SR :: Volume #9

#881: Settlement starry sky Knight

Distinguished guest of respect, even if you provide planet some landforms, we are unable to guarantee that certainly can the percentage hundred identifications it the Coordinate in universe, this is only aims at a value-added service that the distinguished guest customer unveils most newly temporarily, is the ultra new technology, but also needs to be improved, asked you to keep secret.” “尊敬的贵宾,哪怕您提供一颗星球的部分地貌,我们也无法保证一定可以百分百的辨识出它在宇宙中的坐标,这只是最新临时针对贵宾客户推出的一项增值服务,属于超新技术,还有待完善,同时也请您保密。” Which planet according to a landform can the determination from boundless universe Star Sea be, this technology shocks everybody, is extremely terrifying! 依据一点地貌就可以从茫茫宇宙星海中确定是哪颗星球,这种技术惊世骇俗,极其恐怖! The universe is how big, the length and breadth is boundless, the galaxy trillion, seek for a planet ratio to look for a needle in a haystack did not have the several fold difficultly, obviously the Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's strength, they must outline the concrete universe celestial chart simply. 宇宙何其大,广袤无垠,星系亿万,从中寻找一颗星球比大海捞针还困难无数倍,可见通天虫洞公司的实力,他们简直要勾勒出具体的宇宙星图。 You then the line, strive to look for with every effort to me the Coordinate of these two places!” Chu Feng said. “你们尽力就行,争取将这两地的坐标给我找出来!”楚风道。 Good, please patiently wait.” The Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's female customer service replied, but, was not previous that voice magnetic female. “好,请您耐心等候。”通天虫洞公司的女客服答道,不过,不是上次那个嗓音略带磁性的女子。 This is a very tedious search mission, Heavenspan Worm-hole Company has the huge database, is dozens over a million years of accumulations, records trillion Star Sea major celestial body landforms. 这是一项很繁琐的搜索任务,通天虫洞公司拥有庞大的数据库,都是数十上百万年的积累,记录着亿万星海的各大星体地貌等。 Naturally, they have certain assurance are mainly because since, the long years, they have recorded many life source areas that can explore. 当然,他们有一定的把握主要是因为,漫长岁月以来,他们记录了能够探索到的诸多生命源地。 They believe, various clan Evolver want to survive, mostly on these life planet, but not in desolated Star Sea. 他们坚信,各族进化者想要生存,多半还是在这些生命星球上,而不是在荒芜的星海中。 Otherwise, if really under the record in universe each planet, that is impossible to complete, does not have such database. 不然的话,真要是记录下宇宙中每一颗星球,那根本不可能完成,不存在这样的数据库。 “Wú, had the old friend to live, is really pleasantly surprised, wants to come in me, the abatement various commands greatly, as well as Nine Yin Bird, Yuwen Cheng Kong wait/etc. afterward outside the Sanctification person, other youngest brothers passed away, cannot think, today hears the good news, haha...... I am also starry sky Knight, is living also! ” “唔,原来还有老朋友活着,真是惊喜,在我想来,除却各大统领,以及阴九雀宇文成空等后来成圣的人外,其他老兄弟都老死了,想不到,今日听闻喜讯,哈哈……我也是星空骑士,至今还活着!” wait/etc. waited for the proper time in Chu Feng , the old fogy jumps, cherishes the memory of the years, a very happy and excited appearance. 就在楚风等待时,又有一个老家伙跳出来,缅怀岁月,一副很高兴与激动的样子。 First two people, one is the starry sky Knight eldest grandson, second is established starry sky Knight, after this third person jumps out, immediately makes the second person rouse. 前两人,一个是星空骑士的长孙,第二个是老牌星空骑士,这第三人跳出后,顿时让第二人振奋不已。 He laughs saying: Haha, we are not orphaned, cannot think, the antiquity elapsed, such long time completely has not boiled us, even if did not have Sanctification, the youngest brother was living. In the past, what killed in Earth was really happy, then chased down the outside territory outer space, cuts these evil remnants heads of killing to be billowing, cannot run away including their children, the successful slaughter completely, was really full!” 他大笑道:“哈哈,吾辈不孤,想不到,上古逝去,这么漫长的时间都没有将我们全部熬死,即便没有成圣,还有老兄弟活着。当年,在地球杀的真是痛快,而后又追杀到域外太空,斩杀的那些余孽人头滚滚,连他们的孩子都没能逃走,成功屠尽,真是酣畅淋漓!” Then, this second person, is established Knight introduces oneself, his tuo mist, in the past was also very famous talent, what a pity, cannot Sanctification, be stranded the Golden Body Great Perfection extreme from the antiquity to the present throughout, now blood energy is not very exuberant, weaker promote step. 然后,这第二个人,也就是老牌骑士自我介绍,他名陀岚,当年也算是很有名气的天才,可惜,始终不能成圣,自上古到现在一直被困金身大圆满极点,如今血气不够旺盛,更加无力晋阶。 That starry sky Knight that finally jumps out is bringing pleased, is having very happy smiling face, said: I and old friend are the same, in the past took the phoenix grass in Earth fortunately, life essence increases sharply, the head/number of people in there killing is what a pity billowing, the advantage that obtains are many, cannot Sanctification. My name was Kan Hong, in the past subordinated in the starry sky Knight Heavenly Punishment corps. Oh, we in antiquity Heavenly Punishment Earth, have killed off that once to place the ethnic group on 11 th super planet, bathes their blood to be magnificent, we finally was what a pity old to the present, is really regrettable.” 最后跳出的那名星空骑士带着快意,也带着很开心的笑容,道:“我与老友一样,当年在地球有幸服食到凤凰草,寿元激增,可惜啊,在那里杀的人头滚滚,得到的好处不少,也没有能成圣。我叫阚宏,当年隶属于星空骑士天罚战队。唉,我们在上古天罚了地球,杀尽那颗曾经排名第11的超级星球上的族群,沐浴他们的鲜血而辉煌,可惜,到现在我们终于老了,真是遗憾。” Kan Hong sighs with emotion, chatted with the starry sky Knight tuo mist that second jumps, introduced which corps respectively in the past, each other had the impression. 阚宏感慨,跟第二个跳出来的星空骑士陀岚聊了起来,各自介绍当年在哪个战队,彼此都有印象。 This lets the Chu Feng both eyes torching, in heart the killing intent ebullition, the past old executioner has not died certainly, some people live is very good, now unexpectedly still in recalling in the past eventful years, in opening cruelest and brutal the scabs to Earth, making the person be filled with righteous indignation, does not endure. 这让楚风双目喷火,心中杀意沸腾,当年的老刽子手没有死绝,还有一些人活的很好,如今居然还在忆往昔“峥嵘岁月”,在揭开对地球来说最残忍与残酷的伤疤,让人怒火填膺,忍受不了。 "hē hē, two youngest brothers, you are living, but also remembers me? I am the fish seven change, in the past by our starry sky Knight commands to be in front of army to praise greatly, that service, our day bloody battle team once pursued on the blood relative heir of some Earth great people, has not bled off that crowd of small talents, has slaughtered a cleanness, has solved a big trouble. Haha, that killing happiness of quite, looks that these future the youngster humiliation and unwilling look that is doomed to rise, thinks after them, should be able to become the great person, becomes the thumb, has the sense of achievement seriously, was strangled by us in the growth stage, the blood dyes the outer space. However, what a pity, our day bloody battle team, only then I live. Also is quite regrettable, I also obtain secret medicine in Earth , to continue life essence to today, is actually not able to break through to Saint Level Dominion. The youngest brothers, had the opportunity we gathering, fondly remember the antiquity, a war of Earth, was our lives the most magnificent service seriously. ” “呵呵,两位老兄弟,你们都还活着啊,还记得我吗?我是鱼七变,当年被我们星空骑士的大统领当着全军的面表扬过,那一役,我们天血战队曾追击上地球一些大人物的嫡亲子嗣,没有放走那群小天才,屠戮了个干净,解决了一桩大患。哈哈,那一次杀的好舒畅,看着那些未来注定要崛起的少年屈辱与不甘的眼神,想到他们以后理应可以成为大人物,成为巨擘,当真是非常有成就感,被我们扼杀在成长阶段,血染外太空。不过,可惜,我们天血战队只有我自己活下来。同时也颇为遗憾,我也只是在地球得到一株秘药,延续寿元到今天,却无法突破到圣级领域。老兄弟们,有机会我们聚一聚,怀念上古,地球的一战,当真是我们此生最辉煌的一役。” The fish seven change thinks and the past event, is very excited, has the feelings very much, but makes Chu Feng bristle with anger, this group of old executioners the valuable medicine that obtains from Earth , to continue life essence, tramples the Earth innumerable skeletons, does all kinds of evil, now lives also to dare such to spout rhetoric, is too hateful. 鱼七变思及旧事,很激动,也很有感触,但是却让楚风怒发冲冠,这群老刽子手都是从地球得到的宝药,延续寿元,践踏地球无数尸骨,作恶多端,如今活下来还敢这么大放厥词,太可恨。 The old starry sky Knight tuo mist laughs, is very discrete, said: Reunion, after all, some people have wanted to ask us to criticize, what a pity, our recessiveness hides the truth from the name, crosses is very comfortable, is very comfortable, they forever could not find. For example that Demon Chu Feng, does your this ignorant junior, want to kill us to revenge? hēi hēi, your this whole life cannot achieve wishes, I have killed your ancestor, has butchered the Earth hundreds of women and children and others, can you my what? Haha......” 老星空骑士陀岚大笑,很谨慎,道:“聚首就算了,毕竟,有些人一直想找我们清算呢,可惜啊,我们隐性瞒名,过的很舒服,很自在,他们永远也找不到。比如那个楚风魔头,你这个无知小辈,是不是想杀我们报仇?嘿嘿,你这辈子都不能如愿,我杀过你的祖上,宰过地球数以百计的妇孺等,你能奈我何?哈哈……” Right that “Wú, the tuo mist brother said that we do not need to gather, come, is away from universe Star Sea, we cheer, celebrate our such old fogies also to live, antiquity most magnificent fights, although went far away, but, after recalling, we warm-blooded rush as before, is very excited, is very happy. ” Starry sky Knight Kan Hong is also having the happy expression, raises glass to hint, simultaneously adds: Living youngest brother, raises glass together, congratulates.” “唔,陀岚兄说的对,我们无需相聚,来,隔着宇宙星海,我们干杯,庆祝我们这样的老家伙还活着,上古最辉煌的一战虽然远去了,但是,回想起来后,我们依旧热血澎湃,很激动,很开心。”星空骑士阚宏也带着笑意,举杯示意,同时又补充道:“还有活着的老兄弟吗,一起举杯,庆贺一下。” They hobnob. 他们共饮。 The fish seven change sighed: Several command some people to live, in addition the teams leader of several strong great war teams, some people are also living, they already Sanctification. Moreover, Nine Yin Bird and Yuwen Cheng Kong these had individual Sanctification with our same ordinary members, is living. Other people should pass away, oh, is the heroes, is the good sons.” 鱼七变叹道:“几个统领中有人活下来,此外几个强大战队的队长,也有人还活着,他们都早已成圣。另外,还有阴九雀宇文成空这些原本跟我们一样的普通成员有个别成圣的,也还活着。其他人应该都已作古,唉,都是英杰,都是好男儿。” Kan Hongdao: Living commanding and corps Lords, Yuwen Cheng Kong and the others entered the chaos universe to seek the good fortune, otherwise, Chu Feng this young animal dares to enter the words in starry sky, turns the hand to pat him, with killing a fly anything has not distinguished. How you go against heaven's will again, we also had to strangle the talent in the past, will not give you time growth!” 阚宏道:“活着的统领、战队之主、宇文成空等人进入混沌宇宙去寻造化了,不然的话,楚风这个小崽子敢进星空中的话,翻手就拍死他,跟打死一只苍蝇没什么区别。你再逆天又如何,我们当年又不是没有扼杀过天才,不会给你时间成长!” Several seniors, you chatted was really carefree, my grandfather initially had mentioned your name, hehe, in the clan also has many collections now, had the Earth so-called descendant, the blood relationship was very indeed strong, receives after the servant, used was very convenient. However, out of security concerns, does not facilitate and fellow seniors relates, otherwise, can deliver you some.” “几位前辈,你们聊的甚是畅快,我爷爷当初提到过你们的名字,呵呵,如今族中还有很多收藏,有地球所谓的后裔,血统的确很强,收为奴仆后,用的很顺手。不过,出于安全考虑,不方便和各位前辈联系,不然的话,可以送你们一些。” Person who first jumps, opens the mouth once more, he is not starry sky Knight, but is the descendant of executioner some evil reputation broadcasts. 第一个跳出来的人,也再次开口,他不是星空骑士,而是某位恶名远播的刽子手的后代。 The tuo mist said: Good child, your intention we led. These servants do not need to deliver, we had initially killed, once received part, but they are too staunch, only if destroys some spirits, otherwise uses not conveniently, these many years later, already killed cleanly.” 陀岚道:“好孩子,你的心意我们领了。那些奴仆不用送,我们当初杀了很多,也曾收了一部分,不过他们太刚烈,除非摧毁部分精神,不然用得不顺手,这么多年下来,早就杀干净了。” These people of dialogues, initiate the great unrest on the Dark Blood platform and Beast Source Platform, arouses the rough seas, sweeps across the starry sky. 这几人的对话,在黑血平台与原兽平台上引发轩然大波,激起大浪,席卷星空。 The people in an uproar, the antiquity has elapsed, many young people to that fight too did not understand, is listening to their words, first time thought that the Great Demon Chu Feng's ancestor was too pitiful. 人们哗然,上古逝去了,许多年轻人都对那一战不太了解,听着他们的话语,第一次觉得楚风大魔头的祖上太可怜了。 Starry sky Knight, is really notorious, even if no wonder in the past were part of allied armies, finally also can only hide the identity, was dormant, feared that was criticized. What this is dry is the human affairs?!” “星空骑士,果然臭名昭著,难怪当年即便算是联军的一部分,最后也只能隐瞒身份,蛰伏起来,怕被清算。这干的是人事吗?!” Naturally, there are hostile to the ethnic group of Earth to applaud loudly, called that group of executioners and past starry sky Knight is the blood and iron advance regiment. 当然,也有敌视地球的族群在大声叫好,称呼那群刽子手、当年的星空骑士为铁血先锋团。 „The starry sky Knight past magnificence, we admired very much, what a pity, if the past starry sky Knight members lived to be good, extinguished a time Earth again, in the past their blood and iron went on a punitive expedition against, seriously warm-blooded turbulent, felt that swung the person heart and soul magnificently.” “星空骑士当年的辉煌,我们是很佩服的,可惜啊,如果当年的星空骑士成员都活下来就好了,再灭一次地球,当年他们铁血征伐,当真让人热血汹涌,感觉辉煌而荡人心魄。” Across the universe, various clans argued warmly, some people denounced in word and in writing to starry sky Knight, some people esteemed to them, the idea was entirely different. 宇宙各地,各族热烈争论起来,有人对星空骑士口诛笔伐,也有人对他们非常推崇,观念截然不同。 The Chu Feng anger extremely, urged Heavenspan Worm-hole Company, he does not want to wait, wishes one could to start off immediately. 楚风怒极,催促通天虫洞公司,他一刻也不想等下去了,恨不得立刻上路。 Distinguished guest of respect, because you have provided two established starry sky Knight the little landforms of site, our work loads increase, seeks to be very difficult in the database, the magnanimous similar picture needs to compare, but has begun fortunately to materialize, if you need to start off now, some Coordinate has determined, can open the wormhole for you.” “尊敬的贵宾,由于您又提供了两个老牌星空骑士的所在地的少许地貌,我们的工作量加大,在数据库中寻找起来很艰难,海量相似的图片需要比对,不过还好都有眉目了,如果您需要现在上路的话,某一处的坐标已经确定下来,可以为您开启虫洞。” Chu Feng nods, is gloomy the face, said: Is very good, immediately opens superior grade wormhole, I with every effort will certainly extinguish a cleanness these starry sky Knight, hopes that Heavenspan Worm-hole Company will not disappoint me!” 楚风点头,阴沉着脸,道:“很好,立刻开启超级虫洞,我一定会尽力将这些星空骑士灭个干净,希望通天虫洞公司不会让我失望!” The radish mo star, a very small planet, is very remote, in a universe corner, almost nobody asked about and pays attention, few powerhouses passed by here. 萝藦星,一颗很小的行星,很偏僻,在宇宙的一个角落中,几乎无人问津与关注,很少有强者路过这里。 But the tuo mist then lives in seclusion here, he is bathing the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, sits on a deck chair on cliff, is feeling the rising sun rising east vitality, making this aged body think that as if restored the vigor. 而陀岚便隐居在这里,他沐浴着朝霞,坐在山崖上的一张躺椅上,感受着旭日东升的生机,让他这老迈的躯体觉得似乎又恢复了活力。 At this time, he brings to smile pale, has the ridicule, there is discontented, voices in the Dark Blood platform, said: Really is laughable, Earth initially was hit by us remnantly, now resurges, but also the delusion rises, who gives a row of name, matches depending on them first ten? The expert fault/chasm, was unworthy of the name! Also was we were old, if our starry sky Knight members were also living, must extinguish one time them again! Chu Feng that young animal, is really rampant, but I thought that he is dies young, lives is not long, look, soon will be cranked up the mud a palm of the hand!” 此时,他带着淡笑,有嘲弄,也有不满,在黑血平台上发声,道:“真是可笑,地球当初都被我们打残了,现在又死灰复燃,还妄想崛起,谁给排的名,凭他们也配进前十?高手都断层了,名不副实!也就是我们都老了,如果我们星空骑士成员都还活着,非将他们再灭一次不可!还有楚风那个小崽子,着实嚣张,但我看他是个短命相,活不长,看着吧,用不了多久就会被人一巴掌拍成烂泥!” Can see by the Dark Blood platform, tuo mist that on face is bringing cold smiling, has the colors of that little ridicule, in the eyeground also has to be cruel and callous. 透过黑血平台可以看到,陀岚那张老脸上带着冷冽的笑,有那么几许讥讽之色,眼底中也有残忍与冷酷。 However, he just said, in his back, that full is above the cliff of golden rosy-colored clouds at dawn, wormhole silent opening, Chu Feng towering arrival! 然而,他刚说完,就在他的背后,那座满是金色朝霞的山崖上方,虫洞无声无息的开启,楚风突兀的降临! "Um?! ” The tuo mist feels the sound, leaps stands, turns around suddenly, and first makes the defensive move. “嗯?!”陀岚感觉到动静,腾的站起来,猛然转身,并且第一时间做出防御动作。 However, even if he is Golden Body Great Perfection is not good, even if accumulates the enough long years, the magical skill is extremely profound, cannot avoid. 然而,哪怕他是金身大圆满也不行,即便积累足够长的年月,道行极其高深,也还是躲不开。 His blood energy is withered, the body is obsolete, a terrifying magical skill revolution is impeded, is grasped firmly the neck when by Chu Feng drops from the clouds, has carried directly. 血气干枯,身体老朽,一身恐怖的道行运转不畅,被楚风从天而降时一把攥住脖子,直接拎了起来。 At this moment, in the Chu Feng eye full is the ice-cold ray, is heartless and fearful, is carrying an old mole cricket likely, lowers the head to overlook him, cold sound said: Starry sky Knight, the sediment, you are proud very much with proudly, sank the dormancy in the past magnificence? Your Grandpa Chu Feng collected debts!” 此刻,楚风眼中满是冰冷的光芒,无情而可怕,像是拎着一头老土狗,低头俯视着他,寒声道:“星空骑士,渣子,你很自负与自傲,沉眠于过去的辉煌?你楚风爷爷收债来了!” In Star Sea causes a stir, the people are shocked, Great Demon Chu Feng kills to visit unexpectedly directly, found established starry sky Knight living in seclusion place, is too astonishing. 星海中轰动,人们震惊,楚风大魔头居然直接杀上门去,找到一位老牌星空骑士的隐居地,太惊人。 You, you, you......” tuo mist also shock, the sound is trembling, he goes all out to struggle, move that however was suppressed by Chu Feng, the neck was grasped quickly, red that the complexion suppresses, the blue vein appears, the hands and feet fiercely is making, may actually not get rid. “你,你,你……”陀岚自己也震撼,声音都在发抖,他拼命挣扎,然而被楚风压制的动弹不得,脖子被快被抓断了,脸色憋的通红,青筋浮现出来,手脚都在剧烈挣动,可却摆脱不了。 Your anything you, old sediment, I deliver you to start off, is waiting to me!” Chu Feng shouted. “你什么你,老渣子,我一个一个送你们上路,都给我等着!”楚风喝道。 Then, , his hand the tuo mist pinching to explode, the blood light scatters, then has made up Reincarnation Blade, making its Spiritual Body wail, an cuns (2.5 cm) dissolution, wants to escape from wisp of obsession unable, was strangled to death thorough while still alive, destroy both body and soul. 然后,噗的一声,他一只手就将陀岚给捏爆,血光四溅,而后又补了一记轮回刀,让其精神体哀嚎,寸寸溶解,想逃出一缕执念都不能,被活活绞杀个彻底,形神俱灭 Earth that crowd of fleeing from calamity heads that my grandfather, killed in the past are billowing, the rivers of blood, cast our clan today magnificent......” that starry sky Knight descendant, when spoke of here, the sound stopped suddenly, when he saw the tuo mist death live transmission. “我爷爷,当年杀的地球那群逃难者人头滚滚,血流成河,铸就我们这一族今日的辉煌……”那个星空骑士的后代,说到这里时,声音戛然而止,因为他看到了陀岚死亡时的直播。 Also in suddenly, his fine body hair but is actually vertical, sky over his old castle, splits void, the wormhole appears, Chu Feng is bringing the blood, arrives under. 也是在瞬息间,他寒毛倒竖,在他的古堡上空,虚空裂开,虫洞出现,楚风带着血,降临而下。 „A later generation of sediment, dares to call magnificently, dares such to provoke, dies!” Chu Feng arrives from the sky, a foot steps on, this starry sky Knight descendant bang one sound changed becomes one group of blood mist, was stepped on directly explodes. “一个渣子的后人,也敢称辉煌,也敢这么挑衅,去死!”楚风从天空中降临,一脚踩下来,这个星空骑士的后代砰的一声化成一团血雾,直接被踩爆。 Chu Feng shouted: You are waiting to me, cleans the neck, prepared dead, starry sky Knight could not live, must go to hell, must die!” 楚风喝道:“你们都给我等着,洗净脖子,准备死亡吧,星空骑士一个也活不了,都要下地狱,都要去死!” In a minute, he vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered among the universes, has killed with one's own hand starry sky Knight, the efficiency high fearfulness. 片刻间,他已经纵横宇宙间,手刃星空骑士,效率高的可怕。
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