SR :: Volume #9

#882: The prime culprits completely leave

Past, that very famous starry sky Knight eldest grandson linked snort/hum unable snort/hum, was stepped on by a Chu Feng foot explodes in same place, destroy both body and soul. 昔日,那个很出名的星空骑士的长孙连哼都没有能哼出一声,就被楚风一脚踩爆在原地,形神俱灭 This was exited by the live transmission as before, making Star Sea each region big change, Great Demon Chu seek for the enemy? Make related all parties very anxious and restless. 这一幕依旧被直播出去,让星海各地剧震,楚大魔头是怎么寻找到敌人的?让相关各方非常紧张与不安。 Chu Feng flies high to stand, sends silk to hang loose, the pupil is similar to the ice-cold lance front, said: Starry sky Knight is notorious, only dares to insult the elderly and infirm, is the shameless generations, you have something to show off, has to plant to roll to me, my hits to explode your 100!” 楚风凌空而立,发丝披散,眸子如同冰冷的矛锋,道:“星空骑士臭名昭著,只敢欺辱老弱妇孺,都是无耻之辈,你们有什么可炫耀的,有种都给我滚出来,我一个打爆你们100个!” His murderous aura is steaming, although cut to kill two people, but was as before difficult to be unemotional the angry flame, when Moon, he has seen these historical brand marks, was similar to has experienced that service. 杀气腾腾,虽然斩杀了两人,但依旧难平心中的怒焰,在月球上时,他看到过那些历史烙印,如同真实经历过那一役。 This crowd of starry sky Knight cold blood are heartless, chops two including child one blade of limping ways of running a school, on that immature small face writes all over panic-stricken, moistens the full blood, pours in the pool of blood, is really pitiful. 这群星空骑士冷血无情,连蹒跚学路的孩子都一刀剁成两段,那稚嫩的小脸上写满惊恐,沾满血液,倒在血泊中,实在凄惨。 The pregnant woman did not have humane Knight to laugh by this crowd is shouldering with the lance, corpse two lives, then the violent force flings, their competition looked person who who kills are many. 还有孕妇也被这群没有人性的骑士大笑着用长矛挑起,一尸两命,而后猛力甩出去,他们比赛看谁杀的人多。 This is one crowd of cold blood chop suey, may say inhuman, especially is not to young take action, but chases down one crowd of old, weak, sick, and disabled, is primarily the women and children. 这就是一群冷血的杂碎,毫无人性可言,尤其不是对青壮出手,而是追杀一群老弱病残,以妇孺为主。 Chu Feng slightly does to delay on this small planet, rescues all slaves, strikes to kill starry sky Knight lineage/vein all people, changes its dominant position. 楚风在这颗较小的星球上略作耽搁,将所有奴隶都解救出来,击杀星空骑士一脉所有人,改变其统治地位。 However, he is also one lightly sighs, the descendants of these archaic Earth ancients were enslaved completely, Spiritual Will wait/etc. were very difficult to change again, abandoned thoroughly. 然而,他也是一声轻叹,那些上古地球先民的后裔完全被奴化,精神意志等很难再改变过来,彻底废了。 Chu Feng has carried off their thoughts certainly, appointed it develops here, in any case is the free body, but spiritually was not Earth. 楚风绝了带走他们的心思,任其在这里发展,反正都已是自由身,只是精神上已经不属于地球。 Similar to that Xilin Clan, although with Earth with lineage/vein common origin, but, spiritually already departed from the betrayal, now and Earth does not relate, is the outside territory enemy clan. 就如同那西林族,虽然跟地球同脉同源,但是,精神上早已背离背叛,如今与地球毫无关系,已算是域外敌族。 Exceedingly high Vampire please open superior grade wormhole, goes to the next destination!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, has not stopped, starts directly once more. “通天吸血鬼请开启超级虫洞,前往下一个目的地!”楚风开口,没有多作停留,直接再次启程。 Cherry Lansing, a small star of beautiful scenery, all over is the cherry orchid, fragrance greets the nostrils, flower petal, is having the bright ray. 樱兰星,一颗风景秀丽的小星,漫山遍野都是樱兰花,馨香扑鼻,花瓣点点,带着灿烂的光芒。 The plain, is in the mountainous regions, the multi- lakes, are similar to the bulk bulk deep blue crystal shop in the mountains, glitters the clear gloss. 无论是平原,还是山地间,都多湖泊,如同大块大块湛蓝的水晶铺在山川中,闪烁晶莹的光泽。 Although the Evolutionary Civilization level is low, but the fish seven change likes here very much, original Indigenous will quickly kill certainly, here becomes his territory. 虽然进化文明层次较低,但是鱼七变很喜欢这里,将原先的土著都快杀绝了,这里成为他的领地。 Every day, he enjoys very much, first half of life grabs in all directions, gains the large amounts of resources, enough he spends freely, has led a pious life the old age. 每日间,他都很享受,前半生四处劫掠,获取大量的资源,足够他挥霍,一直修行到晚年。 What a pity, he is not always able to break through to Sub Saint Dominion, was stranded in Golden Body Great Perfection many years. 可惜,他始终无法突破到亚圣领域,被困在金身大圆满很多年。 Some time ago, he was also bringing pleased, cherished the memory of the past magnificence, however he is now frightened, saw that the same time starry sky Knight was killed, he all over the body sent coldly. 不久前,他还带着快意,缅怀过去的辉煌,然而现在他惊悚,看到同时代的星空骑士被杀,他遍体发寒。 Chī! 哧! He turns around to walk, wants to leave this planet, runs into the boundless universe deep place, he felt that oneself stared by an unfeeling eye, some people must ask him to criticize. 他转身就走,想要离开这颗星球,逃进茫茫宇宙深处,他感觉自己被一双冷酷无情的眼睛盯上,有人要找他清算。 Fish Nine Transformations, do you also want to walk? You did not say, if starry sky Knight reappears, can turn the hand to pat my Chu Feng, your clear/pain young masters came!” 鱼九变,你还想走?你不是说,星空骑士若是再现,可以翻手拍死我楚风吗,你楚小爷来了!” In the sky, superior grade wormhole opens, Chu Feng walked, overlooks below mountains, shouting loudly, frightens the Fish Nine Transformations whole body fine body hair but actually to be vertical. 天空中,一个超级虫洞开启,楚风走了出来,俯视下方的山川,一声大喝,吓得鱼九变浑身寒毛倒竖。 His raised head towards sky, was really that recently moved Star Sea Great Demon! 仰头望天,果然是那个最近名动星海大魔头 You said, initially you had killed a cleanness the blood relative heir of some archaic Earth great people, is proud, was working as the surface praise of army by commanding of starry sky Knight, you kill the child, is not ashamed, but also takes it as an honor, do you have many are not concerned about face?!” “你说,当初你将上古地球一些大人物的嫡亲子嗣都杀了个干净,引以为傲,被星空骑士的统领当着全军的面表扬,你杀孩子,不以为耻,还引以为荣,你到底有多不要脸?!” Chu Feng angrily rebukes, in the meantime, he can think, if that group of children can grow, inevitably is a side giant, badly is the Saint level powerhouses. 楚风怒斥,同时,他能够想到,如果那群孩子可以成长起来,必然都是一方巨头,最差都是圣人级强者。 What a pity, on Earth most has potential one group of youngster like this to be strangled by evil and cruel starry sky Knight. 可惜,地球上最有潜力的一群少年都就这样被歹毒的星空骑士扼杀。 Chu Feng has the words saying that initially, was not I alone begins, although that group of youngster the person was small, but was very fierce, our day bloody battle team casualties were serious, I have not begun, therefore finally only then I alone lived, you asked me not to criticize like this fairly!” 楚风有话好说,当初,不是我一个人动手,那群少年虽然人小,但是都很厉害,我们天血战队都伤亡惨重,我没怎么动手,所以最后只有我一个人活下来,你这样找我清算不公平!” The fish seven changed called out, the person was older more fears death, lived these many years, enjoyed lifetime, he has not hated dead. 鱼七变叫道,人越老越怕死,活了这么多年,享受一生,他还舍不得死。 Chu Feng is angry: Your this shameless old executioner, the whole body is the smell of blood, on the ancient capital has elapsed, on you also has the blood taste not to be loose, do you also dare to say the fair two characters to me?” 楚风大怒:“你这无耻的老刽子手,满身都是血腥味,上古都逝去了,你身上还有血味不散,你还敢跟我说公平二字?” He dives, is similar to the thunder, has delimited the expansive sky, makes the huge sound, making below mountains be cracked, then blasted out, is the strong Supreme Being quantity that he sent out makes it so. 他俯冲下去,如同雷霆,划过长空,发出巨大的声响,让下方的山川都龟裂了,而后炸开,是他散发出的强大能量使然。 Is this asteroid equivalent is too mainly low, lacks the Order rune protection, he here, if still gods. 主要是这颗小行星等阶太低,缺少秩序符文守护,他在这里,犹若神明。 Bang! 砰! A Chu Feng foot kicks, fish seven changed avoided several times is defeated, finally by numerous kicking on body, even if he were Golden Body Great Perfection is not good. 楚风一脚踢出,鱼七变数次躲避都失败,结果被重重的踢在身上,哪怕他是金身大圆满也不行。 , his half body blasts out, becomes one group of blood mist, he was calling out pitifully, wailing, on the half body was flying horizontally, cracked-up a mountain. 噗的一声,他的半截身子炸开,成为一团血雾,他惨叫着,哀嚎着,上半截身子横飞出去,撞碎一座大山。 In the period, Chu Feng uses Beast Source Platform, the entire journey live transmission, this picture vibrates Star Sea, all complete silence. 在期间,楚风利用原兽平台,全程直播,这画面震动星海,各方鸦雀无声。 Chu Feng stands in the sky, said: Wished one could the antiquity, wants to kill off your this crowd of so-called starry sky Knight in that age, cut a cleanness, you also only dare start to these children and woman, but also had a face to boast oneself were magnificent, today do not want to run, one foot stamped!” 楚风站在天空中,道:“恨不能回上古,真想在那个年代将你们这群所谓的星空骑士都杀光,都斩个干净,你们也只敢对那些孩子与妇女下手,还有脸吹嘘自己辉煌,今天一个也别想跑,都一脚踩死!” Whiz, he rushed over once more, foot treads, seven changes the fish the suppression under, forms piece of invisible force field-- Sacred Territory! 嗖的一声,他再次冲了过去,一只脚踏出,将鱼七变压制在下方,形成一片无形力场——圣域 The fish seven change the neck is red, on face the blue vein appears, the use strongest Supreme Being quantity also has trump card, but no helps, cannot work loose. 鱼七变脖子通红,脸上青筋浮现,动用最强大能量还有杀手锏,但于事无补,挣脱不出去。 Finally, in pū pū the sound, he sees an own cuns (2.5 cm) break, the bone and flesh is melting, the severe pain makes him unendurable, whether there is simultaneously in the heart to fear. 最后,在噗噗声中,他看到自己寸寸断裂,骨头与血肉都在消融,剧痛让他难以忍受,同时心中有无边恐惧。 "Ah...... ” he wails, having the endless pain to yell. “啊……”他哀嚎,带着无尽痛苦大叫。 However, is in the end difficult to run away dies, his destroy both body and soul. 但是,到头来却也难逃一死,他形神俱灭 Starry sky Knight is the sediment, the generation of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, in the past you also dare to take advantage, bully the old and weak as well as the child, is the trash!” “星空骑士都是渣子,欺软怕硬之辈,当年你们也只是敢趁火打劫,欺负老弱以及孩子而已,都是垃圾!” Chu Feng angrily roars, the foul odor in heart left, but is unassuageable. 楚风怒吼,心中的恶气出了一些,但还是难以平静。 He a search on this planet, the den that the fish seven changed copying, please the exceedingly high company open superior grade wormhole once more, rushed to the next destination. 他在这颗星球上一番搜索,将鱼七变的老巢给抄了,再次请通天公司开启超级虫洞,赶往下一个目的地。 Universe Star Sea, various clan Evolver petrify, the complete silence, Great Demon Chu Feng also is really fearful, kills another end from a universe end, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered each region, unceasingly extinguishes starry sky Knight, stirring. 宇宙星海,各族进化者石化,鸦雀无声,楚风大魔头还真是可怕,从宇宙一端杀到另一端,纵横各地,不断灭星空骑士,震撼人心。 Starry sky Knight, did not recall in the past magnificent, came out to me, your head/number of people of killing is billowing, died!” “星空骑士,不是缅怀过去的辉煌吗,都给我出来,杀的你们人头滚滚,都去死!” Chu Feng depart, goes to class cold star, in the stars of universe desolated region, here rare life planet, 90% region death aura heavy. 楚风出发,前往流寒星,一个在宇宙荒芜区域的星辰,这里罕有生命星球,九成地带都死气沉沉。 Last starry sky Knight Kan Hong here, once boasted shamelessly, bathes various archaic Earth clan Evolver's blood, is very proud. 最后一位星空骑士阚宏就在这里,曾大言不惭,沐浴上古地球各族进化者的鲜血,很是自傲。 Chu Feng killed, entered this fog mistily, but indeed had vitality planet, under was the big piece forest, he dived, sought for Kan Hong. 楚风杀来了,进入这颗灰雾蒙蒙、但是的确有生机的星球,下方是大片的森林,他俯冲下来,寻找阚宏。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The flash, nine exceedingly high sword light soar to the heavens on, tears the vault of heaven, was too terrifying, making entire planet shiver. 一刹那,九道通天的剑光冲霄而上,撕裂天穹,太恐怖了,让整颗星球都颤动起来。 Mainly is because this planet is very small, rule and Order not entire, the formidable energy liberation, has the possibility of collapse slightly. 主要是因为这颗行星很小,规则与秩序不全,稍微强大一些的能量释放出来,就有崩坏的可能。 Kills the bureau?” “杀局?” Chu Feng extremely fast flies, avoids nine to pass strangling to death of Sky Sword light, stands is in void, eye pupil ice-cold, is overlooking under one after another mountain. 楚风极速飞行,避开九道通天剑光的绞杀,立身在虚空中,眼眸冰冷,俯视着下方一座又一座大山。 His knows, this so-called starry sky Knight has the issue mostly, this clearly is one of the careful preparation kills the bureau. 知道,这个所谓的星空骑士多半有问题,这分明是精心准备的一场杀局。 He realized, some people want to lure and kill him, makes him enter the jar with the aid of this time event, actually whether to have Kan great this starry sky Knight is very difficult to say. 他意识到,有人想诱杀他,借助这次的事件引他入瓮,究竟是否存在阚宏这个星空骑士都很难说。 Buzz! 嗡! four directions, endless rune shines, has the molten iron rivers likely one after another, is bright red and flaming, simultaneously overflows the scary energy aura. 四野,无尽的符文亮起,像是一条又一条有铁水河流,鲜红而炽盛,同时溢出骇人的能量气息。 This is piece of complex and large-scale Domain, locks the trapped/sleepy world, surrounds Chu Feng in middle. 这是一片复杂而大型的场域,锁困天地,将楚风围拢在当中。 Copes with me with Domain?” Chu Feng sneers, then the brow wrinkled, does not realize right, crisis reappearing heart. “用场域对付我?”楚风冷笑,而后眉头皱了起来,意识到不对头,危机浮现心头。 This is piece of special Domain, is very complex, is pieces together, surrounds all around, is very indeed thorny, most important is the issue of level, has the Sub Saint Level aura! 这是一片特殊的场域,很复杂,是拼凑起来的,困住四面八方,的确很棘手,最为重要是层次的问题,有亚圣级气息! Chu Feng is very immediately serious, can here slaughter Sub Saint?! 楚风顿时无比严肃,这里可屠亚圣?! „Are you who?” Chu Feng asked. “你们都是什么人?”楚风问道。 The mountain range deep place, appears a metal fortress, passes greatly sends is letting the person depressing aura, unexpectedly is Asian holy artifact, is standing above abreast in row six people, is very skinny, by the black cape camouflage facial countenance, could not be seen the appearance/portrait, everyone carries a big sword. 山脉深处,浮现一座金属堡垒,宏大而透发着让人压抑的气息,居然是亚圣器,在上面并排站着六人,都很枯瘦,被黑色斗篷遮蔽头脸,看不到真容,每个人都背着一口大剑。 Meanwhile, they are sending out piercing killing intent, is hostile to not cover up to Chu Feng's. 同时,他们散发着刺骨的杀意,对楚风的敌视不加掩饰。 Reveals only part of the truth, was needless saying that I can also guess correctly who you were, Assassinating Vault of Heaven's person!” Chu Feng narrows the eye saying that murderous aura surges. “藏头露尾,不用多说,我也能猜到你们是谁,刺天穹的人!”楚风眯着眼睛说道,杀气激荡。 This killer organized initially to use the battlefield fortress, ruled Earth, wants to turn into their back gardens there thoroughly, must carve up various good fortunes that the antiquity left behind. 这个杀手组织当初动用战场堡垒,君临地球,想彻底将那里变成他们的后花园,要瓜分上古遗留下来的各种造化。 Finally, that super holy artifact-- large-scale battlefield fortress explodes broken, one time died over ten thousand killer elites, the loss is serious. 结果,那件超级圣器——大型的战场堡垒爆碎,一次死了上万杀手精英,损失惨重。 In addition, Old Ancestor of this clan Shining Upon All Heavens level was also killed to explode by the Yaoyao grandfather, finally escapes in a panic, moreover this clan in the past was also one of the destruction Earth prime culprits. 此外,该族映照诸天级的老祖宗也被妖妖的爷爷杀爆,最终仓皇逃命,而且该族当年也是覆灭地球的元凶之一。 anything else, rolls to me!” Chu Feng feels, person more than these that comes, other people. 还有呢,都给我滚出来!”楚风感觉到,来的人远不止这些,还有其他人。 Chu Feng, your junior, too wild is not good, early will be young, today you could not escape, bury the pit already to dig for you, today you must result in die!” 楚风,你一个小辈而已,太猖狂不好,会早夭,今天你插翅难逃,葬坑早就为你挖好,今天你必须得死!” Also several people go out, has purple sends the person, there is a black hair person, the white hair person, in the Golden Body Great Perfection level, there are five big expert. 又有几人走出,有紫发人,也有黑发人,还有白发人,都在金身大圆满层次,共有五大高手 Moreover, they do not conceal, from Xilin Clan, is to extinguish Chu Feng today. 而且,他们并不掩饰,来自西林族,今天就是灭楚风而来。 Chu Feng flies into a rage, said: Xilin Clan, do you have the heart of sense of honor? Rebels, in the past counter- Earth, if no you, ancients how to go so far as to nearly all extinguishes, collaborates from outside with the inside, puts the foreign enemy to enter. Do you have a face to live in the world?” 楚风勃然大怒,道:“西林族,你们还有廉耻之心吗?叛徒,当年反出地球,如果没有你们,先民何至于近乎全灭,里应外合,放外敌进入。你们还有脸活在世上吗?” He incomparably loathes Xilin Clan, in the past they also said Xilin Army, instead exits, but also has turned around to kill the person on one's own side, is meaner than other families, the field littered with corpses that kills, the head/number of people tumbles innumerably. 他无比厌恶西林族,当年他们还自称西林军,反出去也就罢了,还转过身来杀自己人,比外族还阴狠,直杀的尸横遍野,人头滚落无数。 That service is too pitiful, various sections do not have any protection to them, causing the casualties to be serious, died too many hero. 那一役太凄惨,各部对他们都没有任何防备,导致伤亡惨重,死了太多的豪雄 In addition, from the antiquity to the present, they have been capturing and killing the people as well as their descendants who runs away from Earth, compared with other clans also savage. 此外,从上古到现在,他们一直在捕杀从地球逃出去的人以及他们的后代,比其他族都还凶残。 I must kill you!” Chu Feng pledged, he thought that oneself should go to the Xilin Clan den to step onto, manages him whether has the wound day, extinguished this clan directly thoroughly! “我必杀你们!”楚风发誓,他觉得,自己该去西林族的老巢走上一遭,管他是否有伤天和,直接彻底灭了这一族! "hē hē, the junior, an avid follower, was swifter and fiercer than past Yaoyao, do you want to hit the starry sky to be unpaired really? Daydreams, today strangles you, was similar to past Yaoyao, premature on the wane, I and others will not make you grow truly! ” “呵呵,小辈,一个狂徒而已,比当年的妖妖还凌厉,你真想打遍星空无对手吗?白日做梦,今天扼杀你,就如同当年的妖妖,过早凋零,我等不会让你真正成长起来!” That person stands, the whole body ice-cold gloss flashes, this is a metal person, from Machine Race, this clan also came four people . Moreover the side giant battleships, are sparkling Sub Saint Level rune, frightens this place! 那人站出,浑身冰冷光泽闪动,这是一个金属人,来自机械族,该族也来了四人,而且旁边有一艘巨大的战舰,闪耀着亚圣级符文,震慑此地! Then, several whole body black qi are dreadful, the old man who the whole body sends out the deep fog goes out, is gloomy and fearsome, they come from Netherworld Race, in the past to the main force of front line, this clan strength ranked 12 th past, was supported by Great Dream Pure Land's, wants destruction archaic Earth, displaces. 接着,几名浑身黑气滔天,周身散发冥雾的老者走出,阴森而可怖,他们来自幽冥族,当年冲在最前方的主力,该族实力昔日排名第12,受到大梦净土的支持,要覆灭上古地球,取而代之。 Boy, you assign/life are really hard, grows to one step, making me and others feel that has threatened seriously, right that Machine Race Fellow Daoist said that when strangles you, such as the past years the ancestry struck to kill Yaoyao to be the same, cut off her road ahead, today you also hit destroy both body and soul you!” “小子,你命还真硬,成长到一步,让我等都感觉到严重威胁了,机械族道友说的对,当扼杀你,就如当年我们的祖辈击杀妖妖一样,断绝她的前路,今天你也将你打个形神俱灭!” A Netherworld Race old man opens the mouth, sound hoarse, expressed terrifying killing intent to Chu Feng, naked, did not need to conceal. 幽冥族一位老者开口,声音嘶哑,对楚风表达出恐怖的杀意,赤裸裸,无需掩饰。 Netherworld Race's several people are bringing big Killing Weapon, that is a long halberd, is all over the body jet black, the Sub Saint fluctuation of energy is fierce. 幽冥族的几人带着一件大杀器,那是一杆长戟,通体漆黑,亚圣能量波动剧烈。 Chu Feng cold sound said: „The thing that one flock of pig dogs are inferior, jumped today, happen to saved my free time, killed a cleanness you, naturally, your dens, your planet, after my Sanctification, arrived inevitably, imitates you, conquered by killing!” 楚风寒声道:“一群猪狗不如的东西,在今天都跳出来了,也正好省却我一番工夫,将你们都杀个干净,当然,你们的老巢,你们的星球,等我成圣后必然降临,效仿你们,血洗一遍!” The Spirit Race also four people appear, bring the God blood streamer, the blood-color streamer surface flutter, make the terrifying sound, sends out the formidable Saint Level fluctuation of energy. 灵族也有四人出现,带来神灵化血幡,血色幡面招展,发出恐怖的声音,散发强大的圣级能量波动。 In addition also has Corpse Race, one of the universe first ten big races, brings the terrifying big Killing Weapon, wants suppress and kill Chu Feng. 除此之外还有尸族,宇宙前十大种族之一,也带来恐怖的大杀器,要镇杀楚风 Chu Feng, Wu Lunhui, Divine Son of my clan died, why you are living from Foreign Territory coming back, whether or not you kill, you give me to go to hell!” The Corpse Race's person sneers to say. 楚风,吴轮回,我族的神子都死了,你凭什么从异域活着回来,不管是不是你杀的,你都给我去下地狱!”尸族的人冷笑道。 Initially, they had the conflict in Great Dream Pure Land with Wu Lunhui, because, they suspected seriously, Yan Luo death was related with Wu Lunhui, must strike to kill him. 当初,他们就在大梦净土吴轮回起了冲突,因为,他们严重怀疑,阎洛的死跟吴轮回有关,要将他击杀。 Moreover, told you also to might as well, an antiquity wartime, first ten big abatement Deity Race supported outside Netherworld Race, there is our Corpse Race to support secretly, setting out Shining Upon All Heavens level expert to encircle and hunt!” “另外,告诉你也无妨,上古一战时,前十大除却天神族支持幽冥族外,也有我们尸族暗中支持,出动映照诸天高手进行围猎!” The Chu Feng eye spilled over slightly red ray, the prime culprit of antiquity almost appeared, must encircle to him, making him naturally fill the air with killing intent, wishes one could to put to death all people immediately. 楚风眼睛泛出微红的光芒,上古的元凶几乎都出现了,要对他围剿,让他自然跟着杀意弥漫,恨不得立刻诛杀所有人。 Beyond abatement these people, Deity Race's troops, although they ranked to drop, but the inside story as before was very actually fearful, set out eight Golden Body levels expert. 除却那些人外,还有天神族的人马,尽管他们排名下降了,但其实底蕴依旧很可怕,出动八尊金身层次的高手 In addition, some ethnic groups, dispatches expert, is bringing big Killing Weapon, most at least is the Sub Saint Level weapon starts. 此外,还有一些族群,也遣出高手,带着大杀器,最起码是亚圣级兵器起步。 Has a more formidable weapon, is mainly because a fiercer weapon is very difficult to stimulate to movement, the consumption is terrifying! 不是没有更强大的兵器,主要是因为更厉害的兵器很难催动起来,消耗过于恐怖! Naturally, those who most make Chu Feng dread, Divine Magnet that various clans bring, that already made by cutting the good Domain magnet chart, after spelling crowded together, formidable terrifying. 当然,最让楚风忌惮的是,各族带来的神磁石,那是早已刻制好的场域磁石图,拼凑在一起后,强大的恐怖。 He was stranded in central, various clan preparations rub him, lets his intermittent palpitation. 他被困在中央,各族准备磨死他,让他阵阵心悸。 Only what rejoices, various clan knows he did not become Domain Great Grandmaster, although saw that he strangled to death small Saint Luo Yong in Great Dream Pure Land using field Domain, but nobody thinks that was he arranges, thinks that was Great Dream Pure Land's ready-made Domain. 唯一庆幸的是,各族不知道他成为场域大宗师了,虽然看到他在大梦净土利用场场域绞杀小圣罗雍,但没有人认为那是他布置的,都以为是大梦净土的现成场域 Fights the slaughter demon, strangles the Earth so-called rare talent, do not presumptuously think to go on living, you were already determined by us for the deceased person!” “一战屠魔,扼杀地球所谓的奇才,不要妄想活下去,你早已被我们确定为死人!” Begins!” “动手!” One group of people activated the Domain magnet chart that brings from the respective ethnic group, wants to slaughter Chu Feng thoroughly, cuts this present age strongest young people who walks from Earth! 一群人都激活了从各自族群带来的场域磁石图,想彻底屠杀楚风,斩掉这个从地球走出来的当世最强年轻人! I pledged, shortly after I rule inevitably and others in planet, a tooth for a tooth, returns the blood by the blood, comes an ultimate big settlement!” Chu Feng said. “我发誓,不久后我必然君临尔等所在星球,以牙还牙,以血还血,来一场终极大清算!”楚风道。 Meanwhile, he has a feeling, various situations so are stern, as if wants the ultimate showdown, one type special realizes from experience to reappear the heart, don't tell me he must leave this world, will enter World of the Living? 同时,他有一种感觉,各种事态都这么严峻,仿佛要终极对决般,一种特别的体悟浮现上心头,难道他要离开这个世界,将进入阳间 Arrived this level, divine awareness was especially keen, can always sense to something ahead of time. 到了他这个层次,神觉格外敏锐,对有些事总能提前有所感悟。 But, why I thought that must suffocate, felt that the inexplicable terrifying pressure......” in an instant, Chu Feng has this induction suddenly, then, he thinks matter that Kunlun Mountains one crowd of big monsters mentioned, Yaoyao once issued the serious warning, immediately made his heart serious. “可是,为什么我觉得要窒息般,感觉到莫名的恐怖压力……”在刹那间,楚风突然生出这种感应,然后,他想到昆仑一群大妖所提及的事,妖妖曾发出严重警告,顿时让他心头沉重。
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