different level, its blood color was also different. 楚风怒吼,催动一身的精气神,尤其是血液由鲜红专为湛蓝,连发丝的颜色都变了,这是人王体觉醒的体现,当然只是第一阶段,不同层次的人王,其血液色彩也不同。 At this moment, the Chu Feng's aura rises suddenly, had Sub Saint to be dignified truly, various outside the body Order Divine Chain interwove intensely, was similar to of spider web common bang spreads out all over, protected him in middle. 这一刻,楚风的气息暴涨,真正有了亚圣威严,体外各种秩序神链激烈交织,如同蛛网一般轰的一声铺展开来,将他守护在当中。 Especially two bracelet in his hand completely were also different, just like having the life, shivered and thundered independently, sends out fearful is the ray. 尤其是他的手中的两枚手环也完全不同了,宛若有了生命般,自主颤抖、轰鸣,发出慑人为光芒。 bracelet snow white like jade, brilliant eye-catching, bracelet nebula is densely covered, the black hole appears, reappears just like universe starry sky! 一枚手环雪白如玉,绚烂夺目,一枚手环星云密布,黑洞浮现,宛若一片宇宙星空再现! Bang! 轰! dang! 当! Chu Feng whole body blue color blood energy rises suddenly at the same time, wields two bracelet, shakes nine huge flying sword hardly, will pound everywhere sparks , is similar to the large expanse of meteor crosses the dark green space, surges above this planet, incomparable intensity. 楚风浑身蓝色血气暴涨的同时,挥动两枚手环,硬撼九口巨大的飞剑,将之砸出漫天的火星,如同成片的流星横贯苍宇,在这颗星球上方激荡,无比的激烈。 How possible, does the Sub Saint Level weapon, hold after the Domain in addition is unable to kill him? Is this Evolver of Golden Body Great Perfection level?” “怎么可能,亚圣级兵器,经过场域加持都无法杀死他吗?这还是金身大圆满层次的进化者吗?” Do not say others, most hates the Chu Feng's Deity Race old monster to be also frightened, calls out in alarm for his fearful strength, does not dare believe own eye simply. 不要说别人,就是最仇恨楚风的天神族老怪物也都惊悚,为他的可怕战力而惊呼,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 "Dang!" “当!” Even if the Sub Saint Level weapon, after Chu Feng erupts Order Divine Chain, when stimulates to movement in the hand two Supreme Treasure thick embryos, these weapons cannot block, some flying sword pounded gaps appear, some flying sword wails, almost must break. 哪怕是亚圣级兵器,在楚风爆发秩序神链后,催动手中两件至宝粗胚时,那些兵器也挡不住,有的飞剑被砸的缺口浮现,有的飞剑哀鸣,几乎要断裂。 In addition, Chu Feng also forcefully seizes two Sub Saint Level weapons with starry sky Origin Gold bracelet! 除此之外,楚风还生生用星空母金手环强行夺走两口亚圣级兵器! Opens to me!” Chu Feng bellows. “给我开!”楚风大吼。 When saw when when Sub Saint Level flying sword depend on the strongest energy cuts down, ground ruptured, hundreds of thousands of jin (0.5 kg) giant stone fully has over a hundred fly high sky, Chu Feng has also gotten angry, here assumes an awe-inspiring pose. 当看到一柄亚圣级飞剑挟最强能量劈杀过来时,地面都崩开,数十万斤的巨石足有上百块跟着飞上高天时,楚风也怒了,在这里发威。 He shot the Vajra Cutter violent force directly, exhausts whole body all strengths to pound. 他直接将金刚琢猛力掷出,用尽浑身所有力量砸了出去。 "Dang!" “当!” His present strength is how fearful, this bracelet along with deposited energy how much, its weight and speed will have the corresponding change, now the terrifying is boundless, particularly gathers on small bracelet, that impulse shocks everybody. 他现在的实力何其可怕,这枚手环随着注入能量的多寡,其重量与速度等也会发生相应变化,现在恐怖无边,尤其是聚集在一枚小小的手环上,那种冲击力惊世骇俗。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Vajra Cutter breaks by smashing with stone Sub Saint Level flying sword, making scene all old monsters stare dumbfounded, this is similar to the myth is simply ordinary, Evolver of Golden Body level, strikes off flying sword with his weapon, was too scary. 金刚琢生生砸断一口亚圣级飞剑,让现场所有老怪物都瞠目结舌,这简直如同神话一般,金身层次的进化者,用他自己的兵器击断飞剑,太骇人了。 In nine flying sword has two to strike off, two were taken away, two caused heavy losses, full is the gap, is scarred, final three extremely fast fly away! 九口飞剑中有两口被击断,有两口被收走,还有两口被重创,满是缺口,伤痕累累,最后三口极速飞走! Was explained by the execution ground of flying sword construction! 飞剑构建的杀场被破解! Chu Feng you are very strong, but, gives me dead! Did Fellow Daoists also cover-up to do really? Gives me together take action, has killed him, activates all Divine Magnet, making the Domain god chart recover, striking will kill!” 楚风你很强,但是,还是给我去死吧!诸位道友还藏着掖着作甚?都给我一起出手,杀了他,激活所有神磁石,让场域神图复苏,将之击杀!” A Netherworld Race old man exclaimed, in the meantime, he when stimulating to movement Divine Magnet, but also with a person with joint forces took out great halberd, toward Chu Feng there detachment. 幽冥族一位老者吼道,同时,他在催动神磁石时,还与人合力祭出一杆大戟,向着楚风那里劈去。 In a flash, in the mountains, the Domain symbol were too many, dense and numerous, these people must Chu Feng refining, want to execute in this place. 一瞬间,山川中,场域符号太多了,密密麻麻,那些人要将楚风炼化,想格杀在此地。 When really I am a vegetarian?!” “真当我是吃素的吗?!” Chu Feng already opened Discerning Eyes, stares at this place, watches various Domain secrets, this is he one big depends on, has this Paramount eye technique, can look to put on various types of secrets. 楚风早已睁开火眼金睛,凝视此地,观看各种场域的隐秘,这是他一大倚仗,有这种究极眼术,能望穿各种隐秘。 Then, his withdraw two bracelet, have changed another two weapons! 然后,他收起两枚手环,换了另外两件兵器! And one is a magnetic printing, some material qualities are the god magnetism, part of material qualities are the magnetic marrow, this arranges one of the Domain highest materials! 其中一件是一座磁印,部分材质是神磁,还有一部分材质是磁髓,这可是布置场域的最高材料之一! The magnetic marrow, may with not be possible to ask, this is he initially in Earth Eastern Sea captured alive to capture alive Primeval Magnetic Saint Physique the treasure that from him seizes, regarding the Domain researcher, this was the Supreme Treasure material. 磁髓,可遇不可求,这是他当初在地球东海生擒活捉元磁圣体时从他身上夺来的瑰宝,对于场域研究者来说,这就是至宝材料。 The Chu Feng left hand is carrying this magnetic printing, flushes away forward, pounds suddenly, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, in the ground various Domain rune disorder, direct gloomily get down. 楚风左手拎着这枚磁印,向前冲去,猛然一砸,天崩地裂,地面上各种场域符文都紊乱,直接暗淡下去。 He is Domain Great Grandmaster, no one thinks that he arrived at this level, in addition the magnetic marrow law seal helps one another, simply is even more powerful, the terrifying is boundless, even/including Kekun kills the Sub Saint method unable to block him! 他是场域大宗师,谁都不会想到他已经到了这个层次,再加上磁髓法印相助,简直是如虎添翼,恐怖无边,连可困杀亚圣的手段都拦不住他! In addition, in the Chu Feng hand presents a bamboo, purple sparkling, nine, this is holy artifact that seizes from chaos universe small Saint Luo Yong there, moreover is the valuable thing in Saint Level weapon, was turned by him, bang to four directions. 除此之外,楚风手中出现一根竹子,紫莹莹,共有九节,这是从混沌宇宙小圣罗雍那里夺来的圣器,而且是圣级兵器中的珍品,被他轮动起来,轰向四方。 Damn, can he stimulate to movement holy artifact unexpectedly?” One group of people shock, the person of Golden Body level stimulates to movement Asian sacred weapon is very difficult, Chu Feng wields the high-quality goods in holy artifact unexpectedly, the prestige can be infinite. “该死,他居然能催动起圣器?”一群人震撼,金身层次的人催动亚圣兵器就已经很艰难,楚风居然挥动圣器中的精品,威能无穷。 When of bang, four directions these Domain rune originally by the disorder of Chu Feng's magnetism marrow seal disturbance, now again he uses the divine sense beating whip bombardment, directly disintegrate. 轰的一声,四野那些场域符文原本就被楚风的磁髓印干扰的紊乱,现在再被他用打神鞭轰击时,直接崩开 Kills!” “杀啊!” The surrounding person was frightened, must put really Chu Feng, is similar to fierce tiger faces the flock of sheep absolutely, all people must be threatened. 周围的人都惊悚了,真要将楚风放出来,绝对如同一头猛虎面对羊群,所有人都要受到威胁。 Great Demon Chu Feng you give me dead!” The Machine Race person rave, stimulates to movement a giant battleship, sparkles dense and numerous rune, launches the firepower. 楚风大魔头你给我去死!”机械族的人狂吼,催动一艘巨大的战舰,闪耀密密麻麻的符文,发射出火力。 "Um? ” Chu Feng is frightened, on that battleship is carving the Sub Saint Level symbol, the energy of but erupting has the Saint Level level, this strikes too fearfully. “嗯?”楚风惊悚,那艘战舰上雕刻着亚圣级符号,但是爆发出的能量却有圣级层次,这一击太可怕。 At the same time, the Deity Race's person also angrily roars, grasps several brilliant boundless Amethyst Heavenly Thunder, is sending out the fluctuation of Saint Level, prepares took out at any time. 同一时间,天神族的人也怒吼,手持几枚绚烂无边的紫晶天雷,散发着圣级的波动,随时准备祭出 In addition, a Netherworld Race took out black skull, is similar to Demon God from hell, shouting, is increasing rapidly, turns toward Chu Feng killing to go. 此外,幽冥族祭出一块黑色的头骨,如同来自地狱的魔神,嘶吼着,迅速变大,亦向着楚风扑杀而去。 Day deification blood streamer, melts completely all vitalities!” Spirit Race shouts, on that fearful big streamer, departs together the fragment, the bright red desire drops, was the past Paramount Weapon fragment, even if only then a scrap, less than one inch, but let the person palpitation as before, endured compared with the Saint prestige! “天神化血幡,化尽一切生机!”灵族嘶吼,那可怕的大幡上,飞出一块残片,鲜红欲滴,是昔日究极兵器的碎片,哪怕只有一小块,不足一寸长,但依旧让人心悸,堪比圣威! Kills!” The Xilin Clan person also angrily roars, opens a strange big bow, projects a peach wooden arrow, must kill Chu Feng. “杀!”西林族的人也怒吼,张开一张古怪的大弓,射出一支桃木箭,要击毙楚风 ...... …… The flash, these old monsters began, all use big Killing Weapon. 一刹那,这些老怪物都动手了,皆动用大杀器 Bang!” Chu Feng wields the black bamboo, is known as divine sense beating whip, pulled out directly has broken to pieces the mountains and rivers, let this mountain scene lineage/vein avalanche, wrecked Domain, came up forward. “轰隆!”楚风挥动紫竹,号称打神鞭,直接抽碎了山河,让这片山脉都崩塌了,击毁场域,向前上去。 Death!” He is bellowing. “死!”他大吼着。 These people are also roaring, the most intense big collision eruption, both sides evade not to be possible to evade. 那些人也怒号着,最为激烈的大碰撞爆发,双方都避无可避。 Bang! 轰隆! The Chu Feng big mouth coughs up blood, flutters, the whole body is the scar, is under the most serious impact, this is his critical moment stimulates to movement Soul Bell to protect the body to be the result. 楚风大口咳血,翻飞出去,满身都是伤痕,受到最为严重的冲击,这还是他关键时刻催动魂钟护体所致。 Otherwise, formidable such as his Human King Physique possibly cherishes hatred! 不然的话,强大如他的人王体都可能饮恨! However, he has yielded the astonishing result, drives out previous Domain thoroughly, rushes ahead! 不过,他取得了惊人的成果,彻底轰开早先的场域,冲杀出来! Kills!” The Machine Race person bellows once more, stimulates to movement the battleship, carries on the bang to kill. “杀!”机械族的人再次大吼,催动战舰,进行轰杀。 In addition, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person also controls the war fortress, urging Chu Feng to launch kills certainly. 此外,刺天穹的人也驾驭战争堡垒,催楚风展开绝杀。 But Deity Race's several Amethyst Heavenly Thunder have shot, loudly eruption! 天神族的几枚紫晶天雷都已经掷出,轰然爆发! Bang! 轰隆! This asteroid disintegrates, in people fight intensely, was destroyed, is split up, forms the huge shock-wave. 这颗小行星解体,在众人最为激烈的战斗中,被摧毁了,四分五裂,形成巨大的冲击波。 Chu Feng bleeds profusely from the head, is injured very heavily, but, he is wielding divine sense beating whip, pulls out exploding that strikes to be broken the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's war fortress directly, turns into one group of giant flames, is similar to a small Sun blasts out. 楚风七窍流血,受伤很重,但是,他在挥动打神鞭,直接将刺天穹的战争堡垒抽击的爆碎,化成一团巨大的火光,如同一轮小太阳炸开。 „Was this will leave one of the World of the Dead's finally several wars?” Chu Feng had this kind of clear(ly) to become aware suddenly, then, heart reappearing strong haze, the feeling was very serious. “这将是离开阴间的最后几战之一了吗?”楚风忽然生出这样一种明悟,接着,心头又浮现浓重阴霾,感觉很沉重。 Kills!” “杀!” He has rushed ahead the past, even if whole body overflowing blood also fearless, the Human King Physique resiliency was too formidable, the body must be split up, but now actually in fast cicatrization. 他冲杀了过去,哪怕周身溢血也无惧,人王体的恢复力太强大了,身体原本要四分五裂了,可现在却在快速的愈合。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 砰!砰!砰…… Chu Feng wields divine sense beating whip, several Golden Body Great Perfection old monsters that will run out of the war fortress will hit to explode, turns into several groups of blood mist, the Assassinating Vault of Heaven's troops all extinguishes! 楚风挥动打神鞭,一口气而已,将从战争堡垒中冲出的几名金身大圆满的老怪物都打爆,化成几团血雾,刺天穹的人马全灭! Also who?!” The Chu Feng's pupil is fearful. “还有谁?!”楚风的眸子可怕无比。 He turns into a lightning, dives to Machine Race, before that giant battleship has not assumed an awe-inspiring pose, divine sense beating whip has pulled maliciously out. 他化成一道闪电,俯冲向机械族,在那艘巨大的战舰没有发威前,狠狠一记打神鞭就抽了过去。 This is the treasure in holy artifact, is big Killing Weapon, the disintegration that the direct that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) battleships hit, turns into the most brilliant flame, the space seems annihilating. 这可是圣器中的瑰宝,是一件大杀器,直接那那艘万丈长的战舰打的崩碎,化成最为绚烂的火光,空间都仿佛在湮灭。 "Ah...... ” Machine Race several people are wailing, although there is a remnant soul to clash, but directly had actually been made up a whip by Chu Feng, the black bamboo cuts void, hitting will explode! “啊……”机械族的几人在哀嚎,虽然有残魂冲出来,但是却被楚风直接补了一鞭,紫竹划破虚空,将之打爆! Sediment, is the waste, who dares to fight with me?!” Chu Feng bellows. “渣子,都是废物,谁敢与我一战?!”楚风大吼。 He charges into Netherworld Race, several old monsters roared, the complexion was pallid, but stimulated to movement big Killing Weapon, wanted instead to kill Chu Feng. 他冲向幽冥族,几名老怪物咆哮,脸色煞白,但还是催动大杀器,想要反杀楚风 But, in front of divine sense beating whip, before Saint Level treasure black bamboo, their counter-attack and insufficiently formidable, even if has used the Saint Level thunder rare treasure, finally by one whip one, blast that they hit, the blood and bone flies away, does not have the suspense. 可是,在打神鞭面前,在圣级瑰宝紫竹前,他们的反击并不够强大,哪怕动用了圣级雷霆秘宝,结果还是被一鞭一个,将他们打的炸开,血与骨飞开,毫无悬念。 Kills, you must die, must go to hell!” Chu Feng slaughters. “杀,你们都要死,都要下地狱!”楚风大开杀戒。
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