SR :: Volume #9

#880: One hour hits the universe

Sees Chu Feng not to reply immediately, young anchor very aggressive rushing arrives at the near directly, asked loud: Chu Feng, may I ask are you Wu Lunhui, this kind of issue don't tell me you do not dare to reply that I think that I had the answer.” 楚风没有立刻回答,有一位年轻的主播直接很生猛的闯到近前,高声问道:“楚风,请问你到底是不是吴轮回,这样一个问题难道你不敢回答吗,我想我已经有答案了。” In order to assault the eyeball, she has also been ready for any sacrifice, although in the heart trembles, but in her eyeground also has the excited color. 为了搏击眼球,她也豁出去了,虽然心中颤栗,但是她眼底中也有兴奋之色。 Chu Feng was slanting the eye to look at her one eyes, looked to the people. 楚风斜着眼睛看了她一眼,又看向众人。 Then falls to the ground is surrounded by one group of people, can give him to come the entire Star Sea live transmission? Moreover such unscrupulous, why he must coordinate, he thought that this group of people took for granted. 这才落地就被一群人包围,要给他来个全星海直播?而且还这么的肆无忌惮,他凭什么要配合,他觉得这群人太想当然了。 Bang! 砰! The flash, nearby all photography equipment blast out, emit continuously black smoke, becomes fine powder. 一刹那,附近所有的拍摄器材都炸开,冒出一缕缕黑烟,成为齑粉 Meanwhile, that shouted to him loud, rushes to the young anchor before his chin to fly upside down, the corners of the mouth overflowing blood, hung on a battleship, was similar to a picture scroll, let in his heart frightened incomparable. 同时,那个对他高声呼喊,冲到他下巴前的年轻主播倒飞了出去,嘴角溢血,挂在一艘战舰上,如同一幅画卷,让他心中恐惧无比。 Suddenly, here complete silence, people then think, this is Great Demon Chu, is not their these so-called uncrowned king can approach casually. 瞬息间,这里鸦雀无声,人们这才想到,这是楚大魔头,不是他们这些所谓的“无冕之王”可以随便靠近的。 Meanwhile, starry sky regional many people were startled, felt that the heart play jumps. 与此同时,星空各地许多人吃了一惊,感觉心头剧跳。 The live transmission interrupts suddenly, should the front these people by Great Demon Chu Feng killing? 直播突然中断,前方的那些人该不会都被楚风大魔头给干掉了吧? Said any Divine King Chu, sees not to have, a word does not kill people at earliest convenience, is really the demonic nature is grave!” “说什么楚神王,看到没,一言不合就杀人,果然是魔性深重!” clear/pain Heimen naturally cannot let up this opportunity, discusses in the starry sky, said wantonly the Chu Feng vicious tendencies are too heavy, completely is a Great Demon style. 楚黑们自然不会放过这个机会,在星空中热议,大肆说楚风戾气太重,完全是一个大魔头的风格。 „, Kills people like the hemp, the bloodthirsty, but the demonic nature sends greatly, how can call Divine King, even if he is formidable is not good, the makings do not tally!” “就是啊,杀人如麻,嗜血而魔性大发,怎么能称神王,哪怕他再强大也不行,气质不相符!” Naturally, some people refuted. 当然,也有人反驳。 Is only live transmission interrupt, you randomly label, said Chu Feng, although is called Great Demon, but did not have the bloodthirsty, also sells the person at most.” “只是直播中断而已,你们就乱扣帽子,说起来楚风虽然被称为大魔头,但还真没有嗜杀过,顶多也就是卖人。” I go, you also felt all right saying that daily sold Holy Son and Divine Maiden, so was unexpectedly light to your mouth, did not treat as a matter.” “我去,你也好意思说,天天卖圣子神女,到你嘴里居然这么轻飘飘,不当做一回事。” Some person of black, naturally also some people maintain, some people argued strongly based on reason, making Chu Feng's one group of friends listen to think to blush. 有人黑,自然也有人维护,其中一些人据理力争,让楚风的一群朋友听着都觉得脸红。 Do not slander randomly, has not heard, honest pure good Divine King Chu, he will massacre how possibly the person, good-hearted, even if has killed, is because these people indeed have this reason of killing.” “你们不要乱污蔑,没听说过嘛,敦厚纯善楚神王,他怎么可能会乱杀人,心地善良之极,即便杀了,也是因为那些人的确有该杀的理由。” I said the brothers, you crossed, you are maintain, is high level is black?” “我说兄弟,你过了,你是来维护的,还是个高级黑啊?” However, quick, all people's discussions stopped. 然而,很快,所有人的议论就停止了。 The live transmission restores to come, the Chu Feng facial color is temperate, such as washes the spring breeze, but person of one crowd of interviews also smiles, an atmosphere harmonious and friendly appearance. 直播恢复过来,楚风面色温和,如沐春风,而一群采访的人也都跟着笑,一副气氛融洽与和气的样子。 Does not do right by, interrupted the live transmission a moment ago for technical reasons temporarily, now restored.” “对不住,刚才由于技术原因暂时中断直播,现在恢复了。” In fact, a hearsay fast spreads in the starry sky, Great Demon Chu Feng accepts the interview, but, has the formidable appearance money, negotiated the terms to the major platforms. 事实上,一则小道消息快速在星空中流传开来,楚风大魔头接受采访,但是,有强大的出场费,跟各大平台都讲了条件。 This demon, you also are really the reality, unexpectedly...... Leaves the mirror valuably, really becomes greedy at the sight of money!” “这个魔头,你还真是现实,居然……有价出镜,真是见钱眼开!” „, Let alone, listening to him to say anything, is Samsara King.” “嘘,别说了,听着他说什么,到底是不是轮回王。” At this time, Chu Feng welcome to a lively incomparable city, have been chosen a botanical garden -type cave mansion, here accepts the interview. 此时,楚风被请到一座繁华无比的城池中,选了一件园林式的洞府,在这里接受采访。 Why you must ask like this, I am I, said, I admire incomparably to Wu Lunhui, morality reaching up to the clouds, zealous for public interests, the manner is awe-inspiring, is really our generation the model, when respecting, he is a person with outstanding ability, called the previous generation Heaven-Blessed character!” “你们为什么要这样问,我就是我,说起来,我对吴轮回佩服无比,义薄云天,急公好义,为人正气凛然,实在是我辈当尊敬的楷模,他是个英才,称得上一代天纵人物!” Chu Feng is liberal with the praise, praised wantonly. 楚风不吝赞美,大肆夸奖。 But, the people more listen not to the taste, how to praise him likely? 可是,人们越听也不对味儿,怎么像是夸他自己呢? Because, over 60% people believe, Wu Lunhui is Chu Feng, body both sides, but he such praised Wu Lunhui, was not praises him, but also was concerned about face? 因为,六成以上的人都相信,吴轮回就是楚风,一体两面,而他这么夸吴轮回,不就是夸他自己吗,还要脸吗? Watches the live transmission quickly, Great Demon Chu Feng was boasting that the facial skin is more tenacious than the scabbard of our family/home, Moon runs upon his face to rebound to the outer space!” “快看直播,楚风大魔头在自夸呢,脸皮比我们家的剑鞘都坚韧,月球撞上他的脸都能反弹向太空!” In the starry sky, Evolver of various clans were paying attention to Chu Feng recently, thinks that he rises is too swift and violent, is worth researching, now hears about his news nature first surrounds. 星空中,各族的进化者最近都在关注楚风,认为他崛起太迅猛,值得研究,现在听到关于他的消息自然第一时间围观。 „Did you appraise Wu Lunhui, how may I ask have appraised yourself?” “您评价了吴轮回,请问怎么评价自己?” Appraises itself embarrassed.” A Chu Feng modest appearance, that meaning is, will not praise itself absolutely. “评价自己多不好意思。”楚风一副谦虚的样子,那意思是,绝对不会夸自己。 Many people want to roll the eyes, fuck off, made an all-out effort a moment ago boasts Wu Lunhui, that is not praises you, has not seen you to blush embarrassed with. 许多人都想翻白眼,你大爷的,刚才狠劲地夸吴轮回,那不就是夸你自己吗,也没见你脸红与不好意思。 But, I can quote others' commentary, Sub Immortal Clan said that I and Wu Lunhui are peerless double arrogant. Many people of same belief, said that I am honest, revere my Divine King Chu, the shame am not at all.” “不过,我可以引述别人的评论,亚仙族说我与吴轮回绝代双骄。还有许多同道,说我敦厚善良,尊我一声楚神王,愧不敢当啊。” Scratch! This is all people wants to shout a character that too much is not concerned about face. 擦!这是所有人都想喊出的一个字,太特么不要脸了。 Also hears the sound in Great Dream Pure Land's these old monsters, hears Chu Feng is paid the mirror, gives a very high appearance money to accept the interview, immediately makes them shamelessly be also shamed, burning burning. 远在大梦净土的这些老怪物也听到动静,听闻楚风是有偿出镜,给予一笔很高的出场费才接受采访,顿时让他们也跟着老脸蒙羞,火辣辣的烫。 Although Chu Feng had not acknowledged directly, but, all people thought that he is Wu Lunhui, any morality reaching up to the clouds, now looks like, many people are speechless, such title falls on the head of this kidnapper unexpectedly, the contrast is too big. 虽然楚风没有直接承认,但是,所有人都觉得他就是吴轮回,什么义薄云天,现在看来,许多人都无语,这样的称号居然落在这个人贩子的头上,反差实在太大。 Then, the Great Dream Pure Land's old monster was more upset, Great Demon Chu Feng starts to auction with the opportunity that he contacts unexpectedly, for example has the evening banquet, called the sky-high price universe coin directly. 然后,大梦净土的老怪物更闹心了,楚风大魔头居然开始拍卖跟他接触的机会,比如共进晚宴,直接叫出天价宇宙币。 This makes the pure land the old monster ashamed, after all Chu Feng is having the Great Dream Pure Land son-in-law's title, finally actually such acts unreasonably. 这让净土的老怪物羞愧,毕竟楚风顶着大梦净土女婿的头衔,结果却这么乱来。 In the starry sky, one crowd of clear/pain start to spurt Chu Feng black, said that his too cocky, who is willing to have the evening banquet with him, he thinks that he is who? Dares such to think oneself infallible. 星空中,一群楚黑开始喷楚风,说他太得瑟,谁愿意跟他吃晚宴,他以为他是谁?敢这么自以为是。 I am honest pure good Divine King Chu, to rise in the place of decline, now hits the starry sky younger generation to be difficult to meet the anti- hand, don't tell me you do not think knows, at the evening banquet can discuss.” “我是敦厚纯善楚神王,为在没落之地崛起,如今打遍星空年轻一代难逢抗手,难道你们就不想知道吗,晚宴上可以讨论。” Great Demon Chu Feng said such words directly, then, across Star Sea was crazy immediately, because who knows he rose was too swift and violent, many people want to inquire into his secret. 楚风大魔头直接说出这么一番话,然后,星海各地顿时疯狂,因为谁都知道他崛起的太迅猛了,许多人都想探究他的秘密。 His sudden appearance, indeed calculates on is the miracle, looks everywhere across Star Sea, almost cannot discover the second case, particularly he came from the place of Earth this deterioration. 他的异军突起,的确算的上是奇迹,遍寻星海各地,几乎找不出第二例,尤其是他来自地球这片衰败之地。 Then, many people bid, must have the evening banquet with Great Demon Chu Feng. 然后,许多人竞拍,要跟楚风大魔头共进晚宴。 This makes one group of people be startled to fall down close to, Great Demon Chu Feng auctions a time evening banquet casually, must use various big medicines to exchange, did not have the natural justice, let one crowd of person not indignation, the curse. 这让一群人惊掉下巴,楚风大魔头随便拍卖一次晚宴,都要动用各种大药来交换,太没天理了,让一群人不忿,诅咒不已。 However, the fact is such odd, to finally some mysterious people to snatch the Chu Feng's evening banquet qualifications, the competition increases price unexpectedly, fries to a sky-high price. 然而,事实就是这么离谱,到最后一些神秘人为了抢楚风的晚宴资格,居然竞相加价,炒到一个天价。 This has shocked one group of people, is higher than the price that Chu Feng called! 这惊呆了一群人,比楚风自己叫的价格还要高! I go, Sub Saint Level old medicine, fucking, what extraordinary Great Demon Chu Feng has, unexpectedly can like this, an evening banquet be able to lay out this sky-high price, these people insane?” “我去,亚圣级老药一株,特么的,楚风大魔头有什么了不起,居然可以这样,一顿晚宴就能拍出这种天价,那些人疯了吗?” Many people are discontented, to participating in the person of bidding denounces in word and in writing. 许多人不满,对参与竞价的人口诛笔伐。 But regardless of, they are how noisy, the Chu Feng's evening banquet auctioned, the deal old medicine satisfied him, so long as his smooth promote step, can immediately used these to prepare ahead of time well accumulation. 可是,无论他们怎样吵,楚风的晚宴拍卖出去了,成交的老药让他非常满意,只要他顺利晋阶,立刻可以用上这些提前准备好的“积淀”。 This called any way of the world, a Great Demon preparation evening banquet, some people running in the past tendered, was too ignominious, the morals perished!” “这叫什么世道,一个大魔头准备晚宴,都有人屁颠屁颠的跑过去竞价,太可耻了,道德沦丧啊!” Old man wants to cry, thinks that my path of cultivation 800 years, have not seen the Sub Saint Level old medicine anything appearance, a demon, an evening banquet gained will come back, Heavenly Dao was unfair!” “老夫想哭,想我修道800年,至今还没有看到过亚圣级老药什么模样呢,一个魔头而已,一个晚宴就赚会回来了,天道不公!” This matter initiates the giant mighty waves, suddenly, making the people almost neglect various tricks between Chu Feng and Wu Lunhui. 这件事引发巨大波澜,瞬息间,让人们差点忽略楚风吴轮回间的各种猫腻。 Shortly, on dark blue billows planet, a mysterious evening banquet really starts, Chu Feng invites the guest, narrated oneself in some experiences of Earth, and consoles that figure beautiful and graceful tall and graceful, but leads the female of silver mask to go to Earth to look, transfers one revolution. 不久后,在沧澜星球上,一场神秘晚宴果然开始,楚风宴请宾客,讲述自己在地球的部分经历,并且劝解那位身段婀娜挺秀、但却带着银色面具的女子应该去地球看一看,转一转。 This beautiful woman nods, is very polite, after having the evening banquet, floating departs. 这位丽人点头,很有礼貌,共进晚宴后,飘然离去。 Shortly, some people reveal some topics of evening banquet, immediately initiates in an uproar, does the Great Demon Chu invitation person go to Earth to cultivate? 不久后,有人泄露出晚宴的部分话题,顿时引发哗然,楚大魔头邀请人去地球修炼? Bah, do not listen his, guarantees wants to catch Holy Daughter, Divine Son wait/etc., wants to start to them, therefore deceives Earth to go intentionally!” “呸,别听他的,保准是想捕捉圣女神子等,想对他们下手,所以故意骗到地球去!” Some person of resentment Chu Feng. 有人怼楚风 However, this is temperate, then, has a very serious event, some people aim at Chu Feng directly. 然而,这还是温和的,接下来,发生一起非常严重的事件,有人直接针对楚风 What Earth rises, what antiquity was magnificent, what strongest Evolutionary Civilization vestige, was the sediment, past archaic Earth had not made into the ruins by us, what did not have remaining, now also dares to have this type of energy? Self-confidence where you come? You are Great Demon Chu Feng are not good, in the past the ancestor also had by us is trampled!” “什么地球崛起,什么上古辉煌,什么最强进化文明遗迹,都是渣子,当年的上古地球还不是被我们打成废墟,什么都没有剩下,如今也敢有这种底气?你哪里来的自信?你是楚风大魔头也不行,当年你的祖先又不是没有被我们践踏过!” Said is so intense, disregards another's feelings, shocks many people, because of the present Chu Feng power and influence Masataka, how many people there are to dare to provoke he? 说的这么激烈,毫不留情面,着实震惊不少人,因为现在楚风威势正隆,有几人敢挑衅他? What's wrong, Demon Chu Feng do you refuse to accept? I am the starry sky Knight descendants, now is also living, in the past the grandfather generation once by oneself had killed your ancestry! You, what is this? These servants are the descendant of your ancestor, was abducted by my ancestor, finally tames, under birth so-called bastard bloodlines.” “怎么,楚风魔头你不服吗?我是星空骑士的子孙,如今还活着,当年我们的爷爷辈曾亲身杀过你的祖辈!你来看,这是什么?这些奴仆都是你的祖上的后裔,被我的祖先掳走,最后驯服,诞生下所谓的杂种血脉。” That person selects to refer to one group of people, does not have Essence, Qi and Spirit, was already tamed, becomes his servant. 那人点指一群人,没有精气神,早已被驯服,成为他的奴仆。 Chu Feng has gotten immediately angry, what no matter he said is really false, the certain angry flame of heart deep place were lit, the feeling is very resentful. 楚风当即就怒了,不管他说的是真是假,心底深处的某些怒焰都已被点燃,感觉无比愤懑。 In his mind, starry sky Knight is more hateful than it Deity Race and Xilin Clan, he once had seen various antiquity pictures in Moon. 在他的心中,星空骑士比之天神族西林族还要可恶,他曾在月球看到过各种上古画面。 One crowd of starry sky Knight, both hands are bloody repeatedly, chase down Earth to run away specially to these elderly and infirm in starry sky, does not let off the children, selects with the lance, full is the blood. 一群星空骑士,双手血腥累累,专门追杀地球逃向星空中的那些老弱妇孺,连孩子都不放过,以长矛挑起来,满是血液。 In addition, they chop the head of hoary-headed old man directly, young young girl heartless beheading, it may be said that the cold blood is also heartless, the wicked matter does certainly, notorious. 此外,他们直接砍下白发苍苍的老者的头颅,将十几岁的少女也无情的枭首,可谓冷血无情,恶事做绝,臭名昭著。 In universe, in the past antiquity one post-war, starry sky Knight is also the evil reputation moves Star Sea, making many people loathe, despises their methods. 就是在宇宙中,当年上古一战后,星空骑士也算是恶名动星海,让许多人厌恶,不齿他们的手段。 Now, the starry sky Knight descendant jumped, unexpectedly dares to say such words. 如今,星空骑士的后代跳出来了,居然敢说出这样一番话。 Haha, Great Demon Chu Feng, you also want to take revenge, what a pity, who your knows I am not, where could not find me.” That person laughs rampantly. “哈哈,楚风大魔头,你还想复仇吗,可惜啊,你不知道我是谁,找不到我在哪里。”那人嚣张大笑。 Then, universe another end, Old Antique jumps, said: "hē hē...... Really lets antiquity years that the person fondly remembers, obsolete once personally experienced, once for one in starry sky Knight, overlooked a big medicine by luck, lives now. What thing the Chu Feng young demon are you? Also dares to boast Earth, if my starry sky Knight member also has few people to live, your crush, makes into the sediment directly! ” 接着,宇宙另一端,有一个老古董跳出来,道:“呵呵……真是让人怀念的上古岁月啊,老朽曾亲身经历,曾为星空骑士中的一员,侥幸俯视一株大药,活到现在。楚风小魔头你算个什么东西?也敢吹嘘地球,如果我星空骑士成员还有一部分人活着,直接将你碾压,打成渣子!” Many living starry sky Knight?!” Chu Feng shocking at the same time, is burning with anger, pledged that must eradicate a cleanness them. “还有不少活着的星空骑士?!”楚风震惊的同时,怒火中烧,发誓要将他们铲除个干净。 Chu Feng relates Heavenspan Worm-hole Company directly, said: Your distinguished guest level service once mentioned, sees somewhere the planet landform, the architectural style, can deduce in universe where, right?” 楚风直接联系通天虫洞公司,道:“你们的贵宾级服务曾提到,看到某处星球的地貌,建筑风格等,就能推演出在宇宙何地,是吗?” Good, yes, what need the distinguished guest of may I ask respect do you have?” “不错,是的,请问尊敬的贵宾您有什么需要?” I take one hour to hit the universe! Searches to me these two places, transmits me, I must slaughter!” The Chu Feng cold sound said, murderous aura is dreadful! “我要一小时打遍宇宙!将这两处地方都给我搜出来,将我传送过去,我要大开杀戒!”楚风寒声道,杀气滔天!
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