SR :: Volume #9

#879: Number Two Under the Starry Sky beautiful woman

Chu Feng walked, is in the pure land can not be peaceful as before, because of There is still one small, can toss about compared with his father, makes to be in chaotic situation. 楚风走了,可是净土中依旧不得安宁,因为还有一个“小的”,比他爹还能折腾,闹了个鸡飞狗跳。 His trivial a wee bit, shouts must make up builds up one's health, is all right runs toward the medicine garden, stares at the old medicines of these sacred levels, the eye is braving the green light. 他屁大丁点,也嚷嚷着要补一补身体,没事就往药园子跑,盯着那些神圣层次的老药,眼睛冒绿光。 woof! woof! woof!” “汪!汪!汪!” A small whole body is the puppy of golden streak contorts one's face in agony, pursues Little Daoist Priest to run, bites his buttocks unceasingly. 一只小浑身都是金色斑纹的小狗崽呲牙咧嘴,追着小道士跑,不断咬他屁股。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, help, who untied the seal to me, the track I have bit by the dog, aiyu I scratched, was quite sore, the buttocks must be nipped rottenly.” 无量天尊,救命啊,谁给我解开封印,小道我挨狗咬了,哎呦我擦,好疼,屁股都要被咬烂了。” However, nobody sympathizes with him, several old monsters look in the distant place, does not pay attention. 然而,没人同情他,几个老怪物都在远处看着,就是不去理会。 This goods are not worth sympathizing, always stirs up trouble, when is nurses, associates with undesirable people, does not annoy a matter to come the whole body not to be uncomfortable. 这货不值得同情,总是惹事,即便是吃奶时,也招猫逗狗,不惹出点事来浑身不舒服。 Especially, this puppy background is not small, is son who a Saint dog produces, moreover one nest such one, in Great Dream Pure Land is the treasure. 尤其是,这头小狗来头不小,是一头圣狗产的崽儿,而且一窝就这么一个,在大梦净土是宝贝疙瘩。 Evolver of other person clans, were very difficult to the Golden Body level the descendant, but after entering Saint Level, that was more difficult, is extremely scarce. 无论是人还是其他族的进化者,到了金身层次就很难有后代,而进入圣级后那就更艰难了,极其稀少。 The strength is stronger, the bloodlines more are hard to continue, otherwise, stands the descendant who accomplishes one crowd of blood relationship terrors in Evolver of pyramid most peak, that sufficiently horizontally pushes the world. 实力越强,血脉越难以延续,不然的话,站在金字塔最顶端的进化者造就出一群血统恐怖的后代,那就足以横推天下。 Help!” Little Daoist Priest runs, bit crying father shouted mother, in fact his seal has untied, may be nipped by this golden streak puppy was very miserable. “救命啊!”小道士奔跑,被咬的哭爹喊娘,事实上他的封印已经解开一点,可还是被这只金色斑纹小狗咬的很惨。 Is the blood relationship of this puppy is too mainly formidable, after living, runs like the wind, a mouth gets down to cut by biting various types of weapons, the forehead is hiding vertical eye, can project the light of fearful murdering. 主要是这头小狗的血统太强大,生下来后就奔跑如风,一嘴下去能咬断各种兵器,眉心隐藏着一只竖眼,更是能射出可怕的杀伐之光。 Fortunately, under it does not have the extreme methods, otherwise Little Daoist Priest can the tragedy. 还好,它没有下死手,不然小道士会更悲剧。 Dead dog, you were quiet to me, do not nip, has not drunk one bowl of milk, you as for? fucking, after the track I grow up, let alone Saint dog milk, is the True Dragon milk I can push a big basin to you, you were too mean-spirited, aiyu, Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, I scratch, do not nip!” “死狗,你给我住嘴,不要咬了,不就是多喝了一碗奶吗,你至于吗?特么的,等小道我长大后别说圣狗奶,就是真龙奶我都能给你挤来一大盆,你太小气了,哎呦,无量天尊,我擦,你别咬了!” Little Daoist Priest fleeing belt/bring jumps continually, movement is very quick, whiz whiz climbs up the cliff directly, but on the buttocks is hanging a puppy throughout, after biting, refuses stubbornly to let go with one's mouth, with him, as soon as played the summit. 小道士连窜带蹦,动作很敏捷,嗖嗖直接爬上山崖,可是屁股上始终挂着一只小狗,咬住后死不撒嘴,跟他一起到了山顶。 fucking, the puppy, you goes too far , the dog milk is that crowd of old goods gives to me to drink, you should bite them.” 特么的,小狗崽,你真是欺人太甚,狗奶是那群老货送给我喝的,你应该去咬他们。” Little Daoist Priest makes an effort to jump da, wants to throw off the puppy on buttocks, however sore he contorts one's face in agony, this small Saint dog does not utter a word is not the loose mouth. 小道士使劲蹦跶,想把屁股上的小狗甩掉,但是疼的他呲牙咧嘴,这只小圣狗一声不吭就是不松嘴。 The distant place, under the brown giant stones of some old monsters sits in meditation on pine, hearing this opens the eye, is seeing a play, has not come to rescue. 远处,一些老怪物在青松下的褐色巨石上打坐,闻言睁开眼睛,都在看戏,没有过来解救。 Before mountain protecting Saint beast just before parting chaos universe, leaves behind mother's milk massively, leaves the puppy, the seal preserves. 护山圣兽临去混沌宇宙前,留下大量“母乳”,留给小狗崽,密封保存起来。 But after Little Daoist Priest birth, has the luck of having good things to eat, after all is the Saint Level gracious favor. 小道士出生后也跟着有口福,毕竟是圣级的恩泽。 However, Little Daoist Priest is not content, drinks up own, but also steals of puppy, finally was chased down wickedly, does not nip him to give up. 然而,小道士不知足,喝完自己的,还去盗取小狗崽的那一份,结果被恶狠狠地追杀,不咬他罢休。 Our previous life has a grudge, one bowl of milk you as for?” Little Daoist Priest sore not being able to bear, felt that buttocks must rot, did not get rid. “咱前世是不是有仇,一碗奶你至于吗?”小道士疼的受不了,感觉屁股都要烂掉了,根本摆脱不了。 I also thought, we have the long-standing enemy, bites to death you!” The puppy the tooth to speak, has not let go with one's mouth as before. “我也觉得,咱们有宿仇,咬死你!”小狗崽呲牙说话,依旧没撒嘴。 Your such trivial a wee bit will speak, you should not be is reincarnated, says that which piece of universe you come from, how visits my ancestors you?!” “你这么屁大丁点都会说话,你该不会也是转世来的吧,说一说你来自哪片宇宙,看一看我上辈子怎么着你了?!” woof! woof! woof!” “汪!汪!汪!” "Ah! ” “啊,啊,啊!” ...... …… In the pure land, is in chaotic situation. 净土中,鸡飞狗跳。 Small is noisy in the pure land, big also entered in the starry sky, travel expense is Great Dream Pure Land leaves. “小的”在净土闹,“大的”也已经进入星空中,“路费”是大梦净土出的。 Stands in the universes, looks at radiant Star Sea, Chu Feng deeply feels own tiny, even if oneself also calculates very formidable, but compares not worthy of mentioning as before with this boundless starry sky. 站在宇宙间,看着璀璨星海,楚风深深感觉到自身的渺小,哪怕自身也算非常强大,可是跟这苍茫星空比起来依旧微不足道。 Oneself compared with planet, is similar to grain of dust, with the trim universe contrast, can definitely neglect again. 自身跟星球相比,如同一粒尘埃,再跟整片宇宙对比,完全可以忽略。 However, his also intention surges, through evolution, through practicing, he can be aloof on, to Saint Realm, even if fleshly body small is similar to grain of dust, can skid a planet. 不过,他也心怀激荡,通过进化,通过修行,他可以超然在上,到了圣人境界哪怕肉身微小如同一粒尘埃,也能撬动一颗行星。 Exceedingly high wormhole Vampire, delivers to dark blue billows me ‚’ Star Territory.” “通天虫洞吸血鬼,将我送到‘沧澜’星域。” After Chu Feng delivers the letter, decides to exit to transfer one revolution, the universe is so big, Star Sea is so radiant, he wants to walk very much in all directions, particularly some lively regions, fill the bright Evolutionary Civilization region. 楚风送完信后,决定出去转一转,宇宙这么大,星海这么璀璨,他很想四处走一走,尤其是一些繁华地带,充满灿烂进化文明的区域。 Dark blue billows Star Territory, is World of the Dead universe very prosperous places, can be called a Evolutionary Civilization center, in Buddha Race, Dao Race and Monster Race's common Border region, belongs to a under nobody's jurisdiction region. 沧澜星域,属于阴间宇宙一片非常繁荣之地,称得上一处进化文明中心,在佛族道族妖族的交界地带,属于一个三不管的区域。 Also precisely because of so, here prosperity even more, the fairy maiden, Holy Daughter and elite disciple first ten clan wait/etc., as well as the stowaway, for many years the old demon is willing to carry out some transactions here, some people special come this informed and experienced. 正是因为如此,这里越发的繁荣,前十族的仙子、圣女、精英弟子等,以及偷渡者、积年老魔都愿意在这里进行一些交易,也有人专们来此历练等。 Distinguished guest of respect, you cannot always be called Vampire us, we implement the exchange of equal value, the benefit that earns are not many.” “尊敬的贵宾,你不能总是将我们称为吸血鬼,我们实行等价交换,赚取的利益并不多。” The sound that on Light Brain transmits a female, is having the magnetism, very of pleasant to hear. 光脑上传来一个女子的声音,带着磁性,非常的好听。 You said, you passed the heavenly pit hole until now pit my many universe coins, the so-called distinguished guest treatment has not manifested!” Chu Feng complained. “你说,你们通天坑洞到现在为止坑了我多少宇宙币,所谓的贵宾待遇一点也没体现出来!”楚风抱怨。 He really is not few in the universe coin that on the exceedingly high wormhole spends, calculates secretly, after arrive in Holy Master Dominion, must capture the business with them. 他在通天虫洞上花费的宇宙币还真不算少,暗自盘算,等自己抵达圣师领域后非跟他们抢生意不可。 Has, you can enjoy many distinguished guests to serve. You wait a bit, I help you look up.” That sound of pleasant to hear is having the magnetism, is very gentle, the manner is good. “有的,您可以享受很多贵宾服务。您稍等,我来帮您查。”那个好听的声音带着磁性,很柔和,态度非常好。 Chu Feng thought that cake, this is the first time light hears the sound to have the misconception, the suspicion is an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman. 楚风觉得酥酥的,这还是头一次光听声音就产生错觉,怀疑是个绝色丽人。 His opens the mouth said: "Oh, the service are many, do some gangs massage and pinch the service of foot? ” 他张口就来道:“哦,服务很多啊,有帮按摩、捏脚的服务吗?” Universe another end, sends the beautiful woman appearance to be indeed peerless blue, impeccable, the stature of golden proportion is perfect and astonishing, at this time to Light Brain, but can also maintain the smile, said: Has, you want, we can open the wormhole to deliver the specialist to help you pinch the foot in the past.” 宇宙另一端,一个蓝发丽人容颜的确绝世,无可挑剔,黄金比例的身材完美而惊人,此时对着光脑,还能保持微笑,道:“有的,你想要吗,我们可以开启虫洞送过去专人帮您捏脚。” Also really has, or do you come?” Chu Feng does not believe, thought the opposite party is not reasonable, therefore he also very not reasonable like this puts forward the request. “还真有呀,要不你过来?”楚风不相信,觉得对方不靠谱,所以他也很不靠谱的这样提要求。 Finally, universe another end, this sends the beautiful woman unable to maintain the smile blue, in the unparalleled appearance, the facial expression becomes stiff, clenches teeth to say secretly: This fellow, in the information compared with material is shameless, is too not concerned about face, making my solemn Number Two Under the Starry Sky beautiful woman go to pinch the foot to you, I want to kill you!” 终于,宇宙另一端,这个蓝发丽人不能保持微笑,无双容颜上,面部表情发僵,暗自咬牙道:“这个家伙,比资料上的信息还无耻,太不要脸了,让我堂堂星空下第二丽人去给你捏脚,我想打死你!” She did a lot of talking, white teeth was nipping the bright red and sexy lip, the makings that this movement displayed do not tally with the sound that Chu Feng heard, was no longer gentle. 她磨牙,贝齿咬着鲜红而性感的唇,这种动作所表现的气质跟楚风听到的声音不相符,不再温婉。 Side, young women wipe away sweat there, she is the Heavenspan Worm-hole Company genuine customer service, finally the princess of company giant experiences, receives Great Demon Chu Feng personally, lets her waterfall perspiration, but now is to hear Great Demon Chu Feng is sexually harassing the first pearl of company, the Number Two Under the Starry Sky beautiful woman, she is speechless immediately. 旁边,有一个年轻女子在那里擦汗,她才是通天虫洞公司真正的客服,结果公司巨头的千金小姐来体验,亲自接待楚风大魔头,让她一阵瀑布汗,而现在更是听到楚风大魔头在调戏公司的第一明珠,星空下第二丽人,她顿时无语。 Chu Feng waited for quite a while, has not heard the reply, said: Hey, did not have the sound, pinched the girl of foot, should you not start to start off really? I told you, if your appearance daunted me, hurried hemp to go back ahead of time smooth, do not make an appearance.” 楚风等了半天,也没有听到回复,道:“喂,怎么没有声音了,捏脚的丫头,你该不会真开始上路了吧?我告诉你,你的长相要是吓住我,赶紧提前麻溜地自己回去,别露面了。” Universe another end, Number Two Beauty Under the Starry Sky, that blue color sends the silk is similar to the silk fabrics slender beautiful woman, now juicy big eye opening the eyes big of , air/Qi wants to find the person to hold Chu Feng immediately, beats his, was too ignominious, this fellow has no shame, unexpectedly such shuts out her appearance, is really hateful, should ask the person to make into eight petals him! 宇宙另一端,星空下第二美女,那个蓝色发丝如同绸缎子的窈窕丽人,现在水灵灵的大眼睁的很大,气的想找人立刻抓住楚风,殴打他一顿,太可耻了,这家伙没羞没臊,居然这么一副嫌弃她的样子,真可恶啊,应该找人将他打成八瓣! Side, the genuine customer service full head sweat, always thought oneself heard should not the hearing words, president Princess in family/home will talk into pinches the girl of foot, whom this did not have! 旁边,真正的客服满头汗水,总觉得自己听到了不该听到的话,将总裁的家中的公主说成捏脚的丫头,这也没谁了! The Chu Feng doubt, how did not have sound thoroughly, said: In a moment is not default, I warned you, cannot come, a moment ago was the jokes, I did not need your this to pinch the girl of foot. To me said that other distinguished guests serve.” 楚风狐疑,怎么彻底没声音了,道:“不说话就是默认,我警告你,不许过来,刚才都是玩笑话,我不需要你这个捏脚的丫头。给我说一下其他贵宾服务。” Universe another end, Princess of exceedingly high wormhole thinks really the violent walked, does not tally with the ordinary day bright-colored makings, opposite party unexpectedly again locates her to pinch the girl of foot. 宇宙另一端,通天虫洞的公主真想暴走了,跟平日明艳的气质不相符,对方居然一而再的将她定位为捏脚的丫头。 However, she endured finally, does not want to expose anything, the patience is Chu Feng reads some distinguished guest level services. 但是,她最后忍了,不想暴露什么,耐心为楚风念出一些贵宾级服务。 Meanwhile, she regrets, should not be so curious, unexpectedly communicates with kidnapper, feudal bully and demon like this, in heart oppressed incomparable. 同时,她后悔不已,不该这么好奇,居然跟一个人贩子、恶霸、魔头这样交流,心中憋闷无比。 “Wú, the service is good, when my which day of mood good to be called you to pinch the foot, right, is you, I remembered your sound, the changing players words I will sue! Now, helping me open superior grade wormhole, the goal dark blue billows star! ” “唔,服务不错,等我哪天心情好了叫你过来捏脚,对,就是你,我记住你的声音了,换人的话我会投诉的!现在,帮我开启超级虫洞,目标沧澜星!” Universe another end, the shouting person of Heavenspan Worm-hole Company's outstandingly beautiful pearl air/Qi opens the wormhole, if did not fear that the company prestige is damaged, wants the Chu Feng direct transmission to Great Abyss and Nine Nether such Danger Land, always to think that really this demon is too hateful. 宇宙另一端,通天虫洞公司的绝色明珠气的喊人开启虫洞,如果不是怕公司信誉受损,真想将楚风直接传送到大渊九幽这样的绝地,总觉得这个魔头太可恨。 Whiz! 嗖! superior grade wormhole appears, Chu Feng breaks, quick arrives at a huge life planet near. 一条超级虫洞出现,楚风冲入进去,很快就来到一颗巨大的生命星球近前。 Here is the Big Dipper Evolutionary Civilization galaxy, is prosperous and formidable, anybody enters needs to report, when Chu Feng is no exception, outside the outer space notified. 这里是七星进化文明星系,非常的繁盛与强大,任何人进入都需要报备,楚风也不例外,在外太空时就通报了。 Waah, Great Demon Chu Feng came, Heaven, now he is on the keenest struggle, but also dares to go on a journey like this, did not fear that was supported the wholesale to besiege by one crowd of angry goddesses?” “哇啊,楚风大魔头来了,天啊,现在他可是处在风口浪尖上,还敢这样出行,不怕被一群愤怒的女神拥趸围攻吗?” „, You do not think, the small Saint of his outside universe dares to kill, which has not enlarged ones vision dares to go to him!?” “切,你也不想想,他连外宇宙的小圣都敢杀,还有哪个不开眼的敢去动他!?” Chu Feng has not gotten down from the outer space, dark blue billows on-board already a noise, this report, is impossible well-known, but the Chu Feng background is too big, recently made various types of stir news, thinks that the hush-hush is not good. 楚风还没从外太空下来呢,沧澜星上就已经一片嘈杂声,原本这种报备,是不可能尽人皆知的,但是楚风来头太大,最近闹出各种轰动新闻,想守秘都不行。 Great planet, the exuberant vitality, the ancient star Order rule of this Big Dipper civilization interweaves, cannot skid Saint.” “宏大的星球,旺盛的生机,这种七星文明的古星秩序规则交织,连圣人都不能撬动。” Chu Feng is astonished, sizes up carefully. 楚风讶异,仔细打量。 This some dark red, some deep blue planet, the rotation, the boundless pressure, Order Divine Chain intensive interweaving, strength low Evolver cannot get rid of its suppression slowly, cannot fly. 这颗部分暗红、部分湛蓝的星球,缓缓转动,有一股磅礴的威压,秩序神链密集的交织,实力低的进化者都根本摆脱不了它的压制,飞行不起来。 this King inspects All Heavens, reported that must enter the dark blue billows star, had to welcome the emperor?” His bold talking to oneself. 本王巡视诸天,报备完了,要进入沧澜星,有接驾的吗?”他没脸没皮的自语。 However, the voice just fell, several giant battleships appeared, departs from the wormhole, said that takes him to arrive at the surface. 然而,话音刚落,几艘巨型战舰就出现了,从虫洞中飞出,说接他到地表。 Could see, the influence in ground attaches great importance to very much, because, this demon...... Notorious, feared after he arrived here gives the heck with, first gives to hit various macroevolution Sect's Holy Son and Divine Maiden, then seized, comes back to sell to them. 看得出,地面上的势力很重视,因为,这个魔头……臭名昭著,怕他来到这里后不管三七二十一,先将各大进化门派的圣子神女都给打一顿,然后再抓走,回来卖给他们。 I am so famous, you also really welcome the emperor.” Chu Feng muttered. “我这么出名吗,你们还真接驾啊。”楚风咕哝。 Your given name, the entire universe all knows, must result in enjoys the courteous reception of highest specification!” In fact, they want to say very much, your this Great Demon, the evil reputation moves Star Sea, did not serve, here what to do if tossed about? “您的大名,全宇宙皆知,必须得享受最高规格的礼遇!”事实上,他们很想说,你这大魔头,恶名动星海,不伺候好了,万一在这里折腾怎么办? When Chu Feng sits the battleship descends to ground, one group of people have encircled, is primarily the Dark Blood platform, Beast Source Platform wait/etc., has certainly this planet celebrities. 楚风坐着战舰降落到地面时,一群人围了上来,以黑血平台、原兽平台等为主,当然也有这颗星球的名流。 may I ask, Chu Feng big demon...... Divine King, actually do you relate with Wu Lunhui what?” This is one of the Dark Blood platform the issue that has the wheat skin color beautiful woman to ask, although the sound is very gentle, but quite sharp. 请问,楚风大魔……神王,你究竟跟吴轮回什么关系?”这是黑血平台的一个拥有小麦肤色的美女提出的问题,虽然声音很柔和,但是相当的尖锐。 Not only she thinks knows, wants to unearth this explosive riddle topic truth, is other platforms also urgently thinks the knows answer, prepares to the entire universe live transmission. 不仅她想知道,想挖掘出这个爆炸性的谜题真相,就是其他平台也都迫切想知道答案,准备面向全宇宙直播。 Because, the entire starry sky was discussing that for these days this issue, is discussing, many people think that Wu Lunhui is Chu Feng, both are the same people. 因为,这几天全星空都在在讨论这个问题,都在热议,很多人都认为吴轮回就是楚风,两者是同一个人。 However, does not have the evidence, he has not opened the mouth to confirm anything. 但是,却没有证据,他本人不曾开口证实过什么。 Now the opportunity is rare, many lens aim at Chu Feng, carries on the live transmission, this was must reveal the final truth in front of entire starry sky Evolver's. 现在机会难得,许多镜头都对准楚风,进行直播,这是要在全星空进化者的面前揭开最终的真相。 The second chapter the estimate will be very late, reads various article annual meeting activities to be many, even if late, I will also write the second chapter, but do not wait to be very late. 第二章估计会很晚,阅文年会各种活动多,不过哪怕再晚,我也会写第二章的,但你们不要等很晚。 Helps Tang Family three few fighting Luo Continent make an advertisement while convenient, animation tomorrow's 10 : 00 broadcast in Tencent. 顺便帮唐家三少的斗罗大陆做个广告,动画明天十点在腾讯播出。
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