SR :: Volume #9

#878: Invigorating the kidney

In the morning, the red glowing sun spurts the thin multi-colored sunlight, jumps out the horizon, incarnadine one after another beautiful mountain peak. 清晨,红日喷薄霞光,跳出地平线,染红一座又一座秀丽的山峰。 The back side of the mountain, new home here spreads sound, some people of take action, were surrendered finally, after the Domain rune twinkle is very long, here is tranquil. 后山,新房这里又传出动静,有人出手,最后又被降服,场域符文闪烁很久后,这里才宁静。 The old monster suitable chest in Great Dream Pure Land is stuffy, that night has not had a good sleep to think, felt has felt suffocated, recently has had guilty to the Great Demon Chu Feng heart, when cannot think the truth opened, they want to spit blood. 大梦净土中的老怪物相当胸闷,这一夜都没有睡好觉,感觉太憋气了,最近一直对楚风大魔头心有愧疚,想不到真相揭开时,他们都想吐血。 Chu Feng gets out of bed finally, stands before the palace on spiritual mountain, to red glowing sun revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, the whole body is bathing in the golden color and red brilliance, is sacred and dignified. 楚风终于起床,站在灵山上的宫殿前,对着红日运转盗引呼吸法,浑身都沐浴在金色与红色的光辉中,神圣而威严。 Father, rests can be good?” “爹,睡的可好?” At the foot of the hill, Little Daoist Priest puffs and blows to climb up mountain to come, does not have the means that he by seal, the old monster or Chu Feng in Great Dream Pure Land cannot bear him, last night unexpectedly was he teases the bride, has not seen the son who such has owed to hit! 山脚下,小道士吭哧吭哧爬上山来,没有办法,他被封印了,无论是大梦净土中的老怪物还是楚风都受不了他,昨夜居然是他来闹洞房,没见过这么欠打的儿子! Chu Feng looks down him, said: Goes, washes, later pays a visit your grandfather and paternal grandmother.” 楚风低头看着他,道:“去,洗漱一番,待会去拜见你爷爷和奶奶。” Aiyu I go!” Little Daoist Priest one hear of this saying, almost tumble from the mountain top, a stupid appearance, talked to oneself: I also perhaps arrange!” “哎呦我去!”小道士一听这话,差点从山头上翻滚下去,一副痴呆的样子,自语道:“我还没准备好呢!” Bah, what do you want to prepare?” Chu Feng casts a sidelong glance slantingly he. “呸,你要什么准备?”楚风斜睨他。 Little Daoist Priest said: You and mother the nuptial chamber, gets me to see two old people, did I go not to look for the crime to receive? Was not killed, must be discriminated!” 小道士道:“你和娘才洞房,就领着我去见两位老人家,我去了不是找罪受吗?不被打死,也得被歧视啊!” Meanwhile, he thought that this father is not very reasonable. 同时,他觉得这爹很不靠谱。 Qin Luoyin appears, combs the hair and wash the face, a bright silver long skirt drags on the ground, stands in the summit, was welcoming the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, moved at the cool breeze Chinese-style clothing sleeve show, must fly upwards to go just like ninth heaven/day Divine Maiden. 秦珞音出现,梳洗完毕,一身亮银色的长裙拖在地上,站在山顶,迎着朝霞,在清风中衣袂展动,宛若九天神女要飞升而去。 She has the perfect appearance, the beautiful woman, the figure beautiful and graceful is tall and graceful, particularly in the bathing rosy-colored clouds at dawn, the whole person is having the pale gold/metal brilliance, even more aloof, just like is not this world. 她拥有完美的容颜,明眸皓齿,身段婀娜挺秀,尤其是沐浴朝霞中,整个人都带着淡金光彩,越发的超然,宛若不属于这个世间。 After Qin Luoyin knows Chu Feng's decides, no longer is goddess model/pattern, wants to hit the person, first day sees the opposite party parents after marriage, the result takes a son directly, can she also raise the head? 秦珞音知道楚风的决定后,也不再是女神范,想要打人,婚后第一天去见对方父母,结果直接就带上一个儿子,她还能抬起头来吗? All right, my parents are most enlightened, tell the facts, furthermore also is only restricted in their knows, the bystander does not know.” “没事,我父母最开明,实话实说呗,再者也仅限于他们知道,外人又不知。” Finally, the family of three leaves. 最后,一家三口动身。 After the Great Dream Pure Land's old monster sees, the each and every one look is strange, the cheek twitch, cannot bear this Great Demon Chu. 大梦净土的老怪物看到后,一个个神色古怪,面皮抽动,真受不了这楚大魔头 The Chu Feng's parents already got up, through Light Brain knows, Chu Feng must lead the daughter-in-law to salute upon meeting according to the old custom of Earth, two people were very happy. 楚风的父母早就起来了,通过光脑知道,楚风按照地球的旧俗要带着儿媳来见礼,两人很高兴。 However, when they saw when Chu Feng brings the grace and talent peerless daughter-in-law is walking, behind with one is small, immediately is in a daze, this what situation? 然而,当他们见到楚风带着风华绝代的儿媳走进来时,后面还跟着一个小的,顿时发呆,这什么情况? Those who most make in their wind disorderly is, that small is very lively, the mouth is also very sweet, jumps da to clash, shouts: Grandfather, Paternal grandmother!” 最为让他们风中凌乱的是,那小的很活泼,嘴巴也很甜,蹦跶着就冲过来,喊道:“爷爷,奶奶!” Chu Zhiyuan is still drinking tea, puffs out, the mouthful tea almost sprinkles on Little Daoist Priest. 楚致远还在喝茶呢,噗的一声喷出去,满嘴茶水差点洒在小道士身上。 Where Wang Jing also very to goes, was choked directly by the tea, coughs unceasingly, thorough disorderly. 王静也好不到哪里去,直接被茶水呛住了,不断咳嗽,彻底凌乱。 Grandfather, Paternal grandmother, your slow point drinks tea.” “爷爷,奶奶,你们慢点喝茶。” This small is very clever, and movement is flexible, climbs up the rattan chair, pounds the back for two people successively, a clever appearance, the big eye is similar to the black gem, meanwhile bone common rotation. 这个“小的”很乖巧,且动作灵活,爬上藤椅,先后为两人捶背,一副乖巧的样子,大眼如同黑宝石般,同时还骨碌碌转动。 Chu Feng his father usually is calmest, but really cannot bear now, sound transmission asked Chu Feng in secret, this what's the matter? 楚风他爸平日最为淡定,可现在实在忍不住,暗中传音楚风,这到底怎么回事? His mother also meets spiritual sound transmission, because the evolution level is not weak now, asked Chu Feng very much anxiously, did the don't tell me alien have a child to be so quick? 他妈也会精神传音,因为如今进化层次不弱,很紧张地问楚风,难道外星人生孩子可以这么快? Chu Feng thought this matter manages insufficient complete, has to explain in secret simply, rare face slightly red. 楚风觉得这事办的不够圆满,只好暗中简单解释,难得的老脸微红。 He so, obviously Qin Luoyin present situation and condition, shining white, but beautiful elegant face last this time blushes completely, ordinary day solemn and noble vanished. 他都如此,可见秦珞音现在的处境与状态,莹白而绝美的俏脸上此时满是红晕,平日的端庄与高贵都消失了。 Opening that only Little Daoist Priest quite puts, a paternal grandmother grandfather called incomparable intimate. 唯有一个小道士相当放的开,一口一个奶奶一口一个爷爷叫的无比亲热。 Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing two people, seriously are dizzy, in the wind disorderly will recover from now on for a long time, slowly returning to normal state of mind, is their nerve is thick enough, otherwise this impact also is really not the average person can withstand. 楚致远王静两人,当真是晕晕乎乎,风中凌乱过后很长时间才回过神来,慢慢平复心绪,也就是他们神经足够粗大,不然这冲击还真不是一般人能承受的。 Wang Jing said: Luoyin, the good child, making you be wronged, if later Chu Feng dares to bully you, told us, guarantees docile that Quasi-General he tidied up.” 王静道:“珞音,好孩子,让你受委屈了,以后楚风要是敢欺负你,告诉我们,保准将他收拾的服服帖帖。” This was to Qin Luoyin said that the eye of Little Daoist Priest very shone finally directly, whiz, crawled to the leg of Wang Jing on, smiled with flower bud, was very bright, naturally in his father opinion, was too false, is all right to do everything to please! 这本是对秦珞音说的,结果小道士的眼睛直接贼亮,嗖的一声,爬到王静的腿上,笑的跟个花骨朵似的,无比灿烂,当然在他爹看来,太虚假,没事献殷勤! Paternal grandmother, I help you pinch the leg!” “奶奶,我帮你捏腿!” Wang Jing said: Big grandchild is really...... The Heaven-Blessed god capital, this was born will shout the paternal grandmother, the paternal grandmother these 1-2 years of various matters experienced luckily recently, otherwise really will be restless.” 王静道:“大孙儿真是……天纵神资,这才出生就会喊奶奶,幸好奶奶最近这一两年各种事都经历了,不然还真会不安。” Then first day, brings grandchild, this child was just born understands to shout the paternal grandmother a few days, flatters, Wang Jing and Chu Zhiyuan felt that the noisy monster, has seen various strange matters fortunately, becomes the daughters-in-law including the aliens, they are rush to the universe deep place, does not have anything not to be acceptable. 这才第一天,带过来一个孙儿也就罢了,这孩子刚出生没几天就懂得喊奶奶,拍马屁,王静楚致远都感觉闹妖了,还好见过各种古怪事,连外星人都成儿媳妇,他们两人更是跑到宇宙深处来,也没什么不可接受的。 Has experienced the initial illness, Wang Jing and Chu Zhiyuan is used to it, moreover likes Little Daoist Priest, because his mouth was too sweet. 经历过最初的不适,王静楚致远习惯了,而且非常喜欢小道士,因为他嘴巴太甜了。 Before they always urge the Chu Feng marriage, earlier got married, finally had not achieved wishes. 以前他们总是催促楚风结婚,早点成家,结果都没有如愿。 Now Chu Feng not only gets married, but also overfulfills the duty, gives them directly grandchild, after two people frighten, starts to be joyful and excited. 现在楚风不仅成婚,还超额完成任务,直接就送给他们一个孙儿,两人惊吓过后,开始欣喜而激动。 Paternal grandmother, my father bullies me!” Really, after the Little Daoist Priest safe does everything to please, starts to consider the black shape. “奶奶,我爹欺负我!”果然,小道士无事献殷勤后,开始告黑状。 How?” Wang Jing asked. “怎么了?”王静问道。 He robs my black paper talisman, is not willing to me, you to take responsibility for me!” Little Daoist Priest acts like a spoiled brat, Chu Feng this that in the Wang Jing bosom looks at calls a chill. “他抢走我一张黑色符纸,至今不肯给我,你要为我做主啊!”小道士王静怀中撒娇,看的楚风这叫一个恶寒。 This is Wang Jing to the words that Qin Luoyin spoke, said Chu Feng, if bullies her, told her and Chu Zhiyuan directly, to win over mothers and daughters-in-law relations, appeared intimate with. 这原本是王静秦珞音说的话,说楚风要是欺负她,直接告诉她与楚致远,为的是拉拢婆媳关系,显得亲近。 Finally, Little Daoist Priest also really gave with. 结果,小道士还真给用出来了。 Little Feng, you do not make sense, snatches the thing with the child, hurries to give back to him!” Chu Zhiyuan opens the mouth. 小风,你真不像话,跟孩子抢东西,赶紧还给他!”楚致远开口。 Chu Feng this called a chest to be stuffy, what matter did this call? 楚风这叫一个胸闷,这叫什么事? He can punch the son, finally his father can also warn him, especially this is his son Little Daoist Priest complains to cause, he wants to tidy up this boy. 他能揍儿子,结果他爸也能警告他,尤其这是他儿子小道士告状导致的,他真想收拾这小子。 „His kid, was just born anything, do not believe his!” Chu Feng explained, always felt leads this kid to come to see the parents is a mistake. “他一个小屁孩,刚出生懂什么,别信他的!”楚风解释,总感觉带这娃来看父母是个错误。 The Qin Luoyin graceful bearing is peerless, at this time shows smiling face, the character and style quite movingly, sees own son. 秦珞音风姿绝世,此时露出笑容,风情相当的动人,看着自己的儿子。 Little Daoist Priest was inspired likely, fights with Chu Feng directly, naturally is very gentle, does not dare to work as the disobedient disobedient son, very temperate arguing, no matter what said that is resentment his father. 小道士像是受到鼓舞,直接跟楚风掐架,当然很温柔,没敢当忤逆子,十分温和的争辩,但不管怎样说都是怼他爹。 Do not bully the child, your many Sirs, turned head to give him!” Wang Jing gives the final word. “别欺负孩子,你多大人了,回头给他!”王静一锤定音。 Good!” Chu Feng thought that fucking, this time leads the kid to come is lifts a rock to drop it on one's own feet purely. “好!”楚风觉得,特么的,这次带娃来纯粹是搬起石头砸自己的脚。 Paternal grandmother, Grandfather, what is my family heirloom?” A Little Daoist Priest innocent appearance, the look is very pure, inquired there. “奶奶,爷爷,咱家的传家之宝到底是什么呀?”小道士一副天真烂漫的样子,眼神无比纯净,在那里询问。 Chu Feng wipes away sweat, simultaneously wants to punch him, this small is really very deceitful, starts from here, luckily two old person at all not knows so-called family heirlooms, otherwise is really also inquired today by him. 楚风擦汗,同时更想揍他了,这小贼还真奸诈,从这里入手,幸亏两个老人根本不知道所谓的传家宝,不然今天还真被他打探到了。 Finally when leaves Chu Feng must carry off Little Daoist Priest, because he wants to find nobody's place to go to repair him ruthlessly. 最后离开时楚风非要带走小道士,因为他想找个没人的地方去狠狠地修理他。 Finally Little Daoist Priest mouth sweet with wiping honey, has mounted side two old people, is not willing to walk, stayed behind directly. 结果小道士嘴巴甜的的跟抹了蜜似的,黏在两个老人身边,死活不肯走,直接留下了。 Two old people like this grandchild, thought that his precocity is sensible, lively clever. 两个老人非常喜欢这孙儿,觉得他早慧而懂事,活泼伶俐。 Chu Feng has to be black face to leave, because, has not left including Qin Luoyin, here chats with two old people, understood his past from one side. 楚风只好黑着一张脸自己走人,因为,连秦珞音都没有离开,在这里陪两个老人聊天,也从侧面了解他的过去。 Great Demon Chu Feng came out, oh, our Junior Sister is in the starry sky the most famous goddess, finally enters the fiery pit, marries this demon, my heart good pain!” 楚风大魔头出来了,唉,咱师妹乃是星空中最负盛名的女神,结果入火坑,嫁给这个魔头,我的心好痛!” In Great Dream Pure Land, some young disciple direct Chu Feng in the distant place, simultaneously many people feel the frustration, lives not to have the love. 大梦净土中,一些年轻弟子在远处指点楚风,同时很多人充满挫败感,生无可恋。 Chu Feng stares, said: You do not exercise martial arts well, here in threes and fours, nonsense, highly improper? Walks, practices with me!” 楚风瞪眼,道:“你们这些人不好好练功,在这里三五成群,胡言乱语,成何体统?走,都跟我去修行!” Then, this group of people then tragedy, were led to arrive at training grounds by him, comparing notes, all could not stand. 然后,这群人就悲剧了,被他带到演武场,一顿“切磋”,全都站不起来了。 Chu Feng just like poses as Supreme Sect Lord, lectures this group of people, making this crowd of young disciple have bitter not being able to say seriously, feels indignant but not daring to speak out, because at yesterday's wedding, Great Demon Chu Feng gave to kill including the small Saint of outside territory Sub Saint level side by side, who do they dare to refuse to accept? 楚风俨然以太上教主自居,训导这群人,让这群年轻弟子当真是有苦说不出,敢怒不敢言,因为在昨天的婚礼上,楚风大魔头域外比肩亚圣层次的小圣都给杀了,他们谁敢不服? In the pure land, one group of old fogies also turn a blind eye, tosses about along with Chu Feng, teaches these disciple to be also good, encourages them to practice in disguised form. 净土中,一群老家伙也都是睁一只眼闭一只眼,随楚风折腾,教训一下这些弟子也好,变相激励他们修行。 The massive guests said goodbye, leave Great Dream Pure Land, some important guests needed Chu Feng also to see off, for example Buddha Race, Sub Immortal Clan, Dao Race. 大量的宾客告辞,离开大梦净土,一些重要宾客需要楚风也去送行,比如佛族亚仙族道族等。 When others fortunately, are one's turn delivers Sub Immortal Clan, the elder of this clan grabs his hand to be very excited, is not willing to loosen, high and low massive, watches him repeatedly. 别人还好,轮到送亚仙族时,该族的长老抓住他的手很激动,怎么也不肯松开,上下大量,反复观看他。 Finally, Sub Immortal Clan's long Old Daoist: My clan Holy Daughter must get married with Wu Lunhui, looks at the little friend also to attend the wedding.” 最后,亚仙族的老道:“我族圣女要与吴轮回成亲了,望小友也来参加婚礼。” The Chu Feng scalp swells, knows did not respond is really good, to present this, who Sub Immortal Clan also knows he isn't? 楚风头皮都发胀,真不知道怎么回应才好,到现在这一步了,亚仙族还不知道他是谁吗? "cough, we will definitely keep an appointment, hopes that Wu Lunhui do not have the accident/surprise to be good. ” A Great Dream Pure Land's old woman replied. “咳,我们必然会赴约,希望吴轮回不要出意外才好。”大梦净土的一位老妪答道。 What's the matter? Chu Feng doubt. 怎么回事?楚风狐疑。 Silver-haired Little Loli explained in secret, said: Brother-in-law, you are silly, one month ago, the elders of my clan already said in the universe, must gets married for my elder sister and Wu Lunhui, how regardless of must continue, even if no Wu Lunhui also to accomplish Wu Lunhui, therefore, you cannot be inescapable, must result in goes!” 银发小萝莉暗中解释,道:“姐夫,你傻啊,一个月前,我族的长老就早已在宇宙中放话,要为我姐姐与吴轮回完婚,无论如何也得继续下去,哪怕没有吴轮回也得造就出一个吴轮回,所以,你跑不了,必须得去!” Chu Feng is speechless, can don't tell me start the second wedding immediately? He is a little also disorderly, this rhythm is too fast! 楚风无言,难道马上就又要开始第二场婚礼?他也有点凌乱,这节奏太快! When Sub Immortal Clan leaves, silver-haired Little Loli charminged eyes beaming with smiles, shouted one sweetly: Brother-in-law said goodbye!” 亚仙族离开时,银发小萝莉回眸一笑,甜甜地喊了一声:“姐夫再见!” This makes many people stare the big eye, because also many guests, make an effort to dig oneself ear, believes firmly that has not misunderstood. 这一幕让许多人都瞪大眼睛,因为还有不少宾客呢,使劲挖自己的耳朵,确信没听错。 At this moment, Ying Wudi is covering the chest, felt that sore not being able to bear, staggers is going far away with the elder of this clan, very injured. 这一刻,映无敌捂着胸口,感觉疼的受不了,踉跄着跟该族的长老远去,很受伤。 Finally, the 90% guests departed, Chu Feng hurries to visit one crowd of brothers Big Black Ox, Ouyang Feng, Yellow Ox, Young Lady Xi and the others. 终于,九成的宾客都已经离去,楚风赶紧去拜访一群兄弟大黑牛欧阳风黄牛少女曦等人。 What, Yaoyao has the ominous premonition, therefore, you leave Earth, enters the starry sky?” Chu Feng the knows truth, is extremely shocking at this time. “什么,妖妖有不祥的预感,所以,你们离开地球,进入星空?”楚风此时知道真相,非常震惊。 "Um, Princess Yaoyao is very serious, very serious, the manner was different from the past completely. ” Yellow Ox nods. “嗯,妖妖公主很郑重,非常的严肃,态度跟以往完全不同。”黄牛点头。 Chu Feng is serious immediately, discussed the countermeasure with them. 楚风立刻郑重起来,跟他们商量对策。 Also we stay for several days to walk in the pure land, leaves take your parents, the preparation live in seclusion, always felt that this piece of universe is not right, could leave the important matter!” “我们在净土中呆几天就走,离开的时候也带上你的父母,准备隐居起来,总感觉这片宇宙不对头,可能要出大事!” Right, recently the low key, we hid, do not stir up trouble!” “对,最近低调点,我们都躲起来,不要惹事!” This is decision of Kunlun Mountains one crowd of big monsters, is Young Lady Xi also agreed, simultaneously she looks cold and indifferent to Chu Feng, gets married to him like this has the opinion very much. 这是昆仑一群大妖的决定,就是少女曦也同意,同时她对楚风爱搭不理,对他这样成婚很有意见。 Following on the several th, Chu Feng was very leisurely and carefree, is all right to run in a golden lake to fish the old sea turtle, fishes gold/metal Qiu, the boil will ask these brothers to drink from now on. 接下来的几日,楚风很悠闲,没事就跑去一个金色湖泊中钓老鳌,钓金虬,熬煮过后去请那些兄弟过来喝酒。 Great Dream Pure Land had not discovered at first, after waiting for knows, one crowd of old monster anxious pinkeyes, fucking, that is the magical things that these ancient times Saint raised, this boy fished recently every day, too...... Scoundrels. 大梦净土起初没发现,等知道以后,一群老怪物都急红眼,特么的,那可是那些远古圣人养的灵物,这小子最近每天都来垂钓,太……混账了。 When previously nobody discovered that because Chu Feng understands Domain, meets no resistance. 偏偏,早先时无人发现,因为楚风懂得场域,如入无人之境。 My this is not newly-married, needs to make up, avoids the kidney empty!” When Chu Feng was caught, but also speaks plausibly, making the Qin Luoyin complexion that hears the news to catch up with red, turning around of air/Qi, turned the small waist to run, had no way to say. “我这不是新婚吗,需要补一补,避免肾虚!”楚风被抓到时,还振振有词,让闻讯赶来的秦珞音脸色通红,气的转身,扭着小蛮腰就跑了,没法多说。 The Chu Feng facial skin is too tenacious, said: Look, Luoyin has been shy, our newly-married newlyweds, this is very normal, do not run, the weather was late, our husbands and wives in pairs family/home.” 楚风脸皮太坚韧,道:“看,珞音都害羞了,我们新婚燕尔,这很正常啊,别跑,天色已晚,我们夫妻双双把家还。” One crowd of old monsters are speechless! 一群老怪物无语! Less than two days, Great Dream Pure Land's one crowd of old monsters must collapse, because discovered that Chu Feng in Domain of research pure land most deep place, wants to infiltrate in god medicine field, wants to move Shining Upon All Heavens level ancient ancestor the thing of treasuring. 没过两天,大梦净土的一群老怪物要崩溃了,因为发现楚风在研究净土最深处的场域,想混进神药田中,想动映照诸天古祖的珍爱之物。 Meanwhile, they also discovered, Chu Feng in studying Great Dream Breathing Method previous, how knows he is not obtains in the pure land, has entered the grasping principles palace doubtful! 同时,他们还发现,楚风在研究大梦呼吸法上篇呢,不知道他是怎么在净土中得到的,疑似进入过悟道殿! Chu Feng, you help the old body deliver a letter, others I did not feel relieved.” 楚风啊,你去帮老身送一封信吧,别人我不放心。” This simply compelled did not have means that Great Dream Pure Land's one crowd of old monster big, want to open several days his, first tries to find the solution. 这简直被逼的没办法了,大梦净土的一群老怪物头大,想将他支开几天,先想想办法。 Good!” Chu Feng happy complying, is bringing the correspondence, leaves Great Dream Pure Land, handled matters earnestly. “好嘞!”楚风痛快的答应,带着书信,离开大梦净土,认真办事去了。 Was bad, we chaotic make a mistake, like this puts him to exit, his intention, has Demon Chu Feng been then able to run up to Sub Immortal Clan to get married?” “糟了,我们乱中出错,这样放他出去,岂不是遂了他的心意,楚风魔头会不会跑到亚仙族成亲?” Went bad!” “坏了!” One crowd of old monsters stamp the feet, regret constantly. 一群老怪物跺脚,后悔不迭。
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